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Методические указания по развитию умения перевода

общетехнических текстов для студентов русского и казахского отделения очной формы обучения специальности 050719 – Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникация


Алматы 2008

СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: Л.Ж.Кабдушева, Ж.К.Байгаскина. Английский язык. Методические указания по развитию умения перевода общетехнических текстов для студентов русского и казахского отделения очной формы обучения специальности 050719 – Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникация.- Алматы: АИЭС, 2008. – 32 с.

Методические указания предназначены для развития  умений чтения и перевода общетехнических текстов у студентов русского и казахского отделений специальности радиотехника и связь.

Методические указания содержат лексический материал и закрепительные лексические упражнения, что будет способствовать обогащению словарного запаса обучаемых и развитию навыков вести беседу по соответствующей тематике.     

Electronic Computers


A physicist named John V. Atanasoff (with associate Clifford Berry) is officially credited with creating the first true digital electronic computer during 19371942, while working at Iowa State University. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (called the ABC) was the first to use modern digital switching techniques and vacuum tubes as switches, and it introduced the concepts of binary arithmetic and logic circuits. This was made legally official on October 19, 1973, when following a lengthy court trial, U.S. Federal Judge Earl R. Larson voided the ENIAC patent of Eckert and Mauchly and named Atanasoff as the inventor of the first electronic digital computer. Military needs during World War II caused a great thrust forward in the evolution of computers. In 1943, Tommy Flowers completed a secret British code-breaking computer called Colossus, which was used to decode German secret messages. Unfortunately, that work went largely uncredited because Colossus was kept secret until many years after the war.

Besides code-breaking, systems were needed to calculate weapons trajectory and other military functions. In 1946, John P. Eckert, John W. Mauchly, and their associates at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania built the first large-scale electronic computer for the military. This machine became known as ENIAC, the Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator. It operated on 10-digit numbers and could multiply two such numbers at the rate of 300 products per second by finding the value of each product from a multiplication table stored in its memory. ENIAC was about 1,000 times faster than the previous generation of electromechanical relay computers.

ENIAC used approximately 18,000 vacuum tubes, occupied 1,800 square feet (167 square meters) of floor space, and consumed around 180,000 watts of electrical power. Punched cards served as the input and output; registers served as adders and also as quick-access read/write storage.



switching – коммутационныекоммутациялы, қарым-қатынастық

vacuum tubes – вакуумные лампы – вакуумдық шам

logic circuits – логические схемы – қисынды кесте (схема)

large-scale electronic computer – комплексная ЭВМ – кешенді ЭЕМ

multiply –  умножать көбейту

punched cards –  перфокартыперфокарталар

adders – сумматоры берілген шамалардың қосындысын анықтайтын математикалық аспап

 Exercise 1.  Decide if the sentences are true or false.

 1.  U.S. Federal Judge Earl R. Larson named Eckert as the inventor of the first electronic digital computer.

2.  In 1943, Tommy Flowers completed a secret British code-breaking computer called Colossus, which was used to decode German secret messages.

3. In 1946, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry and their associates at the Moore  School of    Electrical Engineering at the University of  Pennsylvania built the first large-scale electronic computer for the military.

 Exercise 2.  Find the synonyms and translate.

 Modern, technology, complete, engineering, numerical, operate, rate, digital, speed, approximately, almost, rapid, current, fulfil, build, quick, work, technique, create, operate, method.

  Exercise 3.  Find the antonyms of the words in the text.

 officially, illegal, modern, output, legal, old, decode, start, fast, subtract,  input, unofficially, add, benefit, multiply, slow, consume, encode, complete, divide.

 Exercise 4.  Read and translate the following word combinations.

 digital electronic computers, switching techniques, binary arithmetic and logic circuits, secret message, value of each product, previous generation, electrical power, quick access.

 Exercise 5.  Complete the sentences with the given words: messages, per second, electromechanical, circuits, to decode, multiply, digital.

 1. AB Computer introduced the concepts of binary arithmetic and logic …..

2. He named Atanasoff  as the inventor of the first electronic … computer.

3. Code-breaking computer was used … secret … .

4. ENIAC could … two 10-digit numbers at the rate of 300 products … .

5. ENIAC was faster than previous generation of … relay computers.

 Exercise 6. Match the first part of the sentence (1 – 5) with the second part (a – e).


1. While working at Iowa State            University

a)  became known as ENIAC.

2.   Military needs caused                      

b) a great thrust forward in the evolution of  computers.

3. In a 1943, Tommy Flowers               completed

c)  served as the input and output.

4. The first large-scale electronic         computer for the military

d) he is officially credited with creating the first true digital electronic computer during 1937  and 1942.


5.   Punched cards                                  

e) a secret British code-breaking computer  called Colossus.

 Exercise 7.   Give the answers to these questions.

 1. Who was officially named as the inventor of the first electronic digital computer?

2. Why a secret British code-breaking computer called Colossus was not of great value.

3. What was the aim of creating the first large-scale electronic computer for the military.

4. What were the advantages of ENIAC system?

 Exercise 8.  Speak about the electronic computers of the first generation.

 The IBM Personal Computer


At the end of 1980, IBM decided to truly compete in the rapidly growing low-cost personal computer market. The company established the Entry Systems Division, located in Boca Raton, Florida, to develop the new system. The division was located intentionally far away from IBM's main headquarters in New York, or any other IBM facilities, so that this new division would be able to operate independently as a separate unit. This small group consisted of 12 engineers and designers under the direction of Don Estridge and was charged with developing IBM's first real PC. (IBM considered the previous 5100 system, developed in 1975, to be an intelligent programmable terminal rather than a genuine computer, even though it truly was a computer.) Nearly all these engineers had come to the new division from the System/23 DataMaster project, which was a small office computer system introduced in 1980 and was the direct predecessor of the IBM PC.

Much of the PC's design was influenced by the DataMaster design. In the DataMaster's single-piece design, the display and keyboard were integrated into the unit. Because these features were limiting, they became external units on the PC, although the PC keyboard layout and electrical designs were copied from the DataMaster.

Several other parts of the IBM PC system also were copied from the DataMaster, including the expansion bus (or input/output slots), which included not only the same physical 62-pin connector, but also almost identical pin specifications. This copying of the bus design was possible because the PC used the same interrupt controller as the DataMaster and a similar direct memory access (DMA) controller. Also, expansion cards already designed for the DataMaster could easily be redesigned to function in the PC.

The DataMaster used an Intel 8085 CPU, which had a 64KB address limit and an 8-bit internal and external data bus. This arrangement prompted the PC design team to use the Intel 8088 CPU, which offered a much larger (1MB) memory address limit and an internal 16-bit data bus, but only an 8-bit external data bus. The 8-bit external data bus and similar instruction set enabled the 8088 to be easily interfaced into the earlier DataMaster designs.

IBM brought its system from idea to delivery of functioning systems in one year by using existing designs and purchasing as many components as possible from outside vendors. The Entry Systems Division was granted autonomy from IBM's other divisions and could tap resources outside the company, rather than go through the bureaucratic procedures that required exclusive use of IBM resources. IBM contracted out the PC's languages and operating system to a small company named Microsoft. That decision was the major factor in establishing Microsoft as the dominant force in PC software today.

