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Методические указания по переводу технических текстов

для всех специальностей




Алматы 2010 

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: Райымқұл З.Ә. Английский  язык. Методические указания по переводу технических текстов для всех специальностей.  – Алматы: АИЭС, 2010. – 34 с.

          Данные методические указания предназначены для развития умений чтения и перевода технических текстов у студентов всех специальностей. Цель методических указаний - ознакомить студентов с различными видами английской технической литературы.


1 Plastics   


  Many new materials we live with have become familiar to us over centuries. We are pretty well acquainted with the advantages and snags of wood. We know that glass is transparent and, while strong in some ways, is rather brittle. We are aware that most metals can stand severe handling, but some of them rust.  Plastic materials are not found as such (как таковые, в таком виде) in nature. Plastics have been conceived in the laboratory and are born in a chemical plant.  This is a characteristic which they share with the so-called man-made fibers, the less well-known synthetic rubbers and many modern paints and varnishes. Plastics, as a rule, have other things in common.  They are light. A given volume of polythene weighs less than one-eighth of an equal volume of iron and less than half а the same volume of aluminum.

 Although the first plastic, celluloid, was introduced 100 years ago, we have only really become aware of them within the last twenty tears.

       While some types of plastics are very tough, e.g., nylon, and others may be relatively brittle , as, say, polystyrene, they are, with few exceptions, not as strong as iron or steel  or concrete when it comes to supporting great weights.

  Plastics do not rust and therefore require no protective layer, such as paint, which can subsequently peel off. They can, of course, be colored and such color is part of the material. It cannot come away or be chipped off. Plastics do not like heat. Some types will withstand higher temperatures than others and the ceiling temperature is constantly being raised as new varieties appear.

 Plastics have found wide application both in everyday life and in industry. We can hardly name a branch of industry where plastics are not applied. The insulation and dielectric properties of plastics led to their early use in the electrical engineering industry, which was followed by special application in mechanical engineering. The uses of plastics as materials of construction in the form of sheets, rods or tubes are substituting the conventional metals. Automobile, aircraft and shipbuilding industries have also made use of advantages offered by plastics. (Также используют преимущества пластических материалов). Today all plastic gears for machinery are made from fabric-base laminates (текстолит, слоистый пластик на основе ткани). Gears made from laminated phenol materials are much more resilient than similar steel gears; indeed the degree of resiliency is claimed to be as much as forty times that of steel (не менее, чем в сорок раз выше по сравнению со сталью).  Bearings manufactured from laminated – base phenol plastic materials have successfully replaced the wood or bronze rolling-mill bearings. In a rolling-mill, where it was usual practice to change the bronze roll neck bearings  every 6 to 8 weeks, it was found that  a set of plastic bearings which were fitted for observation did not have  to be renewed for a period 20 months after operating under the same conditions. It was also estimated that there was a drop in power consumption of between 25 and 30 per cent. 



snags-  недостатки

transparent-  прозрачный

while strong in some ways -  будучи прочными в некоторых отношениях  

to stand -  выдерживать

severe handling -  большие нагрузки

conceive -  задумывать

fiber -  волокно

rubber - резина

plastics – пластмассы

be aware – знать




1.1 Answer the questions


1. Does this article deal with plastics?

2. What do you know about glass?

3. What was the first plastic material?

4. When did we really become aware of plastics?

5. Where are plastics applied?



1.2 Translate the sentences into English


1. Большинство металлов способны выдерживать большие нагрузки.

2. Некоторые металлы ржавеют.

3. Пластмассы играют в нашей жизни большую роль.

4. Первый вид пластмассы, целлулоид, появился 100 лет назад.

5. Некоторые виды пластмасс, например, нейлон, являются очень прочными, а полистирол – очень хрупкий вид пластмассы.

6. Пластмассы не столь (не так) прочны, как железо, сталь, бетон.

7. Пластмассы не ржавеют, они не нуждаются в защитном слое краски.



1.3 Complete the following sentences


1. While some types of plastics are very tough, e.g., nylon, and others may be relatively brittle , as, say, polystyrene, they are, with few exceptions, ……… .

2. We know that glass is transparent and, while ……… .


3. The insulation and dielectric properties of plastics led to their early use in the electrical engineering ……… .

4. Bearings manufactured from laminated – base phenol plastic materials have successfully ……… .

5. Plastics have been conceived in the laboratory and ……… . 

6. Automobile, aircraft and shipbuilding industries have also made ……… .




1.4 Choose from the list of B synonyms to the words of the list of A 


A. power plant                  B. to influence

    to speed up                        application could be made

    to improve                         to perfect

    to affect                              till

    to apply                             amount

    to suggest                           to erect

    a great deal                         fundamental

    until                                    velocity

    use could be made              consequently

    to change                            to offer

    quantity                              remarkable

    dramatic                             to vary

    to build                               to arise

    hence                                  to accelerate

    basic                                   electric station

    to come into being               to employ

    speed                                   very much



        2 Electricity – Powering progress


Since electric power began being produced on a large scale in power plant nearly 120 years ago, it has done more to advance our civilization than any other technical development. While application such as lighting and machine operation initially were clearly visible, electricity today works behind the scenes in more and more instances, but the result is perhaps even more far-reaching; Electricity has changes not only the technological world but also the world of cognition and consciousness forever.

         Electricity is the driving force behind a technological civilization. The First Industrial Revolution was characterized by the use of steam produced by burning coal, to provide mechanical power. For about 150 years now, however, the use of electricity has defined not only economic structural development but also overall social system development. With the discovery and utilization of electricity, and particularly its ability to be converted into mechanical work using electric motor, human economic development entered the Second Industrial Revolution. Today, the Information Age is in full swing and is based on the opportunities which have opened up in the many different areas in which electricity can be used.  

