Кафедра  иностранных языков
















Английский язык.


Методические указания по развитию навыков чтения  и перевода  общетехнических текстов (для учащихся колледжа).

















Алматы 2003



СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: Л.А.Алдабергенова, Л.Я.Коробейникова, Н.М.Острикова Английский язык. Методические указания по  развитию  навыков чтения  и перевода  общетехнических текстов (для учащихся колледжа).Алматы: АИЭС, 2003 г.-5 с.









Методические указания предназначены для учащихся колледжа; их можно использовать как дополнительный материал для работы со студентами 1-го курса института по тем же специальностям.








Рецензент: ст. преп. каф.иностранных языков С.Б. Бухина.









   Печатается по плану издания Алматинского института энергетики и связи  на 2003 г.







©   Алматинский институт энергетики и связи, 2003 г.





 Text 1. From the History of Radio


Radio was invented in Russia. The world’s first receiver was built in 1895 by the great Russian scientist Alexander Popov. There were no transmitters then, therefore his receiver could only pick up signals produced by lightning discharges during a thunder-storm. Popov demonstrated a device called a storm indicator at a meeting of scientists in St. Petersburg on May 7, 1895. This day is marked now as a Radio Day.

Soon A. Popov found a way of transmitting Morse code signals. In 1896 he sent the world’s first wireless telegram over a distance of 250m, and four years later the range of transmission was increased to 50 km. Since then, the methods of transmission and reception have been constantly improved. Nowadays radio communication has no limits.

            The very first apparatus for radio communications was called wireless telegraph or wireless telephone. Later a shorter word “radio” (from latin “radius” – ray) was taken. The word is used because electromagnetic or radio waves travel from a radio station along radii, just as rays of light at the speed of 300,000 km/sec.


Text 2. Radio Today


            Radio is a special kind of long-distance electrical communications. It makes possible to send different signals such as dots and dashes of the Morse code (radiotelegraphy), speech and music (radiotelephony), images of objects and films (television). Radio helps us to maintain contact with ships, with aircraft in flight or a spacecraft. Radio helps us to detect an aircraft flying high above the clouds (radiolocation, or radar) and measure the distance to it. Space stations photographed, on a command transmitted by radio from the Earth, the hidden side of the Moon and sent its pictures back to the Earth.

            Daily radio programs include lectures, reports, and concerts. Radio is a powerful means of spreading knowledge.   




receiver - радиоприёмник, телефонная трубка, получатель

transmitter - (радио) передатчик

device – прибор, приспособление

to pick up  - захватывать, подбирать, принимать

lightning discharge – разрядка молнии

thunder-storm - гроза

      wireless – беспроводной (также - радио, радиоприёмник)

range - ряд, линия, цепь; пределы, размах; область распространения, диапазон

transmission - передача, трансмиссия

reception - приём, получение (радио)

to improve - улучшать

speed - скорость, быстрота

communication - связь, сообщение, средство связи

dots and dashes - точки, тире

to maintain - поддерживать

to detect - обнаруживать, открывать

to hide (hid, hidden) - прятать, скрывать

to spread (spread, spread) - распространять(ся), простираться, расстилать

to transfer - переносить, передавать


b) (active vocabulary)

receiver, transmitter, charge, discharge, indicator, wireless, range, reception, radius, speed, dots and dashes, to detect, to hide, to spread.


      Ex.1. Translate the following phrases into English:


принимать сигналы, сигналы азбуки Морзе, способ передачи, беспроводной, телеграф, лучи света, со скоростью света, поддерживать связь, посылать различные сигналы, мощное срдство, измерять расстояние.


Ex.2. Answer the following questions:


1.      Where was radio invented?

2.      When was radio invented?

3.      What device did A. Popov invent?

4.      What device did A. Popov demonstrate to a group of scientists?

5.      When was the world’s first wireless telegram sent?

6.      What are Morse code signals?

7.      How does radio help us in everyday life?


Ex.3. Translate the following sentences into English:


1.      Собрание ученых проводится ежегодно.

2.      Радио было великим изобретением.

3.      Диапазон передачи постоянно увеличивается.

4.      Лучи света распространяются со скоростью 300,000 km/sec.

5.      Самый первый радиоприемник был изобретен в России.

6.      А. Попов, известный русский ученый, изобрел радио.

7.      В наши дни радиосвязь не имеет границ.



Text 3. Translate and suggest a title to the text:


Radio communication is the transfer of high-frequency energy from the transmitter to the receiver without wires.

Radio is a device that transmits and receives signals and programs by electromagnetic waves. Since the process of radio communication includes transmission and reception of signals, the necessary components of radio are a transmitter and a receiver.

The transmitter is a device that produces radio-frequency energy. The main parts of a transmitter are a high-frequency oscillator including an oscillatory circuit and one or more amplify currents and give greater transmitting range and better reception.

The receiver is a device that receives waves sent out by a transmitter. Radio receiver demodulates these waves and they are heard as speech, music and signals.

Electric oscillations are produced in the antenna of the transmitter. They travel in all directions.

Radio waves are electric waves of very high frequency; they travel through space at the speed of light. They differ from other waveforms only in frequency (number of vibrations per second).




       transfer - передача

       high-frequency - высокочастотный

       oscillator - излучатель, осциллятор, вибратор

       oscillatory - колебательный

       oscillation – колебание

       amplifier - усилитель

       to amplify - усиливать

       crystal - кварц


Ex.1. Read and translate the following groups of words:


      high frequency energy; low frequency energy; radio frequency energy;

      transmitting range; necessary components; radio receiver;  bad reception;

      transmitting  antenna; radio amplifier; oscillatory circuits; speed of sound;

      wave direction; vibration number; wave components; wave modulation;     

      crystal radio set; alternating current; oscillatory circuit; constant amplitude signal;

      radio set operation.       


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1.      Each device has some (необходимые части).

2.      Radio waves travel in (всех направлениях).

3.      Radio waves travel through (пространство).

4.      (Электронные лампы) amplify currents.

5.      The receiver is a device that (принимает волны) sent out by a transmitter

6.      (Электрические колебания) are produced in the antenna of the transmitter.

7.      During the first years of its development, radio communication was called (беспроводной телеграф или телефон)

8.      The word “radio” (было заимствовано) from the Latin word “radius”


Ex.3. Answer the following questions:


1.      What is radio communication?

2.      Which device produces high-frequency energy?

3.      What are the necessary components of radio?

4.      What is a transmitter?

5.      What are the necessary parts of a transmitter?

6.      What is a receiver?

7.      What components increase the transmitting range?

8.      What device sends out waves in different directions?

9.      What are radio waves?



Text 4. Telephone


Telephony is the transmitting of speech over a considerable distance by means of electric current, using wires. Telephony communication includes 1) telephone sets to change sound energy into electric waves and back again, 2) transmitting system to carry electric waves over any distance, and 3) switching system to connect any two telephones sets. Telephone is a device for reproducing sounds over considerable distances. Telephone set includes a transmitter and an electric network in addition to the receiver. The transmitter transmits sounds and the receiver receives them. The receiver includes a telephone and a microphone. Both the microphone and the telephone are linked to a common circuit with an apparatus at the other end of the line.  




сonsiderable – значительный

to include – включать

to switch – переключать

to connect – соединять(ся), связывать(ся)

to reproduce – воспроизводить

network – сеть (проводов)

addition – добавление, дополнение

to link – связывать, соединять


Ex.1. Translate the following groups of words:


speech transmission; sound transmission; transmission equipment; telephone set; considerable changes; considerable number; electric apparatus; by means of electrical waves; by means of a telephone set; any change; any number; a common circuit; a telephone in addition to a microphone; an electric network in addition to the receiver.


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1)      (Звуковая энергия) is changed into electric waves.

2)      (Система переключения) connects two telephone sets.

3)      Telephone sets transmit sounds over (значительные расстояния).

4)      Telephone communication (включает) three parts.

5)      (Телефонная трубка) (состоит из) a telephone (в добавление к) a microphone.

6)      The microphone and the telephone (присоединены) to a common circuit at the  other end of the line.


Ex.3. Answer the following questions:


1)      By what means is speech transmitted over a distance?

2)      What does telephony communication include?

3)      What does a telephone device serve for?

4)      What parts does a telephone set include?

5)      What does a transmitter do?

6)      What does a receiver do?

7)      What parts does a receiver include?

8)      What parts are linked to a common circuit?



Texts 5, 6.


            a) Transmitter


            Telephony is widely used in everyday life. By means of a telephone people can communicate with each other at a distance of thousands of kilometers.

            When speaking over the telephone, we press the receiver to our ear. We speak into the microphone or transmitter.

            The transmission of sounds over a distance is the transmission of oscillations. The frequency of the transmitted oscillations must be constant. 

            The microphone or transmitter consists of microphone housing, carbon chamber, carbon diaphragm, carbon granules, insulating spacer, and conductor.

            The current passes through the diaphragm, carbon chamber and carbon granules.

            The sound pressure on the diaphragm varies the pressure on the granules of carbon. These granules either make more contacts or decrease the resistance of the granules, or make fewer contacts and increase the resistance.

            Sound waves produce oscillations of the same frequency as those of the sounding body. At this both the transmitter resistance and the current in the circuit will change.


            b) Receiver


The varying current passes through the receiver connected to a network. The receiver consists of electromagnetic coils, a steel magnet, and a diaphragm. The diaphragm, magnets, and coil are housed in a plastic cap.

            When we speak over the telephone, the cap of the receiver is pressed to the ear.

            A variable current passing through the magnet's coils changes the position of the diaphragm: it makes it vibrate. The frequency of these oscillations is the same as that of the transmitter. Therefore, the receiver reproduces the same sounds, which are spoken into the microphone.



to communicate – передавать, сообщать, связываться

carbon – углерод, уголь

chamber – комната, помещение, камера, отсек

granule – зерно, гранула

insulating spacer – изоляционная, изолирующая прокладка

pressure – давление, прессование, напряжение

to decrease – уменьшать(ся)

to increase – увеличивать(ся), усиливать(ся)

resistance – сопротивление

housing – помещение, здание; корпус, коробка, чехол; гнездо; паз, углубление, ниша; розетка

therefore – поэтому

coil – катушка, виток

to house – вмещать, поместить

cap – головка, наконечник,  копытце телефонной трубки

to reproduce – воспроизводить

variable - переменный


Ex.1. Translate the following groups of words:


transmitted oscillations; transmission of oscillations; frequency of oscillations; microphone housing; carbon chamber; transmitter resistance; carbon diaphragm, carbon granules; insulating spacer; constant frequency; sound pressure. plastic caps, variable current; steel wire; diaphragm position; oscillation frequency; magnet coils; transmitter frequency.


