Некоммерческое акционерное общество 


Кафедра Иностранные языки






для студентов 1 курса всех форм обучения  


Алматы 2008

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ:  З.А. Райымкул. Английский язык. Тестовые задания для определения уровня знаний для студентов 1 курса всех форм обучения. – Алматы: АИЭС, 2008г. – 32с.


Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов 1 курса всех направлений института. Методические указания содержат тесты для определения стартового уровня знаний по английскому языку. Тестовые задания отражают основной лексический и грамматический материал, который должен быть усвоен в курсе школьной программы.


Entry Test

 I Variant 

1. John is English … an English boy.

    a) He is

    b) She is                                                                                                        

    c) IT is

    d) I am


2. What … …?  I’m a student.

     a) do you

     b) do you do

     c) you

     d) you do


3.  That isn’t your coat. It’s … coat.

     a) me

     b) my

     c) I

     d) he


4. Why not go to the National Gallery?

     I …… there yesterday.

     a) go

     b) went

     c) gone

     d) going


5. I … … … to Russia.

    a) have never been

    b) been have never

    c) have never

    d) never been


6. My sister ……for my birthday.

    a) gave me a book

    b) gave to me a book

    c) gave a book me

    d) me gave a book




7. Please be quiet. He told me …….

    a) be quiet

    b) to be quiet

    c) that be quiet

    d) that I be quiet


8. When I was a child I ……a lot of sweets.

     a) use eat

    b) eat

    c) used to eat

    d) am used to it


9. I think you’d better ……to the Doctor.

    a) to go

    b) go

    c) going

    d) to going


10.They ……so much that they went to sleep in the garden.

     a) were eating

     b) had eaten

     c) have eaten

     d) eating


11. I ……here for 5 years in November.

      a) shall be

      b) will be

      c) shall have been

      d) will have


12. Where is Piccadilly Circus? She asked me where …….

      a) Piccadilly Circus was

      b) is Piccadilly Circus

      c) was Piccadilly Circus

      d) Piccadilly Circus


13. Great Britain consists of ……parts.

      a) the three

      b) three

      c) a three

      d) that three



14. It is washed by the waters of …….

      a) an Atlantic Ocean

      b) Atlantic Ocean

      c) The Atlantic Ocean

      d) This Atlantic Ocean  


15. Scissors …a small tool with two sharp blades screwed together.

      a) am

      b) are

      c) is

      d) be


16. What …his politics? – He supports the Labor party.

       a) are

       b) is

       c) be

       d) am


17. I heard it … the radio.

      a) in

      b) on

      c) by

      d) at


18. I was busy and couldn’t listen …the radio.

      a) to

      b) on

      c) for

      d) in


19. Of two evils choose the ….

      a) less

      b) little

      c) least

      d) more


20. …people sell their souls and live with a good conscience on the proceeds.

     a) the most

     b) most

     c) much

     d) are



21. If we hadn’t taken the same plane, we might have never met ….

      a) each other

      b) one another

      c) themselves

      d) ourselves


22. It was reported that …were present at the meeting.

      a) both

      b) all

      c) everybody

      d) anybody


23. We shall not begin the meeting until everybody ….

       a) comes

       b) won’t come

       c) come

       d) shall come


24. There …not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.

      a) is

      b) were

      c) are

      d) was


25. What …American public schools teach?

       a) are

       b) do

       c) does

       d) have


26. I know you …an advanced geography course now.

      a) were taking

      b) is taking

      c) are taking

      d) was taking


27. It …since early morning.

      a) rained

      b) had rained

      c) has been raining

      d) rain


28. Perhaps in the future men …on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.

       a) will live

       b) would live

       c) are living

       d) is living


29. Have you finished the translation yet? – I …the translation by nine o’clock tomorrow morning.

      a) shall have finished

      b) have finished

      c) had finished

      d) will finish


30. My friend …on the ship for fifteen years by next year.

      a) will have been serving

      b) have served

      c) was serving

      d) were serving


31. The main ideas were set forth in the statement which …in the press the day before.

       a) appeared

       b) had appeared

       c) has appeared

       d) are appeared


32. The war broke out in 1914. The European ruling classes …for it for twenty years.

       a) prepared

       b) had prepared

       c) had been preparing

       d) has prepared


33. America’s first college, Harvard, …in Massachusetts in 1636.

      a) is being founded

      b) had been founded

      c) was founded

      d) is founded


34.The story of the first Thanksgiving feast …among the Americans.