On August 12, 1981, a new standard was established in the microcomputer industry with the debut of the IBM PC. Since then, hundreds of millions of PC-compatible systems have been sold, as the original PC has grown into an enormous family of computers and peripherals. More software has been written for this computer family than for any other system on the market.



predecessor – прообразтүп бейне, болашақ үлгі

pin – контакт – түйісу, қосылу, ұштастырылу   

had a 64 KB address limit – мог адресовать 64 Кбайт (памяти) – 64 Кбайтқа дейін жөнелтіледі, бағышталады

an 8-bit internal and external data bus – 8 разрядная внешняя и внутренняя шины – 8 разрядты сыртқы және ішкі шина


Exercise 1. Read and translate the following group of words.

 rapidly growing, computer market, main headquarters, as a separate unit, under the direction, genuine computer, the direct predecessor of the IBM PC, influenced by, single piece design, integrated into the unit, external units, the expansion bus, physical connector, identical pin specifications, interrupt controller, direct memory access controller, outside vendors, exclusive use of IBM resources, major factor.


Exercise 2.  Compose possible word combinations with verbs A and words B. Translate.


1.   to develop                                                   

a)  of 12 engineers

2.   to operate                                                     

b)  external units on the PC

3.   to function                                                  

c)  to compete

4.   to go through                                              

d)  to the new division

5.   to grow into                                                 

e)  the new system

6.   to integrate                                                  

f)  an enormous family of computers

7.   to become                                                   

g)  independently 

8.   to come                                                        

h)  into the unit

9.   to consist                                                     

i)  in the PC

10. to decide                                                      

j)  the procedures


Exercise 3.  Decide whether  these statements are true or false.


1. At the beginning of 1960 IBM decided to truly compete in the rapidly growing low-cost personal computer market. 2. IBM considered the previous 5100 system, developed in 1975, to be truly a computer. 3. In PC the display and keyboard were integrated into the unit. 4. Expansion cards designed  for the Data Master could not be redesigned to function in the PC. 5. IBM contracted out the PC`s languages and operating system to a small company named Microsoft.


Exercise 4.  Match the first part of the sentence with the second part.


1. The company established                                 

a) was established in the micro-computer industry with the debut of the IBM PC.


2. Nearly all the engineers had come to the new division from the system/23 Data Master project.

b) enabled the 8088 to be easily interfaced into the earlier Data Master designs.

3. The PC keyboard layout and electrical Designs

c) have been sold.

4. This copying of the bus design was possible

d) the Entry System Division to develop the new system.

5. The 8-bit external data bus and similar        Instruction set                                                                

e) because the PC used the same interrupt controller at the Data Master and a similar direct memory access controller.

6. An august 12, 1981, a new standard                 

f) which was a small office computer system and was the direct predecessor of the IBM PC.      

7. Since then, hundreds of millions of PC compatible system

g) were copied from the Data Master.



Exercise 5.  Discuss in pairs the information about the IBM personal computer.


Memory Basics


This chapter discusses memory from both a physical and logical point of view. First, we'll examine what memory is, where it fits into the PC architecture, and how it works. Then we'll look at the various types of memory, speeds, and packaging of the chips and memory modules you can buy and install.

This chapter also covers the logical layout of memory, defining the various areas and their uses from the system's point of view. Because the logical layout and uses are within the "mind" of the processor, memory mapping and logical layout remain perhaps the most difficult subjects to grasp in the PC universe. This chapter contains useful information that removes the mysteries associated with memory and enables you to get the most out of your system.

Memory is the workspace for the computer's processor. It is a temporary storage area where the programs and data being operated on by the processor must reside. Memory storage is considered temporary because the data and programs remain there only as long as the computer has electrical power or is not reset. Before being shut down or reset, any data that has been changed should be saved to a more permanent storage device (usually a hard disk) so it can be reloaded into memory in the future.

Memory often is called RAM, for random access memory. Main memory is called RAM because you can randomly (as opposed to sequentially) access any location in memory. This designation is somewhat misleading and often misinterpreted. Read-only memory (ROM), for example, is also randomly accessible, yet is usually differentiated from the system RAM because it maintains data without power and can't normally be written to. Although a hard disk can be used as virtual random access memory, we don't consider that RAM either.



packaging of the chips – набор схемкестелердің терімі (схемалардың)

logical lay cut of memory – структура памятиесте сақтау құрылымы

temporary storage area – временное хранилищеуақытша қойма

storage device – устройство хранения – сақтау құрылғысы

random access memory – оперативная память – қолма-қол есте сақтау (шапшаң жад)


Exercise 1.  Make up word combinations and translate them


1. to look                                                       

a) to a storage device                                                

2. to contain                                                  

b) useful information

3. to maintain                                                

c) at the types of memory

4. to save                                                       

d) into memory

5. to reload

e) data


Exercise 2.  Which of the listed below statements are true (T) or false (F).


1. Memory storage is considered to be temporary because the data and programs remain there only as long as the computer is reset. 2. After being reset any data should be saved to a more permanent storage device. 3. ROM is not randomly accessible. 4. ROM maintains data without power and can`t normally be written to.


Exercise 3.  Match the first part of the sentence (1 – 5) with the second part (a – e).

1.  Memory is the workspace                          

a) can be reloaded into memory in the future.

2.  Memory storage is considered     temporary                                                                           

b)  randomly accessible.

3.  Any data saved to a hard disk                    

c)  for the computer`s processor

4.  Memory often is called RAM                    

d) because the data and programs remain there only as long as the computer has electrical power.

5.  ROM is also                                               

e)  for random access memory.


Exercise 4.  Compose questions to the text and work in pairs.


Exercise 5.  Sum up what the text says about memory storage.


DIMMs, and RIMMs


Originally, systems had memory installed via individual chips. They are often referred to as dual inline package (DIP) chips because of their designs. The original IBM XT and AT had 36 sockets on the motherboard for these individual chips; then more of them were installed on the memory cards plugged into the bus slots. I remember spending hours populating boards with these chips, which was a tedious job.

DIMMs are also available in three main types. DIMMs usually hold standard SDRAM or DDR SDRAM chips and are distinguished by different physical characteristics. Standard DIMMs have 168 pins, one notch on either side, and two notches along the contact area. DDR DIMMs, on the other hand, have 184 pins, two notches on each side, and only one offset notch along the contact area. DDR2 DIMMs have 240 pins, two notches on each side, and one in the center of the contact area. All DIMMs are either 64-bits (non-ECC/parity) or 72-bits (parity or error correcting code [ECC]) wide (data paths). The main physical difference between SIMMs and DIMMs is that DIMMs have different signal pins on each side of the module. That is why they are called dual inline memory modules, and why with only 1" of additional length, they have many more pins than a SIMM

RIMMs also have different signal pins on each side. Three different physical types of RIMMs are available: a 16/18-bit version with 184 pins, a 32/36-bit version with 232 pins, and a 64/72-bit version with 326 pins. Each of these plugs into the same sized connector, but the notches in the connectors and RIMMs are different to prevent a mismatch. A given board will accept only one type. By far the most common type is the 16/18-bit version. The 32-bit version was introduced in late 2002, and the 64-bit version was introduced in 2004.




dual inline packageдвухрядное расположение выводовшешімнің екі қатарлы орналасуы

sockets – разъемы – электр тізбегін біріктіретін және ажырататын электрлі-механикалық құрылғы

the bus slots – разъемы шины – алмалы-салмалы шина

chips – чипы, микросхемы – микросхемалар

pins – выводы, контакты – шешім, байланыс (түйісу)

notches – пазы – саңылаулар

offset notch along the contact area – один паз в области контакта – байланыс төңірегіндегі бір байланыс

72 bits parity or error correcting code [ECC] wide– 72 бит с контролем четности или поддержкой кода коррекции ошибок [ЕСС] – жұптылығын бақылау немесе қателерді түзетуді қолдайтын кодпен

different signal pins on each side of the module – на каждой стороне платы (модуля), расположенные выводы сигнала – модульдің әр жағында сигнал шығарудың орналасуы

dual inline memory modules – модули памяти с двухрядным расположением выводов – екі қатарлы шешім шығару орналастырылған жад модульдері


Exercise 1.  Translate the sentences and complete them with the words: accept,   signal, version, contact, side, pins, available.  


