Кафедра иностранных языков








Английский язык

Методические указания по развитию

умений информативного общения и деловой переписки












Алматы 2006

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: А.К.Садыкова. Английский язык. Методические указания по развитию умений информативного общения и деловой переписки. – Алматы: АИЭС, 2006. - 41с.






         Методические указания  предназначены для студентов второго курса, изучающих курс "Деловое общение". Цель методического указания - обучить основам делового информативного общения в устной и письменной формах. Тексты и  диалоги, включенные в методические указания,   даются со словарными пояснениями и несложными упражнениями. Кроме этого, в методическом указании широко представлены фразы и предложения для устного общения, подобранные по практическим целям общения, например: извинения, согласия, несогласия, просьбы и т.д. Методические указания могут использоваться  и для самостоятельного изучения делового английского языка, а также подготовки к экзамену.








Рецензент: ст. препод. кафедры ИЯ   Острикова Н.М.









         Печатается по плану издания Алматинского института энергетики и связи на 2006 г.




© Алматинский институт энергетики и связи, 2006 г.

Unit 1. Applying for a job        



applicationзаявление, заявка

advertisement реклама

area территория

classifieds – объявления           

curriculum vitae (CV ) – жизнеописание, биография

drivers licenseводительские права

to graduate from a university         закончить университет/институт

jobработа, место работы

promisingперспективный, многообещающий


responsibilityответственность, обязанность

skillfulумелый, искусный, опытный

wage (salary) – зарплата

chargeобщее название оплаты проделанной работы

labour contract (agreement) – трудовое соглашение

experimental period ( term of probation)  - испытательный срок

supervisor (superior) –  начальник


         Resume (резюме) - письменная сводка Ваших личных и образовательных данных. Резюме должно быть достаточно подробным, но и кратким (не превышать одной страницы) и иметь товарный вид, поскольку представляет "товар", предлагаемый будущему работодателю.

         Curriculum vitae (CV – жизнеописание) предназначено для кандидатов на высокие должности или для работы за границей. CV должно содержать детальную информацию (фотографию, личные и паспортные данные, адрес и телефон, образование, квалификацию и т.д.).  Объем CV составляет 6-8 страниц.


         Exercise 1. There are many abbreviations in the advertisement and resumes. Write down the words for which these abbreviations stand. 


Sun. ______________           L.A. ______________           U.S.A. ___________

Mar. ______________           U.C.L.A. __________            U.K. _____________

SF _______________            B.S. ______________           E.U. _____________

CA _______________           Calif. _____________            U.N. _____________


         Exercise 2. Match the British and American equivalents and translate them into Russian:


         curriculum vitae (CV)                        counselor

         holiday                                              resume

         counsellor                                         traveler

         driving licence                                   center

         traveller                                             driver’s license

         centre                                               vacation


         Exercise 3. Insert correct articles where necessary; read and translate the sentences.


Anna said she had … good trip.

She came to Almaty on … early flight that morning.

She travels … lot. Many young people like travelling.

She is … sales representative for … book publisher.

She got her Bachelor’s degree from … University of Chicago.

Marat did his Master’s degree at … University of  Moscow.

Nurlan got his degree of  Bachelor of Science at … college in Los Angeles.

He went to … college for four years. Before that he went to… school.

We do not know exactly how long Anna went to … University.


         Grammar analysis: Infinitive



                                      Active                                      Passive

Indefinite:                      to present                                to be presented

Continuous:                            to be presenting                      

Perfect:                          to have presented                     to have been presented

Perfect Continuous:       to have been presenting           


         Some verbs are followed by a to-infinitive, and some by an ing-form:


         verb + to-infinitive                                     verb + ing-form

John decided to have a party.                      John suggested having a party.

Decide takes a to-infinitive.                          Suggest takes an ing-form.


         A few verbs take either a to-infinitive or an ing-form:

Anna started to read/started reading this book.


1. These verbs are followed by a to-infinitive: ask, appear, agree, aim, arrange, beg, can’t wait, can’t afford, claim, choose, desire, demand, decide, expect, fail, happen, help, hope, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, prove, refuse, seem, tend, turn out, undertake, want, wish etc.

2. These verbs are followed by an ing-form: avoid, admit, can’t face, can’t help, can’t resist, can’t stand, carry on, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, excuse, finish, give up, imagine, involve, keep on, mention, mind, practise, risk, save, suggest, tolerate etc.

3. These verbs can take either a to-infinitive or a ing-form depending on their meaning: begin, bother, continue, intend, forget, go on, mean, need, propose, remember, regret, start, stop, try


         Exercise 4. Open the brackets using the Infinitives in the right tenses and translate the sentences.


San Francisco Chronicle (to publish) this ad  a few years ago.

A software company (to need) to employ a sales representative.

The company (to work) throughout a big area  along the Pacific Ocean coast.

The company (to want) to have a sales representative who (to know) foreign languages.

The company (to want) candidates to send their resumes to Business Computers Magazine.

The advertisement (to state) the address of the Magazine.


         Exercise 5. Tick þ the items you would state in your CV. Write your own CV.


_____The title and reference number of the job you wish to have                        

_____Your surname, first name, address and  telephone number                         

_____Your date of birth                                                                                    

_____Your marital status                                                                                   

_____Your hobbies and leisure interests                                                             

_____The sports you  play                                                                                

_____The name and address of present and last employer                                  

_____Details of all the jobs you have had                                                                 

_____Details of your achievements and responsibilities in your working carrier    

_____The languages you speak or write                                                             

_____Details of the examinations you passed at a secondary school          

_____Details of the examinations you had at a higher school                               

_____Details of the professional diplomas or degree you have                            

_____Details of training courses you have attended                                             

_____Your suitability for the job advertised                                                        

_____Your reasons for applying  for this job                                                               

_____When you are available for the interview                                                    

_____Your current or last salary                                                                        

_____The names and addresses of two referees                                                     


         Exercise 6. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Continuous. Translate the  sentences.


Asel  wants to work in Spain. So she (to learn) Spanish.

Angela started evening classes last week. She (to learn) German.

My friend (to study) English in a language school.

Askar (to study) mathematics.

I (to read) a very interesting  book in English now.

Listen! She (to sing) her latest song. It’s a great hit of hers!

Have a look! How wonderful this ballet dancer is! What part she (to dance)?   


Exercise 7. Read and translate the letter.


Dear Ms. Omarova


         Thank you for your application of June 20 for the post of Personal Assistant to Mrs. Helen Smirnova, our Sales Manager. Mrs. Smirnova has asked me to write to you inviting you for an interview at 18.00 on Thursday July 12. Please come to the reception on the ground floor at our address and ask for me, and I will meet you.

         Please bring with you any certificates, diplomas, or references that you have. Meanwhile would you phone me (tel.: ...) to confirm that you will be able to attend the interview.

         Your sincerely, ...


         Exercise 8. Sometimes interviewers give candidates a hard time by their questions. Write your answers to the questions of this kind.


Tell me about yourself.

What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?

Describe your present job.

What has been your most valuable experience?

Why do you want to leave your present work?

How would you describe your personality?

Don’t you think you are a little young/old for this job?

We have a lot of applicants for this job, why should we appoint you?




Mukanov Nurlan’s interview


Interviewer: Come in. Mr. Mukanov, isn’t it? Please, have a seat.

Marat:  Thank you.

Int:  Did you have a good trip?

M:  Yes, thanks. I came up from London yesterday.

Int:  And did you find nice hotel?

M:   No. I am at my parents’ place in Almaty.

