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 Кафедра Иностранные языки 



Лексико-грамматические  задания к техническим текстам.

Методические указания для студентов очной формы обучения

специальности 050718-Электроэнергетика



Алматы 2008

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: А.О. Козиева. Английский язык. Лексико-грамматические  задания к техническим текстам. Методические указания для студентов всех форм обучения специальности 050718-Электроэнергетика. – Алматы: АИЭС, 2008. – 32 с.   

Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов второго курса всех форм обучения для тренировки грамматического и лексического материала и развития умения перевода технической литературы по специальности электроэнергетика. В методической разработке содержатся грамматические упражнения, тексты из разных источников и упражнения по закреплению лексических материалов и терминов по данной тематике.

 Unit 1


Grammar: The English Tenses – Present, Past, Future Simple/Active Voice.

Text 1.1 What is an Electric Current

Text 1.2 Types of Current

Text 1.3 Conductors and Insulators             


Exercise 1. Match the Russian words with English ones


Current, charge, circuit, electricity, behaviour, direct current, alternating current, device, generator, by products, resistance, conductor, insulator, source, substance, copper, application, pressure, electrical, rubbing, solution, rubber, short circuit,      


Сопротивление, поведение (режим работы), ток, источник, цепь (контур),

электричество, постоянный ток, давление, побочные продукты, прибор (приспособление), медь, генератор, проводник, переменный ток, изолятор, вещество, заряд, электрический, трение, короткое замыкание, раствор (решение), резина, применение. 


Table 1








N V1. (I/you/we/they)

N V+S. (he/she)

1) We use some electrical devices at home.

2) She uses this vacuum cleaner.

N V+ed  /   N V2

1) We measured the level of the water

2)  We wrote down the results of the experiment yesterday.

N will V1

We will carry out some experiments tomorrow.


N do not (don’t) V1.

N does not (doesn’t) V1.

1) We don’t use electrical devices at home.

2) She doesn’t use this vacuum cleaner. 

N did not (didn’t) V1

1) We didn’t measure the level of the water.

2) We didn’t write down the results of the experiment yesterday.

N will not (won’t) V1

We will not carry out experiments tomorrow.


Do N V1?

Does N1?

1) Do we use electrical devices at home?

2)  Does she use this vacuum cleaner?


Did N V1?

1) Did you measure the level of the water?

2) Did you write down the results of the experiment yesterday?


Will N V1?

Will we carry out experiments tomorrow?


Notes: N- noun

           V- verb


Exercise 2. Use the following sentences in the Past and Future Simple adding the words last/next week, last/next year, tomorrow, yesterday etc.


1. Current flows through a conducting circuit. 2. The types of electricity differ in the ability to serve mankind and in their behaviour. 3. Direct current flows only in one direction. 4. Current consists of moving electrons. 5. Electricity doesn’t pollute the environment. 6. I don’t know how to use this device. 7. Electrical devices find wide applications in every house. 8. Mr. Smith and his assistant write down the results of the experiment every day. 9. The lab. assistant shows the equipment to the students in the laboratory twice a week. 10. Electricity is clean and generates no by products.


Exercise 3. Use the following sentences in the negative and Interrogative forms.


1. We will use various electrical devices in our laboratory. 2. Electrical current plays an important part in modern life. 3. Gilbert gave the name “electricity” to the phenomenon he was studying. 4. The professor drew a diagram of a circuit. 5. Metals increase their resistance when the temperature increases. 6. Current easily passes through the conductors. 7. Current passes through insulator with great difficulty. 8. Carbon will decrease its resistance when the temperature increases. 9. Current flows more readily in some substances. 10. Insulators conduct current when a high enough voltage is applied to it. 11. The assistant of the professor will explain us how to use this device. 12. All the students of our group will carry out experiments in the laboratory next week. 13. The professor put down the result of the experiment yesterday. 14. Next week the teacher will explain us the difference between a direct and an alternating current. 15. In 1800 Volta constructed the first source of continuous current. 16. Franklin made an important contribution to the science of electricity. 17. Volta spent a few years trying to invent a source of continuous current. 18. Volta became a professor of natural sciences at the University of Pavia. 19. A short circuit is dangerous and it sometimes causes fire.


Exercise 4. Translate and learn by heart these verbs. In the first column write down the regular verbs and in the second column the irregular verbs. Give the second forms of the Irregular verbs.


To develop, to get, to observe, to be, to pass, to explain, to begin, to apply, to try, to obtain, to find, to generate, to spend, to carry out, to write, to invent, to know, to increase, to consist of, to forget, to put, to produce, to go, to flow, to change, to run, to give, to conduct, to draw, to read, to pollute, to make, to become, to use, to measure, to bring, to break, to connect, to build, to buy, to think.


