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«Шетіл тілдері» кафедрасы




Оқылым және сөйлесім әрекеттерін дамытатын әдістемелік нұсқау

(5В0746 мамандық студенттеріне  арналған)



Алматы 2012 

Құрастырушы: Қ.Е. Молдабаева. Ағылшын тілі. Оқылым және сөйлесім әрекеттерін дамытатын әдістемелік нұсқау  (5В074600 мамандық студенттеріне  арналған)-Алматы, АЭжБУ,-27 бет. 


          Берілген әдістемелік нұсқау 5В074600 мамандық студенттеріне  арналған. Әдістемелік нұсқауда мамандандырылған мәтіндерді оқуға, аударуға арналған, сонымен қоса ауызекі сөйлеу тілін дамытуға арналған жаттығулар берілген. Әдістемелік нұсқаудың мақсаты студенттердің  лексикалық сөз қорын молайту болып табылыады.


Рецензент: техн. ғыл. канд., доценті Сябина Н.В 


 «Алматы энергетика және байланыс университетінің» коммерциялық емес акционерлік қоғамының 2012 жылға арналған шығарылым жоспары бойынша басылып отыр. 



© «Алматы энергетика және байланыс университетінің»КЕАҚ ,2012ж.


         Unit 1. Space exploration


1.1  Read and translate word combinations


                   Space exploration, by means of space technology, robotic spacecraft, efficient rockets, scientific research, the future survival of humanity, strategic advantages, geopolitical rivalries, the Cold War, the first man-made object, initial period, human spaceflight, celestial body, space station.


1.2  Find out synonyms and antonyms


                  Discovery, allowed, different ascertainment, uniting, contention, inner space, include, astral, comparatively, competition, same, civil, celestial, interdict, relatively, military, divide, outer space, exclude.


1.3            Find out the definition of the words


                   Advantage, milestone, observation, geopolitical, exploration, rivalries.

1. The act or process of exploring,  an organized trip into unfamiliar regions, esp. for scientific purposes; expedition.

2. The act of observing or the state of being observed, detailed examination of phenomena prior to analysis, diagnosis, or interpretation.

3.The beneficial aspects of an employment, such as the stimulation of the work, attractiveness of the workplace, or its nearness to one's home, that do not reflect its financial remuneration. 

4. The study of the effect of geographical factors on politics, esp. international politics; political geography, the combination of geographical and political factors affecting a country or area.

5. A stone pillar that shows the distance in miles to or from a place.

6. A person, organization, team, etc., that competes with another for the same object or in the same field, a person or thing that is considered the equal of another or others.


         1.4 Read and translate the Text into English


                   Ғарыштық зерттеулер институты – Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министірлігінің ғарышты зерттеу мәселелерімен айналысатын ғылыми-зерттеу мекемесі. Ол 1991 жылы құрылған.

                   Институт құрамында 2 бөлім (қашықтан зондылаудың матем. мәселелері; металл физикасы және ғарыштық материалтану) және 2 орталық (ғарыштық ақпараттарды қабылдау және өңдеу; геоақпараттық жүйелер) бар.

           Институт ғылым-зертттеу жұмыстарының негізгі бағыттары: қашықтан зондылаудың, ғарыштық мониторингтің, сондай-ақ табиғи-аумақтық кешендерді зерттеу және басқару үшін геоақпараттық технологияның ғыл. негіздерін жасау; ғарыштық материалтану және металл физикасы.


                   Институт ғарыштық мониторинг деректері, математикалық модельдеу және геоақпараттық жүйелер технологиясы әдістері негізінде Қазақстан аумағындағы экологиялық табиғи-ресурстық мониторинг жүйелерін құру саласындағы зерттеулер жөнінде жетекші мекеме болып есептеледі.


1.5            Read and translate the text


                   Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of outer space by means of space technology. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft.

                   While the observation of objects in space, known as astronomy, predates reliable recorded history, it was the development of large and relatively efficient rockets during the early 20th century that allowed physical space exploration to become a reality. Common rationales for exploring space include advancing scientific research, uniting different nations, ensuring the future survival of humanity and developing military and strategic advantages against other countries. Various criticisms of space exploration are sometimes made.

                   Space exploration has often been used as a proxy competition for geopolitical rivalries such as the Cold War. The early era of space exploration was driven by a "Space Race" between the Soviet Union and the United States, the launch of the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, the USSR's Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957, and the first Moon landing by the American Apollo 11 craft on July 20, 1969 are often taken as the boundaries for this initial period.

                    The Soviet space program achieved many of the first milestones, including the first living being in orbit in 1957, the first human spaceflight (Yuri Gagarin aboard Vostok 1) in 1961, the first spacewalk (by Aleksei Leonov) in 1965, the first automatic landing on another celestial body in 1966, and the launch of the first space station (Salyut 1) in 1971.


1.6 Answer the questions


1. What is Space exploration?

2. How can the physical exploration of space be conducted?

3. What does astronomy study?

4. What do common rationales for exploring space include?

5. When was the first human spaceflight?

6. How do you understand the automatic landing on another celestial body?


                   Unit 2. The Sun


                   2.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   In the close future, magnetic field, infrared and ultraviolet radiations, scheduled to arrive, complementary data, a cost in energy, the net change in velocity, its proximity to the Sun, difficult to explore, a joint mission, interplanetary flyby, one of the most hostile surface environments in the solar system, velocity of the spacecraft, multiple space agencies, rather unstable, the obscuring atmosphere.


2.2             Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words


                   Particular, underground, velocity, general, impact, unstable, surface, interact, intend, affect, mean, speed, nearness in space or time, interfere, proximity, stable, friendly.


2.3            Find out the definition of the words


                   Ultraviolet radiations, obscurant, accomplished, to pierce, magnetic field, proximity, hostile, unstable, flyby.


1. Disposed to temperamental, emotional, or psychological variability, lacking stability, fixity, or firmness.  

2. A field of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle, in which another permanent magnet or moving charge experiences a force.  

