Алматинский институт энергетики и связи




У.Ж.Жумабекова, Р.Т.Гожалимова















Практический курс по чтению и переводу технических текстов

(для аспирантов)

Учебное пособие


















Алматы 2004



           УДК 802.0:33 (075.8)

           Английский язык. Практический курс по чтению и переводу технических 

           текстов (для аспирантов):

           Учебное пособие /У.Ж.Жумабекова,Р.Т.Гожалимова;

           АИЭС,Алматы,2004.-       с.






         Учебное пособие предназначено для развития навыков чтения, перевода

и понимания текстов на английском языке по различным направлениям: 

энергетика, радиотехника, теплотехника, экономика. Разнообразные тексты

по  многим специальностям помогут выявить навыки чтения текстов с целью

извлечения информации.Послетекстовые упражнения проверяют понимание

прочитанных текстов.Тексты предназначены для определения уровня

сформированности лексикограмматических умений.







РЕЦЕНЗЕНТ: зав.кафедрой иностранных языков КазНТУ им.Сатпаева,  

              канд.филолог.наук, Ажибекова Г.Д.









Печатается по плану издания Министерства образования и науки   Республики Казахстан на 2004г.




ISBN     --------------------







Network Resource Management for Enterprise - Wide Multimedia Services


Multimedia applications

Recent advances in high-performance computers and high-speed broadband networks have opened the realms of exciting new enterprise-wide multimedia applications. Examples of such applications include enterprise information's systems, industrial control, patient monitoring systems in hospitals, and so on. These applications are expected to provide remote access to multimedia information to users within and outside an organization.

The support of broadband multimedia over an enterprise network requires communication protocols and networking infrastructure to provide the service quality required by these applications. This poses a broad range of networking challenges for efficient resource management, intelligent switching, and access control for distributed information's. Conventional resource management protocols are limited by the propagation delays involved in coordinating the sharing of link resources.

Most enterprise multimedia applications and services are expected to use some form of information stored at various servers interconnected over broadband network. Retrieval and communication of multimedia data imposes diverse performance and reliability characteristics on the underlying communication infrastructure. For example, while transmitting video and audio data streams, network delays must be bounded to maintain interstream and intrastream temporal synchronization requirements. Interstream synchronization deals with the synchronized playback of related streams, whereas intrastream is required for the continuous presentation of each stream.


Learn these words:





the realms

область, сфера

to pose




a range

сфера, область

to include




to monitor




to provide






to distribute


to require






to share


to delay


to impose








to maintain


to transmit

передавать, пересылать



to deal

иметь дело







Lexical assignments

Exercise 1 Match the words and form a new word combination:

Example: such applications.






















Exercise 2 Find the sentences with new - formed word combinations in the text and translate them.


Exercise 3 Make up your own sentences with these word combinations.


Exercise 4 Read and translate these phrases into Russian:

high-performance computers, high-speed broadband networks, information’s systems, industrial control, patient monitoring systems, to provide remote access,    to provide the service quality,    a broad range of networking challenges,   access control,    distributed information’s, various servers,   diverse performance,    reliability characteristics.


Exercise 5 Find the sentences with these phrases in the text. Translate the sentences.


Exercise 6 Explain the following key notions and make up your own sentences with them:

- recent advances

- multimedia applications

- multimedia information


Exercise 7 Complete the following sentences using the words given below: 

         the realms, communication protocols,  remote access, diverse performance, the propagation delays, information, network delays.


- recent advances in high-performance computers have opened … of exciting new enterprise-wide multimedia applications; - these applications are expected to provide … to multimedia information to users within and outside an organization;

- the support of broadband multimedia over an enterprise network requires … and networking infrastructure; - conventional resource management protocols are limited by … involved in coordinating the sharing of link resources; - most enterprise multimedia applications and services are expected to use some form of … stored at various servers;  - retrieval and communication of multimedia data imposes … and reliability characteristics;  - while transmitting video and audio data streams, … must be bounded to maintain inters ream and intrastream temporal synchronization requirements.




Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: recent advances in high-performance computers and high-speed broadband networks have opened the realms of exciting new enterprise-wide multimedia applications.


Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about multimedia applications



Multimedia information

Multimedia information, in general, has a highly time-varying bandwidth requirement. To achieve proper synchronization without prefetching a large part of the multimedia document, the reserved network resources must be sufficient to meet the documents peak throughput requirement. Static resource reservation schemes are based on fixed resource allocation for a connection. With large variations in bandwidth requirements, static allocation usually results in considerable wastage of network resources.

This underutilization of network resources can be avoided by dynamically allocating resources, in accordance with the throughput profile of the multimedia document. However, due to the multiplicity of concurrent users and finite resources to service them, an enterprise network may not be able to guarantee a certain level of performance.

Therefore, to ensure synchronous delivery and presentation of multimedia information, the dynamic scheme needs to manage resources within network resource constraints. Improper design of the resource allocation scheme can lead to erroneous behavior since synchronization and communication of multimedia data are real-time processes. The dynamic schemes, while being resource-efficient, may require additional processing capabilities of the network. This introduces connection setup latencies, which can increase beyond user-acceptable limits in large enterprise networks.


Learn these words:



to ensure


to achieve







неотъемлемая часть

to prefetch

предварительно выполнять

the multiplicity

сложность, разнообразие



to avoid





недостаточное использование
















скрытое состояние


Lexical assignments

Exercise 1 Translate these word combinations into Russian:

the reserved network resources, bandwidth requirements,  finite resources,  an enterprise network,  a certain level of performance,  the dynamic scheme,  additional processing capabilities,  set-up latencies, in large enterprise networks, considerable flexibility, for managing multimedia traffic, existing networks,  the desired quality, the allocated channel, the user-specified  quality, multiple access support, reallocation of resource, the increase in number of users, guaranteed capacity, the available channels.


Exercise 2 Match the words and form a new word combination:

Example: large variations






network resources

static fixed



resource allocation

allocating resources









resource constraints


allocation scheme






Exercise 3 Write out all the sentences defining the term “allocation”. Translate them into Russian.


Exercise 4 Find in the text sentences about the network resources.


Exercise 5 Give explanations in English:

- the reserved network resources must be sufficient;

- improper design of the resource allocation scheme can lead to erroneous behavior since synchronization and communication of multimedia data are real-time processes.



Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: multimedia information, in general, has a highly time-varying bandwidth requirement.


Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about multimedia information


Exercise 5 Discuss with your partners how you will solve the problem of achieving proper synchronization without prefetching a large part of the multimedia document.



Resource allocation

Allocation of capacity and buffer need to be consistent with the synchronous playback of multimedia information at the destination. Restored data provides considerable flexibility in allocation resources for managing multimedia traffic. By identifying the temporal characteristics and the required presentation quality of the multimedia information being accessed by user, the overall resources required can be determined in advance. In this article, we elaborate on the issues related to the synchronized delivery of multimedia documents over enterprise networks and propose resource management schemes, which optimize resource allocation.

Many existing networks assume packet-switched network architecture, like that in the asynchronous transfer mode networks environment. We introduce a quality of presentation parameter that specifies the desired quality of presentation of multimedia information and is assumed to be specified by users as part of their multimedia information attributes. It is used to quantify the maximum percentage of multimedia data that can be dropped by the server in case the allocated channel capacity in limited. The proposed network management schemes provide optimal allocation of bandwidth based on the user-specified quality of presentation and are applicable when enterprise networks have limited resources to meet the users’ demands.

   The dynamic resource allocation scheme uses a fair policy for all users and switching nodes in the virtual path established -by the routing scheme, while trying to accommodate the user-specified oop. Some important features of this include multiple access support, dynamic allocation of buffer and bandwidth with changing concurrency levels of multimedia data streams, and reallocation of resource at the occurrence of newly generated requests. The dynamic allocation of resources requires some processing at each intermediate network node, and may introduce connection setup latencies.

