Некоммерческое акционерное общество


Кафедра иностранных языков






Методические указания

Перевод технической литературы  

 для студентов специальностей 5В071700 - Теплоэнергетика,

5В071800 - Электроэнергетика





Алматы, 2011


СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: Э.С. Алденгожаева, К.Е. Молдабаева Английский язык. Методические указания. Перевод технической литературы. (для студентов специальностей 5В0717, 5В0718) – Алматы. АУЭС,          2011. – 33с.  


         Данные методическое указания предназначены для студентов специальностей 5В071700, 5В071800 для развития умения перевода технических текстов на английском языке. Особое внимание уделяется грамматическим аспектам, проверке сформированности словарного запаса, а также контролю понимания текста. Методичекие указания могут быть использованы на занятиях по английскому языку со студентами всех форм обучения.   


               Рецензент: ст. преподаватель Курманбекова М.Д. 


         Печатается по плану издания некоммерческого акционерного общества «Алматинский университет энергетики и связи» на 2011г.



© НАО «Алматинский университет энергетики и связи», 2011г.


Сводный план 2010г., поз. 63





Unit 1

Text: Commercial applications                                                                                                                                                                  

Grammar: using of the verbs to have                                                                                                                   


1 Complete the sentence using the verb to have:

Consumers will be attracted to the new networks by the promise of increased call quality, range privacy, and all of the other benefits of CDMA technology, but may likely be convinced by the changes that ( to have) been made from the way cellular service (to have) typically been billed.

By 1991 Qualcomm corporation (to have) demonstrated its first example of CDMA technology in a rather promising field trial.

The highly competitive market (to have) caused companies to place more importance on what consumers see as a barrier to using cellular and wireless networks.


2 Complete the sentences. Use an expression from the list and put the verb into the correct form where necessary:

Have a baby have a break have a chart

Have a look have a lunch have a shower

I don’t eat much during the day. I never _______

David starts work at 8 o’clock and ______at 10.30.

Excuse me, can I _____ at your newspaper, please.

I met Ann yesterday. We stopped and _____.

Suzanne ____ a few weeks ago. It’s her second child.

Why didn’t you answer the phone? I ______.


3 Complete the questions with have. Some are present and some are past:

Why are you holding your face like that? ____ a toothache?

I need a stamp for this letter. _____ one?

When you worked in your last job, ____ your own office?

A: It started to rain very heavily while I was out.

B: ______ an umbrella?

4 New words:

application – применение                   differences – различия

advantage – преимущество                competitive – конкурентоспособный

network – сеть                                     wireless- радио

consumer – потребитель                     major – главный    

area – область                                      division – отделение

expensive – дорогой                            provider – поставщик    

query – запрос


5 Give Russian equivalents from these terms:

technology                                                           quality

telecommunication                                              theory

corporation                                                          market

service                                                                 associate

accelerated                                                          demonstrate


6 Translate into Russian these word combinations:

         The technical advantage, commercial network, range privacy, increasing of call quality, digital cellular technology, the highly competitive market, wireless network. 


7 Text. Commercial applications

The technical advantages associated with the usage of CDMA technology has led to a rapid development of the technology from its conception to use in full – service telecommunications networks . Despite the claims from advocates of existing technology that CDMA was a theory that looked good on paper but cold never be refined enough to be applied , the technology was researched and pursued. By 1991 Qualcomm corporation had demonstrated its first example of CDMA technology in a rather promising field trial. By providing that the technology could in fact be applied, Qualcomm effectively started the CDMA bandwagon. The next year saw CDMA’s acceptance by the Telecommunications Industry Association and ANSI as an official digital cellular technology. By the year 1995, the first commercial CDMA network was installed in Hong Kong- making CDMA “s maturation period less than five years.

The widespread acceptance of the network is likely to be accelerated nearly as much by the change in the typical conventions of cellular service as by the improved quality due to the new technology. The highly competitive market has caused companies to place more importance on what consumers see as a barrier to using cellular and wireless networks. Consumers will be attracted to the new networks by the promise of increased call quality, range privacy, and all of the other benefits of CDMA technology, but may likely be convinced by the changes that have been made from the way cellular service has typically been billed.


8  Answer the  questions: 

What has led to a rapid development of the technology? 

When was the first commercial   CDMA   network   installed in Hong Kong?


9 Give synonyms:

Advantages, use, existing, enough, research, short, major.


10 Give antonyms:

Differences, impossible, maximum, small, outside.


11 Complete the sentence with the words given below:

 (advantages, providing, started, the highly competitive, consumers will be, was installed).

The technical ………… associated with the usage of CDMA technology has led to a rapid development of the technology from its conception to use in full – service telecommunications networks .

 By ……….. that the technology could in fact be applied, Qualcomm effectively ……… the CDMA bandwagon.

 …………… attracted to the new networks by the promise of increased call quality, range privacy, and all of the other benefits of CDMA technology, but may likely be convinced by the changes that have been made from the way cellular service has typically been billed.

 …………… market has caused companies to place more importance on what consumers see as a barrier to using cellular and wireless networks.

 By the year 1995, the first commercial CDMA network …………. in Hong Kong- making CDMA “s maturation period less than five years.


12 Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false):

          By 1991 Qualcomm corporation had demonstrated its second example of CDMA technology.

         The first commercial CDMA network was installed in Hong Kong in 1995.

          Consumers won’t be attracted to the new networks by the promise of increased call quality.

          The using of CDMA technology has led to a development of the technology from its conception to use in full service telecoms networks.


Unit 2

Text. Electrical power industry   

Grammar: The simple (Active) 


Present                                            Past                                Future

I, we, you, they – write                 I, we, you, they,        I, we – shall write

He, she, it – writes                        he, she, it – wrote     He, she, it, you, they 

                                                                                           will write

Do I, we, you, they, write?           Did I, we, you, they,    Shall I, we write?    

Does he, she, it write?                  he, she, it write?           Will he, she, it, you,  

                                                                                            they write?

I, we, you, they don’t write        I, we, you, they            I, we – shall not write

  He, she, it doesn’t write             didn’t write             He, she, it, you, they 

                                                                                           will not write

1 Translate the sentences paying attention to the verbs in Active voice:

He entered the university last year.

Will he go the village next week?

She doesn’t study German.

I wouldn’t mind living in England.

I wish I had something to read.


2 Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:

Believe, eat, flow, rise, translate, go

The earth ____ round the sun.

The sun _____ in the east.

Vegetarians ______ meat.

An atheist _____ in God.

An interpreter ______ languages.

The Amazon river ______ into the Atlantic ocean.


3 Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative:

The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It _____ very much.(cost)

I was in a hurry, so I _____ time to phone you.(have)

We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ____ it.(sell)

What do you say in this situations? Write sentences with shall I…? or shall we…?  