      a) is well known

      b) have been well-known

      c) would have been well-known

      d) are well known


35. She asked …back with further news.

      a) to phone

      b) to being phoned

      c) to be phoned

      d) is phoning


36. If you buy any more books we …any place to sleep.

      a) don’t have

      b) won’t have

      c) haven’t had

      d) will have


37. If we ……air, there would be no sound.

      a) won’t have

      b) hadn’t had

      c) did not have

      d) do not have


38. If the Titanic had not hit an iceberg, she ……on her first voyage.

      a) would not sink

      b) would not have sunk

      c) did not sink

      d) does not sink


39. I wish you …me something about the Tower of London.

      a) would tell

      b) told

      c) telling

      d) tells


40. …plants and animals deep in the ocean, science may find a cure for some of the most serious human diseases.

      a) on studying

      b) by studying

      c) having studied

      d) is studying


41. The problem …is of great significance.

      a) discussing

      b) being discussed

      c) discussed

      d) discuss


42. I saw her …the street.

      a) crossed

      b) having crossed

      c) crossing

      d) cross


43. She is known …on a very important problem now.

      a) to have worked

      b) working

      c) to be working

      d) work


44. I have never heard him ….

      a) to sing

      b) sing

      c) to have sung

      d) is singing


45. You …take care of your parents.

       a) should

       b) ought to

       c) are to

       d) is to


46. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I …read without glasses.

      a) can not

      b) may not

      c)won’t be able to

      d) must not


47. The real history of the period between 1688 and the middle of the eighteen century ……summed up in three words: accumulation of capital.

      a) need be

      b) will be able to be

      c) can be

      d) ought to be

48. Excuse me, …tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please?

      a) could

      b) may

      c) will

      d) should


49. …I mind a drink, if you had one.

      a) shouldn’t

      b) wouldn’t

      c) haven’t

      d) mustn’t


50. The Pilgrims had only the belongings they …on the small ship.

       a) had brought

       b) be brought

       c) have brought

       d) has brought      

II Variant


1. This is a pen. Those …books.

    a) is

    b) am

    c) are

    d) be


2. I’m sorry. I … … understand.

    a) no

    b) not

    c) doesn’t

    d) don’t


3. Take your coat. It … … rain.

    a) is going to

    b) will

    c) is

    d) has


4. Where ... …yesterday? I didn’t go anywhere.

     a) went you

     b) did you went

     c) did you go

     d) was you go

5. Richard ……… the tickets.

     a) already bought

     b) has already buy

     c) has already bought

     d) buy


6. The man … came yesterday is very rich.

     a) he

     b) who

     c) has

     d) when


7. I am a student. He told me that ……a student.

    a) I am

    b) I was

    c) he was

    d) he is


8. “…Romeo and Juliet.” “Yes, I saw it on Wednesday.”

     a) did you seen

     b) have you seen

     c) will you see

     d) do you see


9. Tea will be ready when you ……home.

    a) gets

    b) get

    c) will get

    d) shall get


10. Would you mind ……me a cigarette, please?

       a) give

       b) giving

       c) to give

       d) having given


11. I wish I ……a lot of money.

      a) had

      b) have

      c) will have

      d) would have


12. The streets are wet. It ……raining.

      a) must have

      b) must have been

      c) had to

      d) must to be


13. The Queen of Great Britain is not ….

      a) the absolute

      b) absolute

      c) an absolute

      d) is absolute


14. Draughts …not a complicated game.

      a) are

      b) is

      c) be

      d) am


15. The Prime Minister arrived …the capital on Monday.

      a) to

      b) in

      c) at

      d) by


16. He came …a two-day official visit at the invitation of the Government.

       a) with

       b) for

       c) on

       d) within


17. Honesty is …policy.

      a) the best

      b) better

      c) more better

      d) good


18. …men declare war. But it is the youth that fight and die.