 In large enterprise networks, with the increase in number of users, the network may not be able to provide a sufficient number of channels for each user as required by the dynamic allocation scheme. For such enterprise network, we propose server-based static scheduling procedures to ensure synchronized presentation of multimedia data at a user station. We assume that the network can provide some number of channels with guaranteed capacity and delay bounds, which may be different for each channel. Since the combined capacity of all the available channels for a connection can be less than the aggregate throughput requirements of the prefetched data to have synchronized playback at the destination. Thus, in addition to compensating for network delays, we need to prescheduled multimedia objects ahead of their playback time.


Learn these words:


узловой пункт








приводить в действие


конечный пункт














окружающая среда

to assume




to elaborate







Lexical assignments

          Exercise 1 Translate these words:

   allocation of capacity, be consistent with,  at the destination,  the temporal characteristics,  the overall resources,  resource management schemes, multimedia data, limited resources,  multiple access support,  the increase in number of users, number of channels,  guaranteed capacity, the combined capacity.

Exercise 2 These words will help you to retell the text:

For example, in general, however, therefore, in general, it is assumed, thus, in addition, for example, by the way, it is said that.

Exercise 3 Choose the right answer:

 1.Recent … in high-performance computers and high-speed broadband networks have opened the realms of exciting new enterprise-wide multimedia applications.

a. results

b. advances

c. success

    2. The support of broadband multimedia over an enterprise network requires communication … and networking infrastructure.

a. protocols

b. systems

c. support

    3. Static resource reservation schemes are based on… resource allocation for a connection.

 a. fixed

 b. various

 c. interesting

         4. The dynamic schemes may require additional ….capabilities of the network.

 a. processing

 b. reading

 c. installing



Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: allocation of capacity and buffer need to be consistent with the synchronous playback of multimedia information at the destination.


Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about resource allocation


The Design and Architecture of a Video Library System

As multimedia technology evolves, the demand for better network service becomes higher. In earlier times, networks have been designed to support file transfer protocol, e-mail, the Wide Area Informa­tion System, the World Wide Web (WWW). These applications have already found their niche in our daily office work. With multimedia, older applications can be upgrad­ed with better service. For example, e-mail with audio and video allows the boss to leave a very clear message for his assistant.

New applications can also be built based on multimedia. For example, video conferencing allows customers to "talk" directly to a service staff from a remote location. Video-on-demand services allow customers to do "teleshopping" or "telecataloging" over the network. If interactive multimedia is to be added to current network service, the real-time require­ment cannot be met because of bandwidth limitation and inadequate protocol support.

In addition, software and databases supporting interactive multimedia services (e.g., video library) are still immature. The problems are lessening because of the rapid development of high-speed net­works and active research in multimedia.

The main function of video operating design is to support real-time interac­tive media. Also, each user has one private virtual server, so a user will not be disturbed by oth­ers. Service contents can be exten­sive, such as movies on demand, interactive video games, interactive news television, catalog browsing, distance learning, interactive adver­tising, and so on.

Seeing the market potential, most cable TV, computer and telecommunication companies have already started research activities in this area. Some have even deliv­ered products onto the market.

To serve customers better, cable TV companies aim at improving current systems to include interactive services. Although previous analog systems can be improved to attain this goal at a lower cost, it is difficult to have future extension because of system capacity limitation. New products like cable modems and set-top boxes may take advantage of the high bandwidth with a digital approach in the near future.

Telecommunication companies approach this market with digital network technology. This approach requires more budgets in the initial stage, but spends less lately. The system capacity and service categories are easier to extend with a dig­ital architecture.

While computer companies focus on developing video operating design sys­tems, they usually develop joint ventures with cable TV com­panies or telecommunication companies to profit from each other's experience.

Nowadays, research in video operating design systems usually targets telecommunication networks with higher-level workstations as their platform. This implies a wide-area approach and usually high research and development expenses.

Our sys­tem uses personal computers with local area networks as a platform on which to offer low-cost video operating design services. It starts from a small local video operating design architecture targeting video library service at companies or communities. This design approach brings down the cost and may find a wider scope of application in the future.

Our research focuses on the underlying software architec­ture for video library services. We assume adequate operating system, network and disk support.

Learn these words



to imply



принцип, подход







to include


to attain


to improve










to   upgrade


to evolve


to  support



Lexical assignments

Exercise 1 Read and translate these word combinations:

         multimedia technology to support file transfer protocol, e-mail, the Wide

Area Informa­tion System, the World Wide Web (WWW), new applications, interactive multimedia, high-speed net­works, active research in multimedia, interactive video,  interactive news television,  interactive adver­tising,  interactive services, a digital approach, a digital network technology,  system capacity, a dig­ital architecture, video operating design sys­tems, telecommunication networks,  a wide-area approach,  local area networks,  a wider scope of application, adequate operating system.

         Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.


Exercise 2 Choose the words to make up a word combination:

    system – informa­tion, capacity, video, operating, design, adequate, operating.

   network - high-speed, digital, capacity, telecommunication,    local area.


Exercise 3 Explain the following notions: current network service, interactive      multimedia services, video library services, network service, video-on-demand services, a service staff, service contents, service categories.

Discuss the differences of meaning of these phrases.


 Exercise 4 Translate these phrases. Find the sentences with these phrases in the text.

current network service, the real-time require­ment, inadequate protocol support, the  rapid development,  high-speed net­works, active research,   video operating design, private virtual server,  the market potential, to serve customers, to include interactive services, to attain a  goal, capacity limitation, to take  advantage,  a digital approach, telecommunication companies,  in the initial stage,  to profit from each other's experience.


         Exercise 5 Choose the right variant:

As multimedia technology evolves, the … for better network service becomes higher.

    a. information

    b. system

    c. demand

New applications can also be built based on  … .

a. multimedia

b.  limitation

c. service

In addition, software and databases supporting interactive multimedia services (e.g., video library) are still … .

                   a. important

                   b. immature

 c. difficult

The main … of video operating design is to support real-time interac­tive media.

                     a. function

                     b. research

                     c. capacity


Grammar revision

         Exercise 1 Find in the text the sentences with verbs in the Passive Voice: have been designed, can be upgrad­ed, can also be built, to be added, cannot be met, to be disturbed by, can be improved.


         Exercise 2 Find the sentences with Present Tenses in the text and translate them.

         Exercise 3 Define the function of the infinitive in this sentence.

To serve customers better, cable TV companies aim at improving current systems to include interactive services.

         Exercise 4 Choose the right variant.

Video conferencing allows customers to "talk" directly to a service staff from a remote location.

a. gerund

b. participle

Software and databases supporting interactive multimedia services are still immature.

a. gerund

b. participle

The main function of video operating design is to support real-time interac­tive media.

a. gerund

b. participle

Cable TV companies aim at improving current systems to include interactive services.

a. gerund

b. participle




            Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- what have networks been designed  in earlier times for?

- is it possible to upgrade applications with better service?

- can new applications also be built based on multimedia?

- what are the examples of new applications?

- what is the main function of video operating design?

- can service contents be exten­sive?

- why have the most cable TV, computer and telecommunication companies started research activities?

- when may the new products like cable modems and set-top boxes take advantage of the high bandwidth with a digital approach?

-  what is the target of the researches in video operating design systems?


         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: if cables had to be specially laid to make connection between terminals and computer, and between computers, the system would to be too expensive.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about telephone circuits used for computer communication.


Remote controls of commutation satellites

As soon as a communications satellite from its launching vehicle, whether rocket or shuttle, it becomes an independent spacecraft relying on remote control by radio from the ground. The sub-system for remote control, known in the trade as tracking, telemetry and command, looks after two main functions. One is the navigation of the satellite as a whole - its injection into orbit and positional control (attitude and orbit) when on station. The other function is to control mechanical and switching equipment to make the space payload operate as a radio relay station - for example, extending antenna; and solar panels, and switching transponders and antenna feeds to meet changing transmission requirements.