4 New words:

Developed – развиваемый                       equipment – оборудование  

Processes – процессы                               splint up – раскалываться

To operate – приводить в действие         households – домашнее хозяйство


5 Give Russian equivalents of these terms:

Transmission –                                                Allowing –             

Distribution –                                                  Resistance –

Alternating current –                                       Explosive substance –

Industrial machinery –                                    Machine tool –

Movement –                                                    Requirement –


6 Give the Russian equivalents of these word combinations:

         The electrical power industry, sufficient quantities, households and businesses needs, domestic appliances, office equipment, industrial machinery, distribution of electricity, users of electricity, positive and negative aspects, chemical reaction, voltaic pile.


7 Text.  Electrical power industry

The electrical power industry provides the production and delivery of electrical power (electrical energy), of electricity, in sufficient quantities to areas that need   electricity through a grid. Any households and businesses need access to electricity, especially in developed nations, the demand being scarcer in developing nations. Demand for electricity is derived from the requirement for electricity in order to operate domestic appliances, office equipment, industrial machinery and provide sufficient energy for both domestic and commercial lighting, heating, cooking and industrial processes. 

The electrical power industry is commonly splint up into four processes. These are electricity generation such as a power station, electric power transmission, electricity distribution and electricity retailing. In many countries, electric power companies own the whole infrastructure from generating stations to transmission and distribution infrastructure. For this reason, electric power is viewed as a natural monopoly.

In countries where electricity provision is deregulated, end- users of electricity may opt for more costly green electricity.

All forms of electricity generation have positive and negative aspects. Technology will probably eventually declare the most preferred forms, but in a market economy, the options with less overall costs generally will be chosen above other sources.

Although electricity had been known to be produced as a result of the chemical reactions that take place in an electrolytic cell since Alessandro Volta developed the voltaic pile in 1800, its production by this means was, and still is, expensive. In 1831, Michael Faraday devised a machine that generated electricity from rotary motion, but it took almost 50 years for the technology to reach a commercially viable stage.


8  Answer the  questions to the text:

What did Michael Faraday devise in 1831?

What replaced lighting and heating in XIX century?

When the world’s first public electricity supply was provided?

Who developed the voltaic pile in 1800?

What is electricity?

What sources of electricity do you know?

Why is electric power viewed as a nature monopoly?


9 Complete the sentence with the words given below (provides, quantities to, splint up, deregulated, preferred, supplied)

The electrical power industry …………. the production and delivery of electrical power (electrical energy), of electricity, in sufficient ………..   areas that need   electricity through a grid.

The electrical power industry is commonly ………. into four processes.

In countries where electricity provision is    …...   end- users of electricity may opt for more costly green electricity.

Technology will probably eventually declare the most …………. forms, but in a market economy, the options with less overall costs generally will be chosen above other sources.

This system was powered from a water wheel on the River Wey, which drove a Siemens alternator that    ……….   a number of are lamps within the town.


10 Give antonyms:

Some, positive shortest, early, high


11 Put the prepositions:

Demand … electricity is derived …. the requirement … electricity ……… operate domestic appliances, office equipment, industrial machinery and provide sufficient energy … both domestic and commercial lighting, heating, cooking and industrial processes. 

… 1831, Michael Faraday devised a machine that generated electricity … rotary motion, but it took almost 50 years … the technology to reach a commercially viable stage.

…  countries where electricity provision is deregulated, end- users .. electricity may opt … more costly green electricity.


12 Find in the text the sentences with Active voice:


Unit 3

Text. The electric telegraph                 

Grammar: Prepositions  


1 Put the prepositions to the following sentences:

         Electricity … the battery flows through the wire and earth circuit and causes the buzzer … make a noise.

         A machine was invented to receive messages … making a mark … a paper tape … dots … one side … a line and dashes … the other.

         This is quite different … the Morse code, where is the shortest and “naught” the longest.

         Men wanted to increase the speed … sending messages.

         Castles are not built … the air.


2 Complete the sentences with suitable preposition:

Are you interested … working for us.

I’m not good … learning languages.

Sue must be fed up … studying.

What are the advantages … having a car.  

Carol went to work … feeling ill.    


3 New words

circuit- цепь                                       alternating-переменный

electricity-электричество                 increase-увеличение

direction-направление                      system-система

impulse-импульс                              cycle-цикл

current-ток                                         telegraph-телеграф


4 Give Russian equivalents of these terms:

Negative –                                                       Teleprompter –

Typewriter –                                                    Paper –

Station –                                                          Operator –

Immediately –                                                 Travel –

Machine –                                                        Forward –

Keyboard –                                                      Backward –

Transmit –                                                       Flow –


5 Translate the word combinations:

         Earth circuit, sending messages, along a wire, getting higher speeds, the length of time, to receive messages, to transmit messages, the Morse code.


6 Text. The electric telegraph

Modern telegraph systems are based upon the fact electric current will flow through a wire which forms a circuit. Electricity from the battery flows through the wire and earth circuit and causes the buzzer for make a noise. Using the Morse code, or some other code, messages can be sent in this way.

Men wanted to increase the speed of sending messages. They knew that current flows very quickly along a wire, much more quickly than even the fastest operator can use a machine to end messages by hand. One way of getting higher speeds was to use the fact that current could flow one way round the circuit, or the other.

A flow in one direction could be the same as a dash in Morse, and a flow in the other could be the same as a dot. The system is called “double current working”. It is faster than normal, or “single”, current working. A dash or a dot is signaled for the same length of time, but in the ordinary Morse code a dash in signaled by an impulse lasting three times as long as a dot.

A machine was invented to receive messages by making a mark on a paper tape with dots on one side of a line and dashes on the other. Through the years other machines were invented, both to receive and transmit messages. These machines are called teleprinters. They use a code called the International 5-unit teleprinter code instead of the Morse code. It is called a “5-unit” code because a letter or a figure is made up of five impulses of electrical current, either positive or negative-three positive, two negative; one positive, four negative; and so on. All the letters are the same length in time. This is quite different from the Morse code, where is the shortest and “nought” the longest.

A teleprinter is really a machine which sends a typewriter message over a telegraph circuit. In fact, it looks like a typewriter and has the same keyboard.


7 Answer the  Questions to the Text:

Which fact based modern telegraph systems on?

In what way messages can be sent?

How can we get higher speeds of sending messages?

How “double current working” system works?

Which advantages has teleprinter?


8 Complete the sentence with the words given below: (messages, speeds, current, invented, teleprinters)

Men  wanted to increase the speed of sending … .

One ay of getting higher …  was to use the fact that … could flow one way round the circuit, or the other.

A machine was … to receive messages by making a mark on a paper tape with dots on one side of a line and dashes on the other.

These machines are called … .


9 Give antonyms:

Noise, quickly, faster, higher speeds, same, single


10 Put the prepositions to the following sentences:

Electricity ….. the battery flows through the wire and earth circuit and causes the buzzer …. make a noise.

