Алматы энергетика және байланыс институты


Шетел тілдері кафедрасы











Ағылшын тілі


Техникалық мәтіндерді оқу және аудару дағдыларын жетілдіруге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар

(бакалавриат, радиотехника, электроника және телекоммуникация мамандықтарының студенттері үшін) 























Алматы 2006



ҚҰРАСТЫРУШЫ: Райымқұл З.Ә. Ағылшын тілі. Техникалық мәтіндерді оқу және аудару дағдыларын жетілдіруге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар (бакалавриат, радиотехника, электроника және телекоммуникация мамандықтарының студенттері үшін). - Алматы: АЭжБИ, 2006. – 31б.











Әдістемелік нұсқаулар студенттердің оқу және аудару дағдыларын  жетілдіруге арналған. Бұл нұсқауларда арнайы іріктеліп алынған техникалық мәтіндер және сол мәтіндерді жан-жақты қарастыруға арналған жаттығулар берілген. Әдістемелік нұсқауларды сабақта және студенттердің өз бетімен жұмысында пайдалануға болады.







Пікір беруші: шетел тілдері кафедрасының аға оқытушысы Л.А. Алдабергенова







Алматы энергетика және байланыс институты 2006 ж. жоспары бойынша басылады.  








© Алматы энергетика және байланыс институты, 2006 ж.

         1 Computer machines


What is a computer? The electronic system of a computer is very complex. Its electronic brains produce information. It is a complex instrument made up of hundreds of electronic devices, miles of electronic wire. At a panel desk connected to the instrument, an operator feeds facts, figures, and symbols into the machine, to be stored on magnetic tape or punched cards. More than 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in one machine, and when the operator wants answers, he asks the machine in a special language to process the information taken from storage, and for solving the problem. How long did it take you to multiply the large numbers? In one third of a second a computer can multiply two 127-digit numbers. In one whole second, it can add 4,000 five-digit numbers; in two seconds it can complete 320 long-division problems. The same machine does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians in any given time period, and without the mistakes which human beings are bound to make. The machine can flash its answers on a screen, can print them on paper, store them away onmagnet tapes or cards. The electronic machinecan give any answer or combination of possible answers, from the information fed to it for storage.

         But … it is human beings who do the thinking, who feed information to the machines which help us to find answers and produce facts faster and more accurately. Machines work for us, but they do not think for us.




brain – ми

to store – қамдау

storage – сақтау орны

tape – лента

card – карта

digit – сан; digital – сандық

long-division – ұзақ бөлу

to train – жаттықтыру

human being – адам

are bound to make - әдетте жасайды

to flash – тұтану

to print – басу

panel desk – басқару пульті

to process - өңдеу

to feed – машинаға данныларды енгізу

to complete – бітіру

to punch – тесіп шығу

punched cards - перфокарталар




1.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


electronic system, electronic devices, panel desk, magnetic type, magnetic card, digit numbers, long-division problems, human-beings, automatic controls.



1.2 Words for activization.


to store, storage, to train, to flash, to print, tape, card, channel desk, digit, brain, digit numbers, to feed, symbols, to multiply, to process.



1.3 Questions.


1. Is the electronic system of a computer very complex?

2. What do its elctronic brains do?

3. what is a computer made up of ?

4. What does an operator do at a panel desk?

5. How many pieces of information can be stored in one machine?

6. How does the operator speak to a machine?

7. How much time does it take a computer to process the information?

8. Where is the information of a computer stored?

9. How does a computer give its answers?

10. Can machines think for us?



1.4 Give English equivalents for the words in brackets.


1. ( Электрондық милар) called (сандық) computer (беру) information.

2. A computer is a (күрделі) instrument made up of hundreds of electronic (құралдар).

3. An operator at a (басқарма пульті, енгізу) facts, figures, and symbols into the machine.

4. All these (даннылар, сандар мен белгілер) are stored on magnetic (лента) or on (карточкаларда).

5. More than 100,000 pieces of information (сақталына алады) in one machine.

6. An operator asks the machine in a special language (өңдеу) information taken from (сақтау орны).

7. In one third of a second a computer can (көбейту) two 127-( сандық сандар).

8. A computer can (бітіру) 320 long-division problems in two seconds.      






1.5 Say the following statements true or false.


1. A computer can …

     a) produce informations;

     b) multiply large digit numbers;

     c) complete long-division problems;

     d) answer without mistakes;

     e) store the informations.

2. A computer does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians.

3. A computer works for human beings.

4. A computer a) can b) cannot think for us.



1.6 Complete the sentences according to the text.


1. It is a complex instrument made up of hundreds of …

2. More than 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in one machine, and when the operator wants …

3. The same machine does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians in any given …

4. But … it is human beings who do the thinking, who feed information to the machines …

5. At a panel desk connected to the instrument, an operator feeds facts, figures, and symbols into …

6. In one third of a second a computer can …

7. The machine can flash its answers on a screen, can print them … 





2 The Television transmitter. The Television Receiver


         The television transmitter sends out special signals. These signals are sent out in addition to the picture impulses. The signals synchronize the pictureat the receiver with the picture picked up by the camera.