 1 column                                                              2 column

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________

___________________                                         ___________________ 



Exercise 5. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct forms


1. At least 2.500 years ago The Greeks (to know) how to get electricity by rubbing substances. 2. The Greeks (to obtain) electricity by rubbing objects? 3. Our students (to carry out) experiments in the laboratory twice a week. 4. We (to measure) the electric force in a unit of volt. 5. Volta (to make) the first battery. 6. Builders (to use) these electrical cranes next year. 7. Generators (to generate) electrical energy? 8. This factory (to produce) vacuum cleaners?  9. Rubber (not to conduct) the electric current. 10. Franklin (to develop) a new theory of electricity? 11. The students (to get) valuable results of their experiment yesterday. 12. The electrons (to flow) along a conductor? 13. I (to try) to solve this problem tomorrow. 14. The teacher (to explain) the problem to the students tomorrow? 15. The professor (to begin) to read his lectures tomorrow. 16. He (not to find) the solution to this problem yesterday. 17. We (not to spend) three hours in the laboratory tomorrow. 18. The assistant of the professor (to put down) the results of the experiment last week? 19. Direct current (to flow) in one direction? 20. You (to go) to the laboratory yesterday? 21. Galvani (to observe) that the legs of a dead frog jumped as a result of an electric charge. 22. I (not to read) the article about the new electrical device last month. 23. The professor (to draw) a diagram of a circuit at the next lesson? 24. He (not to become) a professor in a few month. 25. Metal (to increase) its resistance when the temperature increases. 26. Students (not to pass) exams every day. 27. Volta (not to invent) the telephone. 28. Current (to pass) through insulators with difficulty. 29. The students (not to use) any drawings in their report tomorrow at the conference. 30. Alternating current (to flow) in cycles? 31. We (not to be) at the lecture next week. 32. Unlike poles of the magnet (not to repel) each other. 33. The current (not to flow) if there is an open circuit.


Exercise 6. Complete the text with a verb from the box in the Past Simple


To consist of         to observe       to spend          

to try                     to think 

to be                      to begin

to obtain                to increase

to develop             to find                                          


The History of an Electric Current


Volta (1745-1827) (1)____________ the first man who got the electric current. The unit of electric pressure was named the volt after his name. His discovery (2) ___________ out of Galvani’s experiments with the frog. Galvani (3) ___________ that the legs of a dead frog jumped as a result of an electric charge. He                      (4) ___________ his experiment several times and every time he (5) __________ the same result. He (6)___________ that electricity was generated within the leg itself.

Volta (7)____________ to carry on similar experiments and soon (8)__________ that the electric source was not within the frog’s leg but was the result of the contact of both dissimilar metals used during his observations. However, to carry on such experiments was not an easy thing to do. He (9)___________ the next few years trying to invent a source of continuous current. To increase the effect obtained with one pair of metals, Volta (10)____________ the number of these pairs. Thus the voltaic pile (11)_____________ a copper layer and a layer of zinc placed on above another with a layer of flannel moistened in salt water between them. Volta connected a wire to the first disc of copper and to the last disc of zinc.

The year1800 is a date to be remembered: for the first time in the world’s history a continuous current was generated. Then the famous French scientist Ampere (after whom the unit of current was named) determined the difference between the current and the static charges.   


Text 1.1

What is an electric current?


We know of the existence of a current due to its effects. A current heats a conductor, it has a chemical action when it passes through a solution, and it can produce a magnetic effect. We measure current by observing its heating, chemical or magnetic effects. The practical unit of a current is called the Ampere.

Two things are necessary to cause an electric current to flow: first – a complete circuit, and second – electromotive force.

If you put free electrons on an insulated copper ball, they will try to repel each other. If you connect this charged ball to another ball of equal size by a copper wire, the electrons will move along the copper wire. They will move until the numbers of electrons on each ball are the same. This is an example of electromotive force which causes a current to flow.

A battery has a surplus of electrons on one of its two plates. So you say that a battery furnishes an electromotive force. If a copper wire is run from one plate to the other, current flows in the complete circuit thus made. If a small bulb is placed in the circuit, it will light up and give evidence to a current flow. Batteries and generators are the most common   source of electromotive force. The practical unit of electromotive force is the Volt.

It is possible to have a strong shock from the electric wires in a house. The wires seldom carry current at a high voltage than 220, and a person who touches a bare wire or terminal may suffer no harm if the skin is dry. But if the hand is wet, he may be killed. Water is a good conductor of electricity and provides an easy path for the current from the wire to the body. When we deal with wires and fuses which carry an electric current, it is best to wear rubber gloves. Rubber is a good insulator and will not let the current pass to the skin. Never touch a bare wire with the wet hand and never, in any situation, touch a water pipe and an electric wire at the same time.

We all use electric current in our homes every day but sometimes forget that it is a form of power and may be dangerous. It can burn and kill, but it will serve us well if we use it wisely.   



Existence – существование

Due to – благодаря

To pass through – проходить через

Complete circuit – замкнутая цепь

Electromotive force – электродвижущая сила

Equal – равный, одинаковый

Surplus – излишек

Conductor – проводник

Repel – отталкивать

Terminal – зажим, вывод, клемма

Voltage – напряжение

Bare wire – оголенный провод

Fuse – предохранитель

Rubber – резина

Unit – единица

Wire – провод

Copper – медь                


Exercise 1. Answer the questions


1. What is the unit of current?

2. What can an electric current do?

3. What is necessary to cause an electric current to flow?

4. What is the most common source of electromotive force?

5. What is the unit of electromotive force?

6. Is an electric current dangerous?


Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions        



Strand or thin flexible rod of metal used to carry  electric current.


A glass globe that produces electric light.


The flow of electricity along a wire. 



A particle of matter with a negative electric charge. 



A form of energy carried by certain particles of matter.




The path of an electric current.



A reddish – brown metal used to make wire.  




Electric force measured in volts.



A place where a wire is connected in an electric  circuit or battery.


Exercise3. Complete the chart




Nouns denoting











































Exercise 3. Match synonyms                                                                                               


Due to                             



Thanks to




The same                        






Text 1.2

Types of current


There are two types of current: direct and alternating. A direct current flows through a conducting circuit in one direction only. The simplest source of power for direct current is a battery, for a battery pushes the electrons in the same direction (i.e. from the negatively charged terminal to the positively charged terminal.