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1)      (Переменный ток) passes through the magnet’s coils.

2)      The parts of the receiver (помещены) in a plastic cap.

3)      We (прижимаем) the cap to the ear.

4)      The resistance (меняется).

      5) The receiver (воспроизводит) the sounds which are spoken into the microphone


Ex.3. Translate the following phrases:


Посредством электрического тока,  звуковая энергия,  воспроизводить звуки,  на значительные расстояния,  дополнительно к,  на конце линии,  передача колебаний,  изменять давление,  снижать сопротивление,  говорить по телефону.






Ex.4. Answer the following questions:


1)      What enables people to communicate with each other over a long distance?

2)      What is the transmission of oscillations?

3)      Must the frequency of oscillations be constant or must it vary?

4)      How many parts does the transmitter consist of?

5)      What parts does current pass through?

6)      Why does the sound pressure on the diaphragm vary?

7)      What is the frequency of oscillations produced by sound waves?


1)      What is the receiver connected to?

2)      What parts does the receiver consist of?

3)      What current changes the position of the diaphragm?

4)      What is the frequency of the oscillations?

5)      Why does the receiver reproduce the same sounds, which are spoken into the microphone?



Text 7. Telephone Set Protection.


             Communications systems protection is the protection of wire communication                                      systems equipment and services. This protection includes the electrical protection of lines and station equipment. Wire communication systems usually need protection against high voltages and currents from lighting and magnetic storms.

      Lines serving telephone sets may have contacts with power lines or with lightning.

      Therefore telephone sets and their lines need protection, and protector units serve as protection devices. Usually a protector unit consists of carbon protector blocks connected between each wire of the line and the ground. Fuses are also used on the protector blocks; they protect protector blocks against power contact currents. A fuse is an important part of a protector block, without it power contact currents may overheat the protector or its ground conductor. Sometimes fuses are not used. A fuse is not used if the building is served by insulated wires that are connected to metal-sheathed  cables on the line pole.



             protection – защита

equipment – снаряжение, оборудование

service – служба, обслуживание

device – прибор, приспособление

fuse - предохранитель

to overheat - перегревать

metal-sheathed – металл с защитным слоем

to sheathe – защищать



Ex.1. Read and translate the following word combinations:


      power line; protection unit; ground conductor; carbon protector device; power

      contact current; metal-sheathed cables; simple unit; complex device; magnetic field;

      simple system; central problem; original sounds


 Ex.2. Answer the questions:


1)      Why do telephone sets need protection?

2)      What does this protection include?

3)      What parts does a protector unit (or device) consist of?

4)      Why is a fuse an important part of a protector block?

5)      What units serve as protection devices?

6)      What current may overheat the protector?

7)      When is a fuse not used?


Text 8. From the History of Telephony


The telephone was invented in 1876. Speech transmission in those days was limited to a distance of a few miles and the construction of the first telephone was simple. A wire with a ground provided the connection. The main parts were a transmitter and a receiver. At first there was a simple telephone circuit in which only one device served as both transmitter and receiver.

Later development of the telephone changed its construction, it became more complex. Transmitters and receivers were separated. Auxiliary elements were used in its circuit to provide for better transmission of speech. The need to connect any two of a large number of telephone sets led to the development of a switchboard in 1878. The advantage of a central switching office with a switchboard was great. In 1889 telephone sets were interconnected automatically. Further development improved the switching system and more complex telephone constructions were used.

The number of telephones to be interconnected increased, and large cities needed more switchboard offices. Therefore the interconnection problem was of great importance. Central offices grew in number.

Today central offices are connected to long-distance offices by connecting trunks. Long-distance offices are interconnected by inter-city trunks. 

Dial switching systems are now used in most countries of the world for local service and in many countries for inter-city service.



auxiliary – вспомогательный

switchboard – распределительный щит, коммутатор

to interconnect – взаимосвязывать

to improve – улучшать

long-distance office – телефонная станция на расстоянии

trunk – ствол, соединительная линия между станциями

dial – диск (телефонный)

inter-city dial -  междугородная автоматическая связь с прямым набором


Ex.1. Read and translate the following groups of words:


 interconnection problem, long-distance offices, inter-city transmission lines, automatic switchboard, connecting trunk, multi-channel, trans-Atlantic


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1)  The construction of the first telephone (была простой)

1)      Later the construction of the telephone (стала) more complex

2)      Auxiliary elements were used (чтобы обеспечить) better transmission of speech

3)      (Дальнейшее развитие) improved the switching system


Ex.3. Answer the questions:


1)      When was the telephone invented?

2)      What was the construction of the first telephone?

3)      What was the construction of the later telephone?

4)      When was a switchboard put into practice?

5)      When were wire telephone sets interconnected automatically?

6)      By what devices are central offices connected to long-distance offices?

7)      For what kind of telephone service are dial- switching systems used?


Text 9. Translate with a dictionary and suggest a title to the text:


Nowadays telephone forms an important part of the world communication system. There was time when it took a month to transmit a message across the Atlantic and another month to receive an answer.

In 1956 the first trans-Atlantic telephone cable service was opened and thus Europe and America became linked by submarine telephone cable. Now we can speak across the Atlantic, listen to plays and musical concerts. The trans-Atlantic telephone cable is used for long distance communication: it is some 4,200 nautical miles in length. On this cable very high voltages are used for the power supply: +2,000 volts at one end, and -2,000 volts at the other. The trans-Atlantic telephone cable is a multi-channel telephone cable including 36 channels. The cable provides 24-hours service and enables speech to be transmitted over each of its 36 channels. The multi-channel long-distance telephone cable was produced due to the development of the insulating material known as polythene and the development of the telephone repeater.




The telegraph is a method of transmitting messages over a distance by means of electrical impulses sent through wires. By pressing a key at the transmitting end, a circuit is closed and a current flows through the conducting wire or cable to the receiver; the dots and dashes of the Morse code being obtained by varying the length of time for which the current flows.

            At the receiving end, the feeble electrical impulses are made to operate a relay, which then closes a local circuit carrying a larger current. This current either sounds a buzzer, or causes the dots and dashes to be automatically recorded.


Morse Receiving Perforator and Printer


            The signals sent by a Morse automatic transmitter can be received and recorded by a receiver as dots and dashes on a tape, the signals normally being transmitted too fast to be read by ear. They may also be received on a receiving perforator, an instrument that perforates a tape of a similar form to the perforated tape used at the transmitter. This tape may then be used to forward the message to one or more additional places by running in through an automatic transmitter or it may be passed into a Morse printer which will produce a printed text corresponding to the Morse signals. The use of a receiving perforator allows the signals to be recorded as they come in. When several messages have collected on the tape this can be taken to a Morse printer. The printer feeds the tape through the reading head, letter by letter.




message – сообщение, послание

key – ключ

the dots and dashes – точки, тире

code – код, шифр

feeble – слабый, хилый

relay – реле, смена

local – местный

buzzer – гудок, зуммер

to cause – вызывать, причинять, заставлять

to record – записывать, регистрировать

perforator – перфоратор; to perforate – просверливать, перфорировать

printer – печатающее устройство

tape – телеграфная лента

to forward – ускорять, способствовать, отправлять

corresponding – соответствующий

to feed (fed, fed) – кормить; (тех) подавать

click – щелчок


Ex.1. Read and translate the following groups of words:


dot signals; dash signals; simple from; complex from; lower stop; upper stop; key and sounder circuits; complex key and sounder circuits; electrically controlled device; earth connection; close sounder.



Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1)      Nowadays telephone is an (важная часть) of the world communication system.

2)   The trans-Atlantic multi-channel telephone cable (включает) 36 channels.

3)  The multi-channel long-distance telephone cable was produced (благодаря разработке) of the insulating material known as polythene and the development of the telephone repeater.

4)  The telegraph is a method of (передачи сообщений) over a distance by means of electrical impulses sent through wires.

5)  The signals sent by a Morse automatic transmitter can be received and recorded by a receiver (в виде точек и тире) on a tape.


Ex.3. Answer the questions on the texts:


1)      What is telegraph?

2)      What is this method?

3)      By what means is a circuit closed?

4)      Where does a current flow when a circuit is closed?

5)      How is the Morse code (the dots and dashes) obtained?

6)      What closes a local circuit? What does a relay do?

7)      How may the dots and dashes be recorded?

8)      What are signals sent by a Morse code?

9)      Can the signals of a Morse code be read by a normal ear?

10)  What is a perforator?

11)  What does a printer do?


Text 10. Radiotelegraph Systems



      Radiotelegraph communication includes the following elements: the radio transmitters, radio receivers, and the teleprinter apparatus. These elements are located in radio service center. The transmitter may be directly controlled by the telegraph pulses in an amplitude-modulated or frequency-modulated system. It may also be controlled by a number of telegraph channels in AM or FM system.

The amplitude keying may be of two types: interruption of the radio carrier or of a type where an amplitude-modulated voice frequency is carried by radio waves. The equipment of the radio service center is generally high-speed Morse and mosaic apparatus.




pulse – пульс, биение, вибрация

amplitude-modulated – (физ) амплитудная модуляция

channel – канал

interruption – перерыв, прерывистость; помеха, препятствие

carrier – носильщик, носитель

mosaic – мозаичный, мозаика

amplifier – (радио) усилитель


Ex.1. Read and translate the following sentences:


radiotelegraph communication; teleprinter apparatus; radio service center; amplitude-modulated system; frequency-modulated system; telegraph channel, amplitude-modulated voice frequency; one-source.


Ex.2. Answer the following questions:


1)      What elements does radiotelegraph communication include?

2)      Where are those elements located?

3)       How is the transmitter controlled in an amplitude-modulated system?

4)      How else may it be controlled?

5)      What are the two types of amplitude keying?

6)      What is the equipment of the radio service center?

7)      When was the telegraph invented?

8)      Who invented it?


Text 11. Television


In a television system two separate transmitters are employed – one for the sound

channel and the other for the picture channel. The sound transmitter is frequency-modulated and simultaneously transmits the sound, which accompanies the image. Each transmitter has its own antenna.