3. A flight past a particular position or target, esp. the close approach of a spacecraft to a planet or satellite for investigation of conditions.  

4. The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths shorter than light but longer than X-rays; in the range 0.4x10--6 and 1x10--8 metres.  

5. Antagonistic; opposed. 

6. Nearness in space or time, nearness or closeness in a series.

7. To form or cut (a hole) in (something) with or as if with a sharp instrument.  

8. An opposer of reform and enlightenment.  

9. Successfully completed; achieved, attained, brought about, carried out. completed, concluded, consummated, done, effected, executed, finished, fulfilled.


                            2.4 Read and translate the sentences into English


1. Күннің сәулесі (сәуле шығаруы) түгелдей дерлік Күн атмосферасының төменгі бөлігінен шығады, оны фотосфера деп атайды.

2. Күнқызған газды шар.

3. Күнде өте кең тараған элемент – сутек.

4. Күн құрамында басқа элементтерге қарағанда оттек, көміртек, азот, магний, кремний, темір басымырақ.

5.Күннің тікелей бақылауға келетін сыртқы қабаттары, оның атмосферасын құрады.



2.5            Read and translate the texts


The Sun

                   While the Sun will probably not be physically explored in the close future, one of the reasons for going into space includes knowing more about the Sun. Once above the atmosphere in particular and the Earth's magnetic field, this gives access to the Solar wind and infrared and ultraviolet radiations that cannot reach the surface of the Earth.

                   The Sun generates most space weather, which can affect power generation and transmission systems on Earth and interfere with, and even damage, satellites and space probes.


                   Mercury remains the least explored of the inner planets. As of May 2011, the Mariner 10 and MESSENGER missions have been the only missions that have made close observations of Mercury. MESSENGER entered orbit around Mercury in March, 2011, to further investigate the observations made by Mariner 10 in 1975 (Munsell, 2006b)

                   A third mission to Mercury, scheduled to arrive in 2020, BepiColombo is to include two probes Bepi Colombo is a joint mission between Japan and the European Space Agency. MESSENGER and Bepi Colombo are intended to gather complementary data to help scientists understand many of the mysteries discovered by Mariner 10's flybys.

                   Flights to other planets within the Solar System are accomplished at a cost in energy, which is described by the net change in velocity of the spacecraft, or delta-v. Due to the relatively high delta-v to reach Mercury and its proximity to the Sun, it is difficult to explore and orbits around it are rather unstable.


                   Venus was the first target of interplanetary flyby and launder missions and, despite one of the most hostile surface environments in the solar system, has had more landers sent to it (nearly all from the Soviet Union) than any other planet in the solar system.

                   The first successful Venus flyby was the American Mariner 2 spacecraft, which flew past Venus in 1962. Mariner 2 has been followed by several other flybys by multiple space agencies often as part of missions using a Venus flyby to provide a gravitational assist en route to other celestial bodies.

                   In 1967 Venera 4 became the first probe to enter and directly examine the atmosphere of Venus. In 1970 Venera 7 became the first successful lander to reach the surface of Venus and by 1985 it had been followed by eight additional successful Soviet Venus landers which provided images and other direct surface data. Starting in 1975 with the Soviet orbiter Venera 9 some ten successful obiter missions have been sent to Venus, including later missions which were able to map the surface of Venus using radar to pierce the obscuring atmosphere.



2.6 Answer the questions


1. Why do people want to explore the Sum?

2. What can be generated from the Sun?

3. When was the first mission to the Mercury?

4. Why does Mercury remain as the least explored of the inner planets?

5. When was the first successful Venus flyby?


                   Unit 3. Earth


                   3.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   A celestial object, to provide data, habitable space stations, a variety of earth based phenomena, artificial satellite, unexpected discovery, geological formations, magnetic fields, archaeological sites, visible to humans, successfully deployed, extraterrestrial soil samples, unmanned rovers, lunar orbiters.


3.2            Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words 


                   Difficult, presently, position, manned, launch, natural, remote, from time to time, unlivable, easy, find, currently, deploy, artificial,  habitable, miss, good, unmanned, phase out, periodically.


3.3            Find out the definition of the words


                   Phenomena, automated, orbited, spacecraft, ozone layer, unmanned, extraterrestrial, vigorously.


1. A vehicle or device designed for travel or operation outside the earth's atmosphere.

2. An atmospheric layer at heights of about 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 kilometers) that is normally characterized by high ozone content which blocks most solar ultraviolet radiation from entry into the lower atmosphere.

3. Full of physical or mental strength or active force.

4. An observable fact or event.

5. Not trained.

6. To send up and make revolve in an orbit.

7. Originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere.

8. To operate by automation.


3.4           Read and translate the sentences into English


Осы күнгі космогониялық түсінік бойынша, Жер осыдан төрт жарым миллиард жыл бұрын Күн айналасындағы кеңістікте шашыраған газ-тозаң заттан, планеталардың тартылыс күшінің әсерінен пайда болған.

Қатты материя кесектерінің соқтығысып, жабысуынан планеталар ұлғая берген. Газ-тозаң зат іріктеліп, олардың жеңіл элементтері Күн сәулесінің қысымымен онан әрірек, ал біршама ауырлары Күнге жақын орналасқан.

 Жер құрамына Күн жүйесінде кездесетін барлық химиялық элементтер енеді. Заттың планета центріне тартылуы және оның ось бойымен айналуы салдарынан Жер эллипсоидтық пішінге келген.


3.5             Read and translate the texts



                   Space exploration has been used as a tool to understand the Earth as a celestial object in its own right. Orbital missions can provide data for the Earth that can be difficult or impossible to obtain from a purely ground-based point of reference.