A machine was invented to receive messages … making a mark … a paper tape … dots … one side …. a line and dashes … the other.

This is quite different …. the Morse code, where is the shortest and “nought” the longest.


Unit 4

Text. Physiological effects of electricity

Grammar: Degrees of comparison of Adjectives.


Positive                       Comparison                              Superlative                     

Fast                               faster                                         (the) fastest

Happy                           happier                                       (the) happiest

Difficult                        more difficult                             (the) most difficult

Good, well                    better                                          (the) best

Bad, badly                     worse                                         (the) worst    

Little                                  less                                        (the) least  

Much, many                       more                                     (the) most

Far                                      farther, further                      (the) farthest furthest

Near                                    nearer                                   (the) the nearest


1 Give the three forms of adjectives:

         Serious, basic, significant, good, hard, powerful, difficult, strong, high, important.


2 Complete the sentences using any / no + comparative:

I’ve waited long enough. I’m not waiting ______.

I’m sorry I’m a bit late, but I couldn’t get here _____ anywhere else.

This shop isn’t expensive. The prices are _____.

The traffic isn’t particularly bad today. It’s _____ usual.


3 Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences:

It’s hard to concentrate when you are tired.

The more tired you are, ________. (hard)

If you are in business, you want to make profit.

The more goods you sell, _____ . (profit)

I’m afraid the problem is _________ it seems. (much/complicated)

As I waited for my interview, I became ______. (nervous)


4 New words:

capable – способный                   hazard – опасность                      

benefit – выгодный                      fibrillation – приобретение волокнистой


fortunate – удачный                     victim – жертва            

ability – способность                   clench – захват

damage – повреждение                extern – экскрачка

sufficient – достаточный             reason - причина

override – отвергнуть                  brief – резюме

 prevent – предотвратить             froze – заморозился

actuate – привести в действие    temporary – временный

involuntary – ненамеренный       disarray – беспорядок


5 Give the Russian equivalents of these terms:

Trauma                                                Organ

Static                                                    System

Material                                               Nerve

Electron                                               Muscles

Effect                                                    Temperature

Source                                                   Process


6 Translate the word combinations:

         The form of electric “shock”, static electricity, the dissipation of energy, source of heart, the most significant in terms of hazard, the nervous system, electric signals, electric impulses, involuntarily contract.


7 Text. Physiological effects of electricity

Most of us have experienced some form of electric “shock”, where electricity causes our body to experience pain or trauma. If we are fortunate, the extent of that experience is limited to tingles or jolts of pain from static electricity buildup discharging through our bodies.  

As electric current is conducted through a material, any opposition to that flow of electrons (resistance) results in a dissipation of energy, usually in the form of heat. This is the most basic and easy – to – understand effect of electricity on living tissue may be burnt. The effect is physiologically the same as damage caused by an open flame or other high – temperature source of heat, except that electricity has the ability to burn tissue well beneath the skin of a victim, even burning internal organs.

Another effect of electric current on the body, perhaps the most significant in terms of hazard, regards the nervous system. By “nervous system” I mean the network of special cells in the body called “nerve cells” or “neurons” which process and conduct the multitude of signals responsible for regulation of many body functions. The brain, spinal cord, and sensory/ motor organs in the body function together to allow it to sense, move, respond, think, and remember.

Nerve cells communicate to each other by acting as “transducers:” creating electrical signals (very small voltages and currents) in response to the input of certain chemical compounds called neurotransmitters, and releasing neurotransmitters when stimulated by  electrical signals. If electric current of sufficient magnitude is conducted through a living creature (human or otherwise), its effect will be to override the tiny electrical impulses normally generated by the neurons, overloading the nervous system and preventing both reflex and volitional signals from being able to actuate muscles. Muscles triggered by an external (shock) current will involuntarily contract, and there’s nothing the victim can do about it.


8 Answer the questions:

What do you know about physiological effects of electricity?

What is electrical “shock”?

Have you experienced this feel?

How is condition of involuntary muscle construction called?

What is more likely to cause muscle tetanus alternating current or direct current?

What current is the most dangerous?

What do you know about fibrillation?

How does the fibrillating heart work?

What do you think about this text?


         9 Put the questions to underlined words:

The victim will be completely unable to let go of the wire.

Electric current is conducted through a motional.

Direct current has the tendency to induce muscular tetanus quite redly.

We’ll take a look at how such currents typically enter and exit the body.


10 Translate the sentence, paying attention to the verbs in Future simple:

It effect will be to override the tiny electrical impulses.

This clenching action will force the hand to grasp the wire firmly.

The victim will be completely unable to let go of the wire.


11 Give the synonyms:

 Electricity, used, powerful, centralizing, familiar, turn to.


12 Complete the sentences using the correct variant:  

  Most of us have experienced 10m from of electric:

                   ___ shock

                   ___ heat

                   ___ effect

When we are working around electric devices

                   ___ electric shock becomes a much more serious issue.

                   ___ current makes it heat up

                   ___ the effect of temporarily immobilizing the victim

Direct current

                   ___moves in a continuous direction in a circuit

                   ___ from on circuit

                   ___ gives the heart a chance to recover


Unit 5

Text. Global undersea communications networks

         Grammar: Numerals


1 Translate into Russian paying attention to the numerals:

 This five networks alone represent an investment of over $6 billion by more than 100 hundred telecommunications carriers from over 120 countries. This networks contain over 100,000km of new undersea cable.

          For example, the TAT-12/13 cable network, to be completed in 1996, will start out with 32 times the capacity of first transatlantic fibre optic system, TAT-8, which has been in service since 1988.

 The TPC- 5 cable network will encircle the pacific ocean with a 24,000km ring of fire optic cable and will automatically reroute the traffic to avert traffic interruptions.

 Other networks, such as the 12,000km Asia Pacific Cable Network and the 27,000km Fibre link Around the globe (FLAG), will provide worldwide telecommunication services via undersea fibre optic cable to more countries and regions than ever before.

  In our last feature article, Africa ONE, a 40,000km cable network encircling the Africa continent, the forth generation of undersea fibre optic technology is introduced, here, optical amplifier and WDM technology are joined together to create a multipoint network having very unique properties.



2 Complete the phrases:

He’s ______ 20. =19,20,21

He’s in his _____. =between 41 and 49

She’s in her _____. =between 34 and 36

She’s in her ______. =between 67 and 69

He’s in his _______. =between 71 and 73


3 Translate the numerals:

04.05.1974: 07.07.1999. 18. 09. 1969.10 000, 2454, 1979, 243,162.


