Некоммерческое акционерное общество

Алматинский университет энергетики и связи








Developing and Mastering Translation Skills

(For radio engineering students)

для магистрантов

Учебное пособие



Алматы, 2012


УДК 802.0 (075.8)

ББК 81.2  Англ. - 923

Английский язык: Developing and Mastering Translation Skills (For radio engineering students)

К53  Учебное пособие / авторы-сост. В.С.Козлов, Л.Я Коробейникова

АУЭС. Алматы, 2012.- 86 с.


ISBN 978-601-7327-09-5


Учебное пособие адресовано студентам технических специальностей, преимущественно в областях радиотехники, телекоммуникаций и компьютерных технологий. Пособие содержит подборку текстов технического характера с пояснениями, упражнениями, заданиями и рекомендациями по переводу типовых лексико-грамматических конструкций. Рассматриваются способы перевода терминов и неологизмов, заголовков, имен собственных и географических названий, даются рекомендации по использованию методов машинного перевода. Материал может найти применение, как на аудиторных занятиях, так и в практике самостоятельной работы студентов.

Библиогр. – 12 назв.


 ББК 81.2 Англ. - 923


Рецензенты:  КазНТУ им. Сатпаева,  канд.пед. наук, доцент              


            АУЭС, канд. филол. наук, доцент  Х.А. Нурходжаева


         Печатается по плану издания 2012 г. Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан                         


ISBN 978-601-7327-09-5


© НАО «Алматинский университет энергетики и связи», 2012 г.


 «Без широкого знания английского языка сложно говорить о подлинной конкурентоспособности нации и о будущем»





Раньше английский называли языком Шекспира, так как основную долю переводов занимали литературные произведения. Сейчас английский язык можно по праву назвать языком всего делового мира, или языком информационных технологий, или языком межнационального общения. Ведь без знания английского невозможно сделать даже шаг в международном бизнесе. Данное учебное пособие, направленное, в основном, на развитие навыков письменного перевода научно-технической литературы,  предполагает в то же время совершенствование всех основных (кроме аудирования) языковых компетенций – чтения, говорения, письма.

Перевод в общем смысле определяется как передача мыслей, выраженных на одном языке, средствами другого языка. Из этого определения вытекает главный критерий качества перевода - точность передачи мыслей автора. По форме перевод можно разделить на письменный (Translation) и устный (Interpretation). Письменный перевод, как правило, требует от исполнителя большей тщательности и точности, владения литературными стилями и фразеологией на языке перевода. Будучи представленным в готовом, печатном виде, такой перевод не допускает орфографических, грамматических, стилистических и прочих ошибок. Тексты оригинала могут содержать длинные, сложные предложения, что потребует от переводчика большего времени для их разбора и интерпретации на другом языке.

Качество перевода оценивается по следующим критериям:

- точность передачи мысли, выраженной в оригинале;

-сжатость формы изложения — подразумевает не только лаконичность, но и максимальную приближенность к форме и объему оригинального текста;

- ясность изложения мысли;

- литературность — подразумевает необходимость соблюдения всех норм литературного языка, правильного стиля повествования, принципов  благозвучности и пр.

Виды перевода по форме исполнения можно разделить на следующие группы:

Пословный перевод (буквальный или подстрочный). В большинстве случаев явно не приемлем, так как английский язык радикально отличается от русского по принципу построения предложений.

Дословный перевод максимально близок по форме к синтаксической конструкции первоисточника. Однако выдержать эту близость удается не всегда из-за различных идиом, слов и синтаксических оборотов, не имеющих прямых аналогов в русском языке, и пр.

Литературный перевод хоть и предполагает расхождение с синтаксической формой оригинала, но точно передает его мысль в том виде, который является наиболее понятным и адекватным для русскоязычного человека. Исходя из данной классификации, становится ясно, что для достижения наиболее совершенной формы перевод требует литературной обработки. В большинстве случаев перед переводчиком возникает необходимость отходить от оригинальной структуры и прямого перевода слов и выражений первоисточника, чтобы выразить мысль более ясным и складным языком. Пословный и дословный виды перевода могут играть здесь вспомогательную роль. Ими можно воспользоваться на первом этапе работы с оригиналом, а в дальнейшем облечь полученный текст в более приемлемую литературную форму. Вот упрощенная схема, по которой работает переводчик:

Информация на английском >>  Восприятие, обработка информации >>   Смысл >>  Выражение смысла на русском языке.    Именно точное и грамотное изложение смысла, выраженного в первоисточнике, и отличает переводчика от компьютера. 

Популярность компьютерных словарей и переводчиков в наше время сформировала у пользователей доверительное отношение к их работе. Достаточно взять фрагмент текста, нажать кнопку и получить готовый перевод. В этом кроется опасное заблуждение.  Английский язык имеет множество  специфических особенностей, в том числе:

-  многозначность английских слов;

-  наличие слов и выражений, не имеющих аналогов в русском языке;

- многофункциональность слов — способность слов выступать разными частями речи;

- авторские компрессивы — конструкции, не имеющие прямого перевода на русский (типа “a stay-slim diet”, “on the do-it-yourself principle”, etc.     

- грамматические нюансы, меняющие смысл предложений и т.д.

Ни один компьютерный алгоритм не способен учесть и проанализировать специфику текста таким образом, чтобы выдать нормальный, литературный перевод. Для получения готовой формы переводчик анализирует и выбирает средства русского языка, которые наиболее точно и ясно излагают смысл данного английского предложения. Без участия человеческого фактора это неосуществимо.

В алгоритме работы компьютера отсутствует звено "СМЫСЛ" из схемы, приведенной выше. Поэтому иногда компьютерный перевод сложно использовать даже в качестве "полуфабриката" для дальнейшей литературной обработки. Из-за формальной, дословной переработки оригинала его смысл сильно искажается или вообще теряется. Более того, в некоторых случаях даже поиск по многочисленным словарям не способен предложить пользователю подходящее значение. В таких случаях переводчику самому приходится придумывать наиболее правильную версию перевода слова.

Базовые навыки переводчика легко сформулировать на основе всего, что изложено выше. Для выполнения хорошего перевода на родной язык переводчику необходимы четыре условия:

1) словарный запас — знание минимального набора английских наиболее употребительных слов и выражений;

2) знание грамматики;

3) владение техникой перевода — умение определять, к какой части речи относится незнакомое слово, и находить его значение в словаре;  

4) знание области, к которой относится переводимый текст.

Таким образом,  для того чтобы правильно понять научно-технический    текст, надо, во-первых,  хорошо знать данный предмет и связанную с ним английскую терминологию и, во-вторых, для правильной передачи содержания текста на русском языке нужно знать соответствующую русскую терминологию и хорошо владеть русским литературным языком.

Значительные трудности при переводе технической документации или научных работ возникают, когда слово имеет несколько значений. Выбрать то, которое не искажает не только смысл перевода, но и дает правильную трактовку термина для конкретного технического случая – это мастерство переводчика. Ведь иногда техническая терминология может поставить в затруднительное положение и человека с инженерным образованием, особенно, если в разных технических областях применяются совершенно разные значения одного и того же слова. Нередко приходится учитывать и региональные смысловые различия, для разных стран перевод одного и того же термина может звучать по-разному. Например, при использовании Интернета в поисках грамматически и этимологически верных русскоязычных эквивалентов нередко появляются на свет несуществующие города, герцогства, штаты; искажаются известные фамилии и имена; “изменение масштаба изображения” становится “зумингом”, “пробуксовка” – “трэшингом”, “чередование” – “интерливингом”, “поставщик услуг” – “провайдером”, “передача работы внешнему исполнителю” – “аутсорсингом”, возможны также  “компьютинг”, “рекордер”, “плагин”, “пиринг” и прочие сомнительные кальки.

Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, у которых сформирована коммуникативная компетенция на базовом уровне. Оно может быть использовано всеми желающими пополнить знания и закрепить умения и навыки работы с научно-технической литературой.


Unit 1. Telecommunications ( Radio)


Start up

1.1 Discuss with your partner and explain what the term “telecommunications” means and what the notion involves. What do you think or know about the forms and methods of telecommunications, make a list of those.

Word study

1.2 Do you know these words? If not, consult the dictionary, give definition, transcription (don’t forget to mark the stressed syllable, make sure you pronounce the words properly), translate them, prepare a word-list according to this form:

Word         Transcription                 Definition                    Translation

breakthrough   [………….]          ……………………              …………………

revenue; frequency; transceiver; phenomenon; circuitry; sensitive.


1.3 Translate and memorize the following words (terms) and their definitions: 

wireless - communicating without connecting wires or other material contacts; wireless networks, wireless internet connection, by wireless, wireless communication,  wireless mechanic, wireless microphone, wireless operator, wireless set, wireless telephone; The message came over the wireless loud and clear.

radiation - the emission or transfer of radiant energy as particles, electromagnetic waves, sound, etc.; to emit radiation, to absorb radiation, microwave radiation.

 oscillation - regular fluctuation in value, position, or state about a mean value, such as the variation in an alternating current or the regular swinging of a pendulum; oscillation frequency.

frequency - (physics) the number of times that a periodic function or vibration repeats itself in a specified time, often 1 second. It is usually measured in hertz Symbol: v or f; on a frequency, frequency divider, frequency modulation, frequency range, medium frequency, radio frequency.

emission - energy, in the form of heat, light, radio waves, etc., emitted from a source; acoustic emission, amplitude-modulated emission, frequency-modulated emission.

coherer - an electrical component formerly used to detect radio waves, consisting of a tube containing loosely packed metal particles. The waves caused the particles to cohere, thereby changing the current through the circuit.

induction - the process by which electrical or magnetic properties are transferred, without physical contact, from one circuit or body to another; electric induction, electromagnetic induction, interference induction, magnetic induction = magnetic flux density.


1.4 No doubt, you can explain the above words in your native language. Try to do it in English without looking into the notes.


Text A

Telecommunication and Telecommunications


(A)Telecommunication is the transmission of information, over significant distances, for the purpose of communication. In earlier times, telecommunications1  involved the use of visual signals, such as beacons, smoke, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags, and optical heliographs, or audio messages via coded drumbeats, lung-blown horns, or sent by loud whistles, for example. In the modern age of electricity and electronics, telecommunications2 is now  generally understood as science and technologies and includes the use of electrical devices such as telegraphs, telephones, and teletypes, the use of radio and microwave communications, as well as fiber optics and their associated electronics, plus the use of the orbiting satellites and the Internet.

(B) The first breakthrough into modern electrical telecommunications came with the push to fully develop the telegraph starting in the 1830s. The use of these electrical means3 of communications exploded into use on all of the continents of the world during the 19th century, and these also connected the continents via cables on the floors of the ocean. The use of the first three popular systems of electrical telecommunications, the telegraph, telephone and teletype, all required the use of conducting metal wires.

(C) A revolution in wireless telecommunications began in the first decade of the 20th century, with Guglielmo Marconi winning the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909 for his pioneering developments in wireless radio communications. Other highly notable pioneering inventors4 and developers in the field of electrical and electronic telecommunications include Charles Wheatstone and Samuel Morse (telegraph), Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), Nikola Tesla, Edwin Armstrong, and Lee de Forest (radio), as well as John Logie Baird and Philo Farnsworth (television).

(D) Telecommunications play an important role in the world economy and the worldwide telecommunication industry's revenue was estimated to be $3.85 trillion in 2008. The service revenue of the global telecommunications industry was estimated to be $1.7 trillion in 2008, and is expected to touch $2.7 trillion by 2013.

Notes (A):

1,2. Etymology -  The word telecommunication was adapted from the French word télécommunication. It is a compound of the Greek prefix tele- (τηλε-), meaning "far off", and the Latin communicare, meaning "to share”. The French word télécommunication was coined in 1904 by the French engineer and novelist Édouard Estaunié. В литературе мы можем встретить равнозначное использование слов “telecommunication” и “telecommunications”. В тексте курсивом выделены два значения: 1и2. В первом случае “telecommunications” можно перевести как виды и способы дальней связи, во втором случае слово имеет значение «телекоммуникации» - это и наука, и технологии, и инфраструктура, но смысл этого второго значения обычно включает в себя электросвязь, электронику, компьютер, интернет. Форму единственного числа слово обычно имеет, если является прилагательным или существительным,  выполняющим  функцию прилагательного (telecommunication line).

3.  these electrical means of communications…(means - both singular and plural), т.е. грамматически правильно было бы также написать “this electrical means…”

4.  pioneering inventorsпервооткрыватели, первопроходцы в области…


1.5  Match the following words with their synonyms:

1) breakthrough                                  a)  opener;

2) floor                                               b) income;

3) revenue                                          c) involve;

4) pioneer                                          d) worldwide;

5) global                                             e) reach;

6) include                                            f) explosion;

7) touch                                               g) bottom.


1.6 Suggest titles for the paragraphs A-D of the text.


1.7 Give Russian equivalents of the following words, expressions  and phrases:

In earlier times, telecommunications involved the use of visual signals…; audio messages via coded drumbeats; age of electricity and electronics; the use of the orbiting satellites; The use of these electrical means of communications exploded into use on all of the continents…; breakthrough; 1909 for his pioneering developments; The service revenue of the global telecommunications industry was estimated to be $1.7 trillion.


Grammar Revision: Nouns as attributes

1. Следует помнить, что в роли определения существи­тельное  с  предлогом всегда стоит    после определяемого слова, например: discussions of this type - дискуссии (какие?) такого типа;    the problem of importance   -      проблема (какая?), имеющая значение. Трудности при переводе вызывает определение, выра­женное существительным  без предлога. В этом случае существительное-определение находится     пе­ред определяемым словом  (но  после артикля или другого определителя) и обычно имеет форму ед. числа. Перевод такого словосочетания следует начинать с опре­деляемого, т. е. последнего слова, задав мыс­ленно вопрос «какой?», например:

a choice theory      -       теория (какая?) выбора;

a search method     -       метод (какой?) поиска;

speed  regulation    -         регулировка скорости;  

Но: speed of regulation  - скорость регулировки;

search  methods  - методы (какие?) поиска.

Но: search for methods  - поиск методов.

2. Если первым словом в ряду стоит  прилагательное, то оно обычно (но не всегда!) относится к последнему (определяемому) слову, например:

a new crystal growth method  -   новый метод выращивания кристаллов;

a different product distribution -  другое распределение продукта;

high  regulation  speed          -      высокая скорость регулирования;

the main search method  -            основной  метод  поиска.

3. При переводе ряда связь между словами определяется из их лексического значения, при этом можно вводить мн. число, использовать разные падежи и даже предлоги, но во всех случаях определяемым словом будет   последнее, например:

control system design                     - проектирование систем управления;

the system reaction identification   - определение реакции системы;

a parameter identification method  -    метод идентификации параметров;

a crystal growth method                -   метод выращивания кристаллов;

a cell growth increase                   -   (некоторое) увеличение (скорости) роста клеток.


1.8 Read and translate the following word combinations:

Control system design, digital computer design, the system reaction identification, parameter identification methods, the system parameter identification method, our problem determi­nation task, their crystal growth technique, a cell growth rate increase, a product identification problem, a new control sys­tem design, different search approaches, an important control system identification problem, straight line motion, different parameter identification methods, a number of general stimula­tion programs.


1.9  Read and translate the following word combinations into English:

Радиосвязь; передача высокочастотной энергии; передавать и принимать сигналы; электромагнитные волны; передача и прием; передатчик и приемник; высокочастотный генератор колебаний; колебательный контур; катушка индуктивности; конденсатор; усилитель; электрические колебания распространяются во всех направлениях; диапазон передачи; число колеба­ний в секунду; принцип работы прибора; сопротивление; звуко­вая частота; высоко­частотный ток; для того чтобы; выпрямленный ток; производить колебания.


1.10 Make up your own word combinations using words given below:

Nouns: Traffic; improvement; dot; instrument; speed; transport; operation; expert; wire; point; conversation; invention; wireless; com­munication; tool; state; link; power; connection; perfection; possibility; prize;

oscillations; bonus; capacitor; vibrations; energy; radio; feasibil­ity; country; rate; work; conductor; specialist; discovery; speech; con­denser; device.

Verbs: To provide; to produce; to establish; to demonstrate; to induce; to amplify; to involve; to build; to improve; to receive; to lay; to link; to continue; to invent; to use; to go on; to apply; to supply; to install; to intensify; to construct; to perfect; to connect; to put; to get; to advance; to include; to move forward; to excite; to show; to generate.

Adjectives: Distant; fast; important; modern; several; wonderful; various; intelligible; simple; different; quick; some; far; primitive; un­derstandable; remarkable; present-day; significant.


1.11   Underline the correct form of the verb and translate the sentences:

1) A radio wave passed/passes/was passed an electrical conductor and magnetic field induced/is induced/induces an alternating current and voltage in the conductor.

2) Early radios run/ran/will run the entire power of the transmitter through a carbon microphone.

3) Italian inventor Marconi, experimenting on his own against the will of his father, did invent/ invent/invented the radio.

4) Not every model of crystal sets and accessories of 1924-1936 was known/could know/is known to us at present.

5) In 1893 Tesla was made/made/would make the first public demonstration of radio communication.

1.12 Write a short summary of the article using information from Unit 10.

Text B

Basic elements


A basic telecommunication system consists of three primary units that are always present in some form:

- A transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal.

- A transmission medium, also called the "physical channel" that carries the signal. An example of this is the "free space channel".

- A receiver that takes the signal from the channel and converts it back into usable information.

For example, in a radio broadcasting station the station's large power amplifier is the transmitter; and the broadcasting antenna is the interface between the power amplifier and the "free space channel". The free space channel is the transmission medium; and the receiver's antenna is the interface between the free space channel and the receiver. Next, the radio receiver is the destination of the radio signal, and this is where it is converted1 from electricity to sound for people to listen to2.

Sometimes, telecommunication systems are "duplex" (two-way systems) with a single box of electronics working as both a transmitter and a receiver, or a transceiver. For example, a cellular telephone is a transceiver. The transmission electronics and the receiver electronics in a transceiver are actually quite independent of each other. This can be readily explained by the fact that radio transmitters contain power amplifiers that operate with electrical powers measured in the watts or kilowatts, but radio receivers deal with radio powers that are measured in the microwatts or nanowatts. Hence, transceivers have to be carefully designed and built to isolate their high-power circuitry and their low-power circuitry from each other.

Telecommunication over telephone lines is called point-to-point communication because it is between one transmitter and one receiver. Telecommunication through radio broadcasts is called broadcast communication because it is between one powerful transmitter and numerous low-power but sensitive radio receivers.

Telecommunications in which multiple transmitters and multiple receivers have been designed to cooperate and to share3 the same physical channel are called multiplex systems.

Notes (B):  

1. “this is where it is converted…” -   усилительная конструкция (именно здесь происходит преобразование…).

2.  converted…to sound for people to listen to… -  Важно определить, чтоto sound”  - не инфинитив, а предлог+существительное. Возможный перевод: ”… преобразовывается в звуковой сигнал для слухового восприятия”.

3. have been designed to cooperate and to share - «предназначены для совместного использования…».


1.13  Give Russian equivalents of the following words and expressions.

point-to-point communication; transmission medium; free space channel; the first decade of the 20th century;


1.14  Translate the following sentences paying attention to grammar and style.

1. “Next, the radio receiver is the destination of the radio signal, and this is where it is converted from electricity to sound for people to listen to”.

