Алматинский Институт Энергетики и Связи


Кафедра иностранных языков






Проректор по учебно-методической работе

Сериков Э.А._____________






  Английский Язык. Деловое Общение.

                Программа, методические указания и контрольные задания 




СОГЛАСОВАНО                                                         Рассмотрено и одобрено на

Начальник УМО                                                  заседании кафедры ИЯ

Рутгайзер О.З._______                                              Протокол № 5 от 04.04.05.г.


“___”_______2005г.                                          Зав. кафедрой ИЯ

                                                                    А.С. Мендыгалиева

Инженер по стандартизации

Голева Н.М. _______


“___”_______2005г.                                          Составители:

                                                                    С.Н. Колмакова

Редактор                                                              А.И. Нурмуханбетова

Сыздыкова Ж.М. ._____




Алматы 2005



СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: С.Н. Колмакова. А.И. Нурмуханбетова. Английский язык. Деловое общение. Программа, методические указания и контрольные работы.-Алматы: АИЭС,2005.-41с.







Методические указания предназначены для тренировки и закрепления словаря по устным темам и рассчитаны для студентов всех специальностей заочной формы обучения. Задания носят информативный характер. Они позволят расширить словарный запас и закрепить знания о том, в каком контексте можно употребить ту или иную лексическую единицу.

Студенты самостоятельно читают и переводят тексты по различным темам и выполняют упражнения к данным текстам.












Рецензент: ст.преп.каф.ИЯ Бухина С.Б.


Печатается по плану издания Алматинского института энергетики и связи на 2005 г.




                    @Алматинский институт энергетики и связи, 2005 г.






1 Программа по дисциплине « Английский язык. Деловое общение».



1.1 Дисциплина включает 2 кредита.

Образование с ускоренным сроком обучения – 5лет.

                    90 часов – всего.

                    18 часов – аудиторных.

                    16 часов – занятия с элементами дистанционного обучения.

                    56 часов – самостоятельная работа.


                                            1 контрольная работа.



1.2 Заочная форма обучения – 2 кредита.

                    90 часов – всего

                    18 часов – аудиторных.

                    16 часов – занятия с элементами дистанционного обучения.

                    56 часов – самостоятельная работа.


                                              1 контрольная работа.



1.3 Программа дисциплины “Английский язык. Деловое общение”.      (содержание самостоятельной работы студента – 56 часов)

1.3.1 Программа включает два вида работы по дисциплине “Английский язык. Деловое общение”.

   1 вид работы. Необходимо перевести на русский язык текст из англоязычной газеты на 5000 знаков. Текст должен быть политического содержания, а газета должна быть за текущий год (копию статьи приложить). В тетради представить словарь к тексту на 50 лексических единиц. 

   2 вид работы. Студентам предлагается самостоятельно проработать 10 тем, после чего, он выполняет 1 контрольную работу по своему варианту.

Студентам предлагаются следующие темы для самостоятельной работы:

-    Тема. Знакомство. Составление текста о себе. Как мы общаемся. Коммуникация сегодня (интернет, факс, телекс, e-mail). Моя биография.

          -     Тема. Профессия. Различные виды профессий.

          -     Тема. Устройство на работу. Виды работ. Проблемы, связанные с получением работы и их решение. Составление диалога. Написание неофициального письма.

          -    Тема. Интервью. Как отвечать на вопросы, что необходимо сказать при собеседовании.

-    Тема. Работа за рубежом. Преимущества и недостатки работы за рубежом.

            -   Тема. Страноведение. Визит в англоязычную страну. Описание города. Достопримечательности. В гостинице.

          -  Тема. Деловые поездки. Виды фирм и компаний. Переговоры: подготовка, введение, заключение.

 -     Тема. Подписание контрактов. Виды контрактов. Составление договоров.

          -       Тема. Покупки. Потребители и продавцы. Виды товаров.

          -       Тема. Средства Массовой Информации (СМИ). Виды СМИ. Роль СМИ для коммерческих предприятий. Реклама.


2    Методические указания


2.1 Цели и задачи методических указаний по английскому языку для студентов – заочников.


          Цель методических указаний – обучить основам делового общения в устных и письменных формах в типичных ситуациях: знакомство, устройство на работу, поездки, переговоры, обсуждение и подписание договоров, коммерческая корреспонденция (коммерческое письмо, факс, телекс, письмо-запрос и т.п.). Методические указания содержат также большое количество страноведческой информации, необходимой для деловой поездки в англоязычную страну.

          Методические указания построены таким образом, что в первых четырех вариантах доминируют общебытовые темы и ситуации, а коммерческие и деловые дополняют их, а в последующих шести вариантах акценты соответственно меняются. Это сделано с целью облегчить обучаемым период адаптации, повторения и вхождения в новую, довольно сложную сферу существования и употребления английского языка.

          Задачи курса конкретизируются в требованиях к коммуникативным умения говорения, чтения и письма во всех видах речевой деятельности, связанной с восприятием и порождением дискурса.


          2.2 Выполнение котрольных заданий.

          2.2.1 За время обучению ангдийскому языку студенты выполняют 1 контрольное задание. Студентам предлагается выполнить один из десяти вариантов.

          2.2.2 Задания составлены в десяти вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из десяти вариантов в соответствии с последними цифрами номера зачетной книжки: студенты, номер которых окачивается на 1, выполняют вариант №1, на 2-вариант №2, на 3-вариант №3, на 4-вариант №4, на 5-вариант №5, на 6-вариант №6, на 7-вариант №7, на 8-вариант №8, на 9-вариант №9, на 0 вариант №10.

          2.2.3 Выполняйте письменные контрольные работы в отдельной тетради. На тетради напишите свою фамилию, инициалы, номер зачетной книжки, адрес, номер контрольной работы и название учебника, по которому вы занимаетесь. 

          2.2.4 Выполняйте задания в определенной последовательности.

          2.2.5 Выполненные контрольные задания направляйте в институт в установленные сроки для проверки и рецензирования.


3 Темы по дисциплине «Английский язык».

3.1 Знакомство. Прочтите и переведите текст:

We can communicate with other people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile), the fax, and e-mail. Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas.

Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants make sounds that humans can't hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing compared to what people can do. We have language-about 6000 languages, in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present.

           Communication technologies were very important in the development of all the great ancient societies:

-         Around 2900 BC, paper and hieroglyphics transformed Egyptian life.

-         The ancient Greeks loved the spoken word. They were very good at public speaking, drama, and philosophy.

-         The Romans developed a unique system of government that depended on the Romans alphabet.

-         In the 14th century, the printing press helped develop new ways of thinking across Europe.

Radio, film, and television have had a huge influence on society in the last hundred years. And now we have the Internet, which is infinite. But what is this doing to us? We can give and get a lot of information very quickly. But there is also much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn't. Modern media is changing our world every minute of every day. 



To communicate – общаться                        government – правительство

To promise – обещать                                depend on – зависеть от

To persuade – убеждать                              influence – влияние

To explain – объяснять                               joke – шутка


3.2 Профессии. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Lively Tom,69, skates for Tesco.

Tom Hopperton is one of 1,200 over-65s working for the supermarket, Tesco. He’s been working there for fifteen months. Before that he was a plumber for thirty years.

Tom skates about five miles a day around the store fetching things for customers who realize that they’ve forgotten something only when they’ve reached the checkout till. He earns 4.50$ an hour.