An alternating current is a current that changes its direction of flow through circuit. Current flows first in one direction and then in the opposite one. Alternating current flows in cycles. The number of cycles per second is called the frequency of the current. In a 60 – cycle alternating current circuit the current flows in one direction 60 times and in the other direction 60 times per second. One of the great advantages of alternating current is the ease with which power at low voltage can be changed into an almost similar amount of power at high voltage and vice versa. Hence, on the one hand alternating voltage is increased when it is necessary for long-distance transmission and, on the other hand, one can decrease it to meet industrial requirements as well as to operate various devices at home.

It is easy to transform alternating current power from one voltage to another by a transformer. Transformers are also used to step down the voltage at the receiving point of the line to the low values that are necessary for use. When necessary alternating current can be changed into direct current, but this is seldom necessary.



Direction – направление

Flow – течение

Frequency – частота

And vice versa – и наоборот

Transmission – передача

Direct current – постоянный ток

Alternating current – переменный ток

Transform – преобразовывать


Exercise 1. Answer the question


1. What types of current do you know?

2. What types of current is called alternating current?

3. What types of current is called direct current?

4. What is called the frequency of current?

5. What device is used to transform alternating power from one voltage into another?

6. Is it often necessary to change alternating current into direct current?


Exercise 2. Match the words and word combinations with their definitions


1. Alternating current                      

a) The line along which something moves or faces.


2. Direct current                              

b) Change the form of a thing.           

3. Direction                                     

c) Electric current that keeps reversing its  direction at regular intervals.

4. Frequency                                    

d) How often something happens. 

5. To transform                               

e) Electric current flowing only in one direction.


Exercise 3. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms and synonyms  


Advantage, increase, transform, similar, seldom, change, apply, often, different, decrease, to turn into, use, drawback, different, transform.


Exercise 4.  Complete the sentence using the correct variant


1. Direct current is a current that                          

a) changes its direction of flow 


b) flows in one direction  

2. Alternating current flows provided                  

a) a direct voltage source is applied


b) an alternating voltage source is  applied

3. In an alternating current circuit                       

a) current flows in one direction 60  times per second


b) current flows in one direction 60 times and in the other direction 60 times per second

4. Alternating current                                           

a) can be changed into direct current


b) can not be changed into direct current 


Text 1.3

Conductors and Insulators


Conductors are materials which have a low resistance and current easily passes through them. The lower the resistance of the material, the more current can pass through it.

The most common conductors are metals. Silver and copper are the best of them.

It should be taken into consideration that most materials change the value of resistance when their temperature changes. Metals increase their resistance when the temperature increases while carbon decreases its resistance when the temperature increases. Thus metals have a positive temperature coefficient of resistance while carbon has a negative temperature coefficient. The smaller is the temperature coefficient or the less the change of resistance with the change of temperature, the more perfect is the resistance material.

Insulators are materials which have a very high resistance. Current passes trough insulators with great difficulty. The most common insulators are paper, rubber, plastic, glass.

Any insulator can conduct current when a high enough voltage is applied to it.

When an insulator is connected to a voltage source, it stores electric charge and a potential is produced on the insulator. Thus, insulators have the two main functions:

to isolate conducting wires and thus to prevent a short circuit between them.

to store electric charge when a voltage source is applied.         



Conductors – проводники

Insulators – изоляторы

Resistance – сопротивление

Rubber – резина

To increase – увеличивать

To decrease – уменьшать

Difficulty – трудность

Short circuit – короткое замыкание


Exercise 1. Answer the questions


1. What materials are called conductors?

2. What is the relation between the value of resistance and the temperature in  carbon?

3. What materials are called insulators?

4. What are the most common insulators?


Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions 


To conduct                                                  

The ability of a substance to hinder the  flow of electricity

To insulate                                                  

A fault in an electrical circuit in which current flows along a shorter route than the normal one


Allow electricity to pass along or through



Cover or protect something to prevent  electricity from passing in or out


Short circuit                                                

A strong elastic substance used for making tyres, balls, etc.


Exercise 3. Match the synonyms


Usual, positive, low, use, easy, reduce, increase, common, negative, difficult, apply, high.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the correct variant


1. Insulators are materials having                             

a) low resistance   


b) high resistance

2. Current passes through conductors                    

a) easily          


b) with great difficulty

3. Copper and silver are                                         

a) common conductors


b) common insulators

4. Paper, rubber, plastics are                                  

a) common insulators


b) common conductors

5.In case a high voltage is applied                             to an insulator                                                     

a) it does not conduct current

b) it conduct current

6. Insulators are used     

a) to store electric charge


b) to reduce voltage


c) to prevent a short circuit  between conducting wires

7. Metals increase their resistance                           

a) when the temperature decreases 


b) When the temperature increases




Exercise 5. Complete the gaps with the words given bellow


Voltage, a bare wire, device, insulator, alternating current, conductor, current, complete circuit, electromotive force, direct current, generators, to transform, charges, fuse, resistance. 


1. Substances through which electricity is easily transmitted are called __________. 2. Vacuum cleaner is an electrical____________.3. A material like string which resist the flow of the electric current is called an ____________. 4. ____________ is a flow of electricity trough a circuit. 5. _____________ causes an electric current to flow. 6. The practical unit of_____________ is the volt. 7. ___________ generates electricity. 8. When the electrons flow in one direction only, we call it _____________. 9. ____________ flows first in one direction and then in the opposite one. 10. High ____________ is very dangerous. 11. Alternating current can ____________ into direct current. 12. Such substances as rubber, glass, plastic which have extremely high ____________ is called insulators. 13. Franklin was the first man who proved that unlike ____________ are produced due to rubbing dissimilar objects. 14. ____________ is a safety device, 15. _____________ is a wire not covered with insulating material.      