Electricity’s central role in the social development process stems from its unique characteristics;

·        It provides broad coverage of all power-related services, including lighting, mechanical drive, space heat, process heat, and telecommunications.

·        It is not bound to a material carrier substance; electricity is the energy of the electromagnetic field.

·        It produces no waste material at the place of use.

·        It can be used in precise amounts as needed.

·        Its use produces essentially no wear.

One particular advantage of electricity is that there are no thermodynamic limits on the energy density within a carrier medium.

 Electrical energy can be generated and used in very many more ways than any other kind of energy, and electricity can be generated efficiently from almost any other form of energy.  It can be generated in centralized or decentralized facilities, it can be combined with the generation of thermal and mechanical energy, and there are efficient means available for its transports.  Many applications would be impossible without it. The entire infrastructure for distribution and conversion at the point of use is available and independent of the type of generation. It can therefore be said that based in a power generation mix mush broader than today’s, electrical energy over the long term will represent a larger share of overall energy production than other forms of energy.





cognition – познание

consciousness – сознание

overall – общий

in full swing -  в полном разгаре

stems from – происходить

coverage – освещение

bound – ограничивать

conversion – превращение

power generation – выработка энергии



2.1 Answer the questions


1. What has electricity changed?

2. What was the First Industrial Revolution characterized by?

3. What unique characteristics of electricity do you know?

4. What one particular advantage of electricity do you know?

5. Can electrical energy be generated and used in very many more ways than any other kind of energy?



        2.2 Complete the following sentences


1. While application such as lighting and machine operation initially were                      clearly visible, electricity today works behind the scenes in more …….. .

2. The First Industrial Revolution was characterized by the use of steam produced by burning coal, ……… .

3. Today, the Information Age is in full swing and is based on the opportunities ………. .

4. One particular advantage of electricity is that there are no thermodynamic limits ……… .

5. Electrical energy can be generated and used in very many more ways than any other kind of energy, and electricity can be ……… .




2.3 Choose the suitable definition of the noted words



        a. coming near to

        b. approximation, a way to solve a problem

        c. way, path, road



        a. enable to keep up, maintain

        b. suffer, undergo

        c. keep from falling




         a. supply of fresh horses to take the place of tired ones

b. device which receivers signals and transmits them with greater strength, thus increasing the distance over which they are carried

c. place from which radio programs are broadcast after being received from      another station



a. passengers and cargo, but not fuel

b. bomb in a missile

c. crew and instruments of a spaceship



a. each single thing, part or object in a list

b. detail or paragraph (of news)

c. number of a program



2.4 Which of the listed below statements are true or false.


1. For about 50 years now, however, the use of electricity has defined not only economic structural development but also overall social system development. 2. Today, the Information Age is in full swing and is based on the opportunities which have opened up in the many different areas in which electricity can be used. 3. Electrical energy can be generated and used in very many more ways than any other kind of energy, and electricity can be generated efficiently from almost any other form of energy. 4. One particular disadvantage of electricity is that there are no thermodynamic limits on the energy density within a carrier medium.


         3 Uses of electricity


          Electricity is the power that has made possible the engineering progress today. Wherever we look around us, we can find this power serving us in some way.

When we use a switch and have our room instantly flooded with light, we seldom think of what is happening to make it possible. Probably the most important use of electricity in the modern home producing light.


        Do you know that the first ever man-made electric light illuminated the laboratory of the St. Petersburg physicist Vasily Petrov  in 1802? He had discovered the electric arc, a form of the gas discharge. But in Petrov’s experiments the arc flame lasted for only a short time.

 In 1876 Pavel Yablochkov invented an arc that burned like a candle for a long time and it was called “Yablochkov’s candle”. The course of light invented by Yablochkov  won world – wide recognition. But while he and several other inventors were improving the arc light, some engineers were working along entirely different lines. They sought to develop an incandescent lamp. It was a young Russian engineer, Alexander Lodygin, who made the first successful incandescent lamp.  The famous American inventor Thomas Edison improved the lamp having used a carbon filament.  But it was again Lodygin who made another important improvement in the incandescent lamp, having invented a lamp with a tungsten filament, the lamp we use today.

 Another electric light we use today is the light of the luminescent lamp – a “cold” daylight lamp. Artificial daylight lamps are much cheaper than incandescent lamps and last much longer. This is the lighting of the future.

  The uses of electricity in the home do not end with lighting. There are more and more electric devices helping us in our home work.

But we should not forget that electricity is the most important source of energy in industry as well. A worker in a modern manufacturing plant uses on the average in  the machines which he operates over 10,000 kilowatt-hours of electrical  energy modern homes  during a year.

   Automation which is one of the main factors of technical progress today is impossible without electricity.

    Our life can’t be imagined without telephone, telegraph and radio communications. But it is also electricity that gives them life. In recent years electricity has made a great contribution to radio communication between the spaceships and also between the astronauts and the earth.

       Little could be done in modern research laboratory without the aid of electricity. Nearly all of the measuring devices used in developing nuclear power for the use of mankind are electrically operated.  



arc light – дуговое освещение

incandescent lamp – лампа накаливания

carbon filament – угольная нить накала

tungsten filament – вольфрамовая нить накала

luminescent lamp – люминесцентная лампа

averagein – средний

aid – средство



3.1 Answer the questions


1. What is electricity?

2. Where can we use it?

3. Who had made the first incandescent lamp?

4. What is the difference between artificial daylight lamps and incandescent lamps?

5. Is electricity the most important source of energy in industry?



3.2 Can you translate the definite blocks of nouns



Model 1: N+N


1) process control, operation test, size reduction, power consumption, consumption change, circuit elements, weather damage, gas transportation, transportation efficiency, energy efficiency, wind power, temperature growth



 Model 2: A+N


2) electrical network, chemical form, electric vehicles, electrical plant, complex function, small device, low consumption, complex technology, several units, solar power, efficient energy, physical phenomenon, previous experiment, alternative energy



 Model 3: A+N/A +N


3) electrical distribution network, alternative energy generation, powerful power grid, electrical generation plant, possible complex function, historic energy development, similar current combustion, principal application impact, internal physical properties, internal combustion engines, alternative energy generation, new expensive research



        3.3 Match the first part of the sentence with the second part


 1. Do you know that the first ever man-made electric light

technical progress today is impossible without electricity. 