“I just love the jib. I help the customers ,so they’re usually very nice to me. I’ve always liked meeting people. And it keeps me fit. I can’t sit at home doing nothing. I’d just die. I have to keep busy. Time goes really quickly. Every day is different”.

Tesco’s made the decision to employ people of all ages. It sees the advantages of older workers who are more calm and authoritative when they are dealing with customers.

“When I saw this job advertised, I didn’t believe they’d give it to me,” says Tom. “I went in to see them because I thought they would be put off my age if I just phoned. I wanted them to see that I am very lively for my age”.

Life’s a beach.

          For 25 years Terry Cemm was a policeman, but for the last seventeen years he has been walking up and down five miles of beach every day, looking for things that might b useful to someone. Terry’s a beachcomber.

          Nearly everything in his cottage has come from the sea – chairs, tables, even tins of food. What’s the most unusual thing he has ever found? “A barrel of beer just before Christmas. That was nice”, he remembers. He finds lots of bottles with messages in them, mainly from children. They all get a reply if there’s an address in the bottle. Shoes? “If you find one, you’ll find the other the next week”, he says.

          But does he really make a living? “Half a living”, he replies. I barter with a lot of things I find, and I have my police pension. But I don’t actually need money. My life is rich in variety”.

          Terry seems to be very happy man. “You have to find a way to live a simple, honest life. People spend all their lives chasing things they don’t really need. There’s so much waste”.

          “Some people say I’m mad”, says Terry. “But there are a lot more who’d like to do what I do. Look at me. I’ve got everything that I could possibly want’.

Flying for a Living

          Cathy Moorhead has only ever had one job. She has never wanted to do anything but be in a hot air balloon, going where the wind takes her, listening to the birds, and watching deer and small animals below her.

          And she gets paid for it, about 25,000$ a year. “I’ve been flying balloons since I was 10, and I have done it professionally for twelve years. I fly between 10 and 20 passengers in different balloons”. The flights usually last an hour, and they go early in the morning or just before sunset. “ The trips are always mystery tours”, she says. “I never know where we’re going to land”.

          She starts work about 6 am, and works anything from 15 hours a day to nothing, if the weather is bad. “We can’t fly if it’s too windy, if visibility is poor, or if it’s raining. The balloon gets too heavy and the passengers get wet”. What’s the best thing about the job? “The job itself. I love being out in the countryside and I hate routines. So this is heaven for me”.



Plumber – водопроводчик                               pension – пенсия

Customer – покупатель                                        visibility – видимость

Advantage – преимущество                                  flight – полет

Policeman – полицейский                                     to waste – тратить зря


3.3 Устройство на работу. Прочтите и переведите текст:


"Do I have to act my age?"

Polly is 47. She is single and her children have left home. She is very successful in her career and has a lot of friends, but she isn't satisfied. She longs to change her life. She wants to live abroad, paint, and write poetry, but her friends tell her she should stop being silly and act her age. __  __


"Must I be a slave to my mobile?"

Jason's company has bought him a mobile phone. They want him to keep it all the time, so that they can contact him anywhere, anytime. He dislikes the idea of always being available, and he hates the way people use mobiles to have private conversations in public. __  __


“Should I throw my son out?”

Mary’s 24-year-old son lives at home, stays in bed till late, and watches TV all day. He buys and sells drugs. He’s clever, but he dropped out of school. He’s never had a job. His father wants to throw him out, but Mary worries that he could get further into drugs and end up in prison.


Reader’s advice

a)     Children always need the support of their parents, whether they’re four or 24. I think you should pay for him to get some qualifications, and when he’s ready,______to find somewhere to live. Meanwhile, ____him all the love that he needs. Jenny Torr, Brighton.

b)    I decide to give it all up and change my life dramatically three years ago. Since then,_____the most exciting three years of my life. It can be scary, but if you don’t do it, you won’t know what you’ve missed. I don’t think _____.Go for it. Mike Garfield, Manchester.

c)     He’s using you. I think____. It’s time for him to go. Twenty-four is too old to be living with his parents. He’s got to take responsibility for himself. And _____about his drug-taking. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Tony Palmer, Harrow.

d)    Why____it? He isn’t their slave, they don’t own him. And I also can’t stand the way people use their mobiles in restaurants, on trains and buses. They think that people around them are invisible and can’t hear______. Jane Sands, London.

e)     I think______before she gives up her job and goes to live abroad. Does she think that the sun will always shine? If there is something in her life that makes her unhappy now, this will follow her. She should take her time______. Nigella Lawnes, Bristol.

f)      ________! He should have a word with his company and come to an arrangement with them. Why can’t he turn it off sometimes? Mobile phones are great, adn if he’s got one for free, _____. They are one of the best inventions ever. Pete Hardcastle, Birmingham.



Qualification – квалификация                                   to change – менять

Support – поддержка                                         conversation – разговор

Responsibility – ответственность                    private – частный

To worry – беспокоится                                     to own – обладать


3.4 Интервью. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Donna Flynn and Terry Wiseman talk to HI! Magazine.

This is the most famous couple in the country. She is pop star who has had six number one records – more than any other single artist. He has scored fifty goals for Manchester United, and has played for England over thirty times. Together they earn about 20$ million a year. Hey invited HI! magazine into their luxurious home.  

Donna: A lot of the time since we’ve been together, one of us has been away. We really have to try hard to be together. We have both flown all over the world just to spend a few hours together.

Terry: Obviously, people say, “Oh, you’ve got all this money, what are you going to spend it on?” But the best thing is that money buys us the freedom to be together.

          Donna: It hasn't changed us. We are still the same people. Newspapers have told terrible stories about us, but it's all lies.

          Terry: Our perfect Saturday night is sitting in front of the telly with a take-away. Our favourite programmes are Blind Date and Friends.You won't find photos of us coming out of pubs and clubs drunk, having spent the night with a whole load of famous people.

          Donna: I went to one of his matches because I liked him and I wanted to meet him. It's funny, because I'm not really interested in football, so when I met him after the match, I didn't know what to say to him.

          Terry: I'm very shy. We just looked at each other from opposite sides of the room. But I said to my mate, she's one for me. I'm going to marry her one day. Fortunately, she came to another game, and we started talking then.

          Donna: Not really. Naturally, it;s hard when you're awayfrom each other, but in a way this made us stronger. A lot of people would love to see us split up. People have accused Terry of things…

          Terry: Of course you have to be prepared to give and take in any relationship. There's a trust between us, and as long as that's there, we will last.  

          Donna: we mean the world to each other. Neither of us will do anything to spoil it.

          Terry: It's because this is the first time I've been in love. I think that when you meet the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with, you change. You become a softer person.



To invite – приглашать                                        famous – знаменитый

To spend – проводить                                         fortunately – к счастью

Luxurious – роскошный                                                to mean – значить

Freedom – свобода                                             trust – доверие


3.5 Работа за рубежом. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Roberto Solano

Roberto came from Acapulco to New York ten years ago. At first he missed everything – the sunshine, the food, his girlfriend. But now he has successful business with his three brothers and his sister. They run a soccer store in New Brunswick. Roberto’s girlfriend is now his wife, and they have two children who go to American schools.

When asked why he came to the US, Roberto says without hesitation, Because I want to work hard and be successful. He certainly works hard. He’s at the store all day, then works as a driver in the evening. That’s why i like America, he says. You can be what you want.

When I first came here, I didn’t speak the language, and it was winter. It was so cold. There was snow. Now nearly all my family are here, not only in New York, but also in California, and in Texas. We meet about once a month and have a huge Mexican meal that take a about five hours. We’re all happy here.