      The image being televised is received by the television camera, which converts electrical impulses into optical impulses. These electrical impulses are amplified by the video or picture amplifier. After proper amplification, the video signal modulates the high-frequency carrier of the television transmitter and is radiated into space by the aerial. The picture carried is amplitude-modulated. The antenna receives both the amplitude-modulated picture signals and the frequency-modulated sound signals that are transmitted on carriers. The carriers differ in frequency so that they may be separated in the receiver. The signals are passed to the radio frequency selector by means of which the necessary station is tuned in. The frequency-modulated signals of the sound channel and the amplitude-modulated signals of the video channel pass from the converter. These signals are amplified and separated by the circuit blocks. They reach the loudspeaker and the kinescope, respectively.




to employ – использовать, употреблять

channel – канал

frequency – частота

to modulate – модулировать

simultaneous – одновременный

to accompany – сопровождать

to televise – передавать по телевидению

to convert – превращать; обращать; конвертировать

to amplify – увеличить, усиливать, расширять

amplifier – (радио)усилитель

converter – преобразователь, конвертер

amplification – (радио) усиление; увеличение; расширение

video - телевизионный         

      to radiate - излучать

      aerial - антенна

      to tune in – настраивать(ся) на    

      respectively – соответственно. относительно


Active words to remember:


channel, frequency, carrier, to modulate, to tune in, to amplify, amplifier, video, optical, to convert


Ex.1. Translate the following word-combinations:


a)  звуковой канал; оптическое изображение;


       b) electrical impulses; picture amplifier; frequency-modulated signals; to differ in frequency; proper amplification.


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1)      A television system (использует) a (звуковой) channel and a picture channel.

2)      Optical (образ) is converted by the television camera.

3)      The video signal modulates the high-frequency (несущая).

4)      The necessary station is (настраивается) in by the radio frequency selector.

5)      The picture and the sound are (передаются одновременно).

6)      These signals are (усиливаются) and (разделяются) by the circuit blocks.


Ex.3. Translate:


a) into English:

1) Телевизионная камера преобразует электрические импульсы в оптические импульсы.

2)      В наши дни многие страны имеют также кабельное телевидение.

3)      Кабельное телевидение впервые появилось в 1949 году как средство передачи телевизионных сигналов в сельские и горные районы.

b) into Russian:

1) In a system of digital television the usual continuous signal is replaced by a digital code containing detailed information on brightness, colour, etc.

2) You can hang a digital TV set on the wall like a picture.

3)  Black-and-white television was replaced by colour television.


Ex.4. Answer the following questions:


1)      What transmitters are employed in a television system?

2)      What is the image received by?

3)      What part of the system amplifies electrical impulses?

4)      What does the video-signal modulate?

5)      What signals does the antenna receive?

6)      Are the carriers alike in frequency?

7)      How is the necessary station tuned in?

8)      Where do signals of the sound channel and the signals of the video channel pass from?


Text 12. The Television Transmitter. The Television Receiver.


a)            The television transmitter sends out special signals. These signals are sent out in addition to the picture impulses. The signals synchronize the picture at the receiver with the picture picked up by the camera.

      At the television receiver, the picture and audio signals are picked up simultaneously by a signal antenna. The voltages induced in the receiving antenna are fed into the radio frequency stage of the receiver; and the picture carrier and the sound carrier are converted by superheterodyne conversion method into two separate intermediate frequency signals. One signal corresponds to the sound carrier and the other – to the video or picture carrier. Two separate intermediate frequency amplifier channels are employed, one for the picture signal and the other for the sound signal. A detector demodulates the sound intermediate frequency signal. After proper amplification by the audio amplifier, the sound signal is reproduced by the loudspeaker in the usual way. The picture intermediate frequency signal is amplified by several stages having wide-band frequency characteristics and is then fed into the video (picture) detector, where the intermediate frequency signal is demodulated. The video (picture) signal, which appears in the output of the detector, is then amplified in a video amplifier, which corresponds to the audio amplifier. Only it must pass a much wider range of frequencies.


b)      The television receiver includes tube circuits for receiving, amplifying, and synchronizing the signals, and a large cathode-ray tube called a kinescope. It converts the video impulses from the transmitting station into luminous spots on a fluorescent screen. In the kinescope the amplified video signals are applied to the grid, and through it control the intensity of the electron beam.




to synchronize – происходить одновременно, совпадать по времени

to induce – побуждать, убеждать, заставлять, индуктировать

to feed (fed, fed) – питать, подавать, нагнетать

stage – стадия, период, фаза, этап

superheterodyne – супергетеродин

intermediate - промежуточный

to correspondcоответствовать

cathode-ray tube – электроннолучевая трубка

wide-band frequency – частота широкого диапазона

in the output - на выходе

luminous – светящийся

spot – пятно, точка

grid – решетка, сетка, сеть высокого напряжения.



Active words to remember:


To synchronize, to pick up, to feed, to correspond, to modulate, to demonstrate, to reproduce, to separate, to induce, single, conversion, output, grid, beam, spot, stage, luminious, fluorescent.


Text 13. Colour Television


      Colour television is the transmission and reception of images in the full colour. The colour television system can produce programs both in colour on colour receivers and in black and white on monochrome receivers. Also, colour receivers receive monochrome pictures when they are being transmitted.

      Colour transmission contains two basic components - brightness imformation and colour information. Red, green and blue are the colours that are chosen for colour television.

      In a colour camera an optical system separates the red, green, and blue image components of a picture and concentrates these three components in separate but identical colour camera tubes.

Thus, the output of one tube reacts to the red light image, another — to the green, and another — to the blue image.

      In a monochrome kinescope a single electron gun produces an electron beam. The brightness is controlled by an electron grid, which changes the electron beam density.

      In a colour kinescope three electron guns produce three electron beams which are synchronized. The intensities of beam are controlled by the voltage corresponding to the green, red and blue components respectively of the colour picture.

      In a colour receiver the incoming signal goes through frequency and amplitude selective circuits. In these circuits brightness component, the colour component and the horizontal and vertical beam-synchronizing components are separated. The brightness component is applied simultaneously to each of the three electron guns. The red, green and blue colour signal voltage components are obtained and are applied to the three respective kinescope electron guns. They combine with the brightness component voltage to produce beam intensities, which reproduce the original picture.




colour -  цвет, цветной

reception -  прием, получение

monochrome -  однокрасочный, одноцветный

to contain - содержать

brightness - яркость, ясность, прозрачность

to choose (chose, chosen) -  выбирать

identical -  тождественный, тот же самый, идентичный

gun -  пушка, орудие, ружье, винтовка

density -  плотность, густота, удельный вес

intensity -  напряженность, интенсивность :

incoming -  прибывающий, сменяющий

selective   -   отборочный 

horizontal -  горизонтальный 

original -  первоначальный, первый, оригинальный

vertical -  вертикальный


Active words to remember:


colour, identical, incoming, selective, original, horizontal, reception, monochrome, gun, intensity, density.


Ex.1. Read and translate the following word combinations:


a)  colour information; monochrome television; beam densi­ty; identical tubes; beam intensity; red image compo­nents; blue image components; green image components; red light image; brightness information; electron gun; electron beam; identical camera tubes; beam intensity control; red, green, and blue image components of a pic­ture; electron beam density; identical colour camera tubes.


b) frequency selective circuits; amplitude selective circuits; frequency and amplitude selective circuits; brightness components; vertical beam-synchronizing components; brightness and colour components; horizontal and verti­cal beam synchronizing components.


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1. Colour transmission (содержит) two basic components.

2. (Выход) of one tube reacts to the red light image.

3. The electron grid changes the electron beam (плотность).

4. An electron (пушка) produces an electron (луч).

5. The voltage (соответствует) the green, red and blue com­ponents of the colour picture.

6. An optical system (отделяет) the red, green, and blue image components of a picture and (сосредоточивает) these three components in (отдельные) but (тождественные) colour camera tubes.


Ex.3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:


1.  Colour television contains ...   a) brightness information and colour information;

                                                      b) identical camera tubes.


2.  The output of the tubes reacts to the colour image.

3.  An electron gun produces an electron beam.

4.  The beam intensities are controlled by the voltage corresponding to the green, red,

     and blue components, respectively.

5.  The frequency and amplitude selective circuits ... a) receive the incoming signals;

                             b) separate the horizontal and vertical beam-synchroniz­ing components


6.  The red, green and blue signal voltage components ...  a) are obtained;

                                                           b) are applied to the three respective electron guns;

                                                           c) combine with the brightness components voltage.  



 Ex.4. Answer the questions:                                                      


 1. What is colour television?

 2. What programs can the colour television system produce?

 3. Can colour receivers receive monochrome pictures?

 4. What basic components does colour transmission con­tain?

 5. What does an optical system of a colour camera do?

 6. What component changes the electron beam density?

 7. How many electron guns are there in a monochrome ki­nescope?

 8. How is the brightness in a monochrome kinescope con­trolled?

 9. How many electron guns are there in a colour kinescope?

10.  How many electron beams are produced by electron guns in a colour kinescope?

11.  How are the intensities of the beam controlled?          H

12.  What circuits does the incoming signal go through?

13.  What components are separated in the colour receiver?

14.  What colour components are obtained in the receiver?

15.  To what parts of the kinescope are these components applied?

16.  With what component do they combine?

17.  What images does a colour receiver receive?


Text 14.  A Dialogue about Colour Television


Question:   Can colour television signal be transmitted over the same distances as monochrome pictures?

Answer:   Yes, the radio-frequency carrier frequencies in  colour television transmission are the same as in black-and-white transmission. Colour video information in the signal being transmitted does not change the operational characteristics of the television receiver.

Q:   Does the colour television receiver require more servicing than the monochrome receiver?

A:   Yes. There are more tubes and a great many more components used in the colour television receiver. The greater the number of components, the better the operational characteristics of the device. This is true of any device with a greater number of parts than another of identical character.

Q:   Can monochrome television receivers be converted to receive colour broadcasts?

A:   Practically speaking no. To convert a black-and-white receiver would require many special components since the colour tube and its auxiliary parts are very special.

A special chassis for the additional parts would be necessary, plus additional tubes for the colour circuits plus 100 or so components.

Q:   Does the colour television receiver consume more elec­trical power than the black-and-white receiver?

A:   Yes, about one and a half times as much power. It is logical that it should consume more electrical power because it contains more receiving tubes and circuits. The power consumption of a colour television receiver is between 300 and  400 watts, with from 150 to 250 watts consumption for a black-and-white unit. Colour images have some advantages which monochrome images do not have.                         

Q:   Does a colour TV receiver require a special antenna or other elements as a part of the installation?