2.Artificial daylight lamps are much cheaper

the lamp having used a carbon filament. 

3. Automation which is one of the main factors of

illuminated the laboratory of the St.Petersburg physicist Vasily Petrov in 1802?

4. In recent years electricity has made a great contribution to radio communication  between

for a long time and it was called “Yablochkov’s candle”.

5. In 1876 Pavel Yablochkov invented an arc that burned like a candle

the spaceships and also between the astronauts and the earth.

6. The famous American inventor Thomas Edison improved

than incandescent lamps and last much longer.




        3.4 Complete the table




Personal noun




































          4  Transformer


  A transformer is used to transfer energy; due to the transformer electric energy may be transferred at a high voltage and reduce at the point where it must be used to any value. Besides, a transformer is used to change the voltage and current value in a circuit.

  A two-winding device consist of a closed core and two windings (coils).  The primary winding is connected to the voltage source; it receives energy. The secondary winding is connected to the load resistance; it supplies energy to the load.

      The value of voltage in the secondary winding depends on the number of turns in it. In case the secondary winding has more turns than the primary, output voltage is greater than the input voltage. A device of this type steps up the voltage and is termed a step up transformer. In case the secondary winding has fewer turns than the primary, the output voltage is lower than the input. This device decreases or steps down the voltage. It is termed a step down transformer.

 Let us compare T1 and T2. T2 has an iron core: it is used for low frequency currents.T1 has an air core and is used for high frequencies.

The core and the windings are placed in a metal tank. The tank contains the insulating oil, which protects the device from overheating and cools its parts. The higher is the capacity of the device the greater is the cooling required.

Each transformer has a nameplate attached to the tank. It bears the transformer’s ratings, its type, its capacity, number of phases, group of winding, frequency, duty ratings, method of cooling, indoor, mass, the name of the plant and some other data.

       When the new transformer is installed its tank is earthed. After that the device is given a test to check its operation. During the test one should listen to its noise by means of a Bakelite tube, 1 m long. In the case of the abnormal noise or the case   of oil decrease in the tank, the device should be switched off and examined.

 Common faults in a transformer are an open in the winding, a short between the primary and secondary, and a short between turns. Shorted turns are due to periodic overloads or dynamic stress. An open may result from overheating. Stresses result from short circuit currents.





voltage – напряжение

winding – обмотка

transformer – трансформатор

decrease – уменшить

step down – понизить

iron core – железный сердечник

tank – бак

insulating oil – трансформаторное масло

capacity – мощность

nameplate – фирменная табличка

bakelite  tube – бакелитная трубка


4.1 Answer the questions


1. What purpose a transformer is used for?

2. What do a two-winding device consist of?

3. What does the value of voltage in the secondary winding depend on?

4. What is the difference between transformer1 and transformer2?

5. Where are the core and the windings placed?  



4.2 For the word combinations given in (a) find the Russian equivalents  in (b)


a) 1. A number of; 2. as a matter of fact; 3. on the basis of; 4. for this reason; 5. it goes without saying; 6. at last; 7.on the whole; 8. to step up; 9. to increase current; 10. to offer resistance; 11. electrical engineering; 12. to step down

b) 1. наконец; 2. повышать (напряжение); 3. оказывать сопротивление; 4.

понижать (напряжение); 5. ряд; 6. увеличить ток; 7. на основе чего-л.; 8. по этой причине; 9. в целом; 10.электротехника; 11. на самом деле; 12. само собой разумеется 



         4.3 Match the first part of the sentence with the second part


1. A transformer is used to transfer energy; due to the transformer electric energy may be transferred at a high voltage 

the device from overheating and cools its parts.

2. The primary winding is connected

nameplate attached to the tank.

3. The tank contains the insulating oil, which protects

to the voltage source; it receives energy.

4. Each transformer has a

a short between the primary and secondary, and a short between turns.  

5. Common faults in a transformer are an open in the winding,

and reduce at the point where it must be used to any value.

          4.4 Write the following words under the correct heading


 Medium, selective, official, civilized, current, ability, sport, entertainment,         unhappy, influence, source




noun and adjective
















         5  Radar


Radio Detection and ranging or “radar”, for short, is one of the outstanding electronic developments of the twentieth century.

 Assume that a flying airplane is high above the earth on a dark night. A searchlight station on the ground sends out a narrow light beam. When this beam strikes the airplane, light is reflected from the surface of the plane to the observer’s eyes and the plane is detected. With radar, an invisible narrow radio beam, striking the plane, is reflected to a radio receiver located near the transmitter and, thus, the plane is detected. However, it is not enough to find the target we are interested in. We must know how far the detected plane is, how high up as well as its compass position in relation to the observer.

        With the radar equipment assistance, we are able to measure the time it takes the radio wave to travel from the transmitter to the planet and back again to the receiver. Knowing the speed at which the radio wave travels, it is relatively easy to calculate the distance between the plane and the radar station observer.

 Because of the great speed of the radio wave, the time intervals are in the order of microseconds. The cathode-ray tube is the very device to be used for determining these small intervals of time.