                   For example, the existence of the Van Allen belts was unknown until their discovery by the United States' first artificial satellite, Explorer 1. These belts contain radiation trapped by the Earth's magnetic fields, which currently renders construction of habitable space stations above 1000 km impractical. Following this early unexpected discovery, a large number of Earth observation satellites have been deployed specifically to explore the Earth from a space based perspective.     These satellites have significantly contributed to the understanding of a variety of earth based phenomena. For instance, the hole in the ozone layer was found by an artificial satellite that was exploring Earth's atmosphere, and satellites have allowed for the discovery of archeological sites or geological formations that were difficult or impossible to otherwise identify.

                   Earth's Moon

                   Earth's Moon was the first celestial body to be the object of space exploration. It holds the distinctions of being the first remote celestial object to be flown by, orbited, and landed upon by spacecraft, and the only remote celestial object ever to be visited by humans.

                   In 1959 the Soviets obtained the first images of the far side of the Moon, never previously visible to humans. The U.S. exploration of the Moon began with the Ranger 4 impactor in 1962. Starting in 1966 the Soviets successfully deployed a number of landers to the Moon which were able to obtain data directly from the Moon's surface; just four months later, Surveyor 1 marked the debut of a successful series of U.S. landers.

                   The Soviet unmanned missions culminated in the Lunokhod program in the early '70s which included the first unmanned rovers and also successfully returned lunar soil samples to the Earth for study. This marked the first (and to date the only) automated return of extraterrestrial soil samples to the Earth.

         Unmanned exploration of the Moon continues with various nations periodically deploying lunar orbiters, and in 2008 the Indian Moon Impact Probe.

                   Manned exploration of the Moon began in 1968 with the Apollo 8 mission that successfully orbited the Moon, the first time any extraterrestrial object was orbited by humans. In 1969 the Apollo 11 mission marked the first time humans set foot upon another world.

                   Manned exploration of the Moon did not continue for long, however. The Apollo 17 mission in 1972 marked the most recent human visit to another world, and there is no further planned human exploration of an extraterrestrial body, though robotic missions are still pursued vigorously.


3.6            Answer the questions


1. Why do people use the Space exploration?

2. What can be provided by orbital missions?

3. What contribution of the satellite Explorer 1 is described in the text 1?

4. How do you understand the phenomenon “Earth's Moon”?

5. When do Soviet people obtain the first images from the Moon?

6. When did the first manned exploration to the Moon begin?


                   Unit 4. Mars


                   4.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   The space exploration programs, dozens of robotic spacecraft, to gathering data, the scientific community, a considerable financial cost, an interplanetary journey, a majority of the missions, flight duration, without the probe.


                   4.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words


                   Important, aim, established, discrepancy, appreciation, inconsequential, albeit, minority, variable, negligible, community, bend, biggish, considerable, disfavour, majority, although, considerable


                   4.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Programs, core, gravity, journey, solid, research, majority, mission.


1. The act or an instance of sending.

2. A public notice.

3. An act or instance of travelling from one place to another.

4. Investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts,

5. The quality or state of being greater

6. A central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature

7. Of uniformly close and coherent texture

8. Dignity or sobriety of bearing


                   4.4 Read and translate the Text into English


                   Марста атмосфера бар екендігін оның дискісінің шетіне қарай күңгірттенуімен, планетаның тасасындағы жұлдыздардың бәсеңдеп сөнуімен, Марс бетіндегі заттардың айқындылығы жойылуымен дәлелдеуге болады.

                   Қазақстандық астрофизик Габриил Тихов Марс планетасына жан-жақты зерттеулер жүргізді. Ол Марс бетінде қарапайым тіршілік көздері болуы мүмкін деген болжам айтты.

                    Марста жанды заттар тұрады деген болжамдар температуралық және спектроскопиялық нәтижелермен дәлелденген жоқ. Марс атмосферасында оттектің белгісі болмағандықтан, тіршіліктің жоғарғы формасының болуы туралы болжам шындыққа сай келмейді.


         4.5 Read and translate the texts



                   The exploration of Mars has been an important part of the space exploration programs of the Soviet Union (later Russia), the United States, Europe, and Japan. Dozens of robotic spacecraft, including orbiters, landers, and rovers, have been launched toward Mars since the 1960s.

                   These missions were aimed at gathering data about current conditions and answering questions about the history of Mars.

                   The questions raised by the scientific community are expected to not only give a better appreciation of the red planet but also yield further insight into the past, and possible future, of Earth.

                   The exploration of Mars has come at a considerable financial cost with roughly two-thirds of all spacecraft destined for Mars failing before completing their missions, with some failing before they even began.

                    Such a high failure rate can be attributed to the complexity and large number of variables involved in an interplanetary journey, and has led researchers to jokingly speak of The Great Galactic Ghoul which subsists on a diet of Mars probes. This phenomenon is also informally known as the Mars Curse



                            The exploration of Jupiter has consisted solely of a number of automated NASA spacecraft visiting the planet since 1973. A large majority of the missions have been "flybys", in which detailed observations are taken without the probe landing or entering orbit; the Galileo spacecraft is the only one to have orbited the planet.

                            As Jupiter is believed to have only a relatively small rocky core and no real solid surface, a landing mission is nearly impossible.

                            Reaching Jupiter from Earth requires a delta-v of 9.2 km/s, which is comparable to the 9.7 km/s delta-v needed to reach low Earth orbit. Fortunately, gravity assists through planetary flybys can be used to reduce the energy required at launch to reach Jupiter, albeit at the cost of a significantly longer flight duration.

Jupiter has over 60 known moons, many of which have relatively little known information about them.


                   4.6 Answer the questions


1. Which countries did in the exploration of Mars take place?

2. What was the purpose of these programs?

3. What problems did countries during the exploration of Mars have?

4. What is Mars Curse?

5. When was the first trip to the Jupiter?

6. What spacecraft was the first to have orbited the planet?

7. How did scientists describe this planet?


                   Unit 5. Saturn


                   5.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   Space agencies, orbiting objects, varying sizes, the solar system, axial tilt, darkness for long periods, the dramatic storms, a very uniform appearance, to be profoundly affected, geologically active.