1.  Standard DIMMs have 168 pins, one notch on either …, and two notches along the contact area. 2. DDR DIMMs have 184 pins, two notches on each side and only one offset notch along the … area. 3. DDR2DIMMs have 240 …, two notches on each side, and one is the centre of the contact area. 4. The main physical difference between RIMMs and DIMMs is that DIMMs is that DIMMs have different … pins on each side of the module. 5. Three different physical types of RIMMs are … . 6. A given board will … only one type. 7. The 32-bit … was introduced in late 2002, and the 64-bit version was introduced in 2004.


Exercise 2.  Make verbs out of the following words and translate them.


Installation, reference, holding, difference, correcting, connector, acceptance, introducing.


Exercise 3.  Translate noun + noun constructions


memory cards, bus slots, contact area, data paths, memory modules, signal pins.  


Exercise 4.  Write out of the text words, word combinations for describing of three types of DIMMs and RIMMs. Discuss them with your group mate.



Intel Chipsets


You can't talk about chipsets today without discussing Intel because it currently owns the vast majority of the chipset market. It is interesting to note that we probably have Compaq to thank for forcing Intel into the chipset business in the first place!

The thing that really started it all was the introduction of the EISA bus designed by Compaq in 1989. At that time, it had shared the bus with other manufacturers in an attempt to make it a market standard. However, Compaq refused to share its EISA bus chipseta set of custom chips necessary to implement this bus on a motherboard.

Enter Intel, who decided to fill the chipset void for the rest of the PC manufacturers wanting to build EISA bus motherboards. As is well known today, the EISA bus failed to become a market success except for a short-term niche server business, but Intel now had a taste of the chipset business and this it apparently wouldn't forget. With the introduction of the 286 and 386 processors, Intel became impatient with how long it took the other chipset companies to create chipsets around its new processor designs; this delayed the introduction of motherboards that supported the new processors. For example, it took more than two years after the 286 processor was introduced for the first 286 motherboards to appear and just over a year for the first 386 motherboards to appear after the 386 had been introduced. Intel couldn't sell its processors in volume until other manufacturers made motherboards that would support them, so it thought that by developing motherboard chipsets for a new processor in parallel with the new processor, it could jumpstart the motherboard business by providing ready-made chipsets for the motherboard manufacturers to use.

Intel tested this by introducing the 420 series chipsets along with its 486 processor in April 1989. This enabled the motherboard companies to get busy right away, and in only a few months the first 486 motherboards appeared. Of course, the other chipset manufacturers weren't happy; now they had Intel as a competitor, and Intel would always have chipsets for new processors on the market first!

Intel then realized that it made both processors and chipsets, which were 90% of the components on a typical motherboard. What better way to ensure that motherboards were available for its Pentium processor when it was introduced than by making its own motherboards as well and having these boards ready on the new processor's introduction date. When the first Pentium processor debuted in 1993, Intel also debuted the 430LX chipset as well as a fully finished motherboard. Now, besides the chipset companies being upset, the motherboard companies weren't too happy, either. Intel was not only the major supplier of parts needed to build finished boards (processors and chipsets), but was now building and selling the finished boards as well. By 1994, Intel dominated the processor and chipset markets and had cornered the motherboard market as well.

Now as Intel develops new processors, it develops chipsets and motherboards simultaneously, which means they can be announced and shipped in unison. This eliminates the delay between introducing new processors and waiting for motherboards and systems capable of using them, which was common in the industry's early days. For the consumer, this means no waiting for new systems. Since the original Pentium processor in 1993, we have been able to purchase ready-made systems on the same day a new processor is released.



chipsetsчипсеты, наборы микросхем системной логике микросхемаларды жүйелік қисында теру

bus – шина – шина   

motherboard – материнская плата, системная плата – жүйелік плата

boards – платаплата


Exercise 1.  Give answers to the following questions and work in pairs.


1. What was designed by Compaq in 1989 (EISA bus). 2. Why it was decided by Intel to develop motherboard chipsets for a new processor in parallel with the new processor? 3. In what way Intel became the first competitor for other chipset manufactures, start to build and sell. 4. When did Intel debuted the chipsets and processors?


Exercise 2.  Decide whether these statements are true or false.


1.  Compaq agreed to share its EISA bus chipsets. 2. The EISA bus failed to become a market success except for a short-term niche served business. 3. Intel would always have chipsets for new processors on the market first. 4. Intel was only the major supplier of processors and chipsets.


Exercise 3.  Translate the word combination and use them in your annotation about Intel chipsets.

chipset market, bus motherboards, processor designs, introduction data, to develop simultaneously, ready made systems.


IDE Origins


Any drive with an integrated controller could be called an IDE drive, although normally when we say IDE, we really mean the specific version of IDE called ATA. No matter what you call it, combining the drive and controller greatly simplifies installation because there are no separate power or signal cables that run from the controller to the drive. Also, when the controller and drive are assembled as a unit, the number of total components is reduced, signal paths are shorter, and the electrical connections are more noise-resistant. This results in a more reliable and less expensive design than is possible when a separate controller, connected to the drive by cables, is used.

Placing the controller, including the digital-to-analog encoder/decoder (endec), on the drive offers an inherent reliability advantage over interfaces with separate controllers such as ST506 and ESDI. Reliability is increased because the data encoding, from digital to analog, is performed directly on the drive in a tight noise-free environment. The timing-sensitive analog information does not have to travel along crude ribbon cables that are likely to pick up noise and insert propagation delays into the signals. The integrated configuration enables increases in the clock rate of the encoder and the storage density of the drive.

Integrating the controller and drive also frees the controller and drive engineers from having to adhere to the strict guidelines imposed by the earlier interface standards. Engineers can design what essentially are custom drive and controller implementations because no other controller will ever have to be connected to the drive. The resulting drive and controller combinations can offer higher performance than earlier standalone controller and drive setups. IDE drives sometimes are called drives with embedded controllers.

The earliest IDE drives were called hardcards and were nothing more than hard disks and controllers bolted directly together and plugged into a slot as a single unit. Companies such as the Plus Development Division of Quantum took small 3 1/2" drives (either ST-506/412 or ESDI) and attached them directly to a standard controller. The drive/controller assembly then was plugged into an ISA bus slot as though it were a normal disk controller card. Unfortunately, the mounting of a heavy, vibrating hard disk in an expansion slot with nothing but a single screw to hold it in place left a lot to be desirednot to mention the physical interference with adjacent cards because many of these units were much thicker than a controller card alone.