4 New words:

connect – соединять, связывать

concentrate – сосредотачивать, концентрировать

contain – содержать в себе, состоять

conduct – водить, вести, руководить, проводить

turn – вертеть, поворачивать, оборачиваться

increase – увеличивать, расширять, повышать (цены), ускорять (шаг)

reroute – изменять, изменить (маршрут)

shrink – садиться, сесть, сокращаться, сократиться.

use – употреблять, пользоваться, применять


5 Translate these terms:

Term                                           Global

Cable                                           Service

Optic                                            Final

Communication                          Automatic  


6 Give the Russian equivalents of these word combination:

         Installation of a new generation, undersea systems, fiber optic and networking technology, the final stages of planning, international communications services, the new undersea cable, enormous capacities.


7 Text. Global undersea communications networks

         With the accomplishment of the past ten years you might think that the International communications grid is now nearly complete and that only a few new cable  systems are needed as feeder routs to connect those countries not yet connected. However starting last year, installation of a new third generation of undersea systems, using the latest fibre optic and networking technology, began worldwide will upon completion by the turn of the century transform the international communications grid into a truly global undersea communication networks.

   With a new undersea system installations continue at rapid pace, we chose to concentrate this special issue on five colossal networks. This network will transform the business of providing international communications services by lowering costs increasing the bandwidth of available services.

These five networks alone represent an investment of over $6 billion by more than 100 hundred telecommunications carriers from over 120 countries. This networks contain over 100,000km of new undersea cable.

   The undersea networks discussed in this future topic issue are currently under construction or in there final stages of planning. They will have enormous capacities that may be increased after installation. For example, the TAT-12/13 cable network, to be completed in 1996, will start out with 32 times the capacity of first transatlantic fibre optic system, TAT-8, which has been in service since 1988. Tests conduct on the installed portions of this new network have already shown that it can be upgraded using wavelength-division multiplex (WDM), so its traffic caring capacities can be vary least be doubled.

    Several of these networks will also provide for uninterrupted services by automatically rerouting traffic over divers cable routes without dropping calls.

For example, the TPC- 5 cable network will encircle the pacific ocean with a 24,000km ring of fire optic cable and will automatically reroute the traffic to avert traffic interruptions. Should a ships anchor dig up and break the cable between US and Japan, traffic will be rerouted via the cable passing through Hawaii and Guam. All this rerouting will happen in less than 300ms, without interrupting the users progress call.

    Other networks, such as the 12,000km Asia Pacific Cable Network and the 27,000km Fibre link Around the globe (FLAG), will provide worldwide telecommunication services via undersea fibre optic cable to more countries and regions than ever before. In addition, with the promise of new fibre optic technologies such as WDM, these networks can be expanded and made ever more flexible. For example, in our last feature article, Africa ONE, a 40,000km cable network encircling the Africa continent, the forth generation of undersea fibre optic technology is introduced, here, optical amplifier and WDM technology are joined together to create a multipoint network having very unique properties.


8 Answer the questions:

What kind of technology the installation of new third generation use?

Why did we decide to concentrate this special issue into five colossal networks?  

What results did the tests show on the installed portion of this new network? 

How networks will provide uninterrupted services?

What places does the TPC-5 Cable Network encircle?

What will happen if ship’s anchor dig up and break the cable passing through Hawaii and Guam?

What can make traffic carrying capacities of TAT – 8 cable networks?

How can we introduce the Africa ONE cable network?

What information can the reader of IEEE Telecommunication Magazine  get?


9 Give the synonyms:

Global, a few, starting, transform, increase, reroute, shrink.


10 Give the antonyms:

 International, begin, nearly, future, after, interrupting, connect.


11 Translate the sentences paying attention to the prepositions:

With a new undersea system installations continue at rapid pace, we chose to concentrate this special issue on five colossal networks.

These five networks alone represent an investment of over $6 billion by more than 100 hundred telecommunications carriers from over 120 countries. This networks contain over 100,000km of new undersea cable.

For example, the TAT-12/13 cable network, to be completed in 1996, will start out with 32 times the capacity of first transatlantic fibre optic system, TAT-8, which has been in service since 1988.

Several of these networks will also provide for uninterrupted services by automatically rerouting traffic over divers cable routes without dropping calls.

We hope that we have given the reader of IEEE Communication Magazine a good summary of developments in international communications, and also a good description of how the latest fibre optic and networking technology will be applied to continue shrinking the boundaries of the global village.


12 Find sentences with numerals and translate them into Russian:


Unit 6

Text. Switching Technology

Grammar: Present perfect continuous

Words: thus, however, in the next.


I/we/they/you + have = (I’ve etc.)                              doing, waiting, playing,

                                                               + been

He/she/it + has = (he’s)                                               working.


1 Read the situations and complete the sentences:

We are waiting for a bus. We started waiting 20 minutes ago.

We _____________________ for 20 minutes.

Mary is working in London. She started working there on 18 January.    _____________________ since 18 January.    

It’s raining. The rain started two hours ago.

It’s ___________________ for two hours.

Our friends always spend their holidays in Italy. They started going there

            years ago. __________________ for years.


2 Write a question for each situation:

You meet Paul as he is leaving the swimming pool.

You ask: (you/swim?)________________

You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for you.

You ask: (you/wait/long?)_____________

A friend tells you about his job – he is sells computers. You want to

              know how long.

You ask: (how long/you/sell/computers?)_____________________


3 New words:

depict – изображать                              reed – тростник

subscriber – абонент                             pathпуть   

domainобласть                                  durationпродолжительность

trunkвызов                                         silenceтишина

requireтребовать                               nearbyблизкий 

customerклиент                                   loopпетля

respondреагировать                           respondреагировать

common – общий


4 Translate these international words:

Public                                               Pulse

Number                                            Electromechanical

Fundamental                                    Generation

Operator                                           Analog

Horizontal                                        Information


5 Give Russian equivalents of these word combinations:

         The public switched telephone networks, a star configuration, local loops, the manual loops, a horizontal bar line, the stronger switch, the crossbar system, operating in a digital domain.


         6 Give English equivalents of these word combinations:

Технологические изменения, локальная петля, постоянное внимание, обслуживающее лицо, переключатель, вращающиеся сигнал, электромеханическое управление, стекленное волокно, последнее поколение, вид соединения.


7 Тext. Switching Technology

The PSTN (the public switched telephone networks) we have been describing has a star configuration. Local loops (usually one per subscriber)  terminate in a CO (central-office). This CO completes connections from one local loop to another local loop or from one local loop to a trunk that terminates on some other CO. This CO has gone through a number of fundamental technological changes. The manual system required, of course, constant attention from operators. In the late 1800s, telephone calls were connected manually at the CO. When a call came in, an attendant would plug into a horizontal bar line. He then would yell to the operator who handled the customer being called, and that second operator would connect to the bar and finish setting up the call. When the call was completed, another operator would yell to all in the room that the line was clear again. The step – by – step system, which is still in operation in many parts of country, utilized that is known as the Stronger switch. The intelligence in the system was located in relays mounted on each switch. The switch itself responded to the dial pulses of the rotary dial.