                   5.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words 


            Unsuccessfully,executed, cooperation, unnoticeable, successfully, thin, known, usually, profoundly, debatable, perform, dependent, arguable, unknown, , single, thick, independent, unique, evident, deeply, unusually, dissension.

                   5.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Cooperation, striking, distinction, deployment, magnetosphere, made up, axial, atmosphere, fabricated.


1. The gaseous envelope surrounding the earth or any other celestial body

2. Attracting attention.

3. The act or an instance of distinguishing or differentiating. 

4. Combined effort.

5. The region surrounding a planet, such as the earth, in which the behaviour of charged particles is controlled by the planet's magnetic field.  

6. Relating to, forming, or characteristic of an axis.

7. To adopt or cause to adopt a battle.

8. Formation, esp. from a narrow front formation.


                   5.4 Read and translate the sentences into English


Уран - Күн жүйесінің жетінші ғаламшары. 1781 жылы наурыздың 13-інде Уильям Гершель ашқан. Грек (юнан) уақыттың құдайы Кроностың мадағына аталған. Уран - бұл Кроностың латын атауы. Күнді 84 жылында бір рет айналады.

Уранның  қозғалысын байқап, ғалымдар жаңа дененің орбитасы мен көрінетін орбитасының айырмашылығын көріп, Нептунның ар жағында тағы бір ғаламшар бар екенің түсінді. 1930 жылының ақпан айының 18 жұлдызында жас астроном Клайд Томбо Американың Ловвелов обсерваториясында зерртеу жасап, Плутонды ашқан.


            5.5 Read and translate the texts



       Saturn has been explored only through unmanned spacecraft launched by NASA, including one mission planned and executed in cooperation with other space agencies. These missions consist of flybys in 1979 by Pioneer 11 in 1980 by Voyager 1, in 1982 by Voyager 2 and an orbital mission by the Cassini spacecraft which entered orbit in 2004 and is expected to continue its mission well into 2010.

Saturn has at least 62 satellites, although the exact number is debatable since Saturn's rings are made up of vast numbers of independently orbiting objects of varying sizes.

                   The largest of the moons is Titan. Titan holds the distinction of being the only moon in the solar system with an atmosphere denser and thicker than that of the Earth. As a result of the deployment from the Cassini spacecraft of the Huygens probe and its successful landing on Titan, Titan also holds the distinction of being the only moon (apart from Earth's own Moon) to be successfully explored with a lander.


                   The exploration of Uranus has been entirely through the Voyager 2 spacecraft, with no other visits currently planned. Given its axial tilt of 97.77°, with its polar regions exposed to sunlight or darkness for long periods, scientists were not sure what to expect at Uranus.

                   The closest approach to Uranus occurred on January 24, 1986. Voyager 2 studied the planet's unique atmosphere and magnetosphere. Voyager 2 also examined its ring system and the moons of Uranus including all five of the previously known moons, while discovering an additional ten previously unknown moons.

                   Images of Uranus proved to have a very uniform appearance, with no evidence of the dramatic storms or atmospheric banding evident on Jupiter and Saturn.

                   Great effort was required to even identify a few clouds in the images of the planet. The magnetosphere of Uranus, however, proved to be completely unique and proved to be profoundly affected by the planet's unusual axial tilt. In contrast to the bland appearance of Uranus itself, striking images were obtained of the moons of Uranus, including evidence that Miranda had been unusually geologically active.


                   5.6 Answer the questions


1. When was the first exploration of Saturn?

2. How many satellites does Saturn have?

3. What is the largest of Saturn’s moons called?

4. When was the first exploration of Uranus?

5. How do scientists describe Uranus?


                   Unit 6. Neptune


                   6.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   The extremely uniform appearance of Uranus, visible atmospheric phenomena, obvious banding, visible clouds, a conspicuous anticyclone storm system, the dwarf planet Pluto, resulting in a trajectory, to be of great interest, despite its reclassification, distant icy bodies of intermediate size, the small rocky objects, political battle.


                   6.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words 


                   Appearance, previously, disappearance, compatible, dare, capture, incomplete, reinforce ,complete,antecedent, incomplete,  release, incompatible, to strengthen, prior, complete, challenge, antecedent.


                   6.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Obvious, anticyclone, asteroids, dwarf, reclassification, trajectory, auroras, ring.


1. An extensive system of winds spiralling outward from a high-pressure centre, circling clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counter clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

2. A circular object, form, line, or arrangement with a vacant circular centre.

3. An atypically small animal or plant.

4. Classifying something again

5. Any of numerous small celestial bodies that revolve around the sun, with orbits lying chiefly between Mars and Jupiter and characteristic diameters between a few and several hundred kilometres. Also called minor planet, planetoid.


6. A luminous atmospheric phenomenon appearing as streamers or bands of light sometimes visible in the night sky in northern or southern regions of the earth. It is thought to be caused by charged particles from the sun entering the earth's magnetic field and stimulating molecules in the atmosphere.

7. The path of a projectile or other moving body through space.

8. Easily perceived or understood; quite apparent.


                   6.4 Read and translate the sentences into English


                   Нептун - Күн жүйесінің сегізінші ғаламшары, Күн Жүйесіндегі күннен ең алыс орналасқан ғаламшар. Диаметрі жөнінен ең үлкені, салмағы бойынша үшінші ғаламшар.

                    Нептун  Жерден 15 есе ауыр Уран ғаламшарынан сәл ауыр. 1846 жылдың 23 қыркүйегінде ашылған Нептун ғаламшары математикалық есептердің көмегімен ашылған алғашқы ғаламшар болды.

            Нептунның бетінде Күн Жүйесінде тіркелген ең қатты желдер болады, олардың жылдамдығы 2100 км/сағат.


                   6.5 Read and translate the texts




                   The exploration of Neptune began with the August 25, 1989 Voyager 2 flyby, the sole visit to the system as of 2009. The possibility of a Neptune Orbiter has been discussed, but no other missions have been given serious thought.