2. “Other highly notable pioneering inventors and developers in the field of electrical and electronic telecommunications include…”

3. “Sometimes, telecommunication systems are "duplex" (two-way systems) with a single box of electronics working as both a transmitter and a receiver, or a transceiver”.

4. “Telecommunications in which multiple transmitters and multiple receivers have been designed to cooperate and to share the same physical channel are called multiplex systems”.

5. “…but radio receivers deal with radio powers that are measured in the microwatts or nanowatts”.


Text C

Radio: Wireless transmission of signals


Radio is the wireless transmission of signals, by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of light.

Waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, created whenever a charged object oscillates with frequency that lies in the radio frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is the range from a few hertz to a few gigahertz.

Electromagnetic radio spectrum:   ELF   SLF ULF/VF    VLF LF/LW   MV   HF/SW   VHF   UHF   SHF   EHF.

Other types of electromagnetic radiation, with frequencies above the RF range are infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. Since the energy of an individual photon of radio frequency is too low to remove an electron from an atom, radio waves are classified as non- ionizing radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation travels (propagates) by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space equally well, and does not require a medium of transport. When radio waves pass an electrical conductor, the oscillating electric or magnetic field (depending on the shape of the conductor) induces an alternating current and voltage in the conductor. This can be transformed into audio or other signals that carry information. Although the word 'radio' is used to describe this phenomenon, the transmissions which we know as television, radio, radar, and cell phone are all classed as radio frequency emissions.

Development in the 20th century


…Aircraft used commercial AM radio stations for navigation. This continued through the early 1960s when VOR systems finally became widespread (though AM stations are still marked on U.S. aviation charts).

In the early 1930s, single sideband and frequency modulation were invented by amateur radio operators. By the end of the decade1, they were established commercial modes.

Radio was used to transmit pictures visible as television as early as the 1920s. Standard analog transmissions started in North America and Europe in the 1940s.

In 1954, Regency introduced2 a pocket transistor radio, the TR-1, powered by a "standard 22.5 V Battery".



In 1960, Sony introduced their first transistorized radio, small enough to fit in a vest pocket, and able to be powered by a small battery. It was durable, because there were no tubes to burn out. Over the next twenty years, transistors displaced tubes almost completely except for very high power, or very high frequency, uses.

In 1963 color television was commercially transmitted, and the first (radio) communication satellite, TELSTAR, was launched.

In the late 1960s, the U.S. long-distance telephone network began to convert to a digital network, employing digital radios for many of its links.

In the 1970s, LORAN  became the premier radio navigation system. Soon, the U.S. Navy experimented with satellite navigation, culminating in the invention and launch of the GPS constellation in 1987.

In the early 1990s, amateur radio experimenters began to use personal computers with audio cards to process radio signals. In 1994, the U.S. Army and DARPA  launched an aggressive, successful project to construct a software radio that could become a different radio on the fly (на ходу, без остановки) by changing software.

Digital transmissions began to be applied to broadcasting in the late 1990s.


Notes (C):

1. “By the end of the decade” -  “By” – не «в конце», а «к концу» Это      существенно при переводе. «Декада» в русском языке соответствует 10 дням, в английском “decade” – это десятилетие.

2. Regency introduced При переводе иногда требуется расширение: «Американская компания Ридженси выпустила на рынок…». Обратите также внимание на возможный перевод слова “introduce”.


Language in use

1.15  Insert suitable words to complete the sentences.

radiation/ emission;    carried/transmitted;  the first ;  experiment/testing       wireless;                qualities/ properties;              energy /capacity  

1. Since the (…..) of an individual photon of radio frequency is too low to remove an electron from an atom, radio waves are classified as non-ionizing radiation.

2. Information can be (…..) in audio or other signals.

3. Rudolf Hertz first demonstrated that radio (….)  had all the (….) of waves to prove Maxwell's theory through (….).

4. Popov A.S. was (….) to develop a practical (….) communication system based on the coherer.


1.16 Find and suggest definitions for the following abbreviations:



1.17 Translate these sentences using words and phrases from text C.

1. Радио использовалось для передачи изображений еще в 20-x годах прошлого века. (as early as).

2. Транзисторные радиоприемники более надежны, т.к. не имеют ламп, которые перегорают. (durable).

3. Портативные (карманные) транзисторные приемники способны работать от маленькой батарейки. (to be powered).

4. К 1970 г. Транзисторы почти повсеместно пришли на смену лампам. (вытеснили – displaced).

5. Цифровые передачи стали применяться в радиовещании в конце 1990-х . (in the late 1990s).


1.18  Evaluate the following translations and decide which is the best. Discuss.

“In 1963 color television was commercially transmitted, and the first radio communication satellite, TELSTAR, was launched.”

1. Цветные телепередачи на коммерческой основе ведутся с 1963 года, когда был запущен на орбиту первый радиокоммуникационный искусственный спутник Земли “Telstar”.

2. В 1963 году цветное телевидение было коммерческим, и, следовательно, были запущены первые экспериментальные спутники связи «Телстар-1» и «Телстар-2».

3. В 1963 году по коммерческому телевидению была передана первая  рекламная передача, что позволило запустить на орбиту первый (экспериментальный) спутник телерадиосвязи “Telstar”.     

4. В 1963 году началось коммерческое цветное телевидение, и был запущен первый спутник радиосвязи «Телстар».

5. В 1963 году вследствие запуска первого спутника радиосвязи «Телстар» цветное телевидение стало коммерческим. 


1.19  Translate the 2nd part of text C  into Russian (Development in the 20-th century, 1960-1999.


Text D


Из «Истории развития теоретических основ радиотехники» (Extract)


С 1915 до 1950-х гг. аппаратура для радиосвязи развивалась на основе электронных ламп; затем были внедрены транзисторы и другие полупроводниковые приборы.

Послевоенное развитие радиоэлектроники позволило поставить и решить задачу радиоприема без поиска  корреспондента и без подстройки на его частоту. Научными предпосылками для этого явились достижения в деле стабилизации частоты автогенераторов и автоматического регулирования. Высокая стабильность частоты обеспечивается колебаниями кварцевых эталонов. Принцип автоматической подстройки диапазонного генератора по гармоникам эталонной частоты позволяет получить широкую сетку стабильных частот при наличии одного кварцевого эталона. Проблема стабилизации частоты оказалась одной из тех проблем1, которые стимулировали разработку теории автоматического регулирования, нашедшей в настоящее время применение в разнообразных областях механики, энергетики и радиоэлектроники.

Стабильная радиолиния позволяет сравнительно простыми способами осуществить синхронный радиотелеграфный, радиотелефонный прием на одной боковой полосе частот. В последнем случае передатчик излучает только полезную мощность сигнала. Кроме того, значительно уменьшается полоса пропускания как на передающей, так и на приемной стороне,  за счет чего эквивалентная мощность передатчика увеличивается в  16 раз.

Проблема эффективности и надежности передачи сообщений  заключаются в том, чтобы передать наибольшее количество информации наиболее экономичным способом, т. е. затрачивая наименьшую мощность, наименьшее время и занимая наименьшую полосу частот. Проблема надежности – в обеспечении достоверности принимаемого сообщения при наличии помех различного происхождения. Эти оба требования противоречивы. Задача теории передачи сообщений состояла и состоит в преодолении этих противоречий, т. е. в изыскании путей разработки экономичных и надежных способов передачи (приема) сообщений и построения аппаратуры связи.

Начало общей теории связи было положено в работах Купфмюллера (Германия), Котельникова (СССР) и развиты Шенноном (США). Математической основой этих исследований служит теория вероятностей.   В настоящее время разработаны принципиально новые методы радиоприема, способные повысить эффективность и надежность воспроизведения сообщений.

Notes (D):

При переводе на английский язык обычно возникают трудности в выборе лексического соответствия. Разберем пример перевода слова «полезный». Известно, что «полезный» по-английски –“useful” (useful work, useful knowledge). Но когда овощи и фрукты полезны, то правильный перевод – healthy. Если человек или совет оказался полезным, то уместно употребить слово helpful”. Еще примеры:  полезная информация – valuable information; полезные ископаемые – mineral resources; полезная жилплощадь – actual living space; полезная площадь – usable area; полезная мощность – available capacity; полезное действие (машины) - efficiency; полезная нагрузка – working load; полезное применение – beneficial use; чем могу быть полезен? – (how) can I help you?.

1. Проблема стабилизации частоты оказалась одной из тех проблемэто как раз тот случай, когда целесообразно использовать местоимение в качестве заменителя существительного (например, The problem of frequency stabilization appeared to become one of those…).


1.20 Write the following proper nouns in English, then check yourself using the Internet.

 Купфмюллер (Германия),  Котельников (СССР), Шеннон (США), Гульельмо  Маркони, Генрих Герц, Джеймс Клерк Максвелл, Томас Эдисон.



При переводе имен собственных зачастую приходится делать выбор между приемами транскрипции, транслитерации, переводческого калькирования и устоявшимися нормами. Сравните и проанализируйте следующие примеры. Newton = раньше Невтон, теперь Ньютон; Ivory Coast = Берег Слоновой Кости, Кот-д’Ивуар; столица Франции = Париж (не Пари), а название газеты – Пари Суар (не «Вечерний Париж»); нескольких английских королей звали Henry, но в России они стали Генрихами, также в Генрихов превратились французские короли Анри; Луи стали Людовиками; американская ракета “Tomahawk” именуется по-русски  не «Томахок» (как звучит), а «Томагавк» (как пишется).


1.21 In text D, find Russian equivalents for the following terms, phrases and word combinations.

Probability theory;  communication equipment;  to increase efficiency and reliability;  bandwidth;  frequency band;  automatic control theory; useful signal output; side-band reception; both of these requirements are contradictory; The problem of frequency stabilization proved to be one of those to encourage the development of the automatic control theory.


1.22  Translate or suggest English  equivalents for the following:

Послевоенное развитие радиоэлектроники; диапазонный генератор; достоверность сообщения;  стабилизация частоты автогенераторов;  наиболее экономичный способ.

1.23 Render the text in English.  There is no need to present a complete translation (or interpretation), just try to make a summary.


1.24   Prepare a report and take part in the discussion on the topic: "Radio: turn the world upside down". Find helpful sources in the Internet.  


Unit 2. Telecommunications  (Telephony)


Start Up

2.1 Discuss in pairs or small groups and make a list of most significant, in your opinion, steps in development of telephony communications. Present your findings to the class.

Word study

2.2 Do you know these words? If not, consult the dictionary, give definition, transcription (don’t forget to mark the stressed syllable, make sure you pronounce the words properly), translate them, prepare a word-list according to this form:

Word          Transcription                 Definition                          Translation

 transparently   [………….]     ……………………………………………………

 adoption; bundle; outnumber;  inevitably.


2.3 Translate  the following definitions and memorize the words and expressions:

enable - to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible: Computerization should enable us to cut production costs by half.

realm - an area of interest or activity: Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.

audible  frequency - the number of times that a sound wave is produced within a particular period, especially one second.


Text A



2.4 Read the text, divide it into paragraphs and name each of the paragraphs.

Which words in the text are the key words?


In a conventional telephone system, the caller is connected to the person he wants to talk to by the switches at various exchanges1. The switches form an electrical connection between the two users and the setting of these switches is determined electronically when the caller dials the number based upon either pulses or tones made by the caller's telephone. Once the connection is made2, the caller's voice is transformed to an electrical signal using a small microphone in the telephone's receiver. This electrical signal is then sent through various switches in the network to the user at the other end where it is transformed back into sound waves by a speaker for that person to hear. This person also has a separate electrical connection between him and the caller which allows him to talk back. Today, the fixed-line telephone systems in most residential homes are analogue — that is the speaker's voice directly determines the amplitude of the signal's voltage. However although short-distance calls may be handled from end-to-end as analogue signals, increasingly telephone service providers are transparently converting signals to digital before converting them back to analogue for reception. The advantage being that3 digitized voice data can travel side-by-side with data from the Internet and that digital signals can be perfectly reproduced in long distance communication as opposed to analogue signals which are inevitably impacted by noise. Mobile phones have had a significant impact on telephone networks. Mobile phone subscriptions now outnumber fixed-line subscriptions in many markets. There have also been dramatic changes in telephone communication behind the scenes. Starting with the operation of TAT-8  in 1988, the 1990s saw the widespread adoption of systems based upon optic fibers. The benefit of communicating with optic fibers is that they offer a drastic increase in data capacity. TAT-8 itself was able to carry 10 times as many telephone calls as the last copper cable laid at that time and today's optic fiber cables are able to carry 25 times as many telephone calls as TAT-8. This drastic increase in data capacity is due to several factors. First, optic fibers are physically much smaller than competing technologies. Second, they do not suffer from crosstalk  which means several hundred of them can be easily bundled together in a single cable. Lastly, improvements in multiplexing have lead to an exponential growth in the data capacity of a single fibre. Assisting communication across these networks is a protocol known as Asynchronous Transfer Mode  (ATM) that allows the side-by-side data transmission mentioned in the first paragraph. The importance of the ATM protocol is chiefly in its notion of establishing pathways for data through the network and associating a traffic contract with these pathways. The traffic contract is essentially an agreement between the client and the network about how the network is to handle the data, if the network cannot meet the conditions of the traffic contract it does not accept the connection. This is important, because telephone calls can negotiate a contract so as to guarantee themselves a constant bit rate, something that will ensure a caller's voice is not delayed in parts or cut-off completely. There are competitors to ATM, such as Multiprotocol Label Switching  (MPLS) that perform a similar task and are expected to supplant  ATM in the future however this has not yet happened.


Notes (A):

1.  In a conventional telephone system, the caller is connected to the person he wants to talk to by the switches at various exchanges.  - Предлоги играют существенную роль при грамматическом анализе предложения, для выявления функций существительного в предложении. Если два предлога стоят подряд (to talk to by the switches), то один надо отнести налево (к глаголу), а другой направо (к существительному) - левый будет послеглагольным наречием, и на него при чтении падает ударение. This problem was worked out by many scientists. Эту проблему разработали многие ученые.

2. “Once the connection is made…” Здесь “once” выполняет усилительную функцию: «Как только связь установлена…»

3. “The advantage being that digitized voice data can travel…”-   Абсолютный причастный оборот переводится придаточным предложением с союзами «так как», «если», «поскольку» и др. В нашем тексте его можно перевести как «Преимущество при этом заключается в способности прохождения оцифрованных голосовых данных одновременно с интернет-информацией…».

4. There are competitors to ATM… that… are expected to supplant ATM in the future…   -    У АТМ  есть конкуренты вроде MPLS, выполняющие сходные функции и которые, как ожидается, могут занять их (АТМ) место в будущем. Оборот “Complex Subject” иногда вызывает трудности. Примеры: They were reported to have won = Они, как сообщили, одержали победу. This approach may easily be shown to be far more productive = Можно легко показать, что этот метод является гораздо продуктивнее.


2.5  Match the following English words with their Russian equivalents.

variety                                     увеличивать                   

artificial                                   обширный

solution                                   искусственный

extensive                                 частота

pitch                                       позволять

capable                                   высота тона, звука

frequency                                разрешение

to enable                                 способный                                                                  

to increase                               разнообразие


Language in use

2.6 Replace the italicized words with the equivalents from the box.

simultaneously      enormous



  rare            beam

extensive                 solution



Frequency    pitch


1. Your weight changes from day to day.

2. We had to rest after we had used all our energy to push the car up the hill.

3. In general, women's voices have a higher sound than men's.

4. Diamonds are expensive partly because they are so scarce.

5.Tropical climates are characterized by a high recurrence of rainfalls.

6. The experiments were conducted at the same time in London and Rome.

7. The decision of this problem was quite easy.

8. Sun rays were seen passing through heavy clouds.

9. My money reward gave me an opportunity to go abroad.

10. This country has a vast territory.

11, He kept silent, there was no answer.

12. A huge piece of rock was lying across the road.


2.7   Match the following words from the text with their synonyms:

supplant                               effect;  

competitor                           terminate;  

perform                               clear;

crosstalk                              agreement;

subscription                         ensure;   

transparent                           rival;                                                      

impact                                  replace;

guarantee                             interference;

cut off                                  fulfil.


2.8  Look through the text and find the sentences which prove that:

1) Electrical signal is transformed into sound waves.

2) Digital telephone systems are better than analogue ones.

3) Mobile phones are more popular than fixed-line telephones.

4) Optic fiber cables are much better than copper cables.

5) The traffic contract is essentially an agreement between the client and the network.


2.9  Find in the text the terms which mean:

1) A small device, usually pushed up or down with your finger, that controls and turns on or off an electric current.

2) Describes a recording which is made by changing the sound waves into electrical signals of the same type.      

3) Describes information, music, an image, etc. that is recorded or broadcast using computer technology.

4) A long thin glass rod through which very large amounts of information can be sent in the form of light.        

5) A computer language enabling computers that are connected to each other to communicate.


Grammar Revision: Participles

2.10 Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Participles

А. 1.The rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial application of the electric current result in an increasing need of energy. 2. The earli­est practical application of magnetism was connected with the use of a simple compass consisting of one small magnet pointing north and south. 3. While flowing along a conductor a current heats it. 4. The wave being transmit­ted upwards is reflected back to the Earth again.

1. If arranged according to their atomic weights the elements show the periodicity of their properties. 2. The problem solved helped to increase the speed of the energy transmission. 3. The first source of continuous current constructed by A. Volta appeared in 1800. 4. When subjected  to high temperatures this material melts. 5. As mentioned above, the electric current flows provided there is a complete circuit. 6. If broken anywhere, the electric current will immediately stop carrying a current. 8. The experiment described attracted everybody's attention. 9. The data obtained helped the students in their research work. 10. The experiment carried out resulted in the improvement of all parts of the system.

B. 1. Having achieved great success in the development of communication systems our scien­tists are steadily advancing forward. Having been used for a long time, the instrument lost its former quality. 2. Having been given all the necessary information he continued his job. 3.  Having lost some of its electrons the atom becomes positively charged. 4. Having been rubbed many substances become electrified. 5. Having been tested under unfavourable conditions the machine was successfully put into operation.

2.11 Use the correct form of Participles:

1. An electric current (to pass) through a wire heats that wire. 2. (to use) for the measurement of distance radio devices have greatly contributed to the development of radio navigation. 3. (to improve) the quality of the sound, our technicians have achieved a high degree of perfection in telecasting. 4. (to apply) special televi­sion sets (to establish) on board a plane, we are able to see through the surface of the earth down to the deposits of coal, oil, iron ore, etc. 5. The thermocouple (to use) consists of two wires of different metals (to join) at each end. 8. (to  design) for application in railroad transport, special television devices helped engine drivers to see in the dark. 6. A compass needle (стрелка) is deflected when (to bring) near a wire (to pass) the electric current. 7. Experiments (to make) by many scientists showed that all gases ex­pand when (to heat).

