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Кафедра Иностранные языки






Английский язык. Методические указания для развития умений перцепции на основе видеоматериалов для магистрантов 6M071900, 6M071700, 6M071800





Алматы 2010 

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: Сергеева Л.Д. Английский язык. Методические указания для развития умений перцепции на основе видеоматериалов для магистрантов 6M071900, 6M071700, 6M071800 – Алматы. АУЭС, 2010. – 34 с.



Методические указания предназначены для развития перцептивных умений  магистрантов всех специальностей. Целью методической разработки является формирование у будущих инженеров перцептивной и когнитивной компетенций. При применение коротких видеоматериалов продолжительностью 3-5 минут на английском языке с субтитрами происходит соединение зрительного образа и слухового ряда, что облегчает восприятие и новый материал становится доступным студентам с разным уровнем владения иностранным языком. Происходит соединение графического и слухового образа, что позволяет студентам в короткие сроки овладеть метаязыком специальности, повышается мотивация в овладении иностранным языком.  Ситуативность и динамизм изображения делают это вид наглядности эффективным средством обучения коммуникации. Так же установка перед началом просмотра с опорой на фреймовую пресуппозицию позволяют студентам в короткие сроки усвоить большой объем нового материала (эргономичность). Методические указания рекомендуются к изданию. 



Unit 1            

Module 1            

Theme 1: Job interview                 

Pre – watching                 

Answer the questions. What main points should you mention in each question?

1        Tell me about yourself.

2        Describe a major goal you set.

3        Describe a project you took from start to finish.

4        Tell me about a weakness you have.

5        What is your greatest achievement?

6        Tell me about recent conflict you’ve encountered and how you’ve handled it?

7        What is your ideal job?

8        Why do you want to work here?

9        What are you salary expectation?

10   What would you do to gain respect as a new employee?



Video 1, 2, 3

“Tell me about yourself”

1 Watch the video 1. A woman, interviewing for a Pharmaceutical Sales position, answers the question: Tell me about yourself (The GOOD answer).  Complete missing information in the first column of the table.

2 Watch the video 2. A woman, interviewing for a Pharmaceutical Sales position, answers the question: Tell me about yourself (The BAD answer).  Complete missing information in the second column of the table.

3 Watch the video 3. A woman, interviewing for a Pharmaceutical Sales position, answers the question: Tell me about yourself (The UGLY answer).  Complete missing information in the third column of the table.


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Good ___ contact

1 ___ is a sign of nervousness and or insincerity

1 Not what I meant that ___

2 Relevant experience: __ years covering a large territory

2 Saying you are “___” should be backed up with specific examples

2 At least stay on track, even if it’s the ___

3 Personal qualities: ___, self-motivated

3 Being ___ can bring about inappropriate laughing

3 ___? Maybe if you’re interviewing to be a psychic

4 Specific examples: ___, Brining lunch, product demo

4 Admitting you aren’t prepared shows a lack of ___

4 Finally a ___ - she can read.

5 Connecting examples to ___

5 Saying sorry over and over amplifies ___

5 Nice that she touch upon ___, but we’re not at a datinh service

6 Connecting personal qualities: ___ puts people at ease

6 Minimize saying “um” and other “___”

6 WHOA there ___ lady

7 Comfortable presenting a relevant ___ quality

7 End your answer in a firm tone and point or risk seeming ___

7 Great, now there’s ___ on my desk

8 Connecting ___ skills to teaching



9 Relevant character trails: can work ___or on a team



10 Example of ___ experience



11 Examples support mentioned character trait: taking ___



12 Reconnecting the fit with the ___



13 Asking a question is a great way to close and shows ____



NOTE: When describing yourself, you should give specific examples of your professional and personal qualities. Intertwine those examples with your character traits that make you who you are. Stay relevant to the job position and company culture.


Video 4, 5, 6

“Describe a major goal you set for yourself”

1 Watch the video 4. A woman, interviewing for a Medical Administrative position, answers the question: Describe a major goal you set for yourself (The GOOD answer). Choose phrases mentioned in this conversation and complete first column of the table.

2 Watch the video 5. A woman, interviewing for a Medical Administrative position, answers the question: Describe a major goal you set for yourself (The BAD answer). Choose phrases mentioned in this conversation and complete second column of the table.

3 Watch the video 6. A woman, interviewing for a Medical Administrative position, answers the question: Describe a major goal you set for yourself (The UGLY answer). Choose phrases mentioned in this conversation and complete third column of the table.


1 Setting a goal for others doesn’t answer the question.

2 Why are you talking about doughnuts?

3 Choose a work related goal.

4 You sure that was the only thing they wrecked?

5 Clearly state your goal and why it was a major challenge.

6 Sharing a company goal that you met also doesn’t answer the question.

7 Give background on why it was important for you to set this goal.

8 Switching from doughnuts to bagels is a major goal?

9 Share any issues you faced and how you dealt with them.

10 No, thanks.

11 List the significant steps you took to accomplish your goal.

12 Showcase your skills and abilities throughout your answer.

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer




















Video 7, 8, 9

“Describe a project you took from start to finish”

1. Watch the video 7. A woman, interviewing for a Marketing position, answers the question: Describe a project you took from start to finish (The GOOD answer). Choose the correct answer in the first column of the table.

2. Watch the video 8. A woman, interviewing for a Marketing position, answers the question: Describe a project you took from start to finish (The BAD answer). Choose the correct answer in the second column of the table.

3. Watch the video 9. A woman, interviewing for a Marketing position, answers the question: Describe a project you took from start to finish (The UGLY answer). Choose the correct answer in the third column of the table.