Endre Boros

          Endre is a mathematician at Rutgers university, New Jersey. He came from Budapest thirteen years ago. I had an opportunity to came here for two years. After a year, his wife came to join him, and since then they’ve had a daughter, so they decided to stay.

          At first it was very strange. Everything is so big here. I started to feel happy when I bought a car. Now I go everywhere by car. In Hungary, we only use the car at weekends, but here your car is part of your life. Nobody walks anywhere.

          People are very friendly. The first question everybody asks you is “Where are you from?” People talk to you here, they start conversations. I like the fact that there are people from all over the world.

          The thing I like best is the independence. Nobody tells me what to do. Here you can do what you what,  so you learn to make decisions for yourself. I feel in control.

Yuet Tung

Yuet Tung is her Chinese name, but in English she’s known as Clara. She came to the US eight years ago and studied fine art. Now she works on Madison Avenue for a publisher. She married a Vietnamese American three years ago, and they live in Long Island. They don’t have any children yet.

          It’s very similar to Hong Kong. It’s a busy city, very exciting and people walk very fast! I like the sores here. They are huge and it’s cheaper than Hong Kong. But you need a car here. In Hong Kong everyone uses public transportation because it’s good and it’s cheap. At first I hated driving here, but it’s OK now.

          I like the best the space. Here I live in a house with a yard. In Hong Kong it is so crowded. And the people are friendly. When I go jogging, everyone says, ”Hi!” And the food is from every country in the world.



Hesitation          колебание                                independence – независимость

Huge – огромный                                          publisher – издатель

Meal – еда                                                   to join – присоединятся

Opportunity – возможность                          to marry – женится


3.6 Страноведение. Прочтите и переведите текст:

The town of Shenzhen, just forty kilometers north of Hong Kong, is the world’s biggest building site. In 1982 it was a fishing village with two main roads, fields, and a population of 30,000. Not it has a population of 3 million. It is growing at an incredible speed. It is spreading north towards Guangzhou (also known as Canton) and west towards Macau. The Chinese government hopes that in less than ten years this area will be the biggest city on earth, with a population of 40 million people.

          China is changing. It is no longer a country where absolutely everything is owned and controlled by he state. Developers are welcome. As Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader, said in 1992, “To get rich is glorious”. The old China of bicycles and Little Red Books is disappearing. A world of mobile phones and capitalism is arriving. 

          The Chinese people seem to welcome dramatic change. They don’t worry about losing traditional ways of life. They want the new. As the posers on the sides of the highways shout, “Development is the only way”.

          Shenzhen is a shocking place, like nowhere else on earth that I have ever seen. It is the city with no boundaries and no center. There are new concrete office blocks, factories and housing blocks as far as the eye can see. Not just dozens of new buildings, nor even hundreds, but thousands. And it is all happening so fast. It takes just six months to design, build, and finish a 60-storey, air-conditioned skyscraper. As one architect said to me,” If you move too slowly here, someone will walk over you”.

          The new Hopewell Highway runs from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, and it takes just two hours to do the 123 kilometers. This superhighway will become the main street of a huge new city, as it gets bigger and bigger until the east meets the west, and the countryside in the middle disappears under concrete.   

          There will of course be more and more cars on the road. People don’t want bicycles. If you have a car, it means you have made money. So the traffic will be like in Bangkok, where people spend four hours commuting every day. Poeple eat and work in their car.

          Pearl River City very nearly exists. It will probably be the world’s First City, the greatest city on earth. It won’t be beautiful, but its power, energy, and wealth will be felt in all corners of the world.



Population – население                                boundary – граница

Incredible          невероятный                           factory – завод

To hope – надеяться                                wealth – богатство

To disappear – исчезать                                  traffic – движение


3.7 Деловые поездки. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Talking Business A

Trade & Co is interested in buying pumps for a new shop of a large plant in Taraz. The shop is already under construction and the customers require the goods urgently, as they must complete the construction of
shop by the end of the year. 

     Mr. Omarov, a representative of Trade & Co, who deals in this kind of equipment, got instructions to buy pumps from a British company. As soon as he arrived in London he contacted Mr.Bond & Co, a leading manufacturer of pumps. Mr. Stanley, the manager of the company, invited him to come to his office.

Talking Business В

Mr. Omarov:Good morning! I'm Mr. Omarov. Here is my card.

Mr. Stanley:  Glad to meet you, Mr. Omarov. Will you take a seat, please?

Mr. Omarov:Thank you.

Mr. Stanley:  Did you have a good trip?

Mr. Omarov:Yes, it was quite nice, thank you.

Mr. Stanley:  Have you seen any places of interest in London yet?

Mr. Omarov:Yes, but not many. I arrived in London only two days ago and it has 

                      rained all the time.

Mr. Stanley: Oh, I hope the weather will change for the better and it'll stop raining       

                      soon. You'll enjoy sightsee­ing in London.

                      Well, Mr. Omarov, let's discuss business now. What can I do for  


Mr. Omarov: We know you've started producing a new model of pumps. The 

                      quality of the model meets our requirements and we'd like to place an 

                      order with you. Can you make us an offer for 150 pump?

Mr. Stanley:  Sure! When would you like to have the pumps?

Mr. Omarov: We require the pumps for immediate shipment.

Mr. Stanley:  Well, you see, Mr. Omarov, we are heavy with orders at the 

                       moment and can offer you only 50 pumps for now.

Mr. Omarov: And what about the balance of 100 pumps?

Mr. Stanley:  We can start shipping them six months after we sign the contract. I 

                      think we can deliver the pumps in four lots of 25 pumps each at 

                      regular intervals within eight months. Is that all right with you?

Mr. Omarov: Not altogether. We require the pumps earlier. Could you start the 

                      delivers, say, four month we sign the contract?

Mr. Stanley:  I’m afraid not. We can guarantee, however, that there won’t be any 

                      delay in shipment.

Mr. Omarov:  All right . I think we could agree to that.

Mr. Stanley:  Is there anything else you’d agree to discuss, Mr. Omarov

Mr. Omarov: Yes, there is another point I’d like to clarify. It’s about your delivery 


Mr. Stanley:  As we can provide shipping facilities we usually sell our goods on       

                      CIF terms.

Mr. Omarov: Well, Mr. Stanley we can accept your delivery terms. When 

                      shall we meet to discuss the price and terms of payment?

Mr. Stanley:  Let’s meet in two days time. I’ve got a crowded programme 

                      Tomorrow and the day after.

Mr. Omarov: Fine. Good-bye, Mr. Stanley.

Mr. Stanley:  Good-bye, Mr. Omarov.



Customer- покупатель

Representative- представитель


Manufacturer of pumps – производитель насосов

To meet requirements – отвечать на требования

To place an order with smb.- делать заказ

terms of payment- условия оплаты

Shipping- транспортировка



3.8 Подписание контрактов. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Discussing Contract Terms

Mr. Mr.Blake studied the Buyer's contract terms and on Tuesday came to the Trade Delegation to discuss them with Mr. Mataev.

Mr. Mataev: Good morning, Mr.Blake.

Mr.Blake:     Good morning, Mr. Mataev. Sorry, I'm a bit late.

Mr. Mataev: Never mind. How are things?

Mr.Blake:     Not too bad, thanks.

Mr. Mataev: Would you like a cigarette?

Mr.Blake:     No, thank you, I don't smoke.

Mr. Mataev: May I offer you a cup of coffee?

