Некоммерческое акционерное общество


Кафедра Иностранные языки









Методические указания  по развитию навыков устной речи

(для всех специальностей)








Алматы 2011


СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: Козлов В.С. Английский язык. Методические указания по развитию навыков устной речи  (для всех специальностей).- Алматы. АУЭС, 2011. – 41  с.



Данные методические указания по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов специальностей затрагивают очень важную тему, связанную с поисками работы, ситуацией на рынке труда, проблемами занятости, подачей заявления для устройства на работу, составлением резюме, подготовкой к собеседованию



       Рецензент: доцент У.Б.Серикбаева




       Печатается по плану издания некоммерческого акционерного общества

«Алматинский университет энергетики и связи» на 2011 г.



©НАО «Алматинский университет энергетики и связи», 2011

Сводный план 2011 г., поз. 293.

Lesson 1                                                                              Урок 1


                                                     Job problems

1.    Exercises

       Exercise 1. Match the equivalents.

               A                                       B   

applicant                        биржа труда

apply (v) for a job               бюро по трудоустройству

contract of employment      вакансия

curriculum vitae              жизнеописание

employment                занятость

employment agency        заявление о приеме на работу

interview                         интервью

job                                 кандидат

job centre                   квалификация

job description                   контракт о найме на работу

letter of application         описание работы

personality                      особенности характера

previous experience        подать заявление о приеме на работу

qualification                    подписать контракт

requirement                    постановления и условия (договора)

shop steward                  предыдущий опыт

sign (v) the contract        работа

terms and conditions          требования

vacancy                          цеховой профсоюзный уполномоченный

    Exercise 2. Read the text and the dialogue.


                                                               A. Text

    People in Britain can look for jobs in the Situations Vacant column of national or local newspapers. National newspapers such as “The Guardian” focus on different areas of employment such as media, education, social work and information technology on different days. Job vacancies are also displayed at Job Centres and other Employment Agencies in towns and cities and on the Internet.

    Before applying for a job, you should check that you meet the requirements. These are usually specified in terms of previous experience, qualifications and personality. To show that you are a suitable candidate for the post, it is usual to enclose a curriculum vitae with your letter of application. There are many computer programs that will help you produce a well designed and professional-looking curriculum vitae, available both from computer software retailers and as freeware on the web.

    If you make the right impression, you will be invited to an interview; otherwise you will probably receive a letter saying: “we regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful.” The successful applicant will probably be given a contract of employment which will contain the job description and the terms and conditions. You show your acceptance of these by signing the contract.

      On your first day of work, you may be invited to join a trade union. If so, you will probably be introduced to your shop steward, the trade union official who will represent you and your colleagues in negotiations with management. Sooner or later, you will meet your boss. The person who you report to, could also be called a line manager or director. In factories, workers often take their orders from a team-leader or foreman, who is an intermediary between the employer and the employees.


B. Dialogue

    A: Do people in Britain work hard?

    B: I’d say they do. Jobs are so hard to get that if you’re lucky enough to have   one, you know that you’re expected to pull your weight.

    A: What are the conditions of work like?

    B: They vary tremendously between jobs. You can see what they’re like for people working in supermarket check-outs. They have to keep up or else shoppers or their supervisors get angry.

    A: How about in schools?

    B: School-teachers have plenty to do now that they have to administer tests as part of the National Curriculum. In many cases, they’ve had to stop running clubs and societies after school. They used to do this voluntarily, but now they’re much too exhausted.

    A: Do you think that public sector workers such as teachers, doctors, nurses and fire fighters should be allowed to strike?

    B: Not if they’re properly rewarded. Their unions should come together with the employers and negotiate no-strike agreements.

    A: What if the employers decide to introduce new working practices? After all, things can’t remain the same for ever.

    B: Any change in conditions should be negotiated as well.

    A: And what happens if the two sides can’t agree?

    B: Then the dispute should go to arbitration. What’s needed is an independent body to mediate in industrial disputes. It might sometimes have to impose a settlement.

    A: Surely, nobody can force people to go to work, if they really don’t want to.

    B: Then they risk losing their jobs. It is wrong to leave hospital patients without doctors and nurses. Likewise, strikes among teachers can severely disrupt the education of our children.

    A: So you don’t think everybody should have the right to strike?

    B: Well, I think everybody should have the right to join a trade union. This allows free collective bargaining. You can’t have every worker making separate deals with management. The strike weapon should only be used as a last resort if arbitration fails. Employees should know that management may impose a lock-out.

    Exercise 3. Find the “odd one out”. There may be more than one answer. Give    your reasons.

         A                                 B                        C

    1.   an application                   a post                 a vacancy

    2.   an applicant                  a candidate             an interviewer

    3.   an employee                 an employer            a worker

    4.   an industrial dispute          a lockout             a strike

    5.   a union representative       a shop steward        a foreman

    6.   an apprentice                a probationer          a trainee

    7.   a department                 a division                a district

    8.   wages                               salary                          pay

    Exercise 4. Discussion questions.

1.    What ratio of work to leisure would be your ideal? Answer using percentages.

2.    Are the people in your country famous for working hard or for having a good social life?

3.    What jobs would you most and least like to do?

4.    What jobs have you done in your life and what did you like and dislike about them?

5.    Which age-groups are worst affected by unemployment in your country? Should people who have never worked before be entitled to unemployment benefit?

6.    What are the causes of unemployment and how is the problem solved in your country?

7.    Do women in your country have equality of job opportunities? Are they paid as well as men?

8.    Are there many migrant workers in your country? If so, what kind of jobs do they do? What are their working conditions like?

9.    Do people leave your country to find work in other countries? Where do they go? What sort of jobs do they get? Are they made welcome?

10.  Do workers in your country pay a lot of income tax to the government? Do people with large salaries pay a much higher rate of tax than other workers? Do you think they should?

11.  Do you think that every worker should have the right to join a Trade Union?

12.  Do you think that every worker, (including doctors, nurses, teachers, the police, ambulance crews and fire fighters), should have the right to go on strike?



    Exercise 5. Make similar dialogue about the job situation in Russia.


    Exercise 6. Read this article. What are your reactions to it?


                                              Too old at 30

    I’m contemplating applying for my fifty-first job. It’s been a long time since I wasted stamp money this way. In fact, when I reached the fiftieth without success I decided to abandon job-hunting and got out my pen to scratch a living instead.

    But there’s another wildly exciting job in the paper today, “salary $ 12,500–16,250 according to age and experience”. The good news is the pay, the bad news is that damning little phrase “according to age and experience” which means I won’t get the job.

    It’s not that I have more age than experience – I’ve led an incident-packed existence. Unfortunately it’s not all related to a single-strand career structure. Journalist, temp, company director, wife and mother, market researcher, and now, at thirty-something, I’m trying to use my Cambridge degree in criminology.

    I’m a victim of the sliding pay-scale. Employers can obtain a fresh 22-year-old graduate to train a lot cheaper than me. Yet I’m the ideal employee: stable, good-humoured, child-bearing behind me, looking for 25-plus years of steady pensionable employment.

    Ageism is everywhere. It’s much more prevalent than sexism in the job market, or that’s how it seems from where I’m standing. Even the BBC is a culprit. Their appointments brochure says: “The BBC’s personnel policies are based on equal opportunities for all ... This applies to ... opportunity for training and promotion, irrespective of sex, marital status, creed, colour, race or ethnic origin, and the BBC is committed to the development and promotion of such equality of opportunity. Traineeships ... are available to suitably qualified candidates under the age of 25.”

    Ageism is lagging behind sexism, racism, and handicappism because even the oppressed seem to accept the discrimination. The public and private sectors are obsessed with attracting young high-flyers. Yet there are many professions that would benefit from the maturity and stability the older entrant can bring. This is recognized by the Probation Service, for example, who welcome experienced adults looking for a second career.

    The armed services and police, perhaps, could think about strenuous aptitude and fitness tests rather than imposing a blanket upper limit on entrants which is arbitrarily and variously fixed between 28 and 33. The administrative grade of the Civil Service assumes the rot sets in at 32.

    My own pressing concern is to alleviate my guilt. I loved every minute of my university education, and I’m desperately grateful to the Government for financing me through this at a cost of over $ 10,000. But unless someone gives me a job, how can I pay them back in income tax?


    Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Decide whether statements 1 to 10 are true or false, according to the article.

                                                                                           true    false

1.    The writer is over forty years old.                                                    

2.    She gave up applying for jobs some time ago.                                                 3.      She has not had much experience of working for a living.             