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Start by ___ describing the scenario you were in.

a) detailed

b) briefly

c) completed

1 Going against a client’s wishes is risky and can be ___.

a) a success

b) normal

c) a red flag

1 Don’t grab my stuff of my desk! FOCUS LADY!

…and give back my ___.

a) pen

b) dairy

c) picture

2 Understanding ___ needs is key to a successful outcome.

a) your own

b) your chief’s

c) client’s

2 Not listening to suggestions ____ creativity.

a) obstructs

b) support

2 Easy Cat Woman that’s my ____... not a pork chop.

a) husband

b) brother

c) son

3 Getting a client’s “go ahead” shows you know who makes ____.

a) final decision

b) beginning decision

c) intermediate decision

3 Stubbornness shows ___.

a) your strong will

b) lack of team spirit

b) your sagacity

3 Everything about this is ___.

a) right

b) wrong

4 Clearly define you role and ___.

a) influence

d) duties

c) actions

4 Blaming others for your mistakes can reveal ___.

a) insecurities

b) stubbornness

c) cowardice


5 Sequentially outline the ___ you took.

a) decisions

b) plans

c) actions

5 ____ is not a strong finish.

a) doing the best

b) putting aside

c) giving up


6 Continue with an overview ___ going into specifics.

a) with

b) without

6 If you aren’t sincere it shows in your ___.

a) speech

b) facial expressions

c) gestures


7 Close by sharing positive outcomes from your ___.

a) plan

b) decision

c) action



8 Happiness derived from a job well done shows you ___.

a) interest

b) motivation

c) mind




Video 10, 11, 12

“Tell me about a weakness you have”

1 Watch the video 10. A woman, interviewing for an Administrative Office position, answers the question: tell me about a weakness you have (The GOOD answer). Read the first column of the table and decide if the sentences TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence is false correct it.

2 Watch the video 11. A woman, interviewing for an Administrative Office position, answers the question: tell me about a weakness you have (The BAD answer). Read the second column of the table and decide if the sentences TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence is false correct it.

3 Watch the video 12. A woman, interviewing for an Administrative Office position, answers the question: tell me about a weakness you have (The UGLY answer). Read the third column of the table and decide if the sentences TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence is false correct it.



The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Try to sugarcoat your answer.

1 Refer to co-workers disrespectfully.

1 If chewing gum is bad, then blowing a bubble is OK!

2 Never give examples to show how& when you weakness occur.

2  Use sarcasm.

2 I ain’t got no weaknesses.

3 Describing a weakness honestly shows your foolishness.

3 Refunding a claim of your weakness is an appropriate way to answer this question.

3 Choke, please!

4 Showing humility is another trait appropriate in answering this question.

4 Blaming others will trigger a red flag for the interview.


5 Tell how your weakness affects the workplace to give a realistic prediction that you will not fit.

5 A defensive answer is a sign that you can receive constructive criticism.


6 Share examples of any failure results from your weakness



7 Close your answer with how you address your weakness.




Video 13, 14, 15

“What is your greatest achievement?”

1 Watch the video 13. A woman, interviewing for a Counselor position, answers the question: what is your greatest achievement (The GOOD answer). In the first column of the table put the phrases into the correct order according to the video.

2 Watch the video 14. A woman, interviewing for a Counselor position, answers the question: what is your greatest achievement (The BAD answer). In the second column of the table put the phrases into the correct order according to the video.

3 Watch the video 15. A woman, interviewing for a Counselor position, answers the question: what is your greatest achievement (The UGLY answer). In the third column of the table put the phrases into the correct order according to the video.


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Connecting example to the position is a strong way to end.

1 Avoid being too personal and speaking negatively about yourself.

1 Need a wet wipe?

2 Start with an overview then go into details.

2Maintain professionalism and composure.

2 How about DOA or SOS?

3Highlight characteristics that contribute to your achievement.

3End on a positive tone and refrain from using hand gestures for numbers.

3 “Not” going to college? That’s first.


4 Don’t minimize your achievement.

4 Is that accredited program?



5 Eating is bad enough, but you didn’t even offer to share.



6 Yeah, who needs an edjumaktion?



7 Wow, skillful!


Video 16, 17, 18

“Tell me about recent conflict you’ve encountered and how you’ve handled it?”

1 Watch the video 16. A man, interviewing for a Controller position, answers the question: tell me about recent conflict you’ve encountered and how you’ve handled it? (The GOOD answer).  Complete missing information in the first column of the table.

2 Watch the video 17. A man, interviewing for a Controller position, answers the question: tell me about recent conflict you’ve encountered and how you’ve handled it? (The BAD answer)  Complete missing information in the second column of the table.

3 Watch the video 18. A man, interviewing for a Controller position, answers the question: tell me about recent conflict you’ve encountered and how you’ve handled it? (The UGLY answer).  Complete missing information in the third column of the table.


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Set the stage with detailed ___.

1 Don’t get too ___.

1 Keep your tongue in your ___.

2 It’s good to speak up and state your ___.

2 ___ from name calling.

2 Way to bring ___ …

3 Did not ___the employer.

3 ___ is unprofessional.

3 Always wear ___ or pressed shirt and cinch up your tie.

4 Conflict resolution style is using ___.

4 Communicate ___ respectfully.

4 ___ cell phones, pages & watch alarms.

5 Showing ___ to get a result.

5 Share positive result without bragging or using an ___ tone.

5 Another ___? In the middle of your interview? OOPS …

NOTE: Describe the conflict objectively, and be careful about placing blame and accepting none.  Give specific examples of how it was resolved or why it was not. If it was an ethical conflict, it is important that you explain your boundaries.


Video 19, 20, 21

“What is your ideal job?”

