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Department  History and culture of Kazakhstan


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Recommendations for writing term papers

(for students of all specialities)




















                                                           Almaty 2017

AUTHOR: Baidildina S.H. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan. Recommendations for writing term papers on the contemporary history of Kazakhstan for students of all specialities. – Almaty: AUPET, 2017. – P. 22.






The proposed recommendations contain methodical instructions for writing term papers on the course of "Contemporary history of Kazakhstan", and subjects, a list of recommended literature.









Reviewer: Bukhina S.B. Senior Teacher of the “FL” department









Printed according to the publication plan of non-profit JSC “Almaty university of power engineering and telecommunications” publishing in 2017.











© Non-profit JSC “Almaty university of power engineering and telecommunications” 2017.

Summary plan 2017, pos.153.





Saule Hairullovna Baidildina











Recommendations for writing of term papers

(for students of all specialities)








Editor  Bukhina S.B.

Specialist on standardization   N.K.Moldabekova 




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Format 60х84 1/16

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«History is a useful science, history is the way
of your homeland and your ancestors’ old dream
aimed at perfection. . .
History is a Saint Science»

Academician M.Kozybaev




The history is a science in constant development.  The study of historical experience forms historical consciousness, culture, traditions, continuity of generations. The history gives an opportunity to comprehend the scale of what is happening today, it laid the seeds of the future. It is the basis for understanding the civilization phenomenon, and dialectics of contemporary global problems.

Historical education plays an important role in the view of students’ personal development and socialization, introducing students into the world’s and national cultural traditions, integration into a multinational and multi-religious community historically established.

Knowledge of mankind historical experience and the path of Kazakhstan’s people are important for understanding modern social processes, as well as orientation in a dynamic information media.

The present recommendations include the events of national history from the beginning of the XXth century up to the present day: colonial policy of tsarism in  the Kazakh region, great shocks of the First World War, origins of Kazakh people’s national movement, formation of Soviet totalitarian Kazakhstan, formation and development of Soviet society, as well as terrible years of the Great Patriotic War and the era of "developed socialism". The problems of the market economy and Kazakhstan society in terms of reforms are also considered. Particular attention is paid to the first years of the new century and main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Key problems of the course are considered at lectures and seminars. But deep knowledge on the subject can be gained only during students’ independent work.

One of the active forms of students’ independent work is the fulfillment of term papers.

The term paper is a report about student’s independent work. It shows the amount of preliminary work, study of recommended literature, sources, as well as study of special and educational material.

The recommendations contain the themes of term papers, references and sources, as well as guidelines.






Recommendations for writing term papers


The term papers on the course "Contemporary history of Kazakhstan" is an obligatory work to be performed in accordance with the curriculum. The performance of the term papers is the form of testing the students’ readiness study activities. In studying the contemporary history of Kazakhstan the student must complete three term papers. Each term paper should be done in the written form.

The term paper  is not an ordinary student's test work, it is an indicator of the students’ intellectual level, his/her general culture and special training.

The purpose of the term paper is to consolidate the knowledge received during the lectures and self-study work at historical sources.

The objectives of performing the term papers are deepen and enhance the student's knowledge in the theory and methodology of the science, its urgent problems, introduction into the independent scientific work, mastering research methods and modern scientific "language".

The term papers are carried out according to the schedule. The deadline of the term papers: the first paper should be presented at Week 4, the second - Week 8, the third - week 12 (with the 15 week period of study). Punctuality is a prerequisite for the students’ attestation and access to the exam.

The theme of term papers  must be actual and have research character representing mostly the independent investigation of the problem, showing the student's ability to do the conclusions on the basis of analysis. The relevance of a term paper theme is defined by its correspondence to the major fields of the present day science.

Note: The content of the term paper must strictly correspond to the topic. The theme is defined by the last two digits of the cipher / number of the students’ record book. If the number of a selected topic does not match with the last digit of the record book, the work will not get a credit.

The structure of the term paper depends on the nature of the topic, the specific content of the material and may have a different focus: a theoretical study, theoretical and empirical or empirical research.

The structure of a term paper should include the following sections:

1)      Introduction (relevance of the topic, aims, objectives, historiography).

2)      Main content of the topic.

3)      Conclusion (results, conclusions, evaluation).