4.    Employers think that someone of her age is too

       expensive to employ.                                                             

5.    She needs a job so that she can support her family.                          

6.    People don’t get as angry about ageism as about

       other forms of discrimination.                                                          

7.    Employers are looking for bright, ambitious people of

      any age.                                                                        

8.    More mature employees would be valuable assets

       to many professions.                                                             

9.    People in their thirties can’t get jobs in government


10.  She wants to ‘repay’ the State for her university


         Exercise 8. Work in groups. Discuss these questions:

-  What would you do if you were in the same position as the writer?

-  Do you know someone who is unlucky or unsuccessful in getting jobs?

-  Can you explain the reasons for their lack of success?

-  What could they do to improve their chances of success?

-  How does the law in your country discourage discrimination by employers?

       Exercise 9. Match the term and its definition.

to be bought out     the latest information or news

to be laid off   to be purchased, taken over by another company

competitive     to form into a smooth shape which can easily move

                       through air or water to improve the performance of

                       something to simplify a process

dedicated        to lose your job because the company wants to

                       reduce the number of employees

to downsize     to make more modern

to get rid of     to reduce the size of a company, to reduce the

                       number of employees

outdated          to reeducate someone for a job, train again

to retrain         to throw away, remove, eliminate something or


to streamline    too old, antiquated

to update         very loyal; working hard for a person, company or


an update        worthy of competition, liking competition

Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the words given.

     competitive         dedicated     downsize         get rid of

     outdated             retrain          streamline            update

     was bought out                     was laid off

       Barbara:       Did you hear Lars lost his job?

 Tim:         Really, he has been working for that advertising agency for almost        five years. He was such a ___________ employee – I can’t believe he was fired!

       Barbara:       He wasn’t fired, he ____________. Terra Advertising __________ by some internet marketing firm from the East Coast.

       Tim:         That’s terrible! Why didn’t the new company keep him. I’m sure they could use someone with his skills.

 Barbara:       Lars said the new company needs to ______________.

 Tim:         Why?

  Barbara:      They need to reduce the number of employees they have if they want to remain ______________.

  Tim:            Why did they _______________ Lars? He’s great at what he does.

  Barbara:       They hired a specialist to come in and help ____________ the company. Lars is creative and very respected in the advertising industry, but his skills have become _______________. He can’t use a computer and he doesn’t know anything about the internet. He is no help to an internet marketing firm.

  Tim:            He needs to go back to school and __________. The career center downtown offers free classes to people who need to ____________ their skills and training.

  Barbara:       Why don’t you suggest that to him.


        Exercise 11. Fill in the sentences with the words given.

competitive             dedicated        get rid of         is downsizing  

outdated                 retrain            streamlined     update

was bought out       was laid off

1.  My grandfather’s way of thinking is so _____________; he thinks women should stay at home and have babies.

2.  I have no idea what is happening in the world. Have you heard the latest news _______________?

3.  Where can I __________ this Coke can? Is there a trash can around here?

4.  John and Mark both really want to win the contest. They are so ___________.

 5. They made many changes to the Nexus Thunder last year. For example, they _______________ the car’s design to reduce wind resistance and improve gas mileage.

6.    Last month, that small book store _______________ by a large international chain.

7.    The government is trying to help _______________ the auto workers who lost their jobs.

8.    At present, my company ___________ and I am afraid I might lose my job.

9.    Sarah _______________ over two months ago, and she is still looking for work.

10.  Ted is the perfect father. He is very __________________ to his family.


      Exercise 12. One person’s ‘secure, pensionable job’ is somebody else’s idea of a life of boredom, aid might suggest to a third person an inefficient bureaucracy. One person’s economic dynamism’ is somebody else’s economic insecurity. And so on. Divide the following words into two categories: those which, in general, sound positive, and those which sound negative. Then discuss and justify your lists.

computerization                             decentralization       deregulation

flexibility         free trade                globalization

growth            job-sharing              productivity

public services rationalization          restructuring

self-employment                            stability         structural change

taxes               technology              welfare


Positive                          Negative



       Exercise 13. Read the following text and decide whether it is about (a) changes in family life, (b) job security, or (c) unemployment.

The Guardian, October 30 1995                

       The British are increasingly at risk. The chances of their jobs disappearing, of their incomes falling, of their homes being repossessed or being impossible to sell, of their families breaking up, of their networks of friendships disintegrating, have not been higher since the war.

      On top of the long-standing concerns about the growing gap between rich and poor, there is an increasing awareness of a new range of risks that are bringing fresh patterns of social distress and exclusion. Unemployment and low pay are no longer the sole measures of inequality and lack of social well-being; with the rise of new forms of casualized, temporary and contract forms of employment, even those on average incomes and above can become victims of pressures beyond their control. They too can be left partially or completely excluded from their social networks.    

      More and more risk has accrued on workforces as successive Employment Acts have reduced employee protection and as companies have come under intense and growing pressure from pension funds and insurance company shareholders to deliver the highest financial returns in the industrialized world. Companies can profitably manage the ebb and flow of demand over the business cycle if they reduce their core staff to a minimum and hire additional workers on contracts which will allow them to be shed quickly if times get rough. The company bears less risk. The risk is borne by their fluctuating labour force. The famous example is of Burger King, where young workers clocked on when customers appeared; this reduced their wages to a derisory level but ensured that they were only paid for the minutes they were needed.

      There has been a marked growth in forms of work that are not ‘tenured’. With full-time workers only qualifying for tenure after two years, the recent pick-up in full-time work means little. They can be laid off within two years as easily as they were hired. The rapid growth in the number of part-timers without any formal job security, contract workers, workers sacked and then rehired as self-employed, temporary, part-time self-employed and agency workers is the true indicator that employment conditions have changed; self-employment alone has doubled over the past ten years. Even those employers who want to hold out against the new trends are forced to conform. If they allow their wage costs to rise above the industry average, they face loss of market share and financial distress.

Market testing, contracting-out, downsizing and delaying are steadily transferring workers into much less secure work patterns. By the year 2000, full-time tenured employment, around which stable family life has been constructed along with the capacity to service 25 year mortgages, will be a minority form of work.

(‘High risk strategy’ by Will Hutton)


       Exercise 14. Answer the questions:

1. What the major development in employment practices that the text describes.

2. In the second paragraph, does Will Hutton say that unemployment and low pay are now (a) not a problem, (b) not a major problem, or (c) no the only problem?

3. What is the author’s criticism of institutional investors?

4. Why are nearly all companies obliged to follow current employment trends?


Exercise 15. Can you explain the meaning of the following?

    -   agency workers;

    -   casual employment;

    -   contract workers.




       Exercise 16. Match up the following three verbs and definitions:

contracting-out        a decreasing the number of permanent employees on the


down-sizing        flattening the hierarchy and stripping out intermediate

                       management positions

delayering          using sub-contractors to supply components or services


       Exercise 17. Match up the words and expressions on the left with those on the right.

to accrue             to behave like everybody else

to bear                to carry or take (a risk)

to conform          central, essential

core (adj)            fluctuation

derisory               guaranteed, permanent employment

ebb and flow       an increase

to hold out against        to increase or build up

pick-up (n)          to lose or get rid of

to shed                to resist

tenure                  ridiculous, laughable


       Exercise 18. Which of the following words mean the same as to employ someone, and which mean the same as to dismiss someone?

    appoint                   engage fire           hire             lay off        

    make redundant       sack               take on


Exercise 19. Discuss the following, using the questions below.

    Common suggestions to reduce employment include:

-   decreasing working hours;

-   lowering the age of retirement;

-   job-sharing;

-   training programmes;

-   increasing the number of public sector jobs (i.e. those paid for by national or local government).

1.     What are the arguments for and against these proposals?

2.     Are you optimistic or pessimistic about your own future? Do you expect the qualification you are currently studying for to get you a permanent job?

3.     Do you see any areas in which a large number of jobs might realistically be created? Or any other solutions to the currently existing high rates of unemployment and temporary work?

4.     Has the rate of unemployment in your country increased or decreased in the past 10 to 20 years?

5.     In which economic sectors have jobs disappeared? In which economic sectors have jobs been created?


      Exercise 20. Fill each of the blanks in the following text. Use one word only in each space.

Personnel managers and directors are having ___________ change their ideas on how to handle redundancy as their ____________ are forced into losing more and more________________. In a recent UK survey, personnel practitioners __________ asked whether they had made changes _______ the criteria used when selecting people to be laid _________________.

Although no business or industry can have ___________ untouched by the recession, only eight per cent of the practitioners ____________ that they had made any changes. Those who have are now taking employees’ attitudes, attendance and commitment _____________ consideration, as well as their ability. Some are being forced _______________ use compulsory redundancy for the first time.