         At the television receiver, the picture and audio signals are picked up simultaneously by a single antenna. The voltages induced in the receiving antenna are fed into the radio frequency stage of the receiver; and the picture carrier and the sound carrier are converted by syperheterodyne conversion method into two separate intermediate frequency signals. One signal corresponds to the sound carrier and the other – to the video or picture carrier. Two separate intermediate frequency amplifier channels are employed, one for the picture signal and the other for the sound signal.



 The sound intermediate frequency signal is demodulated by a detector.

 After proper amplification by the audio amplifier, the suond signal is reproduced by the loudspeaker in the usual way. The picture intermediate frequency signal is amplified by several stages having wide-band frequency characteristics and is then fed into the video (picture) detector, where the intermediate frequency signal is the demodulated.

The video (picture) signal which appears in the output of the detector is then amplified in a video amplifier, which corresponds to the audio amplifier in a sound receiver. Only it must pass a much wider range of frequencies.

         The television receiver includes tube circuits for receiving, amplifying, and synchronizing the signals, and a large cathode-ray tube called a kinescope. It converts the video impulses from the transmitting station into luminous spots on a fluorescent screen. In the kinescope the amplified video signals are applified to the grid, and through it control the intensity of the electron beam.





to syncronize – уақытқа сәйкес келу

to pick up – теру

to induce – ниеттеу

intermediate – арадағы

to correspond – сәйкес келу

cathode-ray tube – электросәулелік трубка

 to reproduce – қайта өндіру

wide-band – жиіліктердің кең алқабы

output – күштілік

luminous – жарқыраған

spot – дақ

fluorescent – флюоресценттік

grid – решетка

beam – сәуле

separate – бөлу



2.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


Video impulses, video amplifier, audio amplifier, radio frequency stage, detector output, picture and audio signals, picture and sound carrier, high-and-low-frequency signals, separate intermediate frequency signals, separate intermediate frequency amplifier channels.


2.2 Words for activization.


to synchronize, to pick up, to feed, to correspond, to modulate, to demodulate, to reproduce, to separate, to induce, single, conversion, wide-band, output, grid, beam, spot, stage, luminous, flourescent.



2.3 Compare means the word-combinations.


1. superheterodyne conversion method – conversion method;

2. frequency signal – sound intermediate frequency signal;

3. wide band – wide-band frequency characteristics.



2.4 Say the following statements true or false.


1. A television receiver includes tube circuits for ewreceiving, amplifying and syncronizing signals.

2. A single antenna picks up the picture and audio signals.

3. Intermediate frequency signals correspond to the sound carrier and the video carrier.

4. Video signals appear in the output of the detector.




2.5 Give English equivalents for the words in brackets.


1. A (жалғыз) antenna is used in the television

2. The picture (алып жүруші) and the sound (алып жүруші)  are converted into two (бөлек) signals.

3. One of these signals (сәйкес) the video carrier.

4. The video signals (пайда болады) in the output of the detector.

5. The television receiver (енгізу) tube circuits for (қабылдау),(нығаю) and (синхрондау) the signals.

6. The television receiver (айналдырады) the video impulses from the (берілетін станциядан) into (жарқыраған) spots on a (флюоресценттік) screen.




2.6 Questions.


1. What signals does the television trasmitter send out?

2. What kind of signals are picked up simultaneously by a single antenna?

3. Where are they picked up?

4. What kind of carriers are converted by superheterodyne conversion method?

5. What are these carriers separated into?


6. How many intermediate frequency amplifier channels are employed?

7. What are these channels used for?

8. How many stages amplify the picture intermediate frequency signal?

9. When is the intermediate frequency signal demodulated?

10. Where is the video signal amplified?

11. What does the television receiver include?

12. What does the television receiver do with the video impulses?



2.7 Complete the sentences according to the text.


1.The signals synchronize the pictureat the receiver …

2. The voltages induced in the receiving antenna are fed into the radio frequency stage of the receiver; and the picture carrier and the sound …

3. Two separate intermediate frequency amplifier channels are employed, one for …

4. After proper amplification by the audio amplifier, the suond …

5. One signal corresponds to the sound carrier and the …

6. The television receiver includes tube circuits for receiving, amplifying …

7. The video (picture) signal which appears in the output of the detector …



3 Radio today

Radio is a special kind of long-distance electrical communications. It makes possible to send different signals such as dots and dashes of the Morse code (radio-telegraphy), speech and music (radio telephony), images of objects and films (television). Radio helps us to maintain contact with ships, with aircraft in flight or a spasecfaft. Radio helps us to detect an aircraft flying high above the clouds (radio location, or radar) and measure the distance to it. Space stations photographed, on a command transmitted by radio from the Earth, the hidden side of the Moon and sent its pictures back to the Earth.

