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 Шетел тілдері кафедрасы







5В071900-Радиотехника, электроника және телекоммуникациялар мамандығының студенттерінің кәсіби қарым –қатынас дағдыларын дамытуға арналған әдістемелік нұсқау




Алматы 2010 

ҚҰРАСТЫРУШЫ: Молдабаева Қ. Е. АҒЫЛШЫН ТІЛІ/ 5В071900-Радиотехника, электроника және телекоммуникациялар мамандығының студенттерінің кәсіби қарым –қатынас дағдыларын дамытуға арналған әдістемелік нұсқау– Алматы, АЭжБУ, 2010. – 26 бет     


Әдістемелік нұсқау радиотехника, электроника, телекоммуникация мамандығы бойынша 2 курстың күндізгі бөлім студентерінің кәсіби қарым-қатынас дағдыларын дамуға арналған. Әдістемелік нұсқаудың мақсаты оқу дағдыларын қалыптастырып, лексикалық материалды бекіту болып табылады.  Әдістемелік нұсқауда Brands, Organization, Change, Money, Advertisement тақырыптарына арналған мәтіндермен қоса лексикалық материалды бекітуге арналған жаттығулар қамтылған.  


Unit 1. Brands

Designer brands aren't for me!


Although I follow fashion, I hate the phrase ‘must – have’. If  I read that Ugg boots or Prada sunglasses are the latest 'must-haves', my immediate reaction is to think, 'Why must I have them?' Why should I fall for the designer's manipulative tactics, which are only intended to increase his bank balance at the expense of mine?

Designer brands, in general, are for people who are too insecure to trust their own tastes. These people decide that everything at Prada must be ‘cool’, so if you shop there, you can't go wrong. I find it much more satisfying to pop into one of the cheap chain stores on the High Street and buy a copy of the designer's clothes for a tenth of the price. OK, you have to use your skill to find the one garment in three that looks great. But it's worth it! It's like finding a piece of gold in a river. The find gives you immense satisfaction.

Which are why, according to a survey done by a British bank, young people with money are abandoning the designer shop and buying their clothes in chain stores, second­hand shops, and in markets. This is the best news I've heard all week. It means that young people have the confidence to trust their judgment. They are prepared to take risks to look individual and not mass-produced.

That has always been my shopping philosophy. The exorbitant prices in designer shops leave me open-mouthed. Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend it on!


1.1 Read the text and choose a, b or c


1.2 The writer thinks...


a) fashion is ridiculous.

b) Prada sunglasses are 'must-haves'.

c) designers just want to make a lot of money.


1.3             She thinks people who buy designer brands...


a) are cool

b) don't have a good taste.

c) are frightened of making a mistake.


1.4             She thinks...


a) it's easy to find good, cheap clothes.

b) you feel good if you find good, cheap clothes.

c) the clothes in high street stores are better than designer clothes.


1.5 According to the bank survey, rich young people...


a) now want to look different from each other.

b) don't have as much money to spend as they used to.

c) Are now buying more designer clothes.


1.6 The writer...


a)  thinks the price of designer clothes is fair.

b)  thinks there are better things to spend her money on.

c) Would like to have the money to buy designer clothes.


1.7 Look at the highlighted phrases in the text. Try to guess their meaning


1.8 Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences


(Follower, leader, position, research, segment, share, trends, value)


a) A company's market_____is the percentage of sales it has in a particular market.

b) Market____involves obtaining information about what consumers want or need.

c)                     A market____is a group of consumers of similar age, income level and social class.

d) The market_____is the best-selling product or brand in a market.

e) The market____is the second best-selling product or brand.


1.9 Match Speaker A's suggestions with an appropriate response from
Speaker B


Speaker A's suggestions


a) How about reducing the price by 15%?

b) Why don't we aim our products at young people only?
c) I think we should license the whole product range.

d) How do you feel about redesigning the packaging?

e) In my view, we should devise a new advertising campaign.

f) I suggest that we try and project a new image to appeal to a different
market segment.


Speaker B’s response


I see what you mean, but surely you know how much we already spend on TV commercials.

I'm afraid I can't agree. Our products are already among the cheapest on the market.

That's great idea! I think we are focusing on too many segments of the market.

Yes, I'd go along with that. But what do we change? The loge? The taste?

Maybe, but bear in mind that the 'Made in Finland' label attracts a lot of customers.

