Кафедра иностранных языков













Перевод технической литературы

 Программа, методические указания

 и контрольные задания





















Алматы 2005

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: Райымкул З.А. Английский язык. Перевод технической литературы. Программа, методические указания и контрольные задания  для студентов заочной формы обучения всех специальностей. - Алматы: АИЭС, 2005. - 41с.










Цель методических указаний - обучение студентов  – заочников чтению и переводу технических текстов. Методические указания содержат серию тренировочных упражнении и материалы для чтения и перевода.









Рецензент: ст. преподаватель каф. ИЯ Коробейникова Л.Я.







Печатается  по плану  издания Алматинского института энергетики и

связи на 2005 г.  








                                        © Алматинский институт энергетики и связи, 2005 г.

1 Рабочая программа.



         1.1 Дисциплина включает 2 кредита.

         Образование с ускоренным сроком обучения – 5лет.

         90 часов – всего.

         18 часов – аудиторных.

         16 часов – занятия с элементами дистанционного обучения.

         56 часов – самостоятельная работа.


                         1 контрольная работа.



          1.2 Заочная форма обучения – 6 лет.

          90 часов – всего

          18 часов – аудиторных.

          16 часов – занятия с элементами дистанционного обучения.

          56 часов – самостоятельная работа.


                          1 контрольная работа.



          1.3  Программа дисциплины «Английский язык. Перевод технической литературы. (содержание самостоятельной работы студента – 56 часов)

          1.3.1 Программа включает два вида работы по дисциплине « Английский язык. Перевод технической литературы».

          1 вид работы.  Необходимо перевести на русский язык текст общетехнического содержания в объёме 5000 знаков (копию текста приложить).

В тетради представить словарь к тексту на 50 лексических единиц.

           2 вид работы . Студентам предлагается самостоятельно проработать 10 тем, после чего, он выполняет 1 контрольную работу по своему варианту.

           Студентам предлагаются следующие темы для самостоятельной работы:


    Портативный генератор.

    Источники энергии.

    Электричество и магнетизм.

    Электрический мотор.




  Цели электрических сетей и систем.


  Лазеры и мазеры.

  Развитие компьютера.

  Компьютеры и кибернетика.


          2 Методические указания


          2.1 Цели и задачи методических указаний по английскому языку для студентов-заочников.

         Цель дисциплины – обучить читать тексты со словарём и без словаря, находить заданную информацию, понимать содержание прочитанного.

          Методические указания предназначены для студентов 3 курса. Они содержат технические тексты на английском языке,  имеют своей задачей развитие у студентов умений чтения и перевода английского технического текста. Тексты снабжены тренировочными упражнениями, а также англо-русским терминологическим словарём. Тренировочные упражнения предназначены для преодоления лексических трудностей текста. Разнообразные упражнения позволяют усвоить большое количество технических терминов.



         2.2 Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ.

         2.2.1 За время обучения английскому языку на 3 курс студенты выполняют 1 контрольную работу.

         2.2.2 Задания составлены в десяти вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из десяти вариантов в соответствий с последними цифрами номера зачётной книжки: студенты, номер которых оканчивается на 1, выполняют вариант №1, на 2-вариант№2, на 3-вариант №3, на 4-вариант №4, на 5-вариант №5, на 6-вариант №6, на 7-вариант №7, на 8-вариант №8, на 9-вариант № 9, на 0 вариант № 10.

        2.2.3 Выполняйте письменные контрольные работы в отдельной тетради. На тетради напишите свою фамилию, инициалы, номер зачётной книжки,   адрес, номер контрольной работы и название учебника, по которому вы занимаетесь.

        2.2.4  Выполняйте задания в определённой последовательности.

        2.2.5  Выполненные контрольные задания направляйте в институт в установленные сроки для проверки и рецензирования. Если контрольная работа выполнена не в соответствии с указаниями или не полностью, она возвращается студенту без проверки.  


       3 Темы по дисциплине


      3.1 Техника. Прочтите и переведите текст.


         Engineering is largely a practical activity. It is about putting ideas into action. Civil engineering is concerned with making bridges, roads, airports, etc. Mechanical engineering deals with the design and manufacture of tools and machines.

          Electrical engineering is about the generation and distribution of electricity and its many applications. Electronic engineering is concerned with developing components and equipment for communications, computing, and so on.

        Mechanical engineering includes marine, automobile, aeronautical, heating and ventilating, and others. Electrical engineering includes electricity generating, electrical installation, lighting, etc. Mining and medical engineering belong partly to mechanical and partly to electrical.

         Transport: Cars, trains, ships, and planes are all products of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineers are also involved in support services such as roads, rail track, harbours, and bridges.

       Food processing: Mechanical engineers design, develop, and make the machines and the processing equipment for harvesting, preparing and preserving the foods and drinks that fill the supermarkets.

       Medical engineering: Body scanners, x-ray machines, life-support systems, and other high-tech equipment result from mechanical and electrical engineers combining with medical experts to convert ideas into life-saving and preserving products.

       Building services: Electrical engineers provide all the services we need in our homes and places of work, including lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, refrigeration, and lifts.

       Energy and power: Electrical engineers are concerned with the production and distribution of electricity to homes, offices, industry, hospitals, colleges and schools, and the installation and maintenance of the equipment involved in these processes.




bridge - мост

tools - инструменты

application - применение

marine - морской

installation - установка





lighting - освещение

to belong - принадлежать

to involve - вовлекать

track - дорожка

harbour - гавань

x-ray machines - рентген

to convert – преобразовывать

refrigeration – замораживание

lift – подъём

aeronautical – воздухоплавание


        3.2 Портативный генератор. Прочтите и переведите текст.


        Although most electricity comes from power stations, power can also be generated by far smaller means. Nowadays, electricity generators can be small enough to hold in the hand.

         Portale generators are made up of two main parts: an engine, which powers the equipment, and an alternator, which converts motion into electricity.

         In a typical four-stroke engine, when the piston descends, the air inlet valve opens and a mixtuire of air and petrol is sucked in through a carburettor.

          The valve closes, the piston rises on the compression stroke and a spark within the upper chamber ignites the mixture. This miniexplosion pushes the piston back-down, and as it rises again the fumes formed by the ignition are forced out through the exhaust valve.

          This cycle is repeated many times per second. The moving piston makes the crankshaft rotate at great speed.