 Assume that at the instant when the transmitter sends its radio beam at the target, the electron stream in the cathode-ray tube is set moving horizontally at the rate which will make the trace across the face of the tube one inch (2.54 cm) per one hundred microseconds. Further assume that the plane is at such a distance from the transmitter that the radio wave requires 1000 microseconds to reach it. Since  the reflected wave will require the same time to reach the receiver the whole travel will consume 2000 microseconds.


During the interval, the trace on the face of the cathode-ray tube will have traveled 2 inches. If we had some method of marking the trace so that it would record the instant at which it was received, we should be able to tell the time required for the round trip. The only thing to be done consists in measuring the distance between the two marks.

          The radio wave is sent out as shot pulse of energy usually lasting only about one microsecond. Part of this pulse is sent to the vertical deflecting plates of the cathode-ray tube. Its effect is to produce a short pip on the trace. When the reflected pulse is received it, too, goes to the vertical deflecting plates of the tube. Thus, a second pip appears on the trace. By means of a scale printed on the cathode-ray tube face we can translate the distance existing between the two pips of the trace into the distance between the target and the radar station. Since each pulse duration is short and the time between pulses is relatively long the average power consumed is small.

 Is there a possibility of employing the radar equipment for peaceful purposes? Yes, there certainly is. Radar developed for war purposes was quickly adapted to peacetime needs especially in the field of navigation to detect obstacles which normally would not be seen for some reason or other.





assume -  принимать

searchlight – прожектор

invisible – невидимый

target – цель

microseconds -  микросекунды

compass – компас, циркуль

trace – след

pip – бип

obstacles – препятствие

cathode-ray-tube -  электронно-лучевая трубка




5.1 Answer the questions


1. What is the function of the radar?

2. What can we do with the radar?

3. What is the cathode-ray tube?

4. What does a  searchlight station  on the ground  do?

5. How does a second pip appear on the trace?



5.2 Say the following statements true or false


1. A searchlight station on the ground sends out a narrow light beam.2. The cathode-ray tube is the very device to be used for determining these small intervals of time. 3. During the interval, the trace on the face of the cathode-ray tube will have traveled 3 inches. 4. The radio wave is sent out as shot pulse of energy usually lasting three microseconds.




        5.3 Express in one word the following meanings


       1. A substance, e.g. water, that is not solid and that can flow or be poured.

       2. A common hard grey metal.

       3. One of the thin threads which form a natural or artificial substance.

       4. The power that comes from coal, electricity, gas, etc; that is used for driving

       machines, etc.

       5. Material that is burnt to produce heat or power.

       6. The flow of electricity through a wire.



         6  Solar energy


For a long time scientists wondered how the sun could keep pouring out such a vast amount of power in the form of heat and light, year after year, as it has done for millions of years.

   Originally people thought, naturally enough that some sort of chemical combustion was responsible, but the time scale of history makes this impossible. If the sun were made of coal and was getting its heat energy from burning this coal, it would only give off the amount of heat and light that it does for a few thousand years of the most. But animal and plants life has certainly existed on earth for several hundred million years and has needed the light and warmth of the sun. Evidence shows that the sun must have existed long ago.

 It is now believed that the sun as well as billions of similar stars consists mostly of natural hydrogen gas, together with a small amount of helium gas. The sun is a ball made up largely of hydrogen at a very high temperature and unlike our own bodies its temperature arid density varies enormously between its surface and centre.


At the surface the temperature is about six thousand degrees, while at the centre the temperature rises to fifteen million degrees and there the gas weighs ten times as much as water.

  It has been decided only quite recently that it is the fusion reactions that produce the sun’s energy.

 The sun is producing heat at a very slow rate for its enormous size. We can now see that for us to try to copy the sun here on earth would be quite hopeless. The fusion of protons certainly produces power but at much too slow a rate. We would have to wait millions of years to “burn” even a fraction of the hydrogen and we would need a reactor the size of a house, to boil even a kettle of water. But still we can make the sun work and here is new work for the sun.

 The sun in this surprising town does a variety of jobs: it warms the buildings in winter and cools them in summer, heats water for showers and cooks lunches for workers. Sunrays at the local enterprises and laboratories are used to carry out photo-chemical reactions as a result of which valuable compounds are produced. Sunrays help make food concentrates and dry fruits and vegetables.

         You may say that all this is only a dream and fantasy and that no such town exists. You are right, so far there is no such town. But some elements of a sun town- special refrigerators and drying installations and many other aggregates with the prefix “helio” are already operating.

    How was the sun “put to work” on such a variety of house-hold and commercial deeds? Let us first take a look at a helio-cottage. The structural design is extremely simple; only the roof is peculiar – covered with flat water heaters. Their operation is based on the so-called “hot-box” principle. The bottom is made of corrugated metal. The lid of the box is made of glass. Passing easily through the lid, sunrays warm up the bottom quickly. In its turn the bottom begins to radiate invisible infra-red rays. These rays cannot pass through the lid, for glass prevents their passage. In other words, solar energy is trapped. It remains to be added that there is a constant circulation of water inside the aggregate and, upon reaching the required temperature; it is utilized in the heating systems.

  The same helio-plant on the roof of a building and a system of radiators in the house may serve as a coolant in summer time. If in daytime the roof generates energy, when night comes it helps store cold. For this purpose the water which is to be cooled is poured in a thin film over the glass surface. Owing to evaporation and heat loss into the night air, the water temperature drops to 12-14 C.

The merits of the solar kitchen will definitely be highly appraised in the near future. Several designs of this type of kitchen have been made by Soviet scientists. Solar energy is brought into focus by means of concave mirrors in the kitchen. A kettle is placed in this focus when food has to be baked or boiled.