         Daily radio programmmes include lectures, reports, and concerts. Radio is a powerful means of spreading knowledge.

         Radio communication is the transfer of high-frequency energy from the transmitter to the receiver without wires.

         Radio is a device that transmits and receives signals and programs by electromagnetic waves. Since the process of radio communication includes transmission and reception of signals, the necessary components of radio are a transmitter and a receiver.

         The tarnsmitter is a device that produces radio-frequency energy. The main parts of a transmitter are a high-frequency oscillator including an oscillatory circuit and one or more amplifiers.


 In modern transmission electron tubes are used to amplify currents and give greaterv transmitting range and better reception.

         The receiver is a device that receives waves sent out by a transmitter. Radio receiver demodulates these waves and they are heard as speech, music and signals.

         Radio waves are electric waves of very high frequency; they travel through space at the speed of light. They differ from other wave forms only in frequency.





receiver – радиоқабылдағыш, қабылдағыш

transmitter – хабарлағыш

discharge – заряд

wireless – сымсыз

range – диапазон

transmission – беру, хабар

dots and dashes – нүктелер, сызықша

to detect – айқындау

to transfer – тасымалдау

high-frequency – жоғарғы жиілік

crystal – кварц





3.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


high frequency, high frequency energy, signal transmission, low speed, low frequency energy, radio frequency energy, radio frequency energy, transmitting range, necessary components, radio receiver, bad reception, transmitting antenna, radio amplifier, oscillatory circuits, speed of sound, wave direction, vibration number, wave components, wave modulation, crystal radio set, alternating curent, oscillatory circuit, constant amplitude signal, radio set operation;



         3.2 Words for activization.


receiver, transmitter, charge, discharge, indicator, wireless, range, reception, radius, speed, dots and dashes, to detect, to hide, to spread;


3.3 Questions.


1. How does radio help us in everyday life?


2. What is radio communication?

3. Which device produces high-frequency energy?

4. What are the necessary components of radio?

5. What are the necessary parts of a transmitter?

6. What is a transmitter?

7. What is a receiver?

8. What device sends out waves in different directions?

9.What is the function of the antenna?

10.What are radio waves?

11. How do radio waves differ from other waves?



         3.4 Give English equivalents for the words in brackets.


1. Meetings of (ғалымдардың) take place every year?

2. Radio was a great (жаңалық ашу) .

3. (Диапазон) of transmission is constantly increasing.

4. (Сәулелер) of light travel at the (жылдамдық) of 300,000 km/sec.

5. (Ең) first radio set was invented in Russia.

6. Each device has some (керекті бөліктер) and some (көмекші бөліктер).

7. Radio waves travel in (барлық бағыттарда).

8. Radio waves travel through (кеңістік).

9. (Электрондық лампалар) amplify currents.



3.5 Choose the proper words and word combinations. Translate the sentences into Kazakh.


1. Radio communication is the transfer of …

a) low-frequency energy

b) high-frequency energy

2. The

a) main, b) auxiliary components of a radio set are a transmitter and a receiver.

3. Electron tubes are used

a) to decrease, b) to increase transmitting range.

4. Electric oscillations travel in …

a) all directions

b) one direction

5. Radio waves differ from other waves in …

a) frequency

b) speed

6. The frequency of sound oscillations …

a) ranges


b) changes from 50 to 10,000 c/s

7. Current with frequency of thousands of cycles are called …

a) low frequency

b) high frequency currents

8. Crystal radio set is a …

a) complex device

b) simple device

9. A transmitter sends out a …

a) variable amplitude signal

b) constant amplitude signal

at a a) high, b) low frequency

10. The

a) less,

b) more energy is received by the oscillatory circuit, the

a) worse,

b) better is the radio set operation.



3.6  Complete the sentences according to the text.


1. Radio helps us to detect an aircraft flying high above the

2. Daily radio programmmes include lectures, reports, and 

3. It makes possible to send different signals such as dots …

4. Radio receiver demodulates these waves …

5. The main parts of a transmitter are a high-frequency …

6. Since the process of radio communication includes transmission …

7. Radio helps us to maintain contact with ships, with aircraft …





4 Television


In a television system two separate transmitters are employed – one for the sound channel and the other for the picture channel. The sound transmitter is frequency-modulated and simultaneously transmiths the sound which accompanies the image. Each transmitter has its own antenna.

         The image being televised is received by the television camera which converts electrical impulses into optical impulses. These electrical impulses are amplified by the video or picture amplifier. After proper amplification, the video signal modulates the high-frequency carrier of the television transmitterand is radiated into space by the aerial. The picture carried is amplitute-modulated.