        The crankshaft extends directly to an alternator, which consists of two main sets of winding –coils of insulated copper wire wound closely around an iron core. One set, called stator windings, is in a fixed position and shaped like a broad ring. The other set , the armature windings, is wound on the rotor which is fixed to the rotating crankshaft. The rotor makes about 3,000 revolutions per minute.

          The rotor is magnetized and as it spins round, electricity is generated in the stator windings through the process of electromagnetic induction. The electric current is fed to the output terminals or sockets.

         This type of generator can produce a 700 watt output, enough to operate lights, television, and some domestic appliances. Larger versions provide emergency power to hospitals and factories.




       In the four-stroke cycle, the piston descends on the intake stroke, during which the inlet valve is open. The piston ascends on the compression stroke with both valves closed and ignition takes place at the top of the stroke. The power or expansion stroke follows. The gas generated by the burning fuel expands rapidly, driving the piston down, both valves remaining closed. The cycle is completed by the exhaust stroke, as the piston ascends once more, forcing the products of combustion out through the exhaust valve. The cycle then repeats itself.




electricity – электричество

power – энергия

an engine – двигатель

equipment – оборудование

to convert – превращать, преобразовать

alternator – генератор переменного тока

to push – толкать

piston – поршень

ignition – воспламенение, зажигание

valve – клапан, электронная лампа

socket – розетка, патрон

output – выход, производительность

descend – спуск


         3.3 Источники энергии. Прочтите и переведите текст.


         All the sources of energy put together is the energy locked up in the nuclei of atoms of matter itself. It has been known for at least a century. It is called nuclear energy.

       The amount of energy which might be released when the nucleus of one atom is split is very small. But scientists have succeded in breaking apart the nuclei of billions of atoms and in harnessing their energy. A pound of U235 (Uranium-235) can supply as much energy as the burning up of 3, 000, 000 pounds of coal. Nuclear energy can be used for good and evil. Mankind is interested in atomic energy being used only for peaceful purposes.







          Many atomic power plants for producing electric energy were built in many countries of the world. There are great possibilities of using nuclear energy for transport purposes. A number of countries are working at the development and construction of various kinds of locomotives, airplanes and other means of transport. Many atomic powered ships have been already built. Nuclear energy is and will be used in medicine, and in many spheres of life where the atom may find useful application.

         There are different forms or types of energy. Fuels such as coal, oil (petroleum), and wood contain chemical energy. When these fuels are burnt, the chemical energy changes to heat and light energy.

          Electricity is the most important form of energy in the industrialised world, because it can be transported over long distances via cables and transmission lines. It is also a very convenient form of energy, since it can power a wide variety of household appliances and industrialised machinery. It is produced by converting the chemical energy from coal, oil, or natural gas in power stations.




to lockзапирать на замок


nucleus – ядро


matterвещество, материя

at least – по крайней мере

to release – освобождать, выпускать

to split – расщеплять, делить на части

apart – в стороне, особняком, отдельно

to harness – запрягать, использовать      


        3.4 Электричество и Магнетизм. Прочтите и переведите текст.


        An electric current is a flow of electricity. There are two kinds of electricity, positive and negative. Glass rubbed with silk is positively charged, ebonite rubbed with fur is negatively charged.

           Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. The leaf electroscope is used to detect, distingush and measure charges.

          The ultimate particle of negative electricity is called the electron; that of positive electricity is called the proton.



       It has been known for centuries that certain black, heavy stones have the property of attracting iron, this property being called magnetism. A body that exhibits magnetism is called a magnet. The two parts of a magnet that show the strongest magnetism are called the North pole and the South pole.

          Magnets not only affect ordinary iron, but they affect one another. When a pole of one magnet is brought toward a poleof the second magnet, they will repel if both are north poles or borth are south poles, but they will attract if one is a north pole and the other a south pole.

        The region in which magnetic forces act is called a magnetic field.

        When placed in a strong magnetic field, iron becomes magnetized.

         Electricity and magnetism are closely connected. Almost all metals are good conductors of electricity, with copper being one of the best conductors of all. Glass, paper, rubber are the most common non-conductors or insulators.

        Many practical applications have resulted from the utilization of the magnetic effect of an electric current.

These effects are used in motors, in most electric meters (ammeters, voltmeters and galvanometers), in electromagnets and in practically all electromechanical apparatus.




to rub – тереть

charge – заряд

to repel – отталкивать

to detect – обнаруживать

to distinguish – различать

ultimate – последний, окончательный, основной

property – свойство

conductor – проводник

utilization – использование  



            3.5 Электрический мотор. Прочтите и переведите текст.


           In an electric motor an electric current and magnetic field produce a turning movement. This can drive all sorts of machines, from wrist-watches to trains. An electric current running through a wire produces a magnetic field around the wire. If an electric electric current flows around a loop of wire with a bar of iron through it, the iron becomes magnetized.




It is called an electromagnet; one end becomes a north pole and the other a south pole, depending on which way the current is flowing around the loop.

       If you put two magnets close together, like poles – for example, two north poles – repel each other, and unlike poles attract each other.

        In a simple electric motor, a piece of iron with loops of wire round it, called an armature, is placed between the north and south poles of a stationary magnet, known as the field magnet. When electricity flows around the armature wire, the iron becomes an electromagnet.

       The attraction and repulsion between the poles of this armaturemagnet and the poles of the field magnet make the armature turn.As a result, its north pole is close to the south pole of the field magnet. Then the current is reversed so the north pole of the armature magnet becomes the south pole. Once again, the attraction and repulsion between it and the field magnet make it turn. The armature continues turning as long as the direction of the current, and therefore its magnetic poles, keeps being reversed.

To reverse the direction of the current, the ends of the armature wire are connected to different halves of a split ring called a commutator. Current flows to and from the commutator through small carbon blocks called brushes. As the armature turns, first one half of the commutator comes into contact with the brush delivering the current, and then the other, so the direction of the current keeps being reversed.




current – ток

wire – проволока

loop – петля

iron – железо

electromagnet – электромагнит

to repel – отталкивать

armature – арматура

attraction – притяжение

repulsion – отталкивание

therefore – поэтому

brush – щётка

to deliver – доставлять                                                 








        3.6 Цели электрических сетей и систем. Прочтите и переведите текст.


