Некоммерческое акционерное общество

Некоммерческое акционерное общество


Кафедра иностранных языков




 Методические указания по  чтению и переводу  технических текстов по специальности 5В081200 –Энергообеспечение сельского хозяйства


Алматы 2013

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ:  доцент, Серикбаева У.Б.Методические указания по  чтению и переводу технических текстов  по специальности 5В081200 –Энергообеспечение сельского хозяйства – Алматы. АУЭС, 2013 -   27 с.


Методические указания предназначены для совершенствования навыков и умений профессионального общения студентов технических вузов на английском языке .

Цель методического указания – совершенствование навыков и умений говорения, а также чтения и перевода текстов по специальности Каждый текст сопровождается тематическим словарем и системой языковых упражнений.

Тематика текстов отвечает профилю вуза.  


Рецензент:  канд. филолог. наук, доцент  В.С.Козлов


Печатается по плану издания некоммерческого  акционерного общества «Алматинский университет энергетики и связи» на 2013г.


© НАО «Алматинский университет энергетики и связи»,  2013 г.

                                                                            Сводный план 2012г., поз.226    


Unit 1. Management of power supply to agriculture


Exercise 1. Read and translate this text.

Management of power supply to agriculture constitutes an important element of any programme of power sector reform.

Power supply to agriculture in its current form represents a major hurdle to power sector reforms, especially privatization. Regulators have been largely unsuccessful in dealing with the problems of power supply to agriculture. Current levels of power subsidy are not only unsustainable given the condition of state government finances but also undesirable given its impact on groundwater extraction. Most academic and policy discussions on supply of power to agriculture accept the inevitability of subsidies, at least in the short term. However, in the long run subsidies will have to be reduced and targeted. There is likely to be serious resistance by farmers to the transition to metered tariffs and progressive reduction in subsidies. It will be easier for politicians to justify and utilities to implement installation of meters and increases in tariffs if it is accompanied by improvements in quality and reliability.

There is a broad consensus on the need for a separate organization for delivering power to agriculture.

This is necessary not only from the perspective of meeting the agriculture demand more efficiently but also to separate the problems of rationing and subsidy in the case of power supply to agriculture, from other parts of the organization. Since effective metering, billing and collection is likely to be a long drawn out process, the only way to manage the subsidies and control of supply to the sector would be to physically separate the agriculture supply network.

There is a general consensus that power supply to agriculture, through subsidized flat rate unmetered tariffs, has contributed significantly to the financial problems of the State Electricity Board (SEBs). Power supply to agriculture is not the only cause of desperate situation of the SEBs. More important are the standard problems of a government monopoly – political interference, management inefficiency, poor incentives and corruption. Unmetered subsidized supply to any consumer category worsens these problems significantly.

Management  of power supply to agriculture constitutes an important element of any programme of  power sector reform. This paper is an attempt to determine the appropriate framework for managing power supply to agriculture, especially during the transition period of power sector reforms.


Study this vocabulary and translate them.



To deal with





impact extraction


















Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences ( Indefinite Tenses).


1. Before the reaction starts one must provide for low pressure.

2. If we take more examples.

3. If we drop this possibility.

4. Until the solution is acid.

5. Until all organic matter has burned away.


Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences (Passive Voice).


1. This simple technique is called elition analysis.

2. The concentration of hydrochloric was brought up to 40%.

3. The findings of these workers were substantiated by our experiments.

4. Until 1960 this reaction was unknown.

5. With a catalyst the reaction accelerated tenfold.


Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences with the word again.


1. Again this is in accord with experiment.

2. Again, theory is in accord with experiment.

3. Access is given to passage Q by two horizontal channels K, each of which is again connected to two passages U.

4. The new procedure enabled us to overcome the above difficulties. Again  there took place an unexpected drop in the demand for this product.

5. The method of a valency election in its orbital is again equivalent to the flow of a current in the locus of its motion.


Exercise 5. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases.


Power supply, major hurdle, current levels, power subsidy, to be serious resistance, transition to metered tariffs, a broad consenus, to be accompanied by, effective metering, to be a long drawn out, to manage the subsidies,  control of supply.


Exercise 6. Complete sentences with the following words.


Supply, deal with, subsidy, extraction, accept, transition, reduce


1. Power --- to agriculture represents a major hurdle to power sector reforms.

2. Regulators ----- the problem of power supply to agriculture.

3. Most scientists ---- the inevitability of subsidies.

4. Current levels of power ---- are not unsustainable.

5. Current levels are undesirable given its impact on ground water---.

6. There is resistance by farmers to the – to metered tariffs.

7.  Politicians ---- in subsidies


Exercise 7.Form words with the opposite meaning by means of the prefixes.


In -:   appropriate, different, direct, capable complete, definite.

Un -: like, equal, balanced, satisfactory, evident

Im-:  possible

         dis:  order,similar

         ex:   include

         non: parallel


Exercise 8.Form words by means of the following suffixes and translate them into Russian:

         ion:     act,direct

         ency:  tend

         ation:  consider

         al:       rotation

         ition:  define, dimension

         ively:  respectively

         ence:  differ

         ity:     similarity

         sion:   expand, conclude

         ly:      obvious,final,general

         th:      long, strong, wide

         ment: measure


Exercise 9. Read and translate these words. Define which part of speech they belong to.