Mm, good idea. I think it looks rather boring, to be honest.


1.10 Read the passage below about brands


There are extra words in the text which do not fit. Find out the wrong word and correct the sentences


In many ways, logos have become a kind of international language. Most people around the word they could identify the Shell or Esprit logo: we are united by what companies sell us. Not surprisingly perhaps, an increasing the number of people complain that 'there is no escape from brands'. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, big brands tend to squeeze out so small, independent businesses. In the addition, their branches tend to spread rapidly and occupy more and more space in our cities.

Another reason is that advertising today is not just much about selling products: it is about selling a dream, a message. The point of brand- stretching is that you do not really build brands around products, but around reputation. So, for example, you can go to your Virgin bank, visit a Virgin record shop, will buy a Virgin cola and get on a Virgin train.

Naturally, such a strategy has its risks. Dissatisfaction with one product can reflect badly and on the brand: if Virgin trains are late, people may lose confidence in Virgin banks. Or if you discover that your expensive pair trainers are made by underpaid teenagers working in the terrible conditions in a third-world country, you may begin to question the brand that it claims to sell you 'a healthy way of life'.


1.11 Match the words with the definition


(Trade, specifications, to manufacture, to invest, to launch, imports, a guarantee, domestic, a component, a brand, to establish.)


a)   business inside your own country

b)  to introduce a product to a market.

c)  a promise to replace a product if it is not satisfactory.

d)  to set up, to begin; or to find out, to discover.

e)   to spend money in order to make a pro.

f)    to produce in large quantities with machinery.

g)  a particular make of goods or their trademark
h) goods bought from abroad.

i)  buying and selling.

j)  details and instructions describing design and materials.

k)  a part of a product.



Unit 2. Travel


Forget the language barriers. Forget the jet lag. If you are traveling abroad on business, your most difficult problem is lunch. Every country has different customs and you can't afford to get it wrong.

Down in the south of Europe, lunch breaks last a long time. In Italy they can last three hours. In Spain they can be followed by a siesta. Some Greek people actually have a siesta instead of lunch, so they can prepare for a very substantial late dinner. And when dinner comes, everyone's attention is on the food. So don't worry if the business discussion is slow starting. The goal is to eat well, demonstrate hospitality and develop relationships. Business can wait. Some lunches are lighter than others. If you are in Scandinavia, a business just a plate of sandwiches. And don't be surprised if your hosts refuse alcohol and drink milk instead- and skimmed milk at that. Not all places are so health conscious. As one Russian businessman remarked "The Americans are always complaining about smoking. In Russia we have no problem. We do both." The French like to take a long time over their lunch. One traveller can recall a French lunch that lasted seven hours. French restaurants sometimes have a special business menu. This is trick. It is reasonably quick three course meal designed for people who have no business to do. If you want to do business, choose from real menu and take your time. Anything under about two hours is classed as a coffee break.


1.1 Read the text and translate it


1.2 According to the writer, are these statements true or false?


a) Lunch is a more serious problem than jet lag for business

b) People in Spain have a short sleep before lunch

c) You are dining with Greek people, they will talk about business all the

d) Scandinavians eat very substantial lunches.

e) Americans smoke and drink a lot at lunch.

f) French business menus are not suitable for a people who have to do


1.3 Read the introduction to the article, Race to the sun. Answer the questions with by car, by train, or by plane


Which journey do you think was...?

The quickest____                  the most comfortable____

The cheapest____                  the most convenient____


1.4 The paragraphs in the text are not in right order. Find the first paragraph for the plane journey, and then the other three. Do the same for the train journey


the plane                                                     the train


1___2___3____4____                               1___2___3____4____


1.5 Answer the questions with T(the train) or P (the plane)


On which journey...?


a) did the traveler have to get up earlier

b) could the traveler have something to eat or drink

c) was the traveler more stressed

d) could the traveler see beautiful scenery

e) did the traveler have a meal when he arrived

f) did the traveler arrive earlier than expected


Which journey was...?


g) quicker

h) cheaper

i) more comfortable

j) more convenient


1.6 Read the text "Race to the sun"


Every year thousand of British tourists travel to the South of France for their summer holiday. But what is the best way to get there, by car, by train, or by plane?