The satellite therefore carries a special sub-system for tracking, telemetry and command, which provides two-way communications. The telemetry side monitors and measures what is going on in the spacecraft; the telecommand side makes control adjustments in response to this information. For the two directions of signals there are special receivers, transmitters and antennas. The ground control station has a corresponding two-way radio system.

There are several frequency bands allocated by the ITU specifically for 'space operations'. For example, very high frequency downlink and uplink bands are allocated at 137 and 150 MHz respectively, very high frequency uplink and downlink bands at 2 and 2.2 GHz respectively, and others frequency for use with C-band and K-band satellites.

Examples of current technology are provided by the tracking, telemetry and command system of two European Space Agency: the Olympus and the European Communications Satellite. Overall these systems operate by digital data transmission. Olympus uses S-band radio communication within the uplink band of 2025 - 2120 MHz for command signals and within the downlink band of 2200 - 2300 MHz for telemetry signals. Transmitters and receivers are in the form c transponders which work through an axially-slotted antenna mounted on a mast or tower.

The Olympus command (uplink) digital signals have a data rate of 500 bit/s and are transmitted on an 8-kHz sub carrier. In the spacecraft this channel provides 263 different command output signals. There are also outputs for synchronization of the tracking, telemetry and command system. Telemetry information from the spacecraft to ground is carried on a higher frequency subcarried of 65.5 kHz. This is modulated by telemetry data at a rate of 256 bit/s, using split - phase p. s. k. Altogether there are 512 telemetry inputs of different kinds from the spacecraft. Some take the form of 8-bit serial words; others convey single bits.

European Communications Satellite, being a smaller, special-purpose comsat relative to the multipurpose Olympus, has a small tracking, telemetry and command system. It uses 384 telemetry inputs and 443 command outputs. Tracking, telemetry and command equipment is housed in the spacecraft's communications module and some in its service module. The main eurobeam transmitter and antenna are one means for sending the telemetry signals ground. This is done on a frequency of 11.45 - 11.7 GHz sub - band containing one group of the ECS main communications channels.

Another transmitter is also used for sending telemetry signals - a very high frequency downlink on 137.2 MHz but this operates only during the initial period of manoeuvring the spacecraft into its orbit, that is, from launcher-satellite separation till the end of the transfer orbit. The Eurobeam 11-GHz transmissions provide the permanent telemetry channel to ground when the comsat is finally on-station in its geostationary orbit.


Learn these words





to launch



полезный груз


транспортное средство

to  extend



космический аппарат



to  rely








to  allocate




to house


to  mount



Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Define the part of speech of the words given below.

          Fill in the table.








to launch






communication,  satellite, to launch,  independent,   spacecraft , to house,  main,  function,  navigation, injection, positional,  mechanical, equipment, solar,  transponder, transmission,    to  allocate,            requirements, special,  sub-system, adjustment,  this,  information,  direction,   receiver,  transmitter, specifically, high,  frequency, digital,  different,   European,    smaller, special, relative, module,  channel, initial,  separation,  permanent,  finally. 


         Exercise 2 Read and translate these phrases:

remote control, a communications satellite, launching vehicle, an independent spacecraft, mechanical and switching equipment, to make the space payload operate, a radio relay station, solar panels, to meet changing transmission requirements,  two-way communications, control adjustments,  in response to this information, the ground control station,  several frequency bands,  current technology, digital data transmission, an axially-slotted antenna, telemetry data,  service module, the transfer orbit.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.



         Exercise 3 Find the words in the text which describe the functions of the remote control.

         Translate the sentences.


         Exercise 4 Choose the words which refer to the equipment using in remote control: 

a communications satellite,  a launching vehicle, a rocket, a  shuttle, an independent spacecraft,  radio,  tracking, telemetry and command, a radio relay station,  an extending antenna, solar panels,  switching transponders,  signals,  special receivers, transmitters,  the ground control station,  two-way radio system,

frequency bands,  technology,  European Space Agency, an axially-slotted antenna,  single bits, geostationary orbit.




         Exercise 1 Choose the right answer:

These systems operate by …  data transmission

a. digital

b. analogue

c. physical

The Olympus command (uplink) digital signals have a data rate of … bit/s

a. 500

b. 600

c. 700

European Communications Satellite uses … telemetry inputs

a. 384

b. 516

c. 425

The satellite carries a special sub-system for tracking, telemetry and command, which provides … communications.

a. two-way

b. one-way

c. three – way 


         Exercise 2 What do these figures refer to? Find the sentences with these figures and translate them.


137 and 150,  2 and 2.2,  2025 - 2120, 2200 - 2300,  263,  65.5, 512,  8,  384,  443, 11.45 - 11.7,  137.2,  11.




         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement:  a communications satellite from its launching vehicle, whether rocket or shuttle becomes an independent spacecraft and must rely on remote control by radio from the ground.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about remote controls of communication satellites.




Telephone circuits used for computer communication

Now if cables had to be specially laid to make connection between terminals and computer, and between computers, the system would to be too expensive, and the country would soon have a jungle of wires going all over the place as more and more systems laid down their own communications cables.

There is a very good system of communications cables already existing, provided for the telephone service, and links between computers normally use telephone communications channels. The only difficulty is that the electrical signals, which represent characters in computer system, are a series of electrical pulses, whereas the electrical signals which represent speech, for which the telecommunication service was originally designed, are made up of alternating current waveforms.

Therefore to transmit digital information from a terminal to a computer, or vice versa, using telephone circuits, the pulses must be coded into an alternating current waveform and then decoded at the receiving end so that they are once more in a form which a computer can handle. These two processes are called respectively modulation am demodulation. They are undertaken by a device, which takes its name from these words - a modem (modulator/demodulator). So even terminal connected to a telephone line is connected through a modem and at the far end a modem stands between the telephone line and the minicomputer.

The alternative to a modem is an acoustic coupler. This achieves the same end but in a rather more roundabout way. A modem simply converts one form of electrical signal to another; with an acoustic coupler, the electrical output from the computer is first converted into a coded sound signal, the sound is picked up by an ordinary telephone handset microphone and converted into an electrical signal for transmission over the telephone circuit. In the reverse direction, the received electrical signal coming in over the telephone line is converted to sound in the handset earpiece and the acoustic coupler picks up this sound signal and changes it back into a pattern of electrical pulses which can be handled by the computer.

The coupling between this device and the telephone handset needs to be quite good so that signals are transmitted and received accurately. It also needs to exclude all other noises as these may be interpreted as part of the transmitted code. Couplers work we11 enough with conventional handset designs but some of the more recent designs do not fit into couplers very satisfactorily.

A dedicated telephone line is one which has been hired from British Telecom for a specific route, permanently connected all the time between one computer and another: in such cases modems are always used. And in a typical office environment where one not using £ dedicated line, modem would always be used in preference to acoustic couplers, not just because of the inherently greater reliability, but because of ease of use.

Nearly all modems these days have auto dial and auto receive facilities, and communications software commonly used allows you to store your own file of telephone numbers, so that when you wish to transmit to or collect data from a remote computer you simply select the appropriate telephone number and let the computer and modem get on with establishing the connection.

With an acoustic coupler, you must establish the connection by dialing the number and then, when the call is established place the handset in the acoustic coupler. This kind of device is ideal for people whose employment involves them in a lot of traveling. The coupler is often supplied to fit into the same case a portable computer, so that it is easy for such individuals to be in touch with their company computer on their electronic mailboxes from anywhere they have access to a telephone. A call box is adequate.

Learn these words:











to pick


to  exist


to convert








to code


to transmit


to achieve




a device


to decode


to undertake


to receive


to handle


a pattern










to allow




to store


to select




to  establish


to dial

набирать телефонный номер



to fit



Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Define the part of speech of the words given below.