                   Although the extremely uniform appearance of Uranus during Voyager 2's visit in 1986 had led to expectations that Neptune would also have few visible atmospheric phenomena, Voyager 2 found that Neptune had obvious banding, visible clouds, auroras, and even a conspicuous anticyclone storm system rivaled in size only by Jupiter's small Spot.

                    Neptune also proved to have the fastest winds of any planet in the solar system, measured as high as 2,100 km/h. Voyager 2 also examined Neptune's ring and moon system. It discovered 900 complete rings and additional partial ring "arcs" around Neptune.

                        In addition to examining Neptune's three previously known moons, Voyager 2 also discovered five previously unknown moons, one of which, Proteus, proved to be the last largest moon in the system. Data from Voyager further reinforced the view that Neptune's largest moon, Triton, is a captured Kuiper belt object.




                   The dwarf planet Pluto (considered a planet until the IAU redefined "planet" in October 2006) presents significant challenges for spacecraft because of its great distance from Earth (requiring high velocity for reasonable trip times) and small mass (making capture into orbit very difficult at present). Voyager 1 could have visited Pluto, but controllers opted instead for a close flyby of Saturn's moon Titan, resulting in a trajectory incompatible with a Pluto flyby. Voyager 2 never had a plausible trajectory for reaching Pluto.[

                   Pluto continues to be of great interest, despite its reclassification as the lead and nearest member of a new and growing class of distant icy bodies of intermediate size, in mass between the remaining eight planets and the small rocky objects historically termed asteroids (and also the first member of the important subclass, defined by orbit and known as "Plutinos").

                   After an intense political battle, a mission to Pluto dubbed New Horizons was granted funding from the US government in 2003. New Horizons was launched successfully on January 19, 2006. In early 2007 the craft made use of a gravity assist from Jupiter. Its closest approach to Pluto will be on July 14, 2015; scientific observations of Pluto will begin five months prior to closest approach and will continue for at least a month after the encounter.


                   6.6 Answer the questions


1. When does the exploration of Neptune begin?

2. How do scientists describe this planet?

3. How are the largest moons in this planet named?

4. Why is Pluto of great interest between scientists?

5. Can you describe this planet?


                   Unit 7. The International Space Station


                   7.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   A habitable artificial satellite, a modular structure, artificial satellites, with the naked eye, external trusses, solar arrays, led to the merger, multi-national programme, crew members, pressurised modules, external trusses, solar arrays, space environment research laboratory, the previous record of almost 10 years, a joint project, intergovernmental treaties and agreements, orbital segment, to conduct scientific research, zero gravity, intended to accelerate, in order to, a free flying satellite platform, data bandwidth needs, the need for separate rocket launches, an intense radiation field, dry state.


                   7.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words


                   External, participate, manned, apparent, absence, display, summit,  decelerate, take part,  altitude, unmanned, exposure, separate, simplify,  unite,   presence, complicate, accelerate.




                   7.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Biology, astronomy, physics, universe, segment, telescope, industry, particle, medicine.


1. The scientific study of the individual celestial bodies (excluding the earth) and of the universe as a whole. Its various branches include astrometry, astrodynamics, cosmology, and astrophysics.

2. The science of preventing, diagnosing, alleviating, or curing disease.  

3. Organized economic activity concerned with manufacture, extraction and processing of raw materials, or construction.  

4. An optical instrument for making distant objects appears closer by use of a combination of lenses.

5. Cosmos, creation, everything, macrocosm, nature, the natural world.  

6. An extremely small piece of matter; speck.  

7. One of several parts or sections into which an object is divided; portion.  

8. The study of living organisms, including their structure, functioning, evolution, distribution, and interrelationships.  

9. The branch of science concerned with the properties of matter and energy and the relationships between them.


                   7.4 Translate the sentences into English


                   Халықаралық ғарыш станциясы, қысқаша: ХҒС (International Space Station, қысқаша. ISS) - көпмақсатты ғарыш зерттеу кешені ретінде басқарылатын орбитальді станция. ХҒС барлығы 15 мемлекет - Бельгия, Бразилия, Ұлыбритания, Дания, Испани, Италия, Канада, Нидерланды, Норвегия, Ресей, АҚШ, Франция, Швейцария, Швеция, Жапония қатынасатын бірлескен халықаралық жоба.


         7.5 Read and translate the text


                   The International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable artificial satellite in low Earth orbit. It follows the Salyut, Almaz, Skylab and Mir stations as the ninth space station to be inhabited. The ISS is a modular structure whose first component was launched in 1998, other modular space station projects include Mir, OPSEK, Tiangong 3 and the Chinese space station.

                   Like many artificial satellites, the station can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. The ISS consists of pressurised modules, external trusses, solar arrays and other elements. ISS components have been launched by American Space Shuttles as well as Russian Proton and Soyuz rockets.

                   The ISS serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology and other fields. The station is suited for the testing of spacecraft systems and equipment required for missions to the Moon and Mars.

                   The station has been continuously occupied for &1000000000000001100000011 years and &1000000000000007500000075 days having exceeded the previous record of almost 10 years (or 3,644 days) held by

 Mir, in 2010. The station is serviced by Soyuz spacecraft, Progress spacecraft, the Automated Transfer Vehicle and the H-II Transfer Vehicle, and has been visited by astronauts and cosmonauts from 15 different nations.

                   The ISS programme is a joint project between five participating space agencies, the American NASA, the Russian RKA, the Japanese JAXA, the European ESA, and the Canadian CSA. The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements.

                   The station is divided into two sections, the Russian orbital segment (ROS) and the United States orbital segment (USOS), which is shared by many nations. The ISS is maintained at an orbital altitude of between 330 km (205 mi) and 410 km (255 mi). It completes 15.7 orbits per day. The ISS is expected to remain in operation until at least 2020, and potentially to 2028.