Unit 2


Grammar: The English Tenses – Present, Past, Future Simple/Passive Voice.

Text 2.1 Portable Generators

Text 2.2 Fuses






Table 2









N –    are     V3, V+ed


1) Copper is the most widely used conductor.

2) Electrical devices are used in every house.


N –             V3, V+ed


1) The article was written yesterday.

2) The tools were made of steel.


N will be V3, V+ed


1) This experiment will be carried out tomorrow.



N –    are   not  V3, V+ed


1) Copper is not the most widely used conductor.

2) Electrical devices are not used in every house.


N –            not   V3, V+ed


1) The article was not written yesterday.

2) The tools were not made of steel.


N will not be V3, V+ed


1) This experiment will not be carried out tomorrow.



are   N  V3, V+ed


1) Is copper the most widely used conductor?

2) Are electrical devices used in every house?


           N   V3, V+ed


1) Was the article written yesterday?

2) Were the tools made of steel?


Will N be  V3, V+ed


1) Will this experiment be carried out tomorrow?


Modal verbs

Should                                   It should be taken into                   


Can          be    V3, V+ed       Power can also be generated

                                               by far smaller means.   

Must                                      The work must be done at 



Exercise 1. Translate the sentences; use them in the negative and interrogative forms


1. Electrical devices are used in every house. 2. The results of the experiment were written down yesterday. 3. The equipment of the laboratory will be shown to the students tomorrow. 4. The diagram of the circuit was drawn by the professor. 5. We will be explained how to use this device by the assistant of the professor. 6. This experiment is carried out by the students in the laboratory every day. 7. We were explained the difference between direct and alternating current by the teacher. 8. The first source of continuous current was constructed by Volta in 1800. 9. An important contribution to the science of electricity was made by Franklin. 10. Electrical energy is generated by generators.  


Exercise 2. Chose the right variant


1. I (was told, told) to translate the instruction by our teacher. 2. The students (asked, were asked) to carry on the experiment by the professor. 3. This machine (is often made, often make) use of. 4. The theory (will follow, will be followed) by a number of experiments. 5. Electricity (is played, plays) an important part in modern life. 6. The students (went on, were gone on) studying the properties of that new substance. 7. The transformer (operates, is operated) equally well to increase the voltage and to reduce it. 8. They (are used, use) different methods to obtain better results. 9. Volta (was taken, took) great interest in atmospheric electricity. 10. Why (does, are) high voltage lines (use, used) for power transmission? 11. The Fahrenheit scale (is used, uses) in English speaking countries but it (doesn’t use, isn’t used) in Kazakhstan. 12. These devices (didn’t use, weren’t used) during the experiment. 13. We (will work, will be worked) in the laboratory next week.


Exercise 3. Give the third forms of the verbs























































Exercise 4. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct forms


1. The new installation (to buy) the day before yesterday. 2. This theory (to know) all over the world? 3. Wires (to use) to deliver electric power and to interconnect different components of electrical installations. 4. Radioactive radiation is dangerous and the reactors (to install) underground. 5. A transformer (to apply) to transfer energy. 6. A lot of scientists (to invite) to the last conference. 7. The achievements of the scientist in power engineering (to write) in your last report? 8. Natural sciences (to study) at the university next year. 9. The students (to take) to the conference by their tutors next week?      



 Exercise 5. A) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct forms

Aluminium Extraction


Aluminium (to extract) by electricity in a special cell. The bottom of the cell (to line) with carbon. This provides an anode.  At the top of the cell are graphite electrodes, which act as cathodes. Two additional substances (to need) in the process: copper and salt. The aluminium first (to alloy) with copper, then (to heat) and (to pour) into the cell. On top of the alloy is a layer of molten salt. This is lighter than the alloy but heavier than pure aluminum. An electric current passes through the alloy between the anode and the cathode. The aluminium (to draw) to the cathode and settles on top of the salt. Periodically, the aluminium (to drain) off and cast into shapes.


B) Match the words with their definitions



A light weight silver-colored metal.


Melted, made liquid by great heat.


The electrode by which electric current enters a device.


A solid conductor through which electricity enters or leaves a vacuum tube.


The electrode by which electric current leaves a device.


Exercise 6. A) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct forms




The ohmmeter, the ammeter and the voltmeter are the most common meters. The ohmmeter (to use) to measure the value of resistance. It consists of a millimeter calibrated to read in ohms, a battery and resistors. The meter (to connect) in parallel and the circuit (not to open) when its resistance is measured. The reading on the scale shows the measured value. 

The ammeter (to use) to measure the value of current. When the ammeter (to use) the circuit should (to open) at one point and the terminals of the meter should be connected to it. It should be taken into consideration that the positive terminal of the meter (to connect) to the positive terminal of the source; the negative terminal – to the negative terminal of the source. The ammeter should (to connect) in series. The readings on the scale show the measured value.


B) Complete the sentences using the correct variant


1. The ammeter is                                              

a) a common meter.


b) an uncommon meter.

2. The value of current is measured by             

a) the ohmmeter.


b) the voltmeter.              


c) the ammeter.

3. A meter has                                                   

a) positive terminals only.


b) negative terminals only.


c) positive and negative terminals.

4. When the ammeter is used                            

a) the circuit should be opened.


b) the circuit should not be opened.

5. The ammeter should be connected                

a) in series.


b) in parallel.

6. It should be taken into consideration that     

a) the positive terminal should be  connected to the negative terminal.


b) the negative terminal should be


connected to the positive terminal of  the source.