A British newspaper sent there three of its journalists to find out. They had to travel from their homes in London to Avingon. AH three travelers set off one Saturday morning in July.

a) When I got to security I saw that there was an enormous queue. I began to worry that I might miss my flight, because the boarding limit is 40 minutes before

b) I arrived on time. I picked up my suitcase and followed the Exit signs. It was great not to have to wait ages for my luggage or to worry about getting a bus or taxi to the city centre.

c) We boarded. Because there are no seat numbers on these flights, everybody tries to get on as quick as they can. I sat next to a friendly Frenchman. We took off and soon I was looking down on London. There was no meal, not even coffee, but we landed 10 minutes ahead of schedule.

d) At 4.15. a.m. A taxi picked me up and took me 32 miles to Stansted airport. Although it was early morning, there was a lot of traffic and I arrived later than I had planned. I took my luggage to check in and ask for a window seat but the woman said there were no seat numbers.

e) At 7.10. a.m. I arrived at Waterloo station by taxi. It took me 30 minutes from home. I bought the papers and walked to the platform. I got on and found my seat. As soon as we started moving, I went to find the buffet car and had a cup of coffee.

f) Just outside the station I looked up and saw the medieval walls of Avingon's historic city centre. It was 2.20* in the afternoon and I was just in time for a late lunch. My ticket cast 63, 80, and I gave the journey 8/10 for comfort and 9/10 for convenience.

g) I only had to wait twenty minutes for my luggage. Then I walked outside into bright sunshine and waited for the bus to Avignon, about 40 kilometers away. I didn't have to wait long and the bus took 45 minutes. It was only 11.00* and I had the whole day in front of me. My ticket cast 63 and I gave the journey 5/10 for comfort and 5/10 for convenience.

h) I looked out of the window. Although we were moving at 340 kilometers an hour, the journey was smooth and relatively quiet. The part where we travelled under the English Channel took just 22 minutes. Soon I was looking at the fields and farmhouses of France. The sun was shining. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


1.7 Complete the sentences with suitable word


(Criticize, blame, concern, disruptive, dissatisfaction, harm, misbehavior)


a) A growing number of people.... the airlines and demand better service.

b)    There are signs that airlines are trying to respond to customer...

c) Cases of passenger... are unfortunately all too common on long-distance flights.

d) Many analysts... alcohol for the phenomenon called 'air rage'

e) Poor service and frequent delays will inevitably... an airline's reputation.

 f)  Cabin and flight crews often have to deal with.... And dangerous in­flight behavior.

g) There is increasing ... that airlines are trying to save money at the expense of customer satisfaction.


1.8 Fill in the gaps in the text with the best word


Customer satisfaction


For the second time, the Korona Hotel has been ranked 1 for customer satisfaction.

'At our hotel, we give our .... More than a high- quality experience, we get them to enjoy the Korona way of life,' says Kurt Ahlberg, the General Manager, 'and we pride ourselves on excellent... in a luxurious environment.'

The ... are responsive and service- oriented, they obviously enjoy their jobs and want to help the clients. The Korona is committed to high- speed Internet access throughout the hotel, and there are three spacious meeting rooms, with all the... needed for successful business....

In addition, the.. .of the hotel is ideal: a three- minute drive from the international airport.

Ahlberg has long understood that busy executives cannot afford to waste time in... jams as they try to ... city centre venues. Nor do executives particularly enjoy getting up at dawn to catch an early- morning....


a) customers

a) waiters

a) crew

a) needs

a) tourists

a) tools

a) speeches

a) location

a) transport

a) reach
a) arrival

b) guests

b) help

b) assistants b) functions b) dealers b) facilities b) lectures b) place

b) street

b) get

b) airport

c) tourists c) chefs

c) salesman

c) success

c) travelers

c) buildings 

c) presentations

c) venue

c) road ;  c) arrive

c) flight

d) shoppers

d) service

 d) staff

 d) failure

 d) voyagers d) machines d) talks

 d) situation

d) traffic

 d) go

 d) check-in


1.9 Match the two parts of each phrase


a)  a growing number

b) a fast growing area

c) a wide range


d) an interminable delay

e) increasing concern

f) the battle

g) to respond
1. to customer dissatisfaction

2. about air quality

3. against dangerous in - flight

4. in take - off

5. of issues

6. of passenger complaints

7. of study


1.10 Match the words with the definitions


(Abroad, arrive, flight, trip, journey, a schedule.)


a)     to get to a place

b)    a foreign country.

c) a timetable

d) when you travel from one place to another.

e) when you go somewhere and come back again.

f) when you go somewhere by plane.