                   The ISS provides a platform to conduct scientific research that cannot be performed in any other way. While small unmanned spacecraft can provide platforms for zero gravity and exposure to space, space stations offer a long term environment where studies can be performed potentially for decades, combined with ready access by human researchers over periods that exceed the capabilities of manned spacecraft. Kibō is intended to accelerate Japan's progress in science and technology, gain new knowledge and apply it to such fields as industry and medicine.

                   In order to detect dark matter and answer other fundamental questions about our universe, engineers and scientists from all over the world built the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), which NASA compares to the Hubble telescope, and says could not be accommodated on a free flying satellite platform due in part to its power requirements and data bandwidth needs.

                   The Station simplifies individual experiments by eliminating the need for separate rocket launches and research staff. The primary fields of research include Astrobiology, astronomy, human research including space medicine and life sciences, physical sciences, Material science, Space weather and weather on Earth (meteorology).

                   Scientists on Earth have access to the crew's data and can modify experiments or launch new ones; benefits generally unavailable on unmanned

spacecraft. Crews fly expeditions of several months duration, providing approximately 160 man-hours a week of labor with a crew of 6.

                   The space environment is hostile to life. Unprotected presence in space is characterised by an intense radiation field (consisting primarily of protons and other subatomic charged particles from the solar wind, in addition to cosmic rays), high vacuum, extreme temperatures, and microgravity. Some simple forms of life called Extremophiles, including small invertebrates called Tardigrades can survive in this environment in an extremely dry state called Desiccation.


         7.6 Answer the questions


1. What is ISS?

2. What is the purpose of ISS?

3. Which space agencies took part in the ISS programme?

4. Why did engineers and scientists from all over the world build the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer?

5. What branches of science did this programme include?

6. What are the results of this programme?


                   Unit 8. Gravity


                   8.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   Significant force, constant freefall, perceived weightlessness, the residual atmosphere, aerodynamic drag, orbital decay, orbital corrections by the on-board gyroscopes or thrusters, the spatial separation from the real centre of mass, try to fling off into space, internal processes of plants and animals, to investigate microgravity's effects, to model the behaviour of fluids, economic benefits, to examine aerosols, ozone, water vapour, and oxides in Earth's atmosphere.


                   8.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words


                   Constant, separate, variable, possible, low, benefit, reduce, fluid, affiliated, spat, increase, contention, hard, solidimpossible, favour, high.


                   8.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Gravity, oxide, decay, weightlessness, evolution, combustion, ozone, aerosol.


1. The force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the centre of the earth.

2. Being without apparent weight, as a freely falling body or a body acted upon by a force that neutralizes gravitation.

3. Any process of formation or growth; development.

4. A form of oxygen,

5. A system of colloidal particles dispersed in a gas; smoke or fog.

6. The act or process of burning.

7. A gradual falling into an inferior condition.

8. A compound in which oxygen is bonded to one or more electropositive atoms.


                   8.4 Read and translate the sentences into English


Гравитация (латынша: gravitas— ауырлық) — материяның кез келген түрлері арасындағы әмбебап өзара әрекеттестік.

Егер бұл өзара әрекеттестік біршама босаң болып, денелер баяу (жарық жылдамдығымен салыстырғанда) қoзғалатын болса, Ньютoнның бүкіл әлемдік тартылыс заңы қолданылады.

Жалпы жағдайда А.Эйнштейін шығарған жалпы салыстырмалылық теориясы қолданылады.

Гравитация - массасы бар кез келген денелер арасында болатын өзара тартылыс.


                   8.5 Read and translate the text


                   Gravity is the only significant force acting upon the ISS, which is in constant freefall. This state of freefall, or perceived weightlessness, is not perfect however, being disturbed by four separate effects: One, the drag resulting from the residual atmosphere, when the ISS enters the Earth's shadow, the main solar panels are rotated to minimise this aerodynamic drag, helping reduce orbital decay.

                   Two, vibration caused by mechanical systems and the crew on board the ISS. Three, orbital corrections by the on-board gyroscopes or thrusters. Four, the spatial separation from the real centre of mass of the ISS. Any part of the ISS not at the exact centre of mass will tend to follow its own orbit. That is, parts on the underside, closer to the Earth are pulled harder, towards the Earth.

                   Conversely, parts on the top of the station, farther from Earth, try to fling off into space. However, as each point is physically part of the station, this is impossible, and so each component is subject to small forces which keep them attached to the station as it orbits. This is also called the tidal force.

                   Researchers are investigating the effect of the station's near-weightless environment on the evolution, development, growth and internal processes of plants and animals. In response to some of this data, NASA wants to investigate microgravity's effects on the growth of three-dimensional, human-like tissues, and the unusual protein crystals that can be formed in space.

                   The investigation of the physics of fluids in microgravity will allow researchers to model the behaviour of fluids better. Because fluids can be almost completely combined in microgravity, physicists investigate fluids that do not mix well on Earth. In addition, an examination of reactions that are slowed by low gravity and temperatures will give scientists a deeper understanding of superconductivity.

                   The study of materials science is an important ISS research activity, with the objective of reaping economic benefits through the improvement of techniques used on the ground. Other areas of interest include the effect of the low gravity environment on combustion, through the study of the efficiency of burning and control of emissions and pollutants.

                   These findings may improve current knowledge about energy production, and lead to economic and environmental benefits. Future plans are for the researchers aboard the ISS to examine aerosols, ozone, water vapour, and oxides in Earth's atmosphere, as well as cosmic rays, cosmic dust, antimatter, and dark matter in the universe


         8.6 Answer the questions


1. What is Gravity?

2. How many effects can disturb the Gravity? Describe them?

3. What is tidal force?

4. What investigations with Gravity do the scientists make?

5. In which way do these investigations make influence to our life?


                   Unit 9. Human spaceflight


                   9.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   To be piloted directly, controlled remotely by humans, automatic methods onboard the spacecraft, transportation services, the private sector, the initial operational capability, the human spaceflight gap, a gradual movement, of non-governmental start-up companies, budget proposals, commercial customers.