The antenna receives both the amplitude-modulated picture signals and the frequency-modulated sound signals that are transmitted on carriers. The carriers differ in frequency so that they may be separated in the receiver. The signals are passed to the radio frequency selector by means of which the necessary statipon is tuned in. The frequency-modulated signals of the sound channel and the amplitude-modulated signals of the video channel pass from the converter. These signals are amplified and separated by the circuit blocks. They reach the loud-speaker and the kinescope, respectively.




to employ – қолдану

channel – канал

frequency – жиілік

to modulate – модул жасау

simultaneous – бір мезгілді

to accompany – еріп жүру

to televise – теледидардан көрсету

to convert – айналдыру

to amplify – арттыру

amplifier – күшейткіш

amplification – арту, нығаю

carrier – алып жүруші

to radiate – сәуле тарату

aerial – антенна; әуедегі

amplitude – амплитуда

to tune in – күйге келтіру

converter – түрлендіргіш

respectively – сәйкес




4.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


sound channel, picture channel, television system, optical image, video amplifier, picture carrier, high frequency carrier,requency modulated transmitter, low-frequency carrier,frequency modulated transmitter, low-frequency carrier, video-frequency carrier, proper amplification, radio-guided, ground-guided, air-controlled, radio-controlled, wire-controlled, wire-guided.



         4.2 Words for activization.


channel, frequency, carrier, to modulate, to tune in, to amplify,


amplifier, video, optical, to convert.



4.3 Questions.


1. What transmitters are employed in a television system?

2. What transmitter transmits the sound?

3. What accompanies the image?

4. What is the image received by?

5. What part of the system converts electrical impulses into optical impulses?

6.  What part of the system amplifies electrical impulses?

7. By what element of the system is the video signal radiated into space?

8. What signals does the antenna receive?

9. Are the carriers alike in frequency?

10. Where are the signals passed?

11. Where do the signals of the sound channel and the signals of the video channel pass from?

12. What are these signals amplified and separated by?



4.4 Say the following statements true or false.


1. In a television system …

     two transmitters are employed

     the sound accompanies the image

     optical image is converted into impulses

     proper amplification is necessary

2. The video signal …

     modulates the high-frequency carrier

     is radiated into space

     is radiated by the aerial

3. The video amplifier amplifiers electrical impulses.

4. The sound transmitter is frequency – modulated. This frequency – modulated sound transmitter is in use.

5. The picture carrier is amplitude modulated. This amplitude-modulated picture carrier is in use. 



4.5 Give English equivalents for the words in brackets.


1. A television system (пайдаланады) a (дыбысты) channel and a picture channel.

2. Optical (бейне) is converted by the television camera.

3. The video signal modulates thе high-frequency (алып жүруші).


4. The necessary station is ( күйге келтіріледі) in by the radio frequency selector.

5. The picture and the sound (беріледі) (бір мезгілде).

6. These signals are (нығаяды) and (бөлінеді) by the circuit blocks.



4.6 Complete the sentences according to the text.


1. The image being televised is received by the television camera …

2. The antenna receives both the amplitude-modulated picture signals …

3. In a television system two separate transmitters are employed – one for the …

4. After proper amplification, the video signal modulates …

5. The signals are passed to the radio frequency selector …

6. These electrical impulses are amplified by the …

7. The sound transmitter is frequency-modulated and simultaneously …




5 The Laser today and Tomorrow


         The laser has become a multipurpose tool. It has caused a real revolution in technology.

         Atoms emit rays of different length, which prevents the forming of an intense beam of light. The laser forces its atoms to emit rays having the same length and travelling in the same direction. The results is a narrow, extremely intense beam of light that spreads out very little and is therefore able to travel very great distances.

         The most common laser is the helium-neon laser in the laser tube, containig 10 per cent helium gas and 90per cent neon gas. At the end of the tube there is a mirror, and at the other end there is a partial mirror.The electrons get energy from a power supply and become ”excited”, giving off energy as light. This light is reflected by the mirror at one end of the tube. It can only escape through the partial mirror at the other end of the tube.

         The first laser was built in 1960. Since then scientists have developed several types of the laser which make use of luminescent crystals, 1uminescent glass, a mixture of various gases and finally semiconductors.

         Having been developed at Lebedev Institute of Physics in 1962, semiconductor quantum generators occupy a special place among the optical generators. While the size of the ruby crystal laser comes top tens of centimetres and that of the gas generator is about a metre long, the semiconductor laser is a few tens of a millimetre long, the density of its radiation being hundreds of thousands of times greater than that of the best ruby laser.





But the most interesting thing about the semiconductor laser is that it is able to transform electrical energy directly into light wave energy.

With an efficiency approaching 100 per cent as compared to a maximum of about 1 per cent of other types, the semicoductor laser opens up new possibilities of producing extremely economical sources of light.

         But it is in the field of communication that the laser will find its most extensive application in future. Scientists foresee the day when a single laser beam will be employed to carry simultaneously millions of telephone conversations or a thousand of television programmes. It will serve for fast communications across continents, under the sea, between the Earth and spaceships and between men travelling in space.