      a) Oldest

      b) Older

      c) Elder

      d) Poor


19. …people are early risers.

      a) any

      b) some

      c) no

      d) anyone


20. Have you got …objections?

      a) no

      b) some

      c) any

      d) much


21. What …have you seen at the museum?

      a) still

      b) more

      c) else

      d) many


22. Tom has …finished his work.

      a) still

      b) already

      c) yet

      d) else 


23. … there millions of stars within our galaxy?

      a) is

      b) are

      c) has …been

      d) does


24. About 85 percent of American students …public schools, which are supported by state local taxes.

      a) attended

      b) have attended

      c) attend

      d) are attend


25. …you ever a film in which a train crashed or a ship sank?

      a) did …see

      b) have …seen

      c) do …see

      d) will …see

26. Recently BBC experts … a new system that lets the deaf understand television programmers.

     a) have invented

     b) invented

     c) to invent

     d) invent


27. As your leader I’ll tell you about our future excursions. We … by tram at nine in the morning and coming back at about seven.

      a) shall be living

      b) shall leave

      c) shall have been living

      d) is leave


28. – Has Ann made up her mind on what to do after finishing school?

     - Oh, yes. She ……the University.

     a) is going to enter

     b) enters

     c) entering

     d) enter


29. Sir Walter was a proud knight, and …to think that he had to submit to the commands of a tyrant lord.

     a) had hated

     b) was hating

     c) hated

     d) hate


30.When Jim came out of the army he …what to do.

     a) is wondering

     b) has wondered

     c) was wondering

     d) are wondering


31. The European experts …long …that the arms race would lead to war.

      a) were …warning

      b) had …been warning

      c) would … be warning

      d) will … be warning




32. Over 57 million students …in American schools which range from kindergaderns to high schools.

       a) were enrolled

       b) are enrolled

       c) has been enrolled

       d) enrolling


33. She says that American hotel managers …a very difficult job now.

       a) have had

       b) have

       c) will have

       d) has


34. She asked me what holidays ….

      a) I liked

      b) have I liked

      c) did I like

      d) I like


35. If your teeth hurt you, you …a dentist.

      a) ought to see

      b) should see

      c) would see

      d) need to see


36. If wishes were horses, beggars …ride.

      a) might

      b) would may

      c) will be allowed to

      d) must


37. I wish you …interrupting me.

      a) to stop

      b) would stop

      c) have stopped

      d) will stop


38. I wish you …us on the excursion.

      a) joining

      b) could have joined

      c) to join

      d) must have joined

39. He is looking forward …to the country.

      a) to going

      b) for going

      c) to having gone

      d) in going


40. By the end of this century there will be 600 million people around the world …in absolute poverty.

       a) living

       b) having lived

       c) lived

       d) live


41. The proposal is reported ……by the committee.

      a) to be approved

      b) to have been approved

      c) to approve

      d) approve


42. He was considered …a good teacher.

      a) to be

      b) to have been

      c) was

      d) were


43. I believed him …the most honest person.

      a) to be

      b) is

      c) be

      d) are


44. The traffic made me …as if my head would burst.

      a) to have felt

      b) to feel

      c) feel

      d) felt


45. Don’t you see I’m tired? You …me, you know.

      a) might have …helped

      b) could … help

      c) may …help

      d) must …help

46. Police, firefighters, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters …work on holiday in the USA.

       a) could

       b) might

       c) must

       d) may 


47.  …you could come and sit down?

       a) could

       b) are

       c) won’t

       d) is


48. …you like a cup of coffee?

      a) should

      b) would

      c) could

      d) ought to


49. …there a good connection from the airport to the city?