Mr.Blake:     Yes, thank you.

                      Well, Mr Mr. Mataev. I think we can discuss business now, I’d like  

                      to clarify some details with you. How many compressors would you  

                      like to buy?      

Mr. Mataev: We can buy 40 compressors.

Mr.Blake:     And when do you require the goods?

Mr. Mataev: As soon as possible, say in December

 Mr.Blake:    In December? Let me see. I'm afraid, that's impos­sible. Our 

                      compressors  are selling very well, and we are heavy with orders. We 

                      can deliver only 15 com­pressors in December

Mr. Mataev: And what about the other 25 compressors?

Mr.Blake:     We can deliver them only in six months

Mr. Mataev: All right. And how about the terms of delivery? I hope they suit you.

Mr.Blake:     Yes, we agree to sell the goods FOB English port4 and we can accept 

                      payment for collection too.

Mr. Mataev: Fine.

                      Now comes the question of price. I must say that your price is not  

                     attractive to us. Can you give us a 10 % discount?

Mr.Blake:     That's a bit difficult. The fact is our compressors are in great demand. 

                      However we can offer you a discount of 5 %  as we've been good 

                      partners for a long time.

Mr. Mataev: I think we can agree to a 5% discount. Could we meet tomorrow at  

                     10 to sign the contract, Mr.Blake?

 Mr.Blake:    Yes, certainly. Mr. Mataev, would you like to have dinner with 

                      me tonight?

Mr. Mataev: With pleasure.

 Mr.Blake:    I can pick you up at the Trade Delegation at 6.30 if that's                                 

                      convenient to you.

Mr. Mataev: Yes, thank you.



Say in December — Скажем, в декабре

FOB -(free on board) — ФОБ (условия поставки)

Clarify- прояснять

Require- требовать

Deliver- доставлять

Payment- оплата

Discount – скидка

In graet demand – большой спрос


3.9 Покупки. Прочтите и переведите текст:

          A recent survey had shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is not in London, New York, or Paris, but in Warsaw. It’s called Nowy Swiat, which means New World. An incredible 14,000 Poles walk down this mian street every hour.

          It is lovely place to shop. The pavements are very wide. There are statues, palaces, attractive town houses, exclusive cafes, and high-class restaurants. The buildings aren’t too tall. They look old, but in fact thre whole city was rebuilt after World War II.

          There aren’t any billboards or neon lights. There isn’t any loud music, and there aren’t many tourists. People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell, so nobody comes shopping here. The world doesn’t know about this paradise for shoppers yet.

           It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods. They are good because they are not mass produced for world consumption.

          Nowy Swiat has a lot of small shops, specialist shops, and chic shops. It hasn’t got the huge department stores that sell the same things everywhere.

          If you want an exquisite hand-made suit, Nowy Swiat is the place to go. It isn’t cheap. You will pay up to 1,000$. For beautiful French baby clothes, go to Petit Bateau. You will pay 50$ for a pair of blue jeans for a baby. A dress for a baby girl is about 90$. At Desa, a famous antique shop, a desk costs 5,000$ and a 19th century Russian icon is 200$.

          Not everything is expensive. At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods – handbags, purses, coats, and belts. Cepelie specializes on folk art. There are also book shops and record shops. And there are a lot of small boutiques that sell men’s and women’s clothes that aren’t too expensive.

          If you are tired, stop at Cafe Blikle. This is a fashionable place to meet. You’ll find a lively atmosphere, and a lot of well-known Poles. The frozen yogurt and ice-creams are excellent, and its famous doughnuts are delicious.

          It is possible to travel the world and find the same things for sale in every country. But Warsaw is different because its shops are unique – and they’re in Nowy Swiat.



Survey – обзор                                   attractive – привлекательный

Handmade – ручная работа                  goods – товары

To sell – продавать                   expensive – дорогой

Consumption – потребление              belt – ремень


3.10 Средства Массовой Информации (СМИ). Прочтите и переведите текст:

 Television in Great Britain (A)

The most popular entertainment in British home life today is television. In London people have a choice between four TV channels: BBC1 1, BBC 2 and 2 commericai channels. The BBC is financed by payments which are made by all people who have TV-sets. There is no advertising on any BBC programme. On the contrary, commercial television which is called ITV2 gets its money from advertising. The programmes on this channel are financed by different companies, which, however, do not have anything to do with the arrangement or content of these programmes. They just "buy time" to advertise their products and the viewers of ITV have to watch advertisements for petrol, washing machines, soap and many other items which they do not require between and during programmes. In other words British TV serves the interests of big business.

Different types of TV programmes can be seen in Great Britain. News is broadcast at regular intervals and there are panel discussions of current events, both national and international. Operas, ballets, music concerts and variely shows are presented at various times. Broadcasts for schools are produced on five days of the week during school hours. In the late afternoon arid early evening TV stations show special programmes for children. In the evenings and at weekends there are broadcasts of sports events. A large part of TV evening time is often occupied by serials — films which appear on television in parts daily or at inter­vals.

The channels of British television keep people informed about current events, the latest achievements in science and culture and offer some programmes which are both informative and entertaining. But they also offer a lot of trivial programmes the poor quality of which is criticized by viewers. There is also serious concern about the negative effects of some TV shows in which scenes of violence and crime are presented.


Mr. Omarov:   Mr.Bond, I'd like you to tell me about radio prog­rammes in

                        your country.

Mr.Bond:        I'd be delighted to.

Mr. Omarov:  At what time do BBC radio programmes start every day?

Mr.Bond:        At 5 or 6 o’clock in the morning and they last till 1 or 2 a.m.

Mr. Omarov:  How many channels are there in Great Britain?

Mr.Bond:     Five. I suppose Radio 1 is the most popular with a lot of "disk- 

                       jockey" programmes. It broadcasts continuous "pop" music.

Mr. Omarov: I've heard people say that the programmes on Radio 1 and 2 are very 

                       similar. Is that true?

Mr.Bond:       Well, yes, they are not very different from each other. Radio 2 

                       broadcasts concerts of light music and jazz, short plays, quizzes.

Mr. Omarov: Quizzes? Is it the name of the programme?

Mr.Bond:    Right. A quiz programme is a question and answer competition which   

                      offers money or other prizes to the winners.

Mr. Omarov: Can you listen to quizzes on Radio 3 and 4?

Mr.Bond:     Oh no, these channels are more “highbrow”. Classical music, poiiticai   

                     discussions educational programmes — that kind of thing. And on 

                     Ra­dio 5 you can listen to such programmes as World Service, the

                     World Today, Sport program­mes and Health Service


1.BBC-the British Broadcasting Corporation — Британ­ская радиовещательная и телевизионная корпорация, Би-би-си

1                      ITV, Independent Television — Независимое телеви­дение



Entertainment – развлечение

To have a choice – иметь выбор

Violeтce and crime – насилие и преступление

Criticize – критиковать

Advertising – реклама

Panel discussion – обсуждение какой-л проблемы

sports events — спортивные состязания

trivial -  не представляющий интереса


         4 Контрольные задания


Вариант 1

1.1 Найдите ответ к вопросу. Перепишите.


Where were you born?

What do you do?

Are you married?

Why are you learning English?

When did you start learning English?

How often do you have English classes?

A year ago.

Three times a week.

In Thailand.

Because I need it for my job.

I'm a teacher.

No, I m single.


1.2 Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски, вставляя глаголы из таблицы. Перепишите.