2.12 Read text B, divide it into paragraphs, and suggest a title for each paragraph.


Text B

Sound propagation and the telephone set


Telephony involves the transmission of sound1 over distances. This sound is most often voice, although it can also be music or data. The public telephone network constructed during the last century was built primarily to carry voice. We know, however, that individuals and businesses today can transmit voice, data, images, video, and other types of information over this network. Sound is produced by vocal cords, musical instruments, airplanes, the wind, and millions of other sources. Sound is created by regions of high and low pressure in the surrounding air that stimulate the inner ear to generate impulses that the brain recognizes as sound. Air is the transmission medium for sound. Transmission occurs mechanically as the regions of high and low pressure rapidly move through the air away from a source, in the same way that ripples (волны, рябь) move across a pond. As in all mechanical transmission, sound incurs losses (несет потери=ослабевает) as it moves away from the source—that is, it becomes softer. We can, however, amplify the sound as it leaves the source, but even this limits the sound transmission to distances of 3000 feet or less. Transmitting sound over longer distances requires a mechanism other than mechanical transmission through air. The invention of the telephone set in 1876 heralded (предрекло) the beginning of our ability to send voice conversations over long distances.  It provided a way to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and back again. This conversion technique (метод, способ преобразования) meant that a signal that modeled the pressure wave of voice could be sent over copper wires and periodically amplified to overcome electrical losses. This enabled transmission across hundreds or thousands of miles, rather than just the few thousand feet allowed by pure mechanical transmission over air. One type of telephone handset contains a microphone powered by a constant voltage from the network. This microphone is filled with carbon granules and is in series with the battery potential. Its resistance varies as the voice pressure wave alternately compresses and releases the granules. The circuit obeys Ohm’s Law2 relating voltage, current, and resistance (voltage = current resistance). Therefore, the voice pressure wave produces a varying current signal that models the pressure wave. This electrical signal can be transmitted over the network to another telephone set, where it encounters (наталкивается, попадает на) the speaker in the receiver. In some of these devices, the varying current signal alters the strength of an electromagnet that sets up vibrations in a thin metal disc. These vibrations cause a varying pressure wave to occur in the air between the receiver and a person’s ear. This pressure wave is then converted to sound by the ear and brain. The telephone set thus gives us the transducer needed to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and back again. While the signal is in an electrical form, we can transmit it over long distances.


Notes (B):

1. “Telephony involves the transmission of sound …”   -   Обычно to involve принято переводить словом «включать», однако этот глагол в каждом отдельном случае требует особого перевода. Здесь возможно: «Телефония представляет собой передачу звука».

2. The circuit obeys Ohm’s Law relating voltage, current, and resistance…- В словаре находим: to obey= подчиняться. Схема подчиняется (?) закону Ома? Вот более удачный перевод: «Работа такой схемы основана на законе Ома, связывающем напряжение V, ток I и сопротивление (V=I x R)».


2.13 When  you  have finished reading text B, complete the following sentence:

“The text may/will/will not be useful because….”


2.14  Suggest English equivalents for the following.

Телефонная сеть общего пользования; частные лица и деловые круги; импульсы, воспринимаемые человеческим мозгом как звук;  подобно ряби по поверхности водоема; сила звука уменьшается по мере удаления от источника;  Ухо и мозг человека затем интерпретируют эту волну как звук.


2.15 How would you translate these sentences (from English into Russian or vice versa)? Exchange opinions with your group-mates. Choose the best variants.

(In mechanical transmission)  We can, however, amplify the sound as it leaves the source, but even this limits the sound transmission to distances of 3000 feet or less.  

Эти колебания создают в воздухе между динамиком и ухом человека соответствующую волну изменяющегося давления.

The telephone set thus gives us the transducer needed to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and back again.


Grammar Revision: Absolute Participle construction

2.16 Translate the sentences with Absolute Participle construction into Russian:

1. The resistance being small, the current will be large. 2. The components of the velocity of a body moving in the air being known, the resultant velocity may be found. 3. The Earth's orbit being an ellipse, the distance between the Earth and the Sun constantly changes as the Earth revolves around the Sun. 4. The boiling point hav­ing been reached, the temperature of the water cannot be increased any more. 5. Great progress having been achieved in rocket technique, it was possible to construct a rocket overcoming the earth's gravitation. 6. The motor having been repaired, we could use it in our work. 7. The temperature being increased, the resistivity of the semiconductor de­creases. 8. The true size of the earth and the true distance to the moon having been calculated, Newton solved the problem of universal gravitation. He discovered the laws of motion, these laws having become the basis of practical mechanics. 9. The lecturer spoke on the problems of space research, his lecture being illustrated by diagrams. 10. The problems of the seminar were discussed in details, many students taking part in this discussion. 11. The general diagram of a radio communication system is similar to that of a radio broadcasting system, the difference being that the telegraph station uses a key instead of a microphone.


2.17  Render the following text C in English, translate the last paragraph. Find some useful expressions below.


Text C

Что такое ATM ?


Технология ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Mode) - это транспортный механизм, ориентированный на установление соединения при передаче разнообразной информации в сети. Для этого в ATM разработана концепция виртуальных соединений (virtual connection) вместо выделенных физических связей между конечными точками в сети. Она обеспечивает высокоэффективную связь и большую гибкость в построении гомогенных сетей, где связь между узлами сети требуется независимо от их физического местоположения. ATM - это метод передачи информации между устройствами в сети маленькими пакетами, называемыми ячейками (cells). Одним из самых важных преимуществ АТМ является возможность передавать в поле данных ячеек абсолютно любую информацию. К тому же АТМ не придерживается какой-либо определенной скорости передачи и может работать на сверхвысоких скоростях. Все ячейки в АТМ фиксированной длины - 53 байта. Ячейка состоит из двух частей: заголовка (cell header) размером 5 байт и поля данных (cell payload) размером 48 байт. Заголовок содержит информацию для маршрутизации ячейки в сети. Поле данных несет в себе полезную информацию, которую собственно и нужно передать через сеть.

Технология АТМ первоначально (originally) разрабатывалась телефонными компаниями для поддержки их коммуникаций и должна была стать основой для унифицированной передачи любой информации. В процессе разработки архитектура АТМ адаптировалась для частных корпоративных магистралей и сетей для рабочих групп. АТМ может передавать данные как через десятки метров, так и через сотни километров.
АТМ использует системы кодирования информации на физическом уровне, одинаково подходящие для передачи как по локальным, так и по глобальным сетям. Некоторые специальные типы ATM-интерфейсов поддерживаются сетями общего пользования для удаленной связи по АТМ, что решает задачу передачи данных между АТМ-сетями без специальных преобразований и независимо от территориального расположения устройств.


Useful language (for text C)

A dedicated-connection switching technology; connection-oriented; fixed size; end-to-end circuits; 53-byte fixed-length cells; flexibility and efficiency; transferring data; a technological system developed for both local and wide area networks (LAN and WAN); Public ATM network; information encoding; physical layer.


2.18 Find key words in the article, translate them into English and write a 1-5 sentences summary, compare your summary with the rest of the class.



Speak on the topic “Telephone: history and fundamentals”,   try to express your opinion. Use the following word combinations: analogue signals, digital signals, optic fibers,  copper cable,  traffic contract, conventional telephone system, dial the number,  pulses or tones,  telephone's receiver,   fixed-line telephone systems, etc.


Unit 3. Telecommunications (Mobile Phone)


Preface to the Unit. This part of the tutorial, apart from the general objectives of the foreign language skills development, is focused on such an issue of major importance as computer-based translation practice. The texts will be partially supplied with machine-made translations, taken from the term paper of one of our students. Please, analyze these thoroughly and try to fulfil the check-up and editing task which is often expected to be done by the instructor. In the end, we hope to see at least one of the texts fairly edited.


Start up

3.1  Discuss in pairs and say what difference there is (if there is) between the terms “mobile phones” and “cellular phones”. What are the benefits of having a mobile phone in your life (personal, career, social matters)? Can you, possibly, imagine any negative implications of the widespread mobile communication and use of the required equipment and devices? Make a 1-3 minute presentation of your ideas.

Word study

3.2  Do you know these words? If not, consult the dictionary, give their definition, transcription (don’t forget to mark the stressed syllable, make sure you pronounce the words properly), translate them, prepare a word-list according to this form:

Word              Transcription                 Definition                      Translation

miniaturization    [………… ]           …………………               ……………

vehicle; permanently; manufacturer; ubiquitous; outnumber; legislation ; totemic; customize; recognition; accelerometer positioning.


Text A

Mobile phones from various years


A mobile or cellular telephone is a long-range1, portable electronic device for personal telecommunications over long distances.

Most current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of  base stations, which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (the exception are satellite phones). Cellular networks were first introduced in the early-to-mid-1980s (the 1G generation). Prior mobile phones operating without a cellular network (the so-called 0G generation), such as Mobile Telephone Service, date back to 1945. Until the mid-to-late-1980s2, most mobile phones were sufficiently large that they were permanently installed in vehicles as car phones. With the advance of miniaturization, currently the vast majority of mobile phones are handheld. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, a mobile phone can support many additional services such as SMS for text messaging, email, packet switching for access to the Internet, and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video.

The world's largest mobile phone manufacturers include Audiovox, BenQ- Siemens, High Tech Computer Corporation, Fujitsu, Kyocera, LG, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Panasonic (Matsushita Electric), Pantech Curitel, Philips, Sagem, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, SK Teletech, Sony Ericsson, T&A Alcatel and Toshiba.

The world's largest mobile phone operators include Orange SA, China Mobile and Vodafone.

There  are also specialist communication systems related to, but distinct from mobile phones, such as Professional Mobile Radio. Mobile phones are also distinct from cordless telephones, which generally operate only within a limited range of a specific base station. Technically, the term mobile phone includes such devices as satellite phones and pre-cellular mobile phones such as those operating via MTS which do not have a cellular network, whereas the related term cellular phone does not. In practice, the two terms are used nearly interchangeably, with the preferred term varying by location.


Notes (A):

1.  long-range  - дальнего действия.

2. mid-to-late-1980s  - обратите внимание на написание, перевести можно как «до второй половины 1980-х.


3.3 Find explanations and give definitions to the following  abbreviations:   



3.4  Match the following words with their synonyms:

cordless                                  handheld;

complementary                        wireless;

via                                           restricted;

distinct                                    connected;

related                                     additional;

permanent                               different;

limited                                     by means of;

portable                                   durable.


3.5 Match the following words (verbs) with their equivalents in Russian:

connect                          проникать;

switch                            монтировать;

include                           подключать;

install                              производить;

exceed                                    переключать;

hook up                                  соединять;

penetrate                                 включать;

surface                                    обнаруживаться;

manufacture                   превышать.

3.6 In text A, find English equivalents to the following sentences, phrases and word combinations.

 портативный электронный прибор; сотовая сеть базовых станций; так называемое нулевое поколение; телефоны подвижной связи стационарно устанавливались на транспортных средствах; в подавляющем большинстве сотовые телефоны по своим размерам легко помещаются на ладони; среди крупнейших в мире производителей телефонов мобильной связи такие фирмы как…; мобильная связь имеет также свои определенные особенности, отличающие ее от беспроводной связи, действующей обычно в рамках диапазона конкретной базовой станции; эти оба термина…


3.7 Now, attention! Your task is to translate the last but one sentence of text A (italicized). Работа уже выполнена одним из наших студентов с помощью техники, нужно только «слегка отредактировать».  Discuss and present the results to the instructor.

(Машинный перевод абзаца).   Технически, термин мобильного телефона включает в себя такие устройства, как спутниковые телефоны и предварительно сотовых мобильных телефонов, таких как те, работающих через МТС, которые не имеют сотовую сеть, в то время как соответствующий термин клетки телефон не делает.


Приведенный пример компьютерного перевода показывает, что  программы типа PROMT имеют хорошие перспективы. По крайней мере, можно понять, о чем речь. В данном случае специалист может догадаться, что объектом рассмотрения является понятие мобильной связи, которое включает в себя и спутниковые телефоны, и то, что работает без сети, а именно «предварительно сотовые», “pre-cellular”, «до-сотовые», предшественники сотовых (MTC)? Чего же «соответствующий термин клетки телефон» не делает? Видимо, «клетковый», т.е. сотовый, без сети не работает? Нет, не верно. Дело в том, что понятие «сотовая связь» “does not” (т.е. не делает) того, что не охватывает собой подвижную (мобильную) связь, появившуюся (dates back) еще в 1945 году (МТС). Теперь осталось только с русской грамматикой разобраться. Кстати, для переводчика знание   родного (или второго родного) языка не менее важно, чем знание иностранного.

3.8 Read text B and say, what is the main idea of this part of the article. Does the author want it to be read by: a) a Member of Parliament, b) a scientist in the field of radio engineering c) a general educated person, d) a vendor of portable computers.

Text B

World mobile phone usage


(1)In most of Europe, wealthier parts of Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Australia, Canada, and the United States, mobile phones are now widely used, with the majority of the adult, teenage, and even child population owning one1. Taiwan had the highest mobile phone usage in 2008 at 111 subscribers per 100 people. Hong Kong has the highest mobile phone penetration rate in the world, at 127.4% in June 2009. The total number of mobile phone subscribers in the world was estimated at 2.14 billion in 2009.

(2)At present India and China have the largest growth rates of cellular subscribers in the world. The availability of Prepaid or pay as you go services, where the subscriber does not have to commit to2 a long term contract, has helped fuel this growth3 on a monumental scale.

(3)The mobile phone has become ubiquitous4 because of the interoperability of mobile phones across different networks and countries. This is due to the equipment manufacturers working to meet one of a few standards, particularly the GSM standard which was designed for Europe-wide interoperability. All European nations and most Asian and African nations adopted it as their sole standard. In other countries, such as the United States, Australia, Japan, and South Korea, legislation does not require any particular standard5, and GSM coexists with other standards, such as CDMA and iDEN.


Notes (B):

1.  …and even child population owning one…   Местоимение  “oneчасто заменяет ранее приведенное существительное. При переводе рекомендуется заменить существительным. («и даже у детей имеются сотовые телефоны».

2.  tthe subscriber does not have to commit to a long term contract  - Чтобы определить функцию глагола “to have” посмотрите, что за ним следует. Он может быть смысловым глаголом (I have a dream), формировать Perfect Tense или выполнять функцию модального глагола  (абонент не обязан поддерживать долгосрочный контракт= не связан обязательствами по долгосрочному контракту).

3.  fuel this growthfuel=топливо; «подогреть», ускорить темпы роста.

4. The mobile phone has become ubiquitous - ubiquitous=вездесущий. Вероятно, мобильный телефон не «стал вездесущим» (стилистически не годится), но «получил глобальное, всеохватывающее распространение».

5. legislation does not require any particular standard – «закон (законодательство) не требует придерживаться какого-то определенного стандарта». Переводчик должен передать мысль, что принятый в Европе, Азии, Африке стандарт GSM во многих странах действует, но не является обязательным.


3.9 Translate the following phrases from text B into Russian.

the highest mobile phone penetration rate in the world; The total number of mobile phone subscribers; Prepaid or pay as you go services; to commit to a long term contract; due to the manufacturers; to meet one of a few standards; Europe-wide interoperability


3.10 Translate paragraph 2 of text B. Talk on mobile phone penetration in Kazakhstan. Look for more information and write a review on future prospects of mobile telecommunication.


Unit 4. Telecommunications.  Uses,  Advantages, Benefits.


Start up

4.1  Do you know these words? If not, consult the dictionary, give their definition, transcription (don’t forget to mark the stressed syllable, make sure you pronounce the words properly), translate them, prepare a word-list according to this form:

Word         Transcription                  Definition                          Translation

fluctuation    [………..….]             …………………             …………………

identification ; lightning ; terrestrial ; facilitate ; receive; equation;


4.2  Translate and memorize the following words (terms) and their definitions: 

alternate - with first one thing, then another thing, and then the first thing again: a dessert with alternate layers of chocolate and cream.

deviation - different direction

subtract - to remove a number from another number: Four subtracted from ten equals six.


4.2  Match the following English words with their Russian equivalents:

to  subtract                                     cодержать, вмещать;

source                                            поддиапазон;

constant                                         транслировать;

to contain                                       узкополосный;

sub-band                                        постоянный;

narrowband                                    вычитать;

broadcast                                       источник.



4.3  Match the following words with their antonyms:

weak,  high, to receive, automatic, quiet, constant, to send,  changeable, strong, loud, low, manual


4.4  Guess the words and match them with their definitions:

A piece of equipment that changes radio and television signals into sounds and pictures.

A piece of equipment for broadcasting radio or television signals.

A company which sends out radio or television broadcasts.

An artificial object in space.

A piece of equipment that you speak into to make your voice louder, or to record your voice or other sounds.


Word building: prefixes.


4.5  Change the following words by adding appropriate prefixes: -un, -im, -in, dis, -il to make the words negative. Accurate – inaccurate.

Used;   logical;   possible;   changed;   necessary;   connected;   active;   mature;   patient;   affected.


4.6 Like and as.  Fill in the blanks in each of the following sentences with “as” or “like”:

1)  Modern computers are not …large… the first computers.

2) Television sends the picture…AM, and the sound…FM, on the same radio signal.

3) Digital television encodes three bites…eight strengths of AM signal.

4) Radio takes many forms such…wireless networks, radio broadcasting.

5) Location systems…the one developed by Fraunhofer are finding their way into a number of applications beyond sport.

6) The ancient Greek scientists did not experiment… modern scientists do.

7) …Galileo before him, Newton studied motion.


Text A

Uses of radio


There are a number of uses of radio. AM broadcast radio sends music and voice in the Medium Frequency (MF—0.300 MHz to 3 MHz) radio spectrum. AM radio uses amplitude modulation, in which louder sounds at the microphone causes wider fluctuations in the transmitter power while the transmitter frequency remains unchanged. Transmissions are affected by static because lightning and other sources of radio add their radio waves to the ones from the transmitter.

FM broadcast radio sends music and voice, with higher fidelity than AM radio. In frequency modulation, louder sounds at the microphone cause the transmitter frequency to fluctuate farther, the transmitter power stays constant. FM is transmitted in the Very High Frequency (VHF—30 MHz to 300 MHz) radio spectrum. FM requires more radio frequency space than AM and there are more frequencies available at higher frequencies, so there can be more stations, each sending more information. Another effect is that shorter VHF radio waves act more like light, travelling in straight lines, hence the reception range is generally limited to about 50-100 miles. During unusual upper atmospheric conditions, FM signals are occasionally reflected back towards the Earth by the ionosphere, resulting in Long distance FM reception. FM receivers are subject to the capture effect, which causes the radio to only receive the strongest signal when multiple signals appear on the same frequency. FM receivers are relatively immune1 to lightning and spark interference.

FM Subcarrier services are secondary signals transmitted "piggyback"2 along with the main program. Special receivers are required to utilize these services. Analog channels may contain alternative programming, such as reading services for the blind, background music or stereo sound signals. In some extremely crowded metropolitan areas, the subchannel program might be an alternate foreign language radio program for various ethnic groups. Subcarriers can also transmit digital data, such as station identification, the current song's name, web addresses, or stock quotes3. In some countries, FM radios automatically retune themselves to the same channel in a different district by using sub-bands.

Aviation voice radios use VHF AM. AM is used so that multiple stations on the same channel can be received. (Use of FM would result in stronger stations blocking out reception of weaker stations due to FM's capture effect). Aircraft fly high enough that their transmitters can be received hundreds of miles (kilometres) away, even though they are using VHF. Marine voice radios can use AM in the shortwave High Frequency (HF—3 MHz to 30 MHz) radio spectrum for very long ranges or narrowband FM in the VHF spectrum for much shorter ranges.