       An electric network is a combination of electric devices for transfer and distribution of electric energy, consisting of substations, switchboards, conduction, air transmission lines and cable transmission lines operating on a certain territory.

       The main purpose of electric networks is supply of electricity to consumers. Electric networks are used for connection of electricity receivers and consumers in aggregate to power sources. This problem is rather complicated because of a large number of electricity receivers and large areas, on which they are located.

The second purpose of electric networks is transfer of electric energy from the place of its generation to the place of its consumption. In most cases, power sources (coal, oil, gas, and water resources) are located at a significant distance from the centers of consumption – factories, inhabitated areas, etc. In many cases, transportation of fuel, coal, for example, can be unprofitable; construction of power stations close to fuel pool and transfer of electric energy via electric networks is more preferable. If distances are large, and volumes of transmitted electric energy are significant, a construction of high-capacity transmission lines for a very high voltage is necessary.

         Electric networks are also used for creation of energy systems.

         An energy system is a combination of power plants and constructions, where their generating part is connected through power links for parallel operation, it has a uniform dispatching management and uniform reserve of capacity, and this reserve can be used in any part of the system.

         Thus, three main features define an energy system: parallel operation of centers of energy production, a uniform management and a uniform common system reserve.




substation – подстанция

switchboard – распределительный щит

purpose – цель

aggregate – агрегат

transportation – перевозка

unprofitable – невыгодный

preferable – предпочтительный

volume – объём

combination – сочетание, соединение

dispatching – отправка

 to define – определять




          3.7 Энергия. Прочтите и переведите текст.


         In the language of science energy is the ability to do work. There are various forms of energy, such as heat, mechanical,electrical, chemical, atomic and so on. One might also mention the two kinds of mechanical energy – potential and kinetic, potential energy being the energy of position while kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

         It is well known that one form of energy can be changed into another. A waterfall may serve as an example. Water falling from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic energy. The energy of falling water is generally used to turn the turbines of hydroelectric stations. The turbines in their turn drive the electric generators, the latter producing electric energy. Thus, the mechanical energy of falling water is turned into electric energy. The electric energy, in its turn, may be transformed into any other necessary form.

        When an object loses its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy. Thus, in the above-mentioned example when water is falling from its raised position, it certainly loses its potential energy, that energy changing into kinetic energy.

         We have already seen that energy of some kind must be employed to generate the electric current. Generally speaking, the sources of energy usually employed to produce current are ieither chemical, as in the battery, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator. Chemical sources of current having a limited application, the great quantities of electric energy generated today come from various forms of mechanical energy.  

        Every year we need more and more energy. We need it to do a lot of useful things that are done by electricity. However, the energy sources of the world are decreasing while the energy needs of the world are increasing. These needs will continue to grow as more motors and melted metals are used in industry and more electric current is employed in everyday life.




to changeизменять


to drive – приводить в движение

to employ – использовать, применять

generally – обычно





to harness – использовать энергию (воды, ветра, солнца.)

in ones turn – в свою очередь

to produce – производить

source – источник

solar – солнечный

semiconductor – полупроводник

waterfall – водопад




         3.8  Лазеры и мазеры. Прочтите и переведите текст.


        A laser is a machine for making and concentrating light waves into a very intense beam. The letters LASER stand for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The light made by a laser is much more intense than ordinary light. With ordinary light, all the light waves are different lenghts. With lasers, all the light waves have the same length, and this increases the intensity.

       Atoms are made up of neutrons, electrons and protons. The electrons circle round the protons and neutrons. In a laser, the elctrons are “excited” to a high energy level. As the electrons fall back from their “excited” state to their normal state, they give off energy. This energy is given off as light which can be seen. A number of materials have this property including some gases, liquids, solids and semicinductors. Thus a number of different types of lasers have been developed.

         Lasers are now used for many scientific, medical, and industrial purposes. The thin beam of light gives a lot of heat and it is used to join metal when a very small joint is needed. The beam can also be used as a drill, to make holes in steel, or even in diamonds. Because the beam is so small, it’s very important in delicate surgery and is used in eye operations.

        Lasers are also used in holography. A hologram is a three- dimensional image, a bit like a photograph. It’s different from a photograph because it looks solid.

The word MASER is also an acronym – for Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The maser is operated on the same principle as the laser except that the wavelenths generated are much longer and therefore the energy jumps involved are smaller. The excited bodies in a maser are molecules rather than atomic electrons and the beam generated is a coherent beam of microwaves which is not visible to the eye.






         Masers have made revolutionary advance possible in anumber of different fields. They are up to 1.000 times more sensitive than any other type of amplifiers. Maser amplifiers mounted on radio telescopes can increase even their great range by a factor of 10, allowing us to reach out to the bounds of the known universe. Because of the very constant frequency with which masers can be made to oscillate they can be used as master controls for atomic clocks of unbelivable accuracy:

An error not exceeding 1 second in 10.000 years has already been achieved.



laser – лазер, оптический квантовый генератор

maser – мазер, микроволновый квантовый генератор

light wavesсветовые волны

amplifier – усилитель

to make up – составлять

energy level – уровень энергии

to give off energy (light) – отдавать энергию; излучать, испускать(свет)

to generate – вырабатывать

solid – твердое тело

property – свойство

three-dimensional image – объемное  изображение

emission – излучение

range – диапазон

wavelength – длина волны

by a factor of 10 – в 10 раз

to oscillate – колебаться

master control – главный орган управления





         3.9 Развитие компьютера. Прочтите и переведите текст.


         The inventions and ideas of many mathematicians and scientists led to the development of the computer. The first mechanical calculating machines were invented during the 1600’s. One of the more notable of these devices was built in 1642 by the french mathematician and scientist blaise Pascal.

         During the 1830’s, an english mathematician named charles Babbage developed the idea of a mechanical digital computer. He tried to construct a machine called an analytical engine.


The machine contained the basic eleements of an automatic computer and was designed to perform complicated calculations according to a sequence of instructions. However, the technology of babbage’s time was not advanced enough to provide the precision parts needed to complete the machine.

        Another important contribution to the development of the computer was made in the mid-1800’s by George Boole, an english logician and mathematician. Boole devised a system of formulating logical statements symbolically so that they could be written and proved in a way similar to that of ordinary algebra.