                   9.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words


         Manned, automatic, dependent, to finish, in front of, involuntary, against,

ability, unmanned, independent, capability, towards, to start, vehicle, behind, transport.


                   9.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Spacecraft, gap, transportation, customer, vehicle, government, automatic.


1. A vehicle designed for travel or operation in space  beyond the earth's atmosphere or in orbit around the earth.

2. The political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community.

3. The act of transporting.

4. A person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer.

5. Having the capability of starting, operating, moving, etc., independently.

6. Any means in or by which someone travels or something is carried or conveyed; a means of conveyance or transport.

7. An empty space or interval; interruption in continuity; hiatus.


         9.4 Translate the sentences into English


                   Ғарышкер, астронавт (Батыс елдеріндегі баламасы: астро... және nбutēs – теңізде жүзуші).), космонавт (грек. kosmos –ғарыш және nautes – теңіз жүзушісі) – ғарышқа ұшу кезінде ғарыштық техниканы сынақтан өткізетін әрі оны пайдаланатын адам; адамның ғарышқа ұшуынан кейін (1961) пайда болған мамандық.

                   Алғашқы ғарышкерлер әскери ұшқыштар мен ұшқыш-сынақшылар қатарынан таңдалып алынды. Өйткені ғарышқа ұшуға қажетті қасиеттер (ұшу шеберлігінің жоғары деңгейде болуы, апатқа ұшырау жағдайында жылдам шешім қабылдауы, шу, діріл, үдеу, т.б. әр түрлі факторларға төзімді болуы, бақылау жұмыстарын жүргізіп, оны қорытындылай білуі, т.б.) осындай мамандыққа лайықты еді.


         9.5 Read and translate the text


                   Human spaceflight (or manned spaceflight or crewed spaceflight) is space travel with humans on the spacecraft. When a spacecraft is manned, it can be piloted directly, as opposed to machine or robotic space probes controlled remotely by humans or through automatic methods onboard the spacecraft.

                   The first human spaceflight was launched on April 12, 1961 by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin The only countries to have independent human spaceflight capability are Russia and China. As of 2011, human spaceflights are being actively launched by the Soyuz programme conducted by the Russian Federal Space Agency and the Zhengzhou program conducted by the China National Space Administration.

                  In recent years there has been a gradual movement towards more commercial forms of spaceflight. A number of non-governmental start up companies have sprung up in recent years, hoping to create a space tourism industry. For a list of such companies, and the spacecraft they are currently building, see List of private spaceflight companies.

                   NASA has also tried to stimulate private spaceflight through programs such as Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) and Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS). With its 2011 budget proposals released in early February 2010, the Obama administration is moving towards a model where commercial companies would supply NASA with transportation services of both crew and cargo to low Earth orbit.


                   9.6 Answer the questions


1. What is manned, unmanned spacecraft?

2. Which country was the first  into space?

3. What is the name of first cosmonauts?

4. Which country was the second, the third in the space?

5. What is the aim of non- governmental start up companies?


         Unit 10. A space observatory


         10.1 Read and translate word combinations


         Observation of distant planets, space objects, the extraterrestrial universe, of electromagnetic radiation, artificial light sources, two wavelength ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, X-ray telescopes, the entire sky, chosen parts of the sky.


                   10.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words


                   Reconnaissance, distortion, safeguarding, exploration, twinkling, stop, unimportant, misrepresentation, artificial, glittering, severely, natural, important, harshly, continue, pollution.


                   10.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Extraterrestrial, filter, light, frequency, wavelength, launch, range, source.


1. Occurring or existing beyond the earth's atmosphere. 

2. The limits within which a person or thing can function effectively.  

3. The distance, measured in the direction of propagation, between two points of the same phase in consecutive cycles of a wave.

4. The point or place from which something originates.  

5. To set (a missile, spacecraft, etc.) into motion.  

6. Any device containing such a porous substance for separating suspensions from fluids. 

 7. The number of times that an event occurs within a given period; rate of recurrence.  

8. The medium of illumination that makes sight possible. 


                   10.4 Read and translate the sentences into English


                   Ғарыштық астрономия екінші дүниежүзілік соғыстан кейін қарқынды дами түсті. 1946 жылы күннің ультракүлгін спектрі алғашқы рет алынды.

Жерді айналып орбитамен ұшатын автоматты обсерватория Эдвин Хаббл құрметіне аталған.

 «Хаббл» телескопы — НАСА мен Еуропа ғарыш агенттігінің  бірлескен жобасы.

Телескоптың ғарышта орналасуы жер атмосферасы мөлдір емес диапазондарда электромагниттік сәулелерді тіркеуге мүмкіндік береді; ең алдымен — инфрақызыл диапазонын.

Келесі күрделі инженерлік жұмыс телескоп пен басқа құрылғыларына ғарыштық кеме жасау болды.


         10.5 Read and translate the text


                   A space observatory is any instrument (such as a telescope) in outer space which is used for observation of distant planets, galaxies, and other outer space objects. This category is distinct from other observatories located in space that are


pointed toward the earth for the purpose of reconnaissance and other types of information gathering.

                   A large number of observatories have been launched into orbit, and most of them have greatly enhanced our knowledge of the extraterrestrial universe.

                   Performing astronomy from the Earth's surface is limited by the filtering and distortion of electromagnetic radiation (scintillation or twinkling) due to the atmosphere.

                   Some terrestrial telescopes (such as the Very Large Telescope) can reduce atmospheric effects with adaptive optics. A telescope orbiting the Earth outside the atmosphere is subject neither to twinkling nor to light pollution from artificial light sources on the Earth.

                   Space-based astronomy is even more important for frequency ranges which are outside of the optical window and the radio window, the only two wavelength ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum that are not severely attenuated by the atmosphere.

                   For example, X-ray astronomy is nearly impossible when done from

the Earth, and has reached its current importance in astronomy only due to orbiting X-ray telescopes such as the Chandra observatory and the XMM-Newton observatory. Infrared and ultraviolet are also greatly blocked.