Int:  Oh, that’s right; you’re from this area, aren’t you?

M:  Yes. I was born and raised in Almaty.

Int:  When did you leave Almaty?

M:  I went to college in London. That was in 1998.

Int:  So, where are you presently working?

M:  ELTS Computers in London.

Int: Why do you want to change jobs now? Do you want to live closer to your parents?

M:  That’s not the reason why I want this job.  But yes, I’d like to live in this area again,   also I’d  like  to do  some traveling.  I want to use my languages, and I want a better job.

Int:  Well, thank you, Mr. Mukanov. We’ll be in touch.


         Exercise 9. Read and complete dialogues.


– How is your new job?

– Not so good at the moment. I am not enjoying it very much. 

– …


– What are you doing now?

– I’m having a coffee. And what about you?

– …


– I wonder where Maral is.

– She is having a lunch. She may come in a few minutes

– …


– Is your English getting better?

– I think so. …


(at a party)

  Hello, Jane. Are you enjoying the party?

– …


Construction: to be going to do smth


I’m going to see this film next week.

Я собираюсь посмотреть этот фильм на следующей неделе.


Look at the time! You are going to be late.

Посмотри на часы! Вы можете опоздать



         Exercise 10. Underline the infinitives, read and translate these sentences.


I’m going to keep studying English until my English is perfect.

I’m not going to come to this class ever again.

Peter was going to do the examination but he changed his mind.

Are you going to look for a job while you are here?

I have seen this job ad but I’m not going to apply for it.



         Exercise 11. Write a few sentences about yourself, stating what you have arranged to do at this time. 


                                      I’m going out this evening.

                   tomorrow morning                            next autumn

                   tomorrow evening                    next winter

                   next Sunday                             next New Year Day

                   next holiday                             (another day or time)               



         Exercise 12. Read and complete the dialogues.


– Where was he living this time last year?

    – In …


– Yesterday Mrs. Smirnova interviewed Askar. The interview began at 10 and finished at 11. So she was interviewing him at 10.30. And what were you doing?

    – I …    


– Do you remember what the weather was like that day?

    – I remember that when I got up at 7 o’clock …


– The weather was nasty that day. It rained all day long.

    – You aren’t quite right. When I returned home at 7 …


         Exercise 13.  Complete the resume according to these positions.


Name:                        Marat Omarov

Address:                    103 Dostyk St., Almaty

Telephone number:    (3272) 91-65-44

Date of birth:              12.13.87

Place of birth:             Almaty


Work experience:

Language Spoken:

Other information:



         Unit 2.  Companies        



company, corporation  фирма

production  производство, изготовление, продукция

department – отдел, отделение




subsidiary companyдочерняя фирма (синонимы: affiliate)

branch – филиал, отделение

business proposal – деловое предложение

contact – контакт, связь

to join – соединять, присоединяться

enterprise – предприятие

share – акция, доля

charity – благотворительность

board of directors – совет директоров

executive – руководитель

counsel – совет, советник



         Exercise 1. Study the different types of business organizations.


         There are many types of business organization, and the different terms can be confusing. The right-hand column contains short descriptions of each type.


company (UK)               organization operating to make profit

corporation (US)

society                            friendly association of people; for example, a sports                                                      society

enterprise                       new commercial activity; for example: How is your new                                                                      enterprise? Also in some company names; for example:                                                Smiths Enterprises

limited company            firm where shareholders’ liability is limited

cooperative                    democratic firm owned by its workers

multinational                 organization operating in several countries

parent company             company which owns another

subsidiary (= affiliate)   firm owned by a parent company

holding company           firm, usually without commercial activity, created to be                                                  parent to other companies

public company             company whose shares are publicly available

private company            company whose shares are not publicly available

nationalized company    company owned by the state

government agency        organization which is part of the state administration

charity                           organization to relieve poverty, advance religion or                                                                                       education, etc; benefits from some financial concessions

offshore company           firm based in a tax haven to avoid higher taxation

minority interest             company in which another firm has less than a 50 per                                                    cent interest

operation                       general word for a company, usually a small one, and

                                      part of a large group. It also means activity;

                                      for example: our commercial operation

partnership                    two or more partners working together for profit,

                                      without limited liability            


         Exercise 2. In the above table the articles and the verb to be are missing. Write a few similar sentences according to the example.


     Example: A company is an organization operating to make profit.


         Exercise 3. Read both columns. Then, cover the left-hand column, and from the description try to name the type of organization described.



         Exercise 4. Underline the verbs in the Passive Voice. Read and translate the sentences.


This company was established last year only.

The president was elected last January.

As far as I know the first contract was made in March.

I am sure the goods will be shipped next week.

The equipment was installed a month after the goods arrived.

This accident was caused by careless handling of the machine.

Most probably the goods were damaged in transit.


         Exercise 5. Transform the sentences into Passive.


         Example:     It is a big company. It employs two hundred people.

                            Two hundred people are employed here.


The company is not independent. A much bigger other company owns it.

They will open a new branch at the end of the month.

They will appoint a new director of the department in the very near future.

He managed to make two contracts at the beginning of the year.

The shipped the goods in three equal lots.

The airport authorities delayed all the flights because of thunderstorm.



         Exercise 6. Say how these words are formed.


vice-president       international                    director                 corporation

vice-consul           multinational                   president               development

vice-captain          reorganization                 officer                  responsible



         Exercise 7. Study a diagram showing the structure of a ‘mixed’ type of multinational company based in the US: some activities are organized into domestic, regional and international divisions, others into worldwide product divisions. 


Who’s responsible for business systems?




         Exercise 8. Write the sentences with   the construction  there is/there are  and  the verb(s) in the Passive Voice.


         Exercise 9. Translate into English.


В нашей компании нет отдела по связям с общественностью.

Все необходимые документы были переданы вчера в отдел маркетинга.

Вам можно будет позвонить?

Ответ будет подготовлен к завтрашнему дню.

Когда будет готова новая организационная схема фирмы?

Кто входит в совет директоров компании?




The Joint Stock Company


         The most important form of business organization in the UK is the joint stock company. Basically, it consists of an association of people who contribute towards a joint stock of capital for the purpose of carrying on business with a view to profit. A company may be defined as a legal person created to engage into contracts, and of employing labour in the same way as an individual. There are two kinds of Joint Stock Company, the private company and the public company.

         In 1986 there were some 860 000 joint stock companies in the UK, of which about 6000 were public companies. The public companies are much larger units and account for about two-thirds of all the capital employed by companies. In general, private companies are small firms, often consisting of the members of one family. Both public and private companies must have at least 2 members. A public company must have a minimum allotted share capital of 50 000 pounds (sterling) of which at least one quarter has been paid up. A private company must include the word ‘limited’ in its name while a public company must include the word ‘public limited company’ at the end of its name although this can be abbreviated to plc. The basic distinction between a private and public company is that a public company can offer its shares and debentures for sale to the general public. In the case of a private company it would be criminal offence to ask the public to subscribe its shares. All companies must file annually, with the Register of Companies, details of their turnover, profits, assets, liabilities and other relevant financial information about their structures and activities.



Exercise 10. Translate the text into Russian.


         Exercise 11.  The below diagram is called an organization chart. It shows the chain of command in an organization:







Exercise 12. Make the statements about the chain of command.


         Example: The Vice-President (Corporate development)  is responsible to/reports to the President and Chief Executive Officer.


The Vice-President (Finance) ...

The President (Automotive Operations) ...

The President and Chief Executive Officer ...