Sunrays may well be used for the generation of electricity and system, For heating water in swimming pools, for the thawing of soil in northern gold fields, for metal smelting and welding.  Soviet scientists have designed concentrators of solar energy; they have suggested a number of types of solar accumulators which make possible the storage of solar energy for many months.





 combustion – горение

 fusion – плавка,слияние

 aggregate – совокупный, совокупность

 deeds – действия, поступки

 corrugated iron – рифлёное железо

 lid – крышка

 trapped – капкан

 film – плёнка

 evaporation – испарение

 merit – заслуга

 appraise – оценить, оценивать

 concave – вогнутый


6.1 Answer the questions


1. What did scientists wonder for a long time?

2. What is the sun?

3. What does the sun do?

4. How was the sun “put to work” on such a variety of house-hold and commercial deeds?

5. Can sunrays warm up the bottom of the box quickly passing easily through the lid?  


6.2 Say the following statements true or false

1. For a long time scientists wondered how the sun could keep pouring out such a vast amount of power in the form of heat and light, year after year, as it has done for millions of years. 2. Animal and plants life has certainly existed on earth for several hundred million years and hasn’t needed the light and warmth of the sun.   

3. The sun is producing heat at a very slow rate for its enormous size. 4. The sun is producing heat at a very slow rate for its enormous size. 




6.3 Choose from the list of B antonyms to the words of the list of A 


A. modern                 B. to exclude

     regular                       old

     outer                          to weaken

     to strengthen              inner

     to include                   impossible

     possible                      irregular

     rapidly                        future

     past                            quickly

     powerless                   inefficient

     efficient                     powerful

     unlimited                    limited 

     accurate                      non-conductor

     conductor                   inaccurate       



           7 The telephone


          We use the electric telegraph to send written messages to people far away from us. We use the telephone to talk to people far away. In many ways the telephone better than the telegraph as a means of communication. The cost of sending a telegram depends on the number of words in it. We have to make our telegraph message as short as possible, but in telephone call, we can say a lot of words. A telegram can only be sent from one post office to another.

         There is a delay before it can reach to a person it is addressed to. The telephone connects you to a person directly. You may have to wait several hours for an answer to a telegram. You can ask a person question and get the answer immediately on the telephone.

Sound travels through the air in waves. When you play a violin for example, the violin string vibrates. The vibrations from the violin string pass through the air in little waves. When these waves reach the ear, the eardrum vibrates, and so you hear the violin. Different notes have different distances between the tops of the waves. We call these different notes “wave-lengths”.


It was found that a thin sheet of metal, called “diaphragm” would vibrate in the same way as the eardrum when sounds reached it. In 1875 an inventor called Alexander Graham Bell got a U-shaped iron magnet and wound coils of wire around it. Then he placed the diaphragm very close to the poles of magnet. Bell made sound waves reach the diaphragm, which vibrated, moving inwards towards the magnet and outwards from it. This made small currents of electricity pass through the coils and these currents were sent along a wire.

At the end of the wire Bell placed a similar instrument, with a diaphragm and coils round U-shaped piece of iron, which we call the “receiver”.

The impulses of the electric current flowed through the coils of the receiver magnetized the U-shaped piece of iron. The strength of the magnet was large or small according to the strength of the current. It made the diaphragm vibrate and the vibrations made waves of sound in the air exactly like the sound waves which originally reached the instrument at the other end of the wire. The sound waves had been turned into the electricity, transmitted along the wire, and turned into sound again. The telephone had been invented.

 But the sound from sound from the telephone could only be transmitted over short distances because it was not very strong. A modern telephone has the carbon microphone in the part me call the mouthpiece. The diaphragm is still there, and when you speak into it, the waves of sound push it in and out. But there is a current of electricity, supplied by a battery, which is already flowing through the microphone. Behind the diaphragm there are small pieces, or granules, of carbon.

When you speak, you make louder and softer sounds. The louder or softer the noise you make, the more or less the diaphragm is pushed in or out.

Pushing in the diaphragm forward so far and the carbon granules closer together. A soft sound does not push the diaphragm forward so far and the carbon granules are allowed to space out. Then it is more difficult for the current to flow through them and not so much current gets through to the telephone line. The waves of electric current, varying like this pass along the line and finally reach the receiver of the telephone held by the person you are speaking to. This receiver has an Electro-magnet and a diaphragm and works just like the one first invented.

 The line from your telephone is connected to the line of the telephone of the person you want to speak through the telephone exchange. In the early days of the telephone operators working in the exchange made all the connections between callers by hand. Nowadays, more and more exchanges operate automatically.





delay – задержка

eardrum – барабанная перепонка

impulse – толчок, импульс

mouthpiece – мундштук, импульс

granule – зёрнышко

carbon – углерод

violin – скрипка



7.1 Answer the questions


1. What are the two reasons why the telephone is a better means of communication than the telegraph?

2. Why do we make telegraph messages as short as possible ?

3. How does sound pass through the air?

4. What are the differences between the tops of sound waves called?

5. What does the diaphragm do to the carbon granules in a modern telephone?



7.2 Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian word combinations


Проходить через атмосферу (воздух), в виде волны, играть на скрипке, разные ноты, пик волны, длина волны, сила тока, превратиться в звук, говорить в микрофон, сильно уплотнять, размещать с промежутками, изменяться таким образом, телефонная трубка, автоматически.               



7.3 Fill in the blanks with the following words

Call, carbon, communication, connections, electro-magnet, magnetize,          mouthpiece, on, transmit, vibrates


1.The telegraph and the telephone are means of … .  2. When we want to speak to someone far away we make a telephone …. 3. He called his friend … the telephone. 4. The diaphragm … when sound waves reached it. 5. Electric current through a coil of wire around a piece of iron will … the iron. 6.The microphone in Bell’s telephone was not strong enough to … sound very far. 7. We speak into the … of the telephone. 8. Electricity flows more easily when the … granules are pushed together. 9. The receiver of a telephone contains an … and a diaphragm. 10. Nowadays, … between callers are usually made automatically at telephone exchanges.