In 1930 the first reliable analog computer was built . This machine called a different analyzer, solved differential equations.

        During the 1940’s John Von Neumann, an American mathematician, introduced an idea that improved computer design. He proposed that programs could be coded as numbers and stored with data in a computer’s memory.

           The invention of the transistor in 1947 of related solid-state devices during the 1950’s and 1960’ resulted in the production of faster and more reliable electronic computers. The new machines also were smaller and less expensive than earlier models.

          The continued miniaturization of electronic equipment during the late 1960’s and 1970’s led to further advances in computer technology. The development of the integrated circuit enabled engineers to design both minicomputers and high-speed mainframes with tremendous memory capacities.

         Researches are seeking ways improve memories and auxiliary storage equipment. They expect to produce an efficient magnetic bubble unit, which is faster and cheaper to operate than mechanical tape or disk units. A magnetic bubble unit is a semiconductor chip that stores data in tiny,cylindrically shaped areas called bubbles.




invention – изобретение

development – развитие

to invent – изобретать

engine – двигатель

to perform – исполнить

to complete – завершить

contribution – вклад

similar – похожий

ordinary – обычный

tremendous – громадный



to improve – улучшать

equipment – оборудование

magnetic – магнитный

bubble – цилиндрический магнитный домен

tiny – крохотный





        3.10  Компьютеры и кибернетика. Прочтите и переведите текст.


       The computers or high-speeed electronic machines of today have created entirely new technical possibilities in automatic control of industrial processes. First desighned for solving mathematical problems, they soonpaved the way for a new field of science – cybernetics – that studies general principles of control both in life and non-live systems. The importance of cybernetics is great in the sphere of engineering sciences. A newly developed field of knowledge is technical cybernetics. Its objectives are to control automatic industrial processes, to study problems of transmission of information and to develop new principles of automatic control.

        One of the main problems of technical cybernetics is the development of control alrorithms to be used in processing and control of information flows. The algorithms worked out for employment in control machines are called programs. These are based on subdivision of the computation process into simple arithmetical operations and on determination of the logical operations to be performed with a view to fulfil the program which gives the sequence of the machine’s operations, and must be coded or expressed in the adopted code system.

         Two systems of computers are now created for control computer design.

         One of these is the development of general –purpose control machines which may have much wider application but require more complicated logical circuity and a greater number of instructions and commands employed in the computer. This approach permits control of a great variety of industrial units with the aid of one and the same computer.

       The second system utilizes modern microcomputer techniques to develop

Special-purpose machines designed to control a prticular process. This leads to the creation of more easilyoperated and low-cost control computers. Tests of some control computers manufactured for specific industrial units have shown their efficiency and quite sufficient reliability.

       In our country both systems of control are applied. Electronic digital computers perform both arithmetical and logical operations, making it possible to govern processes under rather complicated conditions.



cybernetics – кибернетика

entirely – всецело, совершенно

to pave – прокладывать

computation – вычисление

to fulfil – исполнять

to adopt – принимать

circuitry – электрическая схема

unit – единица измерения

aid – помощь

particular – особенный

to lead – вести, проводить

efficiency – эффективность

reliability – надёжность

to govern – управлять

rather – слегка, до некоторой степени





          4 Контрольные задания


         Вариант 1


        1.1 Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.


civil engineering, mechanical engineering, manufacture of tools, electrical engineering, distribution of electricity, electronic engineering, developing componets, equipment for commnications, electrical installation, mining engineering, rail track, preserving the foods, medical engineering, electrical engineer, maintenance of the equipment.         


          1.2 Подберите каждый пункт в колонке А с подходящим пунктом из колонки В и образуйте предложение.


A                                                              B

1.marine                                         a) air-conditionning 

2. aeronautical                                b) roads and bridges

3. heating and ventilating               c) body scanners

4. electricity generating                  d) cables and switchgear


5. automobile                                  e) communications and equipment

6. civil                                             f) ships

7. electronic                                    g) planes

8. electrical installation                  h) cars and trucks

9. medical                                       i) power stations





         1.3 Заполните пробелы схемы используя информацию из текста.



           1.4 Заполните пропуски используя схему.


          The main branches of engineering are civil, ….. electrical, and electronic. Mechanical engineering is ….. ….. machinery of all kinds. This branch of engineering includes …..,automobile, ….., and heating and ventilating. The first three are concerned with transport: ….., cars and planes. The last ….. ….. air-conditioning, refrigeration,etc.

         Electrical engineering deals with ….., from generation to use. Electricity generating is concerned with ….. stations. Electrical installation deals ….. cables, switchgear, and connecting up electrical equipment.

        Two branches of engineering include both ….. and ….. engineers. These are mining and medical engineering. The former deals with mines and mining equipment, the latter with hospital ….. of all kinds.


           1. 5  Вопросы.


1.What is engineering?

2. What is civil engineering?

3. What does mechanical engineering deal with?

4. What is electrical engineering?

5. What is electronic engineering concerned with?

6. What does mechanical engineering include?

7. What do mining and medical engineering belong to?

8. What are  products of mechanical engineering?

9. What do electrical engineers provide us?

10. What are electrical engineers concerned with?



        1.6 Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.


1. Civil engineering is concerned with making bridges,……

2. Mechanical engineers are also involved in support ……

3. Body scanners, x-ray machines, life-support systems, ……

4. Electrical engineers are concerned with the production and distribution……

5. Electronic engineering is concerned with developing components ……

6. Electrical installation deals with cables, switchgear, and ……


        1.7 Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста.


1. Engineering is not largely a practical action.

2. Mechanical engineering is concerned with heating of all kinds.

3. Electrical installation deals with cables, refrigeration, and connecting up electronic equipment.

4. The main branches of engineering are civil, medical, heat, and power.

5. Electronic engineering is concerned with developing computers and machines for communication.










           Вариант 2


           2.1 Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания. 


power station, electricity generator, portable generator,coils of insulated copper wire,

an iron core, station windings, armature windings, rotating crankshaft, electromagnetic induction, the electric current, the output terminals, domestic appliances, emergency power.


          2.2 Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.


1. In a typical four-stroke engine, when the piston descends, ……

2. The valve closes, the piston rises on the compression stroke ……

3. The crankshaft extends directly to an alternator which consists of ……

4. The rotor is magnetized and as it spins round, electricity is generated in the stator windings ……

5. This type of generators can produce a 700 watt output, ……




           2.3  Заполните таблицу на словообразование.