1 Watch the video 19. A woman, interviewing for an Administrative Assistant position, answers the question: what is your ideal job (The GOOD answer). Choose phrases mentioned in this conversation and complete first column of the table.

2 Watch the video 20. A woman, interviewing for an Administrative Assistant position, answers the question: what is your ideal job (The BAD answer). Choose phrases mentioned in this conversation and complete second column of the table.

3 Watch the video 21. A woman, interviewing for an Administrative Assistant position, answers the question: what is your ideal job (The UGLY answer). Choose phrases mentioned in this conversation and complete third column of the table.


1        Don’t start your answer with a self- serving thought.

2        Save that yawn for the Guinness Book or World Records.

3        Great eye contact.

4        Great … now I’m tired.

5        Support your answer with personal traits.

6        Digging through your purse for pictures is not appropriate.

7        Showing that you are a team player is a good thing.

8        OUCH… That’s going to leave a bruise.

9        Asking for your own office shows you are not a team player.

10   Too much personal information is not a good idea.

11   Tie together those personal traits to tasks that the job would entail.

12   List strengths relevant to the opportunity.

13   Focusing only on your needs is a red flag.

14   Avoid ending on a vague cliché.

15   And strong with the most significant responsibility of the job.


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer




















Video 22, 23, 24

“Why do you want to work here?”

1 Watch the video 22. A woman, interviewing for a Non-Profit position, answers the question: why do you want to work here? (The GOOD answer). Choose the correct answer in the first column of the table.

2 Watch the video 23. A woman, interviewing for a Non-Profit position, answers the question: why do you want to work here? (The BAD answer). Choose the correct answer in the second column of the table.

3 Watch the video 24. A woman, interviewing for a Non-Profit position, answers the question: why do you want to work here? (The UGLY answer). Choose the correct answer in the third column of the table.


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Use life ___ that correlate with the opportunity.

a) experience

b) abilities

c) skills

1 Humming while thinking of your answer is ___.

a) a good idea

b) showing your energy

c) unprofessional

1 WHOA! There ___ … easy now…

a) woman

b) girl

c) lady

2 Nice example of trying values to relevant ___.

a) experience

b) abilities

c) skills

2 A company’s popularity is a ____ reason for wanting to work there.

a) superficial

b) deep

c) excellent

2 What did you expect? …you’re being ___.

a) interviewed

b) taken on

c) dismissed

3 It’s appropriate to share the moment that ____ your career path.

a) connected

b) influenced

c) explained

3 A ___ attitude about money can create suspicion.

a) economical

b) cavalier

c) wasting

3 …want? I want you to chill out and stop ___.

a) shouting at me

b) interviewing

c) beating my desk

4 Site a variety of ___ appropriate to the position.

a) skills

b) abilities

c) duties

4 Being ___ is a character flaw.

a) judgmental

b) impartial

c) honest


5 Show ___ in your career.

a) development

b) progression

c) researching

5 Being power hungry is typically a bad ___.

a) behavior

b) manner

c) motivation


6 Researching company shows seriousness and ___.

a) insistence

b) stubbornness

c) ambition



7 It’s good to touch upon common ___.

a) sense

b) philosophies

c) knowledge



8 Tie in research finding to further support your ___.

a) pride

b) arrogance

c) desires



9 Be ___ about the challenge and address it.

a) truthful

b) creative

c) indifferent



10 Coming back to ___ is a strong way to close.

a) your personality

b) your experience

c) point




Video 25, 26, 27

“What are you salary expectation?”

1 Watch the video 25. A man, interviewing for a Senior Management position, answers the question: what are you salary expectation? (The GOOD answer). Read the first column of the table and decide if the sentences TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence is false correct it.

2 Watch the video 26. A man, interviewing for a Senior Management position, answers the question: what are you salary expectation? (The BAD answer). Read the second column of the table and decide if the sentences TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence is false correct it.

3 Watch the video 27. A man, interviewing for a Senior Management position, answers the question: what are you salary expectation? (The UGLY answer). Read the third column of the table and decide if the sentences TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence is false correct it.

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Researching shows you don’t understand your market value.

1 Try to use specifics, “I want” and to be ridged.

1 “Greepy guy” is reaching for everything. VERY GOOD!

2. Using “fair” relays your experience.

2 Being unsure and too flexible shows inspiration and strong perception of self-worth.

2 This has Got to be violating one of my rights!!!

3 Don’t highlight the match.


3 “Photo wall”. OMG! I’m so calling the authorities.

4 Never share general expectations.



5 “Reasonable” shows your are open and fair.



6 State expectations with specifics when possible.



7 Ending with a question is a good way to start negotiations.




Video 28, 29, 30

“What would you do to gain respect as a new employee?”

1 Watch the video 28. A woman, interviewing for a Construction Management position, answers the question: what would you do to gain respect as a new employee? (The GOOD answer) In the first column of the table put the phrases into the correct order according to the video.

2 Watch the video 29. A woman, interviewing for a Construction Management position, answers the question: what would you do to gain respect as a new employee? (The BAD answer) In the second column of the table put the phrases into the correct order according to the video.

3 Watch the video 30. A woman, interviewing for a Construction Management position, answers the question: what would you do to gain respect as a new employee? (The UGLY answer) In the third column of the table put the phrases into the correct order according to the video.


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Briefly state the actions you would take to enact your general plan.