Fill in the table.








to transmit






specially, connection, computer, expensive, have,  normally,  electrical, character,  originally ,  to transmit , digital,  respectively,  modulation, demodulation, acoustic,  same,  ordinary,  transmission,  a pattern,  accurately,  to exclude,  all,  conventional,  specific, permanently ,  always,  typical, environment,  greater,  reliability, connection, ideal,  employment,  their,  electronic,   mailboxes.


         Exercise 2 Read and translate the following groups of words.

to make connection,  a jungle of wires,  communications cables,   telephone communications channels,  a series of electrical pulses,  alternating current waveforms,  to transmit digital information,   a rather more roundabout way, a coded sound signal, the reverse direction,  a pattern of electrical pulses, the transmitted code, a dedicated telephone line,  a specific route,  a typical office environment,  ease of use, to collect data from a remote computer, a portable computer, to be in touch with.

Find the sentences with these words in the text.


         Exercise 3 Match the words. Example: electrical line.
















         Exercise 4 Give explanations in English to the following phrases: to be in touch with, ease of use.


         Exercise 5 Find in the text the words that have the same meaning as the following expressions: to show something, to apply something, to connect something.


         Exercise 6 Fill in the gaps using the words below:

  communications, modulation, alternating current, converts, must be coded, the telephone line.

         -there is a very good system of … cables already existing;  - the electrical signals which represent speech are made up of … waveforms; - to transmit digital information from a terminal to a computer the pulses …    into an alternating current waveform; -these two processes are called respectively … and demodulation;  -a modem simply … one form of electrical signal to another.

             Exercise  7 The received electrical signal coming in over … is converted to sound in the handset earpiece.


Check your grammar.


         Exercise 1 Choose the right variant.

Now if cables had to be specially laid to make connection between terminals and computer, and between computers, the system would to be too expensive.

            a. имели

            b. должны были

 A dedicated telephone line is one which has been hired from British Telecom for a specific route. 

            a. participle

            b. verb

So even terminal connected to a telephone line is connected through a modem and at the far end a modem stands between the telephone line and the minicomputer.

            a. participle

            b. verb

So even terminal connected to a telephone line is connected through a modem and at the far end a modem stands between the telephone line and the minicomputer.

           a. participle

           b. verb

The only difficulty is that the electrical signals, which represent characters in computer system, are a series of electrical pulses.

            a. состоит в том, что

            b. имеется

The coupling between this device and the telephone handset needs to be quite good.

             a. participle

             b.  gerund

The country would soon have a jungle of wires going all over the place.

             a. participle

             b. gerund


Exercise 1 Form the participles. Example: to exist – existing - existed; 

to provide, to represent, to design, to  make up, to transmit, to receive, to call, to  undertake, to connect, to handle, to dedicate, to hire, to use, to  collect, to  establish, to involve.



         Exercise 1. Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: if cables had to be specially laid to make connection between terminals and computer, and between computers, the system would be too expensive.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about telephone circuits used for computer communication.


         Exercise 5 Look through the text once more and say if the title corresponds to the content of the text. Give your arguments.



National software needs

A diverse group of software engineers flew to Austin about a year ago to discuss the state of complex software systems development. The objective of this two-day workshop was to dissect the discipline to the point where the engineers could pinpoint the most pressing concerns in software research and development and, thus, establish a set of priorities.

Because big software systems demand big budgets, the participants reasoned it would be best to make agreement among them before they try to convince the federal government how it can help in solving the problems.

"One thing other scientific organizations do much better than computing at large, and software in particular, is to conduct a discussion within the discipline so that when it comes time to go to Washington to explain what needs to be funded, it can be explained with one voice", says Mary Shaw, computer science professor. The goal of the workshop was to identity directions for software engineering research as well as potential mechanisms to improve the way research builds from and contributes to practice in the field. The results of those deliberations were recently published in a report from the CSTB called "A Research Agenda for Software Engineering."

The report is aimed at leaders in the academic and corporate research community who should be concerned about large-system software engineering. It is also directed to government funders of software engineering research who control key levers of change. It presents constructive directions for improving software engineering through research, including enhanced interaction among researchers and the development community.

"How to produce software of sufficient quality and in sufficient quantity to meet national needs is a problem that has been festering for some time and is getting worse. Part of the concern is the need to facilitate the development of software for large and complex systems on which the world is becoming critically dependent”, prefaces Joe Traub, the Director of Computer Science Council.

 The work-shoppers were asked to define the problems and priorities in software engineering research, especially in terms of large complex systems. The topic was explored in three ways: Perspectives, Engineering Practices and Research Modes. The 24 participants, an impressive mix of respected academic research and industrial applications software engineers, examined short - and long-term goals for each area. They were also asked to submit position statements that indicate what they consider to be their own worst problem with software production and what they see as the industry's and nation's most critical production difficulties.Their comments and recommendations are also included in the published report.

Although government research agencies and managers were likely targets for this CSTB publication, their role as future founders was not a primary focus of the agenda. According to Shaw, who served as a member of the CSTB workshop steering committee, the reason for the omission was somewhat intentional.

"You can not go to Washington with a long agenda listing all issues as top priority," she says. "It's not just a matter of the discipline deciding what problems are the important ones. It also requires the ability to articulate those problems to someone outside the computing community as to why the world should care."

The participants were driven by a sense that there are problems with large complex production and application software, and were specifically motivated to identify the areas where the software community itself could best contribute. Understanding those problems, Shaw explains, is a precursor to funding levels.

Traub says he hopes this CSTB workshop will lead to more cross fertilization between practitioners and research workers as well as stimulate new research for large complex systems. Shaw agrees, adding that coupling the two communities' makes it easier to determine research projects that will have practical pay-offs in the big software picture.


Learn these words:




участник семинара





to dissect


to facilitate


to pinpoint

указать точно

to fester

поднимать проблему


иметь отношение

to enhance






to demand


to improve




to identify


to reason

приводить доводы



to convince


to conduct


to define




to articulate


to explore




to submit







Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Translate these phrases:

 a diverse group of software engineers, to discuss the state of complex software systems development,  the objective of this two-day workshop,   to dissect the discipline to the point,  the most pressing concerns,  a set of priorities,  in particular, the goal of the workshop,  the academic and corporate research community,  large-system software engineering,  software engineering research,  constructive directions, to produce software of sufficient quality, to meet national needs,  for some time,  to facilitate the development of software, top priority, to determine research projects.

Find the sentences with these words in the text.



         Exercise 2 Match the words:

Example: sufficient quality



software systems


























         Make up sentences with these words.



         Exercise 3 Form new words. Fill in the table.





































engine, to invite, nation, to compute,  to discuss, the state, to develop,  to object, press, to establish, to organize, to explain,  to direct, research, depend, to apply, to state, workshop,  specific.


         Exercise 1 Answer the questions.

- why did a diverse group of software engineers fly down to Austin about a year ago?

- what were the objectives of this two-day workshop?

- what did the participants reason about?

- what was the aim of the report?

- what did Joe Traub say about the problem that has been festering for some time and is getting worse?

- what are the problems and priorities in software engineering research?


         Exercise 2  Choose the right variant

Big software …  demand big budgets.

a. systems

b. science

c. time

The … of the workshop was to identity directions for software engineering research.

  a. goal

  b. direction

  c. software

 The report is aimed at leaders in the … and corporate research community.

a.      like

b.     training

c.     academic

The work-shoppers were asked to define the problems and … in software engineering research.

              a. positions

              b. priorities

              c. production


         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: the report presents constructive directions for improving software engineering through research, including enhanced interaction among researchers and the development community.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about priorities in national software needs.




Technological and building solutions on substation

Main technological solutions

At the substation No 4 by the project in correspondence with technical conditions is provided installation of two transformers by a capacity 16/20 MVA each.