Personal noun








































          2.4 Соедините по образцу. 


Cause                                                               Effect

The piston moves down the cylinder                         This creates a partial vacuum    

The piston moves down the cylinder, creating a partial vacuum.

                  Cause                                                        Effect

1. The piston creates a vacuum.                   This draws in fuel from the carburettor

2. The piston moves up the cylinder            This compresses the mixture

3. The gas expands quickly                          This pushes the piston down

4. The piston moves up and down                This rotates the crankshaft

5.  The crankshaft spins round                      This turns the at 3,000 rpm

6. The armature of the alternator rotates       This induces a current in the stator windings

7. The alternator turns at a steady                  This generate around 700 watts

3,000 rpm     


           2.5 Заполните пропуски с подходящими словами в соответствии содержанием текста.


1. The moving … makes the crankshaft rotate at great … .

2. This … is repeated many times per … .

3. The … is magnetized and as it spins round, … is generated in the stator windings.

4. An … converts … into elerctricity.

5. Portable generators are made up of two main parts: …, ….



          2.6 Переведите предложения.


1. Nowadays, electricity generators can be small enough to hold in the hand.

2. The moving piston makes the crankshaft rotate at great speed.

3. The rotor makes about 3,000 revolutions per minute.

4. Larger versions provide emergency power to hospitals and factories.

5. The electric current is fed to the output terminals or sockets.



           2.7 Вопросы. 


1. What are portable generators made up?

2. What does the valve and the piston do on the compression stroke?



3. Does the crankshaft extend directly to an alternator?

4. How many sets of windings does the crankshaft consist of?

5. How much revolutions does the rotor make per minute?

6. What is generated in the stator windings through the process of electromagnetic induction?

7. Is the electric current fed to the output terminals or sockets?



           Вариант 3



            3.1 Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.


 nuclei of atoms, nuclear energy, atomic energy, atomic power plants, electric energy,                        chemical energy, light energy, household appliances, industrialised machinery, power    stations.


            3.2 Вопросы.


1. How much the sources of energy is locked up in the nuclei of atoms?

2. What have the scientists succeeded in?

3. How much energy can uranium-235 supply?

4. How and where can nuclear energy be used?

5. Are there great possibilities of using nuclear energy for mankind?

6. Is nuclear energy used in many spheres of life?


             3.3 Составьте предложение из двух частей.


2. Many atomic power plants

locked up in the nuclei of atoms of matter itself.

1. All the sources of energy put together is the energy

when the nucleus of one atom is split is very small.

3. The amount of energy which might be released

for producing electric energy were built in mant countries of the world.

4. Nuclear energy is and will be used in medicine,

the chemical energy changes to heat and light energy.

5. When these fuels are burnt,

and in many spheres of life where the atom may find useful application.

6. Electricity is the most important form of enrgy in the industrialized world,

because it can be transported over long distances via cables and transmission lines.




           3.4 Переведите предложения.


1. Много атомных электростанций для производства энергий построены во многих странах мира.

2. Уже построены корабли, работающие на атомной энергии.     

3. Электричество является самой важной формой энергий в промышленном мире.

4. Такие виды топлива, как уголь, бензин, дерево содержат химическую энергию.

5. Человечество интересуется только той атомной энергией, которая используется  для мирных целей.

6. Ядерная энергия используется, и будет использоваться в медицине.   




         3.5 Выберите из списка В синонимы к словам списка А.


A. to proceed                B. to turn on

     normally                       to continue

     owing to                        precise

     accurate                         usually

     to provide                      due to

     various                           to supply

     to switch on                   different

     energy                            artificial

     a lot of                            power

     large                               to apply

     to use                              many

     man-made                      for example

    for instance                    to determine

    to define                         big


          3.6 Укажите какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста.


1. The amount of energy which might be relesed when the nucleus of one atom is split is very small.

2. Fuels such as coal, oil and silicon contain chemical energy.

3. A pound of U 235 can supply as much energy as the burning up of 1,000, 000 pounds of coal.



4. Nuclear energy is and will be used in medicine.

5. Many atomic power plants for producing electric energy were built in many cuintries of the world.


         3.7 Переведите предложения.


1. Solar energy has great value to mankind.

2. Solar energy is one of the most attractive alternative sources of energy.

3. Modern technologies for straight using solar energy use solar batteries as heating machines.

4. Coal, oil, and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are the fossilized remains of plants and animals that lived hudreds of millions of years ago.

5. We use energy resources to provide light and heating in our homes, to plough the land, to cook our food, to travel, to turn our factories, and in cuntless other ways.

6. Sources of energy, like energy of wind, ocean tides, geothermal energy and others must be used where it available and favourable, but surely, that their energy possibilities are too small for global energy system.

7. Using biological materials for producing organic fuel can become one of the most important parts in future energetic system.


         Вариант 4


         4.1 Прочитайте и переведите предложения.


flow of electricity, the ultimate particle of negative electricity, heavy stones, conductors of electricity, the property of attracting iron,magnetic forces, a strong magnetic field, electrical metres, electromechanical apparatus.



         4.2 Вопросы.


1. What is an electric current?

2. How many kinds of electricity are there?

3. What is the leaf electroscope used for ?

4. What is called magnetism ?

5. What is called the North (South) pole?

6. When do poles repel each other?

7. When do poles attract each other?




8. What is called a magnetic field?

9. What metals are the best conductors?

10. What is called an electric current?

11. Where are the magnetic effects of an electric current used?



          4.3 Переведите предложения.  


1. Two magnets put into a coil produce a greater effect than one.

2. The magnetic poles will repel if both are North poles or both are South poles.

3. Both glass and rubber are insulators.

4. There are instruments measuring current and voltage, and devices for measuring energy.

5. Due to magnetic effects dynamos are able to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy with a loss of only a few per cent.

6. Iron becomes magnetized when it is placed in a strong magnetic field.

7. When the magnetic field is removed magnetization disappears.

8. Whenever a current is flowing in a circuit, it is due to the existence of an electromotive force in the circuit.



          4.4 Выразите одним словом следующие понятия. 