7.4 Arrange synonyms in pairs and translate them


a) to send a message, a lot of, distance, a caller, to work, to travel through the air, close to, similar, radio set

b) a person, next to, to operate, many, space, to pass through the air, to transmit a message, the receiver, just like         



         8 Services provided by dedicated telecom operators


  Today practically the whole range of telecom services is offered on the market. Depending on his/her needs, a user can get any of them – from analogue telephone line leasing to the installation of a sophisticated multi-function corporate network.

State authorities regulate commercial operators’ business indirectly – that is, define common technological policy, license activities, certify equipment, ensure information security, supervise equipment import, and so on.

 However, the existing regulatory & legal framework is still imperfect. This is the case, for example, with licensing. Apart from this, there exist no clear or comprehensive documents regulating telecom market and defining market players’ relationships. As for pricing, state authorities practically do not interfere with new operators’ activities and concentrate mostly on imposing fiscal limitations.

The development of the commercial sector of the market represented by multi-service and dedicated operators is particularly intensive. Competition in fixed and mobile communications as well as in channel leasing mounts.

   To conduct business successfully, efficient market policy and adequate mechanism of demand /supply control are indispensable. Therefore in the course of market studies it is essential to define peculiarities of offered services, identify market players and investigate into details of market functioning.

Among basic features of dedicated operators’ offerings (products) the following ones are noteworthy: 

Intangibility. Although customers rent technical facilities, the useful effect of a service is information transfer. This fact makes it difficult for a customers to chose a product from a variety of competitive offerings and, consequently, influences selection and content of advertising and service promotion ways;


  Inseparability of consuming and providing. Partial or complete  consumption of a service is tied to the process of its providing in terms of time. Unlike goods which are first manufactured and then sold and consumed, services are first sold and then consumed. When a service is provided to the end user, this feature means that, as a rule, it cannot be resold. Services can be provided to both end users and telecom operators who – in their turn – offer their services to end users. This must be taken into account when defining leased channel price. Inseparability of a service from the process of its providing also manifests itself in the fact that the market of channel leasing is limited by the network size;

Heterogeneity.  Even in hi-tech systems it is quite complicated to standardize offered services. Because of their intangible nature, a user cannot assess the leased channel quality before-hand. Therefore it is vital to maintain high service quality and ensure fair advertising;

 Inability to become property. When a user rents a channel, he/she obtains access to operator’s backbone network facilities which, however, do not become his/her property.

There exists a range of features distinguishing digital channel leasing from other services, and shaping operator’s market strategy. The following of these features can be mentioned:

 Digital channels are not mass consumption products. The majority of their users – both existing and potential – are corporate subscribers (individuals bring a only a minor share of incomes). Therefore marketing activities of providers must be focused on corporate customers.

  Because accuracy & integrity of transferred information and uninterrupted operation of telecom facilities are of crucial importance for network subscribers, heavy demands are imposed upon channel operation quality.

This is a high-tech service requiring significant investments. To ensure the agreed quality and availability in the whole territory covered by the network, latest technologies are required – as well as substantial investments in network maintenance and development, hardware & software upgrading, and human resources.




 framework – остов

 comprehensive – всеобъемлющий

 dedicated – преданный,беззаветный

 feature – черта

 manifest – проявлять

 backbone – главная опора

 subscriber – подписчик, абонент

 crucial – очень важный

hardware – скобяные изделия, аппаратура

software – программное обеспечение



8.1 Answer the questions


1. Where is the whole range of telecom services offered?

2. Who regulate commercial operators?

3. Can you name basic features of dedicated operators?

4. What is the development of the commercial sector of the market represented by?

5. What is requiring significant investments?



8.2 Complete the following sentences


1. State authorities regulate commercial operators’ business indirectly – that is, define common technological policy, license activities, certify equipment, ensure …… .

2. To conduct business successfully, efficient market policy and  …… .

3. The majority of their users – both existing and potential – are corporate subscribers (individuals bring a …… .

4. There exists a range of features distinguishing digital channel leasing from …… .

5. To ensure the agreed quality and availability in the whole territory covered by the network, latest …… .

6. As for pricing, state authorities practically do not interfere with new operators’ activities …… .



  8.3 Connect syllables and make up words




















































               9 The steam power plant


 The function of a steam power plant is to convert the energy in nuclear reactions or in coal, oil or gas into mechanical or electric energy through the expansion of steam from a high pressure to a low pressure in a suitable prime mover   such as a turbine or engine. A no condensing plant discharges the steam  from      the prime mover at an exhaust pressure equal to or greater than atmospheric pressure. A condensing plant exhaust from the prime mover into a condenser at a pressure less than atmospheric pressure.

In general, central – station – plants are condensing plants since their sole output is electric energy and a reduction in the exhaust pressure at the prime mover decrease the amount of steam required to produce a given quantity of electric energy. Industrial plants are frequently no condensing plants because large quantities of low- pressure are required for manufacturing plant may often be obtained as a by – product by generating steam at high pressure and expanding this steam in a prime mover to the back pressure at which the steam is needed for manufacturing process.                   

        The steam - generating unit consists of a furnace in which the fuel is burned a boiler and economizer in which high- pressure steam is generated, and an air heater in which loss of energy due to combustion of the fuel is reduced to a minimum.




The boiler is composed of a drum in which a water lever is maintained at about the mid – point so as to permit separation of the steam form the water, and a bank of inclined tubes connected to the drum in such a manner as to permit water to circulate from the drum through the tubes and back to the drum.