Several companies got the idea to redesign the controller to replace the logic board assembly on a standard hard disk and then mount it in a standard drive bay just like any other drive. Because the built-in controller in these drives still needed to plug directly into the expansion bus just like any other controller, a cable was run between the drive and one of the slots. This is the origin of IDE.



an integrated controllers – встроенный контролерқоса орнатылған реттегіш құрал

assembled as a unit – объединены  в один бір жүйеге келтірілген

encoder/decoder (endec) – шифратор/дешифратор – шифрлайтын құрылғы, құпия таңбаларды жай жазуға айналдыратын құрылғы

an inherent reliability – надежность воспроизведения – ұдайы еске түсірудің (өндірудің) беріктілігі

propagation delays – распространение задержек – кідірудің, тоқтап қалудың өрістеуі

clock rate of the encodes – тактовая частота дешифратора – құрылғының біртекті соғу жиілігі

the storage density of the drive – плотность размещения данных на носителе  – тасымалдаушыдағы цифрлы мәліметтің орналасуының тығыздығы, жиілігі

hard cards – жесткие платы – бұлжымайтын, қатты плата

the logic board – плата управления, логическая плата – басқару платасы, қисынды плата


Exercise 1Translate the following word combinations from the text.

to simplify installation, noise-resistant-separate controllers, noise-free environment, to be plugged into a bus slot single screw, to redesign the controller.

Exercise 2. These are the answers to questions about the text. Write the questions:

1.  Because there are no separate power or signal cables that run from the controller to the drive. 2.  By data encoding from digital to analog, is performed directly on the drive in a tight noise-free environment. 3. The earliest IDE drives were called hard cards. 4. The heavy, vibrating hard disk mounted in an expansion slot with a single screw, and the units much thicker than a controller card. 5. The idea to redesign the controller.


Exercise 3.  Choose the correct word to complete the sentences and translate them.


1. The drive controller (assembly, assembled) then was plugged into an ISA bus slot. When the controller and drive are (assembly, assembled) as a unit, the electrical connections are more noise-resistant. Several companies got the idea to redesign the controller to replace the logic board (assembly, assembled) on a standard hard disk. 2. Controllers bolted directly together and (to plug, plugged into) a slot as a single unit. The built in controller in these drives still needed (to plug, plugged into) directly into the expansion bus. 3. The (integrated, integrating) configuration enables increases in the clock rate of encodes and the storage density of the drive. (Integrated, Integrating) the controller and drive also frees the controller and drive engineers from having to adhere to the strict quid lines. 4. (Place, placing) the controller, including the digital-to-analog endec, on the drive offers an inherent reliability advantage over interfaces. Unfortunately the mounting of a heavy, vibrating hard disk in an expansion slot with nothing but a single screw to hold it in (place, placing).


Exercise 4.  Sum up what the text says about IDE drives (Integrated Drive Electronics).       


Origins of ATA


Control Data Corporation (CDC; its disk drive division was later called Imprimis), Western Digital, and Compaq actually created what could be called the first ATA IDE interface drive and were the first to establish the 40-pin ATA connector pinout. The first ATA IDE drive was a 5 1/4" half-height CDC Wren II 40MB drive with an integrated WD controller and was initially used in the first Compaq 386 systems in 1986. I remember seeing this drive for the first time in 1986 at the fall Comdex show, and besides the (at the time) unique 40-pin ribbon cable, I remember being surprised by the green activity LED on the front bezel (most drives up until then used red LEDs).

Compaq was the first to incorporate a special bus adapter in its system to adapt the 98-pin AT-bus (also known as ISA) edge connector on the motherboard to a smaller 40-pin, header-style connector into which the drive would plug. The 40-pin connectors were all that was necessary because it was known that a disk controller never would need more than 40 of the ISA bus lines. Smaller 2 1/2" ATA drives found in notebook computers use a superset 44-pin or 50-pin connection, which includes additional pins for power and configuration. The pins from the original ISA bus used in ATA are the only signal pins required by a standard-type AT hard disk controller. For example, because a primary AT-style disk controller uses only interrupt request (IRQ) line 14, the primary motherboard ATA connector supplies only that IRQ line; no other IRQ lines are necessary. Even if your ATA interface is integrated within the motherboard chipset South Bridge or I/O Controller Hub chip (as it would be in newer systems) and runs at higher bus speeds, the pinout and functions of the pins are still the same as the original design taken right off the ISA bus.

Eventually, the 40-pin ATA connector and drive interface design was placed before one of the ANSI standards committees that, in conjunction with drive manufacturers, ironed out some deficiencies, tied up some loose ends, and then published what was known as the CAM ATA (Common Access Method AT Attachment) interface. The CAM ATA Committee was formed in October 1988, and the first working document of the AT Attachment interface was introduced in March 1989. Before the CAM ATA standard, many companies, such as Conner Peripherals (which later merged with Seagate Technology), made proprietary changes to the original interface as designed by CDC. As a result, many older ATA drives from the late 1980s are very difficult to integrate into a dual-drive setup because minor differences in the interfaces can cause compatibility problems among the drives.



ATA IDE interface drive – накопитель АТА  IDE – жинақтаушы ATA IDE

40-pin ATA connector pinout – 40-контактный АТА разъем –– 40-байланысты АТА  

bus adapter – шинный адаптер – шинды бейімдегіш

drive –  накопитель – жинақтаушы

the motherboard chipset – чипсет материнской платы, набор микросхем системной логики – микросхемаларды жүйелік қисында теру

pinout – разъем, схема расположения выводов – шешімнің схемалардағы орналасуы

dual-drive – двухдисковая конфигурация – екі дисклі пішін


Exercise 1.  Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text.


1. The first ATA IDE drive with an integrated WD controller is used nowadays. 2 The 40-pin connectors were all that was necessary because it was known that a disk controller never would need more than 40 of the ISA bus lines. 3. Even if ATA interface is integrated within the motherboard chipset South Bridge and runs at higher bus speeds, the pinout and functions of the pins are different from original design taken right off the ISA bus. 4. Many companies, such as Conner Peripherals didn`t make changes to the original interface as designed by CDC.


Exercise 2.  Match the first part of the sentence with the second part and translate them


1. The first ATA IDE drive systems in 1986.

a) the only signal pins required by  a standard- type AT hard disk controller.

2. Smaller 2 1/2" ATA drives found in                                                          

b)  to integrate into a dual-drive setup.

3. The pins from the original        ISA bus used in ATA are                                                   

c) notebook computers use a superset      44-pin or50-pin connection.

4.  Many older ATA drives from    the late 1980s are very difficult               

d)  was used in the first Compaq 386



        Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the given words:  connectors,  interface, designed, adapter.


1.  CDC, WD and Compaq created the first ATA IDE … drive. 2. Compaq was the first to incorporate a special bus … in its system. 3. the 40-pin … were all that was necessary. 4. Some companies made proprietary changes to the original interface as … by CDC.


Exercise 4. Compose possible word combination with verbs A and B. Translate


1. to create                                             

a)  changes

2. to use                                                 

b)  at higher speeds

3. to adapt                                              

c)  additional pins

4. to find                                                

d)  problems

5. to include                                            

e)  the interface drive

6. to run                                                  

f)  with company

7. to merge                                             

g)  in computers

8. to make                                               

h)  on the motherboard

9. to cause                                              

i)  in the systems


Exercise 5.  Give the annotation to the text “Origins of ATA”.


