Некоммерческое акционерное общество


Кафедра «Иностранные языки»





Методические указания по деловому общению  для  магистрантов всех специальностей  



Алматы 2010

СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: Х.А.Нурходжаева и У.Б.Серикбаева  Английский язык. Методические  указания по деловому общению для магистрантов  всех специальностей. 6М0719, 6МО717, 6МО718,  6МО702 – Алматы. АИЭС.2010.-28 с. 

Данное методические указания составлено на основе аутентичных материалов английской и американской  периодической печати  и может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы, так и для самостоятельных занятий  английским языком.

Предлагаемые темы, смоделированные в ситуациях профессионального общения, относятся к коммуникативным аспектам менеджмента и предполагают владение английским языком на уровне среднего, способствуют дальнейшему совершенствованию не только английского языка, но и умению управлять людьми и собой. 


Методические указания составлено на основе аутентичных материалов английской и американской  периодической печати  и может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы, так и для самостоятельных занятий  английским языком.

Предлагаемые темы, смоделированные в ситуациях профессионального общения, относятся к коммуникативным аспектам менеджмента и предполагают владение английским языком на уровне среднего и способствуют дальнейшему совершенствованию не только английского языка, но и умению управлять людьми и собой. 











Unit 1 Definition of Management


Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary list:


1.to design and maintain an

  environment– создавать и поддерживать условия среды

2.to accomplish aims / goals – достигать поставленных целей

3.efficient – эффективный, рациональный

4.staff – штат сотрудников, кадры

   to staff – комплектовать кадры

5. to apply to – касаться, относиться, быть приемлемым

6. profit –прибыль, выгода

   a profit enterprise – коммерческое предприятие, работающее на прибыль

   a not-for-profit enterprise – неприбыльное предприятие, не работающее на   прибыль

7. first-line supervisors – младшие начальники, контролеры

8. to charge with responsibility  – наделять ответственностью

9. to make contribution – вносить вклад, содействовать

10. Group objectives – значимые для всех цели

11. scope of authority – сфера власти, диапазон полномочий

12. to deal with рассматривать вопрос, иметь дело с кем-то

13. to achieve results, to obtain – достигать результатов

14. to establish – устанавливать, организовывать

15. to establish an environment – создавать окружающую среду

16. group endeavor (in devә ) –совместные усилия

17. to desire- желать

18. a surplus – излишек, прибыль

19. amount of - количество

20. available resources  - доступные ресурсы, наличные средства

21. to strive – прилагать усилия, стараться


        Exercise 2 Read and translate the text


        Definition of Management


        We define management as the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups. accomplish efficiently selected aims. This basic definition needs to be expanded.

1As managers, people carry out the managerial functions of planning.             Organizing. Staffing. Leading and Controlling.

2.Management applies to any kind of organization.

3.It applies to managers at all organizational levels. Management applies to small and large organizations, to profit and not- for-profit enterprises, to manufacturing as well as service industries.

The term enterprise refers to business, government agencies, universities and other organizations. Effective managing is the concern of the corporation president, the government first line supervisor and the like.

Managers are charged with responsibility of taking actions that will make it possible for individuals to make their best contributions to group objectives.

The scope  of authority held may vary and the types of problems dealt with may be considerably different. But all managers obtain results by establishing an environment for effective group endeavour. Top-level managers spend more time on planning, and organizing than lower- level managers.

Leading takes a great deal of time for first-line supervisor.


          The aim of all managers

           In a very real sense, in all kinds of organization, whether business or nonbusiness,the logical and most desirable aim of all managers should be a surplus – managers must establish an environment in which people can accomplish group goals with the least amount of time, money, materials and personal dissatisfaction, or where they can achieve as much as possible of a desired goals with available resources. In a nonbusiness enterprise, such as a police department or hospital, that are not responsible for total business profit, managers still have goals and should strive to accomplish as much as possible with available resources.


          NOTES TO THE TEXT:

         With the least amount of time, money, materials and personal dissatisfaction – с наименьшими затратами времени, денег, материалов и максимальным чувством  удовлетворения работающих. 


          Exercise 3  Find in the text answers to these questions:


1. How is management defined?

2. What kind of process is it?

3. How can this definition be expanded?

4. What kinds of organizations does management apply to?

5. What does the term enterprise refer to?

6. What is the main responsibility of managers?

7. What types of problems do they deal with?

8. What is their scope of authority?

9. How can managers obtain good results?

10. How do managerial functions differ on different levels of management?

11.What is the most desirable aim of all managers?

12.What should they do strive to accomplish their goals?

14.What is a nonbusiness (not-for-profit) enterprise?

15. How should managers at nonbusiness enterprise accomplish their goals? 


          Exercise 4 Translate into Russian


          1.Managers must establish an environment in which individuals can accomplish selected aims.

          2.Managers are responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, lending and controlling.

          3.Management applies to profit and non-for profit enterprise. Effective managing is the concern of managers at all levels.

          4.Managers obtain good results by establishing an environment for effective group endeavour.

          5.The scope of authority held by managers may vary in different organizations.

          6.Managers deal with all types of problems and their responsibility is to make decisions and take actions.