1. The flow of electricity along a wire.

2. The path of an electric current.

3. A reddish metal which conducts electricity and heat well.

4. Electric floe in one direction.

5. Electric flow first in one direction and then in the other direction.

6. An instrument for measuring electric current.



            4.5 Выберите из списка В антонимы к словам списка А.


   A.  modern               B. to exclude

      regular                     old   

      outer                        to weaken

      to strengthen            inner

      to include                 impossible

      possible                    irregular

      rapidly                      future


      past                           quickly

      powerless                  inefficient

      efficient                     powerful

      unlimited                   limited

      accurate                     non-conductor

      conductor                   inaccurate


            4.6 Переведите предложения.


1.Медь широко применяется в промышленности, она является хорошим проводником электричества.

2. Ток нагревает проводник, протекая по нему.

3. Электрический ток – это поток электронов по проводнику

4. Когда ток протекает в катушке провода, катушка проявляет многие свойства магнита.

5. Электротехники должны всё знать о магнитах и их свойствах.

6. Постоянный ток, переменный ток, напряжение, сопротивление – это основные термины для каждого электротехника.



           4.7 Дайте английские эквиваленты русских слов в скобках.


1. Magnetism is the (свойство) of attracting iron.

2. Every magnet has two (полюса): the (северный) pole and the (южный) pole.

3. Magnets (влияют) one another.

4. The North pole of one magnet (отталкивает) the North pole of another magnet. It is the same with the South pole.

5. The North pole of one magnet (притягивает) the South pole of another magnet.

6. Almost all metals are good (проводники) of electricity.       






        5.1 Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.


electric motor, electric current, magnetic field, wrist-watches, a loop of wire, stationary magnet, carbon blocks.




          5.2 Вопросы.


1. What does an electric current do in an electric motor?

2. What is called an electromagnet?

3. What is called an armature?

4. When do the iron become an electromagnet?

5.  What makes the armature turn?



        5.3 Подберите каждый компонент мотора к его функции и опишите его функцию предложением.  

Component              Function

1. armature             a) transfers rotation from the motor

2. bearings              b) create an electromagnetic field

3. brushes               c) converts electromagnetic energy to rotation

4. commutator        d) reverses the current to the armature

5. drive shaft          e) support the drive shaft

6. field windings    f) supply current to the armature



           5.4 Переведите предложения.

1. The electric motor is the complement of the electric generator, a device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy.

2. In general generators may function as motors, and,conversely, motors may function as generators.

3. The purpose of the windings connected to the external energy source is to produce a rotating field that interacts with the induced currents in the rotator conductors.

4. The development of the electric motor can be traced to the work of the Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted in the early 19th century, when he discovered that electricity in motion generates a magnetic field.

5. By the early 1870s the Belgian –born electrical engineer Zenobe-Theophile Gramme had developed the first commercially viable electric motor.

6. In 1883 the Serbian –American engineer Nikola Tesla invented the first alternating-current induction motor, a device generally considered the prototype of the modern electric motor.

7. The electric motor has become the dominant motive power for industrial, bussiness, transportation, and household applications.





          5.5 Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.


1. To reverse the direction of the current, the ends of the armature wire are connected…

2. Current flows to and from the commutator through small …

3. The armature continues turning as long as the direction of the current, …

4. As the armature turns, first one half of the commutator comes into contact with the brush delivering …

5. If you put two magnets close together, like poles – for example, two north poles – repel each  other,…



         5.6 Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста.


1. In an electric motor an electric current and magnetism produce a turning movement.

2. If an electric current flows around a loop of wire with a bar of iron through it, the iron becomes magnetized.

3. When electricity flows around the armature wire, the iron becomes an electromagnet.

4. Current flows to and from the armature through small carbon blocks called brushes.

5.  An electric current running through a wire produces a magnetic field around the armature.


          5.7 Соедините слоги и составьте слова.




















































           Вариант 6


           6.1 Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.  


electric networks, electric devices, supply electricity to consumers, transfer of electric energy, power sources, transportation of fuel, transfer of electric energy, electric energy, an energy system.        



          6.2 Вопросы.        


1. What is an electric network?

2. What does an electric network consist of?

3. What is the main purpose of electric network?

4. What are electric networks used for?

5. What is the second purpose of electric network?

6. Where are power sources located?

7. What is an energy system?

8. How many features does an energy system define?



         6.3 Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста.


1. Electric networks are used for connection of isolation receivers and consumers.

2. In most cases power sources are located at a significant distance from the centers of consumption.

3. Construction of power stations close to fuel pool and transfer of electric energy is more  preferable.

4. An energy system has a uniform defining management.

5. Two main features define an energy system.


          6.4 Переведите предложения.


1. Основной целью электрических сетей является снабжение потребителей электричеством,

2. Второй целью электрических сетей является передача электрической энергии от места выработки к месту потребления.

3. Источники энергии находятся на значительном расстоянии от центров потребления.



4. Электрические сети также используются для создания систем энергии.

5. Энергетическая система это сочетание электроустановок и строительных материалов.


      6.5 Составьте предложение из двух частей.


This problem is rather complicated because of a large number of

and transfer of electric energy via electric networks is more preferable.

An energy system is a combination of power plants and constructions

Electricity receivers and large areas, on which they are located.

In many cases, transportation of fuel, coal, for example, can be unprofitable; construction of power stations close to fuel pool 

Where their generating part is connected through power links for parallel operation.

If distances are large, and volumes of transmitted electric energy are significant,

and this reserve can be used in any part of the system.

It has a uniform dispatching management and uniform reserve of capacity,

receivers and consumers in aggregate to power sources.

Electric networks are used for connection of electricity

a construction of high-capacity transmission lines for a very high voltage is necessary.




             6.6 Выберите из списка В синонимы к словам списка А.


   A.  power plant                 B.  to influence

      to speed up                       application could be made

      to improve                        to perfect

      to affect                            till

      to apply                            amount

      to suggest                         to erect

      a great deal                      fundamental

      until                                 velocity

      use could be made          consequently

     to change                         to offer

     quantity                           remakable

     dramatic                          to vary


     to build                            to arise

     hence                               to accelerate

     basic                                electric station

     to come into being          to employ

     speed                              very much               




         6.7 Выразите одним словом следующие понятия.


1. A substance, eg water, that is not solid and that can flow or be poured.

2. A common hard grey metal.

3. One of the thin threads which form a natural or artificial sustance.

4. The power that comes from coal, electricity, gas, etc; that is used for driving machines, etc.

5.Material that is burnt to produce heat or power.