The Senior Vice-President (Corporate Staff) ...

The Chairman of the Board ...


         Exercise 13. Study these main abbreviations used in the business correspondence.


A/C, a/c, acc. (account current)текущий счет

adsd (addressed) – адресовано

adse (addressee) – адресат, получатель

ad (advertisement) – рекламное объявление (мн. число – ads)

app. (appendix) – приложение

Attn. (attention) – вниманию (кого-либо)

CEO (chief executive office) – исполнительный директор

cf. (confer) – сравните

Co. (company) – компания

contr. (contract) – контракт

Corp. (corporation) – корпорация

cur. 1. (currency)валюта; 2. (current) – текущий

CV (curriculum vitae) – краткая биография

dd 1. (dated) – датированный; 2. (delivered) доставленный

Dep., Dept. (department) – 1. отдел; 2. министерство

doc. (document) – документ (мн. число – docs)

enc., encl. (enclosed, enclosure) – вложенный, прилагаемый, вложение, приложение (к письму и т.п.)

exc., excl. (except, excluding, exception, exclusion)

expn (expiration) – истечение (срока)

FY (fiscal year) – финансовый год

H.Q., HQ, h.q. (headquarters) – главное управление

inc., incl. (including)включая

Inc., inc. (incorporated) – зарегистрированный как юридическое лицо (корпорация)

Ltd., ltd. (limited liability company) – с ограниченной ответственностью

mdse (merchandise) – товары

Plc, PLC (public limited company) – открытая акционерная компания с ограниченной ответственностью

ref. (reference)ссылка

VAT (value-added tax)НДС

V.I.P., VIP (very important person)особо важное лицо


Exercise 14.  Write a similar text about companies in Kazakhstan. Read it as you were delivering a lecture on this topic: What sort of company is it?


         Exercise 15. Read and complete the dialogues.


– Excuse me; do you know when this firm was established?

– If I’m not mistaken it was established...


– The letter will be translated tomorrow, won’t it?

– The secretary says it will...


– The cases were damaged when they were loaded on board the ship.

– Were they? I have not heard anything about...


– Have a look at the photographs. Where do you think they were taken?

– It seems they were taken...



         Exercise 16. Imagine that you are working for this medium-sized subsidiary of a UK parent company. Today a few members of the Group Internal Audit team are visiting your firm. Write similar answers to the auditors’ questions.



         Example:    – I have a question about the company’s sales budget.

                             You’ll have to see the Sales people about it.


Could you help me? It’s about last year’s development costs.

I’d like to know exactly when you delivered these goods.

Our Computer Audit team wants to visit you soon. Who should we ask about it?

Do you have purchase contracts with all your suppliers?

I’d like to discuss these cash-flow forecasts. Who do you think could help me?



         Unit 3 Telephoning



to speak to smb  говорить с кем-либо

to speak    разговаривать, говорить

to tellразговаривать, болтать

to sayсказать, рассказывать, приказывать

to inform smbинформировать кого-либо, сообщать кому-либо о чем-либо

to be in  быть на месте

to be out – выйти

to phone  звонить (по телефону)

to askспрашивать, просить

to spell smth говорить, произносить по буквам


         Exercise 1. Translate the British and American equivalents into Russian.


British                                                        American

Dialing                                                        dialing

STD code                                                  area code

(telephone) directory                                   telephone/phone book

Directory Enquiries                                     Information

Ex-directory                                                         unlisted

personal call                                               person-to-person call

engaged                                                      busy

reserve/transferred charge call                     collect call

not to be available                                       to be tied up


         Exercise 2. Choose the British equivalents and translate the sentences into Russian.


The line is (engaged, busy).

It is necessary to ring (Directory Enquiries, Information) then.

I’m afraid Mr. Mukanov is (tied up, not available) at the moment.

It is sometimes very convenient to make (reserve charge, collect) calls.

I don’t know the (area, STD) code for this town.

I usually make all (person-to-person, personal) calls from home.


         Grammar analysis: Modal verbs can/could, may


  Present Tenses


         I can meet you at 10.                                           (возможность)

         I can drive a car.                                                 (умение)

         Can I speak to Mr. Stewart, please?                    (просьба)



         I cannot see you tomorrow.                                  (невозможность)

         He cannot speak English.                                    (неумение)

         They haven’t lived here for very long.                            (невероятность)

         They cannot know many people.



         Could I speak to Mr. Ivanov, please?                            (очень вежливая просьба)



         May I came in?                                                   (просьба дать разрешение)

         He may come later.                                              (предположение)

Past Tenses


         I could do it yesterday but I didn’t want to.          (упущенная возможность)

         I could drive a car at that time.                                     (умение)


Could not

         I could not come to your office yesterday.             (невозможность)

         I could not drive a car then.                                 (неумение)




Exercise 3. Read the sentences and underline the modal verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian.


Could I speak to the General Manager, please?

Can you put me through to Ms Bell, please?

Could you repeat the number, please?

I’m afraid I can’t hear you well enough.

I cannot telephone you tomorrow, I’m afraid.

Can you give me your name, please?

May I have the bill, please?


         Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the following verbs.


Could I ... to someone in the Marketing Department?      to tell

Could you ... Mr. Green to call me back?                       to speak

Could I ... a message for Suzanne Butler?                       to hold

Could you ... him I called?                                             to repeat

Could you ... the line, please?                                         to ask

Could you ... the date, please?                                       to leave



         Grammar analysis: The imperative mood


Infinitive without to                                              Don’t + Infinitive without to


Hold the line, please?                                           Don’t hang up the receiver, please?

Call back at three o’clock, please.                        Don’t phone him now, please.


ü Note: Do not (do smth) – выражает запрет


         Exercise 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Imperative Mood.


(to read) his telephone number, please.

(to hold) the line, please. Mr. Akhmetov is speaking on another line.

(to hang on) for a moment. I’m putting you through.

I don’t think he is on the phone now. (to page) him on.

I am sorry I don’t know their number. (to look) it up in the directory.

The line is very bad. (to speak) up, please.

I’m sorry the line isn’t very good.  (to spell) the name, please.


         Exercise 6. Translate into English.


Пожалуйста, продиктуйте вашу фамилию по буквам.

Напишите, пожалуйста, его номер телефона.

Где он сейчас? Позвоните ему на пейджер.

Не вешайте трубку. Г-н Муканов заканчивает разговор по другому телефону.

Простите, повторите, пожалуйста, последнюю фразу.


         Exercise 7. Make sentences using telephone numbers, read them.


         Example: 7 90 55 00 14 25

The complete telephone number is seven nine oh double five double oh one four two five.


8 56 74 519 273                03 783 736 979

8 3272 16 00 97                55 86 22

7 499 510 3449                 6785



         Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using various telephone numbers. Read them.


This is ...

Is that ...?

Write down our new telephone number. It is ...

Is your new telephone number ...?

You may have my mobile telephone number. It is ...

I’m not sure I remember your number. Is it ...?



         Dialogue: A business telephone call


Marat:         Is that the Journal of Commerce?

Operator:     Yes, that’s right. Who’s calling, please?

Marat:         Oh, Akhmetov is my name. I’d like to speak to Ms. Smirnova.

Operator:     Sorry. Could you repeat your name, please?

Marat:         Marat Akhmetov. A-K-H-M-E-T-O-V

Operator:     Just a moment, please, Mr. Akhmetov. I am putting you through to Ms.       Smirnova.

Marat:         Is that Ms. Smirnova now?



         Exercise 9. Practise the following phrases.