1 Laying the hammer down on coworkers doesn’t demonstrate team building skills.

1 You “have a minute” to talk in the middle of an interview?

2 Making an effort to know you coworkers shows you are a team player.

2 Phrases like: “my plan, my vision” denote inflexibility and that typically doesn’t generate respect.

2 Excuse me… relocation?

3 Observing and questioning shows your respect for your new coworkers.


3 You are unbelievable!

4 Start by briefly highlighting your general plan.


4 Always silence your cell phone.



5 One minute? This interview IS over.



6 This better be an emergency.



7 An Ad? Are you buying a gypsy wagon?


Role play this job interview.

Student A is an applicant. You have just graduated from university. You have applied to Engineering Company and have been invited to an interview for one of two graduate trainee posts. Answer the questions using information from the videos.

Student B is on the interview panel. You are responsible for Human Resources. Ask questions and note all mistakes candidate does. After interview make your decision.


1        Tell me about yourself.

2        Describe a major goal you set.

3        Describe a project you took from start to finish.

4        Tell me about a weakness you have.

5        What is your greatest achievement?

6        Tell me about recent conflict you’ve encountered and how you’ve handled it?

7        What is your ideal job?

8        Why do you want to work here?

9        What are you salary expectation?

10   What would you do to gain respect as a new employee?


Theme 2: Job satisfaction

Video 1

“How to motivate employees”


Do you want your employees to …

- work harder?

- work smarter?

- be more productive?

- and retain your best employees?

What should you do to make your employees requirement and be the best manager? Answer the questions, watch the video “How to motivate employees” and compare your answers with Dr. Mark DeVolder’ research. He is the president of Synergy Sense Consulting, a management consulting firm widely recognized for expertise in helping North American managers and employees deal with new business realities.


1 Watch the video “How to motivate employees” and answer the questions:

1What is the key of employees’ management?

2        What is engagement?

3        What are the engaged employees? Name four points.

4        Is there connection between highly motivated employee and increased productivity and profitability?

5        What advantages has organization with highly motivated employee in productivity and profitability?

6        What disadvantages has organization with low level engagement employees?

7        What are the four important pillars of commitment engagement?

8        Why did 79% of top performers in North America leave their job last year?

9        What are three main reasons for employees to leave the company?

10   What is the best way to show appreciation?

11    How often should manager show recognition?

12   Must recognition to be specific?

2. Watch the video again and match four pillars of commitment engagement with their descriptions:

Pillars of Commitment


1 Clarity:

- Aims

- Value

- Beliefs

- Directions

- Expectations

a) People who are good at what they do, feel more committed. This does not mean that employees do not like to be challenged, they do! But if a task is overwhelming, it frightens people and makes them feel less committed. This is a barrier for people going through transitions because the change may feel overwhelming. Managers need to help employees make “skill links” from the old to the new. Even though employees may be required to try something new, they will be more committed if they are able to use their strengths in the

new change.

2 Competence

- The right tools

- Appropriate   resources

- The right knowledge

- Appropriate  skills/experience

- Practical support

b) The rule of employee ___ is probably the most difficult for managers. However it is the most important. Stated simply, people want to have ___. In order to be engaged, employees must have ____. We all know by experience, that people are more committed to an idea if it is their own. Conversely, no one likes to be forced to comply. Managers who take this rule seriously ask for employees’ input and look for ways to implement the majority of them. Not only will managers get great ideas from the experts (the ones doing the jobs) but when employees see that they have ___, they will be more committed to the change. It is a win - win.

3 Influence

- voicing ideas, opinions and suggestions

- sharing and controlling their work

- providing opportunities for feedback

- being involved in decision making

c) The rule of ___ is the most simple and inexpensive to implement. People want to be ____ for the good work they are doing. When managers notice and express thanks for a job well done, employees feel more committed to their work. And by far the best way of showing ___ is face to face. Keep it simple. “I noticed the extra effort you put in this week. Thanks!” In addition, ___ must be genuine. One CEO sent an email to an employee, Bob, expressing his thanks. Later that day, when the CEO stood next to Bob on the elevator, the boss did not even acknowledge his presence. Needless to say, Bob did not feel ____ and his level of motivation dropped immediately.

4 Appreciation

- Treated with respect

- shown appreciation

- recognized for quality work

d) People need information- clear information about the change. They need answers to all their questions- who, what, when, where, why and how? It allays people’s fears and helps them feel more committed. Ambiguity, withheld information and double speak has the opposite effect.


Work in pairs. Student A: speak about clarity and competence, Student B: speak about influence and appreciation. Add your own points to four pillars of commitment engagement.


Video 2

How to motivate employees: The 6 “Hidden Motivators”


Answer the questions:

1        Are people motivated by the same things?

2        What kind of motivation do you know?

3        Is motivation factor important for employees?


1 Watch the video:  How to motivate employees: The 6 “Hidden Motivators” and complete the second column of the table. For example: theoretical – continuing education, knowledge etc.

2  Watch the video:  How to motivate employees: The 6 “Hidden Motivators” again and complete the third column of the table. For example: theoretical – People love to learn whole life etc.


Types of hidden motivators

Main points of motivators

Describing people are influenced each factor

1 Theoretical



2 Utilitarian



3 Aesthetic



4 Social



5 Individualistic



6 Traditional



Post watching

3 What is your hidden motivator? Go around the class and find people with each type of hidden motivators.

4 Work in pairs and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each type of hidden motivators. Is it possible to have more than one hidden motivators?


Theme 3

Management style

Video 1

Situational Leadership Part One

“Leadership Style”


Answer the questions:

1 Dive you definition to the term “Leadership”

2 What goals does leader have?

3 How does leader accomplish his/her goals?

4 There are four leadership styles: directing, coaching, supporting and delegating. Try to describe each style.


1 Watch the video and compare you answers with giving information. Complete the missing information:

Leadership is the ability of person to ___ (1) and direct human efforts toward the attainment of an ___ (2).