The crossbar system was still electromechanical in nature, but the intelligence of the system was separated from the actual switch. Thus, this common control could be used repeatedly to set up and tear down calls and never sit idle.

When electronics came along, the electromechanical control of the common control system was replaced with electronics, and the network, or matrix, was usually replaced with tiny glass – encapsulated reed switches. Hence, only a part of the switch was electronic. In the next generation, the stored program operation of a digital computer was applied to the switch, the talking path was no longer an electrically continuous circuit; rather the speech being carried was digitized into a stream of “1s” and “0s.” Notice that this final generation depicted a significant change from the previous generations in that there was no longer an electrical talking path through the switch. We were, in fact, operating in a digital (rather than analog) domain.

However, whether the system was analog or digital, one thing must be recognized: there was an actual talking path – a circuit – from the calling party to the calling party. This talking path was established at the beginning of a call. We call it circuit switching. This system is not actually efficient. When I am talking, you are listening, and the circuit is being used in only one direction – that is 50 percent. When you are talking and I am listening, it is still 50 percent. When neither of us is talking, or when there is silence between words, the efficiency is 0 percent.  


8 Answer the questions:

How can you describe the operation the PSTN?

Where is local loops terminated?

When were telephone calls manually connected?

When was the electromechanical control of the common control replaced with electronics?

Why was only a part of the switch electronic?  

How can you recognize whether system is analog or digital?

What does circuit do when we call?

Why is the circuit switching system not so efficient?

What system is used in automated teller machine?


9 Translate the sentences into Russian: 

The PSTN (the public switched telephone networks) we have been describing has a star configuration.

When neither of us is talking, or when there is silence between words, the efficiency is 0 percent.

As mentioned earlier, the packet networks in the world (actually overlay networks to the PSTN) are being used extensively for data: only recently are we seeing them being used for voice. As systems are perfected

We were, in fact, operating in a digital (rather than analog) domain.


10 Find antonyms:

Silence, nearby, complete, necessary, clear, longer, at the beginning.


11 Write the words are given below to the correct headings:


Noun                            Adjective                 Adverb

___________               ____________              ____________

___________               ____________              ____________

___________               ____________              ____________

___________               ____________             




Operation, attention, technological, configuration, intelligence, electromechanical, actual, repeatedly, generation, electrical, connection, sufficiently, extensively, recently.


12 Fill the gaps with these words:

Therefore, thus, however, in the next, although, in spite of,.  

… the system was analogue one thing must be recognized.

There is …. , a different kind of connection, see it today in a number of application …, this common control could be used to set up.

… they are being destroyed by the influent, which factories pour into the see everyday.

… it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

… I didn’t get the job … having the necessary qualifications.   


Unit 7

Text. What if the computer man invented the telephone?  

Grammar: Modal verbs: can,may,would, need

  Suffixes: -al, -er, -ty.


1 Translate the sentence paying attention to the modal verbs.

The computer industry may have a better idea of how to go about doing things.

You would have telephone handsets beyond your wildest dreams.

There can be no doubt that if the computer industry had invented the telephone.

There would be little point having a telephone at all. 


2 Complete the sentences using the modal verbs:

I can’t understand Martin. I’ve never _______ understand to him.

I’m so tired, I ______ sleep for a week.

Ted isn’t at work today. He _______ be ill.

Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It _____ rain later.

You _____ keep it a secret. You ___ tell anyone.

Diane _______ pass the exam. She’s been studying hard.


3 Vocabulary to the text:

  opportunity – возможность                            escalate – расширять                          

approach – подход                                          embody – воплощать

claim – требование                                         speculation – спекуляция    

innovative – творческий                                 castle – замок  

unfortunately – к сожалению                         sophistication – сложность


4 Translate the terms:

Industry                                                         Commercial

Fundamental                                                  Test

Idea                                                                Contrast

Dynamic                                                         Monolithic

Argument                                                       Conception 


5 Give the Russian equivalents of these word combinations:   

         Approach to telecoms, market for new products, customer needs, the real world, monolithic conception, computer specialists, the basic quality.


6 Text. What if the computer man invented the telephone? 

What if the computer man invented the telephone? This is a speculation which offers an opportunity to question whether there is actually something fundamentally wrong with our approach to telecoms ,and to consider the possibility that the upstart computer industry may have a better idea of how to go  about things .There is an argument which claims that the computer industry embodies many of the possibility qualities telecoms seeks to learn. It is dynamic commercial and responsive to customer needs. The time to market for new products is far shorter, as companies vie to improve their offerings to meet escalating user demands for quality  and service. Castles are not built in the air

When an innovative idea is conceived, it is rapidly tested in the real world, and judged only by how convincing it is to buyers and users.

In contrast the telecoms world is shuffling hesitantly from one monolithic conception to another, seeing grandiose schemes such as ISDN become archaic before they have even reached the subscriber. So many computer specialists believe. Meanwhile, the basic quality of lines and handsets often remains poor, even in some of the richest countries.


7 Answer the questions to the text

What is this text about?

What is rapidly tested in the real world?

What argument is there in the field of computer industry?


8 Make up questions to underlined words.

It is dynamic, commercial and responsive to customer needs.

Castles are not built in the air.

When an innovative idea is conceived, it is rapidly tested in the real world, and judged only by how convincing it is to buyers and users.

 The basic quality of lines and handsets often remains poor.


9 Point out suffixes and give Russian equivalents.

Commercial, fundamentally, possibility, dynamic, hesitantly, archaic, automatic, recognition, computer, differently.


10 Mark the sentences True (T) or False (F):

There isn’t an argument which claims that the computer industry embodies many of possibility qualities telecom seeks to learn.

Castles are not built in the air.

The time to market for new products is for shorter.

The basic quality of lines and handsets often remains rich.


Unit 8

Text. Early days of the automobile 

Grammar: Passive voice.


Present simple                    Past simple                     Future simple 

I am asked                            I was asked                      I, we, shall be asked

He, she,  It}is asked            He, she, It}was asked       He, she, it,                                            

We, you,                              I, he                                                    }will be asked

               }are asked          She, it  }was asked              You, they,


                                         We, you,

                                                         }were asked


Меня спрашивают           Меня спрашивали              Меня спросят       


1 Translate the sentences paying attention to the verbs in Passive voice:  

 One of the earliest attempts to propel a vehicle by mechanical – power was suggested by Isaac Newton.

 But the first self – propeller vehicle was constructed by the French military engineer Cugnot in 1763.

  In 1825a steam engine was built in Great Britain. The Vehicle carried 18 passengers and covered 8miles in 45 minutes.

 The cars of that time were very small, two – seated cars with no roof, driven by an engine placed under the seat Motorists had to carry large cans of fuel and separate spare tyres, for there were no repair or filling stations to serve them.

Constant efforts were made to standardize common components.