A:   No. The colour television receiver parts are interchangeable with these of the monochrome television receiver installation now in use. The antenna used with a monochrome television receiver will be usable with the colour receiver, provided that the station or stations transmitting colour programs are  the same as those which are transmitting monochrome pictures. If the colour receiver is to be used for the reception of a colour transmission from an ultra-high-frequency station and the monochrome receiver is to be used to receive programs from a very high-frequency station, an ultra-high-frequency antenna will be required. There are no such things as antennae specially designed for colour television reception.

Q:   Does the colour television receiver reproduce mono­chrome transmissions?

A:  Yes, it does, provided that the colour television receiv­er is tuned to the frequency of the monochrome transmitter.

Q:   Is the colour receiver more complicated for operation than the black-and-white receiver?

A:   Yes. The colour receiver is much more complicated for operation than the black-and-white receiver.




to require -  требовать

to service -  обслуживать, заправлять горючим

the greater ... the better -  чем больше, тем лучше

to broadcast -  передавать по радио, распространять

chassis -  шасси

to consume -  потреблять, расходовать, поглощать

times -  раз

interchangeable -  взаимозаменяемый, равнозначный

 provided that -  при условии, что ...

to reproduce -  воспроизводить

to complicate  - осложнять




 Ex.1. Read and translate the following word combinations:


television transmitter; colour television transmitter; colour video information; main parts; auxiliary parts; additional parts; special parts; television installation; monochrome television receivers; colour television receiver installation; frequency station; power consumption; colour images; monochrome images; a television screen; a television receiver picture tube screen; colour television signal.


Ex.2. Make up questions to the following sentences:


1.  Colour television was invented in 1952. (What? When?)

2.  The red, green, and blue colour components are applied to the three kinescope electron guns. (What? Where?)

3.  The colour television receiver consumes more electrical power than the black-and-white receiver because it contains more receiving tubes and circuits. (What? Why?)


Ex.3. Translate, agree or disagree with the following statements:


1.  The colour television receiver installation ...

a)   requires more servicing than the monochrome television receiver installation.

b)  consumes one and a half times as much power as the  monochrome television receiver installation.

c) has some components interchangeable with those of monochrome television installation.

2.  The colour television receiver installation reproduces monochrome transmissions provided that it is tuned to the frequency of the monochrome transmitter.



Text 15. Picture-Reproducing Part        '


                   The picture-reproducing device is a cathode-ray tube, similar to the ordinary cathode-ray tube used in oscilloscopes. The cathode-ray tube may be called a picture tube, because pictures are reproduced on the face of this tube. Without going into detail, we shall assume that it consists of a glass envelope, a source of electrons which are formed into a beam, a control grid for varying the intensity of the electron beam, a deflection system for deflecting the beam, and a screen. The screen is covered with a fluorescent material that emits light upon impact by the electron beam. The fundamental action of the cathode-ray tube in reproducing a picture consists of the electron beam's moving horizontally and vertically simultane­ously so as to cover the whole area of the picture-tube screen.

      The control grid of the picture-tube controls the intensity of the beam which strikes the screen in exactly the same way that the control grid of an amplifier tube controls the plate current. In this way, each portion of the picture-tube has the proper degree of light or shade to reproduce the original scene.







cathode-ray tube - электронная трубка

similar - похожий, сходный, подобный                          

ordinary - обычный, заурядный

oscilloscope -  осциллоскоп

to assume -  принимать (на себя), предполагать, допускать

deflection - отклонение, изгиб, преломение

to deflect -  отклоняться, преломляться  

to emit -  испускать (свет),  выделять (тепло),  издавать (звук)

impact -  удар, столкновение; влияние  

exactly - точно, именно так

grid      -  управляющая сетка, модулятор (в электроннолучевой трубке)

proper -  собственный; правильный; принадлежащий

shade -  тень, оттенок, экран

original - первоначальный, первичный, первый, подлинный, оригинальный .

scene -  место действия


Active words to remember:


to require, to broadcast, to consume, to reproduce, to complicate, interchangeable, time, chassis, oscilloscope, to deflect, deflection, to assume, to emit, impact, cathode-ray tube, proper.


Ex.1.Choose one of the words or a word-combination in brackets to make the right sentence.


1.  The sound (produces, accompanies) the image.

2.  The optical image (is received, is converted) by the tele­vision camera.

3.  The picture and audio signals are picked up simultane­ously (by a single antenna, by several antennae).

4.  (The video signal, the sound signal) is reproduced by the loudspeaker.

5.  The picture intermediate frequency signal is amplified (by one stage, by several stages).

6.  The video signal appears in (the input, the output) of the detector.

7.  Colour information is provided (by monochrome transmission, by color transmission).

8.  The electron grid changes the electron beam (density,  intensity).

9.  The colour television produces programs (both in colour and black-and-white, in colour only).


Ex. Answer the questions:


1. What is a cathode-ray tube?

2. Why may the cathode-ray tube be called a picture tube?

3. What are the main parts of the cathode tube?

4.  What is the screen covered with?

5.  What does the fundamental action of the cathode-ray tube in reproducing a picture consist of?

6.  What does the control grid of the picture-tube control?

7.  What does the control grid of an amplifier tube control?

8.  What is the portion of light or shade of the picture tube for reproducing the original scene?

9.  What is the difference between a monochrome receiver and a colour receiver?                                               

10. Can monochrome TV set receive colour image?



 Text 16. Computer Machines


What is a computer? The electronic system of a computer is very complex. Its electronic brains produce information. It is a complex instrument made up of hundreds of electronic devices, miles of electronic wire. At a panel desk connected to the instrument, an operator feeds facts, figures, and sym­bols into the machine, to be stored on magnetic tape or punched cards. More than 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in one machine, and when the operator wants answers, he asks the machine in a special language to process the infor­mation taken from storage, and for solving the problem. How long did it take you to multiply the large numbers? In one third of a second a computer can multiply two 127-digit num­bers. In one whole second, it can add 4,000 five-digit num­bers; in two seconds it can complete 320 long-division prob­lems. The same machine does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians in any given time period, and without the mistakes which human beings are bound to make. The ma­chine can flash its answers on a screen, can print them on paper, and store them away on magnet tapes or cards. The elec­tronic machine can give any answer or combination of possi­ble answers, from the information fed to it for storage.

But ... it is human beings who do the thinking, who feed information to the machines which help us to find answers and produce facts faster and more accurately. Machines work for us, but they do not think for us.




brain -  мозг, рассудок, разум

to store -  запасать, откладывать, хранить на складе

storage -  хранение, склад, хранилище

tape -  лента

card -  карта, карточка

digit -  цифра, однозначное число; digital -  цифровой

long-division - долгое деление

to train -  обучать, тренировать

human being -  человек

are bound to make - обычно делают

to flash -  вспыхнуть, сверкнуть, мелькнуть

to print - печать, запечатлевать

panel desk - щит, пульт управления

to process -  обрабатывать

to feed (fed, fed) -   вводить данные в машину

to complete -  закончить, завершить

to punch -  пробивать (отверстие)

punched cards - перфокарты


 Active words to remember:


to store, storage, to train, to flash, to print, tape, care channel desk, digit, brain, digit numbers, to feed (fed, fed) symbols, to multiply, to process.


Ex.1. Read and translate the following word-combinations:


Electronic system, electronic devices, panel desk, magnetic tape, magnetic card, digit numbers, long-division problems, human beings, automatic controls.                                                                                                            


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1.  (Электронные мозги) called (цифровым) computer (выдают, производят) information.

2.  A computer is а (сложный) instrument made up of hun­dreds of electronic (приборов).

3.  An operator at а panel desk ( вводит) facts, fig­ures, and symbols into the machine.

4.  All these (данные, цифры и символы) are stored on magnetic (ленте) or on (перфокартах).

5.  More than 100,000 pieces of information (могут храниться) in one machine.

6.  An operator asks the machine in a special language (обработать) information taken from (хранилище).

7.  In one third of a second a computer can (умножить) two (127-цифровых числа).

8.  A computer can (закончить) 320 long-division problems in two seconds.


Ex.3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:


1. A computer can …    a) produce information;                                             

                                      b) multiply large digit numbers;                                                      

                                   c) complete long-division problems;

                                      d) answer without mistakes;

                                       e) store information.


2. A computer does the work of thousands of trained math­ematicians.

3. A computer works for human beings.

4. A computer...          a) can think for us

                                    b) cannot think for us.


Ex.4. Answer the questions:


1.  Is the electronic system of a computer very complex?

2.  What do its electronic brains do?

3. What is a computer made up of?

4.  What does an operator at a panel desk do?

5.      How many pieces of information can be stored in one machine?

6.  How does the operator speak to a machine?

7.  How much time does it take a computer to process information?

8.  Where is the information of a computer stored?

9.  How does a computer give its answers?

10. Machines work for us, don’t they?

11. Can machines think for us?


Ex.5.  Define the type of the subordinate clauses and make questions referring to the main and subordinate clauses. (Определите типы придаточных предложений и дайте вопросы к ним и к главной части предложений).


1.  When the operator wants answers, he asks the machine in a special language.

2.  It is human beings who do the thinking, who feed information to the machine, which helps us to find answers.



Text 17. Analogue and Digital Computers


An analog computer is a device that simulates the behav­iour of another system, usually a physical system, in all its states. A very simple and widely used analogue computer is the slide-rule on which distances are equivalent to logarithms of numbers. The devices known as analogue computers are assemblies of electronic or electrical circuits the behaviour of which is analogous to another (mechanical) system's behav­iour.

The digital computer differs from the analogue compu­ter in that it deals with numbers and not physical quantities. The simplest digital computer is the human hand, from which the decimal system is derived. The first man-made digital computer was probably the abacus, which is still used in many countries.                                                                      

The evolution of the adding machine has culminated in electronic digital computers in which electronic signals are used as the operative discrete signals. When an ordinary desk cal­culating machine is used, the operator controls the sequence of operations. He supplies the input data and records the re­sults. Also he may have to provide additional information from tables and other sources during the calculation. In the case of electronic computers, working at extremely high speeds, the human operators are replaced by automatic devices. It is necessary, however, to provide a store to hold both the information that is fed into the computer and the operating instruction.

The basic sections of digital computers are therefore:

Input: receives the "raw data" and instructions from external sources and converts them into a suitable form for the computer to work on.

Store: memorizes numbers and instructions.

 Calculator: does mathematical operations.

 Control: initiates and follows the sequence of operations.

Output: presents the result of the calculations in an ac­ceptable form.