Defining a Network


A network is a group of two or more computers that intelligently share hardware or software devices with each other. A network can be as small and simple as two computers that share the printer and CD-ROM drive attached to one of them or as large as the world's largest network: the Internet.

Intelligently sharing means that each computer that shares resources with another computer or computers maintains control of that resource. Thus, a switchbox for sharing a single printer between two computers doesn't qualify as a network device; because the switchboxnot the computershandles the print jobs, neither computer knows when the other one needs to print, and print jobs can interfere with each other.

A shared printer, on the other hand, can be controlled remotely and can store print jobs from different computers on the print server's hard disk. Users can change the sequence of print jobs, hold them, or cancel them. And, sharing of the device can be controlled through passwords, further differentiating it from a switchbox.

Virtually any storage or output device can be shared over a network, but the most common devices include

·   Printers

·   Disk drives

·   Optical drives

·   Modems

·   Fax machines

·   Tape backup units

·   Scanners

Entire drives or just selected folders can be shared with other users via the network.

In addition to reducing hardware costs by sharing expensive printers and other peripherals among multiple users, networks provide additional benefits to users:

·   Multiple users can share access to software and data files.

·   Electronic mail (email) can be sent and received.

·   Multiple users can contribute to a single document using collaboration features.

·   Remote-control programs can be used to troubleshoot problems or show new users how to perform a task.

·   A single Internet connection can be shared among multiple computers.



network – сеть, сеткажелі, жүйе, тармақ, тор

intelligently share hardware or software devices with each other – разумный обмен программного обеспечения или компьютерного оборудования друг с другом – бағдарламалық қамсыздандыру мен компьютерлік жабдықтардың бір-бірімен орынды түрде алмасуы


Exercise 1.  Read and translate the following group of words:


attached to one of them, the world`s largest network, share resources with, a single printer, handles the print jobs, can store, cancel them, differentiating from, output device, common devices, selected folders, via the network, reducing, hardware costs, provide benefits to, can contribute to, to perform a task.  


Exercise 2. Put the words into correct column: intelligently, quality, interfere, remotely, sequence, hold, virtually, common, optical, entire, user, provide, additional, access, file, electronic, single, connection.































Exercise 3.  Match the first part of the sentence with the second part


1.  A network is a group

c) remotely and can store print jobs from different computers on the print server's hard disk.

2.  A network can be the Internet.

d)  with other users via the network.

3.  A shared printer can be controlled from different

b) as large as the world's largest network: the Internet.

4.  Entire drives or just selected folders can be shared

a)  of two or more computers.



       Exercise 4. Answer the questions.


1. What is a network?

2. What does intelligently sharing in network mean?

3. Does the switchbox qualify as a network?

4. What do any storage or output device include?

5. What benefits do networks provide to users?

Exercise 5. Give the annotation to the text “Defining a Network”.


 Comparing Broadband and Dialup Modem Internet Access


Even though many new PCs purchased at retail include some type of dialup modem you can use for Internet and email access, you are likely to find that Internet and email access with a dialup modem aren't sufficient for your needs if you use these services for more than a few minutes each day. If you haven't already, here are some reasons you should consider switching to a broadband service:

·   Speed. The fastest dialup modems can download data at a maximum rate of 56Kbps (limited in the United States to just 53Kbps by the FCC), whereas broadband services start at 128Kbps for ISDN. Newer forms of broadband, such as DSL and cable modems, start at 384Kbps and typically exceed 500Kbps. Many of the latest services offer 4Mbps8Mbps download speeds. Similarly, broadband services can upload data at several times the speed of a dialup modem.

·   Convenience. Cable modems and some types of DSL and satellite broadband Internet service are always on, providing you with an immediate connection as soon as you open your web browser or email client. Dialup modems require you to dial up the server and wait up to a minute before you can check your email or surf the Web. Similarly, always-on   broadband services can provide you with immediate notification of incoming email,  whereas  dialup systems can check for incoming email only if you stay online and tie up your phone line.

·   Telephone line usage. In the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, keeping telephone communications lines open for emergencies has been a major consideration for many people. Most dialup modems do not support call waiting, making it difficult for callers to reach you with important messages while you're online unless you use call-forwarding or call-notification software. Although some dialup ISPs provide software that can alert you to incoming calls, in most cases you must find and install such software yourself. By contrast, most broadband services keep your telephone line free so you can check email or surf the Web and use the telephone at the same time.



dialup modem –  аналоговый модемұқсас модем, (дәл сондай)

broadband service – широкополосный доступ – кең көлемді қол жеткізу

email client –  почтовая программа – пошталық бағдарлама

online –  в сети, в Интернете – жүйеде, желіде, Интернетте


Exercise 1.   Read and translate the following word combinations.


email access, download data, maximum rate, cable modems, upload data, immediate connection, surf the web, incoming email, tie up the phone line, open for emergencies, support call waiting, call-forwarding software.


Exercise 2.  Make up questions to the following sentences.


1.  PCs  include some type of dialup modem you can use for Internet and email access.

2.  Newer forms of broadband and cable modems, start at 384Kbps and typically exceed 500Kbps.

3.  Dialup modems require you to dial up the server and wait up to a minute before you can check your email or surf the Web.

4. Always-on   broadband services can provide you with immediate notification of incoming email.

5.  Most broadband services keep your telephone line free.


Exercise 3. Match the first part of the sentence with the second part


1. Internet and email access with a dialup modem

a) can download data at a maximum rate of 56Kbps.

2. Here are some reasons                                 

b)  making it difficult for callers to reach you with important messages.

3. The fastest dialup modems                          

c)  aren't sufficient for your needs.

4.  Satellite broadband Internet service           

d)  you should consider switching to a broadband service.

5. Most dialup modems do not support                          call waiting,                                                           

e)  is always on, providing you with an immediate connection as soon as you open your web browser or email client.  


       Exercise 4.  Work in pairs and speak on the advantages of broadband Internet access.                                                         


Laptop Computer Keyboards


One of the biggest influences on keyboard design in recent years has been the proliferation of laptop systems. Because of size limitations, it is obviously impossible to use the standard keyboard layout for a portable computer. Manufacturers have come up with many solutions. Unfortunately, none of these solutions has become an industry standard, as the 101-key layout is. Because of the variations in design, and because a portable system keyboard is not as easily replaceable as that of a desktop system, the keyboard arrangement should be an important part of your purchasing decision.

Early laptop systems often used smaller-than-normal keys to minimize the size of the keyboard, which resulted in many complaints from users. Today, the keytops on portable systems are usually comparable in size to that of a desktop keyboard, although some systems include half-sized keytops for the function keys and other less frequently used keyboard elements. In addition, consumer demand has caused most manufacturers to retain the inverted-T design for the cursor keys after a few abortive attempts at changing their arrangement.

Of course, the most obvious difference in a portable system keyboard is the sacrifice of the numeric keypad. Most systems now embed the keypad into the standard alphabetical part of the keyboard, as shown in Figure 16.2. To switch the keys from their standard values to their keypad values, you typically must press a key combination involving a proprietary function key, often labeled Fn.

This is an extremely inconvenient solution, and many users abandon their use of the keypad entirely on portable systems. Unfortunately, some activitiessuch as the entry of ASCII codes using the Alt keyrequire the use of the keypad numbers, which can be quite frustrating on systems using this arrangement.