Government, police, fire and commercial voice services use narrowband FM on special frequencies. Fidelity is sacrificed to use a smaller range of radio frequencies, usually five kilohertz of deviation (5 thousand cycles per second), rather than the 75 used by FM broadcasts and 25 used by TV sound.

Civil and military HF (high frequency) voice services use shortwave radio to contact ships at sea, aircraft and isolated settlements. Most use single sideband voice (SSB), which uses less bandwidth than AM. SSB sounds like ducks quacking on an AM radio. Viewed as a graph of frequency versus4 power, an AM signal shows power where the frequencies of the voice add and subtract with the main radio frequency. SSB cuts the bandwidth in half by suppressing the carrier and (usually) lower sideband. This also makes the transmitter about three times more powerful, because it doesn't need to transmit the unused carrier and sideband.

TETRA, Terrestrial Trunked Radio is a digital cell phone system for military, police and ambulances.

Commercial services such as XM and Sirius offer digital satellite radio.


Notes (A):

 1.  immune                - невосприимчивый

 2.  piggyback          - дополнительный

 3.  stock quotes     - котировки на фондовом рынке

 4. versus                       - в сравнении с


Language in use


4.7  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word combinations from the text.

1. AM is abbreviation for___________      .

2. FM requires more__________________        space than AM.

3. FM receivers are not affected by lightning and__________  .

4. Digital data, such as station identification, the current song's name, web addresses can be transmitted by       ___________.

5.____________of aircraft can be received hundreds of miles away because of the height of the


6. Civil and military HF voice services use________      to contact ships at sea.

7. SSB is abbreviation for____________.

8. Military and police use____________.


Comprehension Check

4.8  Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (+) or false (—), correct the false ones.

1. Atmospheric conditions have no influence on FM signals transmission.

2. AM broadcast radio as well as FM broadcast radio sends music and voice in the Medium Frequency.

3. Subcarrier services need special receivers.

4. AM uses wider bandwidth than SSB.

5. Digital Satellite radio is always offered by Commercial services.

6. FM is the most popular modulation technique.

7. Aviation voice radios, government, police, fire and commercial voice services use AM.


4.9  According to the following plan, find in the text specifying sentences:

AM broadcast radio;

FM broadcast radio;

Subcarrier services;



Text B

(1) Advantages of Telecommunication

There are a great many advantages of telecommunication that caused it to spread across almost every field of daily life. Telecommunications have improved people's ability to stay in touch with friends and family. Grandparents can receive pictures, emails, and videos of their grandchildren over the Internet. Families spread across continents1 can communicate inexpensively via email or with phone cards.

Telecommunications has changed the landscape of entertainment2. People can access hundreds of television stations with the push of a button, getting instant access to enjoyable information. The information contained in MP3 files can be transmitted in seconds over the Internet, enabling listeners to enjoy music anytime and anywhere.

Telecommunications has also changed the way in which people work. It is now possible to commute from a beach in Florida, from home, or from anyplace where a computer, a phone or Internet service is available. These advances in telecommunications have not only untethered people from desks3, but they have also made it possible for people who might traditionally be unable to be in the workforce4- such as those who are caring for children, or those who are disabled5- to have exciting jobs and contribute to the business community.

Text B

(2)Telecommunication Methods

The more reliable6 a telecommunication method is and the more people who can transmit and receive data via the method of telecommunication7, the more valuable8 that method of telecommunication is. For example, television and the internet are relatively reliable means of telecommunication. As a result, they are valuable tools for disseminating information. If they could not reach a wide network of people or transmit messages reliably, their use would be limited and the advantages of telecommunication would not be fully realized using these methods.

In addition, the more people reached by a method of telecommunication, the more valuable the telecommunication is. A network- which consists of transmitters and receivers- should be as wide as possible in many cases in order to be valuable. For example, the more people who own TVs, the more popular advertising on television becomes, since the network can transmit the message to a wider audience. This isn't always the case- for example, business networks need to be closed networks so information can be transmitted only to select people- but it is often true that the advantages of telecommunication increase as a network widens.


4.10  Choose the sentences that in your opinion contain the basic information and summarize the general ideas of the text B.


Notes (B):

1. Families spread across continents   -   родственники, проживающие на разных континентах (разбросанные по разным континентам). При переводе важен грамматический анализ слова. Spread в данном случае причастие (Past Participle) в функции определения, на что указывает последующий глагол ¢an.

2. The landscape of entertainment…-  «Пейзаж» здесь не подходит. Может быть, «характер развлечений»?

3. Have not only untethered people from desks   -   Tether =держать на привязи. «Последние достижения связи не только  дали свободу людям, прикованным к рабочим столам в их кабинетах…»( «высвободили людей из конторских оков, уменьшили зависимость людей от их постоянного рабочего места…»).  Здесь переводчик может проявить творчество.

4. Unable  to be in the workforce  - не в состоянии иметь постоянную работу

5. Disabled -  Из соображений политкорректности калек и инвалидов сейчас принято называть людьми «с ограниченными возможностями».

6, 8.  The morethe more,( the less -      Чем (больше, хуже…)…тем (сильнее, легче…)

7.  via the method of telecommunication - с использованием конкретного вида связи. Не забываем, что артикль имеет значение. Сравните: “The boy entered the room”- Мальчик вошел в комнату и “A boy entered the room” – В комнату вошел мальчик. (В зависимости от артикля также меняется порядок слов в переводе).


4.11 Give English equivalents of the following words and/or phrases.

Надежное средство связи; по электронной почте; нажатием кнопки; в любое время и в любом месте; распространение информации (кроме “spread”); инвалиды; с тем, чтобы  информацию можно было передать ограниченному кругу лиц.


4.12  Analyze different meanings of the wordspread”(распространяться, поражать, расстилать, распределять, простираться, проникать, расправлять, вытягивать, размах, простор, обилие, пространство…). Translate the sentences.

1. Anti-globalization protests spread rapidly across the globe. (may be both Present and Past).

2. Computer viruses can spread rapidly through users’ email systems.

3. She looked at the map that was spread out on the floor.

4. We will bring in extra staff to spread the workload.

5. Indonesia is a nation of over 200 million people, spread over 17,000 islands.

6. News of the attack has already spread to the islands.

7. The bird spread its wings and flew away.

8. The spread of literacy has greatly improved the region’s economic performance.

9. You minimize risk by investing in a spread of successful companies.

10. That was quite a spread they put on last night . Вчера вечером они накрыли богатый стол.

4.13 Comment on the following statements: “The wider the network, the more valuable it is”. (“It is often true that the advantages of telecommunication increase as a network widens”) “Telecommunications has also changed the way in which people work”.

4.14 Suggest a title to the following text (C). Render the text in English.


Text C

Сегодня телекоммуникации представляют собой одно из самых быстроразвивающихся направлений технического прогресса. И это не удивительно, ведь именно эти технологии позволяют людям обмениваться информацией, находясь на больших расстояниях друг от друга. В современном мире возможность быстро передавать большие массивы данных на дальние расстояния актуальна, как никогда. Компьютерные телекоммуникации, Интернет, сотовая связь – без всего этого многие люди сегодня просто не представляют свою жизнь и карьеру. Все эти информационные технологии позволяет существенно увеличить эффективность любого труда. Свободный и быстрый обмен информацией сегодня чрезвычайно важен для всех нас.

Рынок телекоммуникаций постоянно меняется, и изменения на нем происходят значительно быстрее, чем в других секторах рынка. И все эти быстрые изменения требуют выработки новых подходов к работе с информацией. Сегодня небольшой набор компактных электронных устройств, свободно умещающийся на одном столе, может заменить огромный офис с десятками сотрудников. И не за горами то время, когда огромная типография будет уменьшена до размеров небольшого принтера (ситуация с сотовыми телефонами только подтверждает справедливость подобного прогноза).

Совсем недавно удаленность человека от места работы становилась непреодолимым препятствием, а сегодня, благодаря развитию телекоммуникации, появился целый пласт удаленных сотрудников, которые могут выполнять свою работу, находясь не только в другом городе, но даже в другой стране. Все что для этого нужно – это хороший ноутбук, модем и Интернет - и надежная связь с коллегами обеспечена, где бы вы ни находились. Острейшая конкуренция на рынке телекоммуникаций тоже является немаловажным стимулом их бурного развития. Эффективность работы фирмы сегодня во многом определяется той системой, которая обеспечивает фирме доступ к информации, и этот доступ можно организовать разными способами. Чем более гибкими и эффективными будут эти телекоммуникационные системы, тем более конкурентоспособной будет фирма, которая их использует.


4.15  Give  Russian equivalents for the following.

Sharp competition; competitive; information technologies; it enables data exchange between people;  rapid growth; flexible systems; performance; teleworking (telecommuting); insurmountable (or insuperable) obstacles; not far off the time.


4.16 Prepare  a  report and take part in the discussion on the topic "Uses of radio and telecommunications".  In the Internet, find more information on “Digital television standards and their adoption worldwide”.


Unit 5. Digital Radio


Start up

5.1  In the Internet you could have seen questions about digital radio. Try to give an answer to those who ask questions, as if you were an expert invited to a TV program.

1. What's all this fuss about digital radio?  2. What means “digital?” Is it better than all I have now? 3. What advantages? 4. How to buy the best digital radio? What is DAB digital radio? Help.

Word study.

5.2  Do you know these words? If not, consult the dictionary, give their definition, transcription (don’t forget to mark the stressed syllable, make sure you pronounce the words properly), translate them, prepare a word-list according to this form:

Word         Transcription                Definition                          Translation

quadrature   […………….]      ……………………        ……………………….

pattern ; amateur ; ghosting ; retrieving ; geostationary; altitude;.

5.3 Translate and memorize the following words (terms) and their definitions: 

advance - the forward movement or an improvement or development in something: Nothing is able to stop the advance of the technology. Recent advances in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.

radio interference - impairment of the reception of a wanted radio signal caused by an unwanted radio signal or a radio disturbance.

telephone exchange - the building which contains the equipment for connecting telephone calls.

decode - to discover the meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way (ant. encode).


5.4 Do you know what these abbreviations stand for?




Text A

Digital Radio


5.5 Look through (scan) the text and mark the sentences about radio teletype frequencies and the fields of its application.

Read the text and answer the questions.

1.                Why are spark gap transmitters illegal?

2.                Who is still using continuous wave telegraphy?

3.                Where is quadrature amplitude modulation used?

4.                How does COFDM work?

The oldest form of digital broadcast was spark gap telegraphy1, used by pioneers such as Marconi. By pressing the key, the operator could send messages in Morse code by energizing a rotating commutating spark gap. Spark gap transmitters are now illegal, because their transmissions span several hundred megahertz. This is very wasteful of both radio frequencies and power.

The next advance was continuous wave telegraphy2, or CW, in which a radio frequency produced by a vacuum tube electronic oscillator was switched on and off by a key. CW uses less than 100Hz of bandwidth. CW is still used, these days primarily by amateur radio operators (hams)3. Strictly, on-off keying of a carrier should be known as Interrupted Continuous Wave4or ICW.

Radio teletypes usually operate on short-wave (HF) and are much loved by the military because they create written information without a skilled operator. They send a bit as one of two tones. Groups of five or seven bits become a character printed by a teletype. From about 1925 to 1975, radio teletype was how most commercial messages were sent to less developed countries. They are still used by the military and weather services.

Aircraft use a 1200 Baud5 radio teletype service over VHF to send their ID, altitude and position, and get gate and connecting-flight data. Microwave dishes on satellites, telephone exchanges and TV stations usually use quadrature amplitude modulation6 (QAM). QAM sends data by changing both the phase and the amplitude of the radio signal. QAM packs the most bits into a radio signal. Usually the bits are sent in "frames7" that repeat. A special bit pattern is used to locate the beginning of a frame.

Systems that need reliability, or that share their frequency with other services may use corrected orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing8 or COFDM. COFDM breaks a digital signal into several hundred slower subchannels. The digital signal is often sent as QAM on the subchannels. Modern COFDM systems use a small computer to make and decode the signal with digital signal processing9  which is more flexible and far less expensive than older systems that implemented separate electronic channels. COFDM resists fading10 and ghosting because the narrow-channel QAM signals can be sent slowly. An adaptive system or one that sends error-correction codes can also resist interference, because most interference can affect only a few of the QAM channels. COFDM is used for WiFi, some cell phones and many other local area network, digital TV and radio standards. Most new radio systems are digital.



1.  spark gap telegraphy - искровое телеграфирование.

2. Continuous wave telegraphy  - однополосное телеграфирование.

3. Amateur radio operators (hams)  -    The term "ham" as a nickname for amateur radio operators originated in a pejorative usage by operators in commercial and professional radio communities. The word was subsequently welcomed by amateur radio operators, and it stuck.

4. Interrupted Continuous Wave - короткая (электромагнитная) волна; прерывистая незатухающая волна.

5.  Baud (Emile Baudot)     - Эмиль Бодо, создатель кода Бодо.

6. quadrature amplitude modulation - квадратурная амплитудная манипуляция.

7.  frames - блоки, группы.

8. corrected orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing8 - мультиплексирование на основе ортогонального разделения частот.

 9.    digital signal processing - цифровая обработка сигналов (ЦОС).

 10.  fading - затухание сигнала, фединг.


5.6   Match the following words with their equivalents in Russian:

bandwidth                          помехи;

telephone exchange           диапазон частот;

skilled                                высота;

interference                        квалифицированный;

altitude                               прерывание;

impairment                         искажение;

interruption                        АТС.


5.7   Match the following words with their synonyms:

frequency                       decrypt;              

advance                         rate;

digital                             oppose;

transmission                   flash; 

decode                          progress;

spark                             numerical; 

resist                              broadcast.


5.8 Guess words and match them with the definitions:

tbadoscar                          A flash of light made by electricity.

cdeedo                               The range of frequencies used to send information.

idigalt                                An impairment of the reception of a signal.

imonratnioi                       Another word for data.

arspk                                  Information broadcast using computer technology.

feierentecn                        To transmit.

ndwbadthi                         To decrypt.


5.9            Now match these words with the definitions, mark the suffixes.


- giving help, serving a useful function


- communicating without connecting wires or other material contacts


- describes something that never seems to change


- innumerable, too many to be counted


- the amount that can be held by a tank


- having no meaning


- having no practical use or advantage


- effective; helping you to do or achieve something


- using more of something than you should, causing waste, destruction


Grammar Revision: Gerund and Gerundial Constructions

(Герундиальные обороты (зависимые и независимые)

1. Зависимые герундиальные обороты — это такие обо­роты, в которых перед герундием (после предлога) нет слова, обозначающего действующее лицо или предмет. При переводе таких оборотов придаточными предложени­ями обычно повторяется подлежащее (используя, если нужно, соответствующее местоимение), а герундий стано­вится сказуемым.

При переводе предлог, вво­дящий герундиальный оборот переводят словами то, что:

This metal differs from that one in having a higher melting point. -        Этот металл отличается от того металла тем, что он име­ет более высокую точку плав­ления.

In addition to being very interesting this book is of great use.  

Кроме того, что эта книга интересная, она еще и очень полезная.

В этих примерах, содержащих зависимые герундиаль­ные обороты, между предлогами (by, in addition to,) и герундиями (having, being) нет действующего лица или предмета, поэтому повторяются подлежащие ан­глийского предложения (этот металл, эта книга).

2. Независимые герундиальные обороты — это такие обороты, в которых между предлогом и герундием име­ется слово, выражающее лицо (или предмет), которое совершает (или принимает на себя, в случае пассивной формы герундия) действие, передаваемое герундием. Та­кое слово может быть притяжательным ме­стоимением или существительным в общем или притяжательном падеже. При переводе оборо­та придаточным предложением это местоимение или существительное становится подлежащим, а герундий — сказуемым придаточного предложения. Не забывайте, что перевод герундиального оборота придаточ­ным предложением начинается с перевода п р е д л о г а, стоящего перед герундием , например:

There is unmistakable proof of Anna's having been wrong,  -  Имеются несомненные доказательства того, что Анна ошибалась.

Особое внимание следует уделить тому случаю, когда герундиальный оборот играет роль подлежащего. Так как подлежащее не может иметь предлога (именительный падеж), то следует использовать союз то, что в именительном падеже, например:

His having made this experiment  is a known fact. - To, что он уже провел этот эксперимент,  является  из­вестным фактом.

My friend's  having been included in the list of participants was а surprise. - To, что мой друг был включен в список участников, было неожиданностью.

При переводе независимых герундиальных оборотов, в которых перед герундием стоит притяжатель­ное местоимение, это местоимение в русском предложении становится личным местоимением в имени­тельном падеже, т. е. подлежащим, например:

We know about their having been satisfied with his explanations.

Мы знаем, что они были удовлетворены его объяснениями.

Предлоги, вводящие герундиальные обороты, при пе­реводе становятся союзами:

by — тем, что;

of — о том, что;

to — тому, что;

in — в том, что; к тому, что;

in addition to — кроме того, что;

in spite of — несмотря на то, что;

besides — кроме того, что;

owing to — благодаря тому, что;

due to — вследствие того, что; благодаря тому, что.


5.10  Translate  the sentences with Gerundial constructions into Russian.

A)  1. Не avoids being involved in such affairs. 2. He discussed having been involved in that affair. 3. We are interested in being invited to the conference. 4. The problem deserves being discussed at the session. 5. Due to having been tested under severe conditions the samples could be used in the experiment. 6. Besides being involved this procedure is very costly. 7. In spite of having met with failure they continued experimenting. 8. In addition to being a tool of science, mathematics is also an art form. 9. They objected to being asked this kind of question.

B)  1. I am annoyed about John's forgetting to pay. 2. We are interested in the test being carried out repeatedly. 3. We rely on the experiment having been conducted correctly. 4. He is responsible for the program not having been corrected in time. 5. The mistake resulted from the device not having been mended before the test. 6. We object to the meeting being postponed. 7. His having changed his mind was a surprise. 8. This is due to the reaction running at a low temperature. 9. This was due to her not having understood the question.


5.11  Translate  the sentences with Gerundial constructions into English.

1. Мы заинтересованы (to be interested in) в том, чтобы нас пригласили на это обсуждение. 2. Мы заинтересованы в том, чтобы его пригласили на это обсуждение. 3. Это привело (to result in) к тому, что они изменили (эту) схему. 4. Это привело к изменению всех планов. 5. Я настаиваю (to insist on) на том, чтобы этот образец был испытан многократно. 6. Я полагаюсь (to rely on) на то, что он поможет мне. 7. Я полагаюсь на то, что получу надежную информацию. 8. Я знаю (to know about), что (я) неправ в этом случае. 9. Я знаю, что он неправ в этом случае.


5.12  Use  the words in brackets in the right order and finish the sentences using infinitive to express purpose. Translate them into Russian.

Example: (this/carry out/experiment/to) you must have special training. - To carry out this experiment you must have special training.

1. Scientists from different countries have to work together (solve/to/these/in order/ problems).

2. (finish/the/to/work) they had to invite American experts.

3. People use special apparatus (to/very/hear/high-frequency sounds/in order).

4. A special bit pattern is used (the beginning/locate/of a frame/to).

5. We'll consider a very simple example (explain/in/this/to/phenomenon/order).

6. The engineers did their best so as not (the/so as not/transmission/interrupt/to).


5.13 Use the verb in brackets as a gerund and put the right preposition by (4), on, without or in. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Example: By pressing (press) the key, the operator can send messages in Morse code.