Apologizing                                                                               Responses

I’m sorry.                                                                               I’m sorry.

I am sorry.                                                                         That’s quite all right.

Excuse me, could you ...

Excuse me, please. (when you want to pass someone)

Pardon? (when you want someone to repeat his words)

Have you got ...?                                                                   I’m afraid not.

Could I speak to ...?                                            I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.



         Exercise 10. Write down what you would say when someone addresses you with these words.


Have you got the time, please?                                      I am sorry I’m late.

Could I speak to Mr. Akhmetov, please?              I’m sorry to disturb you.

Have you got the tickets yet?                                Could I speak to the manager?

Do you know his telephone number?                   Is he in?


         Exercise 11. Translate into English.


Извините, где здесь телефон?

Извините, вы не знаете, который сейчас час?

Простите, где выход?

Могу ли я поговорить с менеджером?

Простите, можно пройти?

Извините, подвиньтесь немного, пожалуйста.

Извините, что вы сказали?

Простите, вы не могли бы мне показать дорогу к банку?

Извините, я ищу офис компании АЛСИ.

Вы можете мне помочь? – Да конечно.


         Exercise 12. Read these responses of operators and say if the responses are identical.


Can I help you?                                          Hello?

Certainly. What is the number please? Number, please?

I’m sorry. Could you give me that again?     Just a moment ... I’m sorry, what was

                                                                  the number you wanted?

Thank you. Hold the line; please ...              I have your call on the line.

You are through now.                                 Go ahead, please.



         Speaking: Improvise the conversation using some of the following phrases:


Asking for the caller's name           Who is calling, please?

                                                  Who is that speaking, please?         

                                                 Who is on the line, please?

                                                 Could/can/will/would you give me your name, please?



Asking the caller to wait            Hold the line, please.

                                               Could you hold on a minute/moment?         

                                               Just a moment, please.

                                               One  moment, please.

                                               Sorry to keep/to have kept you waiting.

                                               I'm putting you through.        


The person called  is not available

 I'm afraid/sorry...                              isn't  available

                                                        isn't  in the office

                                                        is on the another line at the  moment/now

                                                        is with client

                                                        is at a conference

                                                        is at lunch

                                                        is away today/ this week/for a few days



Asking for further actions                  Would you like to call later?

                                                        Could you call later?

                                                         Can I give him a message?

                                                         Can I take a message?


Asking for the number              What's your extension/number, please?



Finishing the call                      Thank you for calling/phoning.



         Unit 4. Exchanging information



acknowledgment – подтверждение, признание

attachment – приложение

correspondence – соответствие, переписка

discountскидка, учет, дисконт

employment – занятость, занятие, служба

inquiry  запрос

invoice – счет


order – заказ

receipt расписка, квитанция

request – просьба

referenceрекомендация, ссылка, сноска

refusal – отказ


shipment – отгрузка, груз, партия


Различия между американским и британским стилями:

a)     Date (Дата)


The date can be written in a number of ways:

September 7th                 7th September

September 7                            7 September


British: 12th December, 19___           American: December 12, 19___

            12 December 19___

            12 Dec. 19___

ü     Be careful: In Great Britain 7/9/92 = 7 September: in USA it means 9 July.


b)    Opening (Приветствие)


Dear Sir (to a man if the name is unknown)

Dear Madam (to a woman whose name is unknown)

Dear Sir/Madam (to cover both sexes)

Dear Mr. Smirnov (for a man)

Dear Mrs. Smith (for a married woman)

Dear Miss Todd (for a single woman)

Dear Ms. Omarova (Ms does not reveal the marital status of a woman)


ü Note that we never write Mister.


When writing to a firm begin: Dear Sirs. However, it is preferable to personalize your mail by writing to someone’s name.

         If you know the person well, you can of course use the first name (Dear Askar, Dear Sarah, etc.) but not both first name and surname. We would not write Dear Askar Akhmetov.

ü Note also that we never write Dear Friend.


Useful expressions


c)     Starting a letter


Thank you for

We acknowledge receipt of      your letter            of                2 May

Further to                                                            dated

With reference to


I am writing to               inform

                                      advise         you that ...



d)    Closing a letter


There are a number of choices:

Yours faithfully (if the letter opens Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sir/Madam)

Yours sincerely (if you write Dear + surname)

Yours truly

Sincerely (yours)            are common          (especially in American English)

Very truly yours


e)     Informing


This is

I am pleased    to           inform         you that ...

I regret                          advise


f)      Making request


Would you please?

Would you be so good as to              let me know as soon as possible



Адреса в Англии и Америке имеют следующий вид:


         Ms J.Marshal                                              Ms A.Reed

         Foreign Rights Manager                              Product Information Manager

         Wilson & Hall Ltd.                                     McCraw-hill Book Co

         11 New Fetter Lane                                     8821 Avenue of the Americas

         London EC7P 9EE                                     Los Angeles, L.A. 44467

England                                                      USA


Структура делового письма


a)     шапка письма

b)    внутренний адрес

c)     дата

d)    приветствие



e)     комплементарная концовка

f)      подпись, должность, отдел

g)     вложения



Exporters of Cloth Cutting Machines (a)

General office&factory

187 Washington Street

Buffalo, N.Y. 14203 U.S.A.

Tel.:91-9141 EMCO BUF

Telephone: 716-856 2200



Mr. Michel Vega

Diffumatex S.A.

18 Rue St.Denis          (b)                                        September 7 1999     (c)

75011 Paris



Dear Mr. Vega, (d)


We are pleased to advise you of our air parcel post shipment of your order no. 80/190-09 for Westman spare parts.

We are enclosing for your reference copies of our commercial invoices as well as a copy of the certificate of mailing.

We trust this shipment will reach you promptly and in good order.


Very truly yours, (e)

Jane Stevens (f)

Jane Stevens (Ms)

Sales Manager


Enc: 3 Commercial invoices, (g)

        1 certificate of mailing



         Exercise 1. Do you know these words?


launch                                                        запуск, реализация

commodity launch                                      товарное обращение

distribution                                                 сбыт

outlet                                                          рынок сбыта

wholesale                                                   оптовый

retail                                                           розничный


         Exercise 2. Write the words from which these are formed.


director____________           exporter__________               promoter____________

manager____________           importer__________              distributor___________

wholesaler__________           buyer_____________             producer____________

retailer_____________           seller_____________             owner______________

consumer___________          investor___________             cashier_____________

end-user____________          dealer_____________            shareholder__________



         Grammar analysis: Suffixes of adjectives


verb + suffix = adjective

noun + suffix = adjective


to consider + - able = considerable

to compete + - ive = competitive

person + - al = personal

use + - ful = useful

response + - ive = responsive

history + - ic = historic


         Exercise 3. Form two adjectives from each of these nouns and translate them.


                                      -ful                                -less

care                      ____________              ______________

colour                   ____________              ______________

meaning                ____________              ______________

tact                       ____________              ______________

fruit                      ____________              ______________


         Exercise 4. Say how these adjectives are formed and translate them.


financial                cordless                customary                      pricey

industrial               reducible               advantageous                 unusable

fashionable           speakable              friendly                          rainy

expensive              limitless                systematic                      influential



         Exercise 5. Below you will see parts of three letters of inquiry. Put the correct word or phrase in each blank. Choose from the following list. Use each word once only.

advertisement       discount      latest catalog        price list               forward

advise         sincerely      model          price range           current issue

         particularly          regards       Dear           information payment      still available



_________  Sir or Madam

I saw your _________ in the ________ of ‘Office Weekly’ and am interested in your selection of office stationery.