In the introduction the chosen topic is substantiated, its importance for the science and practice, the degree of elaboration and historiography (the degree of topic studying by the domestic and foreign scientists).

In the main part the hypotheses are investigated, the main thoughts and ideas are examined. The content of the term papers should strictly correspond to the plan.

In conclusion the research results should be given, evaluation of the research results are included, and the conclusions of the declarative character are done.

The references are made in accordance with generally accepted requirements: Sources are listed alphabetically with the name of authors, title of books or articles (in this case the names of magazines, year and number of the issue are indicated), indicating the place of publication and year of publication. For example: Dzhagfarov N.R. Formation of a personal, totalitarian regime in the country (1917-1937 ss.). - A., 2013. Or if the magazine: Adilgereyev H.M. On the history of the Kazakh people formation. // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. - 1951. - №1 (70).

By making a notes, you must specify the page where the quotation is taken. For example: Қinayatuly Z. Kazakh state and Jochi Khan. -Astana «El Orda», 2004. - 211. If the same source is found in the following order of reference, the note is as follows: ibid. 215.

The list of literature was given on each section.

When referring to an electronic source (such as http: //) the students need to specify the name of an author, title, its status (abstract, essays, theses, articles, etc.), date of publication, and then e-mail address. For example: Nikitin IK "Life" in the game sense. Essay. 2006. // Http: // www. referat. ru / pub / item / 23775.

The pagination must continuous numbering, the first page must be the cover sheet (made typewriting) the number is not put on it. This is followed by a table of contents, number 2 is put on it, etc. The pagination is put in Arabic numerals in the lower right corner.

Terms of citing: quote should absolutely be related to the author's text. All quotes should be in inverted commas and notes. The notes should be on the bottom of the page and numbered within the page.

Each term paper should contain:

1)       Cover Sheet (see. Appendix №1).

2)       Plan

3)       Text of the paper (main sections).

4)       List of the literature in the alphabetical order.

5)       Possible applications (maps, etc.).

The properly structured term paper plan will serve as the organizing principle in the work of the student, helps to organize the material, it ensures consistency of its presentation.

The plan of the semester work shall be done by the student independently, taking into account their ideas and individual approaches. It represents a specific order of chapters and a detailed list of issues that should be given in the work.

The volume of a term paper must be in 16-18 pages of a handwritten text or in 14-15 pages of the computer text. The work must be written (printed) on the one side of the sheet of format A 4. The text is typed in Times New Roman (size 14) with 1.5 line spacing. Thus, it is necessary to observe the following margin (mm): the top – 2,0, bottom – 2,5 cm, left – 2,5 cm and right – 1,8 cm.

 The term paper should be given to the teacher by the student personally. After checking the semester work, if it complies with the rules of writing and does not require registration and processing, should be defended orally in the case of its correspondence to rules of writing and should not to be redone. On the basis of the written text the student must prepare an oral report of 5-7 minutes and answer the teachers’ questions on the theme of the work. The defense assumes the student knowledge of the topic and the ability to discuss the stated problem.

The evaluation of the semester work (credited - not credited) is based on the following criteria:

- the student performes the paper of his /her own;

- the author is able to pick up enough the list of the  literature, necessary for understanding the issues identified as a theme;

- the logically formulated plan with the appropriate goals and objectives;

-  the author is able to analyze the  material;

- the term paper meets the requirements of the objectivity, correctness, literacy, logicality, argumentation and clarity of presentation;

- the conclusions and personal view of the author are sufficiently substantiated;

- the term paper meets the requirements of design;

- the students successfully defended their semester work and answeredthe teachers questions.

Each term paper is estimated up to 9 grades, which is 9% access rating to state examinations, thus, for three term papers the student can get 27%.
         Only the students, who have done qualitatively three term papers without failures on seminars and final tests, can apply for access to state examinations.

























Section I

(for term paper 1)


1          Legal, administrative and territorial reforms of tsarism in Kazakhstan in the second half of the XIX century: purpose, results, value.