          7.The most desirable aim of all managers should be accomplishing group goals.

          8.Managers of not= for= profit enterprise should strive to accomplish the desirable objectives with the minimum of resources.

          9.They should strive to accomplish as much as possible with available resources

          10.Managers are charged with a certain scope of authority and responsibility.

          11. Individuals strive to make their best contributions to group objectives.

          12.Nonbusiness enterprise are not responsible for total business profit.

          13.Managers should achieve the desired goals with available resources. 


          Exercise 5 Complete sentences with an appropriate word


          Endeavour, scope of authority, applies, available resources, carry out, responsibility. environment, a surplus, contributions, accomplish


         1.Management is the process if designing and maintaining -------- for effective accomplishing group goals.

         2.Managers -------- planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling

         3.Management ------ to any kind of organization, it ------ to managers at all organizational levels.

        4.Managers are charged with --- of taking actions that will make it possible for individuals to make their ----- to group objectives.

        5..Managers can obtain good results by establishing an environment for effective group -----.

        6.Top-level managers and lower-level managers hold different -------.

        7.The logical and most desirable aim of all managers should be -------.

        8.Managers must available an environment in which people can ------ group goals.


         Exercise 6. Say what you have learned from the text about management.


         Exercise 7. Say it in English.


         1.Организация - это группа людей, работающих вместе для достижения общей цели.

         2.Управление - это процесс планирования, организации, подбора кадров и контроля для того чтобы достичь цели организации с помощью людей, работающих в ней.

        3.Управление касается как и коммерческих, так и неприбыльных организаций.

        4.Менеджеры наделены полномочиями и ответственностью предпринимать шаги, которые способствуют осуществлению целей организации.

        5.Все лица, работающие вместе, стремятся внести свой ощутимый вклад в достижение целей.

        6.Менеджеры могут достичь хороших результатов, если создадут в коллективе благоприятный климат.

        7.Руководители высшего звена отвечают за планирование и организацию

 всей работы.

       8.Операционные руководители осуществляют непосредственные руководство ресурсами.

       9.Полномочия руководителей низшего звена значительно варьируются в разных организациях

       10.Руководители занимаются широким спектром проблем, но одной из важнейших задач является создание благоприятной среды.

       11.Среда, которую создает руководство, имеет большое значение для достижения общих целей с наименьшими затратами времени, денег и ресурсов.

       12.Руководители должны стремиться достичь желаемых целей доступными средствами.




        Exercise 1 Study the vocabulary list:


1. to engage in smth, doing smth. - заниматься ( чем-либо)

2. to contribute to – вносить вклад, содействовать

   syn. to make contribution

3. an agenda -  повестка дня

4. to relate to – относиться, иметь отношение к чему – либо,

 устанавливать связь, определять соотношение

5..a concept – понятие, идея, общее представление, концепция

6. a conceptual – умозрительный, понятийный

7. to associate with – соединять, связывать, ассоциироваться

8. ability – способность,

9.  in pursuit of – в поисках, в погоне за , преследуя цель, с целью

10. to pursue – преследовать цель

11. to visualize – отчетливо представлять себе,

    syn. to view, to see – мысленно видеть

12. to recognize – признавать, осознавать

13. to advance  -   делать успехи, развиваться, ускорять

14. coupled with – наряду с

    syn. together with

15.an ingredient – составная часть


        Exercise 2 Read and translate the text




       Management  is process of achieving organizational goals through engaging in the major functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling

Although these functions form the basis of the managerial process, several other elements contribute to an understanding of how managers actually operate.

For managers to develop work agendas, act out roles and engage in planning, organizing, leading and controlling they also need a knowledge base and key management skills.

A knowledge base include information about an industry and its technology, company policies and practices , company goals and plans, company culture, the personalities of key organization members and important suppliers and customers. In addition to having a knowledge base, managers need three key types of skills to carry out the various functions of management.

A skill is the ability to engage in a set of behaviors that functionally related to one another and that lead to a desired performance level in a given area.

For managers the three key skill types are technical, human and conceptual.

       Technical skills are skills that reflect both an understanding of and a proficiency in a specialized field.

For e[ample, a manager may have technical skills in engineering, finance. manufacturing or computer science

       Human skills are skills associated with a manager’s ability to work well with others both as a member of a group and as a leader who gets things done through others.

Managers with effective human skills are very good at communicating with others and motivating them to develop themselves and perform well in pursuit of organizational goals.

       Conceptual skills are skills related to the ability to visualize the organization as a whole and understand how the organization fits into the wider context of industry, community and world. Managers need to recognize these various elements and understand the complex relationships among them so that they can take advance the goals of the organization.