To alleviate this problem, many portable system manufacturers sell external numeric keypads that plug into the external keyboard port, a serial port, or a USB port. This is a great feature for somebody performing a lot of numeric data entry.

In addition to keypad control, the Fn key often is used to trigger other proprietary features in portable systems, such as toggling between an internal and external display and controlling screen brightness and sound volume.




laptop system – портативные компьютеры – ықшам, алып жүруге ыңғайлы      компьютер

layout – раскладка – жайып салу, таратып салу

keytops – клавиши – клавиштар, пернелер

inverted-T design –  в виде перевернутой буквы – төңкерілген әріп түрінде

abortive attempts – неудачные попытки – сәтсіз әрекет

numeric keypad – вспомогательная цифровая клавиатура – қосымша сандық клавиатура

to trigger – переключение – қайта қосу

internal and external display – встроенный и внешний дисплей – ішіне қоса салынған және құрылғыдан тыс орналастырылған дисплей


Exercise 1.  Read and translate the following group of words:


biggest influences, the proliferation of laptop systems, come up with many solutions, variations in design, to minimize the size of the keyboard, resulted in complaints, less frequently used elements, a proprietary function key, an extremely inconvenient solution, controlling sound volume.


Exercise 2.  Make nouns from the following verbs. 


to vary, to replace, to arrange, to minimize, to add, to change, to enter, to require, to trigger, to control, to solve, to limit.


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the following words. Translate the sentences.


keytops,  laptop,  inverted-T,  elements,  portable.


1. One of the biggest influences on keyboard design in recent years has been the proliferation of … systems.  2.  Because of size limitations, it is impossible to use the standard keyboard layout for a … computer. 3. Today portable systems include half-sized … for the function keys and other less frequently used keyboard… . 4. Consumer demand has caused most manufacturers to retain the … design for the cursor keys.


Exercise 4. Make up the sentences with the following words and translate them.


1. none of these, solutions, has become, an industry, standard. 2. early, laptop, systems, often, used, smaller-than-one keys. 3. many, users, abandon, their use, of the keypad, entirely, on portable, systems. 4. using, the Alt key, require, the use, of the keypad, numbers.


Exercise 5. Work in pairs asking a few questions about the differences between early and todays laptop computer keyboards. 


Communications Satellites

1. Introduction

A communications satellite is any earth-orbiting spacecraft that provides communication over long distances by reflecting or relaying radio-frequency signals.


2. History and Development

Some of the first communications satellites were designed to operate in a passive mode. Instead of actively transmitting radio signals, they served merely to reflect signals that were beamed up to them by transmitting stations on the ground. Signals were reflected in all directions, so they could be picked up by receiving stations around the world. Echo 1, launched by the United States in 1960, consisted of an aluminized plastic balloon 30 m (100 ft) in diameter. Launched in 1964, Echo 2, was 41 m (135 ft) in diameter. The capacity of such systems was severely limited by the need for powerful transmitters and large ground antennas.

Satellite communications currently make exclusive use of active systems, in which each satellite carries it own equipment for reception and transmission. Score, launched by the United States in 1958, was the first active communications satellite. It was equipped with a tape recorder that stored messages received while passing over a transmitting ground station. These messages were retransmitted when the satellite passed over a receiving station. Telstar 1, launched by American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1962, provided direct television transmission between the United States, Europe, and Japan and could also relay several hundred voice channels. Launched into an elliptical orbit inclined 45 ° to the equatorial plane, Telstar could only relay signals between two ground stations for a short period during each revolution, when both stations were in its line of sight.

Hundreds of active communications satellites are now in orbit. They receive signals from one ground station, amplify them, and then retransmit them at a different frequency to another station. One frequency band used, 500 MHZ wide, is divided into repeater channels of various bandwidths (located at 6 GHZ for upward, or uplink, transmission and 4 GHZ for downward, or downlink, transmission). A band at 14 GHZ (uplink) and 11 or 12 GHZ (downlink) is also much in use, mostly with fixed (non-mobile) ground stations. An 80-MH Z-wide band at about 1.5 GHZ (up-and downlink) is used with small, mobile ground stations (ships, land vehicles, and aircraft). Solar energy cells mounted on large panels attached to the satellite provide power for reception and transmission.


3. Geosynchronous Orbit

A satellite in a geosynchronous orbit follows a circular orbit over the equator at an altitude of 35,800 km (22,300 mi) completing one orbit every 24 hours, in the time that it takes the earth to rotate once. Moving in the same direction as the earth's rotation, the satellite remains in a fixed position over a point on the equator, thereby providing uninterrupted contact between ground stations in its line of sight. The first communications satellite to be placed in this type of orbit was Syncom 2, launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1963. Most of those that followed were also placed in geosynchronous orbit.


4. Commercial Communications Satellites

Deployment and operation of communications satellites on a commercial basis began with the founding of the Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT) in 1963. When the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) was formed in 1964, COMSAT became the U.S. member. Based in Washington, D.C., INTELSAT is owned by more than 120 nations. Intelsat 1, known as Early Bird, launched in 1965, provided either 2400 voice circuits or one two-way television channel between the United States and Europe. During the 1960s and 1970s, message capacity and transmission power of the Intelsat 2, 3, and 4 generations were progressively increased by beaming the satellite power only to the earth and segmenting the broadcast spectrum into transponder units of a certain bandwidth. The first of the Intelsat 4s, launched in 1971, provided 4000 voice circuits. With the Intelsat 5 series (1980), introduction of multiple beam operation resulted in additional increases in capacity. A satellite's power could now be concentrated on small regions of the earth, making possible smaller-aperture, lower-cost ground stations. An Intelsat 5 satellite can typically carry 12,000 voice circuits. The Intelsat 6 satellites, which entered service in 1989, can carry 24,000 circuits and feature dynamic on-board switching of telephone capacity among six beams, using a technique called SS-TDMA (satellite-switched time division multiple access). By the early 1990s, Intelsat had 15 satellites in orbit, providing the world's most extensive telecommunications system. Other systems also provide international service in competition with Intelsat. By 1997, all regulatory restraints to such competition will have been lifted. The growth of international systems has been paralleled by domestic and regional systems, such as the U.S. Telstar, Galaxy, and Spacenet programs and Europe's Eutalsat and Telecom.


5. Services

Commercial satellites provide a wide range of communications services. Television programs are relayed internationally, giving rise to the phenomenon known as the "global village." Satellites also relay programs to cable television systems as well as to homes equipped with dish antennas. In addition, very small aperture terminals (VSATs) relay digital data for a multitude of business services. Intelsat satellites now carry over 100,000 telephone circuits, with growing use of digital transmission. Digital source coding methods (see Telecommunications) have resulted in a ten-fold reduction in the transmission rate needed to carry a voice channel, thus enhancing the capacity of existing facilities and reducing the size of ground stations that provide telephone service.

The International Mobile Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), founded in 1979 as the International Maritime Satellite Organization, is a mobile telecommunications network, providing digital data links, telephone, and facsimile transmission, or fax, service between ships, offshore facilities, and shore-based stations throughout the world. It is also now extending satellite links for voice and fax transmission to aircraft on international routes.