         The potential importance of these applications continues to stimulate new development in the laser field.






approach – жақындау

beam – сәуле

carry – хабарлау

compare – салыстыру

density – тығыздық

emit – сәуле тарату

employ – қолдану

extensive – кең

foresee – болжау

intense – интенсивтік

mirror – айна

narrow – жіңішке

prevent – кедергілік жасау

single – біреу, жалғыз

spread – таралу

travel – жылжу




5.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


multipurpose tool, revolution in technology, rays of defferent length, intense beam of light, great distances, helium-neon laser, luminescent crystals.





5.2 Questions.


1. What is the laser?

2. What is the function of the laser?

3. What beam of light does the laser produce?

4. When was the first laser built?

5. What types of quantum generators did scientists develop arter 1960?

6. What type of laser is the most common one at present?

7. Where will the laser find the most extensive application in future?




5.3 Fill the gaps with the suitable verbs (to monitor, to convert, to foresee, to stimulate,

to pulverize, to supervise, to emit, to supply, to built, to unload). 


1. Atoms …rays of different length, which prevents the forming of an intense beam of light.

2. The first laser was …in 1960.

3. The electrons get energy from a power …and become ”excited”, giving off energy as light.

4. Scientists …the day when a single laser beam will be employed to carry simultaneously millions of telephone conversations.

5. The potential importance of these applications continues …new development in the laser field.




5.4  Complete the sentences according to the text.


1. The laser forces its atoms to emit rays having the same length and …

2. It will serve for fast communications across continents, under …

3. The most common laser is the helium-neon laser in the laser tube, containig …

4. Atoms emit rays of different length, which prevents the forming of an …

5. But the most interesting thing about the semiconductor laser is that it is able …

6. Scientists foresee the day when a single laser beam will be employed to carry simultaneously millions of telephone …

7. With an efficiency approaching 100 per cent as compared …


5.5 Choose synonyms from the second column to the words of the first column.


to proceed                                                          to turn on

normally                                                             to continue


owing to                                                             precise

accurate                                                              usually

to provide                                                           due to

various                                                                to supply

to switch on                                                        different

energy                                                                 artificial

a lot of                                                                 power

large                                                                    to apply

to use                                                                   many

man-made                                                           for example

for instance                                                         to determine

to define                                                              big 





6 Today’s Astonishing computers


         Not long ago computers were not very reliable and comparatively slow in operation. Since then, several generations of complex electronic computing equipment have been developed, each being significantly better than the one before it. Almost every day a new use is found for these astonising devices to help man.

         We know a computer to be a complex electronic device that can store and process vast quantities of information. Following instructions, computing equipment will perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and provide the answera to a large variety of problems in a tiny fraction of time.

         A computer is known to be the “heart” of an electronic data processing system, other parts of equipment being auxiliary.

         There are two main types of computing equipment – digital and analogue. They work differently and yield different results. The digital computer is performing a much broader range of functions than the analogue one.

         The analogue computer, as its name implies, produces analogues or parallels of the process to be described or the problem to be solved. Both the digital and the analogue computers must be “programmed”. This means they must be set up in such a way that they can produce a result from the information fed into them, and the information itself must be organized so that it can be handled by the machines. These devices working by electronic impulses perform at fantastic speed and with great precision.

         Looking to the future , computer makers see no end to the things they would like to accomplish. The computer of the future seems to be developed by using bionics – biological functions of plants and animals – as a guide in designing electronic circuits.




Nowadays computer makers are working at the problem of introducing small computers into our everyday life making them personal. Thay are trying to develop a computer that will understand human language.

         Each new generation of computers opens up new possibilities for basic and applied research.





accomplish – іске асыру

auxiliary – көмекші

data – дерек, мағлұмат

describe – суреттеу

digital – сандық

generation – ұрпақ

plant - өсімдік

precision – дәлдік

process - өңдеу

range – диапазон

reliable – сенімді

set up – ұйымдастыру

yield – шығару



6.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


complex electronic computing, astonishing devices, complex electronic device, vast quantities of information, a tiny fraction of time, electronic data, range of functions, to be handled by the machines, electronic impulses, computer makers.



6.2 Questions.


1. What were the computers like not long ago?

2. Have they been developed since that time?

3. What is a computer?

4. What calculations can a computer perform?

5. What two types of computing equipment do you know?

6. Do digital and analogue computers work in the same way?

7. How do digital and analogue computers work?





6.3 Fill the gaps with the words.


1.Almost every day a new use is found for these astonising …to help man.

2. The … computer is performing a much broader range of functions than the analogue one.

3.We know a computer to be a complex electronic device that can … and process vast quantities of information.

4.Not long ago computers were not very … and comparatively slow in operation.      