2          The study of Kazakhstan by Russian scientists: I.A. Levshin, V. Dahl, W. Radlov, etc.

3          Immigration policy of tsarism: purpose, main stages, results.

4          The resettlement of the Uighurs and Dungans in the Zhetysu.

5          Research expeditions in the late ХIХ and early XX cc.: goals, directions and results (F. Sherbin, P. Skryplev, P.P. Khvorostanskyi’s  expeditions)

6          Features of industrial centers formation on the Kazakh land and its colonial character.

7          Changes in the economy of the traditional Kazakh society (the end of the XIX- beginning of the XX centuries).

8          Foreign capital and the economy of Kazakhstan (the end of the XIX- inf of the XX centuries).

9          The social situation of workers at industrial enterprises: principles of discrimination and exploitation of Kazakh workers (the second half of the XIX- beginning of the XX cc.).

10     Ethnodemographic situation in Kazakhstan in the late of the XIX – at the beginning of the XX centuries.

11     Political exiles in Kazakhstan in the XIX – at the beginning of the XX century.

12     Railway construction in Kazakhstan in the late of the XIX – in the beginning of the XX centuries.

13     The formation of Kazakh intelligentsia: social composition, formation, activity.

14     Educational ideas of Jadidism in the Kazakh Steppe.

15     Kazakhs’ participation in Russia State Dumas I - II activities.

16     The contribution of the Kazakh political elite in the study of history and culture of Kazakh people (the beginning of the XX c.).

17     Kazakh steppe in the years of the World War I.

18     National and liberation movement in 1916 in Kazakhstan and Central Asia: causes, driving forces, progression and main stages.

19     Torgai center of the National and liberation movement in 1916. Movement leaders.

20     Zhetysu center of the National and liberation movement in 1916. Movement leaders.

21     Kazakh intellectuals at the beginning of the XX century and its impact on the education and political life of the region.

22     The first wave of the Kazakhs mass immigration to China (Kuldja Region, Kashgar), Afghanistan.

23      The magazine "Aikap" and the social and political life of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XX century.

24     The newspaper "Kazakh"is the platform of the party “Alash”.

25     The party "Alash": purpose, program, activities.

26     The party "Ush Juz': purpose, program, activity.

27     February bourgeois and democratic revolution in1917 in Russia and its impact on Kazakhstan.

28     The First all Kazakhstan congresses and content of their political documents.

29     Soviet power establishment in Kazakhstan.

30     M. Chokay about the establishment of Soviet power in Turkestan.

31     The movement "Alash" and the second All-Kazakh Congress.

32     The civil war in Kazakhstan and the position of Kazakh intelligentsia.

33     The policy of “War Communism” in Kazakhstan and its consequences.

34     Kokand Autonomy: purpose, objectives, destiny and value.

35     The formation of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic.

36     National and territorial delimitation and Kazakhstan (1924-1925 ss.).

37     Land and water reforms in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XX century.

38     New Economic Policy (NEP) in Kazakhstan and its character and difficulties.

39     Alikhan Bukeikhanov’s Public and Political activity.

40     Ahmet Baitursynov’s Public and Political activity.

41     Bakhytzhan Karataev’s Public and Political activity.

42     Mustafa Chokay’s Public and Political activity.

43     Khalel and Zhansha Dosmukhamedov’s Public and Political activity.

44     Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev’s Public and Political activity.

45     Ahmet Baitursynov’s contribution to the development of the Kazakh language.

46     V.V.Bartold’s contribution to the study of Kazakhstan.

47     Semenov Tyan Shansky’s contribution to the study of Kazakhstan.

48     S.Potanin in the Kazakh steppe.

49     Shakarim Kudaiberdiev’s philosophical and educational views.

50     Muhammad Salyk Babazhanov’s philosophical and educational views.


Section II

(for term paper 2)


1          Industrialization in Kazakhstan: character, rate, scope and results.

2          «Turksib» is the biggest construction of the industrialization in Kazakhstan.