      a) are

      b) does

      c) is

      d) do


50. Is the US legislative branch made up of two …three houses?

      a) or

      b) than

      c) and       


III Variant


1. I’m English … French?

    a) You’re

    b) Are you

    c) Are

    d) You


2.  “… you like a cup of tea?” “Yes, please.”

     a) would

     b) could

     c) may

     d) do


3.  “No, I don’t want … tomatoes.”

     a) some

     b) a

     c) they

     d) any


4. You … … work hard to pass the examination.

     a) must

     b) can

     c) were

     d) do


5. Don’t go out. It …… rain.

    a) can

    b) may

    c) did

    d) was


6. John is good at football but Richard is …

    a) good

    b) well

    c) better

    d) gooder


7. Susan will come to tea if you ……her.

    a) asks

    b) ask

    c) asked

    d) will ask


8. The house ……last year.

     a) built

     b) has built

     c) was built

     d) is built


9.  If I were you ……home.

     a) I’d go

     b) I go                                

     c) I’ll go

     d) I’m go


10. I like him. He makes me ….

      a) laughing

      b) laughter

      c) laugh

      d) to laugh


11. He is rather dirty. He ……a bath before he came here.

      a) had

      b) has had

      c) should have had

      d) would have


12. He’s too old to paint the house himself, so he …….

      a) is painted the house

      b) is having his house painted

      c) is going to paint his house

      d) is having painted his house


13. … is the main modern art museum in London.

      a) Tate Gallery

      b) A Tate Gallery

      c) The Tate Gallery

      d) This Tate Gallery


14. …drive on the left-hand side in their country.

      a) The British

      b) British

      c) A British

      d) That British


15. III news …fast.

      a) travels

      b) travel

      c) are traveling

      d) is travelling


16. Bright …should start school as early as possible.

     a) childrens

     b) children

     c) childs

     d) childhood


17. You will find the news … the bottom of the newspaper page.

       a) at

       b) in

       c) on

       d) before


18. The most important thing … the present time is to get rid of the prejudice that only special officials can carry on the administration of the State.

       a) in

       b) for

       c) at

       d) with  


19. Actions speak …than words.

      a) more louder

      b) the loudest

      c) louder

      d) loud


20. …the traffic goes by the main road.

       a) the most

       b) most

       c) most of

       d) most of all


21. There are …places of interest you can visit and enjoy in London.

       a) the other

       b) another

       c) other

       d) the others

22. If the blind leads the blind … shall fall into the ditch.

      a) every

      b) both

      c) all

      d) anyone


23. I can come tomorrow if you …it.

      a) will like

      b) like

      c) liked

      d) likes


24. Civilization will never flow backward while there … youth in the world.

      a) has been

      b) are

      c) is

      d) have 


25. All historical places of London …in the West End.

      a) had been

      b) were

      c) are

      d) was


26. Now she …difficulty in putting facts in order.

      a) is having

      b) has been having

      c) had

      d) have


27. You are a good football-player. Since when …you …football?

       a) have … been playing

       b) did … play

       c) had … been playing

       d) does … playing


28. The student …as an apprentice to a trained worker next week.

      a) shall work

      b) will work

      c) would work

      d) should work


29. In three months he …here a year.

      a) has been

      b) will have been

      c) was

      d) are


30. …they … …in the mountains for a month by July?

      a) will …travel

      b) will …have been traveling

      c) will …be traveling

      d) shall … travels


31. By the sixteenth century a new economic system ……feudalism.

      a) replaced

      b) was replacing

      c) had replaced

      d) have replacing


32. It was pointed out that the patient …treatments for heart problems for a year.

      a) had been having

      b) had

      c) would have been having

      d) has


33. Now London’s councilmen …to approve the erection of a life statue of Charlie Chaplin in the costume that the British-born comedian made famous in his films.