6. The flow of electricity through a wire.





          7.1 Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.


to make use of the lift, chemical sources of current, industrial application, semiconductor devices, potential energy, solar furnace, source of direct current, to change electric energy, electric device.



          7.2 Вопросы.

1. Can one form of energy be changed into another form?

2. Does a generator produce mechanical energy?

3. Is the sun an unlimited source of energy?

4. Can we employ solar energy directly?

5. Have scientists transformed solar energy into electric energy?

6. Is potential energy the energy of motion?

7. Do we need more and more electric energy every year?

8. Are there various forms of energy?

9. Do you use electric energy every day?




 7.3  Заполните пропуски с подходящими словами данными ниже.


1. The energy of … is generally used to turn the turbines of hydroelectric stations.

2. The turbines in their turn drive the electric …, the latter producing electric energy.

3. When an object loses its  ... energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy.

4. Every year we need more and more … .

5. We need it to do a lot of useful … that are done by electricity.


things, falling water, generators, energy,potential;


              7.4 Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.


1. There are various forms of energy, such as heat, ……

2. However, the energy sources of the world are decreasing ……

3. These needs will continue yo grow as more motors and melted metals ……

4. The electric energy, in its turn, may be …

5. Water falling from its raised position, energy ……


          7.5 Найдите несколько слов из таблицы.





















































































           7.6 Переведите предложения.


1. Chemical sources of current having a limited application, the great quantities of electric energy generated today come from various forms of mechanical energy.

2. The rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial application of the electric current result in an increasing need of energy.



3. The sun is an unlimited source of energy.

4. Using semiconductors, scientists, have transformed solar energy into electric energy.         


         7.7 Укажите,  какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста. 


1. Water falling from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic energy.

2. The energy sources of the world are increasing while the energy needs of the world are decreasing.

3. Chemical sources of current having a limited application.

4. Not much quantities of electric energy generated today come from various forms of mechanical energy.



        Вариант 8


        8.1 Найдите русские эквиваленты для словосочетаний.


        before the turn of the century, fantastic story, sword of heat, mysterious sword of heat, has come to reality, the name stands for, light amplification, stimulated emission, mankinds’s oldest dream, to make lead run like water, technological tool, thermonuclear fuel, to have no time to disuntegrate, experiments in heating, required temperature, dozens of times greater, in just a fraction of a second.

         технологическое средство, заставить свинец литься как вода, название означает, старейшая мечта человечества, усиление света, в конце прошлого века, индуцированная эмиссия, огненный меч, таинственный огненный меч, воплотилось в реальность, фантастическая история, эксперименты по нагреву, требуемая температура, термоядерное топливо, нет времени для распада, в десятки раз больше, всего за долю секунды.



          8.2 Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста.   

1. The light made by a laser is much more intense than ordinary light.

2. With ordinary light, all the light waves have the same lenth.

3. With lasers all  the light waves have different length.

4. A laser concentrates light waves into a very intense beam.

5. Lasers are now used for many scientific, medical, and industrial purposes.




           8.3 Вопросы.

1. What are atoms made up of ?

2. To what level are the electrons excited in a laser?

3. When do they give off energy?

4. In what form is this energy given off?

5. Are lasers used in holography?

6. What is the maser?

7. Have masers made revolutionary advance possible in a number of different fields?

8. What are up to 1.000 times more sensitive than any other type of amplifiers?  



         8.4 Найдите Английский эквивалент следующих слов.

голография, голограмма, объёмное изображение, выглядеть, испытывать, проверять, выяснять.



        8.5 Составьте предложение из двух частей.


1. A laser is a machine for making

and concentrating light waves in avery intense beam.

2. The thin beam of light gives a lot of heat and it is used

even their great range by a factor of 10, allowing us to reach out to the bounds of the known universe.

3. The beam can also be used as a drill, to make

generated are mich longer and therefore the energy jumps involved are smaller

4. A hologram is a three-dimensional image,

to join metal when a very small joint is needed.

5. The maser is operatedon the same principle as the laser except that the wavelenths

a bit like a photograph.

6. The excited bodies in a maser are molecules rather than atomic electrons and the beam generated is a 

holes in steel, or even in diamonds. 

7. Maser amplifiers mounted on radio telescopes can increase

coherent beam of microwaves which is not visible to the eye.




         8.6 Переведите предложения.

1. The laser has become a multipurpose tool.

2. Atoms emit rays of different lenth, which prevents the forming of  an intense beam of light.  

3. The most common laser is the helium-neon laser in the laser tube, containing 10 percent helium gas and 90 per cent neon gas.

4. The electrons get energy from a power supply and become “excited”, giving off energy as light.

5. Scientists foresee the day when a single laser beam will be employed to carry simultaneously millions of telephone conversations or a thousand of television programmes. 


        8.7 Расскажите о лазере используя схему.


        9 Вариант


        9.1Найдите русские эквиваленты для словосочетаний.

        Mechanical calculating machine, digital computer, analog computer, analytical engine, sequence of instructions, logical statement, in a way similar to, differential analyzer, to make an important contribution to, solid-state device,




the continued miniaturization, integrated curcuit, high-speed mainframe,

tremondous memory capacities, auxiliary storage equipment, bubble, magnetic bubble unit, semiconductorlike chip, a very large-scale integrated circuit(VLSI), to devise hardware and software.

         Механическая счетная машина, интегральная схема, последовательность инструкций, логическое утверждение, способом, подобным чему-л, цифровой компьютер, аналитическая машина, аналоговый компьютер, дифференциальный анализатор, твёрдотельное устройство, внести важный вклад, быстродействующая вычислительная машина, продолжавшаяся миниатюризация, вспомогательное запоминающее оборудование, огромные ёмкости памяти, цилиндрический магнитный домен, устройство на цилиндрических магнитных доменах, сверхбольшая интегральная схема, кристалл полупроводникового типа, изобретать аппаратные и программные средства.


          9.2 Вопросы.