Unit 3. Organizations


Read the texts and find out. What are the jobs?


1. I only work part-time- four mornings a week. And I sometimes do overtime on a Saturday morning. I don't earn a big salary. It's a temporary job and I only have a six- month contract at the moment. But the working hours suit me as I have very young children. When they go to school I would like to find a permanent job and work full-time. What I like most about my job is working in complete silence! The only noise you hear is people turning pages and whispering.

2. I did a six- month training course at Technical College to get my qualifications and then I worked for a local company to get some experience. I worked long hours for a low salary and so I resigned last year and become self-employed. I prefer working for myself. I don't work regular hours (sometimes people call me in the middle of the night) but you can earn a lot of money in this job, especially in the winter. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to retire when I'm 60!


1.1 Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the texts


a) a written legal agreement__________ contract

b) the knowledge you get from doing job________

c) a series of lessons to learn to do a job________

d) the time you spend doing a job_______

e) working for yourself, not for a company_____

f) to___ when you reach a certain age, e.g. 65

g) left a job because you wanted to______

h) lasting for a short time______

i) for only a part of the day or the week_____

g)  exams you've passed or courses you've done



1.2 Complete the Prepositions column


a) I work_____a multinational company.______

b) I work_____a manager._______

c)  I’m____charge____ the marketing department.____,_____

d) I work_____a factory._____        

e) I'm responsible____ customer loans.

f)  I'm ___school/university.____

g) I'm___ my third year.____



1.3 Write two more jobs in each column







lawyer plumber

actor conductor

psychologist scientist

electrician librarian

accountant chef


1.4 Fill in the gaps in the text with the best word


Company choices!


It has become a commonplace to say that the world is changing at an ever-
increasing pace. Companies today are faced with a stark choice:___or go

under. For example, until quite recently, companies typically tended to be __.

They were built on a model which achieved a high degree of control, but in

which___ of communication were few and slow. Another disadvantage of this

type of organization is that more junior____ may not even know who the CEO is,

or what____ the decision- makers are trying to achieve. In order to try and solve

this problem, many organizations have adopted a less___ , more flexible business

culture in which frequent contact between the owner and the employees ensures
that____ is flowing smoothly.

A second difficult choice for a company concerns the extent to which it

should go global or remain___ . Global operations allow maximum___ of scale,

while localization makes it possible to____ quickly to market changes and to

reach all market____ . In order to reduce the tension between global and local

demands, many companies have adopted a 'hub and spoke' structure. They use

several regional production and___ 'hubs' where neighboring markets are

serviced from one single location.


a) adopt

a) economical

a) webs

a) customers

a) goals

a) bureaucratic

a) information

a) professional

a) production

a) call

a) shares

a) manufacturing

b) market

b) hierarchical

b) media

b) directors

b) design

b) caring

b) news

b) static

b) economies

b) demand b)research

b) selection

c) adapt

c) welcoming

c) roads

c) staff

c) plan

c) ecentralized

c) speech

c) local

c) marketing

c) enquire

c) leaders

c) distribution

d) research

d) democratic d) channels

d) buyers

d) sales

d) market driven


d) impersonal

d) savings

d) respond

d) sectors

d) advertising


1.5 Match a word from box A with a word from box B to complete the sentences



















a) This new___ ___ could wipe all the data off your hard disk.

          b) Several organisations are strongly opposed to the use of children in advertising in general, and in    in particular.

c)  Going to an international________ is often an excellent opportunity for networking.

d)  Advances in_______ have revolutionised the way people communicate and do business.

e) GVC Steelworks already have a________ of 1,500, and they are still recruiting.

f) The government should commission a special________ to assess the risks posed by GM foods.

g) It would be bad_____ to revalue our currency at this particular time.