'm enjoying        'm going to work              live                   started

'm studying         come                                can speak         went


My name's Maurizio. I________from Bologna, a city in the North of Italy. I'm a student at the University of Bologna. I_________modern languages, English and Russian. I also know a little Spanish, so I________four languages. I_____the course a lot, but it's really hard work. The course________three years ago. I________at home with my parents and my sister. My brother ________to work in the United States last year. After I graduate, I________as a translator. I hope so, anyway.

          1.3 Найдите ответы к следующим выражениям.


How are you?

Hello, Jane!

How do you do?

See you tomorrow!

Good night!

Good morning!

Hello, I'm Ela Paul.


Excuse me!

Bless you!

Have a good weekend!

Thank you very much indeed.

Make yourself at home.

Sleep well

Yes. Can I help you?

Good morning!

Fine, thanks.

Pleased to meet you, Ela.

Not at all. Don't mention it.


Same to you.

That's very kind. Thank you.


How do you do?

Hi, Peter!



1.4 Заполните биографию, вставляя who, which, where. Разделите текст на параграфы в соответствии со следующими заголовками: introduction, early career, private life, later carrer, life now. Перепишите. Составьте свою биографию.

Cher was born in the USA on 20 may 1946 in El Centro, _______is on the California/Mexico border. Her full name is Cherilyn Sarkisian and she is the part-Cherokee and part-Armenian, Turkish, and French. She left high school when she was 16 and went to Los Angeles,______ she planned to take acting lessons. There she met Salvatore Bono,_____was working at the Gold Star Studios _____Phil Spector was recording many famous singers. He discovered that Cher could sing, and they became the singing duo Sonny and Cher. Their first hit song was "I've got Babe"_____topped the Charts in 1965. Cher was still only 19. They got married and had a daughter, _________they called Chastity. In 1975 Sonny and cher were divorced, and later that year Cher married Greg Allmann,_________was another famous rock star. They had a son called Elijah Blue. But two years later Cher was divorced for the second time because of Allmann's drink and drugs problems. She decided to turn to acting again. In 1982 she appeared in her first major film, "Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean"________was well received by the critics and public. She went on to win Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival in 1985 for her role in "Mask" and finally she won an Oscar for "Moonstruck" in 1987. However, in the 1990s she returned to pop music in a big way. She has had three number one hits from her chart-topping album "Believe"________has reached a whole new audience. I her long carrier, Cher has ben extremely successful both as a serious actress and as a pop star ______is an extraordinary achievement. 


Вариант 2

2.1Прочитайте текст. Перепишите.


Street life

Andy, 28, from Scotland, used to have his own taxi business. When he lost it, he also lost his home and his family. He now sleeps on the streets in London. The Big Issue is a magazine sold by homeless people in Britain. This gives them a small income, so they can begin to find somewhere to live.


2.2 Вставьте вопросы к следующим ответам и перепишите:


For a year. It was very cold at first, but you get used to it.


I came here to look for work, and I never left.


For six month. I’m in Covent Garden seven days a week selling the magazine.

Lots. But I can’t stand people who think I drink or take drugs. My problem is I’m homeless. I want a job, but I need somewhere to live before I can get a job. So I need money to get somewhere to live, but……


Usually about fifty.


So far, ten. But it’s still early.


a)     How many copies do you sell a day?

b)    How long have you been selling The Big Issue?

c)     Have you made many friends?

d)    How many copies have you sold today?

e)     How long have you been sleeping on the streets?

f)      Why did you come to London?



2.3 Заполните таблицу и перепишите:



It hurts when I walk on it.

food poisoning

My glands are swollen, and it hurts when I swallow.


I can’t stop sneezing and my nose is runny.





I’ve got a cold.



I’ve got_______.

I’ve got a temperature, my whole body aches, and I feel awful.

I’ve twisted my ankle.


I’ve got_______.

I keep going to the toilet.

I’ve got a sore throat.


I’ve got_______.

I keep being sick, and I’ve got diarrhea.


2.4 Расположите предложения в правильной последовательности и перепишите:

a)     I didn’t feel very well.

b)    He took my temperature and examined me.

c)     After a few days, I started to feel better.

d)    I went to the surgery and saw the doctor.

e)     I went to the chemist’s, paid for the prescription, and got some antibiotics.

f)      I phoned the doctor’s surgery and made an appointment.

g)     She told me I had an infection.

h)     I explained what was wrong.

i)       She gave me a prescription.







Вариант 3

3.1 Поделите данные профессии в таблице на два столбика: те кто работает снаружи и те кто работает внутри. Перепишите:

shop assistant    receptionist      taxi-driver    artist     architect     lawyer       ambulance driver     miner       dancer        soldier      decorator      detective     vet  mechanic      dentist       housewife       farmer      plumber    firefighter


3.2 Вставьте данные выражения в текст (см. темы: устройство на работу). Перепишите.

a)     ……you should tell him to leave home.

b)    ……you should be very careful…..

c)     ……you should help him…….

d)    ……you should worry.

e)     He must keep it!

f)      ……before making a decision.

g)     It is so rude.

h)     ……he’s very lucky.

i)       I have had……

j)       ……you must tell the police……

k)     ……you’ve got to give…….

l)       ……should he accept……..


3.3  Составьте выражения из колонок А, В,С. Перепишите.



What a lovely day it is today!

It’s very wet today.

How are you today?

Did you have a nice weekend?

How are you finding living in London?

Did you have a good journey?

Did you watch the football yesterday?

What a lovely coat you are wearing!

If you have any problems, just ask me for help.

I am enjoying it.

Yes, no problems.

I am very well, thanks.

No, I missed it.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Yes, it was lovely.

Mm. Horrible.


Was it a good game?                          

That’s very kind of you.

We had a pub lunch and went for a walk.

The plane was a bit late, but it didn’t matter.

Makes you feel miserable, doesn’t it?

I got it in Paris last year.

How about you?

It was a bit strange at first, but I’m getting used to it.

Beautiful, isn’t it?


3.4 Неофициальное письмо. Перепишите пример и составьте свое неофициальное письмо, опираясь на следующие факты:

a)     you

b)    where you live

c)     what you do

d)    your hobbies

e)     your family



                                                                                            38 Clifton Gardens

                                                                                            London NW6 4GT


                                                                     27 September

 Dear Maria

I’m very pleased that we are going to be penfriends. I’ll tell you a little about myself, and you can do the same when you write to me.


I live in an area of London called Maida Vale. It’s quite near the center, but there are parks nearby where I take my dog, Mickey, for a walk.

I live with my parents and my younger brother, Paul. My father works for the post office and my mother has a part-time job as a nurse.


I go to the local comprehensive school, where I have a lot of friends. I like most subjects, but not all of them! In the evenings I sometimes visit friends or stay at home and listen to music, and at the weekends I like going swimming or horse-riding.


At the moment I’m working very hard because I have exams soon, so I’m spending a lot of time in the library!


I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Write soon!

                                                        Best wishes!


Вариант 4

4.1 Составьте выражения из колонок А, В, С. Перепишите.




I’ve known my best friend

I last went to the cinema

I’ve had this watch

We’ve used this book

We lived in our old flat

We haven’t had a break

I last had a holiday

This building was a school


From 1988 to 1996

for an hour

two weeks ago

since 1985

since begining of term

for years

for three years

in 1999

It’s not bad. I quite like it.

I went camping with friend.

We met when we were ten.

I  need a cup of coffee.

My Dad gave it to me.

We needed  some bigger.

The film was rubbish

Before that it was an office.