In the past, offering redundancy ____________ a retirement package was always the preferred option. Now young workers are ________________ targeted. More flexible staff are being retained.


      Exercise 21. Translate into English.

1. Последнее время проблема занятости остро стоит в нашей стране. Создано большое количество бирж труда и бюро по трудоустройству.

2. Если вы хотите подать заявление о приеме на работу, то вам необходимо отправить свои резюме и заявление о найме в бюро по трудоустройству на определенную вакансию.

3. В резюме или жизнеописании указывают предыдущий опыт работы, квалификацию, особенности характера, все, что подходит под требования к вакансии.

4. Удачливый кандидат будет вызван на интервью, и в случае успеха он подпишет контракт о найме на работу.

    5. Как правило, в трудовом договоре дается полное описание работы, а также постановления и условия договора.

   6.  Иногда, прежде чем приступить к работе, кандидат проходит испытательный срок, то есть работает стажером при менеджере, занимающим ту же должность.




       2. Vocabulary


job                         работа

employment            занятость

vacancy                  вакансия

job centre               биржа труда

employment agency бюро по трудоустройству

apply (v) for a job   подать заявление о приеме на работу

requirement             требования

previous experience предыдущий опыт

qualification            квалификация

personality              особенности характера

curriculum vitae       жизнеописание

letter of application  заявление о приеме на работу

interview                 интервью

applicant                 кандидат

contract of employment    контракт о найме на работу

job description        описание работы

terms and conditions        постановления и условия (договора)

sign (v) the contract подписать контракт

a post                     должность

a candidate             кандидат

an apprentice          ученик

a probationer          испытательный срок

a trainee                  стажер






Lesson 2                                                                                   Урок 2


                                                 Job announcement


                                                  1. Exercises


        Exercise 1. Match the equivalents.

               A                                           B

classified advertising                  “стартовая позиция”, начальный


entry level job (Beginning job)     необходимые для позиции навыки

job announcement                        объявление о вакансии

job duties                           объявление о найме

job listing                           открытие вакансии

job openings                      перечень вакансий

job skills                            сгруппированные по тематике


want ad                                  служебные обязанности


Exercise 2. Read the text by Linda Blake Smith.


                                               To find the job…

1. Job Announcements.

Job announcements are also called job listings. They have the same information as want ads, but you do not find job announcements in the newspaper. You can find job announcements at government or private offices that help people look for jobs. For example, Job Service is an office that helps people look for jobs. Many employment agencies charge money for their service. However, the government agencies are free.

2. Want ads.

Want ads are messages in the newspaper where you can find out about many different things. They are also known as the classified advertising section and you can find out about job openings there. The “Help Wanted” section is a part of the newspaper with want ads placed by people who have jobs to fill. After you find the “Help Wanted” or “Employment” section, you will see other titles under these general titles. They are called subheadings. For example, you can look under the subheading “Office” or “Clerical” if you havespecial skills as a secretary or typist. The jobs are listed in alphabetical order under the subheadings.

You can read the want ads to learn general information about available jobs or to learn specific information about a particular job that interests you. Reading the want ads will help you better understand the jobs that are available. However, only a small group of people get jobs through the want ads. Often the jobs offered are entry level jobs or beginning jobs. If you have little experience as a worker, want ads may help you find the job you looking for.

3. Walking In.

When a business has a job opening, this business is looking for a new worker. Many businesses put “Help Wanted” signs in the window when they have job openings. When you see “Help Wanted” signs, you can go into companies and ask about jobs. This is called “walking in.” Sometimes companies have job openings, but they don’t put up signs. You can walk into these companies and ask about jobs. When you walk into a company, the first person you talk to is usually the receptionist or another employee. Later, you can sometimes talk to the manager.

Decide what the answer should be, then click on the answer button to see the hidden answer.

When a business has a job opening, the business is looking for a new worker.

All businesses put “Help Wanted” signs in the window when they have job openings.

When you see “Help Wanted” signs, you can’t go into the companies and ask about jobs.

Sometimes companies have job openings, but they don’t put up signs.

You can walk into any company and ask about jobs.

When you walk into a company, the first person you talk to is usually the boss.

4. Job Skills.

Skills are the activities that a person does well. What things are you good at doing? Everyone has many skills. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the skills that you have.

Job skills are abilities you need for a specific job. For example, a chef needs to know how to cook and bake. A taxi driver needs to know how to drive a car and read signs. A secretary needs to know how to type and take messages.

Transferable skills are skills you can use in many different jobs. You can take skills from one job and use them in a very different job. Speaking English well, for instance, is a skill you can use in almost any job. Some examples of transferable skills are teaching other people, solving problems, accepting responcibility, organizing projects, making decisions, and creating new ideas. Employers want to select employees who have or who can learn the skills necessary to do the job.

5. Job Duties.

Job duties are tasks you must do on a job. They are the responsibilities you have for a particular job. A job description lists the duties you will do for your job. For example, an auto mechanic would repair and paint cars. A file clerk would file forms, answer the telephones, and sort mail. A bookkeeper would prepare bills, keep books, and type bills. The list of activities you are required to perform for any occupation are the job duties.

6. Personal Qualities.

Personal qualities are personal characteristics of an individual. They are what make up one’s personality. They help a person get along in a new situation. For example, dependability and patience are qualities that employers would like a good worker to have. Other qualities employers value are: honesty, assertiveness, flexibility, problem solving, friendliness, intelligence, leadership, enthusiasm, and a good sense of humor.

Most employers want people who are dependable and who get along with others. Though skills are important, an employer will select new employees based on their personal qualities as well.


       Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps according to the text.

1.    A bookkeeper would prepare bills, ______________ and type bills (Keep books).

2.    A job description lists the ___________ you will do for your work (duties).

3.    A _________________ would file forms, answer telephones, and sort mail (file clerk).

4.    After you find the “Help Wanted” or ____________ section, you will see other titles under these general titles  (employment).

5.    An auto mechanic would _________________ and paint cars. (repair).

6.    For example, you can look under the subheading _____________ if you have special skills as a secretary or typist (office or clerical).

7.    Job duties are ___________ you must do on a job (tasks).

8.    Often the jobs offered are entry level jobs or ________________ jobs (beginning).

9.    Only a _______________ group of people get jobs through the want ads. (small).

10.  Reading the want ads will help you better understand the jobs that are ____________ (available).

11.  The jobs are listed in ________________ order  (alphabetical).

12.  The list of activities you are required to perform for any occupation are the _____________  (job duties).

13.  The ______________ section is a section with want ads placed by people who have jobs to fill  (help wanted).

14.  They are also known as the ____________ advertising section, and you can find out about job openings there   (classified).

15.  They are called _________________  (subheadings).

16.  They are the _____________________ you have for a particular job (responsibilities).

17.  Want ads are ________________ in the newspaper where you can find out about many different things  (messages).


       Exercise 4. Choose the best word to fill in the gap.

1.    _____________________ also help people look for jobs

      (animals/employement agencies/duties/examples).

2.    _____________________ are activities a person does well


3.    _____________________ skills are skills you can use in many different jobs  (job/cooking/transferrable/babysitting).

4.    An example of a job skill is _____________________

      (cooking pizza/working well with people/accepting responsibility/organizing projects).

5.    An example of a transferable skill is _____________________

      (driving a taxi/writing well/playing the violin/cooking chinese food).

6.    Employers want to select people who can learn the ___________________ necessary to do the job  (skills/books/ideas/shining).

7.    Everyone _____________________ many skills          (have / has /is).

8.    Flexibility, assertiveness, problem solving, and _____________________ are also valued (announcements/friendliness/dishonesty/a bad attitude).

9.    For example, _____________________ is a quality employers would like in a good worker  (dependability/skills/duties/dishonesty).

10.  For example, Job Service is an _____________________ that helps people look for jobs  (school/office/store/computer).

11.  Government offices are usually _____________________


12.  Job _____________________ are also called job listings


13.  Job skills are _____________________ you need for a specific job


14.  Most employers want people who are dependable and who get along with _____________________  (their mother/skills/animals/others).

15.  Other qualities _____________________ value are honesty, intelligence, and leadership  (announcements/employers/duties/dogcatchers).

16.  Personal qualities are personal _____________________ of an individual   (announcements/skills/duties/characteristics).

17.  Personal qualities are what make up one’s _____________________


18.  Sometimes it is difficult _____________________ the skills you have

      (to play/abilities/to recognize/recognizes).

19.  They have the same information as _____________________, but you don’t find job announcements in the newspaper

      (qualities/skills/duties/want ads).