Exercise 7. Change the sentences given in active voice into passive


1. He tried his experiments several times. 2. The generator changes mechanical energy into electric energy. 3. They will invite a famous professor to the conference. 4. What kind of experiment did he carry out? 5. We can increase and decrease alternating voltage. 6. We should take it into consideration. 7. Will we use this device in our experiment tomorrow? 8. Do we extract aluminium by electricity? 9. We use fuses as protection devices. 10. We know that the current flows when the circuit is closed. 11. People employ motors not only in industry but also in everyday life. 12 Does he write the result of the experiment everyday? 


Text 2.1

Portable generator


Although most electricity comes from power stations, power can also be generated by far smaller means. Nowadays, electricity generators can be small enough to hold in the hand.

Portable generators are made up of two main parts: an engine, which powers the equipment, and an alternator, which converts motion into electricity.

In a typical four-stroke engine, when the piston descends, the air inlet valve open and a mixture of air and petrol is sucked in through a carburetor.

The valve closes, the piston rises on the compression stroke and a spark within the upper chamber ignites the mixture. This mini explosion pushes the piston back-down, and as it rises again the fumes formed by the ignition are forced out through the exhaust valve.

This cycle is repeated many times per second. The moving piston makes the crankshaft rotate at great speed.

The crankshaft extends directly to an alternator, which consists of two main sets of winding-coils of insulated copper wire wound closely around an iron core. One set, called stator windings, is in a fixed position and shaped like a broad ring. The other set, the armature windings, is wound on the rotor which is fixed to the rotating crankshaft. The rotor makes about 3,000 revolutions per minute.

The rotor is magnetized and as it spins round, electricity is generated in the stator windings through the process of electromagnetic induction. The electric current is fed to the output terminals or sockets.

This type of generator can produce a 700 watt output, enough to operate lights, television, and some domestic appliances. Large versions provide emergency power to hospitals and factories. In the four-stroke cycle, the piston descends on the intake stroke, during which the inlet valve is open. The piston ascends on the compression stroke with both valves closed and ignition takes place at the top of the stroke. The power or expansion stroke follows. The gas generated by the burning fuel expands rapidly, driving the piston down, both valves remaining closed. The cycle is completed by the exhaust stroke, as the piston ascends once more, forcing the products of combustion out through the exhaust valve. The cycle then repeats itself.   



Engine – двигатель

Equipment – оборудование

Alternator – генератор переменного тока

Piston – поршень

Ignition – воспламенение, зажигание

Valve – клапан, электронная лампа

Socket – розетка, патрон

Output – выход, производительность

To convert – превращать, преобразовывать

To push – толкать

To descend – опускать, спускаться

To rotate – вращаться


Exercise 1. Answer the questions 


1. How is power generated?      

2. What are portable generators made up of?

3. How does a typical four-stroke engine work?


Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions   


To Generate                               

The part of a motor engine that starts the fuel  burning. 


A machine that provides power; a vehicle that pulls   a railway train, car.


Produce or create.

To convert                                 

Able to  be carried.


The thing needed for a particular purpose.

To rotate                                    

A disc or cylinder that fits inside a tube in which it moves up and down as part of an engine or pump.    


To go round like a wheel, revolve.

To push                                      

To go down.


Make a thing go away from you by using force on it.


A device into which an electric plug or bulb is put to make a connection.  


To descend                                 

To change from one state into another.


Exercise 3. Match  the cause with the effect




1. The piston moves down the       cylinder.                                                             

a) The crankshaft is rotated.


2. The piston creates a vacuum

b) The piston is pushed down.

3. The piston moves up the cylinder.        

c) A partial vacuum is created.

4. The gas expands quickly.                      

d) Fuel is drawn from the carburetor

5. The piston moves up and down.            

e) 700 watts are generated.

6. The armature of the alternator rotates     windings.

f) A current is induced in the stator.


7. The alternator turns at a steady rpm.3,000     

g) The mixture is compressed.



Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below


Revolution, socket, piston, rotate, rotor, electricity, alternator. 


1. An alternator converts motion into _____________. 2. The moving ___________makes the crankshaft ___________ at great speed. 3. The crankshaft extends to an ___________. 4. The rotor makes about 3,000 ____________ per minute. 5. The electric current is fed to the output terminals or ____________. 6. The ____________ is magnetized and as it spins round, electricity is generated in the stator windings. 


Text 2.2



Fuses are widely used nowadays as protection devices. They are utilized in various circuits, electrical equipment and installations, fuses serve to protect them against over currents and short circuits.

There are different types of fuses in use nowadays.  Quartz sand fuses serve for voltages up to 500 volts; fuses of this kind are produced with current ratings of 15 to 60 amp. and of 100 to 350 amp.

Fuses are commonly used in low-voltage industrial installations rated up to 1,000 V.

Fuses protection is based on a very simple principle: in case of a short-circuit or over current, when the maximum value of current has been exceeded, the fusible link of a fuse is heated to its melting point. This opens the circuit and disconnects the circuit from the power source. In case of a fault, one should replace the faulty fusible element by a new one.

Fuses are used both in direct current and alternating current circuits.



Fuse – предохранитель

Fault – неисправность

Faulty – неисправный

Installation – установка

To protect – защищать

To utilize – использовать

To equip – оборудовать

To serve – служить

To melt – плавить

Up to – вплоть до

Short-circuit – короткое замыкание


Exercise 1. Match the words with their definitions



Anything that makes a person or thing imperfect; a flaw  or mistake. 


Use, find a use for something.


Something made for a particular purpose.

To protect                             

A safety device containing a short piece of wire that  melts if too much electricity is passed through it.

To utilize                               

Keep safe from harm or injury.


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the correct variant


1 A fuse serves                                          

a) as a load.


b) as a protection.   