Could you please send me your ________ and _________I look __________ to hearing from you.




With ________ to your advertisement in today’s ‘Washington Post’, could you   please send me  _______ about your  office  furniture.   I am __________ interested in your adjustable secretary's chairs.



Some time ago we purchased from you some J"F72 solar-powered pocket calculators.

As this _________ was so popular with our customers, we would like to know if it is _________ if so, would you kindly _________us of your terms of __________and any quantity _______ available. Could you also include details on any new models in the same ___________.


         Dialogue: Advertising a new word processor


        The thing is, our new word processor needs more advertising.


        The question is, what kind of advertising? Now, I’ve thought a lot about this, and I think we should try a television campaign.

        I couldn’t agree more, sir.

        A good TV campaign could increase sale by 50%.

        Absolutely. You’re a genius, sir!

        I’m glad you agree, Nurlan. What about you, Elena?

        I’m afraid I don’t agree, sir.

        What do you mean?

        In my opinion, it’s a complete waste of money.

        Oh, I really don’t agree – think of all the people who are going to see it.

        They might see it, but will they buy it?

        Yes, I’m sure they will.

        I don’t know. Think about it. We’re talking about a 800$ word processor, not a 30$ game! This is a serious business tool. We should advertise in the specialist business press.


         Exercise 6. Answer the questions.


Who do you think these three people talking are?

Whose point of view do you share?

Is television advertising campaign usually rather expensive?

What goods are usually advertised in TV commercials?




         Exercise 7. Rearrange these items so that the letter is correctly laid out. Add anything that is obviously missing.


(??)    LGM / hp

(??)    Presser UK Limited

         199 Knightsbridge

         London SW7 1RJ

         Tel: 051 578 5744

         Telex: 22498

         Fax: 051 578 9373

(??)    Ann Grey (Mrs)

(??)    Miss Mishel Rocache

         84 Ave du General de Gaulle

         91160 Longjumeau


(??)    Yours sincerely

(??)    Managing Director – Administration

(??)    Thank you for your letter of 6 May which has been passed on to me by Mr           Roberts. Mr Roberts has asked me to inform you of yours conditions of employment regarding Social Security arrangements. In cases like yours where we provide work experience facilities for overseas students, an individual is not covered by UK Social Security as he/she is not considered as an employee. If you have any questions to ask on this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


         Exercise 8. Supplementary Reading.


         Fax (or facsimile) is a piece of correspondence sent over the phone lines.

Most businesses have a separate telephone line just for the fax. This is called a dedicated line. The telephone line is dedicated to the fax. When a fax has its own line, faxes can be received and sent 24 hours a day. By fax are usually sent:

offers (коммерческие предложения);

price lists (прайс-листы);

advertising materials (рекламные материалы);

press releases (пресс-релизы);

written inquiries (письменные запросы) and others.

        By fax are not sent:

        original contracts (оригиналы контрактов);

        letters of credit (аккредитивы);

        invoices (счета-фактуры) and other documents which should be sent by express post.

         If the first page of a fax has attachments, then the first page is called a cover sheet or cover page. It is important to tell how many pages are included. One or more pages may be lost during transmission. This is done in several ways.

Pages: This + 2              (total 3 pages)

Pages: Cover + 4            (total 5 pages)

Pages: This only              (total 1 pages)

Pages: 5                          (total 5 pages)

         It is important to have phone numbers. If a page is missing, you can call and ask the sender to transmit the fax again.


         Exercise 9. Write the total number of pages in each fax.


         Example Pages: This + 7         (total – 8 pages)

1. Pages: This plus 1       ______________________

2. Pages: Cover only       ______________________

3. Pages: Cover + 3        ______________________

4. Pages: This + 5           ______________________

5. Pages: 6                     ______________________



         Unit 5. Money



to pay  платить, выплачивать, оплатить

price  цена

pay on demandоплатить по первому требованию

pay at sight – оплатить по предъявлению

pay to order оплатить по требованию/приказу

pay in kind – оплатить натурой

payable – подлежащий оплате

pay­ment – платеж, оплата

part-pay­ment – частичная оплата

progress payment – поэтапная оплата

pay­ment in advance, prepayment – предварительная оплата

payment by results оплата по результатам


         Exercise 1. Read and translate following group of words.


         an essential tool of civilization, the direct exchange of goods and services, the great disadvantage of barter, a laborious system of exchange, an amazing variety of goods and services, a piece of furniture, the value of one commodity, a means of making deferred payments, in the case of hire purchase contacts


         Exercise 2. Check the meaning of the verbs and phrases in bold.


save money, waste money, lose money, pay money back, invest money in, earn money, can't afford something


         Exercise 3. Make nouns from the following verbs.


         Example: invent (v) – inventor - invention


indicate, exchange, serve, require, direct, specialize, increase, vary, satisfy, want, produce, arrange, adopt, measure, solve, store, consider, distribute, add, explain


         Grammar analysis: Nouns


       English nouns are divided into two groups: countable and uncountable nouns. Machine is countable noun. Machinery is uncountable noun. Countable nouns are singular and plural. Uncountable nouns are never plural.

         Use many with countable noun. Use much with uncountable noun.


                     How many new machines do we need?

                    How much new machinery do we need?


         Exercise 4. Divide these words into two columns. Add more nouns to the list.


         dollars, money, house, happiness, shops, caravan, millionaire


                   uncountable nouns                                      countable nouns


         Exercise 5. Write questions to ask another student about his/her lifestyle and possessions. Ask about these things, using  How much....?  and   How many.......?


         Example: How much chocolate do you eat?


         Exercise 6. Complete these rules with can or cannot.


We  _________ use  a with countable nouns.

We __________ use  the with uncountable nouns.

Uncountable nouns _______be plural.


         Exercise 7. Study these words before reading the text.



articleизделие, товар

deferred paymentsотсроченный платеж

exchange rate – обменный курс

hire purchase – аренда с опционом покупки

installment – рассрочка

insure – гарантировать, страховать

laborious – затрудненный

medium – средство, способ

need – потребность, нужда

rely upon – полагаться на

stock – запас







         Money is one of man's greatest inventions and the fact that all but the least developed of human societies use money indicates that it is in an essential tool of civilization.

         The functions of money:

1.      A medium of exchange.

The use of money as a medium of exchange makes possible a great extenuation of the principle of specialization. In an advanced society the use of money allows us to exchange hours of labour for an amazing variety of goods and services. We can exchange, for example, two weeks’ labour for a holiday abroad just as easily as we can exchange it for a piece of furniture or a year’s rent on a television set. Such exchanges are taken for granted yet they would be inconvenient without the use of money.

2. A measure of value.

The first step in the use of money was probably the adoption of some commodity as a unit of account or measure of value. Money, most likely, came into use within the barter system as a means whereby the values of different goods could be compared. The direct exchange of goods for goods would raise all sorts of problems regarding valuation. Money now serves as such a standard and when all economic goods are given money values (i.e. prices), we know, immediately, the value of one commodity in terms of any other commodity.

3. A means of making deferred payments.

An important function of money in the modern world, where so much business is conducted on the basis of credit, is to serve as a means of deferred payment. When goods are supplied on credit, the buyer has immediate use of them but does not have to make an immediate payment. The goods can be paid for three, or perhaps six, month’s delivery. In the case of hire purchase contracts, the buyer takes immediate delivery but pays by means of installments spread over one, two, or three years.