20.  They help a person get along in a new _____________________


21.  You can find job announcements at government or _____________ offices that help people look for jobs  (newspaper/working/private/secret).


       Exercise 5. Read the dialogues, draft job description and the advertisement and find there the words or phrases that tell you the following:

1. Joe and Pilar have already discussed the software engineering post.

2. There is a risk of computer programs being stolen or deliberately damaged.

3. It may be difficult to find someone who is exactly suitable for the job.

4. Industrias Montresor operates in several countries, and is getting bigger.

5. The company needs a software engineer who is also a good leader.

6. Whoever gets this job can expect to be promoted quickly.

      A. Joe Andrews is Staff Controller at Industrias Montresor in Spain. Pilar                        Soto calls on the telephone.

       JOE:         Extension 7385: Joe Andrews speaking,

       PILAR: Good morning, Joe. It’s Pilar Soto. I’m returning your call.

       JOE:         Oh, hello, Pilar. That’s right, there was something I wanted to ask you  about. That new software engineering post.

       PILAR:    Yes, indeed. We need to appoint someone pretty soon.

       JOE:         Right. Do you want to come and have a chat about the job description?

       PILAR:    Well, I’ve jotted down a few ideas. I’ll tidy them up and get then typed and you can have a look at them.

       B. Pilar Soto is Data Manager at Industrias Montresor. This is what her notes look like when they had been typed. Notice how careful she is to say exactly what the employee will have to do.

    Draft job description: Divisional Software Engineering Manager (DSEM)

    The DSEM is responsible to the Data Manager for:

1) ensuring that all software used by the Corporation is maintained in good operational condition at all times;

        2) maintaining the strictest security with regard to computer programs;

3) liaising with manufacturers and consultants in keeping software up to date and in overcoming problems or errors in programs;

        4) writing new programs, applications, etc. as required.

       C. Joe Andrews and Pilar Soto meet to discuss the qualifications and experience are looking for in the new software manager.

       JOE:         Come in, Pilar – take a seat, won’t you? Thanks for your draft of the job description – it looks OK to me – what we need to do now is to draft the advertisement.

       PILAR:    Yes. That’s more your line, of course. But I can tell you something about the qualifications we’ll be looking for.

       JOE:         Previous experience?

       PILAR: Well, to start with, a degree in computing – preferably a postgraduate qualification – plus at least three years’ experience.

       JOE:     Mhm. Need that be in the chemical industry?

       PILAR: We can’t afford to be that specific. We just need a good software engineer.

       JOE:         Right. How old should he be?

       PILAR:    Joe, it needn’t be a ‘he’.

       JOE:         Sorry! What’s the top age limit?

       PILAR:    Just say ‘the successful applicant is likely to be under thirty-five’

       JOE:         And they must be fluent in English, I suppose.

       PILAR: Oh yes, that’s essential, because whoever gets the job, their first assignment is going to be a training course in Japan.

       D. This is the advertisement that appeared in several daily newspapers and special journals. Which of the items discussed by Joe Andrews and Pilar Soto appear in the advertisement?


Divisional software engineering manager….


... rapid career development for a high-flier ...



       Industrias Montressor is an expanding multinational corporation, active in chemical engineering and marketing its products and services to the petro-chemical industry. Our West European Division, located in Zaragoza, Spain, is urgently seeking an ambitious Software Engineer to build and take charge of an enthusiastic team.

The successful applicant is likely to be under 35 and to have an outstanding track word in the held of software engineering (not necessarily relating to the chemical industry). He or she is currently holds a post of responsibility at middle management level and is fluent in Spanish and English. A postgraduate qualification will be an advantage.

Salary negotiable. Expense allowance, company car, generous fringe benefits.

Apply with c.v. and names of two referees to:

Dept. F, Industrias Montresor SA, Apdo 234, Zaragoza, Spain,
before 1 January 2001.


       Exercise 6. Read the text below on recruitment. Fill the gaps with words below.

           advertisements    applications         appointments     

           experience              interview             qualifications

       Most companies recruit new staff by advertising in the press. Pages with job _______________________ are usually headed ‘________________________’. They contain descriptions or specifications of the sort of people the advertiser is looking for. _____________________________ (degrees, diplomas, certificates) are obviously important, but _______________________ may count for much more. The aim is to attract a small number of well-qualified applicants, so that it is fairly easy to make a shortlist of the people you actually want to _____________________________. If the advertisement is not specific enough, hundreds of people will send in their _____________________; but if it demands too much, they may be discouraged from applying at all.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions.

    1. What do you think is important in a job? (Choose the variants, add your own ideas).

  –  job satisfaction;

  –  earning plenty of money;

  –  having pleasant co-workers/colleagues;

  –  meeting people;

  –  earning enough money;

  –  security.

    2. What qualities are needed to be an accountant, a lawyer, a secretary,
a manager?

Exercise 8. Read the following want ads and fill in the chart of skills and duties for each profession.


Exercise 9. Match each job title on the left with the correct definition below.

 1.    Tax inspector.                    6.    Finance director.        

 2.    Tax consultant.                   7.    Market analyst.          

 3.    Bank manager.                     8.    Financial advisor.       

 4.    Commodity trader.              9.    Insurance broker.       

 5.    Accountant.                       10.Stockbroker.        

a) The person who is responsible for an individual bank.

b) Someone who advises people on how to manage their financial affairs.

c) Someone who prepares an individuals (or a company’s) tax return.

d) The person who is responsible for the financial side of running a business.

e) A government official who checks that you are paying enough tax.

f) The person who finds you the best insurance policy at the best price.

g) Someone who buys and sells stocks and shares for clients, and charges a commission.

h) Someone who advises you or a company on how to pay less tax.

i)  Someone who comments on business and share prices in a particular sector of the economy.

j)  Someone who buys and sells things in large quantities, especially food products such as tea, coffee, cereals, and other raw materials.




       Exercise 10. Roleplay. The class is divided into five groups. Imaging that you work for a personnel department in a telecommunication company. You were asked to develop several job advertisements. The vacancies are legal assistant, chief accountant, assistant to General manager, translator and marketing manager (one vacancy for a group).


Work out:

  1) Draft job description.

  2) Draft skills description.

  3) Advertisement.

    You should discuss each point in group, put down draft descriptions and make an attractive advertisement. Each group should keep the advertisement because it will be needed later while studying other stages of applying for the job.


Exercise 11. Read the text and find there the equivalents for the following word collocations:

    программа профподготовки, обучение ремеслу, повышение квалифи-кации работников, профессиональное обучение, университетское образование.



(a) The need for training.

The personnel function will be very much concerned with the setting up of training programmes, which will be formulated in collaboration with the various operating and administrative functions. In the larger organisations training will be the responsibility of a special training officer usually under the authority of the personnel manager.

A properly trained work-force at all levels, from shop floor to management, is important to the organisation for its continued success and survival, so that it can meet the challenge of business and technological change. It is equally important to the individual worker from the point of view of job satisfaction and earning power. However, training programmes must be developed and instituted according to a properly-thought-out plan, on the following lines:

         1) Identify the areas of training need.

 2) Plan training programmes based on forecasts of present and future needs.

         3) Implement training programmes in the most appropriate manner.

 4) Review and evaluate the success of the training programmes and methods of training.

 5) Modify the training programmes in the light of the reports emanating from

(b) Types of training.

There are several methods of training, and the type selected will depend very much upon the employee’s actual job and the degree of skill required. Types of training can be broadly categorised as follows:

1) Craft training.

This entails entering into an apprenticeship which results in ultimate entry into a recognized skilled trade or craft. Certain skilled jobs are the exclusive preserve of workers who have qualified by apprenticeship and others wishing to carry out this work are either prevented from doing so by the established workers or have to work at lower rates of pay. Apprenticeships have to be provided by the employer, and both employer and employee are bound by the apprenticeship indentures.

2) Operative training.

This is for less skilled workers and for those trades where no formal apprenticeship schemes exist. Instruction is given on the shop floor, often supplemented by the worker’s attendance at a technical college. Where the latter occurs the worker is normally given a day off each week to attend college on what is termed a ‘day-release course’. Many office jobs fall under this category including shorthand-typing, typewriting, word-processing and office practice, especially where recruitment is straight from school. Many employers, however, do expect some skill to be present in other recruits and attendance at college is encouraged for the improvement of these skills.

3) Professional training.