In this pure state, leadership accomplishes this goal by ___ (3) a high level of motivation and dedication in all people involved in a ___ (4).

Situational leadership

- Allows you to ___ (5) the needs of the situation you’re dealing with

- and then ___ (6) the most appropriate leadership style.


There are two categories of leadership behavior that operate on a continuum:

a) supportive behavior

b) ___ (7) behavior


2 Watch the video again and complete missing information in the table:










Team members’ experience, ability and motivation

If the team members have low level of experience or ability but reasonably high degree of ___ (1)  a directing leadership style may be most appropriative for the situation which provides more direction but less ___ (2).

If the team members have some ___ (7) or ability but possibly low motivation a coaching leadership style maybe most applicable to this situation providing direction and ___ (8).

This style means providing more support and coachment, but less ___ (14).

If the team members have a high level of ___ (19) or ability and high degree of motivation a delegating leadership style may be most appropriate for the situations which require less ___ (20) and support.

Leaders’ functions

Directing Leaders define the ___ and ___(3) of the team member and supervise them closely.

Coaching Leaders still define roles and tasks, but seeks ___ and ___ (9) from the team members. A Coaching leader may concentrate on helping the team members learn how to be more effective.

Supporting Leaders may ___ (15) the team members on how to use what they have learnt. These leaders pass day-to-day decisions and processes, to the team members.


Delegating Leaders are still involved in decisions and problems solving, but control is with the ___ (21).

Who makes decisions?

Decisions are made by the ___ (4) and announced, so communication is largely one-way.

Decisions remain the leader’s prerogative, but communication is much more ___(10).

The leaders facilitate and take part in decisions, but ___ (16) is with the team members.

The team members decide when and how the ___ (22) will be involved.

When does this style appropriate?

This style maybe most appropriative when the team members are ___ (5) or when taking an unfamiliar tasks.

This style maybe most appropriative when the team members are more ___ (11), experienced and motivated. This leader directs and guides. This may include providing and coaching an ___ (12) development to team members.

This style is used in groups is not yet comfortable for making decisions but the members of your team have the experience or ability to do the job. The leaders make this style to ___ (17) the members of team when they are disappointed in progress or when own expectations are not immediate.

This style maybe most appropriative when the team members comfortable taking responsibility and have the ___ (23) to accomplish the necessary tasks. For example: when the leader is working with the experienced team members that do not need prompting to take on a new initiative or can solve ___ (24) tasks.

Characteristics of each style

One characteristic of this style is that ___ (6) are made by the Leader and announced. So communication is largely one way.

Decisions remain the leaders’ prerogative, but this style’s ___ (13) is much more two ways.

The supporting leadership style is leader ___ (18) and takes part in decisions but control is with the team members.

The leader is still involved in decisions and problem solving but ___ (25) is with the team members. The team members decide how to ___ (26) the tasks and how leader will be involved.


3 Read the situations and decide what leadership style is the most appropriate in each case:

a) The team members have a high level of experience or ability and high degree of motivation.

b) The groups is not yet comfortable for making decisions but the members of your team have the experience or ability to do the job.

c) The team members have low level of experience or ability but reasonably high degree of motivation.

d) The team members have some experience or ability but possibly low motivation.

Discussion. In small group discuss the question: what leadership style is more effective? Speak about advantages and disadvantages of each style. Try to create your own leadership style and give its detailed description.   


Module 2

Theme 1

Customer service


What are the main tips in customer service? Write your list. Watch the video and compare you answers with expert’s answers. Are you right?


Video “Customer Service training tips”

Watch the video and compare you answers with expert’s answers. What are the ABCs of customer service?  Complete the missing information in the table.





___ (1)

Not the customer’s attitude your and your alone. Attitude: your tone of ___ (2), how you deal with customer, even ___ (3) all plays apart in the attitude that you convey to the customer.


Business ___ (4)

Make sure your customer knows that you are ___ (5), that you are the person that can help customer with his issue. It makes him feel very ___ (6) and comfortable with you as a professional.


Customer ___ (7) service

Dealing with one customer at a time using ___ (8) and courtesy.



Video “Customer Service in English” with Jim

1 Watch the video and match the words and definitions:



1 Assert

a) extremely angry, enraged

2 Complaint

b) to give support and approval

3 Depend

c) to maintain possession of

4 Diplomacy

d) feeling or expressing pity

5 Discern

e) happening without warning

6 Encourage

f) an expression of pain, dissatisfaction or resentment

7 Implement

g) to recognize and understand

8 Irate

h) something that attracts, especially with the promise of pleasure or reward

9 Opportune

i) to place trust or confidence

10 Retain

j) occurring at a fitting or advantageous time

11 sudden

k) tact and skill in dealing with people

12 temptation

l) to put into action or use

13 sympathetic

m) to act boldly or forcefully, especially in defending one’s rights or stating an opinion

2 Watch the video again and write the phrases that Jim used to deal with difficult customer:

a) Be sympathetic - …..

b) Be helpful - …..

c) Be apologetic - …..

3 Answer the questions:

a) What complaint did angry customer have&

b) What did he buy two days ago?

c) Why is customer’s phone very important to him?

d) How did Jim solve the problem?

4 Role play this situation using new vocabulary and phrases.


Theme 2



1. Match the words and definitions concern with presentation:



1 Audience

a) Sheet of information in the form of a table, graph or diagram

2Body language

b) Aids such as charts, slides, etc used at a presentation

3 Chart

c) Make a summary of the essential points; sum up

4 Focus (on)

d) Subject of a discussion or talk

5 Handout

e) Phrases used to help focus the audience's attention on different
 parts of a presentation

6 Signposting language

f) Communication through facial expressions, body movements, etc.