3          Kazakh intelligentsia repression in 1929-1930 ss.

4          The collectivization in Kazakhstan:  methods of realization and consequences.

5          The Great Famine in Kazakhstan of  1931-1932 ss. and its consequences.

6          The Kazakh intelligentsia about famine in Kazakhstan ("Letter of five", T. Ryskulov’s letter to J. Stalin).

7          KarLag is a symbol of Stalin's terror.

8          ALGER is a symbol of Stalinist crimes.

9          Kazakhstani in the Great Patriotic War battle-front.

10     Kazakh women are heroes of the Soviet Union (A.Moldagulova, Mametova).

11     Industry of Kazakhstan, the help of rear areas to tront lines.

12     Provisions of Kazakhstan, the help to front lines.

13     Kazakhstan is the evacuation center during the Great Patriotic War.

14     Truth and fiction about M.Shokay activities during the World War II.

15     Science, culture and public education during the Great Patriotic War.

16     The deportation of people to Kazakhstan is an example of national honor denigration.

17     Results and lessons of the World War II.

18     The history of the Poles deportation from West to Kazakhstan.

19     The history of the Koreans deportation from Far East to Kazakhstan.

20     The history of the Volga Germans deportation to Kazakhstan.

21     The history of the Caucasian people deportation to Kazakhstan.

22     A new wave of political repression in Kazakhstan: “E.Bekmakhanov     affair”.

23     A new wave of political repressions in Kazakhstan: “M. Auezov case”.

24     A new wave of political repressions in Kazakhstan: “K. Satpaev case”.

25     A new wave of political repressions in Kazakhstan: “A. Zhubanov case”.

26     The development of virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan: the social and economic, demographic consequences.

27     “Khrushchev’s thaw”.: causes, objectives and results.

28     Kazakhstan's economic development in the 1960-1970 es.

29     Social and political development of Kazakhstan in the 1970 es - the first half of the 1980 es.

30     Science in Kazakhstan: achievements and contradictions (the 1970 es - the first half of the 1980 es).

31     Kazakh Literature and Art: achievements and contradictions (the 1970 es - the first half of the 1980 es).

32     Ecological problems of the Aral Sea.

33     Ecological problems of the Caspian Sea.

34     Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan's history.

35     Cosmodrome “Baikonur” in the history of Kazakhstan.

36     The Soviet Kazakhstan in the  reconstruction (perestroika) period.

37     December events, 1986 in Alma-Ata and other towns of the country. The growth of national consciousness in Kazakhstan.

38     D.A.Kunaev’s contribution to the development of Soviet Kazakhstan.

39     The formation of the new public organizations and parties in Kazakhstan in the late 80 es – early 90 es of the XX c.

40     History of the formation and development of the railway system in Kazakhstan.

41     History of the formation and development of road-transport routes in Kazakhstan.

42     History of the formation and development aircraft-transport system in Kazakhstan.

43     History of the formation and development of the energy base in Kazakhstan.

44     History of the formation and development of the telephone communication in Kazakhstan.

45     History of power industry system formation and development in Kazakhstan.

46     The adoption of the "Law on Language" and its value.

47     Almaty: history and modernity.

48     Declaration on State Sovereignty of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

49     Introduction into the presidency institute and election of the First President.

50     The collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).


Section III

(for term paper 3)


1          Constitutional Law "On the State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

2          State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan: history of creation and symbolic content.

3          State boundary demarcation and delimitation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4          Economic reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1992-1997 ss.

5          T. Aubakirov is the first cosmonaut of the independent Kazakhstan.

6          Implementation of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its value.

7          The adoption of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995 s.).

8          Astana is the capital of independent Kazakhstan.

9          The modernization of the political system of Kazakhstan.

10      The development of public health, sports and physical culture the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11     "Kazakhstan - 2030". Prosperity,security and improvement of welfare of all Kazakhstani".

12     Modern education system modernization: actual aims and objectives.

13     World Kurultai of the Kazakhs and its value.

14     The state program "Cultural Heritage", its aim and main directions of realization.

15     The development of non-governmental organizations, trade unions, civil society institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

16     The Youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: main directions.

17     The program "Nurly Kosh" and the return of compatriots.

18     Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (APK) is a public institution and the harmony of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan.

19     Strategy «Kazakhstan-2050» is a new policy of established state".

20      Multi-vector foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the formation and directions.

21     "Mangilik El" is the historical basis and essence of the national idea.

22     The new economic policy "Nurly Zhol is path to the Future" is Kazakhstan's response to global challenges.

23     The Republic of Kazakhstan and China: history and modernity.

24     The Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia: history and modernity.

25     The Republic of Kazakhstan and the United States: stages and prospects of cooperation.

26     The Republic of Kazakhstan and the UN: features and prospects of cooperation.

27     The Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union: Features and prospects of cooperation.

28     The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Organization of the Islamic Conference: features and prospects of cooperation.