This covers both technical and commercial training and normally involves ultimately qualifying by professional or national examination. Some of the areas involved are mechanical engineering, accountancy, statistics, computer science, production engineering and so on. The new universities and colleges of higher education provide most of the training and education for such areas, either on the basis of day-release or on a ‘sandwich course’ basis where the worker spends a period, say a term, in college followed by a period with the employer, again followed by another period in university or college. In the latter case many of the qualifications are, in Britain, degrees rather than qualifications from professional bodies, such degrees being awarded by the universities or colleges under the auspices of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA). Such degrees rank equally in status with those awarded by the older universities. Indeed, in Britain under recent legislation polytechnics have been elevated to university status, though their courses remain in the main, vocational rather than academic as is the tradition of the older universities.

4) University degrees.

Many of the older universities now award degrees in disciplines attractive to industry and commerce, such as degrees in accountancy, business administration, the various branches of engineering, marketing and others. Normally, however, people taking such degrees obtain them before seeking employment.

Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1) Когда открываются вакансии, в газетах можно найти объявления о найме, а на биржах труда есть объявления о вакансиях, иначе называемые перечнем вакансий.

2) Объявления о вакансиях в газетах и журналах находятся в рубриках, сгруппированных по тематике, где можно найти любую вакансию от стартовой до высшего руководства в любом секторе экономики.

3) В объявлениях о найме, как правило, перечислены основные умения, необходимые для работы, и основные обязанности, которые нужно будет выполнять.

4) Среди умений при приеме на работу, как правило, указываются университетская степень, обучение в аспирантуре, опыт работы в какой-либо отрасли, свободное владение английским.

5) Для некоторых специальностей существует возрастной предел.

6) Часто при приеме на работу оговаривается возможность развития карьеры, посещение учебных курсов.

7) Существует несколько программ профессиональной подготовки: обучение ремеслу, повышение квалификации, профессиональное обучение и университетское образование.


2. Vocabulary

job duties                       служебные обязанности

job openings                   открытие вакансии

want ad                          объявление о найме

classified advertising       сгруппированные по тематике


entry level job (beginning job)“стартовая позиция”, начальный


job announcement           объявление о вакансии

job listing                       перечень вакансий

job skills                         необходимые для позиции навыки

ensure (v)                       обеспечивать

liaise with                       поддерживать связь с …

a degree in smth              степень в

postgraduate qualification  аспирантура

three years’ experience    трехлетний опыт работы

be (v) in the industry       работать в какой-либо отрасли

top age limit                    возрастной предел

be fluent in English          свободно владеть английским

training course                учебные курсы

career development         развитие карьеры

build (v) a team               собрать команду

training programme         программа профессиональной


craft training                   обучение ремеслу

operative training            повышение квалификации


professional training        профессиональное обучение

university degree             университетское образование





                        Lesson 3                                      Урок 3


                                CV,   Ressume and Letter of application


1. Exercises                      

       Exercise 1. Match the equivalents.

           A                                               B

accomplishment              банк резюме

application form             бланк заявления о приеме на работу

award                             должность

career counselor             достижения

chronological resume      консультант по трудоустройству

consider file                    лицо, ищущее работу

credentials                      награда

education                    найм и обучение персонала

electronic resume            образование

functional resume               опыт работы

hiring and training of staff   опыт работы в данной должности

hiring manager                папка для документов на отказ

job seeker                       папка для документов на рассмотрение

on-the-job experience      проект

position                          публикация

project                        рекомендательное письмо

publication                     рекрут

reject file                     функциональное резюме

resume bank                   хронологическое резюме

work history                       электронное резюме


Exercise 2. Read the text and make notes.

What is the Right Resume for Me?

A. What is a Resume?

The resume is a selling tool that outlines your skills and experience so an employer can see, at a glance, how you can contribute to the employer’s workplace.

Your resume has to sell you in short order. While you may have all the requirements for a particular position, your resume is a failure if the employer does not instantly come to the conclusion that you “have what it takes.” The first hurdle your resume has to pass – whether it ends up in the “consider file” or the “reject file” – may take less than thirty seconds.

The most effective resumes are clearly focused on a specific job title and address the employer’s stated requirements for the position. The more you know about the duties and skills required for the job – and organize your resume around these points – the more effective the resume.

You will need information to write a good resume. Not just information about jobs you’ve held in the past but also information to select the most relevant accomplishments, skills and experience for THIS position. The more you know about the employer and the position, the more you can tailor your resume to fit the job.

B. Chronological Resume.

The chronological resume is organized by job titles with the most recent position listed first.

Employers tend to prefer the chronological resume because the format lists prior positions beginning with the most current. Employers perceive this resume style as fact-based and easily skimmed.

It works best for job seekers with solid experience and a logical job history, the chronological resume is the most effective. Career changers and those who lack formal on-the-job experience (like new graduates) find this resume the most difficult to write.

C. Functional Resume.

The functional resume rearranges employment history into sections that highlight areas of skill and accomplishment.

Some employers dislike functional resumes IF they find it difficult to match up skills with actual job titles, level of responsibility and dates of experience. You can, and should, avoid or minimize this objection by including the company name in the “bullet” describing each accomplishment.

For example:

Program Coordination

       1) Coordinated the logistics of opening two Hillcrest Residential Treatment Centers, which included the hiring and training of staff, supervising the set-up of the physical plant, and developing programs.

2) Oversaw the computerization of the Behring clinic accounting unit from initial planning through successful implementation, with no disruption in service.

If you want to take advantage of the benefits of a functional resume, you must make it easy for employers to visualize your overall chronological work history and link your accomplishment statements to it. NEVER omit at least a bare-bones chronological listing of your work experience, in your functional resume.

The functional resume might be thought of as a “problem solving” format. The functional resume gives you latitude to “make sense” of your work history and match up skills and accomplishments that might not be obvious to the employer in a traditional chronological format. If any of the descriptions below apply to you, you may want to investigate the functional format:

- You have a “mixed bag” work history: no clear thread uniting positions held.

- You are a new graduate or entering the workforce. You must show how the skills you have used in the past (in volunteer or coursework) apply to the job you are seeking.

        - Your job titles, such as “Administrative Assistant” or “Marketing Coordinator,” do not clearly reflect the level of skills you used.

- You are making a career change – either changing industry (from Hospitals to Pharmaceuticals) or changing occupation (from Manufacturing Technician to Sales Representative).

D. Curriculum Vitae.

A detailed, lengthy and structured listing of education, publications, projects, awards and work history. A curriculum vitae for a mid-career candidate may be as long as twenty pages.

Rather than a resume, a curriculum vitae (often called a “C.V.” or “Vita”) is required for certain positions: educators and scientists most commonly.

Job seekers with extensive academic and professional credentials applying for positions in education or research. Check with an advisor or others in your field if you are unsure whether a C.V. or a resume is expected.

E. About the CV and Letter of Application.

Who should use a curriculum vitae? The curriculum vitae (or CV) is an essential document in applications for academic employment. Persons applying for teaching, research, and some administrative positions are expected to submit a CV along with a rather detailed letter of application and other supporting materials. The CV is also used by professional educators who are seeking positions in school administration and other education-related careers.

       Generally, academic institutions are the only employers who want to see a CV. Most other employers in private business and government strongly prefer a short, one-page resume; sending these employers a CV can, in fact, be counterproductive. When in doubt, check with your advisor or career counselor as to whether to send a CV or a resume.

A curriculum vitae is much like a resume, only much longer and more detailed. The CV generally ranges from two to dozens of pages in length, depending upon such factors as the extent of one’s research record or the stage of one’s career. Entry level CV’s in higher education tend to be only a few pages in length.

In applying for positions in higher education, the CV generally takes the place of the printed application form. Typically, a position announcement for an assistant professorship will ask for a letter of application, a CV, a writing sample and other supporting documents. At the community college level, one does encounter standard application forms, but it is a good idea to enclose your CV along with these completed forms when applying.

Besides mailing the CV with application materials, you should carry a few copies to any interviews or site visits. You should generously give a copy to everyone with whom you interact during your visits.

The curriculum vitae is your opportunity to present yourself and your qualifications in the format of your choice. It is important to keep in mind that the vita is your document, and as such you want it to present you in the best possible light with regard to the position for which you are applying. The format and categories used on vitas can vary among the academic disciplines, and we cannot overemphasize the importance of working closely with a graduate advisor in your specific academic department with regard to the details of your curriculum vitae. The suggestions and samples in this packet are to be used as a generic model only, as the style and contents of CV’s vary from major to major.

In general, DO include any and all information that is pertinent to your qualifications for the job. The following is a list of possible categories of information to include:

-  Name, Address(es), Phone Number(s), E-mail Address.

- Objective: What exactly are you applying for?

- Academic Preparation: College degrees with details.

- Relevant Work Experience.

- Specific Skills: Computer programs, Lab techniques, etc.

- Publications/Exhibitions/Performances.

- Papers etc. submitted for publication.