6.4  Complete the sentences according to the text.


1. Following instructions, computing equipment will perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication ...

2. A computer is known to be the “heart” of an electronic data processing ...

3. The computer of the future seems to be developed by using bionics – biological functions of plants ...

4. Nowadays computer makers are working at the problem of introducing small computers into ...

5. Since then, several generations of complex electronic computing equipment have been developed ...

6. The analogue computer, as its name implies, produces analogues or parallels of the process ...




6.5 Choose antonyms from the second column to the words of the first column.


modern                                               to exclude

regular                                                old

outer                                                   to weaken

to strengthen                                      inner

to include                                           impossible

possible                                              irregular

rapidly                                                future

past                                                     quickly

powerless                                            inefficient

efficient                                               powerful

unlimited                                             limited

accurate                                               non – conductor

conductor                                             inaccurate



7 A new microcomputer


         An entirely new microcomputer has been developed in our country. The microcomputer is equipped with an arithmetical logical device which carries pre-set programmes. Because of this the microcomputer can perform various logical functions. In other words, it possesses a solving field for various commands. It is comparatively easy to change commands or add new ones.

         The arithmetical logical device is known to be adjusted by computers of a higher level. The memory device based on semiconductors keeps information for several days, even with the power supply unplugged. In this case the microcomputer automatically switches over to the microaccumulator.

         The new computer is very small in size and weght, resistant to temperature fluctuations, reliable and easy to operate. It does not require special ventilation. It can be used in computer control complexes as an information-processing unit and also as a built-in computer in various analysing and display devices. It receives data, calculates the optimum conditions and supplies signals for the control of technological processes. For example, in pressure-die casting the microcomputer receives informationabout the temperature in the furnace, the spped of the liquid metal movements, location of the various devices, etc. the computer processes the data and controls the casting,i.e. keeps the temperature and the pressure within required limits, and commands the beginning of the casting operation. The programme is written by technicians, and the operator inserts the required data.

         The field of application of the new computer appears to be vast. It can analyse various substances in oil, gas, chemical and food industries, as well as soil and plants. It can also be used for processing information about conditions in the environment, for control of conveyors and other equipment.





add – қосу

entirely – мүлдем

environment – қоршаған орта

fluctuation – тербеліс

food – тағам

furnace – пеш

insert – енгізу

pre-set – алдын-ала құрылған

pressure-die casting – құйма

soil – топырақ

unit – блок

unplug – өшіру

vast – байтақ


         7.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


         arithmetical logical device, pre-set programmes, logical functions, information-processing unit, display devices, calculate the optimum conditions, the speed of the liquid metal movements, the computer processes, control of conveyors.



7.2 Questions.

1. Where has an entirely new microcomputer been developed?

2. What is the microcomputer equipped with?

3. What is the memory devise based on?

4. What is the new computer?

5. What is the function of the new computer?

6. Can the new computer analyse various substances in  oil, gas, chemical and food industries, as well as soil and plants?

7. Where can the new computer be used?



7.3 Fill the gaps with the verbs.


1. It is comparatively easy … commands or add new ones.

2. The new computer is very small in size and weght, resistant … fluctuations, reliable and easy to operate.

3. The field of application of the new computer … to be vast.

4.The arithmetical logical device is known to be … by computers of a higher level.

5. Because of this the microcomputer can … various logical functions.





7.4  Complete the sentences according to the text.


1. It receives data, calculates the optimum conditions and supplies signals ...

2. It can be used in computer control complexes as an information-processing unit and also as a built-in ...

3. The memory device based on semiconductors keeps information for several days ...

4. The new computer is very small in size and weght, resistant ...

5. It can analyse various substances in oil, gas, chemical and food industrie ...







7.5 Complete the table for word-combination.




















8 Lasers and Masers


         A laser is a machine for making and concentrating light waves into a very intense beam. The letters LASER stand for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The light made by a laser is much more intense than ordinary light. With ordinary light, all the light waves are different lengths. With lasers, all the light waves have the same length, and this increase the intensity.

         Atoms are made up of neutrons, electrons and protons. The electrons circle round the protons and neutrons. In a laser, the electrons are “excited” to a high energy level.As the electrons fall back from their “excited” state to their normal state, they give off energy. This energy is given off as light which can be seen. A number of materials have this property including some gases, liquids, solids and semiconductors. Thus a number different types of lasers have been developed.

         Lasers are now used for many scientific, medical, and industrial purposes. The thin beam of light gives a lot of heat and it is used to join metal when a very small joint is needed. The beam can also be used as a drill, to make holes in steel, or even in diamonds. Because the beam is so small, it’s very important in delicate surgery and is used in eye operations.

         Lasers are also used in holography. A hologram is a three-dimensional image, a bit like a photograph.It’s different from a photograph because it looks solid.

         The word MASER is also an acronym – for Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The maser is operated on the same principle as the laser except that the wavelenths generated are much longer and therefore the energy jumps involved are smaller.