In correspondence with typical design solutions, taking into account a number of attachments, the schematic diagram of the switch gear 110 kV is accepted. On voltage 6kV an attachment of two cable lines for connection to the indoor switch-gear 6kV is provided. The designing of these lines does not enter into scope of the given project.

Besides to a winding of 6kV transformers the attachment of the earthing transformer is provided. On voltage 3 80-220 V the installation of a board of own needs is provided, consisting from two sections, working separately, with a sectional automaton equipped with the system automatic input of a reserve. The board own needs is delivered by firm "ALSTOM".

For accommodation of devices of a guard and board of own needs of substation the control room completely of factory manufacturing delivered by the firm "ALSTOM' is stipulated.

For creation of a visible rupture in circuits of control and heating of the high-voltage equipment, and also in correspondence with the safety precaution; regulations on a site of the substation, the cabinets of control and heating were installed.

The feed of a board own needs is provided on two cables from the indoor switch-gear from different sections. At the substation the operating direct current is 110V, with a feed from storage batteries located in a building of indoor, a switch-gear 6kV is accepted.

According to "The Instruction about the choice of isolation of electric device, the normalized specific effective length, of outflow of external isolation of an electric equipment of a switch-gear makes not less than 3,1 cm/kV.

         In correspondence with a degree of atmospheric contamination the switch-gear 110kV is made open with use of the import equipment. 

The design of a short-circuit currents is executed with reference to the circuit of a network expected for a 2005 for a mode of parallel work of transformers on voltage 110kV.

The engineering solutions, climatic, geological and hydro-geological conditions and conditions of a realization of construction have allowed applying in structures of substation build-up ferro-concrete unified elements under the nomenclature of power construction.

Portals of bus arrangements and a separate standing lightning rod are metal lattice construction. Portals are made as n-figurative frames with fastened posts in the bases. The coupling of posts with traverse is accepted rigid. Elements of posts (racks) and traverses are zinc plated by a hot method.

The bases under transformers are mushroom like ferro-concrete footsteps. Oil header round the base is filled in washed out and sifted gravel and is designed for full volume of oil, filled in the transformer.

The emergency oil is dropped through oil bleeder s in oil catcher. Oil catcher by a volume 18m3 is executed from build-up ferro-concrete rings.

Supports under the equipment - metal marks installed on headbands of unified ferro-concrete posts (racks). The seal of racks in a ground is provided in drilled foundation pits.

The laying of cables at OS-G is carried out in ground and half-underground cable trays and channels overlapped by build-up ferro-concrete plates.

The project develops anticorrosive measures.


Learn these words:













switch gear





охват, размах

to stipulate







пробой (в изоляции)









to execute




to fasten


to sift





непредвиденный случай


предохранительный клапан


задвижка, щеколда


  частично совпадать


Lexical assignments

         Exercise 1 Make notes where it is said about: the transformers, the switch gears, oil catchers, the cables.


         Exercise 2 Tell about the transformers, the switch gears, oil catchers, the cables.

         Exercise 3 Define the main technical solutions at the substation.


         Exercise 4 Make up the pair of synonyms:

in correspondence                                         


the project

to consider

the attachment


to take into account



 the connection


set up


according  to







         Exercise 1 Choose the right variant.

At the substation No 4 is provided installation of … transformers by a capacity 16/20 MVA each.

a. two

     b. ten

          c. twelve

In correspondence with typical design solutions the schematic diagram of the switch gear … is accepted.

a. 110 kV

b. 220 kV

c. 720 kV

Besides to a winding of 6kV transformers the attachment of the … transformer is provided.

          a. loaded

          b. earthing

          c. delivering

In correspondence with the safety precaution regulations on a site of the substation, the … of control and heating were installed.

          a. batteries

          b. cables

          c. cabinets

In correspondence with a degree of atmospheric … the switch-gear 110kV is made open with use of the import equipment.

          a. contamination

          b. heating

          c. condition


Check your grammar.


         Exercise 1 Choose the right variant.

The seal of racks in a ground is provided in drilled foundation pits.

a. participle

           b. verb

The designing of these lines does not enter into scope of the given project.

a. gerund

b. participle

At the substation the operating direct current is 110V.

a. gerund

b. participle

The cabinets of control and heating were installed.

a. были установлены

b. установили

The project develops anticorrosive measures.

 a. измерения

 b. меры


II. Control, automation, diagnostics and record-keeping of the electric power

In the project the problems of automation, relay protection and signaling system are considered. The drawings of the circuits of secondary junctions are executed with allowance for joint discussion and coordination of problems with the representatives of the customer and firm "ALSTOM", the gears of a guard and automation of them are installed at the substation.

According to the block diagrams of a protection and automation the one part of gears of a guard places in a control room at a site of substation, the other part in the indoor switch-gear 6kV.

Operating current is constant. For organization of secondary current circuits of a guard, automation, measurement and record-keeping the project stipulates installation of remote transformers of a current, and also the transformers of a current built-in in the power transformer are used. For assembly of the circuits of secondary junctions the cabinets of management and heating for each connection are installed.

The control of switches 110kV is carried out from a control room. Operating blocking of disconnectors is electromagnetic. Control of disconnectors 110kV with the motor drive is local and remote from a control room. The drive of earthing knifes is manual.

In correspondence with the scheduled operational mode of networks following volume of automation is provided:

- relay protection and automation;

-  individual regulation under a load of transformation ratio of power transformers.


Learn these words:











a load











хранение записи

to carry out


to stipulate

оговаривать условия








Lexical assignments

         Exercise 1 Translate the word combinations.

the problems of an automation, relay protection and signaling system,  joint discussion and coordination of problems,  the block diagrams of a protection,  guard places, operating current,  remote transformers,  the cabinets of management, a control room,  the scheduled operational mode,  relay protection and automation.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.






         Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- w hat problems are considered in the project?

- whom were the drawings of the circuits of secondary junctions executed?

- where are the gears located?

-  what does the project stipulate?

 - are the cabinets of management and heating for each connection     installed?

-  where is the control of switches 110kV carried out from?



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: control, automation, diagnostics and record-keeping of the electric power is fulfilled constantly.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about control, automation, diagnostics and record-keeping of the electric power


III. Protection of a transactions and safety precautions by operation

For maintenance of normal conditions of transactions at the substation it is provided:

-  arrangement of S-G and transformers ensuring a possibility of application for want of repairs and operational service of auto cranes, inventory devices of mechanization of auxiliary operations;

- working and emergency illumination.

The project of substation is executed in correspondence with requests of building norms and rules, fire-prevention and explosion-proof norms of designing of buildings and structures that ensures safe service of electric installations, buildings and structures of substation.

The reliable, safe and rational operation of the substation can be ensured only for want of strict fulfillment of the acting norms and rules regulating safe service of devices and the equipment and observance of "The safety precautions Regulations for want of operation of electric devices ".

For an elimination of error operations of staff for want of production of operating switching in the switching centre at the SS the electromagnetic blocking of disconnectors and high-voltage switches is stipulated.

The safety of staff in a zone of service of electric devices and out site of it limits in a zone of influence of the whole SS from impulse current with lightning rods and surge arresters, by work of a protection from earth closure for want of damage of isolation is ensured with earthing device of the substation.

The electric safety on the SS is ensured by application of the following measures:

-  proper isolation;

- appropriate ruptures up to current-carrying parts;

- earthing device;

-  inscriptions and posters;

- individual and group protective means.

The fulfillment of these measures and following to their recommendations should be the mandatory service regulation at the SS, both constants by staff, and persons temporarily allowed to the substation. By arrangement at the substation main structures and cable communications the project the following requests and measures on maintenance of fire safety in cat facilities are taken into account:

 -the main circuit of electrical junctions, the circuits of own needs a operating current, management of the equipment and arrangement of t equipment are performed in such a manner that for want of beginning fires in cable facilities or outside of it the simultaneous loss of mutually redundant connections excluded;

-  the cable trays are overlapped by removable fireproof plates.