1. What did the inventions and ideas of many mathemiticians and scientists lead to?

2. When were the first mechanical calculating machines invented?

3. Who developed the idea of a mechanical digital computer?

4. The technology of Babbage’s time was not advanced enough, was it?

5. What was built in 1930?

6. What did John Von Neumann introduce during 1940’s?

7. What is a magnetic bubble unit?

8. Is the development of the integrated circuit enabled engineers to design both minicomputers and high-speed main-frames with tremendous memory capacities?

9. Who devised a system of formulating logical statements symbolically?


          9.3 Найдите русский эквивалент следующих слов.

         Вводить, улучшать, конструкция, предлагать, хранить данные, изобретение, устройство, кончаться, иметь (своим) результатом, производство, надёжный, дорогой (дорогостоящий).


        9.4 Укажите какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. Charles Babbage developed the idea of an electronic digital computer.

2. George Boole devised a system of formulating logical statements symbolically.

3. The invention of the transistor in 1947 resulted in the production of faster and more reliable electronic computers.

4. Scientists are also working to decrease computing speed.




        9.5 Заполните пропуски словами.

1. The first mechanical … machines were invented during the 1600’s.

2. In 1930 the first reliable … computer was built .

3. The new … also were smaller.

4. Researches are seeking ways … memories and auxiliary storage equipment.

5. A magnetic … units is a semiconductor chip that stores data in tiny? Cylindrically shaped areas called bubbles.


          9.6 Выберите соответствующие значения выделенных слов.


a. coming near to

b. approximation, a way to solve a problem

c. way, path, road



a. enable to keep up, maintain

b. suffer,undergo

c. keep from falling



a. supply of fresh horses to take the place of tired ones

b. device which recivers signals and transmits them with greater strength, thus increasing the distance over which they are carried

c. place from whic h radio programs are broadcast after being received from another station



a. passengers and cargo, but not fuel

b. bomb in a missile

c. crew and instruments of a spaceship



a. each single thing, part or object in a list

b. detail or paragraph (of news)

c. number of a program


off-the shelf

a. commercially available

b. ready to use

c. possible or likely


         9.7 Заполните последовательно схему с русскими эквивалентами следующих слов.







           10 Вариант


          10.1 Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

High-speed electronic machine, non-live systems, technical cybernetics, automatic industrial processes, problems of transmission, to control alrorithms, general-purpose control machines, complicated logical circuitry, industrial units, modernmiccomputer techniques, special-purpose machines, low-cost computers, sufficient reliability, electronic digital computers, rather complicated conditions.



          10.2 Вопросы.

1. What have the computers of high-speed electronic machines created?

2. What does cybernetics study?


3.  Is the importance of cybernetics especially great in the sphere of engineering sciences?

4. What is the field of acting of technical cybernetycs?

5. What is one of the main problems of technical cybernetics?

6. Where are the algorithms used? For what purpose are they used?

7. How many systems of computer are now created for control computer design?

8. What is the first system? What is its application?

9. What is the second system? What is its application?

10. What computers are low-cost, the computers of the first system or the computers of the second one?



         10.3 Дайте английские эквиваленты русских слов в скобках.


1. The computers are the (высокоскоростные электронные) machines.

2. First they were (спроектированы) for (решения) mathematical problems.

3. The computers have created now a new field of science – (кибернетику).

4. Cybernetics studies general principles of control both in life and (не жизненными)


5. The ( алгоритмы) worked out for employment in control machines are called (программами).

6. These programs are based on (подразделение) of the creations and on (решение)

of the logical operations.

7. The program must be (закодирована) or expressed in the (принятой кодовой) system.

8. One of the computer systems requires more complicated logical (электрическая схема).



        10.4 Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. The computers control non-live systems.

2. Cybernetics is a new field of science for controlling automatic industrial processes.

3. Algorithms are used in controlling of machines.

4. Algorithms are programs.

5. The first system of computers has a very complicatedlogical circuitry.

6. The second system of computers is more easily operated.






           10.5 Заполните таблицу на словообразование.





















             10.6 Найдите.

а) синонимы

rapidly, sophisticated, to conduct, demand, almost, quickly, to carry out, approximately, opportunity, requirement, also, use, to fulfill, complex, as well, to realize, application, possibility.


б) антонимы

further, integrate, cooling, outside, powerless,uncontrolled, limited, disintegrate, nearer, capable, limitless, controlled, incapable, powerful, heating, inside.


           10.7 Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. The importance of cybernetics is great in the sphere …

2. The algorithms worked out for employment in control …

3. Two systems of computers are now …

4. The second system utilizes modern…

5. Electronic digital computers perform …











Список литературы


                  1. Eric H. Glendinning, Norman Glendinning. Electrical and

            Engineering. 2003.                                                                                                                           

                    2. Lindsay White. Engineering. 2003

                    3. Куклина И.П. Energy is the source of life. Пособие для средних

             специальных технических учебных заведений. – СПб: Изд-во Каро,


                     4. Keith Boeckner. P. Charles Brown. Computing.2003.




          1 Рабочая программа ……………………..........................................3

           2 Методические указания ……………………………………………4

           3 Темы по дисциплине ……………………………………………… 5

                       3.1 Техника …………………………………………………... 5

                       3.2 Портативный генератор …………………………………  6 

                       3.3 Источники энергии  ……………………………………… 7

                       3.4 Электричество и магнетизм ………………………………8

                       3.5 Электрический мотор………………………………………9

                       3.6 Цели электрических сетей и систем………………………11

                       3.7 Энергия …………………………………………………….12

                    3.8 Лазеры и мазеры …………………………………………..13

                       3.9 Развитие компьютера …………………………….. ……...14

                       3.10 Компьютеры и кибернетика …………………………16 

              4 Контрольные задания ……………………………………………..17

                       Вариант 1 ……………………………………………………….17

                       Вариант 2 ……………………………………………………….20

                       Вариант 3 ……………………………………………………….22

                       Вариант 4 ……………………………………………………….24

                       Вариант 5 ……………………………………………………….26

                       Вариант 6 ……………………………………………………….29

                       Вариант 7 ……………………………………………………….31

                       Вариант 8 ……………………………………………………….33

                       Вариант 9 ……………………………………………………….35

                       Вариант 10 ……………………………………………………...38

               Список литературы ………………………………………………….41





Дополнительный план 2005 г., поз. 17



Райымкул Зарина Абдикамалкызы








Перевод технической литературы.

Программа, методические указания

и контрольные задания ( для студентов всех специальностей заочной формы  обучения)





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