1. (move) through a vacuum these electrons form an electric current.

2. QAM sends data (change) both the phase and the amplitude of the radio signal.

3. A spark is made (rub) two hard things together.

4. (add) heat we can change the state of a substance.

5. (achieve) these results they stopped their research.

6. (transmit) error-correction codes an adaptive system can resist interference

7. They managed to make an experiment (increase) the power of the circuit.


5.14 Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word combinations.

1. Systems that share their …   with other services use COFDM.

2. In CW a radio frequency is produced by a vacuum tube electronic…      .

3. Spark gap transmitters are illegal, because their … span several hundred megahertz.

4. COFDM systems use a small computer to … and …the signal.

5. QAM sends data by changing both the … and the … of the radio signal.

6. Radio teletypes create written information without a.

7. The oldest form of … is spark gap telegraphy.

8. CW uses less than 100Hz of … .

9. A …  is a group of five or seven bits printed by a teletype.

10. A few of the QAM channels can be affected by …   .


5.15 Match the words and complete the sentences with one of the expressions. Translate the sentences.









local area


1.   …         is used for receiving television and radio signals broadcast from satellites.

2. We can …with our cellular phone very quickly.

3.  … is a series of electrical waves which are sent to a television in order to produce a sound, picture or message.

4. This computer is used to make and decode the signal with digital … .

5. A lot of money is needed to modernize the telephone… .


Comprehension Check

5.16 Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (+) or false (—), correct the false ones:

1) Aircraft use continuous wave telegraphy over HF to send their altitude and position.

2) Spark gap transmitters are still used these days by hams.

3) Radio teletypes are used by weather services.

4) COFDM is used by systems that need reliability.

5) A great number of new radio systems are analog.

6) Spark gap transmitters are very wasteful.

7) QAM packs the most bits into radio interference.

8) The military love radio teletypes very much because they use corrected orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing.

9) A character printed by a teletype consists of groups of five or seven bits.

10)  Wi Fi uses COFDM.


5.17 Complete the sentences as in the text.

CW uses less than …     .

The bits in QAM are sent in … .

COFDM breaks a digital signal into    … .

Digital TV and radio standards use    ... .

In spark gap telegraphy the operator could send messages …


5.18 Which of the three translations do you think is better?

 “From about 1925 to 1975, radio teletype was how most commercial messages were sent to less developed countries”.

1. Приблизительно с 1925 по 1975 год большинство сообщений коммерческого характера в развивающиеся страны было направлено с использованием радиотелетайпа.

2. Начиная с 1925 и вплоть до 1975 года деловое общение с малоразвитыми странами осуществлялось преимущественно по телетайпу.

3.  Как в 1925, так и в 1975 году именно радиотелетайп служил основным средством передачи коммерческих посланий в недостаточно развитые в промышленном отношении страны.

Text B

Wireless Technology: It’s not just cellular


5.19  Read  the text and give headings to the paragraphs.


The most valuable benefit1 of wireless services is that they make access possible for people who are on the move2. They are also attractive in certain cases where the user is stationary. Digital cellular telephones are quickly becoming the main communication tool for people on the move. But, while they are good for retrieving e-mail and checking stock quotes, the present state of technology does not permit multimedia communications. They are available at present only to stationary users.


Satellite broadcasts, for example, allow fast download of Internet contents with a return path3 over a dial-up modem. Such systems use an elliptical dish antenna aimed4 at a geostationary satellite located above the equator. It should be ideal for rural5 populations, which are outside the service areas of most cable TV operators and local telcos6.


Another alternative for rural users is local multipoint distribution service (LMDS). This option uses millimeter-wave radio, at frequencies of about 30 GHz. A typical installation has a central base station with an omnidirectional7 antenna serving many residences, each of which has a directional dish aimed at the base station. The service is theoretically capable of sustaining a data transfer rate of 30 Mb/s. The systems work well provided8 the users are within about 3.5 km of the local transceivers. In this case, the high-speed signal is brought in through a satellite dish atop a multiple dwelling9 unit and then distributed to personal computers in individual apartments.


It is also possible to access the Internet over the unlicensed 2.4 GHz band (e.g. Wi-Fi). With this approach, the service  provider10 broadcasts Internet data, using digital spread-spectrum11 wireless technology, from an antenna on a tower. The range is some 60 km. Though ISDN12 is fairly popular13 in Europe and in parts of the United states, especially the South, it is generally regarded as too little, too late, offering kilobits per second - 64 or 128 kb/s, to be exact - where megabits are needed. In spite of that, the telcos and their customers who have invested in ISDN will probably continue with the service.


Notes (B):

1.   benefit – выгода;

2.  on the move – в движении, в поездках;

3.  return path  - обратный путь;

4.  aimedнаправленный;

5.  ruralсельский;

6.  telco - telephone company;

7.  omnidirectional - ненаправленный, всенаправленный;

8.  systems work well provided the users are…  системы работают исправно при условии, что пользователи… Следует различать provided- глагол (Past Tense) и provided – союз (при условии, что…);

9.   dwelling  - жилище, дом;

10.  service provider – провайдер, поставщик услуг;

11.  spread-spectrum – широкополосный;

12. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)  - цифровая сеть интегрального обслуживания;

13.  fairly popular   -   довольно распространенный, весьма популярный.


5.20 Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay special attention to the words in italics.

1. From about 1925 to 1975, radio teletype was how most commercial messages were sent to less developed countries.

2. Digital cellular telephones are quickly becoming the main communication tool for people on the move.

3. The systems work well provided the users are within about 3.5 km of the local transceivers. In this case, the high-speed signal is brought in through a satellite dish (тарелка, спутниковая антенна) atop a multiple dwelling unit and then distributed to personal computers in individual apartments.

4. Though ISDN is fairly popular in Europe and in parts of the United states, especially the South, it is generally regarded as too little, too late, offering kilobits per second - 64 or 128 kb/s, to be exact - where megabits are needed.

5. An adaptive system or one that sends error-correction codes can also resist interference, because most interference can affect only a few of the QAM channels.(text A)


5.21 Underline the sentences that in your opinion contain the basic information and summarize the general ideas of the text.


Prepare a report and take part in the discussion on the topic “Digital radio technology in the modern world.


Unit 6.  GSM Technology


6.1 Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

allocation - location, disposition, placement.

since -conjunction used to give a reason or explanation for something (because): Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.

carrier - a person or thing that carries something: carrier frequency.

apart - separated by a distance or, less commonly, by time: How far apart should the speakers be placed?

entity - something which exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence: A GSM network is composed of several entities with specific interfaces.

assign - (often passive) to choose someone (something) to do a particular job: Which frequency was assigned to this transmission?


Text A

GSM Technology


6.2   Scan the text and match the headings (a - d) with the paragraphs (1 - 4).

a) Multiple access and channel structure

b) Radio link

c) History of GSM

d) Architecture of the GSM network


6.3   Read the text and find the information about the bands allocated for GSM.


6.4           Find in the text and underline the facts that prove this statement:

The GSM network is the most widespread standard for mobile phones in the world.



During the early 1980s, cellular telephone systems were experiencing rapid growth in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, but also in France and Germany. Each country developed its own system, which was incompatible with others in equipment and operation. This was an undesirable situation. The Europeans realized this and in 1982 the Conference of European Posts and Telegraphs formed a study group called the Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) to study and develop an all- European public land mobile system.


Commercial service was started in 1991, and by 1993 there were 36 GSM networks in 22 countries. Although standardized in Europe, GSM is not only a European standard. Over 200 GSM networks operate in 110 countries around the world. With North America with a derivative of GSM called PCS 1900, GSM systems exist on every continent, and the acronym GSM now stands for Global System for Mobile communications.


GSM is a cellular network which means that mobile phones connect to it by searching for cells in the immediate area. GSM networks operate on four different frequency ranges. Most GSM networks operate on the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz bands. Some countries in the Americas (including the USA and Canada) use the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz bands because the 900 and 1800 MHz frequency bands were already allocated. The International Telecommunication Union, which manages the international allocation of radio spectrum, allocated the bands 890-915 MHz for the uplink (mobile station to base station) and 935-960 MHz for the downlink (base station to mobile station) for mobile networks in Europe.


Since radio spectrum is a limited resource shared by all users, a method must be devised to divide up the bandwidth among as many users as possible. The method chosen by GSM is a combination of Time- and Frequency-Division Multiple Access (TDMA/FDMA). The FDMA part involves the division of the 25 MHz bandwidth into 124 carrier frequencies spaced 200 kHz apart. One or more carrier frequencies are assigned to each base station. Each of these carrier frequencies is then divided in time, using a TDMA scheme. The fundamental unit of time in this TDMA scheme is called a burst period which lasts 15/26 ms (or approx. 0.577 ms). Eight burst periods are grouped into a TDMA frame (approx. 4.615 ms). One physical channel is one burst period per TDMA frame.


6.5  Match the following words with their synonyms:

classified                        to stand for;

scheme                          link;

disposition                     subscriber;

signify                            grouped;

because                          band;

communication               allocation;

abonent                          since;

spectrum                        structure.


6.6  Complete the chart, pay attention to different noun suffixes.

























6.7  Match  the verbs in A with the nouns in B:




subscribe to



stand for

divide in

communicate across

a task

Global System for Mobile communications



Abis interface

a magazine

a radio spectrum


6.8 Ask 7 questions to the text. Let your neighbor answer them.


 Grammar: Infinitive. Negative prefixes

Prefixes (un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, and dis-) are often used to give adjectives a negative meaning (not).


6.9  Find all the abbreviations in the text.  Give their meanings.


6.10 Form the opposite of these adjectives with the help of prefixes and translate them.

Correct, complete,  able, regular,  compatible, accurate, countable, aware, correct, authorized, calculable, equal,  legal, mediate,  approving, known, usual, possible,  precise,  desirable.


Инфинитив (Infinitive) Выступает как подлежащее, обстоятельство, дополнение, определение. Может быть смысловой частью составного сказуемого. Часто встречается в инфинитивных оборотах. Проанализируйте различные варианты перевода.

То work I must have all the necessary equipment.=Чтобы работать, я должен иметь все необходимое оборудование. То raise the yield use must be made of another catalyst= Для повышения выхода надо использовать другой катализатор. The work to be finished next week is of great interest.=Работа, которая будет закончена на будущей неделе, представляет большой интерес.(to be предполагает некоторую модальность, т.е. смысл таков, что работу, которую необходимо закончить на следующей неделе…сравните текст в сериалах “to be continued” – продолжение следует). Our task is to get good results = Наша задача заключается в том, чтобы получить хорошие результаты. То be particularly considered are the following reaction mechanisms. В особенности следует рассмотреть следующие механизмы реакций.(логическое выделение).


6.11  Use the words in brackets in the right order and finish the sentences using infinitive to express purpose. Translate them into Russian.

Example: (this/carry out/experiment/to) you must have special training. - To carry out this experiment you must have special training.

1. Scientists from different countries have to work together (solve/to/these/in order/ problems).

2. (finish/the/to/work) they had to invite American experts.

3. People use special apparatus (to/very/hear/high-frequency sounds/in order).

4. A special bit pattern is used (the beginning/locate/of a frame/to).

5. We'll consider a very simple example (explain/in/this/to/phenomenon/order).

6. The engineers did their best so as not (the/so as not/transmission/interrupt/to


Language in use

6.12   Replace the italicized words with the equivalents from the box.


Burst,  periods,  allocation,  radio,   link,  cellular,  assigned, 

performs,    carrier,   subscribers,    involves,   stands for


1. The ubiquity of GSM standard makes international roaming very common between mobile phone operators. This lets users be available in many parts of the world.

2. The MSC acts like a switching node of the PSTN, which is Public Switched Telephone Network, or ISDN, that means Integrated Services Digital Network.

3. The growth of mobile telephone systems took off in the early 1980s, particularly in Europe.

4. The 25 MHz bandwidth is subdivided into 124 resting frequency channels, each spaced 200 KHz apart.

5. The rarer 400 and 450 MHz frequency bands are allocated in some countries, notably Scandinavia, where these frequencies were previously used for first-generation systems.

6. There are eight radio timeslots grouped into what is called TDMA frame.

7. The MSC executes the switching of calls between the mobile users as well as mobile and fixed network users.

8. The BSS controls the wireless communication with the Mobile Station.

9. The ITU manages the international placement of radio spectrum.

10. The FDMA part implies the division of the 25 MHz bandwidth into 124 carrier frequencies.


Comprehension Check

6.13   Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (+) or false (-), correct the false ones:

1. The GSM network consists of three broad parts: the Mobile Station, the Base Station Subsystem and the Subscriber Identity Module.

2. The Base Station Subsystem and the Mobile Station communicate across the standardized  Abis interface, also known as the air interface or radio link.

3. GSM allows for eight simultaneous calls on the same radio frequency and uses TDMA technology.

4. GSM operates on four separate frequencies. You'll find the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz bands in Europe and Asia and the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands in North America and Latin America.

5. GSM's real benefit for personal mobility is in its SIM card.

6. The GSM method is a combination of Time Division Multiple Access and Code Division Multiple Access.

7. The BSC controls the connection between the Mobile Station and the Mobile service Switching Center.


6.14  Complete the sentences as in the text. Translate the sentences.

1. In 1980s, European countries such as France, Germany and the UK developed...

2. A GSM network is composed of…

3. The MS and the BSS communicate across the Um interface, also known as…

4. Mobile phones connect to GSM network by…

5. Each carrier frequency is divided in…

6. The basic unit of time in the TDMA scheme is called...

7. The BTS contains the radio transceivers that ...

8. The SIM card may be protected against unauthorized use by…


Text B

Cells and Handover1


6.15  Read the text and underline the sentences characterizing the basic handover algorithms.  Put the sentences in the right order.


There exist four types of handover in the GSM system. They imply transferring a call between:

a) cells under the control of the same BSC


b) cells under the control of different MSCs


c) channels in the same cell


d) cells under the control of different BSCs, but belonging to the same MSC



There are four different cell sizes in a GSM network - macro, micro, pico and umbrella cells. The coverage area of each cell varies according to the environment. Macro cells can be regarded as cells where the base station antenna is installed on a mast2 or a building above average roof top level. Micro cells are cells whose antenna height is under average roof top level; they are typically used in urban areas. Picocells3 are small cells whose diameter is a few dozen meters; they are mainly used indoors. Umbrella cells are used to cover shadowed regions of smaller cells and fill in gaps in coverage between those cells.

Cell horizontal radius varies depending on antenna height, antenna gain4 and propagation conditions from a couple of hundred meters to several tens of kilometers. The longest distance the GSM specification supports in practical use is 35 km or 22 miles. There are also several implementations of the concept of an extended cell, where the cell radius could be double or even more, depending on the antenna system, the type of terrain and the timing advance5.

In a cellular network, the radio and fixed links required are not permanently6 allocated for the duration of a call. Handover (or handoff as it is called in North America) is the switching of an on-going call to a different channel or cell.

There are four different types of handover in the GSM system, which involve transferring a call between:


1) Channels in the same cell; 2) Cells (Base Transceiver Stations) under the control of the same Base Station Controller (BSC); 3) Cells under the control of different BSCs, but belonging to the same Mobile services Switching Center (MSC); 4) Cells under the control of different MSCs.

The first two types of handover, called internal handovers, involve only one Base Station Controller (BSC). The last two types of handover, called external handovers, are handled by the MSCs involved.

Handovers can be initiated by either the mobile or the MSC. During its idle time7 slots, the mobile scans the Broadcast Control Channel of up to 16 neighboring cells, and forms a list of the six best candidates for possible handover, based on the received signal strength. This information is passed to the BSC and MSC, at least once per second, and is used by the handover algorithm.

Handover Range

Two basic algorithms are used, both closely connected with power control. This is because the BSC usually does not know whether the poor signal quality is due to multipath fading8 or to the mobile having moved to another cell. This is especially true in small urban cells.

The minimum acceptable performance algorithm gives precedence to power control over handover, so that when the signal degrades beyond a certain point, the power level of the mobile is increased. If further power increases do not improve the signal, then a handover is considered. This is the simpler and more common method.

The power budget9 method uses handover to try to maintain or improve a certain level of signal quality at the same or lower power level. It thus gives precedence to handover over power control.

Notes (B):

1. handover  -               переключение сигнала;

2. mast        -                мачта;

3. picocell      -                пикосота;

4. antenna gain -           усиление антенны, коэффициент усиления антенны;

5.  timing advance –      опережение;

6. permanently -            постоянно;

7. idle time -                  пауза, время ожидания (интервал между двумя сеансами связи);

8. multipath fading - замирание вследствие многолучевого распространения;

9. power budget -                    энергетический потенциал (линии связи).


6.16   Render the text C into English (Should there be need, make use of useful terms and phrases just below). Suggest the title.


Размер сот в сети GSM не одинаков. Существуют макро-, микро-, пико-, а также зонтичные соты. Зона покрытия каждой соты варьируется согласно особенностям окружающей среды. Макро-соты представляют собой области, антенна базовой станции которых устанавливается на мачте или здании выше среднего уровня крыши. В микро­сотах, обычно в городских зонах, передатчик антенны находится ниже среднего уровня крыши. Пико-соты, диаметр которых составляет всего несколько десятков метров, используются, главным образом, в помещении. Соты зонтичного типа покрывают области, закрытые или недоступные в других сотах и заполняют промежутки в зонах покрытия между ними. Радиус зоны действия в сотах зависит от высоты и усиления антенны, а также от условий распространения сигнала и расстояния. Одна сота может обеспечивать связь на расстоянии от двух сотен метров до нескольких десятков километров. Однако радиус действия сигнала может быть увеличен вдвое и даже больше в зависимости от антенной системы, опережения и особенностей ландшафта.



This is to help you with 6.14:

different cell sizes in a GSM network;  macro, micro, pico and umbrella cells; coverage area;  base station antenna; a mast; above average roof top level; antenna height; urban areas;  mainly used indoors; to cover shadowed regions; fill in gaps in coverage; cell radius; propagation conditions; extended cell;  could be double or even more…


Discussion   Divide into groups and take part in a round-table discussion of GSM technology principles, network configuration, interfaces, cells, GPRS extension and UMTS characteristics.


Unit 7. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Specifications


Word study

7.1 Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

likewise - in the same way: Just link up these circuits, and likewise the ones of that appliance.

short-range - reaching a short distance: short-range antenna.

uniform - the same, not varying or different in any way: In these offices the walls and furniture are a uniform grey.

proximity - the state of being near in space or time: The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.

acceptance - agreement that something is right or true: His ideas soon gained acceptance from scientists (= became approved of).

simultaneously - happening or done at the same time that something else. This program was broadcast on TV and radio simultaneously.

headset - a set of headphones, especially one with a microphone fixed to it.

confined - enclosed, limited, very small


7.2  Read the text (A) and underline the sentences about the key features of Bluetooth technology and network characteristics.


Text A                                              



Bluetooth is a radio standard and communications protocol1 designed for wireless personal area networks (PANs), also known as IEEE 802.15.12. Bluetooth provides a way to connect and exchange information between devices such as mobile phones, laptops, PCs, printers, digital cameras, and video game consoles over a secure, globally unlicensed short-range radio frequency (power class dependent: 1metre, 10 metres, 100 metres). Using a radio communication system, the devices don't have to be in line of sight of each other and can even be in other rooms, so long as the received transmission is powerful enough.