       a) being asked

       b) asked

       c) are being asked

       d) are asking


34. Mr. S was sure that prisoners of conscience … in at least 70 countries.

      a) are being held

      b) were being held

      c) being held

      d) held


35. The driver was requested … so fast.

      a) not to drive

      b) don’t drive

      c) hasn’t to drive

      d) aren’t drive


36. When you heat water it ….

      a) boils

      b) has boiled

      c) boiling

      d) to boil


37. He speaks as if he … …London himself.

      a) visited

      b) visits

      c) had visited

      d) to visit


38. It’s high time we …the report for consideration to the committee.

         a) had submitted

         b) submitted

         c) submit

         d) submits


39. It is necessary that you ……a travel card and use it at any time at weekends and Bank Holidays.

      a) would be buying

      b) buy

      c) should have bought

      d) bought


40. William the Conqueror is famous for …England.

       a) having been conquered

       b) conquering

       c) having conquered

       d) conquered


41. …a One Day Travel card not only gives you a return to London from your local station, it is also passport to unlimited travel on London ‘s trains, Tubes and most buses.

       a) to buy

       b) buying

       c) having bought

       d) are buying


42. …her address I could not write her a letter.

      a) not knowing

      b) without knowing

      c) not to know

      d) is knowing


43. Viewers …to object to the growing amount of violence on TV.

       a) are not seem

       b) do not seem

       c) are not seeming

       d)  seems


44. Do you want me …a new theory to the class?

      a) to present

      b) to be presenting

      c) to have presented

      d) presents


45. The power of knowledge …placed in the hands of people.

      a) should be

      b) ought to be

      c) need to be

      d) needs


46. We …commemorate great people.

       a) must

       b) need to

       c) may

       d) can


47. Twelve delegates representing gypsy groups from several countries …for six days of talks at the end of February.

       a) can meet

       b) have to meet

       c) are to meet

       d) must to meet


48. In the spring, with the help from the Indians, the Pilgrims … for the next winter.

      a) were prepared

      b) have prepared

      c) prepared

      d) are preparing


49. Ancient people didn’t know that the Earth …around the Sun.

      a) goes

      b) has gone

      c) went

      d) go


50. It was evident that water …at 100oC.     

     a) boils

     b) has gone

     c) went

     d) boil


IV Variant

1. I speak English.  She … Japanese.

    a) speaking

    b) do speak

    c) speaks

    d) are speaking


2. Where … … now?

     a) lives he

     b) is he living

     c) he is living

     d) he living


3. “Where …… yesterday?”  “I was at home.”

    a) you were

    b) you was

    c) you

    d) were you


4. My French is very good. I speak French …

    a) good

    b) bad

    c) well

    d) badly


5. Richard ……to a girl when I saw him.

    a) talk

    b) talking

    c) will talk

    d) was talking


6. John … … since he left school.

    a) was working

    b) works

    c) has been working

    d) will be working


7. I’m not as clever as you. You are ……I am.

    a) clever than

    b) cleverer as

    c) cleverer than

    d) more clever


8.  Mary enjoys …… in London.

     a) to live

     b) living

     c) having living

     d) when lived


9. “Have you finished?” He asked me ….

    a) have I finished

    b) if I have finished

    c) If I had finished

    d) If I finished


10. What about … to the cinema tonight?

       a) going

       b) we go

       c) to go

       d) go


11. If you ……gone to the party you would have seen him.

      a) had

      b) would have

      c) have

      d) should have


12. I’d rather you ……later. I’m busy now.

      a) come back

      b) will come back

      c) came back

      d) had come back


13. It is evident that … want peace.

      a) a people

      b) the people

      c) people

      d) peoples


14. We’ll take …holiday.

      a) four-day

      b) a four day

      c) a four days

      d) four days


15. I congratulate you … the event.

      a) on

      b) with

      c) for

      d) back


16. The conference began …October 18.

      a) at

      b) in

      c) on

      d) to


17. What’s the …news of today?

       a) later

       b) latest

       c) least

       d) last


18. If you require …information or assistance, ask at your local station.

      a) further

      b) farther

      c) furthest

      d) farther


19. You can buy stamps at …post office.

      a) any

      b) some

      c) no

      d) on


20. I don’t know about it; ask …else.

      a) nobody

      b) anybody

      c) somebody

      d) some




21. Don’t make such a noise!

     Are the children …sleeping?