2. Fuses are used                                       

a) for direct current only.                                     


b) for both alternating and direct current.

3. In case of a fault                                    

a) the whole fuse should be replaced.


b) the faulty link should be replaced.

4. Fuse protection is based on                   

a) a simple principle


b) a complex principle.  




Exercise 3. Answer the question


1. What does a fuse serve for?

2. For what type of current are fuses used ?

3. What should be done in case of a faulty fuse?

4. What principle is fuse protection based on?

Exercise 4. Distribute the words below into the three columns


Action                              Process                               Doer  

Utilizer, utilize, installation, displace, overheater, displacement, overproduction, starter, equip, protection, disorganize.


Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the words given below


Utilize, faulty, installations, fuse, fault, up to, protection, equipment, melting point, voltage, circuits.


1. This is a very good device and you will be able to replace it by another one in case of a__________. 2. We replaced all the ___________ devices by new ones. 3. __________ is applied as a safety device. 4. Fuse is a ___________ device. 5. Quartz sand fuses serve for __________ up to 500 volts. 6. We can’t work with the old __________. 7. It was heated to its ____________. 8. Fuses are __________ in various __________, electrical equipment and installations. 9. Fuses are used in low-voltage industrial ___________ rated __________ 1,000 V.


Unit 3        


Grammar: Participle.

Text 3.1 Electric Power consumers and Power system

Text 3.2 Thermal Steam-turbine Power Plants


Table 3 




Participle I





V + ing.

Building, Measuring




Being V3,  V+ed.

Being built,

 Being  measured



1. Measuring the temperature of the water, the students used a thermometer. Измеряя температуру воды, студент использовал термометр. 2. The boy measuring the temperature of the water is my student.  Мальчик, измеряющий температуру воды, мой студент


The plant being built in our district will produce electrical appliances. Завод, строящийся в нашем районе, будет выпускать электрические приборы. 



 Participle II





V3,  V+ed.




The plant built last year produces electrical appliances of high quality. Завод, построенный в прошлом году, производит электрические приборы высокого качества.



Perfect Participle


Having V3,  V+ed.

Having built,

Having measured


Having been V3,  V+ed.

Having been built,

Having been measured


Having measured the temperature of the water, he wrote down the readings in his notebook. Измерив температуру воды, он записал показания прибора в записную книжку.


Having been built, the plant began producing electrical devices. После того как завод был построен, он начал выпускать электрические приборы.   



Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participle


1. Being a good conductor of electricity, copper is widely used in industry. 2. The boiling water changes into steam. 3. Most laboratories equipped with the latest installations, are housed in the main building of our institute. 4. The device invented was used during the experiment. 5. Having repaired the engine, the mechanic went home. 6. Having been repaired, the engine began operating better. 7. Speaking about the electrically operated devices, we can mention the vacuum cleaner. 8. The student carrying out the experiment is certainly familiar with the main rules which must be observed in a chemical laboratory. 9. The electrical motor transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy is used in industry. 10. An electric crane can lift objects weighing hundreds of tons. 11. Great masses of metal melted in electrically heated furnaces flow like water. 12. Being used in the experiment, the device will be of great value. 13. Having done a number of operations, the machine stopped automatically. 14. Having been discussed, the problem was solved at once. 15. The lab. assistant making the experiment works every day.


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences using the Participle


1.Измерив температуру жидкости, мы начали измерять температуру воды. 2. Закончив эксперимент, студенты представили результаты профессору. 3. Говоря об электрическом токе, мы можем упомянуть имя Вольта. 4.Электрические приборы, использованные в этой работе, были куплены в прошлом году. 5. После того как этот прибор был протестирован, его стали использовать наши студенты. 6. Проделав многочисленные тесты, исследователь получил полезные результаты. 7. Профессор, читающий лекции поможет нам в этой работе. 8. Электрический мотор, преобразующий электрическую энергию в механическую энергию, используется в промышленности.




Exercise 3. Join the sentences into one using the participle


1. The teacher gave out the test. She told the students not to look into their notes. 

2. The students waited in the class. They felt nervous.

3. Almas was listening to the lecture. He fell asleep.

4. The students opened their test booklets. They looked anxiously at the questions.

5. The measures were discussed. They will be used for determining the faults in the conducting wires.

6. Germanium is a semiconductor. It is widely used in transistors.

7. The data were obtained. They formed the bases for the further activity.

8. Gas coolants were used to remove heat losses. They help to increase the current-carrying capacity of the motor’s main parts.


Exercise 4. Make sentences beginning with having  


1. I gave my work to the professor. I had answered the questions of the test


2. We have received an invitation. We felt we had to go to the conference.

3. The student had finished the experiment. He left the laboratory. 

4. At the conference we couldn’t understand the speech. We hadn’t learned any  


5. Volta had tried his experiments several times. He obtained the same result.


Exercise 5.  Connect according to the example. Pay attention to Participle


           Cause                                                                   Effect


The piston moves down the cylinder.                       This creates a partial vacuum.



The piston moves down the cylinder, creating a partial vacuum.




1. The piston creates a vacuum.                           

This draws in fuel from the  carburetor.

2. The piston moves up the cylinder.                    

This compresses the mixture.

3. The gas expands quickly                                  

This pushes the piston down.

4. The piston moves up and down.                       

This rotates the crankshaft.

5. The crankshaft spins round.                             

This turns at the 3,000 rpm.

6. The armature of the alternator rotates        windings.  

This induces a current in the stator. 

7. The alternator turns at a steady 3,000 rpm.       

This generates around 700 watts.


                                                                                 (Notes: rpm.- revolutions per minute.)    