Conceptual skills coupled with technical skills, human skills and a knowledge base are important ingredients in organizational performance.




         a manager’s ability to work well with others both as a member of a group and as a leader who gets things done through others – способность менеджера работать хорошо как в качестве члена команды, так и лидера, который добивается выполнения работы другими людьми


         Exercise 3 Answer to these questions finding in the text


1. What is management?

2. What does management need to operate effectively?

3. What does a knowledge base include?

4. Why do managers need special skills?

5. What is a skill in management?

6. What are the three key skill types for managers?

7. What do technical skills reflect?

8. What are human skills associated with?

9. Why are effective human skills essential for managers?

10. What are conceptual skills related to?

11. Why is it important for managers to recognize various elements in their gob?

12. What does organizational performance depend on?


         Exercise 4 Complete sentences with an appropriate word


         associate with, various, is related to, contribute to, in pursuit of, relate to, to view,to recognize, coupled with,  to advance,  ability, engaged in


         1.Several important elements ------- successful work of managers.

         2.People ------ good communication skills ----- the ability to perform well in pursuit of organizational goals.

         3.Human skill ----- to the ability to interact with other persons successfully,

         4.Conceptual skills deals with ideas and ---- relationship.

         5.A manager must be able to understand, work with and ------- both individuals and groups in order to build a teamwork environment.

         6.Managers need ------- the importance of having these three skills.

         7.Managers with effective human skills are very good at motivating people ----organizational goals.

         8.Conceptual skills is the mental ------ to view the organization as a whole.

         9.Technical skill is most important for a manager ----- the first-line supervising  activities.

         10. A manager needs conceptual skills to see how various factors are interrelated           and to take actions that ----- the goals of the organization.

         11. Human skills ----- with conceptual and technical skills form the basis of         effective and efficient management.


         Exercise 5. Translate into Russian


         1.Managers are engaged in the major functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

         2.To achieve organizational goals it is necessary to understand how managers operate.

         3.Managers have to develop work agendas, act and roles, carry out planning, organizing, leading and controlling

         4.These major managerial functions requires a knowledge base and key management skills.

         5.A knowledge base means that a manager has all the necessary information about industry and its technology.

         6.It is also very important for a manager to know a lot about the company he works for and the people he deals with.

         7.A skill means that a manager is to carry out all the function related to his scope of authority.

         8.Actions of a skilled manager lead to a desired performance level.

         9.Technicall skills show that a manager understands a specialized field and its experienced in it.

        10. Human skills show how well a manager  can understand people working with him.

       11.In pursuit of organizational goals people should perform well and develop themselves.

      12.Human skills are very important for successful communication and motivation of people.

      13..If a manager can visualize the organization as part of the industry, community, world it means good conceptual skill.

      14. To take correct decisions a manager should recognize various elements and understand the complex relationships among them.

       15.Conceptual skills enable a manager to take actions that advance the goals of the organization.


         Exercise 5. Say what you have learned from the text about:

1 a knowledge base and its importance for managers

2. key management skills and their definition and significance.




         Exercise 1 Study the vocabulary list:


1.a dimension – измерение, величина

2.appropriate – подходящий, соответствующий (to,for); свойственный, присущий

3.to attain – достигнуть, добиться

4.to be concerned with – касаться, иметь отношение ( к ), заботиться (о чем –либо), заниматься (чем – либо)

5.to evaluate – оценивать, определять количество

6.evaluation – оценка, определение

7.to obtain – получать, приобретать, достигать

syn. to get, to attain - добиваться

8.smooth – гладкий, ровный

9.vital – жизненно важный, существенный, насущный

10. partial  - частичный, неполный, частный


         Exercise 2 Read and translate the text




        Performance is made up of two important dimensions: effectiveness and efficiency.

        Effectiveness is the ability to choose appropriate goals and achieve them. In contrast, efficiency is the ability to make the best use of available resources in the process of achieving goals.

In essence, an organization needs to exhibit both effectiveness ( doing the right things) and efficiency ( doing things right) in order to be goods performers.

         Effectiveness means that a manager  has the responsibility for selecting the right goal and the appropriate means for achieving that goal. Thus, a manager needs  to be able to select the right method from many methods for implementing that decision. Efficiency is measuring the cost of attaining a given goal. Efficiency is concerned with how resources (money, time, equipment). Personnel are used to get the desired results. If the minimum cost is spent to obtain the desires goal, the manager is being efficient.

         Evaluation of management performance

         The manager’s responsibilities require that she or he be both effective and efficient.

From an evaluation viewpoint, efficiency is important but effectiveness is vital. A manager who does the wrong things (ineffectiveness) with minimum use of resources (efficiency) is not helping the organization.

On the other hand, the manager who makes the right choices but may not have a completely smooth operation, is assisting the organization, despite partial inefficiency.


         Exercise 3 Find in the text answers to these questions:


1.What is the performance made up of?

2. What is effectiveness?

3.What is efficiency?

4.Why do organizations need to exhibit both?

5.What does efficiency measure?

6.What is efficiency concerned with?

7.Whatdoes effectiveness mean?

8.What ability of a manager does effectiveness show?

9. How is a manager’s performance evaluated?

10.What is more important for a manager to be more effective or more efficient?


            Exercise 3. Give a summary of the text.


            Exercise 4. Say it in English.