A complex trading organization based upon a system of credit can only operate in a monetary economy. Sellers would be most unlikely to accept promises to pay in the future which were expressed in terms of commodities other than money. They would have no idea how much of the commodities they would need in the future, and if they do not want them, they face the trouble and risks involved in selling them. Sellers will accept promises to pay expressed in terms of money because, whatever the pattern of their future wants, they can be satisfied by using money.


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the following words.


granted, convenience, monetary, commodity, money, direct, inventions, barter, valuation


Money is one of man’s greatest ..................... .

In the absence of some form of money, exchange may take the form of ......... .

If a ........ is generally acceptable in exchanging for goods and services, it is ........ .

Such exchanges are taken for ....................... .

The  ......... of goods for goods would raise all sorts of problems regarding ........... .

It is a great ............. to hold wealth in the form of money.

A complex trading organization based upon a system of credit can only operate in a ................. economy.


         Exercise 9. Make up the sentences with following words:


a)     money, is, one, inventions, of , greatest, man’s;

b)    it, essential, tool, is, of, an, civilization;

c)     exchanges, granted, taken, such, are, for;

d)    take, of, barter, the, exchange, may, form;

e)     problem, easily, is, of, the, exchange, solved, rates;

f)      be, they, would, inconvenient, use, without, of, money, the.


         Exercise 10. Translate the following into Russian:


В прошлом году производство увеличилось на 10%.

Мы повысили цену до 100 долларов за единицу.

Почему они не могут снизить цену хотя бы на 2%?

Какова стоимость всей установки?

Если бы в счете не было ошибки, мы бы сразу оплатили.

Если бы мы изменили условия платежа, как они просят, они бы дали нам скидку с цены.

Они перевели всю сумму в срок.

Мы предполагали, что они будут обсуждать условия платежа сегодня.


         Exercise 11. Supplementary reading.


Currency and cash


The currency of Britain is the pound sterling, whose symbol is ‘£’, always written before the amount. Informally, a pound is sometimes called a ‘quid’, so £20 might be expressed as ‘twenty quid’. There are 100 pence (written ‘p’, pronounced ‘pea’) in a pound.

The one pound coin has four different designs, an English one a Scottish one, a Northern Irish one and a Welsh one (on which the inscription on the side is in Welsh; on all the others it is in Latin).

In Scotland, banknotes with a Scottish design are issued. These notes are perfectly legal in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but banks and shops are not obliged to accept them if they don’t want to and nobody has the right to demand change in Scottish notes.

Before 1971 Britain used the ‘LSD’ system. There were twelve pennies in a shilling and twenty shilling in a pound. Amounts were written like this: £3 12s. (= three pounds, twelve shillings). If you read any novels set in Britain before 1971, you may come across the following:

a farthing – a quarter of a penny (not used after 1960);

a ha' penny (halfpenny) – half of a penny;

a threepenny bit – three pence;

a tanner – an informal name for a sixpenny coin;

a bob – an informal name for a shilling;

a half crown – two-and-a-half shilling (or two and sixpence).

People were enthusiastic about the change what they called ‘new money’. For a long time afterwards, the question ‘what’s that in old money?’ was used to imply that what somebody had just said was too complicated to be clear. In fact, money provides frequent opportunities for British conversation to show itself. When the one pound coin was introduced in1983, it was very unpopular. People said they were sad to see the end of the pound note, which it replaced, and that a mere coin didn’t seem to be worth as much. Another example is the reaction to the European ecu. Since 1991 this has had the same status in Britain as Scottish banknotes have in England. But the first signs were that most shops and banks were refusing to accept them.


         Exercise 12. Study monetary units.


         Country                         Monetary unit                Abbreviation


Australia                                  dollar                             $ A

Canada                                    dollar                             Can $

France                                     franc                              Fr (now Euro €)

Germany                                 deutsch mark                  DM (now Euro €)

Italy                                         lira                                 L (now Euro €)

Japan                                       yen                                ¥

United Kingdom                      pound                                     £

United States                           dollar                             $ US




          Speaking: Some useful phrases which can be used:


          I. When discussing terms of payment.


1. We would ask you to increase the                     1. Мы просили бы вас увеличить аванс

advance payment to ...                                             до...

2. A 10 per cent advance payment is                      2. Аванс в  10% совершенно недостаточен.

absolutely insufficient.

3. A ten per cent advance payment is                     3. 10%   в   качестве   первоначального
our usual practice.                                                   платежа - наша обычная практика.

4. You    are    to    open    a    (confirmed,             4. Вы должны открыть (подтверж­денный,

irrevocable, divisible) letter of credit with           безотзывный, делимый) аккредитив в  

(ATF bank) for...                                                     (АТФ банке) на сумму ...

5. We'll open a letter of credit as               5. Мы откроем аккредитив, как только
soon  as.  we  receive   a   notification                   получим   уведомление   о   том,   что
that the goods are ready  for shipment.                         товар готов к отгрузке.

6. The letter of credit is to be valid                       6. Аккредитив действителен ... дней.     

for   ... days.  

7. We would ask you   to extend   the                    7. Мы просили бы вас продлить срок
period  of  validity  of   the   letter  of                   действия аккредитива.




         II. When  asking for an opinion.


1. What do you think (feel) about...?                      1. Что Вы думаете о ...?

2. What's your opinion of...?                                   2. Каково Ваше мнение о ...?

3.  I would be glad to know your                            3. Я был бы рад узнать Вашу точку

    views on ...?                                                              зрения о ...


           III. When giving an opinion.


1. Personally, I think (believe)....                           1.  (Лично) я думаю (полагаю)....

2. It seems to me ...                                                 2. Мне кажется, ...

3. From my point of view...                                    3. С моей точки зрения, ...

4. In my  opinion...                                                   4. По моему мнению, ...

5. As far as I'm concerned....                                  5. Что касается меня, ...


         Unit 6. A business visit



appointmentвстреча, договоренность о встрече

arrangement – устройство, соглашение

arrival – прибытие

to be in time – успеть, прибыть вовремя

to book – заказывать (комнату, билет и т.д.)

check in – регистрация


destination – место назначения

greeting – приветствие

to make an appointmentдоговориться о встрече

to prolong – продлить, продолжить, отсрочить

reservation – резервирование

single (double) room – одно(двух) местный номер


         Exercise 1. Study the list of some differences.


         a) differences in some words:


Amer. English                Brit. English                  Meaning

apartment                       flat                                 квартира

attorney                          lawyer                            юрист

baggage                         luggage                          багаж

billion                   milliard                           миллиард

cab                                taxi                                такси

corporation                    company                        корпорация, компания

downtown                      city/town centre              центр города

drugstore                       chemist’s                       аптека

elevator                          lift                                  лифт

motor                             engine                            двигатель

gas                                 petrol                             бензин

highway                         motorway                       шоссе

intersection                     cross-road                     перекресток

living-room                     drawing room                 гостиная

long-distance bus           coach                             междугородний

mail                                post                               почта

mall                                shopping centre              торговый центр

movies                           cinema                           кинофильм

pants                              trousers                          брюки

parking lot                      car park                         парковка для машин

pullman                          sleeper                           спальный вагон

railroad                          railway                           железная дорога

salesman, clerk               shopassistant                  продавец

schedule                         time-table                       расписание

soccer                            football                          футбол

store                              shop                              магазин                        

subway                          underground                   метро

ticket office                    booking office                билетная касса

to be sick                       to be ill                           быть больным

trial lawyer                      advocate                        адвокат

truck                              lorry                               грузовик

trunk                              boot                               багажник

1st floor                         ground floor                            первый этаж

2nd floor                        1st floor                         второй этаж

3rd floor                        2nd floor                        третий этаж


         b) differences in measurement units:


                                      Amer.                   Brit.