6. Recent Technical Advances

Communications satellite systems have entered a period of transition from point-to-point high-capacity trunk communications between large, costly ground terminals to multipoint-to-multipoint communications between small, low-cost stations. The development of multiple access methods has both hastened and facilitated this transition. With TDMA, each ground station is assigned a time slot on the same channel for use in transmitting its communications; all other stations monitor these slots and select the communications directed to them. By amplifying a single carrier frequency in each satellite repeater, TDMA ensures the most efficient use of the satellite's onboard power supply.

A technique called frequency reuse allows satellites to communicate with a number of ground stations using the same frequency by transmitting in narrow beams pointed toward each of the stations. Beam widths can be adjusted to cover areas as large as the entire United States or as small as a state like Maryland. Two stations far enough apart can receive different messages transmitted on the same frequency. Satellite antennas have been designed to transmit several beams in different directions, using the same reflector.

A new method for interconnecting many ground stations spread over great distances is scheduled to be tested in 1993, with the launch of NASA's ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite). Known as the hopping spot beam technique, it combines the advantages of frequency reuse, spot beams, and TDMA. By concentrating the energy of the satellite's transmitted signal, ACTS can use ground stations that have smaller antennas and reduced power requirements.

The concept of multiple spot beam communications was successfully demonstrated in 1991 with the launch of Italsat, developed by the Italian Research Council. With six spot beams operating at 30 GHZ (uplink) and 20 GHZ (downlink), the satellite interconnects TDMA transmissions between ground stations in all the major economic centers of Italy. It does this by demodulating uplink signals routing them between up- and downlink beams, and combining and remodulating them for downlink transmission.

The application of laser technology to satellite communications has been studied for over a decade. Laser beams can be used to transmit signals between a satellite and earth, but the rate of transmission is limited because of absorption and scattering by the atmosphere. Lasers operating in the blue-green wavelength, which penetrates water, have been used for communication between satellites and submarines.



high-capacityвысокопроизводительныйжоғары өнімді

multiple access – многократный доступ – қайта-қайта кіру, дүркін-дүркін кіру

hastened and facilitated – ускорило и облегчило – тездетті және жеңілдетті

satellite repeater – спутниковый ретранслятор – серіктестік ретранслятор

reflector – отражатель – шағылдырғыш

absorption and scattering – поглощение и рассеивание – жұтылу (сіңіру) және шашырау (себу)


Exercise 1.  Compose possible word combinations with verbs (A) and column (B). Translate


1.   to select                                                      

a.  messages

2.   to amplify                                                   

b.  signals

3.   to communicate                                          

c.  narrow beams

4.   to transmit                                                  

d.  water

5.   to cover                                                       

e.  power

6.   to send                                                        

f.  the communications

7.   to demodulate                                            

g.  laser technologies

8.   to reduce                                                     

h.  with stations

9.   to launch                                                     

i. a single carrier frequency

10. to apply                                                      

j. satellite

11. to penetrate                                                

k. areas


Exercise 2. Make verbs out of the following words and translate them


development, communication, reflection, direction, amplification, application, absorption, transmission, reflector, interconnection, combination, reduction, requirements, demonstration, demodulation, operation.


Exercise 3. Compose questions to the words underlined


 1. The development of multiple access methods has both hastened and facilitated the transition from point-to-point to multipoint-to-multipoint. 2. By amplifying a single carrier frequency in each satellite repeater, TDMA ensures the most efficient use of the satellite's onboard power supply. 3. A technique called frequency reuse allows satellites to communicate with a number of ground stations using the same frequency. 4. Satellite antennas have been designed to transmit several beams in different directions, using the same reflector. 5. A new method for interconnecting many ground stations spread over great distances is scheduled to be tested in 1993, with the launch of NASA's ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite). 6. Laser beams can be used to transmit signals between a satellite and earth.


  Exercise 4. Tell about the recent technical advances in communications satellite systems


Development of Radio Technology


Radio is based on the studies of James Clerk Maxwell, who developed the mathematical theory of electromagnetic waves, and Heinrich Hertz, who devised an apparatus for generating and detecting them. Guglielmo Marconi, recognizing the possibility of using these waves for a wireless communication system, gave a demonstration (1895) of the wireless telegraph, using Hertz's spark coil as a transmitter and Edouard Branly's coherer (a radio detector in which the conductance between two conductors is improved by the passage of a high-frequency current) as the first radio receiver. The effective operating distance of this system increased as the equipment was improved, and in 1901, Marconi succeeded in sending the letter S across the Atlantic Ocean using Morse code . In 1904, Sir John A. Fleming developed the first vacuum electron tube , which was able to detect radio waves electronically. Two years later, Lee de Forest invented the audion, a type of triode, or three-element tube, which not only detected radio waves but also amplified them.

Radio telephony—the transmission of music and speech—also began in 1906 with the work of Reginald Fessiden and Ernst F. W. Alexanderson, but it was not until Edwin H. Armstrong patented (1913) the circuit for the regenerative receiver that long-range radio reception became practicable. The major developments in radio initially were for ship-to-shore communications. Following the establishment (1920) of station KDKA at Pittsburgh, Pa., the first commercial broadcasting station in the United States, technical improvements in the industry increased, as did radio's popularity. In 1926 the first broadcasting network was formed, ushering in the golden age of radio. Generally credited with creating the first modern broadband FM system, Armstrong built and operated the first FM radio station, KE2XCC, in 1938 at Alpine, N.J. The least expensive form of entertainment during the Great Depression, the radio receiver became a standard household fixture, particularly in the United States. Subsequent research gave rise to countless technical improvements and to such applications as radio facsimile , radar, and television. The latter changed radio programming drastically, and the 1940s and 50s witnessed the migration of the most popular comedy and drama shows from radio to television. Radio programming became mostly music and news and, to a lesser extent, talk shows. The turn of the century saw a potential rebirth for radio as mobile digital radio entered the market with a satellite-based subscription service in Europe (1998) and in the United States (2000). Two years later, a land-based digital radio subscription service was inaugurated in the United States.

Radios that combine transmitters and receivers are now widely used for communications. Police and military forces and various businesses commonly use such radios to maintain contact with dispersed individuals or groups. Citizens band (CB) radios, two-way radios operating at frequencies near 27 megahertz, most typically used in vehicles for communication while traveling, became popular in the 1970s. Cellular telephones , despite the name, are another popular form of radio used for communication.



devised – придумывать, изобретатьойлап табу,жасап шығару

spark coil – индукционная катушка – индукциялы шарғы

cohere – когерер –

initially – первоначально – бастапқыда

ushering – введение – кіріспе

subsequent – последующий – келесі, кейінгі

dispersed – рассеянный, распространяющийся – шашыраңқы, тарқаған

facsimile –  факсимиле – дәл қайталанған нұсқа

drastically – решительно – табанды, үзілді-кесілді


Exercise 1.   Read and translate the following groups of words


electromagnetic waves, wireless communication system, radio detector, the passage of a high-frequency current, operating distance, succeeded in, vacuum electron tube, regenerative receiver, broadcasting station, broadband FM, turn of the century, cellular telephones.


Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences with the words below. Translate the sentences


Potential rebirth, cellular, built and operated, generating and detecting, electronically, transmitter, amplified, communications, broadcasting.