         2 Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in correct form, present or past: Cause, damage, hold, invite, make, overtake, show, surround, translate, write.

Many accidents ________ by dangerous driving.

Cheese _______ from milk.

The roof of the building _____ in a storm a few days ago.

You _____ to the wedding.

A cinema is a place where films ______.

In the United States, elections for president ____ every four years.

Originally the book ____ in Spanish, and a few years ago it ____ into English.


3 New words:

propel – продвигать                                 abolition – отмена

steam – пар                                               governorгубернатор

inefficient – не эффектный                      tireшина

lag отстаивать                                       exhibitпоказывать

restrictionограничение                         gloriousвеликолепный

legislative – законодательный                 possession – находиться


4 Translate these terms:

Extremely                                             Result

Construct                                              Gasoline

Mechanical                                           Cycle

Passenger                                              Station

Mile                                                      Component

Motor                                                    Cylinder

Opposition                                            Efficient


5 Give the Russian equivalents of these word combinations:

Automobile industry, felling station, great reliability of motor cars, great human achievements, single inventor, internal combustion engine, the speed of the steam, propeller vehicle, extremely inefficient, mechanical power, self – propeller vehicle, steam – driven engine, steam – driven vehicle, cans of fuel, filling station, multi – cylinder engine, four – cylinder engine, motor car, vehicles driven, engine – car.



         6 Text. Early days of the automobile

 One of the earliest attempts to propel a vehicle by mechanical – power was suggested by Isaac Newton. But the first self – propeller vehicle was constructed by the French military engineer Cugnot in 1763. he built a steam – driven engine which had three wheels, carried two passengers Andean at maximum speed of four miles. The carnage was a great achievement but it was far from perfect and extremely inefficient. The supply of steam lasted only 15 minutes and the carnage had to stop every 100yards to snake more steam.

        In 1825a steam engine was built in Great Britain. The Vehicle carried 18 passengers and covered 8miles in 45 minutes. However, the progress of motor cars met with great opposition in Great Britain. Further development of the motor car lagged because of the restrictions resulting from legislative acts. The most famous of these acts was the Red Flag Act of 1865, according to which the speed of the steam – driven vehicles was limited to 4miles per hour and a man with a red flag had to walk in front of it Motoring really started in the country after the abolition of this act.

   In Russia there were cities where motor cars were outlawed altogether. When the editor of the editor of the local newspaper of the city of Uralsk bought a car, the governor issued these instructions to the police : “ When the vehicle appears in the streets, it is to be stopped and escorted to the police station, where its driver is to be prosecuted.”

       From 1860 to 1900 was a period of the application of gasoline engines to motor cars in many countries. The first to perfect gasoline engine was N.Otto who introduced the four – stroke cycle of operation. By that time motor cars got a standard shape and appearance. In 1896a procession of motor cars to place London to Brighton to satisfy how reliable the new vehicles were, in fact, many of the cars broke, for the transmissions were still unreliable and constantly gave trouble.

           The cars of that time were very small, two – seated cars with no roof, driven by an engine placed under the seat Motorists had to carry large cans of fuel and separate spare tyres, for there were no repair or filling stations to serve them.

       After World War it became possible to achieve – greater reliability of motor cars, brakes became more efficient. Constant efforts were made to standardize common components. Multi-cylinder engines came into use, most commonly used are four-cylinder engines.

      Like most other great human achievements, the motor car is not the product of any single inventor. Gradually the development of vehicles driven by internal combustion engine – cars, as they had come to be known, led to the abolition of earlier restrictions. Huge capital began to flow into the automobile industry.

      From 1908 to 1924 the number of cars in the world rose from 200 thousand to 20 million; by 1960 it had reached 60 million! No other industry had ever developed at such a rate.

      There are about 3.000 Americans who like to collect antique cars. They have several clubs such as Antique automobile Club and Veteran Motor Car Club, which specialize in rare models. The clubs practice meetings where members can exhibit their cars. Collectors can also advertise in the magazines published by their clubs. Some magazines specialize in a single type of car such as glorious Model TV A number of museum have exhibition of antique automobile history. But practically the best collection-100 old cars of great rarity – is in possessions of William Harrah. He is very influential in his field. The value of his collection is not only historical but also practical: photographs of his cars are used for films and advertisements.


7 Answer the questions:

Who constructed the first self – propeller vehicle?

How many passengers can the propeller vehicle carry?

When was the period of the application of gasoline engines?

What was after World war happened?  

How many cars were produced in the beginning of 20 century?

Where is “Beaulieu Motor Museum” situated?

When was it founded?     

What kind of cars one can see in “Beaulieu Motor Museum”?


8 Give Russian equivalents of these sentences:

There are about 3.000 Americans who like to collect antique cars.

Lord Montague’s father was the first person in England to be fined by the police for speeding, he was fined 5pounds for going faster than 12 miles per hour!

From 1908 to 1924 the number of cars in the world rose from 200 thousand to 20 million; by 1960 it had reached 60 million! No other industry had ever developed at such a rate.

In 1825a steam engine was built in Great Britain. The Vehicle carried 18 passengers and covered 8miles in 45 minutes.

From 1860 to 1900 was a period of the application of gasoline engines to motor cars in many countries.  


9 Find antonyms:

Huge, glorious, constant, achievement, perfect.    


Unit 9

Text. Current Cellular Standards 

Grammar: Perfect passive, modal verbs in the passive.

Words: each, although.


To have + been + Participle II

                 I, we, you, they,       have

Present                                 +            } been written 

       He, she, it                 has



Past          I, we, you, they,    } had been written

                 He, she, it         


Future       {I, we}+ shall

                   he, she, it,

                                     + will     }  have been written

                   you, they    

1 Translate the sentences with the passive voice: 

The cellular solution, originally designed by Bell Telephone  laboratories in 1970’s makes use of  multiple fixed stations.

 Anyone who has tried to make a call and has been prevented or “blocked” will understand this concept.

 Since the installation of the first network in Hong Kong, the major telecommunications corporations have been feverishly shaking their claims in the future CDMA market, especially in the United States.

 1996 saw FCC auctions for the frequency ranges used by CDMA networks, and several companies have been trying to capture the most profitable regions of the country for their coverage.

Despite the claims from advocates of existing technology that CDMA was a theory that looked good on paper but could never be refined enough to be applied, the technology was researched and pursued.


2 Complete the sentences using get/got + the following verbs:

Ask, damage, hurt, pay, steal, sting, stop, use

There was a fight at a party, but nobody _____

Alex ______ by a bee while he was sitting in a park.

These tennis courts don’t ____ very often.

I used to have a bicycle, but it ______ a few months ago.

Rachel works hard but doesn’t ______ very much.

Last night I _____ by the police as I was driving home.

Please pack this things very carefully. I don’t want them to _____.

People often want to know what my job is. I often ______ that question.  