1.6 Complete the sentences with words from the box


(Level, breach, round, waste, lack, range, conflict, cost)

a) The_____ of unemployment will soon reach 15%.

b) They accused the striking workers of being in__ of contract.

c)There was a growing ___ of interest between her business dealings and her position as a politician.

d) Writing letters by hand is a complete___ of time. I always type them

on the computer.

e)     Experts forecast that the___ of living will decrease slightly next year.

f)      We have pleasure in including further information about our____ of products.

g) We are starting a new ___ of negotiations with GVS Steelworks next


h) The seminar on 'Motivation at Work' was cancelled through____ of



1.7 Match the words with the definitions


(An affiliate, a branch, a sales representative, colleagues, a competitor, a consumer, to distribute, to employ, facilities, a forwarding company, headquarters, a holding company, a join venture, a market, to negotiate, staff, a stake, a subsidiary, turnover, wholesaler.)


a)   a company that is controlled by another company.

b)  the total sales of the company.

c)   the people who work in this company.

d)  a person or organization that buys and sells in large quantities.

e)   a number of share of a company.

f)    a geographical area, or a section of the population where you can sell

g)   the main office of the company.

h) to bargain, to reach an agreement by discussion.

i)  a co - operation between two companies.

j)  a company in the business of transporting goods.

k)  a company controlling shares in a subsidiary,

1)  to give work to someone.

m)  to send goods into a market.

n) rooms, equipment or service.

o) people who work together in this company.

p) a person who buys goods or services.

q) a person in a company who sells products to distributers.

r) an office or shop that is connected to a larger company.

s) a company which is connected to a larger company.

t) another company operating in the same area of the market.




Unit 4. Change


1.1 Fill in the gaps in the text with the best word


Introducing change


Change is a natural part of the human condition. However, we often ___

perceive it as a____ to our stability, our self-esteem and our values. It is  ___

therefore hardly surprising that the most frequent reaction to change is–.

Business leaders need to bear this in mind and introduce change carefully for it

to be successful. They have to raise their staffs of the___ of the intended change. This can be achieved through good communications, as well as active staff–in the decision-making—.

Change is easier in flatter organizational structures than in —ones. It seems that people working in—tend to generate more ideas and can test them out easily.

A–style of management, together with adequate—,can also boost self-confidence and so help staff cope better with change. Finally, business leaders should create an atmosphere of —in which staff is encouraged to express their feelings. Indeed, silent resistance is a greater threat to the success of a change than open criticism.


a) signal

a) violence

a) mind

a) cause

a) involvement

a) time

 a) democratic market-driven

a) teams

a) supportive

a) education

a) belief



b) suspicion

b) failure


b) resistance

b) awareness

b) result

b) work

b) role


b) caring


b) offices


b) preventive


b) training



c) faith

c) stimulus


c) obedience

c) intelligence

c) purpose

c) suggestions

c) activity


c) hierarchical


c) companies


c) authoritarian


c) measures




d) trust

d) threat



d) reason

d) success


d) process








1.2 Match these sentence halves


1. According to the latest report


2.  Firstly, the timing is far from ideal,

3.  In addition, the same employees have sometimes expressed

4.  In my opinion, there are two main

5.  Secondly, some employees seem unhappy

6.  This is particularly for seminars


a)  held on Mondays and Fridays.

b) at the way Jeffrey Hiley conducts the workshops.

c) attendance at retraining seminars is declining.

d) especially on Friday after a full working week.

e)  reasons for this situation.

f)   that they were not involved in choosing the topics.


1.3 Put the items in the right order to make sentences often used in meetings


a) in/Can/here? /I / come

     b) to/I'd /may./ like/ if/ finish / I

c) detail? /you / in / Can / explain /more

d) don't think / Sony, / idea. /1 / a good / that's

e)  afraid / happy / that / very / I'm / I'm not / about.


1.4 Read the text below about the changing concept of work


In each line 1-10 there is one wrong word. For each line, underline the wrong word in the text and correct it


For many of us, work is still a place where we go each days. However, the whole concept of work and leisure are- changing, and for an increasing number of people around the world, work is not longer a place to go but something they do. A substantial number of companies has already introduced a flexible working policy. This gives their staff a greater degree of choice about when and where they work. It also enables them to achieve a balance between them personal and business lives. Peoples with parental responsibilities, for example, value flexibility enormously. Many companies now offered parents the option to become 'home workers' who finish works early afternoon to spend the rest of the day with their children, and do the rest of their work where the children are asleep.


1.5 Fill the gaps in sentences with suitable word given below and put them in right form


(Work2, improvise, calculate, manage, understand, not earn, be, solve, follow, take, help, do, express, make, listen)


The right job for you - match you personality to the job


a) I am good at__ to people

b) I enjoy__ people with their problems

c) I don't mind___ a very large salary.

d) I'd like___ as part of a team

e) I am good at___ quick decisions.

f) __ risks don't stress me.

g)  I don't find difficult __ by myself.

h)  I'm not afraid of___ large amounts of money.

i)    I'm good at___ myself.

j) I always try____ my instincts.

k) It's important for me____ creative.

l) I enjoy____.

m) ____complex calculations is not difficult for me.

n) I enjoy____ logical problems

o) I find it easy____ theoretical principles.

p) I'm able____ space and distance.