Learn these words:


технический ремонт















to execute



поднимать проблему






















Lexical assignments

         Exercise 1 Define the part of speech of the words given below:

maintenance, normal, transactions, possibility, operational, correspondence, structure, reliable, strict, observance, electromagnetic, disconnector, safety,  closure, proper, appropriate, poster, protective, their, mandatory, person, simultaneous,  mutually, removable.




         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: it is so difficult to find right technical solutions on substation.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about technical and building solutions on substation.



The European Pressured Water Reactor

Nuclear energy will continue to play a significant power of electrical power in view of the growing worldwide demand for electricity as increasing urgency of environmental problems caused by air pollution. The European Pressured Water Reactor will be an attractive solution the European marketplace and around of safety and operating economy.

The European Pressured Water Reactor (EPR) will open a new chapter in clear power generation. Not only will it even further reduce the possibility of severe accidents through its improved safety precautions, but it will also be able limit the consequences of such unlikely accidents, including a core meltdown. The plant itself is such that there are no incisive consequences for the environment.

In addition to increasing the already high level of safety of Western European nuclear power plants, a further primary goal in EPR development is its competitiveness with non-nuclear power plants in the generation of electricity. The creased costs resulting from more comprehensive safety precautions must therefore be made up by lower plant operating costs which are achieved by increasing operating flexibility, fuel utilization and availability.

A basic requirement imposed on the EPR was its evolutionary development out of existing technologies. Advantages of this approach over a revolutionary reactor concept are lower development and subsequent construction costs, a lower risk in terms of licensebility, and continuity in terms of engineering.


Learn these words:










решение проблемы










решение проблемы








навязывать идею




подход к проблеме






Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Translate these word combinations:

to play a significant power, to reduce the possibility, to improve safety precaution,  to increase a level of safety, to  generate electricity, to achieve flexibility, to  develop flexibility.

   Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text and translate them.


         Exercise 2 Give three forms of the given verbs:

to play, to play, to improve, to increase, to  generate, to achieve, to  develop.


         Exercise 3 Suggest Russian equivalents:

nuclear energy, a significant power, an increasing urgency,  environmental problems, air pollution, an attractive solution, an operating economy,  clear power generation, severe accidents,  incisive consequences,  high level, a primary goal,  the creased costs, comprehensive safety, a basic requirement,   evolutionary development,  existing technologies, this approach,  a lower risk.

 Write down the word combinations where the attribute is expressed by: adjective, participle, pronoun.


         Exercise 4 Write down the sentences from the text concerning European Water Pressured reactor. Tell about the reactor.


         Exercise 5 Explain the following notions: 

air pollution, operating economy, improved safety precautions.



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: nuclear energy will continue to play a significant power of electrical power in view of the growing worldwide demand for electricity as increasing urgency of environmental problems caused by air pollution.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.

         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about advantages of evolutionary approach to the problem of improving the existing technologies.



Basic Objectives of the Engineered Safety Features

Requirements in terms of engineered safety features and evolutionary reactor design made it necessary to select the most suitable solution from among the technologies already in use in German and French nuclear power plants. As in case of the harmonization of requirements, existing solutions were not simply chosen or combined - an entirely new safety philosophy was defined.

The safety systems combine the principles of fourfold redundancy (German plants) and of diversity (French plants). This allows the primary objectives of the licensing authorities to be realized, i.e., simplification, diversification and consistent separation of the safety systems. Each system required for accident control consists of four identical subsystems, so that safety is guaranteed even if subsystems should fail.

In addition, subsystems are distributed among different, physically separated divisions of safeguard buildings in order to prevent the failure of all subsystems due to a common cause such as a fire or flooding. The diversity of the design ensures that identical subsystems should fail due to the same causes, such as design or manufacturing flaws, the integrity of the safety functions will be maintained by system which employ different operating principles.

The combination of a high degree of redundancy and different operating principles in order to achieve the same safety objectives not only increases the reliability of the safety functions, but also further reduces the probability of the occurrence of severe accidents.


                                Learn these words:










to  define










to prevent











Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Suggest the Russian version:

to select the most suitable solution, in use,  existing solutions, the primary objectives,  in addition, safeguard buildings,  in order to prevent the failure, a common cause, operating principles, the combination of a high degree of redundancy, the reliability of the safety functions, the probability of the occurrence of severe accidents.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.


         Exercise 2 Translate the underlined words:

a)  safety systems, safety philosophy,  safety functions, safety objectives;

b) identical subsystems, primary objectives, severe accidents;

c) existing solutions, manufacturing flaws, operating principles;



Grammar revision:

         Exercise 1 Define the tense of the Passive Voice:

An entirely new safety philosophy was defined.

The integrity of the safety functions will be maintained

Subsystems are distributed among different divisions of safeguard buildings

         Exercise 2 Form the participles:

    Example:  to combine – combining –combined.

 to allow,  to realize, to require,  to separate, to prevent,  to maintain.  



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: Requirements in terms of engineered safety features and evolutionary reactor design made it necessary to select the most suitable solution from among the technologies already existing.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4Tell about the difference between the safety systems of German plants and French plants.




Structure and Technology of Future Power Supply

The international power plant market has witnessed rapid change during the past several years as a result of fundamental changes in the conditions related to power supply in more and more countries. And power plant technology itself-   not least of all due to changing customer requirements- is characterized by extraordi­narily dynamic development. What trends in electrical power supply have become apparent today from a plant supplier's point of view?

The history of electrical power has been characterized by a steadily increasing rate of power consumption. This trend is the result of the growing price-worthiness of electrical power, particularly due to advances made in power plant technology, as well as rapid development of more and more new electrical devices and electrical power applications.

While worldwide electrical power consumption was approximately one trillion kilowatt-hours in 1950, by 1990 it had climbed to twelve times that figure, nearly 12 trillion kilowatt hours annually. During the same period, the world's population doubled from 2.6 to 5.4 billion. Today, annual worldwide electrical power consumption stands at 14 trillion kilowatt-hours, with the U.S. leading the way consuming more than 2 trillion kilowatt-hours; Germany accounts for 540 billion kilowatt-hours.

The electrification process reflected in these figures is not the result of the extensive advertising campaigns by the power generating industry, but rather the result of the specific advantages and special characteristics of electrical energy, which, in many applications, meets human needs better than any other form of energy.

Future increases in electricity consumption and power plant capacity will be determined largely by the trends in population growth, economy, energy pricing, and consumer behavior. While power generating technology will continue to evolve in the future, major changes in the structure of the power generating industry are expected due to global development trends such as deregulation/ liberalization, globalization and privatization.

With the aim of providing electrical power more cost-effectively, the idea of opening up the power generation markets originated in the U.S. and has already advanced quite far, particularly in Britain and the Scandinavian countries.

Experience gathered has provided first results, and also indicates the advantages and disadvantages associated with the various models. Overall, the results are positive. Many fears, such as increased disruptions in the power supply, did not materialize.


Learn these words:


давать показания







power supply

снабжение энергией






шкала, уровень






Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Suggest the Russian equivalents:

     the international power plant market,  fundamental changes, power plant technology, extraordi­narily dynamic development, electrical power supply,  a steadily increasing rate of power consumption,  electrical power applications,  worldwide electrical power consumption,  the power generating industry, power plant capacity, power generating industry,  the advantages and disadvantages associated with the various models.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.


         Exercise 2 Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text and translate them.


         Exercise 3 Define the part of speech of the words given below:

international, several,  fundamental,  technology,  itself, customer,  requirement, extraordi­narily,  dynamic, development,  electrical, apparent,  supplier,  steadily, consumption, worthiness, application, twelve, annually, population,  electrification, extensive, advantage, human, capacity, growth, consumer, global,  deregulation, liberalization, globalization, privatization, particularly, Britain, Scandinavian, experience, first, disadvantage, various, positive.