Analogue (analog)  and digital computers -  моделирую­щие (аналоговые) и цифровые вычислительные машины

device - прибор, устройство

to simulate -  моделировать

behaviour -  поведение, режим

the slide-rule on which distances are equivalent to logarithms of numbers - логарифмическая линейка, на которой расстояния (деления) эквивалентны логарифмам чисел

analog = analogue -  непрерывная физическая величина, моделирующая физическая система, аналог

assemblies - узлы (группы)

circuit - цепь (электр.)

analogous - аналогичный, сходный

quantity -  количество; (мат) величина

to differ -  отличаться

decimal -  десятичная

to deal with ... -  иметь дело с ...

to derive -  происходить от, получать

abacus - счеты

the evolution of the adding machine -  эволюция суммирующей машины

has culminated in electronic digital computers -  привела к созданию электронного счётно-решающего устройства

as the operative discrete  signals -  в качестве дискретных (отдельных) рабочих сигналов

ordinary desk calculating machine -  обычная настольная вычислительная машина

the sequence of operations - последовательность операций

to supply – снабжать, обеспечивать

the input data -  входные данные

input – вход, подача

to record - записывать

to provide - запасать (-ся), снабжать, обеспечивать

calculation -  вычисление, расчет

extremely -  крайне, чрезмерно, чрезвычайно 

to hold (held, held) -  держать, вмещать, владеть

raw data" -  "сырье", необработанные данные

external -  внешний  

suitable -  удобный, подходящий, годный

to memorize - запомнить, накапливать

to initiate -  положить начало, вводить, пускать в работу, инициировать

initiates and follows the sequence of operations - запускает систему в paботу и следит за последовательностью операций

acceptable -  премлемый, удобный  

Output (выход) presents the results of the calculations in an acceptable form.-  Выход дает результаты вычислений в удобной (приемлемой) форме.


Active words to remember:


analog, digital, to simulate, slide-rule, logarithms, assemblies, decimal, abacus, evolution, discrete, input, output, calculation, calculator, sequence, "raw data", to differ, to derive, to deal with, to culminate, to supply, to record, to provide, to hold, to memorize, to initiate.


Ex.1. Read and translate the following word-combinations:


analog computers, digital computers, mechanical system, decimal system, physical quantities, electronic signals, the operative discrete signals, desk calculating machine,

the sequence of operations, the input data, extremely high speed, the basic sections, external sources.                                


Ex.2. Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1.  Electronic (цифровые) computers are used in many countries.

2. The (счёты) was the first (искусственный) digital com­puter.

3. In digital computers electronic signals are used as the (дискретные, отдельные) signals.

4. An operator supplies the computer with the (входными данными) and (записывает) the results.

5. A human operator is replaced by (автоматическими при­борами).

6.  The (сырьё) and instructions for the computer are supplied  by the input.

7.  The (накопитель) (запоминает) numbers and instructions.

8.  The (задача) of the control is to (инициировать) and follow the (последовательность) of operations.

9. The (выход, выходные данные) represents the results of the (вычислений) in an (приемлемой) form.


Ex.3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:


1.  An analog computer is a device that simulates ... a) the behaviour of another system;

                                                        b)  does not simulate the behaviour of another system;

                                                        c)  the slide-rule.


2.  Analog computers are ...            a)  assemblies of electrical circuits;

                                                        b) assemblies of electronic and electrical circuits;




3.  The digital computer ...          a) differs from the analog computer;

                                                     b) does not differ from the analog computer.


4.  The digital computer deals with ... a)  numbers;

                                                             b)  physical quantities.


5.  The operator controls ...          a)  the sequence of operations;

                                                     b) the input data.


6.  Automatic devices ...       a) can replace the human operators;

                                              b) cannot replace the human operators.


7.  The digital computers have ... a)  4 basic sections;

                                                      b)  5 basic sections.



Ex.4.  Answer the questions:


 1. What is an analog computer?

 2. The slide-rule is a very simple and widely used analog computer, isn't it?

 3. Can analogue computers be described as assemblies of electronic or electrical circuits?

 4. What is the difference between the digital computer and the analog one?

 5. Where is the decimal system derived from?

 6. Has the evolution of the adding machine culminated in the creation of electronic digital      computers?

 8. Are electronic signals used in digital computers as the operative discrete signals?

 9. What's the task of the operator when using an ordinary desk calculating machine?

10. The operator supplies the input data and records the results when working with a desk calculating machine, doesn't he?

11. Does the operator do the same job (supply the data and record the results) in the case of electronic computers?

12.  What job is done by the input?

13.  Does the store memorize numbers and instructions?

14.  The calculator does mathematical operations, doesn't it?

15.  What's the task of the control?

16.  What is the last section of the computer?

17.  How many sections does the computer consist of?


Ex.5. Define the types of subordinate clauses. Ask questions referring to the main and subordinate clauses of the sentences:


1.  The simplest digital computer is the human hand, from which the decimal system is derived.

2.  When an ordinary desk calculating machine is used the operator controls the sequence of operations.


Text 18. Computers and Cybernetics


      The computers or high-speed electronic machines of today have created entirely new technical possibilities in automatic control of industrial processes. First designed for solving mathematical problems, they soon paved the way for a new field of science -   cybernetics - that studies general principles of control both in live and non-live systems. The importance of cybernetics is great in the sphere of engineering sciences. A newly developed field of knowledge is technical cybernetics. Its objectives are to control automatic industrial processes, to study problems of transmission of information and to develop new principles of automatic control.

      One of the main problems of technical cybernetics is the development of control algorithms to be used in processing and control of information flows. The algorithms worked out for employment in control machines are called programs. These are based on subdivision of the computation process into simple arithmetical operations and on determination of the logical operations to be performed with a view to fulfil the program which gives the sequence of the machine's operations, and must be coded or expressed in the adopted code system.

      Two systems of computers are now created for control com­puter design.

      One of these is the development of general-purpose control machines, which may have much wider application but require more complicated logical circuitry and a greater number of instructions and commands employed in the computer. This approach permits control of a great variety of industrial units with the aid of one and the same computer.

      The second system utilizes modern microcomputer techniques to develop special-purpose machines designed to соntrol a particular process. This leads to the creation of more easily operated and low-cost control computers. Tests of some control computers manufactured for specific industrial units have shown their efficiency and quite sufficient reliability.

      In our country both systems of control are applied.  Electronic digital computers perform both arithmetical and logical operations, making it possible to govern processes under rather complicated conditions.




cybernetics -  кибернетика

to create -  создавать, творить

entirely -  всецело, совершенно

to design -  предназначать, намереваться, проектировать, составлять план

to solve -  решать, разрешать (проблему)

to pave - мостить, прокладывать, устилать 

algorithms -  алгоритмы

subdivision -  подразделение 

computation -  вычисление

determination -  решительность, решимость; определение

установление; решение   

to fulfil -  исполнять, осуществлять

to code - передавать шифром, кодировать

to adopt -  принимать, усваивать

application - применение; заявление, просьба

circuitry - электрическая схема; компановка электрической схемы

approach -  приближение, подход  

to permit - разрешать, позволять, допускать

unit - единица измерения

aid - помощь

to utilize - утилизировать, использовать

particular - особенный, особый; частный, отдельный, детальный

to lead (led, led) -  вести, проводить, приводить к...

creation - создание, творение

low-cost - низкой стоимости

efficiency - действенность, эффективность; производительность

sufficient - достаточный 

reliability - надежность, достоверность (сведений), прочность

to govern -  управлять, регулировать 

rather - слегка, до некоторой степени


Active words to remember:


cybernetics, algorithms, computation, application, circuit­ry, unit, aid, creation, efficiency, reliability, low-cost, suffi­cient, to create, to solve, to fulfil, to code, to adopt, to permit, to utilize, to lead, to govern.


Ex.1. Read and translate the following groups of words:


high-speed electronic machine, non-live systems, technical cybernetics, automatic industrial processes, problems of transmission, to control algorithms, general-purpose control ma­chines, complicated logical circuitry, industrial units, mod­ern microcomputer techniques, special-purpose machines, low-cost computers, sufficient reliability, electronic digital computers, rather complicated conditions.


Ex.2.  Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1.  The computers are the (высокоскоростные элетронные) machines.

2.  First they were (спроектированны) for (решения) mathematical problems.

3.  The computers have created now a new field of science — (кибернетику).

4.  Cybernetics studies general principles of control both in live and (неживых) systems.

5.  The (алгоритмы) worked out for employment in control machines are called (прграммами).

6.  These programs are based on (подразделение) of the (вычислительного) process into simple arithmetical operations and on (решение) of the logical operations.

7.  The program must be (закодирована) or expressed in the (принятой кодовой) system.

8.  One of the computer systems requires more complicated logical (электрическая схема).

9.  The second system is (спроектирована) to control (отдельные, особые) processes and is more easily operated and (дешевле).

10.  Some control computers are manufactured for (специальных, особых) industrial (приборов, установок). They have shown their  (эффективность) и (достаточную надежность).

11.  Electron (цифровые) computers perform (как арифметические, так и логические) operations.


Ex.3.  Agree or disagree with the following sentences:


1.  The computers control ...      a)  live systems;

                                                    b)  non-live systems.

2.  Cybernetics is a new field of science for ...

                                                   a)  controlling automatic industrial processes;

                                                   b)  studying problems of transmission of information.

3.  Algorithms are used in ... a)  controlling of information flows;

                                               b)  controlling of machines.


4.  Algorithms are ... a)  programs;

                                  b)  arithmetical operations.


5.  The first system of computers has ... a) a very complicated logical circuitry;

                                                                b) a very simple circuitry.


6.  The second system of computers is ... a)  low-cost;

                                                                  b)  more easily operated;

                                                                  c)  used for specific industrial units;

                                                                  d) not very efficient.



Ex.4.  Ask questions referring to the main and subordinate clauses of the sentences.


1.  General-purpose control machines that may have much wider application require more complicated logical cir­cuitry.

2.  Modern microcomputer techniques which utilize special-purpose machines are designed to control a particular process.



Ex.5.  Answer the following questions:


1.  What have the computers of high-speed electronic ma­chines created?

2.  What does cybernetics study?

3.  Is the importance of cybernetics especially great in the sphere of engineering sciences?

4. What is the field of acting of technical cybernetics?

5. What is one of the main problems of technical cybernetics?

6. Where are the algorithms used? For what purpose are they used?

7. How many systems of computer are now created for con­trol computer design?

8.  What is the first system? What is its application?

9.      What is the second system? What is its application?

10. What computers are low-cost, the computers of the first system or the computers of the second one?

11. What systems of control are applied in our country?



Text 19. Transistors


      Among the most important discoveries in electronics during recent years is the invention of the transistor: the point-contact transistor and the junction transistor.