           1.Для успешного выполнения своих функций менеджер должен обладать основными управленческими навыками техническими, концептуальными, а также навыками общения с людьми. Помимо навыков, менеджер должен обладать и базовыми знаниями в той области, где он работает. Эти знания включают информацию о технологиях, о компании и о людях, работающих в этой компании .Технические навыки  означают знание технологических процессов и умение их использовать наиболее эффективно. Навыки общения с людьми помогают менеджеру успешно взаимодействовать (interact ) с людьми, понимать их и мотивировать их работу с целью достижения поставленных целей.

            2.Концептуальные навыки имеют отношение к идеям и способности управленца видеть организацию как единое целое. Управленцу необходимо иметь концептуальные навыки для того, чтобы представлять, как отдельные части организации взаимодействуют и зависят друг от друга.

            3.Помимо этого, концептуальные навыки помогают менеджеру понять интеграцию и координацию всех процессов и систем внутри организации и вне ее. Работа менеджера оценивается с точки зрения двух параметров: эффективности и продуктивности. Эффективность работы менеджера оценивается с точки зрения правильно выбранных целей и путей их осуществления.

           4.Продуктивность означает минимальные затраты средств и времени на выполнение поставленных задач.

           5. В работе менеджера важны обе эти составляющие.


           Unit 4 THE MANAGERIAL JOB


           Exercise 1 Study the vocabulary list:


1.to constitute -составлять

2.similar – подобные, схожие

3.emphasize – придавать особое значение, подчеркивать

4.emphasis -акцент

5.o lay special emphasis on;-придавать особое значение чему-либо

6.to make an emphasis on – особенно подчеркивать что-либо

7.content - содержание

8.entrepreneur - предприниматель

9.to pursue – преследовать, следовать намеченному пути

10.to pursue a career – стремиться сделать карьеру

11.the rate of turnover – быстрая ротация руководящего состава

12.ratio – пропорция, соотношение

13.to delegate authority- делегировать, передавать полномочия

14.to contract expenses – сжимать, сокращать расходы

15.to reveal – открывать, разоблачать, обнаруживать

16.able – способный , умелый, знающий

17.appraisal - оценка

18.appointment - назначение

19.to appoint назначать

20.traits - черта

21.inducement – побуждение


          Exercise 2 Read and translate the text




    There are many aspects to the job of a manager and there is no complete

agreement as to what exactly constitutes the job of a manager.

Some focus on the entrepreneurial aspects of managing and their main concern is innovation, risk taking and similar activities.

Others emphasize decision making especially the kind of decisions that cannot be easily programmed.

An additional view of the managerial job draws attention to leadership with an emphasis on particular traits and managerial styles.

Closely related to this approach is the discussion about power and influence, that is, the leader’s control of the environment and subordinates.

Others focus their attention on the behavior of leaders by examining the content of the manager’s job.

But despite different approaches to the nature of managerial tasks, the key tasks of managers can be organized into the five functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling which constitute the framework of managerial activities. Managers are different, they have different needs, desires and motives.

Managing offers rewards but also involves stress.

An individual aspiring to a managerial position should evaluate both the advantages and the disadvantage of managing before pursuing this career.

          How many managers do we need?

          Factors affecting the number and kinds of managers required.

        The number of manager needed in an enterprise depends not only upon its size but also upon the complexity of the organization structure, the plans for expansion and the rate of turnover of managerial personnel.

The ratio between the number of managers and the number of employees does not follow any law.

It is possible, by enlarging or contracting the delegation of authority, to modify a structure so that the number of managers will increase or decrease regardless of the size of an operation.

The annual rate of appointments to managerial positions can be determined by a review of past experience and future expectations.

Analyses will also reveal the relative importance to age for retirement, vacancies created by ill health, and the steady demand of other enterprises for able young subordinates whom the firm has trained but is unable to hold.

The qualification for individual positions must be defined so that the best-suited managers can be chosen.

On the basis of this analyses, external and internal sources are used in the processes of recruitment, selection, placement and promotion.

Other essential aspects of staffing managerial positions are appraisal, career strategy and training and development of managers.


          Notes to the text:

         An individual aspiring to a managerial position –человек, стремящийся занять руководящий пост


          Exercise 3. Find in the text answers to these questions:


1.What constitutes the job of a manager?

2.Why are there different approaches to this problem?

3.What does the entrepreneurial aspect imply?

4.What kind of decision making is emphasized?

5.What attracts attention in leadership?

6.How is the behavior of leaders considered?

7.What are the key functions of managers?

8. What does managing involve? What does it offer?

9. What should an applicant for a managerial position consider before taking up the job?

10. How many managers do we need? What are the main factors affecting the number of managers required?

11. What does the number of managers depend on?

12.What is the ratio between the number of managers and the number of employees?

13.How can an organization structure be modified in terms of the number of managers required?

14.How can the annual rate of appointments to managerial position be determined?

15.What does the analysis of the annual rate of appointments reveal/

16.How are the best- suited managers chosen for individual position?

17.What helps the processes of staffing managerial positions? What are the essential aspects of staffing managerial positions?


         Exercise 4. Translate into Russian


        1.The entrepreneurial aspects of managing focus on innovation, risk taking and meeting challenge of unexpected situations.

        2.Leadership is always part of managerial job the ability to lead effectively one of the keys to being an effective manager.

        3.Doing the managerial job demands that a manager is an effective leader.