1 fluid ounce (fl oz)        29,57мл                28,4 мл       1 жидкая унция

1 pint (pt)                       0,47 л (lq)             0,57 л                   1 пинта

                                      0,55 л (dm)

1 quart (qt)                     0,946 л (lq)           1,14 л                   1 кварта

                                      1,101 л (dm)

1 gallon (gal)                  3,785 л                 4,546 л        1 галлон


ü Note: (lq) – for liquids; (dm) – dry measures (меры сыпучих тел)


         Grammar analysis: must and to have (to do) compared


                   Must                                                          to have (to do)

         You must do something.                             You have to do something.

         Вы должны это сделать.                          Вы должны это сделать.

         (таково моё мнение)                                 (таково правило или требование                                                                                ситуации) 

         I must get up early tomorrow.                     I have to get up early tomorrow.

         There are a lot of things I want to do.          I’m going away and my train leaves                                                                               at 7.30.


ü Note: Иногда глаголы must and to have (to do) равнозначны:

           Oh, it’s later than I thought. I must go. = I have to go.


         Exercise 2. Choose the appropriate verbs and translate the sentences.


to wear      to go     to come    to turn     to work   to take


In Britain many children have to … uniform when they go to school.

When you come to London again, you must/ have to … and see us.

You can’t turn right here. You have to … left.

Caroline may have to … away next week.

We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We had to … it to a garage.

You really must/ have to … harder if you want to pass the examination.

Paul does not like his new job.  Sometimes he has to … at weekend.


Construction: to have and have got (иметь)


                 to have                                           have got         

1.      I have a sister.                                  I have got a sister.

     Do you have a sister?                       Have you got a sister?

     I have no sister.                                I haven’t got a sister.


2.      В устойчивых сочетаниях:

     to have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supper/ a cup of coffee

     to have  a bath/ a shower/ a swim/ a rest/ a cigarette

     to have  a party/ a holiday/ a nice time         

     to have  an accident/ an experience/ a dream

     to have  a look (at smth)/ a chat (with smb)

     to have  difficulty/ trouble/ fun

         to have  a baby = to give birth to a baby


         Exercise 3. Use the Indefinite Article where necessary and translate the sentences.


I don’t eat much during the day. I never have … lunch.

We had … party last Saturday. It was great – we invited lots of people.

Excuse me, can I have … look at your newspaper, please?

I haven’t seen you since you came back from holiday.  Did you have … nice time?

Susan had … baby last month. It’s her second child.

David likes to keep fit, so he has … swim every day.

I don’t usually smoke, but I was feeling very nervous, so I had … cigarette.

Where is Jim?

He’s having … rest in his room. He’s very tired.




Great Britain


         Great Britain (official name – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is situated on two large islands, the large of which is Great Britain, the smaller is Ireland. In addition to these two islands Great Britain includes over five hundred small islands. The total area of Great Britain is 240,000 sq. kms; its population is 56,000,000 people.

         In the north-west and west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, in the east – by the North Sea. The island of Great Britain is separated from France by the English Channel. Northern Ireland, which is a part of Great Britain and which is situated on the island of Ireland, is separated from Great Britain by the North Channel.

         The island of Great Britain is divided into two parts: mountainous (in the north and west of the island) and lowland (in the south and east). There are no very long rivers in Great Britain. The most important rivers are the Thames (the deepest) and the Severn (the longest). The rivers seldom freeze in winter. Due to the moderating influence of the sea Great Britain has an insular climate, rather humid and mild, with out striking discrepancy between seasons.

         Great Britain consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Administratively Great Britain is divided into 55 countries. The biggest cities of Great Britain are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff.

         England is the largest part of Great Britain (it occupies over 50% of the territory and its population amounts to 83% of the total population of Great Britain). Wales is a peninsula in the south-west of the island of Great Britain. It occupies about 9% of its territory with a population of 4.8% of the total population. Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain with the territory of 32% of the total territory and with a population of 9% of the total population of Great Britain. Northern Ireland occupies the north-east part of island of Ireland. Its territory amounts to 5.2 % of the total territory of Great Britain. The main cities of Northern Ireland are Belfast and Londonderry.

         The Welsh have their own language. However, many Welsh people do not know Welsh, nd English is spoken by everyone in Wales. Scotland and Ireland also have their own languages, but they are rarely spoken and English is known by everyone their.

         Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Officially the head state is the Queen (or the King). However, the power of the Queen in Great Britain is not absolute. She acts only on the advice of the ministers and Parliament. There is no written constitution in Great Britain. The main principles of British legislation are expressed in other documents, like “Magna Carta”, “The Habeas Corpus Act”, “The Bill of Rights”, the Parliamentary Act which decided the position of the House of Lords and the Judicature Act. British legislation does not provide written guarantees of individual political rights.

         Parliament in Great Britain has existed since 1265 ad is the eldest Parliament in the world. It consists of two Houses – the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords consists of 1000 peers who are not elected by the people. The House of Commons is a nation-wide representative body which is elected by the people at a general election, within 5 years of the last election. After the general election the Queen appoints the head of the government – the Prime Minister. As a rule the Prime Minister is the leader of the party that has won the election. The Prime Minister appoints the ministers to make up the government.

         There are two main political parties in Great Britain: the Conservative party and the Labour party. The Conservative party came into begin in the 19th century as a result of the evolution of the Tory party. The Labour party was founded in 1900. But since 1906 it has borne the name of the Labour Party. The Labour Party won the election for the first time in 1945.

         Great Britain is a highly-developed industrial country. The main fields of British industry are machine-building, ship-building, metallurgy and electronics.


         Exercise 4. Translate into English.


Сколько времени  вы пробудете в Лондоне?

Я не знаю, когда он приедет.

Я не знаю, как долго  я там буду.

Я встречусь с вами, как только вернусь.

Г-н Джонсон находится в Алматы уже несколько недель.

Он собирается лететь в Нью-Йорк следующим рейсом.

Я хотел бы заказать два билета на рейс до Лондона.

Я должен сегодня обязательно зарезервировать гостиницу.

Используйте эту карточку, если будете что-либо заказывать в ресторане.

 Вы можете использовать карточку, если будете делать покупки в магазинах отеля.


          Exercise 5. Match the expressions with a similar meaning.


Pleased to meet you.                                            How are you getting on?

Let me introduce ...                                              I hope I’ll see you soon.

This is ...                                                             I want to introduce...

Hope to meet you again soon.                              Meet ... please.

How are you?                                                      How do you do?

I’m very glad to ...                                                        I’m very pleased to...



         Exercise 6. Read the dialogue using correct prepositions where necessary.


Anna:  John! Come in, come in. I’d like you to meet ... Marat Akhmetov.

Marat: How do you do, John.   

John:  How do you do. It’s very nice to meet  ... you.

Anna:  Marat is our company lawyer. He is taking care ... the contracts.

John:   I see.

Marat: I hear you are ... England.

John:  Yes, that’s right.

Marat: How long will you be staying ... Kazakhstan?

John:   Oh, about three moths.

Marat: How do you like it here so far?

John:   It’s great. I’m really enjoying ... it.

Marat: Well, if you excuse me, I have to go. It was nice meeting ... you.

John:   Thanks, nice meeting ... you, too. Hope to see you again sometime.