      The transistor is a very small device which may be used to amplify currents and perform other functions usually performed bу the thermionic valve, it is replacing and is doing the work of a much larger electronic tube. It consists essentially of a small block of germanium or silicon which are semiconductors with two closely spaced metallic point electrodes (termed the emitter and the collector electrodes) on the upper surface, and a plane electrode of large area (the base electrode) on the oppo­site surface. The emitter is maintained at a positive potential, and the collector at a larger negative potential with respect to the base. The signal to be amplified is introduced into the emitter circuit and the amplified signal appears in the collec­tor circuit. During operation the transistor becomes heated, that is why it is necessary to make certain that the transistor circuit is not overloaded beyond its operating limits. Its principal advantages are as follows: no current is required for a heater circuit, as the transistor works at room temperature; it has very small size and weight and comparatively rugged construction.




point-contact transistor - точечный полупроводниковый транзистор

junction transistor - плоскостный транзистор

to amplify - (радио) усиливать; расширять; увеличивать

thermionic - термоэлектронный, ламповый

space -  пространство, место; промежуток; космос; космический

point -  точка, пункт; дело, суть

to maintain  -  поддерживать, сохранять; (тех) обcлуживать

with respect to -  что касается; относительно

certain - определенный; некий, некоторый

to overload -  перегружать

beyond – сверх

rugged - изрезанный, неровный; массивный, прочный, жесткий

comparatively -  сравнительно, относительно

emitter -  излучатель, эмиттер

to introduce -  вводить, представлять


Active words to remember:


transistor, to amplify, thermionic, emitter, to overload, to maintain, to introduce, potential, collector, rugged.


Ex1. Read and translate the following word-combinations:


point-contact transistor; junction transistor; thermionic valve electronic tube; positive potential; negative potential; emitter circuit; collector circuit; transistor circuit; heater circuit; metallic point electrodes; upper surface; opposite surface.


Ex.2 . Give English equivalents for the words in brackets:


1. There are two types of transistors: the (точечный, полупроводниковый) transistor and the (плоскостный)  transistor.

2. The transistor is a very small (прибор) which may be used to (усиливать) currents and (совершать) other func­tions.

 3 It consists essentially of a small  (блок) of germanium or silicone which  are (полупроводники).

 4.  During operation the transistor may be (перегреваться)  when the transistor circuit is (перегружена) beyond its operating limits.

5.  No (ток) (требуется) for a heater circuit as the transis­tor works at room temperature.

6.  Its (размер) and (вес) is very small.


Ex.3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:


1.  A transistor is a device which works ... a)  when it is connected to an electric current;

                                                                    b)  at room temperature.


2.  The transistor may be used ... a)  to amplify currents;

                                                     b)  to heat a circuit;

                                                     c)  to do the work performed by the thermionic;

                                                     d)  to do the work of a much larger electronic tube.


3.  A transistor consists of ... a)  conductors;

                                               b)  semiconductors;

                                               c)  non-conductors.


4.  The emitter is maintained at a ... a)  negative potential;

                                                          b)  positive potential.


5. The collector is maintained at a ... a)  negative potential;

                                                           b) positive potential.


6. A transistor becomes heated because it is... a) unloaded;

                                                                        b) overloaded.


7. The principal advantages are: ... a)  its small size and weight;

                                                        b)  that it works at room temperature;

                                                        c) that no current is required for a heater circuit.



Ex.4.  Ask questions referring to the main and subordinate clauses of the sentences.


1.  It is necessary to make certain that the transistor circuit is not overloaded beyond its operating limits.

2.  No current is required for a heater circuit, as the transistor works at room temperature.


Ex.5. Answer the following questions:


1.  What is the most important discovery in electronics during recent years?

2.  How many principal types of transistors are there?

3.  What is a transistor?

4.  What is it used for?

5.  What does it essentially consist of?

6.  Is it necessary for the transistor not to be heated?

7.  What are its principal advantages?



Text 20.  About Cellular Communication and Mobile Internet


       Telephone, television, cellular communication and WWW (World Wide Web — Internet) — all these are different conceptions creating an enormous net for mankind.

Mobile Internet is the main "know-how", it is a break into and out of the borders.

In the West millions of non-business people, even house­wives have two or three apparatuses of cellular communication.

      Speed is the main problem of today in that sphere of tech­nology which is linked in our sense with an ordinary tele­phone receiver.

      Mobile Internet, mobile video is impossible without speed, as the speed of data transmitting is the main problem nowa­days.

      By the year 2004 there will be 120 millions users of Mo­bile Internet and every fourth user will do it with the help of cellular communication for working in the WWW.   Differ­ent services of banks, shoppings, booking tickets for all kinds of transport, for cinemas, exhibitions, theatres — all these will be accessible at any time and place.

      By the year 2001 more than a half subscribes of mobile nets will use WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) — it is an electronic language worked out especially for the Mobile Internet.

      Most devices of cellular communications will be exposed as an Internet Language.

      The electronic mail, voice messages, trade, bank operations, etc. will be carried out with their help.

      With the help of high technology there is a tendency to obtain the speed of 11 megabits per second, comparing with the speed of 9,8 kilobits nowadays.

      Using Internet mankind will have cellular voice and video communication nets all over the world, and its ring will cost not more than a local ring.


 Explanation of some new terms:


      1. Internet — WWW (World Wide Web)

internetting — connections and communications paths between separate data communications networks that allow transfer of messages.

      II.  cellular communication — (сотовая связь) characterized by consisting of or pertaining to cells.

      III.  electronic mail — (электронная почта) — the elec­tronic transmission of letters, messages, and memos through a communications network.

      IV.  bee-line — (прямая воздушная линия) — the name came from any of the membranous-winged insects.

      V.  pager — (пэйджер) — a  receiver in a radio paging system.

1.  A standard quantity of main — memory capacity usually 512 to 4096 bytes or words used for memory allocation and for partitioning programs into control sections.

2.  A standard quantity of source program coding, usually 8 to 64 lines, used for displaying the coding on a cathode-ray tube.

1)  byte — a sequence of adjanced binary digits operated upon as a unit in a computer and usually shorter than a word.

2)  binary — possessing a property for which there exist two choices or conditions, one choice excluding the other. Composed of or characterized by two parts or elements.




web -  паутина (сеть)

cell -   ячейка, сота; (эл) элемент

cellular -  сотовый

communication -  связь, сообщение, средство связи

to characterize -  характеризовать

pertain to-  принадлежать, иметь отношение

separate -  отдельный, особый

data -  данные, факты

network - цепь, сеть, связь, соединение; радиотрансляционная сеть

to allow -  позволять, давать, предоставлять

to transfer - переносить, передавать

bee -  пчела

membranous - перепончатый, пленочный

wing -  крыло

winged - крылатый

insect - насекомое

memory -  память, воспоминание

allocation - локализация, размещение, распределение, уста­новление места

partition - расчленение, разделение

sequence -  последовательность

adjacent - смежный, соседний, примыкающий

binary - двойной, сдвоенный, бинарный

unit -  единица; единица измерения, установка

to possess - владеть, обладать

property – свойство

choice - выбор

to exclude - исключать

compose - составлять


Text 21. Hydroelectric Power Plants


      Hydroelectric power plants are built on rivers. Large-capacity hydroelectric power plants are commonly located at considerable distances from the consumers of electric power.

      The production process at these plants is rather simple: the water flows into the hydroturbine runner, acts upon the runner blades and rotates the runner and the turbine shaft.

      The generator shaft is connected to the turbine runner shaft. The difference in the water level influences the power capacity of a plant, i.e. the magnitude of the water head and the daily inflow of water fluctuates considerably according to the season.

      The production process is different at power plants of different constructions and of different kinds. In atomic power plants, for example, it is not so simple as in hydroelectric plants.




сommonly – обычно

to locate – размещаться,  располагаться, поселяться

considerable – значительный

runner – (тех) бегунок, ролик, каток, рабочее колесо, подвижной блок.

blades – лопасти, крылья

turbine shaft – вал турбины 

generator shaft – вал генератора

to connect -  связывать(ся), соединять(ся)

level -  уровень

to influence -  влиять

  magnitude – величина, значительность, важность.

water head – напор воды

inflow – приток, втекание

to fluctuate – колебаться, быть неустойчивым.

i.e. – (лат) id est, то есть

expenditure – трата, расход.


Active words to remember:


consumer, runner, blade, shaft, level, magnitude, head, inflow, to influence, i.e.=id est.


Ex.1. Translate the following word-combinations:


a) runner blade, blade size, runner blade size, water level, level change, level influence, water level change influence, turbine blades, water head, water head magnitude, fuel expenditure.

b) water level fluctuations, thermal power plant, regional power plant, large industrial region supply, plant’s power capacity, hydroelectric power plant, production process.


Ex.2. Choose the right verb to complete the sentences (“to build”,” to locate”,” to fluctuate”,” to belong”):


1. At what distance are hydroelectric  power plants.... from their consumers?

2. Low-capacity power plants are... in agricultural areas.

3. The daily inflow of water... to the modern high-capacity class of power plants.


Ex.3.Choose the correct variants:


1.Large-capacity power-plants are located...

a) at a short distance from consumers of power

b) at a considerable distance from consumers of power.


2. Water rotates...

a) the runner blades.

b) the turbine shaft


3. The magnitude of the water head...

a) influences the power capacity.

b) does not influence the power capacity.


4. Daily inflow of water...

a) fluctuates considerably

b) fluctuates a little.






Ex.4. Look through the text and find predicates in the Passive Voice.


Ex.5. Translate and remember how to do it:


1.      Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table is spoken of as one of the greatest discoveries of the 19th century.

2.      A surface covered by rhodium (родий) is not affected by air.

3.      Lectures on the use of the atomic energy in industry are always listened to with great interest.

4.      That law was soon followed by another one.

5.      They were influenced by his good example.

6.      The conference will be attended by many guests from abroad.

7.      All these questions will be answered.



Ex.6. Answer the following questions:


1.      At what distance are large-capacity power plants located from consumers of power?

2.      What components does the water rotate?

3.      What factor influences the power capacity?

4.      What does daily inflow of water depend on?

5.       What influences the plants power capacity?

6.      What plants serve for the supply of large industrial regions?

7.      What plants serve for power supply in agricultural areas?


Ex.7. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:


1. Hydroelectric power plants are built …  a) on rivers,

                                                                     b) on waterfalls.