                   Space observatories can generally be divided into two classes: missions which map the entire sky (surveys), and observatories which make observations of chosen parts of the sky.

                   Many space observatories have already completed their missions, while others continue operating, and still others are planned for the future. Satellites have been launched and operated by NASA, ESA, Japanese Space Agency and the Soviet space program later succeeded by Roskosmos of Russia.


         10.6 Answer the questions


1. What is the space observatory?

2. What is the aim of the space observatory?

3. What are the functions of terrestrial telescopes?

4. What do you know about space-based astronomy?

5. What is the X-ray astronomy?

6. How many classes can be divided Space observatories into?

7. What satellites have been launched and operated in the Space?




                   Unit 11. Effect of radiation on humans in space


         11.1 Read and translate word combinations


                   Harmful effects, ionizing radiation, a nuclear power plant, the energy density of the radiation, the altitude of manned spacecraft, a burst of solar energetic particles, an immediate termination, cosmic ray and solar energetic particles, to polar latitudes and radiation particles, the mesosphere and stratosphere, at mid-latitude and equatorial regions.


                   11.2 Read and find out synonyms and antonyms of the words


                   Exposure, deviate, impermeability, penetrate, presentation, provide, avoid, harmful, absorbency, go through, healthy, confront, vary, refuse.


                   11.3 Find out the definition of the words


                   Ionizing radiation, mesosphere, magnitude, equator, termination, atom, a power plant.


1. Electromagnetic or corpuscular radiation that is able to cause ionization.  

2. Relative size or extent. 

3. The atmospheric layer lying between the stratosphere and the thermosphere, characterized by a rapid decrease in temperature with height.  

4. The great circle of the earth with latitude of 0°, lying equidistant from the poles; dividing the N and S hemispheres.  

5. The complex, including machinery, associated equipment, and the structure housing it, that is used in the generation of power, esp. electrical power.  

6. A final result.  

7. The smallest quantity of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction.  


                   11.4 Read and translate the sentences into English


                   Жыл өткен сайын адамдардың радиоактивті сәулеленумен зақымдануы көбеие түсуде. Өйткені жыл сайын атом электр станциялары салып, олар іске қосылып жатыр. Сондай-ақ неше түрлі тездеткіштер (ускорительдер) сыналып, атом бомбалары жарылып жатыр. Олардан қаншама радиоактивті сәулелер бөлініп шығып, адамзат баласына неше түрлі зиян келтіріп, әлі де келтіруде.

                   Сондықтан да адамзат баласын радиациядан қорғау осы кездегі кезек күттірмейтін өзекті мәселеге айналып отыр.ағаштарды радиациядан қорғау үшін неше түрлі киімдер тігуді қажетті етеді. Олардың құрамында қорғасын болады. Ол гамма сәулесін тұтып қалып, адам денелеріне сәулені артпайды.
             Космостан келетін космостық сәулелерден практика жүзінде адамзат баласының қорғануға ешқандай мүмкіндігі жок.

                    Ол 1000км атмосфералық қабаттан лезде өтіп кетеді де жер шарына түгелдей таралды. Космонавтарды да космос сәулесін қорғау оңай шаруа емес екендігін өмірдің өзі көрсетіп отыр.


         11.5 Read and translate the texts


                   Effect of radiation on humans in space


                   The exposure of a human body to ionizing radiation has the same harmful effects whether the source of the radiation is a medical X- ray machine, a nuclear power plant or radiation in space.

                   The degree of the harmful effect depends on the length of exposure and the energy density of the radiation. The ever-present radiation belts extend down to the altitude of manned spacecraft such as the International Space Station (ISS) and the Space Shuttle but the amount of exposure is within the lifetime exposure limit under normal conditions.

                   During a major space weather event which includes a burst of solar energetic particles, the flux can increase by one to several orders of magnitude. There are areas within ISS where the thickness of the spacecraft surface and equipment can provide extra shielding and may keep the total dose absorbed within lifetime safe limits. For the Shuttle, such an event would have required an immediate termination of the mission.


                   Effect of radiation on humans at and near ground level


                   The Earth's magnetic field guides cosmic ray and solar energetic particles to polar latitudes and radiation particles enter the mesosphere and stratosphere. Cosmic rays at the top of the atmosphere shatter atmospheric atoms and create lower energy, but still harmful, radiation particles which penetrate deep into the atmosphere.

                   All aircraft flying above 10 km (33,000 feet) altitude are exposed to a noticeable amount of radiation. The exposure is greater in polar regions than at mid-latitude and equatorial regions. Many commercial aircraft from Europe and North America to East Asia fly over the polar region.

                   When a space weather event causes radiation exposure to exceed the safe level set by aviation authorities, the aircraft's flight path is deviated to avoid the polar region.



Әдебиеттер тізімі


1. Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Third edition, 2003.

2. 2000. Opportunities. Pre-Intermediate Dictionary. Longman.2004.

3. Collins college dictionary, Wratham, England 2009.

4. Н.Т. Сауранбаев, Г.Г. Мусабаев, Ш.Ш. Сарыбаев. Русско-казахский         словарь.-Алматы: ДАЙК-ПРЕСС, 2005.

5. Allen's Dictionary of English Phrases. Penguin Books, 2008.

6. Sally Wehmeier. Oxford power Dictionary. Oxford University  Press.1998.                                             7. novosti-kosmonavtiki. ru/content/numbers/224/23.




1. Space exploration                                                                                                3

2. The Sun                                                                                                               6

3. Earth                                                                                                                    8

4. Mars                                                                                                                    10

5. Saturn                                                                                                                  12

6. Neptune                                                                                                                    14

7. The International Space Station                                                                          16

8. Gravity                                                                                                                18

9. Human spaceflight                                                                                              20

10. A space observatory                                                                                          23

11. Effect of radiation on humans in space                                                             25


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