        4.There are different approaches to the nature of managerial tasks but all of them focus on the five  main functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

         5.Managers should also have inducements in their job.

         6They are used to working under pressure.

         7.If an individual chooses to pursue the carrier of a manager, he should be aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of this job.

         8.The number of managers can vary greatly in different organizations, it depends on the complexity of the organization structure.

         9.The more you enlarge the delegation of authority, the bigger number of managers you will need.

         10 If the delegation of authority is contracted, the number of managers will decrease.

          11.Thus, the number of managers may increase or decrease regardless of the size of an operation.

          12There is a steady demand for well-trained, experienced and able young subordinates who seek promotion and a better paid job. If their organization is unable to offer them expected rewards, they can be recruited by another company.

          13.The qualifications for individual  positions must be clearly defined.

          14.External and internal sources may be used to choose the best-suited managers for every particular position.

          15.It is very important to staff managerial positions with appropriate people because effective management is the key to success.

          16.Essential aspects of staffing managerial positions are appraisal, career strategy, training and development of managers.


          Exercise 5. Complete sentences with an appropriate word


          Rate, reveals, essential, ratio, despite, an emphasis, emphasize, essential, focus on, power and influence, process


         1.The ------- between the number of managers and the number of employees does not follow any law.

           2. The --------- of turnover of managerial personnel determines the number of managers required.

           3.Analysis ------ the importance of age for retirement and vacancies created by ill health for the annual rate of appointments to managerial positions.

           4.External and internal sources are very valuable in the ------ of recruitment, selection, placement and promotion.

           5..Innovation and risk taking are ------ aspects of managerial job.

           6. ------- different approaches to the nature of managerial tasks, the key tasks of managers can be organized into the five main functions.

           7. -------- involves the leader’s control of the environment and subordinates.

           8. It is necessary to make ------ on particular traits and managerial styles.

           9. Some approaches ------ the behavior of leaders.

          10.Other approaches ---- decision making especially those decisions that cannot be easily programmed.


             Exercise 6. Say what you have learned from the text about:


1.the main aspects of managerial job.

2.different approaches to the job of a manager

3.the number of managers required

4.the main aspects of staffing managerial positions


            Exercise 7. Say it in English:


           1.Работа менеджера очень сложна и многогранна.

           2.Она подразумевает лидерство, власть и влияние, которые должны основываться в первую очередь на уважении подчиненных.

           3.Люди склонны следовать за теми, кто предлагает им средство для удовлетворения их насущных потребностей, поэтому менеджеры должны хорошо осознавать движущие мотивы своих подчиненных.

          4.Существуют различные подходы л аспектам работы менеджеров.

          5.Один из них придают особое внимание предпринимательству в управлении, другие концентрируют внимание на поведении менеджеров в различных ситуациях.

          6.Но несмотря на различия подходы к природе управленческих задач могут быть сведены к пяти основным группам.

          7.Управленческая работа предполагает стрессовые ситуации, поэтому те, кто хочет занять руководящий пост, должны оценить все преимущества и недостатки этой работы.

          8.Не существует определенного соотношения между количеством управляющих и работающих, однако, структура любой организации может быть модифицирована так, что количество управленцев может увеличиваться или стать меньше.

           9.Потребность в управленцах зависит от многих факторов, таких как сложность структуры организации, ее размеры, перспективы ее развития и обусловленные ими темпы сменяемости управленческого звена.

           10.Набор руководящих кадров может быть на основе как внешних, так и внутренних источников.

          11.Необходимо определить квалифицированные требования для каждой конкретной должности, чтобы выбрать наиболее подходящего кандидата.

          12.Основные аспекты работы по набору руководящих кадров, оценка, стратегии продвижения по службе, подготовка и повышение квалификации менеджеров.


         UNIT 5.  LEADERSHIP


         Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary list:


To treat- относиться к чему-либо, зд. трактовать

To distinguish- различать, отличать от чего - либо

Entire – полный, целый, сплошной

Essence – сущность, существо

To appreciate – оценивать высоко, понимать, принимать во внимание

To respond to – реагировать, отзываться на …

T arouse – вызывать, пробуждать чувства, энергию

To dampen or to damp – обескураживать, угнетать

To dampen smb’s ardor – охладить чей то пыл

To dampen smb’s spirits испортить настроение

Willingness – готовность, желание что-либо сделать

Willing -старательный

Willingly- охотно, с готовностью

To encourage – ободрять, поощрять, поддерживать

Zeal – рвение, усердие

Ardor – жар, рвение, пыл

Earnestness - убежденность, серьезность, ревностное отношение к работе

Confidence - уверенность

Capabilities – способности, потенциальные возможности

To push – толкать, подталкивать

To prod – подгонять, побуждать

To facilitate – содействовать, способствовать

To inspire вдохновлять, воодушевлять


           Exercise 2 Read and translate the text;




          Although some people treat the terms managership and leadership as synonyms they should be distinguished.

As a matter of fact, there can be leaders of unorganized groups, but there can be managers only where organized structures create roles.

Leadership is an important issue of managership: the ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective manager.