      a) still

      b) yet

      c) more

      d) more over


22.Don’t worry. He is …on the danger list.

     a) no more

     b) not longer

     c) no longer

     d) long


23. There is …in the garden waiting for you.

       a) Pete

       b) your friend

       c) a man

       d) men


24. Wise kings generally …wise councilors.

       a) to have

       b) has

       c) have

       d) had


25. The nation’s income and productivity …enormously over the past 70 years.

       a) rose

       b) has risen

       c) have risen

       d) rise


26. American schools for many years … federal aid for special purposes.

      a) have received

      b) received

      c) receive

      d) receives


27. What …you … … at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon?

       a) would …do

       b) were …do

       c) will …be doing

       d) was …do

28. After the festival’s  over she …a vacation with her family.

      a) will take

      b) take

      c) taking

      d) takes


29. …you …the ancient stone carvings at the museum last week?

      a) have …seen

      b) did …see

      c) had …seen

      d) does …seen


30. His parents were sick, they didn’t have much money, so they … pretty desperate.

       a) were getting

       b) are getting

       c) have gotten

       d) have got       


31. It was reported that a plane from the air field …since the previous morning.

      a) was missing

      b) had been missing

      c) has been missing

      d) were missing


32. The students …on the Industrial Revolution at the end of the term.

       a) will be tested

       b) are being tested

       c) will have been tested

       d) is tested


33. Receptionist told Mrs. N. that her son …for the past 24 hours.

      a) hadn’t been seen

      b) wasn’t seen

      c) isn’t seen

      d) aren’t seen


34. He wanted to know which bus …

      a) should she take

      b) she should take

      c) she took

      d) she take

35. When you go abroad …very attentive.

       a) are

       b) will be

       c) be

       d) is


36. If the Spanish government ……Columbus with ships, he would not have discovered a new continent.

       a) did not equip

       b) had not equipped

       c) were not equipping

        d) was equipping


37. I suggest that the film …developed at once.

      a) be

      b) would have been

      c) to be

      d) was


38. I insist that letter …immediately.

      a) be answering

      b) to be answer

      c) be answered

     d) to answer


39. William 11, 7th Duke of Normandy founded his dynasty …Harold II to become William I of England.

       a) for killing

       b) in killing

       c) by killing

       d) to kill


40. While …the book I came across a lot of interesting facts.

       a) studying

       b) study

       c) having studied

       d) studies


41. He is said …a novel for ten years.

      a) to have been writing

      b) to have written

      c) to be writing

      d) write


42. He is expected …a report on Monday morning.

      a) make

      b) will make

      c) to make

      d) makes


43. I expected them …the problem in detail.

      a) consider

      b) to consider

      c) considering

      d) considers


44. I hate him ….

      a) laugh at

      b) to laughed at

      c) laughed at

      d) laughs


45. Whatever else the government …to undertake, its duty is to keep order in civil society.

      a) must try

      b) might try

      c) may try

      d) need try


46. No museum …ever …buy even one painting by this artist.

      a) has …been able to

      b) might …have

      c) has …been allowed to

      d) may … have 


47. It was reported that in honor of Tatiana, the patron saint of students, a Neo-Scholastic party …by the sponsors the day before.

      a) was organized

      b) had been organized

      c) is organized

      d) organize




48. What was the result of the dispute you …in?

      a) are

      b) were

      c) have been

      d) was


49. …Washington the first city in history to be built for the purpose of governments?

       a) was

       b) did

       c) were

       d) are 


50. May the writer criticize …praise the actions of some public officials?

      a) or

      b) but

      c) than

      d) that       


Список  литературы 

1. И.П. Куклина. Energy is the source of life. Пособие для средних специальных технических учебных заведений. – СПб: Изд-во Каро, 2000.

2. Keith Boeckner. P. Charles Brown. Computing. 2003.

3. Т. Ю. Полякова, Е.В. СинявскаяО.И. Тынкова, Э.С. Улановская. Английский язык для инженеров. – М.: Высшая школа, 2003.