         Exercise 4 Fill in the table using the words from the previous exercise:














         Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- what is the result of fundamental changes in the field of power supply in many  countries?

- what trends in electrical power supply have become apparent today from a plant supplier's point of view?

-  what are the main reasons of a steadily increasing rate of power consumption?

- what are the figures showing worldwide electrical power consumption for the last years?

-  what will determine   the power consumption?


         Exercise 2  What are these figures referred to?

1950, 1990, 12, 2.6 to 5.4, 2, 540. Find the sentences with these figures and translate them.




         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: power plant technology itself- not least of all due to changing customer requirements- is characterized by extraordi­narily dynamic development.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Tell about the results of future increasing in electricity consumption




Water Reactor

The European Pressurized Water Reactor will open a new chapter in nuclear power generation. Not only will it even further reduce the possibility of severe accidents through its improved safety precautions, but it will also be able to limit the consequences of such unlikely accidents, including a core meltdown, to the plant itself, such that there are no incisive consequences for the environment.

In addition to increasing the already high level of safety of Western, a further primary goal in European Pressurized Reactor development is its competitiveness with non nuclear power plants in the generation of electricity. The increased costs resulting from more comprehensive safety precautions must therefore be made up by lower plant operating costs which are achieved by increasing operating flexibility, fuel utilization and availability.

A basic requirement imposed on the European Pressurized Reactor was its evolutionary development out of existing technologies. Advantages of this approach over a revolutionary new reactor concept are lower development and subsequent construction costs, a lower risk in terms of alienability, and continuity in terms of safety engineering.

Bundling Comprehensive Know-How in Plant Engineering and Operation

The European Pressurized Reactor is being developed a Franco-German cooperative effort, and is currently in the basic design phase which will be concluded by the end of 1997 and followed by the detailed design phase.

The cornerstone for the joint reactor development was laid in 1989 with the founding of Nuclear Power International, in which Siemens and Framatome hold equal shares. Electricity de France, the French state-owned utility and the nine German utilities, which operate nuclear power plants, have been participating in the project since 1992. This makes comprehensive know-how in plant engineering and operation available, these by forming the basis for the best possible reactor concept.

In addition to the suppliers and operators, the licensing authorities in both countries have cooperated and have together established a set of codes and guidelines for future reactor generations, which were made available in time for the start of the basic design phase in February 1995. The design of the European Pressurized Reactor on the basis of these requirements ensures its alienability in Germany and France without the need for country-specific adaptation.

The technical standards based on these regulations are also being harmonized. Experts delegated by both the suppliers and the operators are working in groups on the preparation of the European Pressurized Reactor technical codes, which will take the place of exiting specifications in both countries after their approval by the licensing authorities.

Beyond the scope of the Franco-German cooperative effort, the European Pressurized Reactor will take on a European dimension, since it fulfills the European Utility Requirements. These guidelines were prepared by leading European utilities and contain operator requirements to be met by future nuclear power plants.



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: The European Pressurized Water Reactor will open a new chapter in nuclear power generation.

         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.

         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.

         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about water reactor.



Heat and Power Generation in Industry—Economical and Environmentally Clean

Industrial power plants have a traditional place in the generation of heat and power. They are a necessity at industrial sites located in regions which have an insufficient supply of electrical power, but also often have economic benefits even if an external supply is possible. Auto-produced energy is of particular advantage—for reasons including environmental protection—in cases in which cogeneration attains a very high fuel utilization factor, or where the energy content of waste materials and waste heat from the production process can be utilized.

 What have today become in many parts of the world conti­nent-wide networks of power generating stations began as in­dustrial auto-produced energy. This formed the basis for the rapid industrial growth of the 19th century. Roughly 100 years ago this was followed by the be­ginning of public power supply, thus ushering in the establish­ment of interconnected grids.

This development has largely reached its maturity in the indus­trialized countries, however in most developing and newly in­dustrialized nations the process has only just begun.

The original motivating force behind auto-produced energy was the indispensable need for a supply of heat and power for fac­tories; however, today an external supply of electrical power is usu­ally available and it is economic considerations which lead a com­pany to build its own power plant. What is a foregone con­clusion today was not always so obvious in the pertinent branches of industry, e.g., during the period of miraculous economic growth in Germany. Into the 1970s medi­um-sized firms in particular pre­ferred to invest in their produc­tion facilities and electrical power was produced by growing public utility networks with a favorable price structure.

 In fact, during the boom period in nuclear power plant construction, even large chemical corporations, which tra­ditionally have auto-generated heat and power, put their own power plant construction projects on hold in the expectation of more favorable utility rates.

During this period, the manu­facturers of industrial power plants saw reason to arouse in­dustry's interest in these on-site plants and to emphasize the eco­nomic advantages of operating them. Today, the potential advan­tages of auto-produced energy are generally well-understood in industry.

Steam turbines play a key role in industrial auto-produced ener­gy, because they are the compo­nents which provide heat, power and electricity (with generators) in the quantities required by the industrial process. The associat­ed, often complex tasks are per­formed by a powerful instrumen­tation and control system.



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: Today, the potential advan­tages of auto-produced energy are generally well-understood in industry.

         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.

         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.

         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about necessity of  environmentally clean industrial plants.



Supplying Process Heat and Electrical Power

In numerous industrial pro­cesses, energy in the form of heat makes up by far the largest por­tion of the overall energy demand and is usually provided in the form of steam. However, steam, in contrast to electricity, cannot be transported over great distances and can therefore rarely be sup­plied economically by an external source. Steam must therefore be produced locally, and these gen­erating facilities offer the advan­tage of being able to provide steam at a higher pressure and temperature than required by the manufacturing process, allowing the resulting enthalpy gradient to be used in backpressure turbines to drive generators or other ma­chines.

 If extraction condensing turbines are employed, the steam energy is used to provide the process heat and drive energy.

Combustible waste materials produced by the industrial pro­cess can be used to produce steam, which in turn can drive turbines. The same applies to processes which produce usable waste heat. If this heat can be ex­tracted for use at another loca­tion, the generation of energy makes dual use of the process of cogeneration. However in this type of plant, as in waste inciner­ation plants, condensing turbines are usually used due to the lack of a need for usable heat.

The practice most often found is parallel supply of electrical pow­er—from the public grid and from a company's own power plant— which is also advantageous -in terms of energy costs and opera­tion. In this model, as much of the demand for electrical power as possible is met through on-site cogeneration of heat and electric­ity, with energy supplied from an external source only as required.



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: Steam must therefore be produced locally.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.

         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about supplying process heat and electrical power.


Online Vision

Time when a cell phone served as to make a phone call has been passed. In addition to handling voice communications, just about every mobile phone can also transmit data in the form of short written mes­sages known as sms (Short Message Service). Mobile terminals are even nosing their way into the wide-open spaces of the Internet—and pocket-sized multimedia capability is set to become a reality, too.

The buzz word of the moment is "m-commerce." So far, however, any­one with a multimedia wap (Wireless Application Protocol) phone has had to exercise a little patience.

The big problem here is a technical one. At present, cell phone networks transmit data at a speed of only 9.6 kilobits per second. That's using the gsm standard (Global System for Mobile Communications). As a re­sult, surfing the Internet with a cell phone still takes time—about six times as long as it does with a personal computer.

Researchers have been working on new mobile phone stan­dards. Early 2001 was launched GPRS (General Packet Ra­dio Services), a more powerful suc­cessor to gsm, which will bring isdn speed to the cell phone network. wap 'devices will then be able to receive data at transmission speeds of 115 kilobits per second—more than 10 times as fast as is currently possible. But the true evolutionary leap will come with umts (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), which is scheduled for introduction in Japan in 2001, and in Germany in 2002 at the earliest. With umts, it will be pos­sible to transmit data at speeds of up to two megabits per second—more than 200 times faster than today's mo­bile phone networks.