7 Summarize

g) Written information (report etc) given to people at a presentation

8 Topic

h) Group of listeners or spectators

9 Visual aids

i) Concentrate on something

2 Answer the questions:

a) What is the presentation?

b) What is the typical structure of presentation?

c) Is atmosphere of presentation important?

d) How can you lead the audience?

e) Do you agree with these statements?

The longer presentation you make, the clearer it to the audience.

You should read all information from the screen.

You should use body language to grab attention.

Use difficult words and sophisticated diagrams to understand the matter.

If audience didn’t remember all information you would waste your time.



“Presentation Skills”

1 Watch the video and compare your answers with information in video.

2  Watch the video again and continue key questions:

         a) Who are you …         

b) Why are you …

c) How long have …

d) What story …

3 Watch the video again and describe 5 basic elements:

         a) eye contact ( that build repro with your audience)

         b) voice projection ( people can …)

         c) voice intonation and inflection

         d) clarity of message

         e) enthusiasm


Make you presentation using points from video. Preparation is essential for an effective presentation. When giving a presentation, certain keywords are used to signpost the different stages. It's a good idea to memorize them and practice using them, so that they come to mind easily during a presentation.

Starting the presentation

- Good morning/good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
- The topic of my presentation today is ...
- What I'm going to talk about today is ...

Why you are giving this presentation

- The purpose of this presentation is ...
- This is important because ...
- My objective is to ...

Stating the main points

-The main points I will be talking about are
 next, finally... we're going to look at …

Introducing the first point

- Let's start/begin with ...

Showing graphics, transparencies, slides etc

- I'd like to illustrate this by showing you...

Moving on to the next point

- Now let's move on to  ...

Giving more details

- I'd like to expand on this aspect/problem/point
- Let me elaborate on that
- Would you like me to expand on/elaborate on that?

Changing to a different topic

- I'd like to turn to something completely different

 Referring to something which is off the topic

- I'd like to digress here for a moment and just mention that ...

Referring back to an earlier point

- Let me go back to what I said earlier about ...

Summarizing or repeating the main points

- I'd like to recap the main points of my presentation
 - first I covered
 - then we talked about
 - finally we looked at
 I'd  now like to sum up the main points which were:


- I'm going to conclude by... saying that/inviting you to/ quoting ...
- In conclusion, let me... leave you with this thought/invite you to


- Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions.  
Now I'd like to invite any questions you may have.
Do you have any questions?


Theme 3

Culture awareness


Globalization changes the way organizations operate and their employees communicate, it is becoming increasingly common for staff in one country to be regularly dealing with colleagues, clients or suppliers in another country, over the telephone, by email, via video-conference, or face-to-face.  Answer the questions:

1        What is cultural diversity?

2        What type of differences does this cover?

3        Do you have any tips on cultural diversity?

4        Can you summarize cultural diversity?


Video 1

“Cultural diversity tips for communicating with cultural awareness”

Watch the video and check your answers. Watch the video again and decide if there statements TRUE or FALSE:

1        Cultural diversity is a way two people communicate.

2        Eye contact is very important for each culture.

3        Types of differences that culture diversity covers: relationship, behavior, attitude to values, believes, gender differences, states differences.

4        There are five tips on cultural diversity.

5        First tip is observation skills.

6        Body language plays an important part in interacting: use mirror and repeat interlocutor’s gestures.

7        Second tip is appreciation differences.

8        In India time keeping is very important.

9        You should assume person with country he/she represent.

10   The best way for communication is respect cultural differences.


Video 2

“Chinese vs. American business culture”


Do you know Chinese culture perfectly? Do this quiz:

1 Which of these should you not do during a business meeting?
         a) Address anyone but the head of the Chinese contingency

         b) Show emotion

2 It is acceptable to answer phone calls in meetings.
         a) True

         b) False

3 Which of these should you do when negotiating in China?
         a) Inflate your prices

         b) Pretend to reject demands

         c) Concede easily to demands for concessions

4 Who would you expect to make decisions from negotiations and meetings?
         a) The negotiation team through consensus

         b) Most senior ranking attendee

         c) Your direct counterpart

5 A handshake in China should be ...
         a) Limp and brief
         b) Strong and lengthy

         c) Firm but brief

6 How should one receive business cards?
         a) Both hands and use short time reading before put it away

         b) Right hands and put it into back pocket
         c) With left hand propped by right

7 Aggressive negotiation tactics are recommended.

a) True

         b) False

8 Gifts within the business context are seen as bribes?
         a) True

         b) False

9 Which of these should you try and have on your business cards?
         a) Title

         b) Age

10 The Chinese prefer business communication by which of these methods?
         a) Phone
         b) Face to Face

         c) Writing


Watch the video and answer the questions:

1        What answer do you receive if ask people: how are you doing?

2        Should you use person’s first name during the business greeting?

3        It is polite to put business card into back pocket and sit on it, isn’t it?

4        Should you interrupt people if you don’t agree with them?

5        Should you rudely reject unfamiliar food or try everything?

6        Do you finish drinking entire when taking a toast to show respect?


Your company produces computers. You are going to set up joint venture in China. Role play business meeting and business lunch with your Chinese partners. 