Text 3.1

Electric Power Consumers and Power Systems         


An electric power consumer is an enterprise utilizing electric power. Its operating characteristics vary during the hours of day, days and nights, days of week and seasons.

All electric power consumers are divided into groups with common load characteristics. To the first group belong municipal consumers with a predominant lighting load: dwelling houses, hospitals, theatres, street lighting systems, mines etc.

To the second group belong industrial consumers with a predominant power load (electric motors): industrial plants, mines, etc.  

To the third group belongs transport, for example, electrified railways. The fourth consists of agricultural consumers, for example, electro tractors. 

The operating load conditions of each group are determined by the load graph. Showing the consumption of power during different periods of day, month and year, the load graph gives information about the maximum loads and minimum loads.

Large industrial areas with cities are supplied from electric networks fed by electric power plants. These plants are interconnected for operation in parallel and located in different parts of the given area. They may include some large thermal and hydroelectric power plants.

The sum total of the power plants, the networks interconnecting them and the power utilizing devices of the consumers, is called a power system. All the components of a power system are interrelated by the common processes of protection, distribution and consumption of both electric and heat power.

In a power system, all the parallelly operating plants carry the total load of all the consumers supplied by the given system.



Plant – завод

Consumption – потребление

Consumer – потребитель

Load – загрузка

To achieve – достигать

To belong (to) – принадлежать

To feed – снабжать, питать

To determine – определять

To relate – относиться

Predominant – преобладающий

Graph – кривая, график


Exercise 1. Answer the questions


1. What enterprises are called electric power consumers?

2. When do their operating characteristics vary?

3. What consumers belong to the four different groups?

4. What conditions does the load graph determine?

5. What type of system is called a power system?


Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions


To achieve                                       

A person who buys or uses goods or services.

To belong (to)                                 

A diagram showing how two or more quantities or variables are related.


Succeed in doing or producing something.


To be a member of, to be the property of.


Supply something to a machine, etc.


To find out.

To feed                                             

Be the largest or most important  or most powerful.  



Exercise 3. Complete the sentences by translating the words in brackets


1. Speaking about the consumers of electric power, they mentioned municipal consumers with (преобладающий) lighting load. 2. The first place (принадлежит) the second team. 3. Electric power plants (снабжают энергией) electric networks which supply large industrial areas with cities. 4. Water-turbine (заводы) are called hydro turbines. 5. Load graph (определяет) the operating load conditions. 5. Economical (потребление) electric power (достигается) by interconnected operation of power plants.   


Text 3.2

Thermal Steam-turbine Power Plants


Large steam-turbine plants have two forms: condensing plants or electric power plants.

The great masses of hot steam, having accomplished the mechanical work in the turbines of condensing steam-turbine plants, are condensed, that is are cooled down and turned back into distilled water, and returned to the boiler for production of steam to activate the turbine.

Condensation of steam takes place in condensers where the hot steam is cooled when it comes in contact with tubes through which cold water, supplied from a water reservoir (river or lake), is circulated. Having taken the heat from the spent steam, this cooling water is returned to the water source carrying along with it the unutilized heat energy. This water is called the circulating water. The importance of the distilled water for feeding steam boilers is extremely great since chemically clean water decreases the formation of scale in the boiler tubes, and, thus, makes their service life longer.

Condensing plants of large generating capacity are built close to sources of fuel, in order not to transport large quantities of fuel over considerable distances.

The electric power generated in such plants is transmitted over long distances for the supply of large industrial regions. So these plants are called regional thermal power plants.

Heat and electric power plants, in addition to electric power generation, also supply heat to closely located consumers (within a radius of 50 km), that is serve as district heat plants. To such heat consumers belong all kinds of industrial enterprises that require heat for production purposes, and also municipal consumers such as baths, laundries and the heating systems of dwelling houses and other buildings.

The electric power developed by the generators is fed to the switchboard of the plant, whence it is delivered by overhead transmission and cable lines to the consumers.



Steam – пар

Distilled – дистиллированная

Boiler – котел

Turbine – турбина

Quantity – количество

Thermal – тепловой

Purpose – цель

Transport – перевозить

To accomplish – совершать, выполнять

Considerable – значительный

Transmit – передавать


Exercise 1. Answer the questions


1.     How many forms do large steam-turbine plants have?

2.     In what parts of the power plant does condensation of steam take place?

3.     Why is distilled water used to feed the steam boilers?

4.     Where are the condensing plants of large generating capacity built?


Exercise 2. Match synonyms



To come back                             

To accomplish                 

To produce

To return                          



To perform






To situate

To locate                          

Clean, pure   

Exercise 3. Match the antonyms                       


To cool down                   


To Decrease                     

To use






To heat


To increase




Exercise 4. Match the word with their definitions


1. Steam                                         

Purify a liquid by boiling it and condensing the  vapour

2. Condense                                   

A container in which water is heated

3. Distil                                          

Go round something continuously                                                 

4. Boiler                                         

The gas or vapour that comes from boiling water

5. Circulate                                    

What you intend to do; a plan or aim 

6. Considerable                              

Send or pass on from one person or place to  another

7. Transmit                                     

Change from gas or vapour to liquid

8. Purpose                                      

Fairly great


Exercise 5. Complete the sentences by translating the words in brackets


1. Hot steam is cooled down and turns back into (дистиллированная) water, and return to the (котел) for production of steam. 2. The electric power generated in plants is (передается) over long distance. 3. Heat and (электра станции) supply heat to closely located consumers. 4. Industrial enterprises require heat for production (целях). 5. They transport large (количество) of fuel.        


Unit 4


Grammar: Gerund.