The hot products of combustion from the furnace flow across the boiler tubes and evaporate part of the water in the tubes. The furnace walls are composed of tubes which are also connected to the boiler drum to from very effective steam- generation surfaces. The steam which is separated from the water in the boiler drum then flows through a super heater which is in effect a coil of tubing surrounded by the hot products of combustion. The temperature of the steam is increased in the super heater to perhaps 8000 to 1100 F, at   which temperature the high – pressure superheated steam flows through suitable piping to the turbine.

Since the gaseous products of combustion leaving the boiler tube bank are at a relatively high temperature and their discharge to chimney would result in a large loss in energy an economizer may used to recover part of the energy in these gases. The economizer is a bank of tubes through which   the boiler feed water is pumped on its way to the boiler drum.

    A reduction in gas temperature may be made by passing the products of combustion through an air heater which is a heat exchanger cooled by the air required for combustion. This air is supplied to the air heater at normal room temperature and may leave    the air heater at 4000 to 6000 F, thus returning to the energy that would otherwise be wasted up the chimney. The products of combustion are    usually cooled in an air heater to an exit temperature of 2750 to 4000 F, after which they may be passed though a dust collector which will remove objectionable dust and thence through an induced – draft fan to the chimney.





 drum – барабан

 inclined tube  - наклонная труба

 steam-generating-surfaces – парогенерирующие поверхности

 superheater – перегреватель

 piping – трубопровод

 tube  bank – трубный пучок

 boiler feedwater – котёл  для питательной воды

 pump – качать насосом

 reduction – уменьшение, снижение

 chimney - труба


9.1 Answer the questions


1. What is the function of a steam power plant?

2. What does a no condensing plant do?

3. What does a condensing plant do?

4. What does the steam-generating unit consist of?

5. What is the boiler composed of?



9.2 Fill in the blanks with the suitable words according to the text


1. A no condensing plant … the steam from the prime mover at an exhaust pressure equal to or greater than atmospheric … .

2. The … which is separated from the water in the boiler drum then flows through a super heater which is in effect a coil of tubing surrounded by the hot products of ….

3. The temperature of the steam is increased in the super …  to perhaps 8000 to 1100 F, at   which temperature the high –  …  superheated steam flows through suitable piping to the turbine.

4. The economizer is a bank of … through which   the boiler feed … is pumped on its way to the boiler drum.

5. Since the …  products of combustion leaving the boiler tube bank are at a relatively high temperature and their discharge to … would result in a large loss in energy an economizer may used to recover part of the energy in these gases.




9.3 Find the several words from the table




















































































        10  The air heater


The tubular air heater is constructed by expanding vertical tubes into parallel tube sheet which from the top and bottom surfaces, respectively, of the gas Intel and outlet boxes. The tube bank is enclosed in an insulated casing so constructed that the inlet air at room temperature can be admitted to the heating surfaces at the upper end from a fan or blower. The air passes downward around the tubes in a direction opposite to the flow of the hot gasses and leaves the air heater at the lower end of the tube bank. Deflecting baffles are installed to guide the air and baffle permit by- passing the air around the upper half surface on light load when there is danger of corrosion due to low flue – gas temperatures. Long tubes closely spaced to maintain high air and gas velocities and countercurrent flow of gases and air make it possible in many installation to cool the gases to a temperature 1000 to 2000 F below the temperature at which the hot air is discharged.

 Let us consider another type of air heater which operates on the regenerative principle. A drum with corrugated sheet – steel plates is rotated about a vertical shaft at about 3rpm by means of a small motor. Hot flue gas passes downward through the right side of the rotor from a duct connected to the economizer or boiler. An induced – draft fan may be connected by the lower side of air – heater casing. The fan induces a flow of the gasses through the boiler, economizer and air- heater surfaces and discharges them to waste up the chimney.  The cold air form a forced – draft fan flows upward through the left side of the rotor where the air work o the stoker or burner in the furnace. Any point on the corrugated sheet – metal surface of the rotor is rotated alternately into the hot descending gas stream and the cold ascending air stream thus transferring energy form the hot gas to the cold air.

  Radial seals with rubbing surfaces on them are mounted on the rotor and make contact   with a flat section of the casing between the hot – gas and cold – air ducts, thin minimizing leakage the tow streams of fluid. The depth of the rotor is normally between 3 and 4 ft. The unit is also mode for operation about a horizontal shaft with horizontal flow of gas and air where building space makes such an arrangement desirable.

  The maximum air temperature that can be used in stoker fired installations without increasing grate maintenance is about 3000 F, since the great surface which supports the hot fuel bed must be cooled by the air to temperature below which the iron grate will not be damaged. Air temperatures of 6000 F are often used with pulverized coal. Since the stoker limits the heat – recovery possible of the air hath economizer and air heaters are usually installed in stoker fired high – pressure steam – generating units. Where oil gas or pulverized coal is burned an air heater is often installed without an economizer, although in many high – pressure units it may be more economical to reduce the boiler surface and use an economizer. The air heater is heater is necessary in modern pulverized – coal plants since the coal is drier in the pulverized by hot air reduce power consumption and increase the capacity of the mill.



tubular air heater – трубчатый  воздухоподогреватель

tube sheets – шкоты трубы

gas inlet – входное отверстие газа

outlet box – выходное отверстие коробки

fan – вентилятор, веер

blower – вентилятор

tube bank – трубный пучок

drum – барабан

chimney – труба

leakage – утечка, течь

iron grate – железная решётка

mill – мельница




10.1 Answer the questions


1. What is the tubular air heater constructed by?

2. Where is the tube bank enclosed?

3. Where does the cold air from a forced-draft fan flow?

4. Where are radial seals mounted?

5. What is the depth of the rotor?






        10.2 Match the first part of the sentence with the second part


1. The tube bank is enclosed in an insulated casing so constructed that the inlet air

opposite to the flow of the hot gasses and leaves the air heater at the lower end of the tube bank.