Origin of the name and the logo Bluetooth was named after the 10th century king of Denmark and Norway Harald Bluetooth. He is known for his unification of previously warring tribes from Denmark and Norway. Bluetooth likewise was intended to unify different technologies, such as computers and mobile phones. The Bluetooth logo merges the Nordic runes3 analogous to the modern Latin H and B: Haglaz and Berkanan forming a bind rune.


Bluetooth Basics

Bluetooth wireless technology is a short-range communication technology intended to replace the cables connecting portable and/or fixed devices while maintaining high levels of security. The key features of Bluetooth technology are robustness4, low power, and low cost. The Bluetooth specification defines a uniform structure for a wide range of devices to connect and communicate with each other.

Bluetooth technology has achieved global acceptance such that any Bluetooth enabled device, almost everywhere in the world, can connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices in proximity. Bluetooth enabled electronic devices connect and communicate wirelessly through short-range, radio networks known as piconets. Each device can simultaneously communicate with up to seven other devices within a single piconet. Each device can also belong to several piconets simultaneously. Piconets are established dynamically and automatically as Bluetooth enabled devices enter and leave radio proximity.

A fundamental Bluetooth wireless technology strength is the ability to simultaneously handle both data and voice transmissions. This enables users to enjoy variety of innovative solutions such as a hands-free headset for voice calls, printing and fax capabilities, and synchronizing PDA5, laptop, and mobile phone applications to name a few.


Bluetooth applications

1. Wireless control and communication between a cell phone and a hands-free headset. This is the most popular use.

2. Wireless networking between PCs in a confined space and where little bandwidth is required.

3. Wireless communications with PC input and output devices, the most common being the mouse, keyboard and printer.

4. Transfer of files between devices via OBEX6.

5. Replacement of traditional wired serial communications in test equipment, GPS receivers and medical equipment.

6. For remote controls where infrared was traditionally used.

7. Sending small advertisements from Bluetooth enabled advertising hoardings to other Bluetooth devices.

8. Wireless control of a games console, Nintendo and Sony PlayStation will both use Bluetooth technology for their wireless controllers.


Notes (A):

1. Communications protocol - протокол обмена данными, протокол связи

2. IEEE 802.15.1 - стандарт, разработанный для технологии беспроводной ближней коротковолновой радиосвязи Bluetooth, получил обозначение IEEE 802.15 . Он определяет работу на частоте 2,4 ГГц, со скоростями передачи 722-784 Кбит/с.  IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) - Институт инженеров по электротехнике и радиоэлектронике США. Крупнейшая в мире организация (www.ieee.org), объединяющая более 300 тыс. технических специалистов из 147 стран, ведущая организация по стандартизации, отвечающая также за сетевые стандарты (произносится [ai-tripl-i: ])

3.  nordic runes - скандинавские руны (буквы рунического алфавита)

4.   robustness - надёжность, ошибкоустойчивость

5.  PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) - карманный ПК

6. OBEX (Object Exchange Technology) - технология обмена объектами внутри рабочей группы


Comprehension Check

7.3  Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. What is Bluetooth wireless technology? What was it intended for?

2. What does the Bluetooth specification define?

3. How do Bluetooth enabled devices connect and communicate with each other?

4. How many devices does a piconet consist of?

5. Where did the name and logo of Bluetooth come from?

6. How are piconets established?

7. Nowadays this wireless technology is used for remote controls, isn't it?

8. What is the main Bluetooth feature that gives us possibility to enjoy different innovative solutions such as printing and fax capabilities, synchronizing laptop and mobile phone applications and a hands-free headset for voice calls?

9. Can we use Bluetooth for wireless communication with PC input devices?

10. What is the most popular use of Bluetooth?


7.4 Choose  and correct the wrong information.

1. Bluetooth is a radio device designed for PANs, also known as IEEE 802.15.1.

2. The Bluetooth devices have to be in line of sight of each other so long as the received transmission is powerful enough.

3. The name Bluetooth is derived from the nickname of the 10th century king of Denmark Harald.

4. Bluetooth wireless technology is a long-range communication technology that replaces communication cables.

5. Bluetooth technology has achieved local acceptance.

6. Bluetooth devices can't belong to several piconets simultaneously.

7. A fundamental Bluetooth wireless technology strength is the ability to handle both data and video transmissions simultaneously.

8. This radio standard enables users to enjoy wireless communications with PC input and output devices, such as hands-free headset, PDA, laptop and video game consoles.


7.5   Guess the words:

(simultaneously; device; short-range; confined; uniform; ability; proximity)

1. to be used over a little distance sssssssssssssssssssss

2. nearness, closeness to something on 640

3. at the same time 0

4. the state of being able to do something

5. things that are all the same size, shape and etc.

6. a machine or tool used for a special purpose

7. limited, enclosed, very small


Word building: Noun suffixes

7.6  A. Make nouns from verbs









-ancy (-ency)












-ance (-ence)



-er (-or, -ar, -r)









В. Make nouns from adjectives






ance (-ence)






-ancy (-ency)



-ity (-ty)







7.7  Complete the chart forming the nouns, pay attention to different noun suffixes. Check your dictionary if necessary.

















































7.8  Analyze and translate the following sentences with “-ing”-form words.

1.Transistors contain no moving parts.

2. A person beginning some experiment should be very careful and attentive.

3. Using this system, the devices can be situated in different rooms, so long as the transmission is powerful enough.

4. The vibrations of a voice speaking into the microphone of a telephone cause vibrations in an electric current.

5. The electric current passing through a wire will heat it.

6. Having been invented many years ago this technology is still very popular.

7. Radio occupies one of the leading places among the greatest achievements of modern engineering.

8. Bluetooth is a short-range communication technology which replaces connecting cables while maintaining high levels of security.

9. Having improved this device they could use it for many purposes.

10. When applying these devices we will be able to control automatic lines.


Language in use



7.9   Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word combinations from the box. _______________________________________________________________

robustness        devices         Bluetooth         send         short range        simultaneously     personal area     networks    uniform     structure     likewise     in proximity             headset

1. Bluetooth is an industrial specification designed for low power consumption, with a ___________      radio frequency and based around low-cost transceiver microchips in each device.

2. The Bluetooth technology defines a__________        for different devices to "talk" to each other.

3. A Bluetooth device playing the role of the "master" can communicate with up to 7 devices ___________________playing the role of the "slave".

4. According to the inventors of this technology, Harald Bluetooth engaged in diplomacy which led warring tribes to negotiate,______________Bluetooth which allows a wide range of ________________to communicate with each other.

5. Bluetooth specification allows connecting two or more piconets together to form a scatternet with some devices_______________playing the master role in one piconet and the slave role in another piconet.

6. Bluetooth gives users a possibility to enjoy a hands-free________ for voice calls.

7. Any____________device will transmit the following information on demand: device name, device class, list of services and technical information.

8. _______________, low power, and low cost are the key features of Bluetooth technology.

9. The Bluetooth technology is used to________________    advertisements from advertising hoardings to other Bluetooth devices.

10. IEEE 802.15.1 is a radio standard designed for__________________ .


Text B                                     Wi-Fi

7.10   Scan the text and match the headings (a-d) with the paragraphs (1 - 4).

a)   Wi-Fi: How it works.

b)   General.

c)   Channels.

d)   History.


7.11   Read the text and complete the chart.

The use of Wi-Fi 


A typical Wi-Fi setup


The lowest rate of Wi-Fi


Strength of Wi-Fi


The Wi-Fi spectrum


The maximum number of channels




Wi-Fi (also WiFi, wifi, etc.) is a brand originally licensed by the Wi-Fi Alliance® to describe the underlying technology of wireless local area networks (WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11specifications. It was developed to be used for mobile computing devices, such as laptops, in LANs, but is now increasingly used for more services, including Internet, gaming, and basic connectivity of electronics such as televisions and DVD players, or digital cameras. More standards are in development that will allow Wi-Fi to be used by cars in highways in support of an Intelligent Transportation System to increase safety and gather statistics.


The precursor to Wi-Fi was invented in 1991 by NCR Corporation/AT&T. It was initially intended for cashier systems, the first wireless products were brought on the market under the name Wave LAN with speeds of 1 Mbit/s to 2 Mbit/s. The primary inventor of Wi-Fi Vic Hayes was involved in designing standards such as IEEE 802.11b,  802.11a  and  802.11g.


A typical Wi-Fi setup contains one or more Access Points (APs) and one or more clients. An AP broadcasts its SSID (Service Set Identifier, "Network name") via packets that are called beacons, which are usually broadcast every 100 ms. The beacons are transmitted at 1 Mbit/s, and are of relatively short duration. Since 1 Mbit/s is the lowest rate of Wi-Fi it assures that the client who receives the beacon can communicate at at least 1 Mbit/s. Based on the settings (e.g. the SSID), the client may decide whether to connect to an AP. If two APs of the same SSID are in range of the client, the client might use signal strength to decide which of the two APs to make a connection to. The Wi-Fi standard leaves connection criteria and roaming totally open to the client. This is a strength of Wi-Fi.


Except for 802.11a, which operates at 5 GHz, Wi-Fi uses the spectrum near 2.4 GHz, which is standardized and unlicensed by international agreement, although the exact frequency allocations vary slightly in different parts of the world, as does maximum permitted power.

The frequencies for 802.11 b/g span 2.400 GHz to 2.487 GHz. Each channel is 22 MHz wide and there is a 5 MHz step to the next channel. The maximum number of available channels for Wi-Fi enabled devices are: 13 for Europe, 11 for North America, 14 for Japan.


7.14  Put these nouns in the plural form. Which words are always in the plural  and which are generally used in the singular form?

Criterion, datum,  phenomenon,  crisis, basis, curriculum,  information,  policeman,  photo,  foot, sheep, deer, meat, fly, baby, passer-by. 


7.15 Choose the sentences that in your opinion contain the basic information and summarize the general ideas of the text.



Take part in the discussion on the topic “Wireless radio networks: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Technology”.


Unit 8.   Communication Satellites


8.1 Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

appropriate - right, suitable: They used appropriate methods.

bounce - to cause an object to hit a solid surface and spring back: The sounds bounce off the objects.

comprise - include, contain: The library comprises 500 000 books.

convergence - coming towards each other and meeting at a point (Ant. divergence)

coverage - the area reached by a radio signal.

layman - a person who does not have specialized or professional knowledge of a subject (Syn. amateur; Ant. specialist).

overlap - to extend or lie partly over each other; to coincide partly: Our interests overlap.

simultaneous - occurring, existing, operating at the same time (Syn. concurrent, ant. subsequent).


Text A

Satellite Services


Communication has come a long way from the time when an Indian beat a drum in the forest to the time when a scientist receives messages from a satellite. In this space age communication has become a highly developed field. The system of communication in large countries is unthinkable today without space satellites. Besides large distances, there is a great time difference: the territories of some countries comprise up to 11 zones. Satellites help to minimize all the difficulties that may appear. They rapidly transmit TV and radio programs to different towns, cities, and distant areas.

Our world has become an increasingly complex place in which, as individuals, we are very dependent on other people and on organizations. An event in some distant part of the globe can rapidly and significantly affect the quality of life in our home country.

This increasing dependence on both a national and international scale, has led us to create systems that can respond immediately to dangers, enabling appropriate defensive or offensive actions to be taken. These systems are operating all around us in military, civil, commercial and industrial fields. A worldwide system of satellites has been created, and it is possible to transmit signals around the globe by bouncing them from one satellite to an earth station and thence1 to another satellite.

Originally designed to carry voice traffic, they are able to carry hundreds of thousands of separate simultaneous calls. These systems are being increasingly adopted to provide for business communications, including the transmission of traffic for voice, facsimile, data and vision.

It is probable that future satellite services will enable a great variety of information services to transmit impact into the home, possibly including personalized electronic mail. The electronic computer is at the heart of many such systems, but the role of telecommunications is not less important. There will be a further convergence between the technologies of computing and telecommunications. The change will be dramatic2: the database culture, the cashless society, the office at home, the gigabit-per-second data network.

We cannot doubt that the economic and social impact of these concepts will be very significant. Already, advanced systems of communication are affecting both the layman and the technician. Complex functions are being performed by people using advanced terminals which are intended to be as easy to use as the conventional telephone.

The new global satellite-communications systems will offer three kinds of service, which may overlap in many different kinds of receivers:

Voice, Satellite telephones will be able to make calls from anywhere on earth to anywhere else. That could make them especially useful to remote, third-world villages (some of which already use stationary satellite telephones), explorers and disaster-relief teams. Today's mobile phones depend on earth-bound transmitters, whose technical standards vary from country to country. So business travellers cannot use their mobile phones on international trips. Satellite telephones would make that possible.

Messaging. Satellite messagers have the same global coverage as satellite telephones, but carry text alone, which could be useful for those with laptop computers. Equipped with a small screen like today's pagers, satellite messagers will also receive short messages.

Tracking Voice and messaging systems will also tell their users where they are to within a few hundred meters. Combined with the messaging service, the location service could help rescue teams to find stranded3 adventurers, the police to find stolen cars, exporters to follow the progress of cargoes, and haulage4companies to check that drivers are not detouring to the pub. Satellite systems will provide better positioning information to anyone who has a receiver for their signals.


Notes (A):

1. thence - оттуда (from that place, time or event; Syn. thereafter, therefrom) Two miles thence is a fine waterfall.

2. dramatic - существенный (Syn significant).

3. stranded - в затруднительном положении.

4. haulageперевозка.


Comprehension Check

8.2   Answer the questions:

How did the ancient people communicate?

What was the worldwide system of satellites created for?

What will it change in the future?

What are the main kinds of satellite services?

What are the possibilities of tracking systems?


8.3  Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (+) or false (—), correct the false ones:

1. Satellite services are especially important in large countries.

2. Every person is independent in modern society.

3. It is possible to transmit signal by bouncing it from one satellite to another.

4. It is impossible to transmit electronic mail through a satellite.

5. The computer is at the heart of many telecommunication systems.

6. Advanced terminals are very difficult to use.

7. Satellite telephones are especially useful to remote areas.

8. Technical standards of mobile phones are the same from country to country.


8.4  Match the following words with their Russian equivalents:






















8.5  Match the following words with their antonyms:

defensive, transmitter, stationary, separate, simultaneous, layman, conventional, appropriate, civil, convergence, exceptional, specialist, integrate, receiver, portable, offensive, unsuitable, subsequent, divergence, military


8.6   Guess the words by their definitions:

1. the world; the earth     g_ _ _ _

2. one of the divisions of the earth's surface    z_ _ _

3. the use of electromagnetic waves, lying in the radio-frequency range, for broadcasting, two- way communications, etc.   r _ _ _ _

4. the image on a screen  v _ _ _ _

5. a system of interconnected computer systems, terminals, and other equipment allowing information to be exchanged   n _ _ _ _ _ _

6. a small electronic device, capable of receiving short messages; usually carried by people who need to be contacted urgently (e.g. doctors)   p _ _ _ _

7. the equipment in a telephone, radio, or television that receives incoming electrical signals or modulated radio waves and converts them into the original audio or video signals r_ _ _ _ _ _ _

8. a man-made device orbiting around the earth, transmitting to earth scientific information or used for communication  s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. the section on the earth reached by a medium of communication c _ _ _ _ _

Word building

8.5  Form verbs adding the prefixes a) over- and b) en- to the given words and translate them:

Examples:  a) to load — грузить,        to overload — перегружать;         

                   b) large — большой         to enlarge — увеличивать.

a) To lap, to heat, to estimate, to charge, to work, to fill, to fulfil, to cool, to grow, to balance, to hear, to supply, to simplify, to use, to develop, to value;

b) rich, sure, due, feeble, noble, close, able.


8.6  Give the Russian equivalents of the following English compound adjectives with the suffix -ed:   Example: ground-based systems – системы наземного базирования


US-owned utility, communication-based information, a fair-sized vessel, a great-faced clock, silver-coloured device, thick-lensed telescope, high-priced equipment, light-flooded sky, good-humoured sarcasm, an ice-coated sign, a narrow-sheeted newspaper, a grey-roofed building, an oval-shaped vase, solid-headed lines.


8.7 Form compound adjectives with the suffix -ed, corresponding to the following word combinations:   Example: a building of red brick — a red-bricked building

A machine-tool of medium size, a cover of soft leather, zig­zags of a red pencil, mixture of thick oil, a box with thin walls, a house of small size, a clock with a dark face, a figure with sharp angles, a person of high culture, a man with narrow mind.


8.8   Suffix -ize is used to form the verbs with the following meanings

- to cause to become, resemble, or agree with

- to become; change into

- to affect in a specified way;

- to act according to some practice, principle, policy.

Form the verbs with the help of this suffix and translate them:

economy, minimum, maximum, optimum, standard, crystal, hypnosis, legal, American, oxide.


Grammar: -ing forms

8.9  Say to what part of speech do these —ing- forms belong. Translate the sentences.

1. Our aim is solving this complex problem. 2. They succeeded in obtaining good results working with this antenna. 3. The building of the house will be finished next month. 4. In testing the devices they found some serious faults. 5. The growing importance of satellite services in telecommunications attracts world-wide attention. 6. Russian scientists played a great role in the spreading of the satellite television in Russia. 7. After graduating from SF University Petrov remained there as a post-graduate at the Physics Department. 8. The scientist published his experiments proving the existence of radio waves in space. 9. The astronomers thought of a possibility of using radio waves for transmitting signals over a distance.10. The scientist received a radiogram consisting of two words. 11. Using the new method it is possible to increase accuracy and speed of signal transmission. 12. Thousands of scientists, using the most modern equipment, are studying the atmosphere. 13. These new devices are replacing their older equivalents. 14. Computers occupy one of the leading places among the greatest achievements of modern engineering. 15. Developing the new method they achieved good results. 16. Our space exploration develops much faster than that of the other developed countries, including the USA. 17. The man introducing this famous scientist is the dean of our faculty.


8.10   Read the text, define the part of speech the highlighted words belong to and translate it. Speak about practical application of semiconductors.




As we know, semiconductors are materials widely used in differ­ent spheres of technology, their conductivity ranging between that of conductors and nonconductors or insulators. While the conductivity of metals is very little influenced by temperature, the conductivity of semi­conductors sharply increases with heating and falls with cooling. This dependence has opened great prospects for employing semiconductors in measuring techniques. Light as well as heat increases the conductivity of semiconducting materials, this principle being used in creating photo resistances. It is also widely applied for switching on engines, for count­ing parts on a conveyer belt, as well as for various systems of emergency signals and for reproducing sound in a cinematography. Besides reacting to light, semiconductors react to all kinds of radiations and are therefore employed in designing electronic counters.

Engineers and physicists turned their attention to semiconductors more than 70 years ago, seeing in them the way of solving complicated engineering problems. Converting heat into electricity without using boil­ers or other machines was one of them. The electricity generated by semiconductor thermocouples can produce not only heat but also cold, this principle being used in manufacturing refrigerators. By converting semiconductors with a layer of radioactive matter we can create "atomic batteries" transforming nuclear energy into electric power.