The excited bodies in a maser are molecules rather than atomic electrons and the beam generated is a coherent beam of microwaves which is not visible to the eye.

         Masers have made revolutionary advance possible in a number of different fields. They are up to 1.000 times more sensitive than any other type of amplifiers. Maser amplifiers mounted on radio telescopes can increase even their great range by a factor of 10, allowing us to reach out to the bounds of the known universe. Because of the very constant frequency with which masers can be made to oscillate they can be used as master controls for atomic clocks of unbelivable accuracy:

An error not exceeding 1 second in 10.000 years has already been achieved.





laser – лазер

maser – мазер

light waves – жарық толқындар

amplifier – күшейіткіш

make-up – құрастыру

energy level – энергияның деңгейі

to give off energy (light) – энергия беру, сәуле тарату, жарық жіберу

to generate - өңдеу

solid – қатты дене

property – сипат, қасиет

three-dimensional image – көлемді кескін

emission- сәуле шығару

range – диапазон

wavelength – толқынның ұзындығы

by a factor of 10 – 10 рет

to oscillate – тербелу

master control – басқарудың негізгі мүшесі




8.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


concentrating light waves, intense beam, high energy level, different types of lasers, beam of light, delicate surgery, excited bodies, coherent beam of microwaves, radio telescopes, atomic clocks of unbelivable accuracy.




8.2 Say if the following statements are true or false.



1. The light made by a laser is much more intense than ordinary light.

2. With ordinary light, all the light waves have the same length.

3. With lasers all the light waves have different length.

4. A laser concentrates light waves into a very intense beam.

5. Lasers are now used for many scientific, medical, and industrial purposes.



8.3 Questions.


1. What are atoms made up of ?

2. To What level are the electrons excited in alaser?

3. When do they give off energy?

4. In what form is this energy given off?

5. Are lasers used in holography?

6. What is the maser?

7. Have masers made revolutionary advance possible in a number of different fields?

8. What are up to 1.000 times more sensitive than any other type of amplifiers?



8.4 Make a sentence out of the two parts.


1. A laser is a machine for making

and concentrating light waves in a very intense beam.

2. The thin beam of light gives a lot of heat and it is used 

even their great range by a factor of 10, allowing us to reach out to the bounds of the known universe.

3. The beam can also be used as a drill, to make

Generated are much longer and therefore the energy jumps involved are smaller

4. A hologram is a three-dimensional image.

to join metal when a very small joint is needed.

5. The maser is operated on the same

a bit like a photograth.


principle as the laser except that the wavelengths


6. The excited bodies in amaser are molecules rather than atomic elctrons and the beam generated is a 

holes in steel, or even in diamonds.

7. Maser amplifiers mounted on radio telescopes can increase

coherent beam of microwaves which is not visible to the eye.



8.5 Give English equivalents of the following words.


голография, голограмма, көлемді кескін, көріну, сынау, тексеру, айқындау.



8.6 Translate the sentences.


1. The laser has become a mutpurpose tool.

2. Atoms emit rays of different length, which prevents the forming of an intense beam of light.

3. The most common laser is the helium-neon laser in the laser tube, containing 10 percent helium gas and 90 percent neon gas.

4. The electrons get energy from a power supply and become “excited”, giving off energy as light.    

5. Scientists foresee the day when a single laser beam will be employed to carry simultaneously millions of telephone conversations or thousand of television programmes.






8.7 Speak about lasers using the topical sentences and the logical diagram given below.



9 The development of the Computer


         The inventions and ideas of many mathematicians and scientists led to the development of the computer. The first mechanical calculating machines were

invented during the 1600’s. One of the more notable of these devices was buillt

in 1642 by the French mathematician and scientist Blaise Pascal.

         During the 1830’s, an English mathematician named Charles Babbage

developed the idea of a mechanical digital computer. He tried to construct a machine called an analytical engine. The machine contained the basic elements of an automatic computer and was designed to perform complicated calculations according to a sequence of instructions. However, the technology of babbage’s time was not

advanced enough to provide the precision parts needed to complete the machine.

         Another important contribution to the development of the computer was

made in the mid-1800’s by George Boole, an English logician and mathematician. Boole devised a system of formulating logical statements symbolically so that they could be written and proved in a way similar to that of ordinary algebra.

         In 1930 the first reliable analog computer was built. This machine called a different analyzer, solved differential equations.

         During the 1940’s John Neumann, an American mathematician, introduced an idea that improved computer design. He proposed that programs could be coded as numbers and stored with data in a computer’s memory.

         The invention of the transistor in 1947 of related solid-state devices during the 1950’s and 1960’ resulted in the production of faster and more reliable electronic computers. The new machines also were smaller and less expensive than earlier


         The continued miniaturization of electronic equipment during the late 1960’s

and 1970’ s led to further advances in computer technology. The development of the integrated circuit enabled engineers to design both minicomputers and high-speed mainframes with tremondous memory capacities.