3 New words:  

approximate – приблизительный, близко.

scheme – план, проект, программа.

multiple – составной, сложный, имеющий много отделов.

channel – пролив, канал, проток

propagate – размножать(ся), разводить

allocation – размещение, распределение

solution – решение, разрешение

dimension – измерение, аспект

decay – гниение распад, разложение, упадок 

rational – основная причина

frequency – частотность, частота

adjacent – примыкающий, смежный, соседний

depict – рисовать, изображать

associate – соединять, связывать

despite – злоба, презрение

refined – очищенный

maturation – созрение, достижение полного развитие

4 Give Russian equivalents of these terms:

Original                                                 Area

Design                                                   Service

System                                                   Personal

Analogue                                               Block

Methods                                                 Concepts

Number                                                  Channel


5 Translate the word combinations:

         Cellular  station, spectral allocations, data communications, telephone call, data transmission, telephone traffic intensity, time frame, geographical area.


6 Text. Current   Cellular Standards

The cellular solution, originally designed by Bell Telephone  laboratories in 1970’s makes use of  multiple fixed stations. Each station, located in what is termed a “cell” services subscriber stations within a limited geographical area. Cellular companies are each granted 25 MHz of the spectral division in the 800 – 900 MHz region, each split between the two directions of communications. Typical analogue systems such as AMPS employ FDMA schemes that divide the spectral analogue systems such as AMPS employ FDMA schemes that divide the spectral allocations into uniform frequency channels in the range of 25 – 30 kHz wide. Applying simple algebra shows the approximate number of channels to be around 416. This number, although appearing somewhat large, is rather small with respect to data communications.

      Different types of cellular systems employ various methods of “multiple access”, meaning that multiple, simultaneous users can be supported. These users share a common pool of radio channels and can gain access to any channel. Just as each telephone call is granted a specific line for discourse, each subscriber is assigned to each channel; no other conversations can access it until the call is completed. These channels are limited resource of cellular companies as are the number of phone lines for Ma Bell. Solutions to achieve greater capacity are central to cellular principles.

       Spectral allocations are limited for each sell, due in part to regulatory agencies limiting the bandwidth in order for communication companies to create highly efficient solutions. This spectral efficiency is measured in Erlangs per unit service area, per MHz. Quite simply, this dimensionless unit of telephone traffic intensity, known as the Erlanger blocking probability (typically 0.05), is equal to calling rate multiplied by the average call length. This shows the capacity for a channel to be completely occupied for some given time frame, with higher values representing higher channel usage. Due to the explosive growth of the cellular industry exceeding initial predictions of analysts, subscribers in many urban cities often experience “blocking” with the trend increasing as number of wireless LAN’s and personal cellular radios continue to grow. Anyone who has tried to make a call and has been prevented or “blocked” will understand this concept. One in six Los Angel’s subscribers experiences blocking during peak hours. Many subscribers also experience “dropped calls” when leaving one cell and moving into another when the new cell can’t allocate a carrier channel to the mobile. Consequently this leads to poor customer relations which forces the cellular providers to arrive at solutions that achieve high spectral efficiency to increase cell capacity.


7 Answer the questions:

When was the cellular solution designed?

What schemes do typical analog systems employ?

What does multiple access method mean?

How many subscribes are assigned to each channel at a time?

How is spectral efficiency measured?

What can subscribes experiences do?

What does frequency reuse depend upon?

What has led to a rapid development of the technology?

When was the first commercial CDMA network installed in Hong Kong?

What was happened since the installation of the first commercial network in Hong Kong?  


8 Translate the sentences paying attention to the words with each, although:

 Cellular companies are each granted 25 MHz of the spectral division in the 800 – 900 MHz region, each split between the two directions of communications.

 This number, although appearing somewhat large, is rather small with respect to data communications.

 Just as each telephone call is granted a specific line for discourse, each subscriber is assigned to each channel; no other conversations can access it until the call is completed.

Here each cell represents an allocation of channels where no adjacent cells share common frequencies, with a typical maximum subscriber load at about 350 users.


9 Find the synonyms:

Approximate, multiple, dimension, depict, associate, major, use.


10 Find the sentences with modal verbs in the passive voice from the text and translate them into Russian:


11 Read the text again and mark the sentences True (T) or False (F):

This spectral efficiency isn’t measured in Errands per unit service area, per MHz. 

 Solutions to achieve greater capacity are central to cellular principles.

 Anyone who has tried to make a call and has been prevented or “blocked” won’t understand this concept.

 This shows the capacity for a channel to be completely occupied for some given time frame, with higher values representing higher channel usage.

 Different types of cellular systems employ various methods of “multiple access”, meaning that multiple, simultaneous users can’t be supported.


Unit 10

Text. Transistors and Semiconductors Devices

Grammar: the Participle


                       Participle I                  Participle II                 Perfect Participle

                      Simultaneousness                                                  Priority  


Active                writing                       ---------                        having written

Passive              being written              written                         having been written


1 Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participle:

Devices consisting of solid pieces of crystalline material which allowed alternating current to flow more readily  in one direction than the other were known long before the invention of the thermion valve.

 The crystal set which became so well known in the early days of radio depended on the rectifying action at the point of contact between the surface of certain crystals and a fine wire. The transistor is a semiconductor triode possessing characteristics which are similar in many respects to those of thermion triodes

Why were these new devices so important and why are they steadily replacing their older equivalents?


2 New words :

depend – зависеть                                                  steadily – устойчиво 

require – требовать                                                invention – изобретение   

equipment – оборудование                                   efficient – эффективный

junction – переход                                                 generate – произвести

provideобеспечить                                             wear outизноситься


3 Translate the terms into the Russian:

Crystalline material                                                 Contact transistor                            

Thermion valve                                                       Components

Crystal valve                                                            Instruments

Semiconductor                                                         Design

Transistor                                                                 Compact circuits

Equipment                                                                Oscillators



4 Give English equivalents from following word combinations.

кристаллический метал

точка соприкосновения

радиолокационные приемники

электронные лампы

полупроводниковый триод

измерительные приборы


5 Text. Transistors and Semiconductors Devices  

Devices consisting of solid pieces of crystalline material which allowed alternating current to flow more readily in one direction than the other were known long before the invention of the thermion valve. The crystal set which became so well known in the early days of radio depended on the rectifying action at the point of contact between the surface of certain crystals and a fine wire. Crystal valves, using silicon crystals, were found to be more efficient for the very high frequency signals reaching radar receivers than any thermion valves. The action of these devices was not understood, but they were all made from materials which we now classify as semiconductors: substances which let electric current pass through them more easily than insulators do but much less easily than do true conductors.

In 1948 Barren and Brittan invented the point –contact transistor and Shockley invented the junction transistor shortly after. The transistor is a semiconductor triode possessing characteristics which are similar in many respects to those of thermion triodes. At present transistors are widely used in amplifiers, receivers, transmitters, oscillators, TV sets, measuring instruments, pulse circuits, computers, and many other types of radio equipment.