To resolve – resolving – resolved- resolution

Place- to place – placed – to replace – replaced

To determine – determined – determinate – determinant –determination – determinative – indeterminate

To solve – solving – solved – solution

Direct – direction –directional – directive – directly – director

Dimension- dimensional –

Section – sectional – to intersect – intersecting

Necessary- necessarily – necessity

Constrain – constrained –constrainedly – constraint

Know – knowing – unknown – well-known – knowledge


Unit 2. Implications for SEBs


For the State Electricity Boards flat rate unmetered subsidized supply to agriculture makes it necessary to ration supply to agriculture. This difficult task and the SEBs have not been able to manage it successfully resulting in overall poor quality of supply to agriculture. Secondly, unmetered supply to agriculture has created an opportunity for camouflaging T&D losses as supply to agriculture. This may have actually made it possible for SEB employees to participate in the theft of power and benefit from it.

Rationing of agiculture supply

While the change to a flat tariff gave a powerful stimulus to pump irrigation the SEBs had not planned for the rapid increase in the electricity consumption per tube well after the change to the flat tariff. Tariff increase became a political issue and the increases were far from adequate to cover the full cost af agricultural power supply.

For example, in the case of UP the medium and large farmers, especially to westen UP, who owned most of the electric tubewells, got organizes into “ a noisy, at times militant, fprmation under Mahendra Singh Tikait, a Jat farmer leader from western UP, and they put paid to every move by the SEB to put up the flat tariff”. The SEB tried to restrict the supply of power to agricultural users in an orderly and transparent manner.

While the political leadership went on promising guaranted power supply to agriculture, the SEB, powerless to perform positive acts of commission, took to unobtrusive acts of omission, and began systematically neglecting the maintenance of power supply infrastructure in some of the most backward areas of the State where the farmers were far less organized and militant than Jats in western UP.

Agricultural pumping load is mostly supplied through three-phase system and the consumers use three-phase induction motors of varying horsepower to suit their irrigation requirements. This unique technical arrangement used to restrict power supply hours to the agricultural consumers involves switching of specially designed load make/ break switches, which with the help of a single lever operation, snaps the power supply to one phase from the source and connects to one of the remaining two phases. After this arrangement comes in operation, the feeder has all the three lines charged but two of them are running  in same phase and in parallel. This arrangement hinders the farmers from running three phase motors, but allows other single phase supply users like domestic and shops etc. to use electricity. This arrangement puts tremendous stress on the phase, which supplies power to two lines and also could be a contributor for high equipment faiure rate in the distribution system. It is learnt that some of the farmers have found a way out of pump water, when it is needed most by them, by converting this two phase system to three phase system by using phase split capacitors.


 Study the following vocabulary and translate them




Result in






Induction motor






Designed load












Split capacitor


Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences ( Present Simple).


1. Once the particle is inside the nucleus.

2. The temperature rises.

3. Before the Exibition closes 80 to 90.000 people will have attended.

4. As soon as the carbon disulfide has all reacted, the temperature will be rised to 70.

5. When 6 ml of condensate has collected in the receiver, leaving 3 ml in the flask, the microburner is removed.


Exercise 2.Translate the following sentences (Passive voice).


1. X was affected by Y.

2. These reactions can be classified into three groups.

3. By this definition the following is meant.

4. This theory is borne out fy the facts.

5. Two more carbons were linked to the molecule.


Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences with the word apart.


1. Two chlorine atoms in the same molecule of carbon tetrachloride are less than 3.0 A apart.

2. Separation is complete after the two bands have moved apart a distance equal to their mean width.

3. Structural models indicate that the nitrogen and hydroxyl groups are too far apart in the 3- and 4-hydroxypyridine.(гидроксипиридина)

4. In the aromatic series, the use of methanol and sulfuric acid (серная кислота) is exemplified in the commercial process for making dimethylaniline.(диметиланилина)


Exercise 4. Read and translate the words having the same root. Define which part of speech they belong to.


Deduct  - dedactive-deduction

Formula –formulate –formulation

Observe –observed –observing – observable – observation

Motion –motional –motionaless

Simple – simpler –simplest

Act – active –action – interaction – interactive

Substract – substrating – substracted

Oppose – opposed – opposite – opposition  -oppositely

Direct – director – direction- directed – directing

Apply – applied – applying – application

Form – deform – deformable – formate – deformate – deformation

Exercise 5. Complete these sentences with the following words.


Ration, manage, supply, employees, increase, restrict, utility, irrigate


1. It is necessary to …… supply to agriculture.

2. The SEBs have not been able to … it successfully resulting in overall poor quality of ….. to agriculture.

3. This may have actually made it possible for SEB …. to participate in the theft.

4. The SEBs had not planned for the rapid … in the electricity consumption per tube well after the change to the flat tariff.