1.6 Now see in which group you have most ticks. Read the paragraphs below and find out which jobs would suit you


a)   If you have most ticks in 1-4, the best job for you would be in the 'caring professions'. If you are good at science, you could think of medicine, for example a doctor or nurse. Alternatively, teaching or social work is areas which would suit your personality.

b)  If you have most ticks in 5-8, you should consider a job in the world of business, for example sales or marketing. Other possibilities include accountancy or working in the stock market.

c)   If you have most ticks in 9-12, you need a creative job. Depending on your specific talents you might enjoy a job in the world of music, art, or literature. Areas that would suit you include publishing, journalism, graphic design, fashion, or the music industry.

d)  If you have most ticks in 13-16, you have an analytical mind. A job in computer science or engineering would suit you. You also have good spatial sense which would make architecture and relates jobs another possibility.


1.7 Match the words with the definitions


(To transfer, to retire, to review, to recover, to privatize, qualified, penalty, to appoint a goal, enhanced.)


a)   a purpose, aim or objective

b)  made better improved

c)  to choose somebody for a job.

d)  to change the owner ship of a company from the government to a private company.

e)  a punishment for breaking a contract.

f)   to move from one place to another.

g) to stop v/orking at the end of a career, usually aged about 60
h) having the right education and experience for a job.

i) to re- examine, to consider, in order to improve, j) to get better after a difficult period.


 Unit 5. Money


1.1         Which of these sentences best describes your attitude to money?


a)     All I want is enough money to enjoy life.

b)    Money is very important to me. I'd like to earn as much as possible.

c)     I would be happy to live with less money and fewer possessions


1.2 You are going to read an article about a woman who lives without money. Why do you think she does it? How do you think she survives? Read the article to find out


My life without money


At the age of 54 Heidmarie gave up her job as a psychotherapist, gave away all her money and her flat and threw away her credit cards. Today apart from a few clothes and a few personal belongings, she doesn't own anything. It all began as a one year experiment. In her home city of Dortmund she setup a 'swapping circle' where people swap services without using money, foe example, a haircut for a mathematic class. To prove that this could work she decided to give up using money for a year. But when the year ended she continued and has not used money since then.

At first her house- sat for friends who were on holiday. She stayed in their house in return for watering the plants and looking after animals. At the moment she is staying in a student residence where she can sleep, have a shower, or use a computer in return for cooking for the young people who live there. She also 'works' as a psychotherapist. 'Before I treated very wealthy people but now help anyone who turns up. Sometimes they give me something in return, but not always'. Heidmarie says,'I can live thanks to my contacts. A lot of people who know me understand what I'm doing and want to help me. When I need a bus ticket, for example, or a new tube of toothpaste I think, » Who can I ask? What can I give them in return?" If I want to go to the cinema, I might offer to look after somebody's children afternoon.

It is one of the mistakes of our society that most people do something they don't like just to earn money and spend it on things they don't need. Many people judge you according to how much you earn. In my opinion, all jobs are equally important. You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot as a person. That's my message'

So what did she do with all the money she earned from the sales of my life without money? "I gave it all away..."


1.3 Answer the questions to the text


a) What is Heidmarie's job?

b) What possessions does she have now?

c)  How did the experiment start?

d) Where has she lived since the experiment started?

e)  Does she still work?

f)   What does she do when she needs something?

g)  What is she trying to show with her experiment?

h)  What did she do with the money she earned from her book?


1.4 Math the highlighted phrasal verbs in the text with their definition


1._______________ put into the rubbish bin

2._______________ stop doing something

3._______________ arrive, appear

4._______________ give something to somebody without wanting

anything in return

5._______________ start a new company or organization

6._______________ be responsible for somebody or something


1.5 Complete the sentences with a suitable word and put them in right form


(Be worth, borrow, can't afford, charge, cost, earn, inherit, invest, lend, owe, save, take out, and waste)


a) My uncle died and left me 2000 $. I____ 2000$ from my uncle.

b) I put some money aside every week for next holiday. I___ money

every week.

c) I asked my brother to give me 100$ until next week. I____ 100$ from


d) My brother gave me 100$ until next week. He___ me 100$.