2. Large-capacity plants are located …   a) at a short distance from consumers of


                                                           b) at a considerable distance from consumers of          



3. The production process at the plants…  a)  is very complex,

                                                                    b) is rather simple.


4. The power capacity of a plant…  a)  remains constant,

                                                          b)  changes considerably,

                                                          c)  is influenced by the difference in the water level.




5. The daily inflow of water …       a)  fluctuates according to the consumption,

                                                         b) fluctuates according to the season.


6. The production process… a) depends upon the construction of the plant,

                                              b) is the same at power plants of different constructions.



Ex.8. Pair work. Ask your groupmates these questions  and let him/her answer them:


1.      On what sites are hydroelectric power plants built?

2.      Are large-capacity  plants located far from consumers of power?

3.      Is the production process at the plants simple or is it complex?

4.      What influences the power capacity of a plant?

5.      According to what factors does the daily inflow of water fluctuate?

6.      Does the production process at the plant depend on its construction?

7.      Do you know that a thermal power plant seldom has an efficiency more than 40%?


Text 22. Thermal Electric Plants


     Hydroelectric stations deliver power from great rivers, but still about 80 per cent of

the required electric power is produced in thermal electric plants. These plants burn coal,

gas, peat or shale to make steam.

     To understand how the energy of fuel is converted into electrical energy let us discuss the heat process and begin with the fuel.

     Gas is delivered through pipelines. The coal (peat, shale) arrives in trains, and conveyors or cranes unload it for storage and bring it to the furnace. It is more effective to burn coal in the form of powder, therefore it is first crushed, pulverized and blown into furnaces. To attain complete combustion of the powder a large volume of air is needed, which is delivered by forced air fans, exhauster fans and smoke stacks. The steam boilers or steam generators supply the huge amount of high pressure, high-temperature steam required driving the high power turbine-generators.

     The kinetic energy of the steam acts against the blades of the turbine and rotates its shaft joined to the generator shaft.

     A centralized control desk with panels and many instruments and automatic control devices supervises and monitors the plant, with only a few operators.




to deliver   -  доставить, вручить

to require   -  требовать

peat        -   торф

shale       -   глинистый сланец

to convert   -  превращать, конвертировать

fuel          -   топливо, горючее

pipeline    -   трубопровод, нефтепровод

conveyor   -   конвейер

to unload   -    разгружать, выгружать


storage - хранение, склад, хранилище.

furnace – печка, очаг, горн, топка

powder – порошок, пудра, порох.

to crush - давить, мять, толочь, уничтожать.

to pulverize – растирать в порошок, распылять

to blow (blew, blown) - дуть

to attain - достигать

complete – полный, законченный, совершенный.

combustion - сгорание

fan -  вентилятор, веер, фен

exhauster – вытяжной вентилятор, пылесос

smoke stacks – дымовые трубы, выхлопные трубы

to supervise – смотреть, наблюдать

to monitor - контролировать, управлять

forced - принудительный,

forced air fans - принудительная воздушная вентиляция.  



Active words to remember:


to deliver, to require, to convert, to load, to crush, to pulverize, to attain, to drive, to join, to supervise, to monitor, to force,  peat, shale, pipeline, storage, furnace, powder, combustion, fan, exhauster.


Ex.1. Translate the following word-combinations:


power input, continuos operation, voltage transformer, initial conditions, optimum process, correct choice, interior part, wide application, moderate temperature, blast furnace, raw materials, heat treatment, current of air, high-power turbine-generator, high-pressure, waste pipes, limited energy, mass production, forced air fans, exhauster fans, smoke stacks.



Ex.2. Fill the gaps with the suitable verbs (“to convert”, “to crush”, “to pulverize”, “to burn”, “to blow”,”to unload”, “to feed”, “to supervise”, “to bring”, “to monitor”):


  1. Thermal electrical plants… solid fuels and gas.
  2. The energy of solid fuels and gas is… to electrical energy.
  3. Solid fuels are… by conveyors and cranes.
  4. Solid fuels are…,…, and… to the furnace.
  5. Generators are… by the huge amount of high pressure, high temperature seam.
  6. A centralized control desk… and… the plant.
  7. Electrical energy is… to various parts of the nearest region.





Ex.3. Choose the correct variants:


1. Thermal electrical plants produce…

a)      a limited volume of electrical energy;

b)     a large volume of electrical energy

2. Thermal electrical plants are…

a)      the main producer of electrical energy;

b)     not the main producer of electrical energy.

3. Solid fuels are more effective in…

     a) the form of powder

     b) not in the form of powder

4.  Generators are fed by…

     a) gas;

     b) high temperature steam.

5.  The blades of the turbine rotate…

     a) the generator shaft;

     b) its shaft,

6.  Thermal electrical plants employ…

     a) water turbines;

     b) gas and solid fuels.


Ex.4. Answer the questions:

  1. Where are hydroelectric stations located?
  2. What stations produce about 80 per cent of the required electric power?
  3. What fuel do they work on?
  4. What kinds of fuel do you know?
  5. How is gas delivered?
  6. How are the solid fuels delivered?
  7. In what form is the solid fuel burnt?
  8. Why is a large volume of air needed for burning solid fuels?
  9. What is used for this purpose?
  10. What are generators fed by?
  11. What does the kinetic energy of the steam do with the blades of the turbine?
  12. What does a centralized control desk do?
  13. Why are there only a few operators at such electrical plants?


Text 23. The Atomic Power Plant.


      Atomic power plants are modern installations. They consist of several main units and a great number of auxiliary ones.

      In a nuclear reactor uranium is utilized as a fuel. During operation process  powerful heat and radioactive radiation are produced. The nuclear reactor is cooled by water circulation. Cooling water circulates through a system of tubes, in which the water is heated to a temperature of 250-300 C. In order to prevent boiling of water, it passes into the reactor at a pressure up to 150 atmospheres.

      A steam generator includes a series of heat exchangers comprising tubes. The water heated in the reactor is delivered into the heat exchanger tubes. The steam produced is fed into the turbogenerator.

      Besides, an atomic power plant comprises a common turbogenerator, a steam condenser with circulating water and a switchboard.

      Atomic power plants have their advantages as well as disadvantages. Their reactors and steam generators operate noiselessly; the atmosphere is not polluted by dust and smoke. As to the fuel consumption, it is of no special importance and there is no problem of fuel transportation.

      The disadvantage of power plants utilizing nuclear fuel is their radiation. Radioactive radiation produced in the reactors is dangerous for attending personnel. Therefore, the reactors and steam generators are installed underground. All their controls are operated by means of automatic devices. These measures serve to protect people from radioactive radiation.

      But still there were some accidents, as it was at Chernobyl Atom Power Station in the Ukraine. The radioactive radiation of that accident has spread over the vast territory.




auxiliary – вспомогательный

to cool – охлаждать

tube – труба, трубка

outside – внешний, наружный, извне, снаружи

condenser – конденсатор

switchboard – коммутатор, распределительный щит

noiselessly – бесшумно

to pollute – загрязнять, осквернять

to attend – посещать, присутствовать

to shield – защищать, заслонять; щит.

concrete -  бетон, бетонный

accident – авария, катастрофа, несчастный случай.


Active words to remember:


uranium, circulation, exchanger, dust, smoke, concrete, radiation, nuclear, to circulate, to pollute, to shield, switchboard, to cool, to comprise, to deliver, to convert, condenser, advantage, disadvantage.


Ex.1. Translate the following word-combinations:


energy rich area, smoke and dust polluted air, oil cooled device, steam utilizing machine, air heat exchanger, water cooling, cooling water, fuel polluted atmosphere, heat and water circulation, smoke shield, air pollution, fluctuation, to range.



Ex.2. Choose the correct variant:


1.A nuclear reactor is used in...

a)     wind-power plants.

b)     atomic power plants.

2. A nuclear reactor is cooled by...

            a) water circulating in tubes.

            b) oil circulating in tubes


3. Water is passed into the reactor...

       a) at a low pressure      

       b) at a high pressure

4. High pressure...

       a) activates boiling of water

       b) prevents boiling of water

5. Atomic power plants...

       a) pollute the air with dust and smoke

       b) do not pollute the air with dust and smoke.

6. Circulating water flows...

       a) inside the heat exchangers

       b) outside the heat exchangers

7. Attending personnel is shielded by...

       a) thick concrete walls

       b) thick metal walls

       c) special instructions

8. The atomic power stations...

       a) are important structural elements in power engineering.

       b) secure a high degree of power concentration.

       c) are equipped with powerful generating units.

       d) are an important modern source of electricity.


Ex. 3. Reconstruct the sentences according to the given example:


 Example:    It is known that the construction of some new atomic power stations has already begun.  -   The construction of some new atomic power stations is known to have already begun.


1.      It is expected that nuclear fuel will be used more extensively for the development of power industry.

2.      It is reported that new types of reactors have been designed.

3.      It is found that the cost of power for an atomic power station is somewhat higher than for a coal-fed station.

4.      It is said that the capacity of atomic power stations in our country will range from 2 to 2.5 million kilowatts.

5.      It is assumed that the reactors will be fed by a mixture of natural and enriched uranium.




Ex.4. Translate:


       1.  All the man’s knowledge in the field of electricity is known to have been obtained during the last 400 years or so.

       2.  A steam power station is known to consist of four main components.

       3.  The Earth is assumed to have zero potential.

       4.  A magnet appears to have its magnetism concentrated at two points termed the poles.

       5. Russia is known to have put the first atomic power station into operation in 1954.

       6.  Several atomic power stations are supposed to be built in our country within the next few years.

       7.  The efficiency of this station is expected to be about 34 per cent.

       8.  The fuel consumption of atomic power stations is found to amount to 500 kg for 24 hours.

       9.  Four atomic power stations are assumed to be built for experimental purposes.

      10. The improvement of the technological process is supposed to ensure lower cost of power.

      11. Long transmission lines are known to be necessary for the transfer of electric energy over long distances.

      12. Some types of reactors are known to produce more nuclear fuel during their operation than they consume.

      13. Lightning is known to have frequently destroyed wooden buildings before the lightning rod was invented.


Ex.5. Answer the questions:


  1. What are the atomic power plants?
  2. What do they consist of?
  3. What is the fuel for atomic power plants?
  4. Is nuclear fuel widely used nowadays?
  5. What is produced during operation process with nuclear fuel?
  6. To what temperature is the water heated in a system of tubes during operation process?
  7. What is the water passed through (into)  the reactor for?
  8. What is the nuclear reactor cooled by?
  9. At what pressure is the water passed into the reactor?
  10. What kind of cooling is popular at electric power plants and at atomic electric power plants?
  11. Where is the produced steam fed into?
  12. Does the water converted into steam flow outside or inside the tubes?
  13. What does an atomic power plant comprise?
  14. Do atomic power plants pollute the air?
  15. What air is bad for one’s health?
  16. What are the advantages of atomic power stations?
  17. What is the main disadvantage of atomic power plants?
  18. Where are the reactors and steam generators installed? And why?