         Researches are seeking ways improve memories and auxiliary storage

equipment. They except to produce an efficient magnetic bubble unit, which is

faster and cheaper to operate than mechanical tape or disk units. A magnetic bubble

unit is a semiconductor chip that stores data in tiny, cylindrically shaped areas called bubbles. 






invention – жаңалық ашу

development – даму, өркендеу

to invent – жаңалық ашу

engine – қозғалтқыш


to perform – орындау

to complete – бітіру

contribution – аманат

similar – ұқсас

ordinary – кәдімгі

tremondous – абажадай

to improve – дұрыстау

equipment – абзел, жабдық

magnetic – магниттік

bubble – цилиндірлік, магниттік домен

tiny – кішкентай




9.1  Read and translate the word-combinations.


         mechanical calculating machine, digital computer, analog computer, analytical engine, sequence of instructions, logical statement, in a way similar to, differential analyzer, to make an important contribution to, solid-state device, the continued miniaturization, integrated curcuit, high-speed mainframe, tremondous memory capacities, auxiliary storage equipment, magnetic bubble unit.




9.2  Questions.


1. What did the inventions and ideas of many mathematicians and scientists lead to?

2. When were the first mechanical calculating machines invented?

3. Who developed the idea of a mechanical digital computer?

4. The technology of Babbage’s time was not advanced enough,was it?

5. What was built in 1930?

6. What did John Von Neumann introduce during 1940’s?

7. What is a magnetic bubble unit?

8. Is the development of the integrated circuit enabled engineers to design both minicomputers and high-speed main-frames with tremondous memory capacities?

9. Who devised a system of formulating logical statements symbolically?


         9.3 Give English equivalents of the following words.


         енгізу, дұрыстау, құрылыс, ұсыну,мағлұматтарды сақтау, жаңалық ашу, жабдық, біту, нәтижесінде, өндіріс, сенімді, қымбат.




9.4 Say if the following statements are true or false.


1. Charles Babbage developed the idea of an electronic digital computer.

2. George Boole devised a system of formulating logical statements symbolically.

3. The invention of the transistor in 1947 resulted in the production of faster and more reliable electronic computers.

4. Scientists are also working to decrease computing speed.



9.5 Fill the gaps with the words.

1. The first mechanical … machines were invented during the 1600’s.

2. In 1930 the first reliable … computer was built.

3. The new … also were smaller.

4. Researches are seeking ways … memories and auxiliary storage equipment.

5. A magnetic … units is a semiconductor chip that stores data in tiny? Cylindrically  shaped areas called bubbles.




9.6 Choose the correct definition of the following words.



a. coming near to

b. approximation, a way to solve a problem

c. way, path, road



a. enable to keep up, maintain

b. suffer, undergo

c. keep from falling



a. supply of fresh horses to take the place of tired ones

b. device which receivers signals and transmits them with greater strength, thus increasing the distance over which they are carried

c. place from which radio programs are broadcast after being received from another station


a. passengers and cargo, but not fuek

b. bomb in a missile

c. crew and instruments of a spaceship





a. each singlething, part or object in a list

b. detail or paragraph (of news)

c. number of a program



a. commercially available

b. ready to use

c. possible or likely



         9.7  Fill in the boxes of the logical diagram with the Kazakh equivalents of the following words: 



analog computer


mechanical calculating machine


mechanical digital computer
















Әдебиеттер тізімі

1. Куклина И.П. Energy is the source of life. Пособие для средних

специальных технических учебных заведений. – СПб: Изд-во Каро,


2. Keith Boeckner. P. Charles Brown. Computing,2003.

3. Dinos demetriades. Information Technology. Oxford University Press,2003.






1 Computer machines ……………………..........................................3

2 The television transmitter. The television Receiver………………...5

3  Radio today …… …. ………………………………………………8

4 Television……… …………………………………………………..11

5 The Laser today and Tomorrow .  ………………………………… 14 

6 Todays Astonishing computers   …………………………………..17

7 A new microcomputer ……………… ……………………………..20

8 Lasers and Masers…………..………………………………………22

9 The development of the Computer ………… ……………………...26

Әдебиеттер тізімі……………………………………………….........30
























Жиынтық жоспар 2006., реті 30



Райымқұл Зарина Әбдікамалқызы





Ағылшын тілі


Техникалық мәтіндерді оқу және аудару дағдыларын жетілдіруге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар

(бакалавриат, радиотехника, электроника және телекоммуникация мамандықтарының студенттері үшін) 





Редакторы Ж. А. Байбураева









Басуға қол қойылады ___ ___ ___                   Қалпы 60х 84    1/ 16

Басылымы 150 дана                                          Баспаханалық қағаз

Көлемі 1.9 оқу есепті баспа табақ                   Тапсырыс _____. Бағасы 109 .












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