4.2 Письменно ответьте на вопросы (см. темы: текст интервью)     

1.     Why are they famous?

2.     They are both successful in their careers. What have they done?

3.     In what ways are they normal people? What is not normal about their lives?

4.     How do you know they are in love?

5.     Was it love at first sight?

6.     What is their attitude to newspapers and other people?

7.     Why do some people want them to split up?

8.     In what way is Terry unusual for a footballer?


4.3 Заполните пропуски в диалогах выражениями и перепишите:

I’m sorry               Excuse me              of course                   Pardon

          A___________! Can I get past?


          A Can I get past, please?

          B___________. I didn't hear you. Yes, _________.

          A Thanks a lot.


That’s right      Oh, what a pity    Congratulations    Never mind    I hear

           A___________you’re going to get married soon. ___________!

          B___________, next July. July 21. Can you come to the wedding?

          A___________! That’s when we are away on holiday.

          C___________. We’ll send you some wedding cake.

          A That’s very kind.


Hurry up        All right       Oh, dear         Just a minute     I haven’t clue

            A___________! Look at the time! _________, or we’ll miss the train.

          B___________! I can’t find my umbrella. Do you know where it is?

          A___________. But you won’t need it. It’s lovely day. Just look at the sky!

          B Oh, ________. Let’s go, then.


Good luck           See you later            Same to you             Good idea                What about you       No, of course not

            A___________in your exam!

          B___________. I hope we both pass.

          A Did you go out last night?

          B___________. I went to bed early. ________?

          A Me, too. _________after the exam. Let’s go for a drink.



4.4 Официальное письмо. Расположите данную информацию в соответствии со схемой. Перепишите.

Rua Luis de Deus 18, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal. 29th March 2000. The Principal, The Oxford English College, 234 Hilton Rd, Eastbourne BN4 3UA. Dear Sir or Madam, I saw your advertisement for English classes in this month’s English Today magazine and I am interested in coming to your school this summer. I have studied English for three years but I have never been to England and I feel that this is now necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Please could you send me more information about your courses, and an application form? I would also like some information about accommodation. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Ana Maria Fernandes.

                                                                                                Your address 

                                                                                                The date

The name and address of

who you are writing to

The greeting


Main parts

Concluding moment


The ending

       Your signature


Вариант 5

          5.1 Заполните прпуски и перепишите:




















































5.2 Письменно ответьте на вопросы (см. темы: текст работа за рубежом)

1.     What do the people have in common?

2.     Are they all happy living in the USA?

3.     Who has other members of their family living there?

4.     Do they all have children?

5.     Who married someone from their own country?

6.     What do Roberto and Endre like about the USA?

7.     What do they say about their own country?

8.     Do they like the people?

9.     What do they say about Americans and their cars?


5.3 Составьте выражения и разделите их письменно на четыре колонки: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room.





A film on TV

To my friends

My hair






To music

My homework

A cup of tea

On the sofa


Clear up



Posters on the wall

The mess

A shower

The washing-up



Put on



A meal


To the toilet


5.4 Официальное и неофициальное письма: расположите в них предложения в правильной последовательности и перепишите.




Dear Alice and Jim


Would you mind having a look for me?


The conversation was excellent and the food delicious!


I think I left a pair of brown trousers in the wardrobe of my room.


I had a wonderful time.


Please can you let me know if you find them?


Thank you for having me to stay last weekend.


It was lovely to see you all. See you again soon!


Could you do something for me?


Thanks a lot.





                                            January 13th


Dear Reception


Could you possibly check if this is so?


The service was superb and the food delicious!


I have lost a pair of brown trousers, which I think I left in the wardrobe of my room.


We had a very pleasant stay.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Many thanks for the weekend break that my wife and I enjoyed at your hotel recently.


We hope to visit your hotel again soon.


I would like to ask you a favour.


I would be most grateful.


Yours sincerely


                   Jack Higgins



Вариант 6

6.1 Письменно составьте предложения, используя If….., will…… .

e.g. If I don’t go out so much, I’ll do more work.

       If I do more work, I’ll ………


If I don’t go out so much                                   If I stop smoking                         

Do more work                                          have more money

Pass my exams                                           save some every week

Go to university                                            be rich when I’m thirty

Study medicine                                             have my own business

Become a doctor                                        make a lot of money

Earn a good salary.                              retire when I’m forty.


6.2 Письменно ответьте на вопросы (см. темы: текст страноведение):

a)     Has the city got a name yet?

b)    Why is it ugly? Why is it exciting?

c)     What are some of statistics about Shenzhen that make it a remarkable place?

d)    In what ways is China changing? Why were Deng Xiaoping’s words significant?

e)     How are the people changing? Why do they want to own the car?

f)      What does Shenzhen look like?

g)     Why will this city be important in the 21st century?

h)     What do these numbers refer to?


1982          3 million        less than ten years        40 million        thousnads

six months           two hours         four hours


6.3 Расположите слова в диалоге в правильной последовательности и перепишите:

          Receptionist: Hello, the Grand Hotel. Cathy speaking. How can I help you?

          Client:         reservation / make / like / a / I’d / to / please

          Receptionist: Certainly. When is it for?

          Client:         It’s two nights, the thirteenth and the fourteenth of this month.

          Receptionist: single / want / do / room / double / a / or / and / you / a

          Client:           A single, please.

          Receptionist: Yes, that’s fine. I have a room for you. And your name is?

          Client:           Robert Palmer. Much / you / can / it / tell / how / is / me

          Receptionist: Yes. That’s 95$ a night. Can I have a credit card number, please?
          Client:           yes, sure. It’s a Visa. 4929 7983 0621 8849

          Receptionist: Thank you. Number / could / and / phone / I / have / a

          Client:           Uh huh. 01727 480062.

          Receptionist: That’s fine. Forward / look / seeing / on / you / we / to / 13th/ the

6.4 Прочитайте и перепишите текст, вставляя while, during, for.

Bill and Simone Butler left Miami one summer weekend on their annual sailing holiday in their boat, Siboney. They wanted to sail round the Caribbean Sea_______two weeks.

            _______their holiday, they saw a large group of whales. Bill and Simone were very excited. Unfortunately, _______they were watching them, the whales began to hit the side of the boat.

          Suddenly, water started flooding in, and they realized that they were in trouble. They quickly jumped into the lifeboat________the boat was sinking, and watched it disappear under the sea.

          Fortunately, they had enough food and water_______twenty days. They also had a fishing line and a machine which made salt water into drinking water. These two things helped them to survive________thier terrible experience.

          _______the next 50 days they caught about ten fish a day and ate them raw. They saw about twenty ships, but although they waved and shouted_________they were passing, nobody saw them. They were becoming weaker and weaker. Then, just as they were beginning to lose hope, a fishing boat rescued them. Their disastrous holiday was over.


Вариант 7

7.1 Письменно составьте выражения из колонок А, В.




Does your tooth hurt?

Were there many people at the party?

Is there any food left over?

Have you got any whisky?

Do you have any books on literature?

Would you like some cream?

Are there many Spanish people?

Do you watch much TV?

Do you get many letters?

Do your children get a lot of homework?

It takes them about an hour a night.

I'm trying to lose weight.

You can borrow them if you wnat.

The children ate most of it.

But I prefer reading.

Do you want some ice in it?

But most of them come from France.

I'll go to the dentist tomorrow.

But no one that you know.

But most of them are bills.