Language in use

8 .10   Replace the italicized words with the equivalents from the box.


appropriate       overlap    convergence     between     enable        globe

impacts            remote                   respond


1.  Any event on the globe affects our life.

2. With the help of satellite phone you can make a call to any distant place.

3. These systems can reply immediately to dangers.

4. Adequate actions were taken in difficult situation.

5.  It is possible to transmit signals around the earth.

6.  Future satellite services will make it possible to transmit electronic mail into the houses.

7.  There will be a further combining of the technologies of computing and telecommunications.

8.  Three kinds of service may coincide partly in many different kinds of receivers.


8.11   Complete the sentences as in the text using the following words:

Bouncing, comprise, convergence, impact, layman, satellite,

simultaneous, transmit

1. Communication has come a long way to the time when a scientist receives messages from a ....

2. The territories of some countries ... up to 11 time zones.

3. Satellites rapidly ... TV and radio programs to different towns, cities, and distant areas.

4. It is possible to transmit signals around the globe by ... them from one satellite to an earth station and thence to another satellite.

5. Satellites are able to carry hundreds of thousands of separate ... calls.

6. Future satellite services will enable a great variety of information services to transmit ... into the home.

7. There will be a further ... between the technologies of computing and telecommunications.

8. Advanced systems of communication are affecting both the ... and the technician.


Discussion:   Discuss the following questions using viewpoint adverbs.

apparently, certainly, clearly, definitely, in theory, obviously, presumably, probably, undoubtedly, generally, interestingly enough, naturally, personally, surprisingly, unbelievably.

Look for more relevant materials in the Internet or elsewhere.  "The changing world of satellite communications ", "The satellite television ".


Unit 9.  Navigation Satellites


Word study

9.1  Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

altitude - 1) height above sea-level Syn: height; 2) the angular distance of a celestial body from the horizon measured along the vertical circle passing through the body; Syn: azimuth.

augment - to make greater; Syn: increase, enhance.

constellation - named group of fixed stars: Many of the 88 groups of stars were named by the ancient Greeks after animals, objects, or mythological persons.

latitude - distance north or south of the equator: It is situated in the latitude of 40 degrees.

longitude - distance east or west from the Greenwich meridian: The prime meridian is   at 0°

sidereal - determined with reference to stars. Syn: star, stellar.

precise - strictly correct in amount or value. Syn: exact, punctual; Ant: approximate.

vehicle - a means for transporting people or objects. Syn: conveyance.

maintain - to keep in proper or good condition Syn: support.

utility - 1) the thing of practical use; 2) a piece of computer software designed for a routine task.

adjust - to alter slightly, esp. to achieve accuracy; Syn: regulate.

sequence - the successive order of two or more things Syn: progression , series , succession.


Word building

9.2  Form the adjectives from the following nouns. Consult a dictionary if necessary:





















9.3  Match up the words which are opposite in meaning:

Proper,  precise,  worldwide,  occasional,  allied, significant,  transmit, local,  incorporate, exclude, receive,  constant, approximate, unimportant, rival, incorrect,.


9.4  Match up the words which have similar meanings

Assistance, azimuth, perform, inseparable, regulate, support, enhance, stellar, yearly, maintain, annual, inherent, adjust, augment, altitude, sidereal, aid, implement.


9.5  Match the following words with their Russian equivalents:

столкновение                         sequence;

совместимый                         collision;

последовательность              alert;

поддерживать                        compatible;

предсказывать                       maintain;

подчеркивать                         estimate;

настраивать                           accelerate;

ускорять                                         adjust;

оценивать                              underscore;

предупреждать                      forecast.


9.6  Guess the words by their definition:

1) Something useful.

2) Height above the sea-level.

3) One of several parts or sections into which an object is divided.

4) The curved path, usually elliptical, followed by a planet, satellite, comet, etc., in its motion around another celestial body under the influence of gravitation.

5) A single piece of information.

6) Any conveyance in or by which people or objects are transported.

7) The wide end of a cathode-ray tube, on which a visible image is formed.

8) The limits within which a thing can function effectively.

9) The unlimited three-dimensional expanse in which all material objects are located.


9.7  Read text A and give headings to the paragraphs:


Text A

The Global Positioning System (GPS)



The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S.-owned utility that provides users with positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services. This system consists of three segments:

1) The space segment constellation consists of 24 satellites, that transmit one-way signals that give the current GPS satellite position and time. 24 Space Vehicles (SVs) are distributed equally among six circular orbital planes. The orbital planes are centered on the Earth, not rotating with respect to the distant stars. Orbiting at an altitude of approximately 20,200 kilometers; orbital radius of 26,600 km, each SV makes two complete orbits each sidereal day.

2) The control segment consists of worldwide monitor and control stations that maintain the satellites in their proper orbits through occasional command maneuvers, and adjust the satellite clocks. It tracks the GPS satellites, uploads updated navigational data, and maintains health and status of the satellite constellation.

3) The user segment consists of the GPS receiver equipment, which receives the signals from the GPS satellites and calculates the user's three-dimensional position and time. In general, GPS receivers are composed of an antenna, tuned to the frequencies transmitted by the satellites, receiver-processors, and a highly-stable clock. Receivers typically have between twelve and twenty channels.


GPS has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide, and a useful tool for map- making, land surveying, commerce, and scientific uses. To meet the specific user requirements for PNT, a number of augmentations to the GPS are available. An augmentation is any system that aids GPS by providing accuracy, integrity, reliability, availability, or any other improvement that is not inherently part of GPS itself.

Nationwide Differential GPS System provides increased accuracy and integrity of the GPS to users on land and water. Modernization efforts include enhancing the performance and providing 10 to 15 centimeter accuracy throughout the coverage area. Over 50 countries around the world have implemented similar systems.

Wide Area Augmentation System provides aircraft navigation for all phases of flight.

Continuously Operating Reference Station archives and distributes GPS data for precision positioning and atmospheric modeling applications mainly through post-processing1.

Global Differential GPS supports the real-time positioning, timing, and orbit determination requirements of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) science missions. The U.S. Policy underscores the importance that all global navigation satellite systems and their augmentations be compatible with the GPS.


In addition to longitude, latitude, and altitude, the Global Positioning System (GPS) provides a critical fourth dimension - time. Each GPS satellite contains multiple atomic clocks that contribute very precise time data to the GPS signals. GPS receivers decode these signals, effectively synchronizing each receiver to the atomic clocks. This enables users to determine the time to within 100 billionths of a second. Precise time is crucial to a variety of economic activities around the world. Communication systems, electrical power grids, scientific study of earthquakes and financial networks all rely on precision timing for synchronization and operational efficiency. Wireless telephone and data networks use GPS time to keep all of their base stations in perfect synchronization. Similarly, digital broadcast radio services use GPS time to ensure that the bits from all radio stations arrive at receivers in lockstep2 . Companies worldwide use GPS to time-stamp3  business transactions. Major investment banks use GPS to synchronize their network computers located around the world. Hollywood studios are incorporating GPS in their movie slates4, allowing for unparalleled control of audio and video data, as well as multi-camera sequencing.


It is estimated that delays from congestion5 on highways and streets throughout the world result in productivity losses in the hundreds of billions of dollars annually. GPS enables automatic vehicle location and in-vehicle navigation systems that are widely used throughout the world today. By combining GPS position technology with systems that can display geographic information a new dimension in surface transportation is realized. A geographic information system (GIS) stores, analyzes, and displays geographically referenced information. Today GIS enables effective strategies that can keep transit vehicles on schedule and inform passengers of precise arrival times. GPS is an essential element in the future of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Research is being conducted in the area of advanced driver assistance systems, which include road departure and lane change collision avoidance systems. These systems need to estimate the position of a vehicle relative to lane and road edge with an accuracy of 10 centimeters. With the continuous modernization of GPS, one can expect even more effective systems for crash prevention, distress alerts and position notification, electronic mapping, and in- vehicle navigation with audible instructions.

GPS receivers come in a variety of formats, from devices integrated into cars, phones, and watches, and many other devices.



1. post-processing - обработка данных (to perform mathematical and logical operations on data according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information).

 2. in lockstep2 - зд. строго одновременно, букв. «шаг в ногу» (progressing at exactly the same speed and in the same direction as other people or things).

3. time-stamp - временная отметка (to assign an accurate time to a message, transaction, etc.) The database entry consists of the MAC address, the port that address was seen on, and a time- stamp to indicate when it was see.

4. slates - доска, которой хлопают перед очередным дублем (a pair of boards clapped together during film shooting in order to aid sound synchronization).   

5. congestion - скопление (the state of being overcrowded, esp. with traffic or people).


9.8  Write out of text A phrases describing general uses of GPS


Comprehension check

9.9  Answer the questions:

1) What are the main segments of GPS?

2) What augmentation are supposed in GPS?

3) Is the GPS system popular?

4) How many satellites does navigation system comprise?

5) What augmentation serves the US NASA science mission?

6) Why is timing so important?

7) What is the precision of atomic clock?

8) How are navigation systems used on the roads?

9) What is GIS?

10) What is ITS?


9.10 Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (+) or false (—), correct the false ones:

1) The GPS provides only positioning services.

2) The system consists of four segments.

3) A number of augmentations are available in over 60 countries.

4) Precise time is crucial for military purposes only.

5) GPS is used in making modern films.

6) The delays on the roads directly affect the economy.

7) In-vehicle navigation systems are not common yet.

8) GIS is used to keep transit vehicles on schedule.

9) GPS is an essential element of ITS.

10) ITS is able to estimate the position of a vehicle with an accuracy of 1 cm.


Language in use

9.11  Replace the italicized words with the equivalents from the box.

sidereal       annually         vehicle








1.The planes are orbiting at a height of approximately 20000 km.

2. Each orbital plane carries four space conveniences.

3. Each space vehicle makes two complete orbits each stellar day.

4. A number of enhancements to the GPS are available.

5. Each GPS satellite contains multiple atomic clocks that contribute very exact time data to the GPS signals.

6. The control segment supports health and status of the satellite constellation.

7. GPS has become a widely used help to navigation worldwide.

8. Delays from congestion on highways result in productivity losses in the hundreds of billions of dollars yearly.


9.12  Complete the sentences as in the text.

constellation,  3-dimensional,  augmentation,  synchronize,  maintains,  efficiency,  vehicle,  utility,  displays

1. GIS is used to monitor_________________   location.

2. GIS stores, analyses and______________      geographically referenced information.

3. An_____________   is any system that aids GPS.

4. The GPS is a___________ that provides users with PNT services.

5. The space segment_____________       consists of 24 satellites.

6. The control segment____________       the satellites in their proper orbits.

7. The user's segment calculates the user's ___________position and time.

8. Major banks use GPS to______________      their computers around the world.

9. Many economic activities rely on precision timing for operational___________.


Grammar Revision: Noun attributes  and Passive Voice:

9.13   Read and translate the following word combinations paying attention to nouns as attributes.

Remote control station, light pulses, light wave communications system, transmission sys - tem, telecommunications network, glass fiber, voice signal, data signal, television signal, telecommunications transmission, construction cost, underground duct, copper cable, signal regenerator, carrier system, device reliability, laser beam wave, radio wave speed, disaster- relief team, , one-way signal, three-dimensional position, on-time performance, advanced- driver assistant system, disaster-relief team, lane-change collision avoidance system, crash prevention, position notification.

9.14  Read the following sentences and say which of them are in the Active and which are in the Passive Voice. Translate them into Russian.

1. While the experiment was being carried out nobody left the station.

2. A new type of satellite equipment is being produced at our plant.

3. At present scientific work is being done mostly by large groups of researchers.

4. The apparatus will be working when you come.

5. The scientists who are carrying out research into radio astronomy deal with the most difficult problems.

6. For twenty minutes the air in the laboratory was being purified by two ventilators.

7. The solar battery is converting the energy of sun rays directly into electric energy.

8. This experiment was being carried out in vacuum.

9. For a long time the electronic devices were being used for control.

10. An interesting research in the field of electronics is being done at our Institute.

11. Prospects of the usage of solar energy are already understood by everybody.

12. Now solar energy is being studied by a lot of research groups.

13. Siberian scientists are developing new types of geostationary devices.

14. We were looking for a more simple method of solution but could not find it.

15. The engineers will discuss the advantages of this new system.

16. Our laboratory is housed in an old building.

17. A new navigation equipment is being examined by our scientists now.


9.15  Read text B and say if it covers the following ideas:                          

1. What is the name of the Chinese navigation system?

2. What countries develop the Galileo system?

3. What is driving the technological battle between Russia and US?

4. How many satellites does navigation system need?

5. What is the advantage of the Glonass-capable GPS receiver?


Text B


The days of the cold war may have passed, but Russia and the United States are in the midst of another battle - this one a technological fight over the United States monopoly on satellite navigation. Nor is Russia the only country trying to break the American monopoly on navigation technology. China has already sent up satellites to create its own system, called Baidu after the Chinese word for the Big Dipper1. And the European Union has also begun developing a rival system, Galileo, although work has been halted because of doubts among the private contractors over its potential for profits.

GLONASS is a radio-based satellite navigation system, developed by the former Soviet Union and now operated for the Russian government by the Russian Space Forces. Development on the GLONASS began in 1976. The constellation was completed in 1995, but the system rapidly fell into disrepair with the collapse of the Russian economy. Beginning in 2001, Russia committed to restoring the system by 2011, and in recent years has diversified, introducing the Indian government as a partner, and accelerated the program with a goal of global coverage by 2009 A fully functional GLONASS constellation consists of 24 satellites, with 21 operating and three on-orbit spares[1], deployed in three orbital planes. A characteristic of the GLONASS constellation is that any given satellite only passes over the exact same spot on the Earth every eighth sidereal day. However, as each orbit plane contains eight satellites, a satellite will pass the same place every sidereal day. For comparison, each GPS satellite passes over the same spot once every sidereal day.There were three generations of the satellites. The true first generation of Uragan satellites were all 3-axis[2] stabilized vehicles, generally weighing 1,250-kg. These spacecraft demonstrated a 16-month average operational lifetime. The second generation of satellites, known as Uragan-M (also called GLONASS-M), possess a substantially increased lifetime of seven years and weigh slightly more - 1,480 kg. The latest designed generation of Uragan-K (GLONASS-K) spacecraft are the third generation of satellites. These satellites are designed with a lifetime of 10 to 12 years, a reduced weight of only 750 kg, and offer an additional L-Band4 navigational signal. As with the previous satellites, these are 3-axis stabilized, nadir5 pointing with dual solar arrays.

By May 2007 the system remains partially operational. There were 11 satellites. In recent years, Russia has kept the satellite orbits optimized for navigating in Chechnya, increasing signal coverage there at the cost of degrading coverage in the rest of the world. GLONASS availability in Russia was 45.3% and average availability for the whole Earth was down to 30.5%, with significant areas of less than 25% availability. Meaning that, at any given time of the day in Russia, there is a 45.3% likelihood that a position fix can be calculated.

The Russian system is also calculated to send ripples through the fast-expanding industry for consumer navigation devices by promising a slight technical advantage over G.P.S. alone. Devices receiving signals from both systems would presumably be more reliable. "The network must be impeccable, better than G.P.S., and cheaper if we want clients to choose Glonass," Mr. Putin said at a Russian government meeting on the system.


Notes (B):       

1. the Big Dipper - Большая Медведица (the US and Canadian name for the Plough (constellation).

2.  spare - запасной (in reserve for use when needed).

3.  axis - ось (a real or imaginary line about which a body, such as an aircraft, can rotate or about which an object, form, composition, or geometrical construction is symmetrical).

4.  L-Band - RF range 390 - 1550 MHz.

5.  nadir - надир (the point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer and diametrically opposite the zenith).


9.15  Make 10 questions to the text using the following constructions:

What is the (nature, difference, process, role, importance, etc.) of…?

What is referred to as….?

What is used as…?

Where do we use. …?

What function do the ... play?



1. Does Russia really need its own navigation system?

2.  Does Kazakhstan need to have its own navigation system?


Unit 10. Writing Summaries


Start up

10.1 Discuss with your partner and explain what the following terms (both English and Russian) mean and what the notions involve, and what you think or know about basic forms, rules and principles of writing summaries, abstracts( рефераты и аннотации).


Basic notions and definitions  (понятийная база)

Аннотация (abstract, summary) от латинского annotatio – примечание, пометка.  Kраткая справка о тексте, патенте,  книге, справочнике с точки зрения содержания. Студенты пишут описательные аннотации при оформлении курсовых работ и записок к дипломным проектам. Специалисты и ученые  обязаны уметь писать аннотации к своим  научным статьям, докладам для конференций, используемой литературе и т.д.

В отличие от реферата, который отвечает на вопрос: «ЧТО сказано, ЧТО излагается в первоисточнике?», аннотация отвечает на  вопрос: «О ЧЕМ говорится в первоисточнике?»

Реферат. Краткое изложение содержания первоисточника с основными фактическими сведениями и выводами на языке оригинала или родном языке.

Информативный  реферат. В нем указывается предмет исследования и цель работы, сведения о методике исследования, использовании оборудования, основные результаты и выводы, а также отмеченные автором возможности и сфера применения полученных данных.  Здесь могут быть даны также основные характеристики новых технологических процессов, технических изделий и т.п. В информативном реферате сохраняется последовательность мыслей оригинала.

Структура   реферата.       

1) введение содержит выходные данные, название публикации, фамилию автора, место издания, издательство, год, число страниц, иллюстраций. Независимо от того, на каком языке пишется реферат иностранного источника, заголовочная часть составляется на иностранном языке. В студенческой практике вводная часть обычно не пишется.

2)  собственно   реферативная (описательная) часть представляет собой концентрированную передачу содержания документа (главную идею и существенные положения).  Здесь принято не выделять абзацы.

3) заключительная часть содержит основные выводы по проделанной работе в целом. Иногда эта часть может входить в собственно реферативную.

Объем реферата нестабилен. Наиболее распространенным является реферат объемом около 200 слов, если статья не превышает 5 страниц.

Язык  и  стиль  реферата. Для реферата характерна строгая последовательность изложения и экономия языковых средств. В содержании выделяется главное и излагается сокращенно, сжато. Второстепенные факты, детальные описания, примеры, исторические экскурсы (если они не важны для реферата) исключаются. Однотипные факты группируются и им дается обобщенная характеристика. Цифровые данные систематизируются и обобщаются.

В рефератах  могут использоваться вводные слова типа «даны», «приведены», «перечислены», «описаны» и т.п. Употребляются простые распространенные предложения (около 70 %), преобладают неопределенно-личные, безличные страдательные конструкции. Материал излагается точно, без искажений и субъективных оценок.


Пример реферата на английском языке


On a Novel Self-test Approach to Digital Testing


In this paper a new approach to digital testing is presented. This is based on a dynamic modeling technique for the system under test (SUT). The proposed techniques  consists  of an iterative self-test approach, that has been proved to be applicable to analogue fault  analysis. A Discrete Component Connection Model (DCCM) is  presented as a basis of modeling analysis. The DCCM describes a  digital system by using a large-scale dynamic model for a reduction in computation. In this model, difference connection and component equations are simultaneously solved. Fault identification  is accomplished by generating a pseudo-system partition of the SUT; a decision process is then executed to validate test results. The decision  process is based on a novel Boolean technique for verification  of results using a fault bound.  This approach is applicable to testing of both sequential and combinational logic. Complexity of this testing technique is analyzed; a reduction of complexity  is accomplished by using covering set theory. Algorithms are  presented for both the self-test and the decision processes.