2. Radial seals with rubbing surfaces on them are mounted on the rotor and make

normally between 3 and 4 ft. 

3. The air passes downward around the tubes in a direction

at room temperature can be admitted to the heating surfaces at the upper end from a fan or blower.        

4. The depth of the rotor is

left side of the rotor where the air works of the stoker or burner in the furnace.

5. The cold air form a forced – draft fan flows upward through the

contact   with a flat section of the casing between the hot – gas and cold – air ducts, thin minimizing leakage the tow streams of fluid.



          10.3 Find out


          a) Synonyms

rapidly, sophisticated, to conduct, demand, almost, quickly, to carry out,  approximately, opportunity, requirement, also, use, to fulfill, complex, as well, to realize, application, possibility.


b) Antonyms

further, integrate, cooling, outside, powerless, uncontrolled, limited, disintegrate, nearer, capable, limitless, controlled, incapable, powerful, heating, inside.



         11 Electric circuits


 The electric circuit is the subject to be dealt with in the present article. But what does the above term really mean? We know the circuit to be a complete path which carries from the source of supply to the load and then carries it again from the load back to the source.

The purpose of the electrical source is to produce the necessary electromotive force required for the flow of current through the circuit.

The path along which the electrons travel must be complete otherwise no electric power can be supplied from the source to the load. Thus we close the circuit when we switch on our electric lamp.

 If the circuit is broken or as we generally say opened anywhere, the current is to known to stop everywhere. Hence, we break the circuit when we switch off our electrical devices. Generally speaking the current may pass through solid conductors, liquids, gases vacuum or any combination of these. It may flow in turn over transmission lines from the power – stations through transformers, cable and switches, through lamps, heaters, motors and so on.

There are various kings of electric circuit such as open circuit’s closed circuits series circuits parallel circuits and short circuits.

To understand the difference between the following circuit connections is not difficult at all. When electrical devices are connected so that current flows one device to another they are said to be connected in series. Under such conditions the current flow is the same in all   parts of the circuit as there is only a single path along which it may flow. The electric bell circuit is considered to be a typical example of a series circuit. The parallel circuit provides two or more paths for the passage of current. The circuit is divided in such a way that part of the current flows through one path and part through another. The lamps in your room and your house are generally connected in parallel.

 Now we shall turn our attention to the short circuit sometimes called the short. The short circuit is produced when the current is allowed to the source of supply without control and without doing the word that we want it to do. The short circuit often results from cable fault of   wire fault. Under certain conditions, the short may cause fire because the current flows where it was not supposed to flow. If the current flow is too great a fuse is to be used as a safety to stop the current flow.

The fuse must be place in every circuit where there is a danger of overloading the line. Then all the current to be sent will pass through the fuse.

When a short circuit or an overload causes more current to flow than the carrying capacity of the wire becomes hot and sets fire to the insulation. It the flow of current is greater than the carrying of the fuse the fuse melts and opens the circuit. 


If the switch is a closed position, the current will flow around the circuit in the direction shown by the arrows.





 сlosed circuit – замкнутая цепь

 сomplete – замкнутый, полный

 сonductor – проводник

 deal with – иметь дело, рассматривать

 fault – повреждение, авария

 fuse – предохранитель

 load – нагрузка

 open circuit – разомкнутая цепь

 short circuit – короткое замыкание

 transmission line – линия электропередачи



11.1 Answer the questions


1. What is discussed in the present article?

2. What do you call an electric circuit?

3. What does a short circuit often result from?

4. Why does the current flow when the circuit is closed?

5. What do you call a fuse?



11.2 Ask your groupmate the following questions. Let him/her answer them


1. If a circuit is a complete path. 2. If there are different kinds of circuits. 3. If the current can pass through liquids. 4.If we open the circuit when we switch on the light. 5. If the lamps in the room are connected in series. 6. If the fuse is a safety device. 7.If the fuse must be placed in every circuit. 8. If the current flows when the circuit is closed.



11.3 Read TEXT 13 A in 3 minutes and point out the main idea of each paragraph



11.4 Find the wrong statement and correct it in several sentences


1. The wires carrying the current are connected to earth. 2. Water provides a path for the current to flow. 3. The electric power can serve us well if it is used widely.


Список литературы

1. Р.Ф. Пронина. Перевод  английской  научно-технической  литературы. –М. Высшая школа, 1986.

2. Е.Н. Щавелева. How to make a scientific speech. – М.Кнорус, 2007.

3. Upgrading and repairing  PcS, 17th Edition by Scott Mueller, Март 24, 2006

4. English- Russian  Dictionary of  Electrical and Power Engineering. Ya.N. LUGINSKY. M.S. FEZI – ZHILINSKAYA. YU.S. KABIROV. “Russo” Moscow 2003.

5. English- Russian  Dictionary of  Electronics. F.V. LISSOVSKY,  I.K. KALUGIN. “Russo”. Moscow 1999.

6. Oxford Russian Dictionary. Russian-English Edited by Marcus Wheeler and Boris Unbegaun. English – Russian Edited by Paul Falla. Oxford University Press, 2007.                


1. Plastics                                                           


2. Electricity – Powering progress   


3. Uses of electricity 


4. Transformer 


5.  Radar      


6.  Solar energy  


7. The telephone  


8.  Services provided by dedicated telecom operators        


9. The steam power plant    


10. The air heater  


11. Electric circuits                                                                       


Список  литературы