- Current research interests.

- Paper/Posters presented at conferences.

- Grants received.

- Travel.

- Languages.

- Professional organization memberships.

- Professional services.

- Honors and awards.

- References.

On the other hand, do not include on your curriculum vitae the kinds of personal information that have nothing to do with your qualifications for the position. Here are some items that range from tasteless to illegal if included. Do not list your height, weight, or any other physical characteristic. Do not give your age, marital status, sexual preferences, racial or ethnic identity, political or religious affiliations, place of birth, or other information of this kind. Do not attach a photograph.

Your finished CV should be on good quality, standard 8.5 - 11 inch paper that is white (or something very close to white). It should, of course, be typed or printed on one side of the page only, and copies should be neat and letter-quality dark. It is acceptable to staple the pages in the upper left corner. Make the layout look highly organized and easy to peruse. Use capitals, underlines, bold print and bullets appropriately to lead the reader’s eyes where you want them to go. Use ample blank space between sections, and leave generous margins on all four edges. This is not a time to save paper. Make the most important information stand out on the left side of the page. Create a document that welcomes the reader’s attention.

    F. Letter of application.

    The letter of application is your chance to convince the employer that you ought to be interviewed. Employers read letters of application carefully, searching for clues and information on which to base their decisions. Take it very seriously. Make it perfect. Make it compelling.

A standard, generic form for the letter of application is (1) to introduce yourself, (2) to state briefly what you want, what position you are applying for, (3) to state clearly why you are qualified for the position, (4) to elaborate as to your special assets, why you are particularly well suited for the job, (5) to highlight your most important training, experiences, skills and accomplishments, and (6) to end with a compelling statement as to why the employer ought to hire you.

G. Electronic.

A resume (chronological or functional) formatted to read well when scanned and searched by optical scanning systems.

Some large employers use electronic resume processing systems (or “automated applicant tracking systems”) to handle large volumes of resumes. A smaller employer may subscribe to a scanning service that offers them a way to automate this function for their small (or non-existent) human resource department.

Electronic resumes are used by Resume Banks to match applicant qualifications with employer needs.

The resume is scanned and entered in a database that the personnel department or the hiring manager can search by keyword.

For example, a department manager may search the database for a candidate with 4 years of Teleconference Training or 8 years of JIST (Just-In-Time) Inventory Control. Not only must your resume include any relevant keywords, you must avoid fonts and formatting that will not scan properly into the system such as italics, bold and fancy typefaces.

Are there really jobs offered on the basis of these employer databanks? Or is it just a convenient way for companies to manage a flood of paper? While any resume you post to an electronic resume job bank must be in a suitable electronic format, you can’t always know if the resume you send to a classified ad is going into one of these databanks.


Exercise 3. Study the sample resumes and match each (A–D) to the type of resume (1–4).

        1) Chronological.       

        2) Functional.             

        3) CV.                   

            4) Electronic   .  




Karenne Bank-Trainer

944 Dowling Street,

PO Box 401

Pleasant Hill CA 94523

(925) 555-5555

Objective: Director of Training, First Nationwide Bank.

Summary of qualifications:

        - Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.

        - M.B.A. and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.

        - Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.

 - Unique combination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.

  - Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.

        Relevant accomplishmnents:

1994 – present Mortgage Madness, Pleasant Hill CA Director of Sales and Training Managed eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.

       1) Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.

        2) Reported directly to the president of the company.

1990–94 Maudlin Mortgage, Rustic City CA Loan Officer
Developed expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.

1)   Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.

2)   Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.

1992–present Dale Carnegie INC., San Rafael CA Dale Carnegie Instructor.

1)   Trained top-level managers of Fortune 500 companies.

 2)    Named “Bay Area Instructor of the Year” in 1993. Consistently reached 93 per cent figure for students graduating.

1987–90 County of Lewis, Alameda, CA Director, Administrative and Fiscal Services.

1985–87 Dreyden Beverages, Hayward, CA Senior Internal Auditor.

1980–85 Bloucher Melon & CO., San Francisco, CA Senior Accountant.

  1)   For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (computer services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.

1979–80  Megatech Manufacturing, Foster City, CA Controller.

         Education: Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre PA M.B.A., 1979.



 Linda Mowry

348 Somerset Road Hayward, CA 94541 (510) 123-4567.

         Objective: A position as Sales Coordinator, Representative or Account Executive.

 Summary of qualifications:

       1) Twelve years successful experience in direct sales of a range of products and services.

2) Extensive practical hands-on experience as co-owner and manager of a small business.

        3) Motivated and enthusiastic about developing good relations with clients.

        4) Effective working alone or as a cooperative team member.

        5) Professional in appearance and presentation.

        Relevant skills:

        Sales & New account Development

 -  Increased a small publication’s advertising revenue through market research and promotion.

 -  Developed new distribution outlets for a special-interest magazine in Northern California

         - Made cold calls and follow-up visits to retail outlets throughout the region.

         - Organized detailed route books and financial record keeping.

         - Successfully increased readership by more than 40 per cent over a two-year period.

          Customer Relations:

        1) Served as vendor representative for Jana Imports:

         - Coordinated product information and distribution for 75 field representatives and major accounts.

         -  Promoted giftware products at trade shows throughout the region.

         - Handled face-to-face contacts with new and established customers.

 2) Oversaw the production of advertising and its placement in major trade publications.

 Advertising, marketing, distribution:

   1)  Organized and styled merchandise for effective presentation in a 20-page giftware catalog.

   2) Kept accurate, current computer records of inventory, international suppliers, brokers, shippers, etc.

   3) Handled all aspects of order taking and processing, both at Bill’s Dairy and Jana Imports.

 Employment history:

1991–present Sales Coordinator Jana Imports, Oakland.

1986–90 Distribution Coordinator Deja Vu Publishing CO., San Rafael.

1980–85 Co-Owner / Manager Bill’s Dairy Products, Livermore.


Bay City College, San Francisco, Liberal arts studies 1977–80.



        Brian Briarsson:

        7667 West Highway 421 Silver City, NM 98765 (123) 456-7890.


Experienced in pipeline and oil field construction work.

Since 1986, specialist in asbestos abatement, including job management and crew supervision.

        Work Hisdtory:

1990–present General Superintendent, spray systems environmental, Phoenis, AZ.

         1) Superintendent for asbestos abatement contractor at Chino Mines of Hurley, NM. Supervise 30-person crew, set up jobs, oversee safety, order materials, assure that job is done on time.

 2) Current job involved setting up freestanding asbestos containments around 70-foot-high boilers in a working copper smelter. This has been accomplished with no disruption to plant operations or personnel.

1986–89 Superintendent, BCP Construction, Phoenis, AZ.
Asbestos abatement for schools, hospitals, and office buildings from Kentucky to California. Ran crews of one to four workers.

 -  Supervised complete asbestos abatement project for three floors of a highrise building (Mera Bank) in Phoenix, AZ.

1980–8  Apprentice welder, Wayne Houston Welding, Medicine Hat,Alberta, Canad.

- General welding duties, pipe cutting, and job set-up.

1975–80 Assistant driller, Rouchneck, various oil Companies, Alberta, Canada.

- Worked on large oil rigs.

         Education& Training:

1989 - Advanced Supervision of Abatement, Georgia Inst. of Technology.

1988 - Certificate, abatement work in schools under Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, Hager Labs.

1987 - Abatement Supervisor Training, Georgia Inst. of Technology.

1985 - Certificate, Welder First Class, Southern Alberta Inst. of Technology.




 John Bridges:

97 Foothill Lane

Berkeley CA 94705

(510) 123-4567

Objective: Research Associate position with a biotechnology firm / basic research lab focusing on immunology and product development.

Highlights of qualifications:

- Highly inquisitive, creative and resourceful.

- Excellent skills in communication and collaboration.

- Skilled in all phases of hybridoma production.

- Good working knowledge of immunology.

- Excited by the challenge of research and experimentation.

Relevant skills and accomplishments.

        Applied Research:

-   Successfully developed new antibodies for use in breast cancer research & therapy:

-   Developed, in collaboration with others, a novel assay which identifies the antibodies’ ability to bind to live, intact tumor cells.

-   Delivered periodic presentations of results and works in progress, to staff of Cancer Research Institute.


       Pursued unique opportunities for experimentation, for example:

     - researched and worked out procedures for in vitro immunization of human lymphocytes;

     - explored and experimented with hybridoma production, using lymph node cells of a cancer patient;

     - experimented to induce animals’ immune system to respond to a weak antigen.

Lab Skills:

        - SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis.

        - Radiolabeling of Antibodies.

        - Tissue Culture.

        - Affinity Chromatography.