29     The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: goals and prospects of cooperation.

30     The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union: goals and prospects for cooperation.

31     The Republic of Kazakhstan and the OSCE: goals and prospects of cooperation.

32     The Republic of Kazakhstan and NATO: features and prospects of cooperation.

33     Foreign investments in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

34     Kazakh diaspora: history and the present.

35     N. Nazarbayev and the policy of preserving inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

36     N.A. Nazarbayev’s role in the creation and development of the Eurasian idea.                                                                                                                 

37     Evaluation of the Kazakh Khanate as the beginning of the national statehood in N.A. Nazarbayev’s works.

38     Comprehensive study of ancient Turkic alphabet and Turkic monuments of culture in the independence period.

39     Translation and republication of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, Zhusup Balasaguni, Mahmud Kashgar, Khoja Ahmed Yassaui works, its value.

40     Historiography of the study of Kazakh people’s Oral Heritage (historical tradition), its features and value.

41     The importance of Muhammad Haydar Dulati, Kadyrgali Kassym-uly Zhalairi outstanding works in modern conditions.

42     New researches on the history of the Kazakh khans activity.

43     Western Researcher’s works about the Great Famine in Kazakhstan (S. Kameron, R. Коnkvest, М. Walcott).

44     Confessional policy of Kazakhstan in the context of security issues.

45     N.A. Nazarbayev’s Manifesto "Peace. XXI Century ", its main directions.

46     National Unity Doctrine of  Kazakhstan. "The concept of the kazakhstani identity and unity ": objectives and principles.

47     The national history "In the stream of history" by N.A. Nazarbayev.

48      "The concept of the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan state identity": the goals and objectives.

49     Actualization of the problems Kazakh people formation and the historical prerequisites of the Kazakh Khanate formation in N.A. Nazarbayev works.

50     550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate celebration: the historical significance.



























References for section I



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References for section III



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7     History of Kazakhstan. Synopsis of  lectures //Baidildina S.H., Kabdusheva L. - А., AUPET. 2014. - P. 78.


Sources and Investigations

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7     Валовой Д. Кремлевский тупик и Назарбаев. Очерки-размышления. – Москва, 1993.

8     История Казахстана: белые пятна. – Алматы, 1991.

9     Казахстан: особенности перехода к демократии. – Алматы, 2004.

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Normative literature:

1     Декларация о государственном суверенитете Казахской ССР. 25 октября 1990.

2     Конституционный   Закон  РК «О государственной независимости». 16 декабря 1991.

3     Конституция РК.   28 января 1993. - Алматы, 1993.

4     Конституция РК .  30 августа  1995. - Алматы, 1995.

5     Закон Каз.ССР об учреждении поста Президента Каз.ССР. 24 апреля 1990 г.

6     Казахстан: этапы государственности. Конституционные акты. Официальное издание. - Алматы,  1997.





1     Официальный сайт Президента Республики Казахстана -

2     OSCE Kazakhstan 2010 - Қазақстан: 2010 жылғы ЕҚЫҰ төрағасы - Казахстан: Председатель ОБСЕ в 2010 г. -

3     Правительство Республики Казахстан -

4     Парламент Республики Казахстан -

5     Ассамблея народа Казахстана: официальный сайт-

6     Государственный музей искусств Республики Казахстан им. А. Кастеева -

7     Музыкальное наследие Казахстана -

8     История и культура Казахстана -

9     Официальный сайт КИСИ (казахстанский институт стратегических исследований -






























Appendix 1


Non-profit joint stock company



Department  History and culture of Kazakhstan








Discipline Contemporary history of Kazakhstan


The theme: _____________________________________________________





Carried out by _____________________________ Group____________



Checked by: _________________________________________________

(name, degree)


_____________   ____________ «____» _________________201___s.

      (mark)                                (sign)














Аlmaty 2017





Recommendations for writing term papers…………………………………..........


Section I (for term paper №1)……………………………………………………..


Section II (for term paper №2)………………………………………....................


Section III (for term paper №3)………………………………………...................


Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………..         ……