7.2 Напишите правильными являются следующие упражнения, если нет или да, то почему.(см. темы: деловые поездки)

1. The customers of Trade & Co did not reqiure the pumps urgently.

2. Mr. Omarov got instructions to buy pumps from a large British company.

3. Mr. Omarov ivited Mr. Stanley to come to his office to Almaty.

4. Mr. Omarov knows Mr. Stanley very well.

5. Mr. Omarov saw a lot of places of interest.

6. Mr. Stanley could offer only 50 pumps for immediate shipment.

7. Bond & Co agreed to deliver the balance of the pumps in six months.

8. Bond & Co usually sell their goods on FOB terms.


7.3 Составьте предложения и напишите, (см. темы: деловые поездки)

1. The customers require the                      a. like to place an order with you.

      goods urgently, as they

2. In London Mr. Omarov contacted          b.  after we sign the contract.


3. The quality of the model meets              c. Bond & Co, a leading manufacturer

      our requirements and we'd                     of pumps.

4. They require the pumps                          d. must complete the construction

                                                                      of shop by the end of the year.

5. They can start shipping them                  e. for immediate shipment.

       six months 


7.4 Прочитайте и перепишите текст, затем выпишите преимущества и недостатки путешествия на поезде. Напишите преимущества и недостатки путешествия:

a)     travelling by car

b)    living in a flat (rather than a house)

Travelling by train has many advantages. There are no stressful traffic jams, and trains are fast and comfortable. You can use the time in different ways. You can just sit and read, or watch the world go by. You can work, or you can have a meal or a snack in the buffet car.

Travelling by train also has some disadvantages. It is expensive and the trains are sometimes crowded and delayed. You have to travel at certain times and trains can’t take you from door to door. You need a bus or a taxi to take you to the railway station.

Despite the disadvantages, I prefer travelling by train to travelling by car. I feel more relaxed when I reach my destination.







Вариант 8

8.1 Составьте выражения из колонок А, В, С и напишите.





I’m hungry. I need

I’ve lost my passport, and I don’t know

I have a big problem, but I don’t know

You are drunk! No, I’m not. I’ve had

I can’t do my homework. I need

Can you tell me

Give me 5$, Pete. I’m sorry. I haven’t got  

I need to speak to ben, but I don’t know


Any money







To help me

To phone him.

To eat.

To get to the dtation?

To lend you.

To talk to about it.

To look for it.

To drink all night.


8.2 Напишите правильными являются следующие упражнения, если нет или да, то почему.(см. темы: подписание контрактов)

1. Mr.Blake wanted to discuss the terms of the contract with Mr. Mataev.

2. Mr. Mataev offered him a cup of tea.

3. Mr.Blake did not accept the terms of Trade & Co.

4. Mr.Blake & Co had few orders for their compressors.

5. Mr. Mataev accepted the time of delivery.

6. Mr.Blake gave Mr. Mataev a 10% discount.

7. Mr. Mataev and  Mr.Blake signed the contract that day.

8. Mr.Blake invited Mr. Mataev to dinner.


8.3 Составьте предложения и напишите, (см. темы: подписание контрактов)

1. Mr.Blake could offer                              a. some details with Mr. Mataev.

       Mr. Mataev a discount 5% 

2. The fact is their compressors        b. and they are heavy with order.

3. The compressors are selling                    c. could deliver only 15 compressors.

      very well                                    

4. In December they                                    d. are in great demand.

5. Mr.Blake wanted to clarify                     e. as they have been partners for a long 



8.4 Прочитайте и напишите текст, вставляя who, which, where. Затем составьте свой текст, опираясь на следующие факты:

1.     Where is it?

2.     Is it big or small?

3.     What buildings and industries does it have?

I was born in Newcastle, a city in the north-east of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne. It is quite big, with a population of about 200,000 people. There is a cathedral and a university. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, _______link Newcastle to the next town Gateshead, ______ thee is one of the biggest shopping centers in the world, the Metro Center.

          A few years ago, the main industries were shipbuilding and coal-mining, but now the chemical and soap industries are more important.

          I moved from Newcastle ten years ago but I often return. I miss the people, ___are so warm and friendly, and I miss the wild, beautiful countryside near the city, ____there are so many hills and streams.

          People _____are born near the River Tyne have a special name. They are called “Geordies”. I am very pleased to be a “Geordie”!


Вариант 9

9.1 Составьте выражения из колонок А, В, С, D и напишите.









Rolls Royce cars

Nicon cameras









   Made in

   Grown in











9.2 Составьте выражения из колонок А, В, С, D и напишите.






Oxford street


Fifth avenue

Via  Montenapoleon


New York





Marks and Spencer








9.3 Письменно ответьте на вопросы (см. темы: текст покупки)

1.     How do we know that Nowy Swiat is the most popular shopping street?

2.     Why is it such a nice place to go shopping?

3.     Why don’t many foreign people go to Nowy Swiat?

4.     Why are the things produced by Polish manufactures so good?

5.     What can you buy here? What can’t you buy here?

6.     What is expensive? What isn’t expensive?

7.     What is good about Cafe Blikle?

8.     What is special about the shops in Nowy Swiat?


9.4 Письменно заполните пропуски в предложениях: в активе или пассиве.




They make Rolls Royce cars in England.

They ________rice in China.

Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

Thieves ___two pictures from the museum.

They have built three new factories.

They ____the picture for 3,000$

The factory will produce 10,000 cars.

___they____many cars last year?

Bell didn’t invent the television.


Rolls Royce _____in England.

Rice is grown in China.

The telephone ______by Bell in 1876.

Two pictures were stolen last night.

Three new factories_____this year.

The picture has been sold for 3,000$.

10,000$ cars____next year.

Were many cars made last year?

The television_______by Bell.



          9.5 Вставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное время: актив или пассив. Перепишите текст.

          The hamburger is the most eaten food in the whole world. The first hamburgers _____(make) and sold in Connecticut in 1985 by an American chef called Lois Lassen. Lois_____(call) them hamburgers because he _____(give) the recipe by sailors from Hamburg in Germany. Hamburgers _____(become) a favorite in America in the early part of the twentieth century. Their popularity ____(grow) even more after the Second World War, when they____(buy) in large quantities by teenagers who___(prefer) fast food to family meals. In 1948 two brothers, Dick and MacDonald ____(open) a drive-in hamburger restaurant in San Bernardino, California. Since then over 25,000 McDonald’s restaurants _____(open) worldwide and now 35 million McDonald’s hamburgers ____(eat) every day in 115 countries from India to the Arctic circle.










Вариант 10

10.1 Составьте выражения из колонок А, В, С,  и напишите.





I coudn’t answer the questions

I was hungry

My mother was worried

I was late

I was pleased

I was nervous during the flight

My father was furious

I was tired



   Because I had

 Because I hadn’t

Crashed his car

Passed my driving test.

Got stuck in a traffic jam.

Flown in a plane before.

Slept badly.

Revised for the exam.

Been in touch for a long time.

Eaten all day.


10.2 Составьте предложения и напишите, (см. темы: Средства Массовой Информации)

1. The most popular entertainment       a. however, do  not have anything to do  

                                                                     with  the arrangement  or content                                                 

                                                                     of these programmes.                                                          

2. The programmes on ITV                   b. films which appear on television

      channel are financed by different          in parts daily or at inter­vals.

       companies, which,

3. News is broadcast at regular              c. in British home life today is television.

       intervals and there are

4. A large part of TV evening               d. of some TV shows in which scenes

      time is often occupied by                       of violence and crime are presented

      serials —           


5. There is also serious concern             e. panel discussions of current events,

      about the negative effects                       both national and Internet


        10.3 Составьте предложения и напишите.