Text 4.1 Electric motors


                   Table 4



V+ ing


1. Subject:                               1) Carrying out this experiment without 

                                                        Professor is useless.

                                                2) The professor’s taking part in the 

                                                        experiment was necessary.

2. Predicate:                            1) One of the effects of heat is turning a solid 

                                                      into liquid.

                                                2) The aim of our institute is taking the first 


3. Object:                                1) He likes reading.                                                               

                                                2) Motors are used for converting different 

                                                      forms of energy.


4. Attribute:                             1) The boiling point of water is 100° C. 

                                                 2) I’ll buy this reading lamp.


5. Adverbial modifier:            1) By subjecting air to very great pressure and

  (always with preposition)        cooling  it is possible to transform it into the 

                                                   liquid state.

                                                 2) We improve this situation by creating new 




Exercise 1. Translate the sentences


1. Steam is an important factor in producing usable energy. 2. One of the problems modern research laboratories are working at is the problem of finding materials that can serve as electrical conductors in fusion reactors. 3. On having lost some of its electrons the atom has a positive charge. 4. Is any material capable of being drawn out into a wire? 5. The idea of utilizing the energy of the Sun is not new. 6. Measuring the temperature of the water was required. 7. Heating the liquid up to 100° C is necessary. 8. Thank you for taking part in the conference. 9. We all know of his constructing a new type of generator. 10. There are many ways of solving those problems. 11. On finishing his experiment he began reading. 12. Seeing is believing. 13. He is good at listening lectures. 14. There are several ways of producing electricity. 15. Sorry for being late. 16. The purpose of our factory is producing high quality refrigerators. 17. Upon adding salt we can change the taste of the water. 18. The building up of a power system is of great importance for the national economy. 19. Electrical motors are used for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy. 20. Thermometer is a device for measuring the temperature of the body.


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences


1.Использование атомного топлива для производства электричества очень перспективно. 2.Один из способов производства электричества происходит с помощью генераторов. 3. При выполнении задания он сделал несколько ошибок. 4. Улучшение производства высоко качественных пылесосов необходимо. 5. Мы закончили тестировать этот прибор к концу недели. 6. Он  использовал прибор, не прочитав инструкцию по эксплуатации. 7. Извините за то, что я не участвовал в этой работе. 8. Участие профессора в эксперименте помогло всей лаборатории. 9. Поддерживать постоянную температуру необходимо. 10. Наша цель найти другие способы решения этой проблемы. 11. Мы знаем, что медь является хорошим проводником электричества. 12. Невозможно преобразовать воду в пар без предварительного нагрева.


Text 4

Electric Motors


Electric motors are used for converting different forms of energy into mechanical energy.

The main part of a motor is a coil or armature. The armature is placed between the poles of a powerful magnet. When a motor is put into operation current starts flowing through the coil (armature) and armature starts rotating. 

Electric motors are used practically in every branch of industry, transport and agriculture. Naturally, they are produced in many different designs. They are used in industrial plants, and operate under different conditions.

Each motor is supplied with a nameplate which bears machine ratings: output power, voltage, the rated current, the starting current, the power factor, the efficiency, and the related torque.

These motor ratings should be taken into consideration since they are necessary for the users. On them depends the length of motor’s service life, which is normally equal to about 10 years, provided that the operating conditions are normal. Naturally, under abnormal conditions the service life becomes much shorter: motor operate poorly and may have different faults.



Convert – превращать

Powerful – мощный

To put into operation – приводить в действие

Branch – отрасль, ветвь

Conditions – условия

Pole – полюс

Torque – вращение

Nameplate – (заводская) табличка

Different – разный


Exercise 1. Answer the questions


1.     What are electric motors applied for?

2.     What is the motors main part?

3.     Where is the armature placed?

4.     Where are the electric motors used?

5.     What rating does the nameplate of a motor bear?

6.     Under what conditions do the electric motors operate normally?

        7. Under what conditions do the electric motors operate poorly?  

Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions



Either terminal of an electric cell or battery


The situation or surrounding etc. that affect  something                              

To put into operation                           

To change from one state into another


Unlike not the same


Having a great power, strength, or influence


To make work


A shop or office etc. that belongs to a large  organization


Exercise 3. Match synonyms


To transform                            



To work


To convert



To operate                                

To apply

To use                                       



Exercise 4. Match antonyms



To ignore





To take into consideration                     





Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the following words 


Conditions, coil, to convert, to rotate, poles, nameplate, faulty.


1. Electrical motors _________ electrical energy into mechanical. 2. The motor’s main part is _________. 3. The armature is placed between the __________.4. Motors’ life becomes shorter under abnormal __________. 5. __________ motors operate poorly. 6. Motor is supplied with _________which bears machine ratings. 7 Current flows through the coil and the armature starts __________.  


The table of irregular verbs





































































































































нести, родить






жечь, гореть


лить (металл)



чертить, рисовать

гнать, ехать







идти, уходить












бежать, течь






взять, брать







Список литературы


1. Tom Hutchinson and Alan Water. Interface “English for technical communication”. Longman group Limited, 1984.

2. Eric H. Glendinning and Norman Glendinning. “Electrical Engineering”. 2003

3. Луговая А.Л. Английский язык для энергетических специальностей. –

Издательство “Высшая школа”, Москва, 2003.

4. Новый словарь английского языка oxford / Дж. М. Хокинс, Э. Делаханти, Ф. Макдональд. –  М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2004.



Unit 1.................................................................................................................. 3

Unit 2................................................................................................................ 12

Unit 3................................................................................................................ 20

Unit 4................................................................................................................ 26

Список литературы.......................................................................................... 31