        - Immunoblot Strip Assay.

        - Hamster Egg Penetration Test.

        - Electroblotting.

        - Lyophilization.

        - Isotyping.

Employment  History:

1994 - present Lab Technician Schiilling Cancer research Inst., Berkeley.

1990 – 94 - Full time student UC Santa Barbara.

’93 - summer Research Asst. UC Santa Barbara Biology Dept.

1989 - Youth Counselor Rainbow river day careprogram, Los Angeles.

1988 - Emergency Med Tech Seals Ambulance, Costa Mesa.

1987 - Teaching Asst. Alta Vistan Elem. School, Redondo Beach.


B.A., Cell Biology & Physiology – University of California, Santa Barbara, 1994.

Related coursework: Immunology & Lab, Biochemistry, Virology, Microbiology.


         William Isaac Thomas

Office: Sproul Hall 1207, School of Education,

University of California, Riverside, CA 92521.

(909) 787–5228 withos@pop.ucr.edu.

Home: 9431 Soloma Drive, Riverside, CA 92507.



Assistant Professor, Special Education.

Academic preparation:

Ph.D. in Education, School of Education, University of California, Riverside, 2002.

Concentrations: Special Education, Educational Psychology.

Dissertation: A Methodological Study of the Self-Concepts of Fourth Grade Gifted Children.

Advisor: Dr. Donald MacMillan.

M.A. in Education, Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School, 1999.

Concentrations: Educational Psychology, Language Development and Reading.

Thesis: Interpersonal Communication Skills of Language Impaired Children.

Advisor: Dr. Harley Davidson.

Special Education Specialist Credential, University of Redlands, CA, 1997.

Multiple-Subjects Credential, California State University Long Beach, CA, 1996.

B.A. in Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, CA, 1995.

Concentrations: Learning Theory, Psycholinguistics.

A.A. in Liberal Studies, Crafton Hills College, Yucaipa, CA 1993.

Research skills:

- Utilized SPSS and SAS statistical programs extensively.

- Survey and evaluation research techniques.


- Fluent in English and French.

- Can read some German and Spanish.

Professional Experience:

Supervisor of Teacher Education, 1999  - present.

School of Education, University of California, Riverside.

   - Supervising student teachers and interns who are working on multiple-subjects and special education teaching credentials.

Instructor, Summer Sessions, 2000–2001.

School of Education, University of California, Riverside.

Course: The Exceptional Child.

Teaching Assistant, Spring 1999.

Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School.

Courses: Advanced Statistics, Introduction to Learning Disabilities.

Teaching Assistant, Spring 1999.

Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School.

Courses: Tests and Measurement, Casework in Special Education.

Research Assistant, Fall 1998.

Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School.

- Assisted Dr. James Kleagle on the Inland Valleys Special Education Project.

- Collected and analyzed survey data, using the SPSS program.

Public School Teacher, 1996–1998.

Long Beach Unified School District, Long Beach, CA.

Special Education, Grades 3 and 12.

Peer Counselor, 1995–1996.

Developmental Disabilities Immersion Program.

California State University, Long Beach, CA.


Thomas, W. I. (1998), Effects of Standardized Achievement Testing on Self-Concepts of Middle School Children. Clearing House, 23 (1), 986–989.

Thomas W. I. and S. I. Freud (1997), Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Case Study. The Exceptional Child, 53(1), 17–20.

Thomas, W. I. (1997), Book review of Mainstreaming and Its Detractors (Harold Smith, Ed., Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Company, 1996) in Education Forum 135 (4), April. 

          Papers presented at conferences:

Sociometric Keys to Learning. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, San Diego, CA, 2000.

Critical Thinking and Reading. Presented at the 57th Annual Conference of the California State Federation Council for Exceptional Children, San Luis Obispo, CA, 1999.

Retention and Prime-Time Television. Presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Gifted and Talented Children, San Antonio, TX, 1999.

         Current researchinterests:

A survey questionnaire and follow-up interview study of parents of GATE students to assess the need for parent support groups.

Grants reseived:

California State Teacher Grant (CTIP) A Motivational Field Trip for GATE Students. Awarded October 1997.

Professsional memberships:

American Educational Research Association.

Pacific Coast Consortium on Innovation in Teaching.

Society for Gifted and Talented Children.

Professional service:

- Vice President, Pacific Coast Consortium on Innovation in Teaching, 2000.

 -  Chair, University Relations Committee, Society for Gifted and Talented Children, 1999–2000.

          Honors and awards:

Victress Bower Scholarship Award, Riverside, CA, 1998.

Outstanding Dissertation Award, University of California, Riverside, 2000.


Letters of Reference File is available upon request from:

         - Career Services Center.

- University of California.

- Riverside, CA 92521.

The following persons have written letters of recommendation on my behalf:

  - Donald MacMillan, Professor School of Education University of California, Riverside, CA (909) 787-5228.

  - John Dewey, Chair Department of Education California State University, Long Beach, CA (213) 777-4545.

  - Maria Montessori, Professor Faculty in Education Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA (909) 655-9999.



Exercise 4. Work in pairs. Put down all the information you need for a resume. Discuss it with your partner. Don’t forget to list your skills and qualities. Work out your resumes (chronological and functional) and a CV. Discuss them with your partner.


Exercise 5. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions:

    - What impression do you try to give in an application letter?

    - Should an application letter be handwritten, typed, or laser-printed?

    - How important is a well-presented CV or resume?

    - Do you always tell the absolute truth in application letters?


Exercise 6. Study sample application letter.


                                                           William I. Thomas

                                                           School of Education

                                                           Sproul Hall 1207

                                                           University of California

                                                           Riverside, CA 92521

                                                           (909) 787-5228


Professor Craig Gustafson,

Chair Department of Education

Southern Rhode Island University

Beachpoint, RI 12901.

                                                                  August 3, 2010.

Dear Professor Gustafson,

Please consider my enclosed curriculum vitae and supporting materials in application for the position of Assistant Professor in Special Education, as announced in July 10, 2010 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education. I have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Education at the University of California, Riverside, with a major concentration in Special Education and Educational Psychology.

I am particularly interested in your announced position because of your stated desire for “a researcher-teacher with a strong background in the area of education for gifted students.” As you will see in my vita, my continuing interest in the education of gifted students is reflected not only in my dissertation and current research on GATE issues, but also in my earlier grant-funded project on motivational field trips for GATE students. I have also served for the past year as Chair of the University Relations Committee of the Society for Gifted and Talented Children.

Your announcement also calls for a colleague who is “willing to assume various teacher-training and field supervision responsibilities.” I am willing, qualified, and experienced in these areas. For the past two years I have served as Supervisor of Student-Teachers in both the Multiple-Subjects Credential program and the Special Education Specialist program. I have also taught in the Long Beach public schools at the elementary level and in a middle school special day class setting. I enjoy student-teacher supervision very much, and I consider such “applied” responsibilities to be among the most important contributions I can make toward the education of children.

Let me mention as well my experiences as a university instructor. During the past summers I have taught Education 116, “The Exceptional Child,” our state-required survey of special education. I have enjoyed my university students immensely, and their high regard for my teaching abilities is reflected in my enclosed student evaluations. I am currently teaching one section of Education 336B, “Elementary Teaching Methods,” and I previously served as a teaching assistant at Claremont Graduate School.

My research interests have ranged across the field of special education, focusing primarily upon student motivation, testing, and the role of the home environment in learning. I am currently analyzing the survey data from parents of Gate children, regarding the need for support services to parents. My plans for future research will, of course, be influenced by the ideas and opportunities which present themselves at my future university, but my intention is to continue exploring the effects of media influences and home environment in the education of gifted students.

I am aware that Southern Rhode Island University takes pride in its fine teaching, as well as its reputation as a research institution. I am also favorably impressed with your department’s emphasis on synthesizing faculty research efforts with course content in the graduate seminars. Because of my strong research background and my experience in supervision and instruction, I believe that I can make a meaningful contribution to the SRIU Department of Education.

I have arranged to have my file of references mailed from the Career Services Center at the University of California, Riverside. Please inform me if you would like to see other documents or supporting materials. I will be available for interviews at any time after August 19. I may be reached at my home (909–788–9999) until October 5, and then at my office (909–787–5228) during the remainder of the year.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to meeting you in Beachpoint at your convenience.

Sincerely yours,

William I. Thomas.


Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

1. A ________________ is an individualized, written summary of your personal, educational and experience qualifications

    (job / resume / application / want ad).

2. It is ________________ to present you as a prospective employee.

    (design / designs / designed / designing).

3. Not ________________ needs a resume

    (anyone / someone / everyone / person).