1. Heinrich Hertz, devised an apparatus for … … . 2. Guglielmo Marconi gave a demonstration of the wireless telegraph, using Hertz's spark coil as a … . 3. In 1904, Sir John A. Fleming developed the first vacuum electron tube , which was able to detect radio waves … . 4. Lee de Forest invented a three-element tube, which not only detected radio waves but also … them. 5. The major developments in radio initially were for ship-to-shore … . 6. The establishment of the first commercial … station in the United States did radio's popularity. 7. In 1938 Armstrong … …  the first modern broadband FM station system. 8. The turn of the century saw a … … for radio as mobile digital radio entered the market. 9. … telephones are another popular form of radio used for communication.


Exercise 3. Pair work. Put these questions to your group mate and ask him/her to answer them 


1.  Whose studies is radio based on?

2.  What is coherer?

3.   What device was able to detect radio waves electronically?

4.  When did radio telephony become practice?

5.  What even started the golden age of radio?


Exercise 4. Tell about the development of Radio Technology.


Advantages and disadvantages of television


Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed much since the time of its invention and so has its role. There have been numerous debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television. When TV first appeared its main purpose was to give official information to people. It was supported by the government. Now television plays a big role in every civilised society. Today television gives people a possibility to be well informed and enjoy "civilised pleasures." The programmes are various and people have a chance to select what they want to see. Television provides great opportunities for education. There are programmes devoted to specialised subjects. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages, to know a lot of wonderful things concerning the world flora and fauna. TV teaches the ideals of democracy and political argument. Watching television can be compared with reading books. It provides an outlet for creative talents. By the beginning of the 21-st century TV became a coloured world network. Numerous programmes people can receive by satellite or cable. The choice of the channels ranges from six to twenty. These channels show programmes of various kinds from documentaries, current events and sports to programmes American films and science fiction cartoons. Now this medium of communication allows people to see and speak with each other if they are separated by thousands of kilometres. TV bridges between Russia and the USA once were very popular. They showed that TV was a unifying force and that our planet in reality is a small world. Previously innovations were promoted on TV. TV shocked, surprised and stimulated. It brought ballet, opera, and theatre to big masses of people. It was even in the vanguard of new drama. Moreover, TV can keep children quiet. If they are noisy their mothers turn on the set. If people do not like TV they do not buy it or switch it off.

At the same time there are a lot of arguments against TV. It is said that only three generations have grown up with television, but they managed to forget how to spend their free time without television. Its role is increasing not because it is an entertainer or informant, but because of the grip it has on many people. It is called a "living room monster" or "one-eyed monster." It is established that the biggest viewers are pensioners and housewives. The latter watch TV while their husbands are at work. In total they spend five hours daily sitting before the "boxes." Children watch commercials, horror films or films of violence. TV prevents children from creating their abilities. They get accustomed to TV to such an extent that they watch it all the time. To force their children away from their favourite evening programmes to their homework has eventually become the main problem of the parents of different countries.

Moreover, TV is damaging for health. It has bad effect on the eyes, particularly of children. The physicians proved that if children do not watch TV their eyesight improves. But if children do not watch TV they find themselves without anything to talk about at school, where comedians and singing stars are major topics during breaks between classes. The same is true about some adults. Sometimes TV programmes become the topics of common interest of the people and without, them they have nothing to talk about.

Nowadays some people in our country watch television programmes from about six in the morning to the early hours of the next day. It means that contemporary people for various reasons depend upon television. They watch everything from news and sports reports to dramas, educational and entertainment programmes. Today some people become TV addicts and feel - unhappy if they fail to find another way of passing leisure time. Free time is regulated by television. TV occupies our free time. Instead of going to the theatre or reading books people watch TV. People rush home, gulp food to be in time to watch their favourite programmes. Very often programmes are bad, as TV cannot keep pace with demand. People have stopped reading books and depend on TV pictures. Spoken words become more important that the written ones. TV cuts people from the real world. The virtual world becomes more important. TV is absolutely irrelevant to real living. No surprise that television is often called "chewing gum for men's brains." People become lazy, instead of doing sports they watch TV. Television takes free time of the people. Instead of joining a choir or playing football or reading books people watch various programmes. Dinnertime is often pressed by television if it is not in the kitchen. If people are deprived for various reasons of watching their favourite programmes they feel inconvenience. The best thing is to watch only selective TV programmes and not to be governed by them. Only few people today can live without television. It should be said that television continues to play an important part in the human life despite increasing influence of the Internet, video games and other high-technology sources of information.



mass media – средства массовой информации – бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары

outlet – выход, (здесь) появление – шыға келу, пайда болу

ranges from – колеблется в пределах – белгілі бір мөлшерде тұрақсызданады (өзгеріске ұшырайды)

documentaries – документальные фильмы – деректі фильм  

science fiction cartoons – научно-фантастические мультипликационные фильмы – ғылыми-фантастикалық мультфильм

medium of communication – средства связибайланыс құралы

entertainer – развлекатель, овладевать вниманием – көңіл жадырататын, көңіл аудару

eyesight – зрение – көз көру, (ой өрісі)  

contemporary – современный, сверстник, ровесник – қазіргі, осы заманғы, замандас, құрбы

TV addicts – быть помешанным на телевизоре – телевизорға тым әуестенген

keep pace with – не отставать от, идти наравне с (к-л, ч-л) – бірінен-бірі қалыспау, қатар жүру  

irrelevant – не относящийся к делу – қатысы жоқ


Exercise 1.  Find synonyms


to invent, news, achievement, to devise, demand, purpose, progress, advantage, opportunity, aim, preference, damage, growth, possibility, loss, increase,  information,  requirement. 


Exercise 2.  Write the following words under the correct heading


 medium, selective, official, civilized, current, ability, sport, entertainment, unhappy, influence,      source.




noun and adjective














Exercise 3. Translate the following group of words:


numerous debates, main purpose, official information, a chance to select, opportunities for education, specialized subjects, the world flora and fauna, outlet for creative talents, current events, medium of communication, previously innovations, get accustomed to, the topics of common interest, increasing influence of the Internet, high technology sources of information.


       Exercise 4. Match the first part of the sentence with the second part


1. Television is one of the greatest

a)  an outlet for creative talent.

2. The programmes are various                        


b)   TV addicts.

3.  It provides                                                   

c)  and people have a chance to  select what they want to see.

4.  It has bad effect                                          

d) to watch only selective TV    programmes and not to be governed by them.

5.  Today some people become                       

e)  achievements of the 20-th century.

6. The best way is                                           

f)   on the eyes, particularly of children.


        Exercise 5.  Tell about the advantages and disadvantages of television. Give the facts from the text


Список литературы 

1.Macmillan English dictionary  for advanced learners, China 2006.

2. Oxford advanced learner`s dictionary of  current English as Hornby Hong Kong, 1980.

3. English-Russian dictionary of computers and programming,

A.Б. Борковский Москва «Русский язык» 1987.

4. Русско-казахский словарь, Алматы  Дайк-пресс 2005

5. Upgrading and repairing Pcs, 17th Edition by Scott Mueller, Март 24, 2006



Electronic Computers. 3

The IBM Personal Computer 5

Memory Basics. 7

DIMMs, and RIMMs. 9

Intel Chipsets. 11

IDE Origins. 12

Origins of ATA.. 15

Defining a Network. 17

Comparing Broadband and Dialup Modem Internet Access. 19

Laptop Computer Keyboards. 20

Communications Satellites. 22

Development of Radio Technology. 26

Advantages and disadvantages of television. 28