 The very small size and weigh, combined with low heat dissipation, permits very high  density packing of components and, in combination with their reliability, this has made possible the design of the very compact circuits which are essential for such applications as computers, portable measuring instruments, satellite instrumentation, etc.


6 Answer the questions:

What properties does the crystalline material have?

What is a transistor?

Why were these new devices so important and why are they steadily replacing their older equivalents?

What great advantages do transistors have?

What is essential for such applications as computers, portable measuring instruments, satellite instrumentation, etc?

What is the difference between conductor and insulator?


7 Put the prepositions when they necessary are:

 The inventions … transistors solid-state devices led … acceleration …the growth … electronics.

  A brief review … their advantages compared …thermion devices will provide the answers …the questions.

 … present transistors are widely used … amplifiers , receivers, transmitters, oscillators, TV sets , measuring instruments, pulse circuits, computers, and many other types … radio equipment.


Unit 11

Text.  Wireless

Grammar: Gerund 


Syntactical functions               Gerund                                   Participle         

Subject                                       Driving a car is                       ------------

                                                             a profession.  

Predicate                                   His hobby is driving.     He is driving to Kiev now.


Object                                        He writes articles about           ------------


Adjective                                   His plan of driving to         The man driving a car is

                                                          Kiev is not good.                 our chief engineer.


Adverbial modifier                  Before driving a car one       Driving a car one must

                                            must learn to do it properly.                be very attentive.


1 Translate the sentences paying attention to Gerund:

Metropolitan areas were divided into cells of no more than a few miles in diameter, each cell operating on a set of frequencies (send and receive) that different from the frequencies of the adjacent cells.

 But the age of digital transmission was upon us, and many companies operating in this area concluded that a digital transmission scheme would be preferred.

Geosynchronous satellites represent yet another way of providing wireless communications.

This is skin to a cellular system expect that in this case it is the cell site that is moving rather than the subscriber.


2 Put the suitable verb into the correct form:

         Test, improve, heat, generate, invite.

          Without ______ the properties of this alloy we can’t use it in the production process.

          Much effort is being given to find the most efficient means of ______ electricity.

         Our professor likes _____ young specialists to take part in his researches.

          ______ the gas increases the speed of the molecules.

 The investigator mentioned his _______ this material for strength.

3 New words:

unfortunatelyк сожалению                              rapidlyбыстро

subscribers – подписчик                                     satellite – спутник

satisfу – удовлетворять                                      transmission – передача

division – отделение                                           launch – запуск

sophisticated – сложный                                     usefulness – полезность

operate – приводить в действие                         frequencies – частота


4 Give the Russian equivalents of these terms:  

Radio                                                                    Industry

System                                                                  Diameter

Telephone                                                             Area

Mobile                                                                  Companies

Channel                                                                Global

Metropolitan                                                         geosynchronous


5 Translate the word combinations:

         Commercial available radio and telephone system, mobile telephone service, a tall transmitter tower, the metropolitan area, cellular radio, global system of mobile communications (GSM), frequency division, dial tone, multiple access.   


6 Text. Wireless

  The first commercial available radio and telephone system, known as improved mobile telephone service (IMTS), was put into service in 1946. This system was quite unsophisticated – but then there was no solid state electronic available.

With IMTS a tall transmitter tower was erected near the centre of a metropolitan area. Several assigned channels were transmitted and received from the antenna atop this tower.

Any vehicle within range could attempt to seize one of those channels and complete a call. Unfortunately, the number of channels made available did not come even close to satisfying the need. To make matters worse, as the metropolitan area grew, more power was applied to the transmitter or receiver, the reach was made great, and still more subscribers were unable to get dial tone.

The solution to this problem was cellular radio. Metropolitan areas were divided into cells of no more than a few miles in diameter, each cell operating on a set of frequencies (send and receive) that different from the frequencies of the adjacent cells. Because the power of the transmitter in a particular cell was kept at a level just high enough to serve that cell, these same sets of frequencies could be used at several places within the metropolitan area. Beginning in 1983, two companies, one called a wire line company and the other called a non wire line carrier, were given a franchise to operate in each major territory.

Two characteristics of cellular system were important of their usefulness. First, the system controlled handoff. As subscribers drove out of one cell and into another, their automobile radios, in conjunction with sophisticated electric equipment at the cell site (also known as base stations) and telephone switching offices (also known as mobile telephone switching office [MTSO]), transferred from one frequency set to another with no audible pause. Second, systems were also designed to locate particular subscribers paging them in each of the cells. When the vehicle in which a paged subscriber was riding was located, the equipment assigned set of frequencies to it, and conversation could begin.

The initial transmission technology used between the vehicle and cell site was along in nature. It is known as advanced mobile phone service (AMPS). The along scheme used was called frequency division multiple access (FDMA).

But the age of digital transmission was upon us, and many companies operating in this area concluded that a digital transmission scheme would be preferred. The result was time division multiple access (TDMA). In Europe, the selected scheme was an adaptation of the TDMA used in the United States, and it was called group special mobile. Since then, the name has been changed to global system of mobile communications (GSM).  


7 Answer the questions:

 When was the first commercially available radio and telephone system put into service?  

What problem did cellular radio solve?

What is GSM?   

What technology was used between the vehicle and the sell site?

How many schemes may be used between the vehicle and the cell site?

How did the PCS industry appear? 

What do geosynchronous satellites represent?

What is LEO?

What are the most noted satellites? 


8 Find Abbreviations from the text and Give full meanings of them:


9 Make up questions to the bold words:

         Geosynchronous satellites represent yet another way of providing wireless communications.

The most noted is Iridium, created by Motorola, which would utilize sixty – six satellites.

         It catches the call from earth and usually passes it to an earth – based switching system.

         That time amount quarter of a second.

         Consequently, voice communications is seldom carried via geosynchronous satellites.


10 Read the nouns paying attention to the suffixes:

Transmitter, receiver, subscriber, solution, conjunction, adaptation, communication, preparation, transformer, inventor.


Список литературы


1. Eric H. Glendining “Technology”

2. Kathy Gude, Jayne Wildman “Matrix” (Intermediate level) 

3. Liz and John Soars “Headway” (Intermediate level)





1 Unit 1                                                                                                                      3

2 Unit 2                                                                                                                      5

3 Unit 3                                                                                                                      8

4 Unit 4                                                                                                                     10

5 Unit 5                                                                                                                     13

6 Unit 6                                                                                                                     16

7 Unit 7                                                                                                                     19

8 Unit 8                                                                                                                     21

9 Unit 9                                                                                                                     24

10 Unit 10                                                                                                                 28

11 Unit 11                                                                                                                 30

Список литературы                                                                                                 33