4. Applications for many clerical and sales positions also require a ________________ (job / resume / application / want ad).

5. A resume is like a ________________ sales presentation

    (oral / written / spoken / closed).

6. An effective resume ________________ a favorable impression of you while presenting your abilities and experience

    (create / creates / creating / was created).

7. Your resume ________________ be used as a response to an ad

    (is / was / can / won’t).

8. It is a fact sheet that tells a ________________ employer that you are a desirable future employee.

    (perspective / prospecting / prospective / past).


        Exercise 8. Decide what the answer should be and fill in the gaps.

1. A completed job application gives the employer two kinds of ___________ about you.

2. It provides answers to questions about your education and _____________.

3. It provides information about your ability to _________________ work neatly, spell correctly, and provide accurate and complete data.

4. This information is provided by _______________ you fill out the application form.

5. A completed job application is a ________________ about your personal, educational, and work experience.

6. It also tells about important characteristics about you as a person and as a _____________ employee.

7. It is very important that you take the time to make every job application that you _________________ a very positive statement about you as a person and as a future employee.

8. You need to be complete in your preparation and then ______________ while you are filling the application out.

9. The job application represents who _________________ are.


       Exercise 9. Work in pairs. Look at this job ad: what would be its attractions - what might be its drawbacks?

       ACME Atlantic are a well-known and respected trading company. We handle imports directly from manufacturers in 35 different countries, often to our own specifications, and currently export to 46 different countries worldwide.

We are looking for enthusiastic people to work in our office in Bermuda on temporary 3-, 6- and 9-month contracts. Applicants must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language fluently and can be nationals of any country.

Experience in Import/export will be an advantage, but as special training will be available this is not essential. The main requirements are a willingness to work as a member of a team, to cope with pressure, to use the telephone in a foreign language and in English and to be prepared occasionally to work long hours when necessary.

There are several posts available and long-term prospects are good, though initially all successful applicants will be contracted for a maximum of 9 months.

The salary we will offer is excellent. We will pay for your return air fare and provide adequate accommodation at a nominal rent.

Please apply in your own handwriting, enclosing your resume, to Charles Fox, European Sales Office, ACME Atlantic Ltd, 45 Pentonville Road, London EC2 4AC.


Exercise 10. Work in pairs. Look at this resume. If you were interviewing Kevin Willis for the job in Bermuda, what questions would you ask him about his career history?   

Kevin Miguel Willis

Address: 1090 Madison Avenue Sheboygan W l 53081.

Res. phone & fax: 555-5656898.

Date of birth: 2/21/71.

Professional experience:

Aug. 1994 - present Valentine International: Export clerk.

Jan. 1993 - July 1994 Chicago Products: Marketing assistant.

May 1992 - Dec. 1992 Self-employed: travel guide.

Jan. 1992 - May 1992 Unemployed.

Education and training:

1988 – 1990  - Green Bay High School, Green Bay, Wisconsin.

1986 – 1988 - Oshkosh Junior High School, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Interests: Mountain biking, reading, hiking, skiing, sailing.

Languages:   Fluent Spanish (my mother is Mexican),

              good conversational French.


-   Ms Daphne Stem, Sales Vice-President, Valentine International, 2205 Jackson Street, Oshkosh,Wl 54901.

-   Mrs Francine Dexter, Marketing Director, Chicago Products Inc., 4450 Capitol Drive, Milwaukee, W l 52303.

-   Mr James Wong, Atlas Travel, 9004 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago IL 60607.

Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Look at this application letter from another applicant for the job. In what ways does Arthur Dent seem suitable (or unsuitable) for the job? In what ways are you better qualified for it?


Dear Mr Fox,

I noted with interest your advertisement in today’s Daily Planet.

You will see from the enclosed CV that I have three years experience in marketing. My responsibilities have included all types of administrative work, product development, arranging and attending presentations, working with clients and solving problems that arise.

Although I have an excellent relationship with my present employers, I feel that my prospects with them are limited and that there would be more scope for my talents with a larger, more dynamic company.

If you consider that my qualifications and experience are suitable, I should be available for interview at any time.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur Dent.


Exercise 12. Work in pairs. Imagine that you want to apply for the job (use one of the job ads made at the previous lesson). Draft an application letter, following these guidelines:

1) Introduce yourself: name, age, nationality, etc.

2) State when you are available.

3) Describe your relevant experience – or justify your lack of experience.

4) Describe your skills in your own language, English and other languages.

5) Describe how you meet the requirements of the job.

6) Say when you’re available for interview.

Exercise 13. Find the words or phrases in the dialogue that tell you the following:

1) Carlos doesn’t want people to know that he is looking for another job.

2) Helen has already guessed that he is looking for another job.

3) She wants to end the conversation.

4) He thinks that he won’t get the job.

5) But he also thinks that he might get the job.

    Before he wrote the letter to Industrias Montresor, Carlos wanted to speak to manager at Topdown Systems, Helen Tomlinson. Listen to what they say. What words do they use to show that the conversation is private?

       CARLOS:    Helen, could I have a quick word with you?

        HELEN:      Sure! Come into my office. Have a seat.

        CARLOS:   There was something that I wanted to ask you about. I don’t want to say anything about this officially yet – this is just between you and me – but...

        HELEN:      But you think it’s time you moved on and you’re applying for another job.

        CARLOS:   Well, yes. How did you know? Anyway, could I ask you a favour? Can I give your name as a referee?

        HELEN:      Of course you may. Are you applying for a particular job, or are you just looking generally?

        CARLOS:   Oh no! It’s a chemical machinery corporation which operates it several countries, including Spain. They want a software engineering manager, someone to build up a new team. They’ll sending me full particulars. I’ll photocopy them for you.

        HELEN:      There’s no need. They’ll send me a copy anyway if they ask for reference. OK, Carlos, thanks for telling me. You’ll let me know what happens, won’t you?

        CARLOS:   If anything dews! Actually, I’ve spoken to them on the phone. They sound quite interested.

        HELEN:      Well, I wish you luck. I promise I won’t mention it to anyone else unless you’re called for interview.


   Employment History: List all employment including military and volunteer service starting with the most current position held. Show employment history for at least 10 years or from the time you left school. Explain gaps in employment history. You may attach a resume, but you must complete the employment section. This information will be used in reference checks. Failure to answer all items in the following sections may eliminate you from further consideration.


Please read carefully and sign - I certify that the above statements are correct. I understand that any false information (or omissions) in this application, or its supporting documents, will be sufficient grounds for refusal to hire me or termination without notice. I agree that all rules, orders, and regulations of the Board of Curators affecting my employment shall constitute a part of my appointmenmt or employment. I further understand that the University of Missouri has the right to review my education, previous employment, driving, and criminal records and other background data.

Applicatiion signature ____________________  Date:________

       Notice of Nondiscrimination - Per Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, disability, or status as disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam Era. Any person having inquiries concerning the University of Missouri’s compliance with these regulations is directed to contact the campus Affirmative Action representative or the Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education. Inquiries should be directed to University of Missouri-Columbia, Affirmative Action Office, 143 Henikel Building, 573-882-4256.

    Information available  - makes available to applicants a security report of crimes that occurred on campus over the previous three years. For a copy of this report, contact the University Police Department at 573-882-5923 or access their web site at: http://web.

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

1. При составлении резюме нужно обратить внимание на требования к позиции, на которую вы претендуете, иначе есть шанс, что вместо того, чтобы положить ваше резюме в папку для рассмотрения, его отправят в папку для отказа.

2. Существует несколько типов резюме - хронологическое, функциональное и электронное. Отдельным пунктом стоит отметить жизнеописание.

    3. Лицо, ищущее работу должно указать в резюме свои достижения: образование, публикации, награды, опыт работы в данной должности и весь опыт работы.

    4. Консультант по трудоустройству может подсказать как лучше оформить рекомендательное письмо и заполнить бланк заявления о приеме на работу.

    5. Рекруты создают банк резюме для того, чтобы было легко найти нужное резюме на нужную вакансию.


2. Vocabulary.

position                          должность

consider file                    папка для документов на


reject file                        папка для документов на отказ

accomplishment              достижения

chronological resume      хронологическое резюме

job seeker                       лицо, ищущее работу

functional resume            функциональное резюме

on-the-job experience      опыт работы в данной должности

hiring and training of staff найм и обучение персонала

education                       образование

publication                     публикация

project                           проект

award                             награда

work history                   опыт работы

credentials                      рекомендательное письмо

career counselor             консультант по трудоустройству

application form             бланк заявления о приеме на работу

electronic resume            электронное резюме

resume bank                   банк резюме

hiring manager                рекрут