Answer keys:

Module 1

Theme 1: Job interview

“Tell me about yourself”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer



1 question



2 wrong one



3 Astrology

4visiting doctors


4 skill



5 compatibility

6easy going


6 yoga



7 fungus




















Video 4, 5, 6

“Describe a major goal you set”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Choose a work related goal

1 Setting a goal for others doesn’t answer the question

1 Why are you talking about doughnuts?

2 Clearly state your goal and why it was a major challenge

2 Sharing a company goal that you met also doesn’t answer the question

2 You sure that was the only thing they wrecked?

3 Give background on why it was important for you to set this goal


 3 Switching from doughnuts to bagels is a major goal?

4 Share any issues you faced and how you dealt with them


4 No, thanks

5 List the significant steps you took to accomplish your goal



6 Showcase your skills and abilities throughout your answer




Video 7, 8, 9

“Describe a project you took from start to finish”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Start by briefly describing the scenario you were in.

1 Going against a client’s wishes is risky and can be a red flag.

1 Don’t grab my stuff of my desk! FOCUS LADY!

…and give back my picture.

2 Understanding client’s needs is key to a successful outcome.

2 Not listening to suggestions obstructs creativity.

2 Easy Cat Woman that’s my son ... not a pork chop.

3 Getting a client’s “go ahead” shows you know who makes final decision

3 Stubbornness shows lack of team spirit.


3 Everything about this is wrong.

4 Clearly define you role and influence.

4 Blaming others for your mistakes can reveal insecurities


5 Sequentially outline the actions you took.

5 Giving up is not a strong finish.


6 Continue with an overview without going into specifics.

6 If you aren’t sincere it shows in your facial expressions.


7 Close by sharing positive outcomes from your action.



8 Happiness derived from a job well done shows you motivation.




Video 10, 11, 12

“Tell me about a weakness you have”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Balance staying positive without  sugarcoating your answer.

. Don’t refer to co-workers disrespectfully.

1 If chewing gum is bad, then blowing a bubble is suicide.

2 Use examples to show how& when you weakness occur.

2 Avoid sarcasm.

2 I ain’t got no weaknesses.

3 Describing a weakness honestly shows your strong character.

3 Refunding a claim of your weakness is not an appropriate way to answer this question.

3 Don’t choke.

4 Showing humility is another trait appropriate in answering this question.

4 Blaming others will trigger a red flag for the interview.


5 Tell how your weakness affects the workplace to give a realistic prediction of how you will fit.

5 A defensive answer is a sign that you can’t receive constructive criticism.


6 Share examples of any positive results from your weakness



7 Close your answer with how you address your weakness.




Video 13, 14, 15

“What is your greatest achievement?”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Start with an overview then go into details.

1 Don’t minimize your achievement.

1 Wow, skillful!

2Highlight characteristics that contribute to your achievement.

2 Avoid being too personal and speaking negatively about yourself.

2 “Not” going to college? That’s first.

3 Connecting example to the position is a strong way to end.

3Maintain professionalism and composure.

3 Eating is bad enough, but you didn’t even offer to share.


4 End on a positive tone and refrain from using hand gestures for numbers.

4 How about DOA or SOS?



5 Is that accredited program?



6 Need a wet wipe?



7 Yeah, who needs an edjumaktion?

Video 16, 17, 18

“Tell me about recent conflict you’ve encountered and how you’ve handled it?”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Set the stage with detailed examples.

1 Don’t get too relaxed.

1 Keep your tongue in your mouth.

2 It’s good to speak up and state your ethics.

2 Refrain from name calling.

2 Way to bring energy

3 Did not bad-mouth the employer.

3 Sarcasim is unprofessional.

3 Always wear ironed or pressed shirt and cinch up your tie.

4 Conflict resolution style is using scenarios.

4Communicate boundaries respectfully.

4 Turn off cell phones, pages & watch alarms.

5 Showing diligence to get a result.

5 Share positive result without bragging or using an arrogant tone.

5 Another appointment? In the middle of your interview? OOPS …

Video 19, 20, 21

“What is your ideal job?”


The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Great eye contact.

1 Don’t start your answer with a self- serving thought.

1 Save that yawn for the Guinness Book or World Records.

2 Support your answer with personal traits.

2 Digging through your purse for pictures is not appropriate.


3 Showing that you are a team player is a good thing.

3 Asking for your own office shows you are not a team player.

3 OUCH… That’s going to leave a bruise.

4 Tie together those personal traits to tasks that the job would entail.

4 Too much personal information is not a good idea.


5 List strengths relevant to the opportunity.

5 Focusing only on your needs is a red flag.


6 And strong with the most significant responsibility of the job.

6 Avoid ending on a vague cliché.



Video 22, 23, 24

“Why do you want to work here?”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Use life experience

 that correlate with the opportunity.

1 Humming while thinking of your answer is  unprofessional.

1 WHOA! There lady … easy now…

2 Nice example of trying values to relevant skills.


2 A company’s popularity is a superficial reason for wanting to work there.

2 What did you expect? …you’re being interviewed.

3 It’s appropriate to share the moment that  influenced your career path.

3 A cavalier attitude about money can create suspicion.


3 …want? I want you to chill out and stop beating my desk .

4 Site a variety of duties  appropriate to the position.

4 Being judgmental is a character flaw.


5 Show progression  in your career.


5 Being power hungry is typically a bad motivation.


6 Researching company shows seriousness and ambition .



7. It’s good to touch upon common philosophies.



8 Tie in research finding to further support your desires .



9 Be  truthful about the challenge and address it.

a) b) creative

c) indifferent



10 Coming back to point is a strong way to close.




Video 25, 26, 27

“What are you salary expectation?”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Researching shows you understand your market value.

1 Avoid using specifics, “I want” and being ridged.

1 “Greepy guy” is reaching for something. NOT GOOD!

2. Using “fair” relays your intentions.

2 Being unsure and too flexible shows desperation and weak perception of self-worth.

2 This has Got to be violating one of my rights!!!

3 Highlight the match.


3 “Photo wall”. OMG! I’m so calling the authorities.