         Exercise 7. Imagine  Mr. Mukanov is planning to visit a company in Great Britain one of this days. Write a few questions you would ask him about his plans.   


                   When are you  going to Great Britain?


how long/ to stay                     what people/ to meet

to go/ alone                                       when/ to return

to travel/ by car                        to return/ by train

where/ to stay                          when/ to resume/ work




The United States of America


         After its 200th birthday the United States of America still holds the leading position in the western world. A country that inspired many appellations – “Land of Opportunity”, “Melting Point”, “God’s country” is still referred to us as a land of superlatives – “the richest ”, “the greatest”, “the most”.

         What makes the USA the leader of the western world is its economic, political and military dominance over other countries.

         The United States lies in the central part of the North American Continent between two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean to the East and the Pacific Ocean to the West. Friendly Canada to the north and friendly Mexico to the south are the only countries bordering it.

         The USA consists of three separate parts. These are the Hawaiian Islands, situated in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, Alaska separated by Canada, and the rest of the USA. The states differ very much in size, population and economic development.

         There are many big cities and towns in the USA: New York, San Francisco, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles are the biggest.

         The United States of America is a parliamentary republic. The government is divided into three branches: legislative (the US Congress), executive (the President and his Administration) and Judicial (the US Supreme Court).

         There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic (symbolized by a “donkey”) and the Republican (its symbol is an “elephant”). The US President is both head of state and government. He is elected for a four-year term. Presidential elections are held every leap year on the first Tuesday, following the first Monday in November. The President is assisted by Secretaries who are the heads of the executive departments.

         The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice and eight Associate Justice who are appointed for life. It is supposed to decide whether a law of the Congress or an executive order of the President is constitutional or not.

         The form of US government is based on the Constitution of September 17, 1787, adopted after the War of Independence. In December 1791, the Congress adopted ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights.

         The Congress of the United States is composed of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate represents the states and the House represents the population according to its distribution among the states. All states have electoral requirements of the same nature. First of all they are residence requirements.

         Through its power over the purse, the US Congress can control much that relates to foreign policy; also it is a governmental body that determines taxation.

         Each of the fifty states of the USA has a constitution patterned after the federal Constitution, with its divisions of power: legislative, executive, and judicial.

         The Presidency means not only a man: it means an institution – the “executive branch” of the government.

         The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country and the head of the judicial branch of the US government. The federal and state courts have the power of “judicial review”. Also there are about ninety district courts in different parts of the United States. American judicial practice is firmly committed to the idea of jury trials. The Constitution guarantees them for both criminal and civil cases. According to the US judicial doctrine, “justice is a relationship in which each citizen or group receives due respect and return”.   


          Exercise 8. Study these requests and asking for permission.


Can/could/may I..., please?                                   Yes, certainly.

Could you (possibly)...?                                       Why, certainly.

Will/would you...?                                                You are welcome.

Do me a favour, please.                                        Do, please.

I wonder if you could...                                        I’ll be glad to be of help/service.

Do you think you could...?                                   No problem.

Do you mind doing smth?

Would you be so kind as to do smth?

         Dialogue: Reserving a room at the hotel


        Hello. Ankara Regent Hotel. Can I help you?

        Yes. I'd like to reserve a single room with bathroom, for three nights, from Wednesday, the 11th of October, to Friday, the 13th of October, inclusive.

        Let me see ... Yes, sir. A single room for three nights with breakfast, is that right?

        Yes, that's right.

        What is your name, please?

        It’s Mr Mukanov.

        Could you spell it, please?

        Yes, of course. M-U-K-A-N-O-V.

        Thank you, sir.

        Shall I send a deposit?

        No. It isn't necessary, sir.

        Thank you very much.


         Exercise 9. Imagine you are in a department store. How would you ask a salesman for help.


                            to have a look at a watch/pen/necklace

if you wish         to try on a suit/a dress/trousers/shoes

                            to ask for a smaller/larger size



         Exercise 10.Write mini-dialogues in these situations using the above.


                   to wait a little (you are busy at the moment)

you ask       to take your message (you are phoning somebody)

a person      to open a door for you (you are carrying something heavy)

                   to close the window (it’s very cold inside the office)

                   to pass you the salt/pepper/bread  (at a table)



         Exercise 11. Study these directions.


a)           questions:     


         – Excuse me, where is ..., please?

         – Excuse me, could you tell me where ... is, please?

         – Excuse me, could you tell me the way to ..., please?

         – Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ..., please?

         – Excuse me, is there a ... near here, please?

         – Do you happen to know where ...?

         – I wonder if you could tell me where ...

         – You don’t happen to know where ... is, do you?

         – I don’t suppose you know where ...

 Can/Could you tell me where ... is, please?


b)    replies:       


         – Turn right/left.

         – Take the (first, second etc.) turning on the right/left.

         – It’s on the right/left.

         – It’s straight ahead.

         – Go straight  along/down/up here.

         – It’s on the corner of Tole Bi and Nauryzbai Batyr. You won’t miss it.


         Exercise 12. Look at the phrases above write down what you would say when you want to find the way to.


         the nearest exchange                          the center of the city

         the nearest bus stop                           the Kazakh Drama Theatre

         the nearest shop                                the office of ITB company


         Exercise 13. Complete the dialogue with the phrases given below.


How long are they staying?

Are there any seats available?

When will the tickets come?

When do they plan to leave?

What are the options?

Are there any Astana Airlines flights about that time?


Anna:    KZ Tour Agency. Anna Nikolayeva  speaking.

Kairat:   Hello, Anna. This is Omarov Kairat. I need to send two of our sales managers to London next week. ____________________________________________?

Anna:    OK. __________________________________________________________?

Kairat:   Wednesday June 17th.

Anna:    And if you want to book a return flight I must ask you: __________________?

Kairat:   Six days. They would like to come back on the night of 21st ______________?

Anna:    Let me have a look. There is a flight at 8.30 p.m. with Astana Airlines.

Kairat:   ______________________________________________________________ ?

Anna:    Fortunately, there are. I’ve just called it up on the screen. Shall I reserve you two right now?

Kairat:   Yes, please. And make it Business Class, OK? _________________________?

Anna:    In three or four days. I’ll send them to you as soon as they arrive.










1.     Unit 1. Applying for a job                                                                                3

2.     Unit 2. Companies                                                                                           8

3.     Unit 3. Telephoning                                                                                         14

4.     Unit 4. Exchanging information                                                                         20

5.     Unit 5. Money                                                                                                  24

6.     Unit 6. A business visit                                                                                     30                                                                                                   








Список литературы



1.      Португалов В.Д. Economics. Учебник по английскому языку. - М.:АСТ, 1998.-303 с.


3.      Шевелева С.А. Деловой английский. – М.:Юнити, 2004.-381с.

4.      Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. – М.: ИП Логос, 2003. – 351с.

5.      Джесси Каулсон и др. Англо-русский словарь. – М.: Радуга, 1995. -623с.







Сводный план 2006 г., поз. 29




Аида Кенесбековна Садыкова




Английский язык

Методические указания  по развитию

умений информативного общения и деловой переписки





Редактор Ж.М.Сыздыкова

Специалист по стандартизации Н.М.Голева








Подписано в печать ___.___.___.                     Формат 60x84  1/16

Тираж  350 экз.                                                  Бумага типографская № 1

Объем _____уч.-изд.л.                                      Заказ ______. Цена _______.






Копировально-множительное бюро

Алматинского института энергетики и связи

050013, Алматы, Байтурсынова, 126