Ex.6. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:


1. A nuclear reactor is used in…a) wind power plants;

                                                    b) atomic power plants.


2. A nuclear reactor is cooled by…a) water circulating in tubes;

                                                        b) oil circulating in tubes.


3. Water is passed into the reactor…a) at a low pressure;

                                                          b) at a high pressure.


4. High pressure …             a) activates boiling of water;     

                                             b) prevents boiling of water.


5. Atomic power plants… a) pollute the air with dust and smoke;

                                           b) do not pollute the air with dust and smoke.


6. Circulating water flows … a) inside the heat exchangers;

                                                b) outside the heat exchangers.


7. Attending personnel is shielded by…a) thick concrete walls;

                                                          b) thick metal walls.


Ex.7. Pair work.  Ask your groupmates these questions and let him/her answer them:


1.What are the main units of an atomic power plant?

2. By what means is the nuclear reactor cooled?

3. At what pressure does the water pass into the reactor?

4. What types of power plants pollute the air with dust and smoke?

5.  Why is it necessary to protect attending personnel?

6.  By what means is it done?


Ex.8. Read the text for additional information:


Protection against Environmental Pollution


       Any operating nuclear power plant releases fission products into the environment,  which causes environmental pollution.

       To prevent the harmful effects of nuclear power release, the nuclear power plants are supplied with protective installations that serve as barriers to the pollution.

       First, the nuclear products and the fission products are confined within sealed tubes made of stainless steel or zirconium. Then the assembly of tubes is placed in a steel reactor vessel. And finally the steel reactor vessel is placed in a large steel and concrete housing.

       As to the hot radioactive waste products they are disposed in heavily shielded cylinders. The cylinders are buried 305 to 610 metres underground.

Ex.9. Make up your own questions to the text.



Text 24. Atom Is a Source of Energy.


The first source of energy which man made serve him was the energy of fire. Many thousand years passed before man learned how to use another source of energy – water, then man made steam serve him; and then man had another servant – electricity. At that time it was impossible to imagine anything more perfect than electricity. But man would not and did not stop at electricity; he discovered another source of energy, many times more powerful – the atomic energy. What will man have in the future? What kind of energy will he be trying to use? Thermonuclear energy? Or the energy of “anti-matter”? We may be sure that discovery of atomic energy is just an episode in the history of human progress. But our age is the age of atomic nuclei which is to transform the world.




impossible –  невозможный 

servant –  слуга, прислуга

to discover – открывать, discovery - открытие

powerful – мощный, сильный

thermonuclear – термоядерный

anti-matter” – антивещество

to transform – преобразовывать, превращать.


Ex.1. Make up all possible questions to these sentences:


1. Atom is a source of energy.

2. The man made steam serve him.

3. The man discovered another source of energy.

4. Our age is the age of  atomic nuclei which is to transform the world.

5. The steam produced is fed into the turbogenerator.


Text 25. Electric Power Consumers and Power Systems


       An electric power consumer is an enterprise utilizing electric power. Its operating characteristics vary during the hours of the day, days and nights, days of week and seasons.

       All electric power consumers are divided into groups with common load characteristics. To the first group belong municipal consumers with a predominant lighting load: dwelling houses, hospitals, theatres, street lighting systems, mines, etc.

       To the second group belong industrial consumers with a predominant power load (electric motors): industrial plants, mines, etc.

       To the third  group belongs transport, for example electrified railways. The fourth consists of agricultural consumers, for example, electrotractors.

       The operating load conditions of each group are determined by the load graph. The load graph shows the consumption of power during different periods of day, month, and year. On the load graph the time of the maximum loads and minimum loads is given.

       Large industrial areas with cities are supplied from electric networks fed by electric power plants. These plants are interconnected for operation in parallel and located in different partsof the given area. They may include some large thermal and hydroelectric power plants.

       The sum total of the electric power plants, the networks that interconnect them and the power utilizing devices of the consumers, is called a power system. All the components of a power system are interrelated by the common processes of protection, distribution, and consumption of both electric and heat power.

       In a power system all the parallelly operating plants carry the total load of all the consumers supplied by the given system.

       The building up of a power system is of great importance for the national economy. An economical utilization of the power plant installations and of the sources of power is achieved by interconnected operation of a series of power plants in a common power distribution system.



predominant  -  преобладающий

to determine   -  определять

to relate          -   относиться (к), быть связанным (с)

graph              -   кривая, график



Ex.1. Answer these questions:


1. What enterprises are called electric power consumers?

2. When do their operating characteristics vary?

3. What consumers belong to the four different groups?

4. What conditions does the load graph determine?

5. What type of system is called a power system?

6. What processes interconnect the components of a power system?

7. In what way is an economical utilization of power installations achieved?


Text 26. Substations


       A substation is designed to recieve energy from a power system, convert it and distribute it to the feeders. Thus a substation serves as a distrubution centre. Substations feed (supply) various consumers provided that their basic load characteristics are similar. Therefore the energy is distributed without transformation of the voltage supplied.

       Common substations comprise isolators, switchgear buses, oil circuit breakers, fuses, power and instrument transformers and reactors.

       Substations are classed into step up and step down ones. The step up substation includes transformers that increase the voltage. The power transmission lines of power plants of the system are connected to the busbars of the substation.

       As to the step down substations, they reduce the voltage to 10 or 6 kV. At this voltage the power is supplied to the distribution centres and to the transformer substations of power consumers.

       A transformer substation serves for transmitting and distributing electric power. It comprises a storage battery, control devices and auxiliary structures.

       Transformer substations are classed into indoor and outdoor; both types are used for feeding industrial enterprises. Compared to other types of substations, transformer substations have certain advantages. They have flexible construction and easy and reliable operation. In case of a fault in the left-hand section, the main circuit breaker opens while the normally open section circuit breaker closes and puts the voltage of the section to normal. Power from a substation is delivered to distribution centres.



auxiliary   -  вспомогательный, добавочный

breaker     -   выключатель, прерыватель

busbar       -   (эл.) шина, собирательная шина

flexible     -  гибкий

switchgear  -  распределительное устройство

fuse           -   предохранитель



Ex.1. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:


1. A substation serves …  a) to consume energy;

                                                  b) to distribute energy;

                                           c) to convert energy.


2. A substation feeds consumers … a) with various load characteristics;

                                                         b) with similar load characteristics.


3.      The lines of power plants are connected … a) to the busbars;

                                                                      b)  to the switchgear.


4. A substation comprises …    a) the main elements;

                                            b)  the main and auxiliary elements.


5. Flexible construction is …     a) an advantage;

                                                    b) a disadvantage.


Ex.2. Pair work. Ask your groupmates these questions and let him/her answer them:


1. What does a substation serve for?

2. What type of consumers does a substation feed?

3. What parts are the power transmission lines connected to?

4.      What components does a substation comprise?

5.      What types are substations classed into?

6.      What are the advantages of a transformer substation?


Text 27. Electric Motors


       Motors are used for converting different forms of energy into mechanical energy.

       The main part of a motor is a coil or armature. The amature is placed between the poles of a powerful magnet. When a motor is put into operation current starts flowing through the coil (armature) and the armature starts rotating.

       Electric motors are used practically in every branch of industry, transport, and agriculture. Naturally, they are produced in many different designs. They are used in industrial plants, and operate under different conditions.

       Each motor is supplied with a nameplate which bears machine ratings: output power, voltage, the rated current, the starting current, the power factor, the efficiency, and the rated torque.

       These motor ratings should be taken into consideration since they are necessary for the users. On them depends the length of motors' service life, which is normally equal to about 10 years, provided that the operating conditions are normal. Naturally, under abnormal conditions the service life becomes much shorter: motors operate poorly and may have different faults.



сoil          -  катушка

armature  -  (эл.) якорь

to rotate   -  вращаться

nameplate  -  (заводская) табличка

torque      -   вращение, момент вращения

rating           -  мощность, производительность, номинальная мощность (характеристика)


Ex.1. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:


1. Motors are used …   a) for transmitting energy;

                                      b) for converting energy.


8.      Motor's main part is …  a) the frame;

                                              b) the armature;

                                              c) the stator.


3. The armature is placed …  a) between the poles of the magnet;

                                                b) above the poles of the magnet.


4. Motors' service life becomes shorter… a) under normal conditions;

                                                                     b) under abnormal conditions.


5. Faulty motors …          a) operate normally;

                                          b) operate poorly.


Ex.2. Pair work. Ask your groupmates these questions and let him/her answer them:


1. What are motors used for?

2. What is the motor's main part?

3.      Where is the amature placed?

4.      What ratings does the nameplate of a motor bear?

5.      Under what conditions does a motor operate normally (poorly)?


Read the text and find in it the answer to the question that follows it.


Solar Energy


       The Sun radiates to our planet great amounts of energy. This energy input fuels all our biological processes and is the original source for hydropower, wind power, and fossil fuel resources. Environmentally and economically, the Sun is our greatest energy source. Why then is the direct use of solar energy so limited for industrial, domestic, commercial and transportation purposes?

        First, solar energy arrives in small quantities – jnly about one kW per square meter; second, it does not arrive at all during night hours. Third, it is very difficult to transform it into useful energy forms except low-grade heat.


Why is the direct use of solar energy limited nowdays?




Read about energy resources of today. Write three questions about the text and ask your groupmate to answer them:


Energy Resources of Today


     People are energy-rich today. Solar energy is considered to be a potentially limitless source of clean energy. The waters of the world contain potential fuel – in the form of a special isotope of hydrogen – deuterium. It is sufficient to power fusion reactors for thousand of years.






Сводный план 2003 г. поз.38








Лаура Абишевна Алдабергенова

      Людмила Яковлевна Коробейникова

                                            Надежда Максовна Острикова





Английский язык


Методические указания по развитию  навыков чтения  и перевода  общетехнических текстов

(для учащихся колледжа)







Редактор В.В.Шилина







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