Doing the entire managerial job demands that a manager is an effective leader.

Managers must exercise all the functions of their role in order to combine human and material resources to achieve objectives. The key to doing this is a degree of authority to support manager’s actions.

The essence of leadership is followership. In other words, it is the willingness of people to follow that makes a person a leader.

Moreover, people tend to follow those whom they see as providing a means of achieving their own desires, wants and needs.

Leadership and motivation are closely interconnected.

By understanding motivation, we can appreciate better what people want and why they act as they do.

          Leadership may not only respond to subordinate’s motivations but also arouse or dampen them by means of the organizational climate they develop.

Both these factors are as important to leadership as they are to managership.

We define leadership as influence: the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals.

           Ideally, people should be encouraged to work with zeal and confidence.

Zeal is ardor, earnestness and intensity in the execution of work confidence reflects experience and technical ability.

           Leaders act to help a group achieve goals through the maximum application of its capabilities.

           They do not stand behind a group to push and prod; they place themselves before the group as they facilitate progress and inspire the group to accomplish organizations goals.


            Exercise 3. Find in the text answers to these questions:


1. Why should the terms “ managership” and “ leadership” be distinguished? Do they mean the same thing?

2. How is leadership connected with managership?

3. What does managerial work demand?

4.What must managers do to achieve objectives?

5.What is essential part of leadership?

6.Who do people tend to follow?

7.Why is it important for a leader to understand motivations of the people?

8.How do leaders influence the performance of their subordinates?

9.What is the definition of leadership?

10. How should people strive toward the achievement of group goals?

11.What is zeal?

12.What does confidence reflect?

13. How should leaders act?

14. Where should they place themselves? Why?


         Exercise 4. Translate into Russian


        1.Terms” managership” and “leadership” should be distinguished, although their meaning is very close, it is not the same.

        2.Some completely unorganized groups have their lenders, but managers work only in organizations,

        3.Leadership and managership are interconnected: a good manager must be an effective leader.

        4.Managers should be supported in their actions by subordinates, who are willing to follow them.

         5.Without followers a manager cannot become a leader.

         6.Followership is very important both for management and leadership.

         7.People tend to follow those who appreciate their desires and needs and provide a means for accomplishing them.

         8.Leaders should respond to subordinate’s motivations

         9.If they are not aware of the needs that drive their people in their activities, they may dampen their ardour.

         10.People should strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals – that is the key idea of effective leadership.

         11.Zeal and confidence in the execution of work should be motivated by all available rewards and inducements.

         12.One of the key issues for a leader is to help a group in application of its capabilities, to facilitate progress and inspire people to accomplish their goals


           Exercise 5. Complete sentences with an appropriate word


           Motivation, encourage, confidence, facilitate, inspire, respond, combine, willingness, ability, follow


           1.The ------- to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective manager.

           2.The --------- of people to follow makes a person a real leader.

           3.Managers should be able to ----- human and material resources to achieve objectives.

           4.People usually ----- those who enable them to achieve their own desires, wants and needs.

            5.If a leader understands -----, be can appreciate better what people want and why they act as they do.

            6.If leaders do not ----- to subordinates motivations, they dampen their ardour.

          7. Leaders should ------ people to work with zeal and confidence.

          8. ------- comes with experience and technical ability.

          9. Effective leaders are aware of the aspirations of their people, they ----- the people to work willingly and enthusiastically.

          10. Real leaders place themselves before the group and --- progress.


           Exercise 6. Say what you have learned from the text about:


A. the difference in the terms leadership and managership;

B. the interconnection of these two terms;

C. the essence of leadership; its definition;

D. the role of leaders in inspiring the people for better performance.


           Exercise 7 Say it in English.


           1.Необходимо различать термины лидерство и руководство.

           2.Лидеры действуют и в неорганизованных группах, а руководители          бывают лишь там , где есть организованные структуры.

           3.Лидерство и руководство взаимосвязаны способность вести за собой является основным качеством хорошего руководителя.

          4 Выполнение управленческой работы требует от руководителя умения вести за собой ( лидировать).

          5.Руководители должны обладать такой степенью авторитета, которая обеспечивает им поддержку их действий.

          6.Суть лидерства заключается в приверженности сторонников.

          7.Люди следуют за теми, кто понимает их желания и потребности и помогает им в их осуществлении.

          8.Поэтому лидерство тесно связано с мотивацией.

          9.Только понимая мотивы людей, лидер может лучше понять, почему они действуют так, а не иначе.

         10. Лидеры должны откликаться на запросы людей.

         11.Атмосфера, которую они создают в организации, может стимулировать подчиненных, либо, напротив, охладить их рвение.

         12. Лидерство определяется как процесс влияния на людей таким образом, чтобы они с готовностью и энтузиазмом стремились к достижению общих целей.

         13. Усердие и уверенность являются идеальными качествами отличной работы.

         14. Лидеры должны действовать так, чтобы помочь людям максимально применять свои потенциальные возможности.

         15.Они не должны понукать и подгонять.

         16.Лидеры идут впереди всех, чтобы вдохновлять людей на осуществление их целей и помогать движению вперед.