e) I often spent money for stupid things. I___ money.

f)  I don't have enough money to buy this car. I can't __ to buy this car.

g) I had to pay the mechanic 100$ to repair my car. The mechanic____

me 100$.

h) I went to the cash machine and got 200$. I___ 200$ from the cash


i)  I bought a book. It was $25. The book__ $25.

j) Jim gave me 100$. I haven't paid it back yet. I owe__Jim 100$.

k) I bought some shares in British Telecom. I____ some money.

l) I work in a supermarket. They pay me 2000$ a month. I____ 2000$ a month.

m) I could sell my house for about 200,000$. My house___ about 200,000.


1.6 Match the words with the definitions


(Cash machine, revenues, coin, debt, investment, profit, loan, mortgage, note, recession, salary, tax, a budget, costs, a currency, a discount, dividend, a profit, stock, a receipt, to refund, to rent, a wage.)


a) A piece of paper money.

b) A piece of money made of metal.

c) Money a person gets for the work he/she does.

d) Money that you pay to the government.

e) Money that somebody lends you.

f) Money that you borrow from a bank to buy a house.

g) A machine inside or outside a bank where you can get money.

h) An amount of money set aside for a special purpose.

i) The money system of the country.

j)  A price reduction.

k) Expenses, the money that has to be spent.

l) Money one has borrowed and must pay back.

m) A document showing you have paid for something.

n) The money made by business.

o) A payment for doing job usually paid weekly to manual workers.

p) To hire, to borrow something in return of money.

q) To pay back money spent.

 r)__ is money that one person, organization or country owes to another.

s) A difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less business activity.

t)  The is the part of the profits of a company that is paid to shareholders for each share that they own.

u) The money that a business makes.

v)  A___market is a place where a company's shares are bought and sold.

w) Money that a company, organisation or a government receives from people.

x) Money which people or organisation put into a business in order to make   a profit.

y) A___ market is a place where a company's shares are bought and sold.


1.7 Complete the Preposition column


(From, back, for2, to, by, on, in)


a) I paid___ the dinner last night.

b)    When you can pay me___ the money I lend you?

c)     Would you like to pay___ cash or ____ credit card?

d)    I spent $50 ___ books yesterday,

e)     I don't like lending money___ friends.

f)  I borrowed a lot of money__ the bank.

g)  They charged us 60$ __ a bottle of wine.


1.8 Match these sentence halves


1.     Sales went up beyond expectations, and Kernel Computers made a

2.     Our electronic experts have produced a

3.     Competition is so fierce that many small travel operators are

4.     The government has promised to eliminate bureaucracy in order to

5.     They spend more than they earn and run up

6.     We fear that a rise in interest rates will


a)     gloomy sales forecast for the next quarter.

b)    encourage foreign investment.

c)    plunge the country into recession.

d)    record profit of 150 million euro.

e)     close to bankruptcy.

f)      huge debts on their credit cards.



Unit 6. Advertising


1.1 Read the text and guess the meaning of highlighted words


The story of coke


Dr John Pemberton made it in his backyard took it to his pharmacy, and they put it on sale at 5 cents a glass. But sales didn't take off. In the first year they averaged just 9 drinks a day.

He thought it would never be very successful and he steadily sold his last shares to Asa G. Candler, a businessman from Atlanta.

He distributed thousands of coupons for a complimentary glass of Coca-Cola and he promoted the drink with souvenir fans, calendars, clocks. Sales rose dramatically and, by 1892, they were ten times their 1888 level.

Cola-Cola had to develop a bottling system and set up plants. The first bottling plant opened in Vicksburg in 1894 and over the next 25 year, the number of plants rose from two to over a thousand. In 1916, they introduced the first bottle with the famous Coca-Cola shape.

Then the United States joined the war, and the company President gave an order 'to see that every man in uniform gets a bottle of Coca — Cola for 5 cents, wherever he is wherever the cost to the company'. From the mid 1940s until 1960, the number of countries with bottling plants nearly doubled.

This was the first change in the secret formula since 1886. In pre-launch tests, consumers preferred the new taste. But the tests couldn't measure their feelings for the brand. Coca-cola had a special place in their hearts and they didn't want a change.

And if you're not sure what the world's top selling soft drink is by now; 'Coke is it'.