4 Unless pressed, share general expectations.



5 “Reasonable” shows your are open and fair.



6 State expectations without specifics when possible.



7 Ending with a question is a good way to start negotiations.




Video 28, 29, 30

“What would you do to gain respect as a new employee?”

The GOOD answer

The BAD answer

The UGLY answer

1 Start by briefly highlighting your general plan.

1 Phrases like: “my plan, my vision” denote inflexibility and that typically doesn’t generate respect.

1 Always silence your cell phone.

2 Briefly state the actions you would take to enact your general plan.

2 Laying the hammer down on coworkers doesn’t demonstrate team building skills.

2 This better be an emergency.

3 Observing and questioning shows your respect for your new coworkers.


3 You “have a minute” to talk in the middle of an interview?

4 Making an effort to know you coworkers shows you are a team player.


4 An Ad? Are you buying a gypsy wagon?



5 Excuse me… relocation?



6 One minute? This interview IS over.



7 You are unbelievable!


Theme 2: Job satisfaction

Video 1

“How to motivate employees”


1        The key of employees’ management is engagement.

2        Engagement is combination of dedication, motivation and sense of belonging.

3        Engaged employees are enthusiastic, care about what they do, sense of purpose in their work and feel valued.

4        There is profound connection between highly motivated employee and increased productivity and profitability.

5        Organization with highly motivated employee has advantages in productivity and profitability: 78% more productive, 40% more profitable.

6        Organization with low level engagement employees has disadvantages: negative customer impact, operational inefficiencies, low productivity, turnover cost.

7        The four important pillars of commitment engagement are clarity, competence, influence and appreciation.

8        79% of top performers in North America left their job last year because of lack of recognition.

9        Three are three main reasons for employees to leave the company: they need more money, they want to get away from bad manager and 79% of employees do not feel appreciation.

10   The best way to show appreciation is recognition. Employee recognition needs to be: frequent, specific, timely.

11    The best way is to show recognition as much as possible.

12    Recognition must also be specific: relate recognition and thanks to what employee did but general praises is meaningless.

Pillars of Commitment


1 D

2 A

3 B



Video 2

How to motivate employees: The 6 “Hidden Motivators”

Types of hidden motivators

Main points of motivators

Describing people are influenced each factor

1 Theoretical

Continuing Education


Analyzation and Clarification

People love to learn whole life and enjoy constantly requiring new information

2 Utilitarian

Return on investment

Utility and Practically Efficiency

Economic based motivation. People like money.

3 Aesthetic

Personal Growth and Development

Form, Beauty and Harmony

Balanced Life

People emphasis beauty, art, harmony. Physical surrounding has a direct impact on productivity.

4 Social

Helping Others

Harmonious Environment

Opportunity to Serve

Such people are very social. They enjoy putting other people needs ahead their owns.

5 Individualistic

Opportunity to Lead Others


Decision Making


Describe someone who motivated by power an authority using the type of people who enjoy being controlled in a team of a company.

6 Traditional


A Worthy Cause

System of Beliefs

This measure how much person believe system where he being: political and religious belief system.


Theme 3

Management style

Video 1

Situational Leadership Part One

“Leadership Style”

1 Watch the video and compare you answers with giving information. Complete the missing information:

1        organize

2        object

3        instilling

4        task

5        analyze

6        adopt

7        directive

2 Watch the video again and complete missing information in the table:

1 motivation

2 support

3 roles and tasks

4 leaders

5 inexperienced

6 decisions

7 experience

8 support

9 suggestions

10 two-way

11 responsible

12 inspiration

13 communication

14 direction

15 guide

16 control

17 support

18 facilities

19 experience

19  direction

20  members

21 leader

22 experience

23 prioritize

24 control

25 accomplish

Business relationships

Theme 1

Customer service

Video “Customer Service training tips”







Not the customer’s attitude your and your alone. Attitude: your tone of voice, how you deal with customer, even body language all plays apart in the attitude that you convey to the customer.


Business knowledge

Make sure your customer knows that you are expert, that you are the person that can help customer with his issue. It makes him feel very confident and comfortable with you as a professional.


Customer oriented service

Dealing with one customer at a time using professionalism and courtesy.


Video “Customer Service in English” with Jim

1 m

1.     f

2.     i

3.     k

4.     g

5.     b

6.     l

7.     a

8.     j

9.     c

10. e

11. h

12. d


Theme 2



1        h

2        f

3        a

4        i

5        g

6        e

7        c

8        d

9        b


Theme 3

Culture awareness

Video “Chinese vs. American business culture”


1 Which of these should you not do during a business meeting?
         a) Address anyone but the head of the Chinese contingency

         b) Show emotion

2 It is acceptable to answer phone calls in meetings.
         a) True

         b) False

3 Which of these should you do when negotiating in China?
         a) Inflate your prices

         b) Pretend to reject demands

         c) Concede easily to demands for concessions

4 Who would you expect to make decisions from negotiations and meetings?
         a) The negotiation team through consensus

         b) Most senior ranking attendee

         c) Your direct counterpart

5 A handshake in China should be ...
         a) Limp and brief
         b) Strong and lengthy

         c) Firm but brief

6 How should one receive business cards?
         a) Both hands and use short time reading before put it away

         b) Right hands and put it into back pocket
         c) With left hand propped by right

7 Aggressive negotiation tactics are recommended.

a) True

         b) False

8 Gifts within the business context are seen as bribes?
         a) True

         b) False

9 Which of these should you try and have on your business cards?
         a) Title

         b) Age

10 The Chinese prefer business communication by which of these methods?
         a) Phone
         b) Face to Face

         c) Writing