         Exercise 8. Think and answer


1.Do you agree that the terms leadership and managership should be distinguished? If not give your example.

2.Why is it essential foe an effective manager to be a leader?

3. Do you think that most managers are good leaders?

4.Yow can the ability to lead be measured? Or assessed?

5.Why is followership so important?

6.Do you agree that there is no leader without followers?

7.What about a manager? Is it the same in management?

8.What can you say about the organizational climate in your office? Does it arose or damp your motivation? Why do you think so?

9.Does your manager ( or leader) respond to your motivation? If not, why? If yes, how?

10 Do you agree that leadership is art?

11.Do think it’s difficult to inspire people to work willingly and enthusiastically?

12. What is the best way to encourage people to work with zeal and confidence? What does it depend on?

13.Are you inspired to maximum application of your capabilities? Can you inspire people?

14.What is your ideal of an ideal leader?


           Exercise 9. Supplementary reading for further discussion.




          Leadership is not a mystical quality, but a down-to-earth attitude and way of doing things that you can easily master – whether you are president of a huge corporation, an executive on the way up. Or the captain of a football team.

To be a successful leader. You have to know how to use simple but very effective techniques to inspire  those under you to want to do better. to handle different personality types – from workhorses to creative people, make sure you really communicate.

We all do these things, they are part of your social structure, and for the most part they are enjoyable.

The variety of experience has not changed my observation that some folks can run things and other folks just can’t. I used to think that it was something built in, sort of genetic. My conclusion now is that leadership can be learned, provided the individual wants to work at it.

Some people are natural leaders, whether they want to be or not. The rest of us have to be more methodical.

Leadership is fascinating subject, all of human history revolves around it.

But leadership is a practical tool of everyday life.

Each of us leads something, even if it is only taking a reluctant animal for a walk each evening.

         Exercise 10. Study the vocabulary list:


1.a down-to-earth attitude –земное, прозаичное отношение к чему-либо

2. to master –освоить, научиться делать, овладеть

   syn. to learn, to acquire,

3. to handle – справляться, управлять, обращаться с кем-либо, обходиться

4. enjoyable – приятный, доставляющий удовольствие

5. used to think – раньше думал

   used to- раньше, прежде ( о действии в прошлом, которое больше не повторяется)

6. folks - люди

7. provided -  при условии

8.a fascinating subject – увлекательный предмет

  fascinating – обворожительный, очаровательный, пленительный

9   to revolve around – вращаться вокруг

10 tool - инструмент

11.reluctant – делающий что-либо с неохотой


      Exercise 11. Find in the text similar meaning


      A simple look at reality; to acquire easily; very big; seeking promotion; an effective leader; to encourage people; to do better; to deal with different sorts of people; careful notice; to ensure; pleasant; a wide span of experience; to manage things; kind of; on condition that ---; a very interesting subject; to be focused on smth.; an essential instrument; unwilling to do smth.


      Exercise 12.Find in the text answers to these questions:


1.What does the author think of  leadership?

2.What kind of quality is it ?

3.What do you have to know to be a successful leader?

4.What can you learn to lead effectively?

5.What does his experience show?

6.What is the conclusion about the ability to lead?

7.In what case can an individual master the necessary skills?

8.Why is leadership a fascinating subject to master?

9.Why is leadership a practical tool of everyday life?

10. Do you agree that an individual can learn to be a leader?

11.What is your viewpoint on the ability to lead?

12.What is your experience in this subject?


      Exercise 13. Test yourself. Are you an effective decision maker? Tick (v) the appropriate answer.



You receive a memo from your boss urging feedback on some important problem.



                                        DO YOU                                              YES                NO


1.File it away and go on with routine matters

2.Enthusiastically adopt the new course of action without


3.Put it aside and read it again a week later

4.Call an emergency meeting and grab someone’s idea

5.Set up a task force to study the implications of the problem

6.Whwn taking a decision, feel that your stress level is

                  - very high

                  - moderate

                 -  low


a)sum up your answers and give your reasons

b)prepare a brief report on the important aspects of decision – making.               



      Unit 6 ROLE PLAYS


      ROLE PLAY 1. Starting a business




      Mr.S. is a young electronics engineer who works at a plant, which manufactures all kinds of audio- visual equipment: television sets, projectors, videotape recorders. In his spare time Mr.S has invented a new device which will allow the manufacture of a smaller and simpler video recorder at a relatively low price. In this opinion it will transform  this machine from the very expensive toy it is at present to a machine as useful and as common as a tape recorder.

Mr. S. is extremely excited by this discovery and he thinks that it will be a good idea to try and form his own company. He  wants to involve in the project people with good expertise who will be good at running the business affaires of the company. Today is Saturday. Mr.S.  is at home together with his friends who have come to discuss the project and its feasibility. Among the guests there is a new friend from UK, who has come to Almaty for a long term stay.



      Words and word combinations:


Spare time - свободное время

Relatively - сравнительно

Suicidal - гибельный, самоубийственный

Feasibility - - возможность, осуществимость


      Analyze the case.