1.2 The first sentence in each paragraph of this article is missing. Read the article again and decide where each sentence goes


a)   Asa G. Candler had a talent for marketing.

b)  In the 1980s, in the USA only, the company launched a new taste for Coke.

c)  In 19411, there were bottling plants in 44 countries.

d)  Coca-Cola was invented in Atlanta, Georgia on may 8, 1886.

e)   So today millions of people are drinking Coke.

f)    The huge increase in the popularity of the drink led to problems meeting demand.

g)  Dr John Pemberton didn't see the potential of his new drink.


1.3 Ask and answer questions about the story of Coca-Cola


Use these words









1.4 Below are the introductions to two different presentations, one quite formal, the other informal. Complete them with the words given below


(And we 'II finish with, everyone, Finally, we 'II look at, First of all, we 'II analyze, I'll kick off with, I've divided my presentation into, ladies and gentleman, My talk's in, Secondly, Thank you, Thanks, Then.)


Formal presentation

          Good morning____ . On behalf of Elgora International, I'd like to welcome

you all. Let me introduce myself. My name's Sarah Evans and I've been managing Elgora's department of international economic relations for the past six years.

___ for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today. The theme of my presentation

is a comparison of the changes in consumer prices in the European Union and the United States from 1999 till today.

__ three parts.___ the pattern of price inflation in the various countries under


___ , we'll study the main factors responsible for the rise and fall of inflation in two

regions.___ the forecast for the next two years.


Informal presentation

       Hello_______ . I'm Rick Vandermeer.____ for this opportunity to talk to you

about our new products.

___ three parts.___ the findings of the market research that led to the development

of our new educational computer games.___ we'll move on to a demo, so that you/ll

all have a chance to have a go.

___ feedback and your ideas and suggestions for our forthcoming advertising



1.5 Match each verb on the left with two phrases on the right


To launch

To capture

To differentiate

To communicate


a)  between two products

b) a product

c)  somebody's imagination

d) a message to somebody

e)  one product from another

f)   somebody's attention

g)  an advertising campaign
h) with somebody


1.6 Discuss the theme 'An advertising campaign’


a) Students A,B,C, work for a company called StayWell.

b)  Student D works for a market research company.

        c) Student E works for an advertising agency.


Stay well is having financial difficulties. Its most profitable product is a health drink called So good. Sales of this vitamin drink have been decreasing steadily for several years. You need to develop a strategy for the relaunch of the drink.


1.7 Look at the chart. It shows how you could structure your answer. It just shows some of the reasons for one potential strategy. It is not necessary the right one. Discuss what you know, and use your own ideas to plan a campaign



Who will you target?

What package?

What method of

Price of drink







Over 65 s

New bottle

Stay with








They already like

It will be noticed

It is proven that

Research has


Sogood so it will be

more easily on the

So good sells in

shown they will


easier to get them to





like it.





The advertising

It will show that it

We have

The new formula


needed to reach them

is a new formula


justifies the


is cheaper















It's less risky.


It shows that it





is a true health





drink, not a








1.8 Answer the questions

What do you think?


a)  What is the role of advertising in our lives?

b) Does it inform us of what is available, or does it try to make us buy things we don't need?

c)  Does the enormous cost of advertising make goods more expensive?

d) What is your favorite advertisement at the moment?

e)  What's it for? Does it have a story?

1.9   Match the words with the definitions


(A campaign, inflation, public relations, to quote, range, warehouse, promote, share, shelve, urgent.)

         a) A large building where goods are stored

         b) Needing immediate attention

         c) The work of distributing information to give a good impression of an

         d) A group of products sold by one company.

         e) To give someone a more important job; or to organize an advertising

         f) To give an estimate of the cast of products or services.

         g) To postpone, to delay, to stop.

         h) A plan to do a number of things in order to achieve an objective.

         i) A part, a fraction.

         j) The general increase in the price of goods and services.


Әдебиеттер тізімі 

1.  New English File. Intermediate Student's Book. Oxford University Press. 1997.

2.  New English File. Pre-Intermediate Student's Book. Oxford University Press. 1997.

3.  Business Objectives. Student's Book. Oxford University Press. 1996.

4.  Market Leader. Intermediate Business English Practice File. Longman. 



Unit 1                                                                                                                   3

Unit 2                                                                                                                    6

Unit 3                                                                                                                  10

Unit 4                                                                                                                  14

Unit 5                                                                                                                  17

Unit 6                                                                                                                  21