1.     buy / you / the / did / at / what / shops?

2.     Is / who / teacher / your / English?

3.     Parents / moment / where / your / the / at / are?

4.     Cinema / you / go / last / when / did / the /to?

5.     Learning / you / why / English / are?

6.     You / how / to / come / school / do?

7.     Meat / never / eat / I / because / don’t / I / it / like.

8.     For / late / never / am / school / I.


       10.4 Прочитайте и перепишите текст, дополните предложения, используя идеи в середине.



Saskia’s story

The night she found out that Bradley had left her, Saskia put on her coat and went for a long walk. She had a lot of thinking to do, and she didn’t want to be disturbed.

Afetr an hour, she suddenly found herself in a part of town that looked familiar. She hadn’t been there for a long time, but then she realized how she knew the area. She…


Had lived there as a student

Knew a lot of people

….no real boyfriends, but had liked a boy called Paul because….

She wondered what had happened to him….

Suddenly a door opened….

Saskia wasn’t looking for another intense relationship…

She decided to….

Six month later, one Saturday night, she was at a party given by some old friends. Suddenly, across the room, she caught sight of…

He asked her…

She told him…

They met a few days later in a …

Saskia was a stronger person now than she had been just six month ago…


…enjoyed being able to do what she wanted…

But she found herself becoming more and more attracted to…

Bradley’s story

Bradley left Saskia because he had met another women. He had wanted to make Saskia happy, but Bradley was the sort of man who is never happy with what he has got.

Bradley had met Alessandra as he was leaving a London train station. She had just arrived from Italy, and was lost. Bradley asked her….



Began see more of each other…

Hd alot in common…

Both liked…

After Bradley had got his divorce from Saskia…

Alessandra wanted to go back to Italy because…

At first, Bradley was happy. He was a writer, and could write just as well in Italy as…

Sometimes, he had to fly back to London to meet…

Alessandra stayed in Italy because…

His visits started to last longer and longer…

One Saturday night, he was at a party given by some old friend. Suddenly, across the room, he caught sight of…

She asked him…

He told her…

They met a few days later in a …

Bradley was beginning to realize that he had always loved…

But it was difficult to persuade X that he was sincere…


Saskia was very grateful to Bradley, in fact. He had learned that she didn’t need to rely totally onother people to be happy. She had realized that she shouldn’t let a relationship dominate her life. She looked into X’s eyes, and this time saw trust, love, and sincerity. Her happiness would last forever.

Bradley thought that he was a very lucky man. He had nearly lost the person who meant more to him than anybody and anything else in the world.

He looked down into X’s eyes, kissed her gently, and promised that this time it was forever.




              Curriculum Vitae (CV)


Abishev Arman Muratovich

Seifullin 102 st., Almaty Kazakhstan

Tel: +7 (3272) 242790



E-mail: a.arm@n.kz.


Objective  Clinical Research Associate

Having completed many years in my specialist field of treatment of leukaemia, I have decided that the time is right for a change in area of specialisation The position of Research Associate would therefore be very suitable for me as 1 have many years ' experience at prestigious medical institutes and have studied in Russia, Germany and in the United Slates. My level of language is therefore exceptional, and. my communication skills have been thoroughly tested. I am looking to broaden my knowledge of medicine, to which I have devoted my life and feel that I would be a particularly suitable candidate for the position.


Personal Details


Date of Birth: 12 April 1969

Marital Status: Married




1993-1996: New York University of Medcine

                   Major field of studies:

                   Research into Pharmaceuticals of Treatment of Leukaemia


1987-1993: Kazakh State Medcine University

                  Major field of studies:

                  Medicine and Pharmaceutical Research

                  Qualification: Doctor of Pharmaceuticals PhD


Work experience


August 2002-present:  Pharmaceutical Researcher at Pfizer, UK

                               >Research into the effective treatment of leukaemia

                            > Focusing on the reduction of treatment side-effects

>Organising personal funding of research and funding of  

departmental research

>Organising pharmaceutical testing

>Liaising with other research departments

>>Organising interns and student work experience


Oct 1996-June 2002    Research Assistant, Prizer, Germany

   >Research into alternative therapies of renal cancer and  


                                   > Organising departmental funding       

Sept 1993-June 1995    Research Assistant, New York, USA

                                     >Research into alternative therapies for cancer patients

Additional skills


Languages:                   Kazakh Advanced Level

                                     Russian Advanced Level

                                     English Advanced Level / Cambridge Proficiency     :

                                     German-Advanced Level  


    Computer skills:            Experienced with MS Word, Excel, Internet Explorer and  

                                          Outlook Express, TurboCad, many analytic programs.

                                      Driving Driving Licence Category A    


information:                  Qualified and highly-professional; highly-motivated:          

                                      enthusiastic; good communication skills, eager to experience  

                                      and learn new skills.


Reference                      References are available on request




Positive References



 Dear Mr. Mamaev


     In reply to your letter of yesterday Mr. Arman Abishev is both capable and reliable. He came to us 5 years ago to take charge of our Hardware Department.

     Arman knows the job thoroughly and does it for his department with notable success. I know that for some time he has been looking for a similar position with a large store. While we would be sorry to lose his service, we would not wish to stand in the way of the advancement which could be offered by a store such as yours.


     Yours sincerely









1. English for Business Men - Г.А. Дудкина, М.В. Павлова, З.Г. Рей,

А.Т. Хвальнова.- Ташкент, 2001.

2. Headway / Intermediate– John & Liz Soars, Oxford University Press

3. Hotline / Intermediate – Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University Press

          4. English for students, English for everybody – Кормильцына Л.Н., 

Алматы 1999.





1 Программа по дисциплине «Английский язык. Деловое общение»….3

2 Методические указания………………………………………………….4

3 Темы по дисциплине «Английский язык. Деловое общение»……….. 6

3.1 Знакомство…………………………………………………………….. 6

3.2 Профессии……………………………………………………………... 6

3.3 Устройство на работу…………………………………………………  8

3.4 Интервью………………………………………………………………. 9

3.5 Работа за рубежом……………………………………………………. 10

3.6 Страноведение………………………………………………………… 11

3.7 Деловые поездки……………………………………………………… 12

3.8 Подписание контрактов………………………………………………. 14

3.9 Покупки…………………………………………………………………15

3.10 СМИ……………………………………………………………………16

4 Контрольные задания

Вариант 1……………………………………………………………………18

Вариант 2……………………………………………………………………20

Вариант 3……………………………………………………………………22

Вариант 4……………………………………………………………………24

Вариант 5……………………………………………………………………26

Вариант 6……………………………………………………………………27

Вариант 7……………………………………………………………………29

Вариант 8……………………………………………………………………31

Вариант 9……………………………………………………………………32

Вариант 10…………………………………………………………………..34





Дополнительный план 2005 г., поз18


Сара Нурлановна Колмакова

    Айжан Искаковна Нурмуханбетова




    Программа, методические указания и контрольные работы



Редактор Ж.М. Сыздыкова



Подписано в печать __.__.__                                  Формат 60x84 1/16

Тираж __300__экз.                                               Бумага типографская № 1

Объем___уч.-изд.л.                                             Заказ ___. Цена ____тн.





Копировально-множительное бюро

Алматинского института энергетики и связи

050013, Алматы, Байтурсынова 126