1.     What advice would you give Mr.S. about setting up his company?

2.     What questions will Mr.S  have to settle before business is started?

3.     Will it be suicidal to compete with big plants?

4.     Is it realistic for Mr.S to start a business aboard?





      You have been a loyal and true friend of Mr.S since college. As a lawyer you are well informed about legal aspects of founding a company. You also give Mr.S some practical advice how to patent the invention.



      You have come to Kazakhstan from the UK. You are an executive in one of the joint ventures. You have been on friendly terms with Mr.S. since the inauguration ceremony where Mr.S was invited as an official representative of the Electronics Department. You want wholeheartedly to be of help and have made a breakdown of the initial costs. You think that it is unrealistic to start a business without a loan from a bank.

For the managerial work you can recommend MR.Simon, who has been a top manager for many years. He could have a part time job in Mr.S’s firm.



      You are an accountant with a coop and confirm Mr.S’s words about probable costs. You have roughly calculated all the costs which will inevitably arise. It is not only the rent and the cost of machinery but also the advertising expenses necessary for the product promotion. You give full account of the costs to incurred in the first year, the sales needed to cover investment and start making the profit. You don/t want to dissuade Mr>S. Your aim is to make think in realistic terms.



      You explain to your friends the technical aspect of the product, its advantages, how it can be manufactured and in what way it is an innovation. When you realize how much capital will be necessary to run a business you are taken aback. Nonetheless you don/t want to give up the idea completely, and think that it will be possible to open a small workshop which will make the device you have invented, The device when manufactured could be sold to big plants who would use it as a component. As to funds, a loan can be obtained from a commercial bank for innovation.


      Useful language


The first decision to be taken is to ---

I don’t know what to begin with ---

There is little chance of ---

I see no reason why ---

I know it’s risky but I’m all optimistic about ---

The thing that worries me most is ---

After a lot of thought I have come to understand that ---

In the circumstances the only chance seems to be ---

We should reach the first year target of --- if we---

I would like to see how you came to these figures

Could you break down the calculations into more details?


      ROLE PLAY 2 Employment problem




      Ltd is a medium- sized company with its factories and offices in England. It manufactures electronic components for computers. The company is in financial difficulties at the moment. In recent years it has been concentrating on the research and development of new products rather than on marketing them. As a result, the sales have decreased and the company is having heavy losses.

In this crisis situation the Managing Director has resigned. There have been also a number of resignations from men occupying key positions within the company. The posts that are vacant are those of Personnel Manager, Deputy Head of Research and Development, Sales Director.

The company have advertised these posts in the mass media and received a great many applications. On the basis of the curriculum vitae submitted, a short list of candidates has been drawn up for each post, and those selected are to attend the interview.


                     Words and word combinations


Personnel  - кадры

curriculum vitae - биография

resign – отказаться от должности, уходить в  отставку

resignation – отказ от должности, отставка

occupy a key position – занимать ведущий пост




      Analyze the case




1 Why is the company in financial difficulties now/

2.What changes have taken place in the personnel structure?

3.How was the selection of candidates made?

4.What kind of people stand better chances to take the posts?




      Chairman of the selection board


      You are responsible for leading each interview. You may allot particular areas of interview to other members of the selection board. remember you will have to decide which candidate to appoint.

Among the candidates there is a manager from England. You have selected him because he managed to turn a loss-making factory in his home town into a profit-making enterprise. On his minus side is that the Kazakhstan has just developed the concept of the market economy and Kazakhstan’s  managers have not accumulated much experience in free market operations. Your final word about him will depend on the results of the interview.


        Head of Research and Development


        You should approach each interview with the needs of your department firmly in mind. You are free to invent your requirements.


        Marketing Manager


       You should approach each interview with the needs of your marketing requirements. firmly in mind. You are free to invent your requirements.


         Each member of the selection board


         Before you interview a candidate you should work out your attitude to the following points;

The salary you will offer.

The qualifications you require for the job.

The value you put on the candidate’s previous experience,

Useful; contacts abroad.


          Each candidate


          Before being interviewed you should think out an imaginary curriculum vitae. You should also work out your attitude towards such questions as:

1.responsibilities and rights

2.salary – holidays

3.prospects you have with the company

you should think up other points which you may wish to raise at the interview.


          Kazakhstan’s manager


          After you have read the advertisement offering employment you have decided to apply for the post. Last year you took a full-time course at the London Business School and have sufficient knowledge of accounting, economics and financial matters. You have decided to try a hand as you want to gain the first-hand experience in free market operations. You intend to work at the firm on a time basis.


    Useful language


Family status – семейный статус

Health condition – состояние здоровья

Life insurance страхование жизни

Allowances – надбавки к зарплате

Education background – уровень образования

Command of foreign languages – знание иностранных языков

Practical working experience in – практический опыт работы в --

Fulfill functions - исполнять функции

Level of competence -  уровень компетентности.


       Further subjects for discussion


      Arrange the following things about a job in order of importance. Choose five and discuss your preferences.


Well-paid                                                           foreign travel

Interesting work                                                 variation in work

Long holidays                                                    meeting people

Security                                                              clean working conditions

Short working hours                                          lots of responsibility

Good pension                                                     easy work

Friendly colleagues                                            promotion and advancement