 The benefits of this approach are computational compatibility to existing complex simulation packages and lower order of complexity of the decision process for single and multiple fault detection and location. Illustrative examples are presented.    


Развернутая  аннотация, объемом приблизительно 75 слов, содержит сведения о публикации  в более или менее подробном виде.

Краткая  аннотация  состоит  из нескольких фраз или слов.

Язык аннотации.

1. Лаконичность языка, т.е. использование простых предложений (глаголы употребляются всегда в настоящем времени в действительном или страдательном залоге. Модальные глаголы, как правило, отсутствуют).

2. Строгая логическая структура.

3. Введение в текст  безличных  конструкций и отдельных слов, например: «Сообщается…», «Подробно описывается», «Кратко рассматривается…», «Излагаются…», «Комментируются…» и др., с помощью которых происходит введение  и описание текста оригинала.

4. Недопущение повторений в заглавии и тексте аннотации.

5. Точность в передаче заглавия оригинала, отдельных  формулировок и определений.

6. Использование общепринятых сокращений слов, таких, как напр., и т.д., и т.п., и др.

7. Единство терминов и обозначений.

Текст аннотации должен быть максимально кратким, от 500 до 1000 печатных знаков.


Key patterns (основные штампы) of summaries:

1. The article (paper, book, etc.) deals with…

1. Эта статья (работа, книга и т.д.) касается…

2. As the title implies the article describes…

2. Согласно названию, в статье  


3. It is specially noted…

3. Особенно отмечается…

4. A mention should be made…

4. Упоминается…

5. It is spoken in detail…

5. Подробно описывается…

6. …are noted

6. Упоминаются…

7. It is reported…

7. Сообщается…

8. The text gives a valuable information on…

8. Текст дает ценную информацию

9. Much attention  is given  to…

9. Большое внимание уделяется

10. The article is of great help to …

10. Эта статья окажет большую


11. The article is of interest to…

11. Эта статья представляет интерес     для…


12. It (the article) gives a detailed analysis      of …

12. Она (статья) дает детальный


13. It draws our attention to…

13. Она (статья, работа) привлекает наше внимание к

14. The difference between the terms…and…should be stressed

14. Следует подчеркнуть различие между …

15.  It should be stressed (emphasized) that…

15. Следует подчеркнуть, что…

16. …is proposed

16. Предлагается…

17. …are examined

17. Проверяются (рассматриваются)

18. …are discussed

18. Обсуждаются…

19. An option permits…

19. Выбор позволяет…

20. The method proposed … etc.

20. Предлагаемый метод… и т.д.


Научно-техническая статья обычно состоит из следующих частей.

1. Заголовок (Title). 2. Аннотация (Abstract or Summary). 3. Введение (Introduction). 4. Общая часть  (Methods, Materials, Procedures). 5. Результаты, обсуждение результатов, заключение (выводы) и рекомендации (Results, Discussions, Conclusion, Recommendations). 6. Благодарности  (Acknowledgements). 7. Использованная литература (References, Literature, Bibliography).      


English and Russian Summary samples


Sensitivity Paradox in Multiprocessor Computer Systems

In the paper multiprocessor system is analyzed from the point of view of the influence of the load change. It is shown, that re­lative changes of gene length of

tasks waiting  for processing depend on the number of processors working parallel. These re­lative changes are larger for larger numbers of processors —  service lines. This so-called relative sensitivity paradox is pro­ved for general models of mass service systems with product form solution. The control of the multiprocessor system is discussed from the point of view of suitable controlled variable.

Key Words: Multiprocessor сomputer, соntrol of мultiprocessor system, мass service system, sensitivity to parameter variation.


Парадокс чувствительности в многопроцессорных вычислительных системах 

 В статье анализируется многопроцессорная вычислитель­ная система с точки зрения влияния изменения загрузки. Показывает­ся, что относительное изменение длины очереди зависит от коли­чества процессоров, работающих совместно. Это относительное из­менение возрастает в зависимости от увеличения количества процес­соров. Этот так называемый парадокс чувствительности доказывает­ся для моделей систем массового обслуживания, имеющих решение в мультипликативном виде. Дискутируется управление многопроцессор­ных систем с точки зрения удобной управляемой переменной.

Ключевые слова: многопроцессорная вычислительная система, управление многопроцессорной системой, система массового обслужи­вания, чувствительность к изменению параметров.


Useful Practice:

A. Sentences in the Passive Voice are most often used.


Исследовались (исследованы, были исследованы) свойства радио-активных элементов.


The radioactive properties of elements were studied.


B. Usage of Active Voice is also possible.


1. Мы рассмотрели ряд программ.                Был рассмотрен ряд программ.

We have considered a series of programs.

2. В статье рассматриваются неко-торые свойства этого вещества.

The paper studies some properties of this substance.


10.2. Use Passive Voice in the following sentences.

Example:    We  investigated the structure of the atom. -

                    The structure of the atom (the atom structure) was investigated.

1. The authors developed some theoretical models.

2. We found an approach to the problem.

3. The investigation deals with the problem of robots design.

4. The author has analyzed the material obtained.

5. The paper considered a series of standard programs.

6. The author gives the data which are concerned with computer design.


C. Use Present Simple, Present Perfect or Past Simple to describe experiments, studies, calculations, etc.


1. Анализируется современный компьютер.

  A modern computer is analyzed.

2.  Были изучены вcе преиму­щества графических методов.

All the advantages of graphical methods have been studied.


D. При сообщении о  предмете исследования понадобится целый ряд глаголов:

Verbs in use equivalent to “исследовать”(about the object of study):

Study – имеет наиболее широкое употребление и означает «изучать,    исследовать».

Investigate – подчеркивает тщательность исследования.

Examine – помимо «изучать, исследовать», означает «рассмат­ривать, внимательно осматривать, проверять».

Analyze – исследовать, изучать, анализировать.

Consider – изучать, рассматривать.


1. Изучается новая проблема.

A new problem is studied.

2. Была исследована причина взрыва.

A cause of the explosion has been investigated.

3. Изучались древние рукописи.

Old manuscripts were examined.

4. Рассматриваются стадии програм-мирования.

Stages of programming are considered.


E. Verbs relevant to «описание»:

Describe – описывать, давать описание.

Discuss – обсуждать описывать (с элементом полемики), излагать.

Outline – кратко описывать, описывать (в общих чертах), очерчивать.

Consider – рассматривать, обсуждать (принимая во внима­ние разные параметры).


1. Описываются персональные компьютеры.

Personal computers are described.


2. Обсуждаются конструкция и рабочие характеристики прибора.

The design and operating  conditions of the device are discussed.

3. Описаны преимущества этого метода. (О преимуществах говорится кратко, они только очерчены).

The advantages of the method are outlined.

4. Рассмотрен вопрос об использовании одного микропроцес-сорного кристалла.

The use of a single microprocessor chip as the processor has been considered.


F. Verbs synonymous to “get” ( получать):

Obtain – получать (наиболее широкое значение).

Determine – определять, получать, находить (любым способом).

Find– находить, обнаруживать.

Establish – устанавливать, (точно) определять, (убедительно) показывать.


1.Получены предварительные данные.

Preliminary data have been obtained.

2. Была определена структура этого устройства.

The structure of this device was determined.

3. Обнаружены редкие документы.

Rare documents are found.

4. Установлены логические связи в этом компьютере.

Logical relations in the computer have been established.


G.  Verbs equivalent to “получать”:

derive (equations, expressions, curves, formulae, relations etc.)

— получать (выводы, уравнения,  выражения, кривые, формулы, соотношения и пр.)

produce (create) а compound plasma, power etc.

— получать (производить, создавать) соединение, плазму, вещество, мощность и т.д.

Глагол получать может включать понятие «получено путем вычисления, вычислено» —  calculate, compute, estimate, evaluate.

Calculate —  вычислять, подсчитывать, находить, опре­делять величину (при помощи арифметичес­ких действий).

Compute — подсчитывать, производить численный расчет (часто с помощью вычислительной техники).

Estimate  —  оценивать, получать оценку (в числах), оп­ределять, находить количественную величину.

Evaluate —  оценивать (величину, количество, степень, значение, роль) определять, выяснять, нахо­дить (причину  явлений или событий).


1. Определена (получена) последо-вательность операций.

The sequence of operations has been computed.

2. Определена интенсивность импуль-са.

The pulse intensity has been estimated.

3. Определена работа системы.

The system performance was evaluated.


10.3 Translate the following sentences. Use the tense forms recommended in brackets.  

Example: Были получены (проанализированы)  the results of the experiment. - The results of the experiment were analyzed.

1.     Изучалась (была проанализирована) the fine structure of films (Past Simple.).

2.     Рассматривается (проверяется его пригодность) a new method of integrating the equations (Present Simple).

3.     Исследуется (подробно) the development cycle of the phenomenon (Present Simple).

4.     Изучены blocking effects in scattering the particles (Present Perfect).

5.     Обсуждается the electron creation rate (Present Simple).

6.     Был описан the design of  this radio apparatus  (Past Simple).

7.     Рассматривается (учитывается весь процесс) the гоle of the changed conditions (Present Simple).

8.     Уже обсуждался (был проанализирован) the method of integrating the equation (Present  Perfect).

9.     Определяется (путем оценки) the shift of the energy Isvels (Present Simple).

10. Была найдена (вычислена) the electron generation rate (Present Perfect).

10.4 Translate the following sentences, choose the best meaning and tense form.

Example: Рассматриваются возможности цифрового компьютера. -

Possibilities of digital computer are studied.

1.  Рассматриваются возможности персональных компьютеров.      

1.     Изучается программное обеспечение (software).

2.     Проведено  исследование этой системы базы данных (data base system).

3.     Были описаны электростатические свойства частиц (properties of particles).

4.     Обсуждаются преимущества использования языка КОБОЛ (the advantages of using COBOL).

5.     Рассмотрены технические достижения в этой области (technical advances).

6.     Обсуждается автоматизированное проектирование (computer-aided design).

7.     Рассчитано числовое программное управление (numerical control).    

8.     Выясняются (определяются) графические возможности (graphical capabilities) этого устройства.

9.     Проводится анализ конечных элементов (finite-element analysis).  

10. Выясняется (определяется) машинное «зрение» (machine-vision.).

11.  Внимательно изучались регистры общего назначения (general-purpose registers) (Past Simple)

12.  Регистры управления (control registers)  рассматриваются во всех подробностях(Present Simple).

13. Проведен тщательный анализ этого программно-аппаратного обеспе-чения (firm ware) (Present Perfect).

14.  Руководство к компьютеру (a computer manual) было внима­тельно проанализировано (Past Simple).

Use characteristic adjectives: a study is made - detailed - подробный; carefulthorough  - тщательный; extensive - обширный; accurate - точный; comprehensive - исчерпывающий; brief, short - крат­кий; preliminary - предварительный.


10.5 Analyze the pairs of sentences, pay attention to notions «изучать, рассматривать, измерять», as well as attributes and articles.

1. Были широко изучены блок-схемы.

 A comprehensive study of flow­ charts was  made.

2. Проводилось обширное исследование возбуждения звука в сверхпроводящей пленке.

  An extensive study was performed 

  of the excitation of sound in а 

  superconducting film.

3. Тщательно исследовались типы проводимости монокристаллических пленок.

A detailed analysis of the type

of conduction of single crystal

films has been carried out.

4. Дано точное описание этого языка программирования.

An accurate description of this

programming language has been


5. Проведено предварительное измерение каркасных моделей.

Preliminary measurements of

wire-frame models have been



 Some more verbs to indicate the theme:


develop (method, technology, device)

— разрабатывать (метод, техно-

     логию, прибор)

design  (device, scheme)

— проектировать (прибор, схему)

construct, fabricatе, create (a device)

— изготовлять, создавать, строить, сооружать (прибор)

assemble (device)

—  собирать (прибор)

solve (problem, equation)

—  решать (задачу, уравнение)

make, carry  out, perform (experiment, study, work)        

 проводить (делать, ставить)   



About the results:

A. To show the results you will need the following nouns: result (on, of) - результат; findings (on, of) - данные (о, по, относительно); data (on, concerning, as to) - данные, сведения (о, относительно, что касается); evi­dence (for, of, on, concerning, that) - данные, доказатель­ства, свидетельства; fact (of, concerning, that) – факт.

B. Verbs to use with the above nouns:

obtain  -  получать; give, present, provide - давать, пред­ставлять; report  - сообщать; check, test, verify - про­верять; treat - обрабатывать; collect - собирать; summarize, sum up - суммировать; search for - искать; find - находить; extend to - распространять на.

C. Adjectives to evaluate the results:

simple — простой; complicated — сложный; accurate, exact — точный; excellent, good  — хороший, satisfactory — удовлет­ворительный; important  — существенный, важный; contradictory — противоречивый; convincing — убедительный.

D. Describing results: show, indicate, demonstrate — показывать; confirm, verify — подтверждать; support — поддерживать; to speak in favour — говорить в пользу; contradict —  противоречить, опровергать; prove — доказывать.


1. Предварительные данные, видимо, противоречат первоначальному предложению.

     Preliminary data seem to contradict

     the first supposition.

2. Полученные данные подтверждают значение такого эксперимента.

The results obtained confirm the importance of such an experiment.

3. По данным рентгенодифрак-тометрических исследований…

     The results of an X-ray diffraction study indicate (show) that …


E. Discussing results: supposition — предположение; assumption — допущение; opinion — мнение; idea — представление; viewpoint — взгляд, точка зрения; correctness — правильность; previous — предыдущей, прежний; existing — существующий.


10.8 Compare the following pairs of sentences:


1. Приведены  результаты…

The results have been given…

2. Полученные результаты подтвер-ждают

The results obtained confirm

3. Установленочто ...

      The fact of … has been established

4. Было обнаружено…

       It has been found that…


10.9 Translate the sentences:

1. Были получены предварительные результаты.

2. Никаких численных результатов не проводится.

3. Обсуждаются результаты экспериментов. Обнаружено, что они подтверждают существующую гипотезу.

4. Аналогичные результаты были получены путем дальнейшего экспериментирования.


10.10 Translate the verbs and write sentences. Make up your own sentences on your profile.


1. Обсуждаются 

the results obtained.

2. Рассмотрены

 the experimental data.

3. Наблюдались 

the temperature affects.

4. Были разработаны 

       new methods.



A. Closing sentences often contain the following words and phrases.

conclude — приходить к заключению (выводу); make, draw, reach a conclusion, come to a conclusion that… — делать заключение (вывод) относительно…; from the results it is concluded that… — на основании полученных результатов прихо­дим к выводу; it may be noted that — можно отметить, что; thus, therefore, consequently, as a result — таким образом, следовательно, в результате.

B. To recommend or suggest use:

suggest, recommend - предлагать, рекомендовать; make a suggestion  - делать (вносить) предложение;  make a suggestion as to how (when, where etc.) - делать предложение в отношении того, как (когда, где, что и т.д.); it is suggested that smth. be done  - предлагается что-либо сделать; it is necessary to do smth. - необходимо (нужно) сделать что-либо.



1. Предлагается (рекомендуется) еще один метод обработки.

Another method of treatment is

  proposed (suggested, recommended)

2. Рекомендуется новый метод очистки.

A new method of purification is 

recommended (suggested)

3. Эта проблема ставится на обсуждение. Предлагается обсудить эту проблему.

The problem is suggested for 


4. Необходимо изучить это явление.

It is necessary that a more thorough study of the phenomenon – should be performed.


10.11 Read the following text, divide it into paragraphs, show key sentences and phrases.


Powerful Storage


Researchers have discovered a new material that could improve digital storage in the future.

Thanks to advancements in technology, people can now do more and more with their gadgets. Mobile phones, for example, are no longer just for talking - they can be used to listen to music, take photos and soon even to watch movies. But this also means that new sources of power will be required to accommodate the technology - and at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a team of researchers led by Prof. Prashant Kumta has recently synthesized a new material that can store more energy than the super capacitors used today.

Unlike a battery where energy is stored in a chemical form, a super capacitor is an elec­trical device that stores energy in an electric field. This field is generated by negative and positive plates in the capacitor - and their "super" status comes from their ability to hold four times as much charge as a normal capacitor.

Currently, supercapacitors are made from ruthenium oxide but the high price of this compound limits their use in a wide range of technologies. They are most useful in applica­tions like hybrid cars and robotics where a large, fast pulse of energy is required. Compared to a normal battery, a supercapacitor can also last much longer.

The new material - called nanocrystalline vanadium nitride - could be a viable alterna­tive to ruthenium oxide. It has a capacitance that is almost two times greater and can also store energy for longer. The structure of the material has two layers: it has an outer shell of vanadium oxide and an inner core of vanadium nitride. This set-up enables energy storage be­cause of electrochemical reactions that occur on the vanadium oxide surface - which generate an electric charge. The vanadium nitride interior stores the charge generated.

To create this new material, nanocrystals were made by a method described by Kumta as "simple and novel", where vanadium chloride is reacted with ammonia, at 400 degrees C, in an environment without water. The final product is a material made up of tiny nanocrystals six nanometers wide, and is particularly interesting because it combines the good electric conductivity of vanadium nitride with vanadium's many oxidation states in vanadium oxide.

But the main advantage of vanadium nitride is its price. According to Prof. Ian Boyd, Executive Director at the London Center for Nanotechnology, although ruthenium oxide ex­hibits some of the most desirable properties for supercapacitors, such as constant capacitance, reversibility, and cycle times running into the hundreds and thousands cycles, the main prob­lem is that it is very expensive. Ruthenium oxide costs $100 per gram whereas vanadium ni­tride is priced at $50 per gram.

The researchers are confident that this new material will be cheaper, more stable and a higher quality material for energy storage in the future. Prof. Kumta says that this nanomaterial is key to creating the next generation of super capacitors, and will be used in everything from cars, camcorders and lawn mowers to industrial backup power systems at hospitals and airports.


10.12  What is the main idea of the text?

10.13 Write a summary of the text using key patterns.


Список литературы 

1.     Бобылева С.В., Жаткин Д.Н. Английский язык для сферы информационных технологий и бизнеса. Учебное пособие.- Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2009.

2.     Вине Ж.-П., Дарбельне Ж. Технические способы перевода. (Вопросы теории перевода в зарубежной лингвистике. - М., 1978. - С. 157-167)

3.     Комиссаров В.Н. - Современное переводоведение  Учебник, изд. ЭТС, электронная книга, 2002,


4.     Краснощекова  Г. А. и др. Radio Engineering:  Учебное пособие. Таганрог: Изд-во Технологического института ЮФУ, 2007.

5.     MACMILLAN English Dictionary. www. macmillandictionaries.com.

6.     Пумпянский А. Л. Чтение и перевод английской научной и технической литературы.  Изд-во Наука, 1964.

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Введение                                                                                                 3

Unit 1                                                                                                       6

Unit 2                                                                                                       16

Unit 3                                                                                                       24

Unit 4                                                                                                       29

Unit 5                                                                                                       36

Unit 6                                                                                                       45

Unit 7                                                                                                       52

Unit 8                                                                                                        59

Unit 9                                                                                                        65

Unit 10                                                                                                      73

Список литературы                                                                                 86