At that point, a major vision at Siemens is set to become a reality. A host of mobile user equipment, rang­ing from the laptop to the smart phone, will be able to receive not only voice communications but also im­ages, graphics and video sequences.

But do such developments promise genuine utility? "For the customer to accept multimedia and be prepared to pay for it, there has to be real and rec­ognizable added value," says H. Herzog, head of the Siemens Research Department Networks and Multimedia Communications in Munich. "That can mean unlimited access to information regardless of location, or genuine net­work-based interaction," he says.

To realize these visions, Siemens is already working with other compa­nies to develop new applications for wap terminals. One service, for ex­ample, will ensure that people visit­ing an unknown city need no longer feel alone. Known under the working title "City n Air," the service pro­vides information on movie theaters, restaurants, hotels and much more, with all the tips tailored to the user's personal preferences and his or her precise location at the time.        

At present, a service of this kind would only function in a text-based form. For instance, users looking for a movie theater would get, at most, a few telephone numbers so that they could reserve tickets. In the future, however, mobile terminals will also be capable of displaying graphics—a city map, for example, to show the user's current location and mark out the route to the destination required. Via the umts network, potential moviegoers could even preview film clips before selecting a movie. Natu­rally, it would also be possible to process ticket reservation and elec­tronic payment online.

That may all sound very simple, but it isn't. For a start, there are the big imponderables such as the differ­ing degree of technical literacy among users and the major issue of network security. There are also a whole range of technical difficulties.

How, for example, do service providers identify the position of a cell phone so that they can send in­formation specific to that location? And how do you transmit video im­ages and other multimedia data rapidly and, above all, without inter­ference to a mobile device? Finally, how do you ensure that terminals of varying power and performance are still able to display the services on of­fer? As yet, such problems have only been partially resolved.

At least the structure of a mobile phone network proves helpful when it comes to determining the location of a cell phone. Built up like a honeycomb, such networks con­sist of many individual cells, each containing a transmitter station. In metropolitan areas, these cells are so small that people calling from within one can be localized to a distance of less than 100 meters.

On the basis of such information, callers can then be provided with data exactly tailored to their current location. In the case of the "City on Air" ser­vice, for example, users might be pro­vided with, say, the nearest suitable place to dine rather than a complete list of all the restaurants in the city. According to Vice President of Siemens Mobile Internet Solutions, it's a service with a future: "Location identification will play a crucial role in the way mobile data services develop." he says.


Learn these words:





to handle




to transmit






to accept






to  launch













Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Translate these word combinations:

 to make a phone call, to transmit data, to use the standard, to work on new mobile phone stan­dards, to receive data, to become a reality, to accept multimedia, to realize these visions, to develop new applications, to pro­vide information, to display graphics, to show the user's current location, to process ticket reservation, to send in­formation, to transmit video im­ages, to determine the location.

Find in the text the sentences with these word combinations.


         Exercise 2 Give Russian version of these words:

a phone call,  voice communications, short written mes­sages,  the wide-open spaces,  new mobile phone stan­dards, powerful suc­cessor,  the true evolutionary leap,  a major vision,  the smart phone, unlimited access,  new applications,  elec­tronic payment online , technical literacy,  a mobile phone network.

Find in the text the sentences with these word combinations.


         Exercise 3 Choose the words to tell about a cell phone and its applications:

voice,  communications,  mobile, transmit,  data, mes­sage, a reality, too,  patience,  problem, speed, standard,   time,  six,  computer, researchers, to launch,  powerful,  to bring,  transmission,  fast,   possible,  leap , system,   point, vision, to become, equipment,   to receive,  im­ages, graphics,  development,  to promise,  customer , to accept,  to pay,    rec­ognizable,  unlimited,   information,  location, interaction, compa­ny,  application, terminals, to ensure,  people, unknown city,    preference,  location, function, telephone numbers,  to reserve tickets, map, the route to the destination, ticket reservation, elec­tronic payment online.


         Exercise 4 Define the part of speech of the words given below:

addition, communication, capability, reality, researcher, powerful,  suc­cessor,  currently, evolutionary, introduction, faster, user,  equipment, development, rec­ognizable,  regardless,  location, personal,  preference,  capable,  natu­rally, reservation, elec­tronic,  payment,   online, technical,  difficulty, provider,  identify,  position, specific,  rapidly, performance, partially, structure, helpful, transmitter,  crucial.

Find the sentences with these words in the text. Pay attention at the translation of these words.


         Exercise 5 Decode these abbreviations: SMS, WAP, GSM, GPRS, UMTS.


         Exercise 6 Give the corresponding abbreviations to these phrases:

Short Message Service, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, Wireless Application Protocol, Global System for Mobile Communications, General Packet Ra­dio Services.




         Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- what can every mobile phone transmit?

-what is the speed of transmitting data? What is the result of such   transmitting

- what is the advantage of GPRS? Will UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) bring the true evolutionary leap?  

- what did H. Herzog, head of the Siemens Research Department Networks and Multimedia Communications in Munich say about such developments? 

- is Siemens already working with other compa­nies to develop new applications for wap terminals?

- what will the service "City on Air" ensure?


            Exercise 2 Give the right variant:

Every mobile phone can also transmit data in the form of short written mes­sages known as   .

a.      ISDN

b.     UMTS

c.     SMS           

At present, cell phone networks transmit data at a speed of only 9.6 kilobits per second.

a. 9.6 kilobits

b. 115 kilobits

c. 7.8 kilobits

But the true … leap will come with umts.

a. evolutionary

b. revolutionary

c. possible

In the future, however, mobile terminals will also be capable of displaying … (a city map, for example).

a. graphics

b. concerts

c. films

At least the structure of a mobile phone network proves … when it comes to determining the location of a cell phone.

a. helpful

b. incredible

c. wonderful




         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: company SIEMENS improves the service.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about new services in transmitting data



Power Resources

More than 150 countries of the world have hydroelectric power stations, from them forty two countries in Africa, thirty eight in Europe, thirty one in Asia, eighteen in Northern and Central America, fourteen in South America, and nine in Oceania and six in the Near East.

At hydroelectric power station in sixty three countries of the world 50 percent of all electric power and more, including twenty three countries - over ninety percent developed. Nowadays, seven countries of Africa, Bhutan and Paraguay practically develop all electric power at hydroelectric power stations. Total capacity of hydroelectric power stations in the world makes about 700 ГВт, and their annual development  is  2600 ТВт»ч.

The world total theoretical energy potential as of the beginning of 1998 was estimated in forty thousand ТВт-ч, it was considered as technically possible to develop, from them by 9 thousand. ТВт-ч was considered as economically justified potential for use in modern conditions.

By present time in the world eighteen percent of technical and twenty eight percent of energy potential economically justified for use are mastered only. Thus, there is yet not used an economic potential on the basis of which it is possible to construct hydroelectric power stations total capacity 1800 ГВт and annual development of the electric power 6400 ТВт-ч. The best level of development of an energy potential takes place in Northern and Central America sixty percent  and in Europe (65 percent without taking into account Russia); forty percent of an economic energy potential are mastered in Oceania,  twenty percent  in Asia, only nineteen percent  in Russia and South America and only seven  percent  in Africa.

Russia on volume of manufacture of the electric power on hydroelectric power station (in 1997 more than 150 ТВт-ч) borrows with the little 5-13 a place in the world, conceding on this parameter to Canada, the USA, Brazil and China.


Lexical assignments

         Exercise 1 Translate these words and word combinations:

have hydroelectric power stations, electric power, total capacity, annual development, the world total theoretical energy potential, modern conditions.

         Exercise 2 Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:

about,  world,  considered, possible, nowadays.



         Exercise 1 Choose the right variant:

What do these figures(150, 42,38,31,18,14,9,6, 63, 23, 7)  refer to:

a. number of countries

b.     number of power stations

What do these figures (50, 90) refer to?

a. percent of developed power

b. number of countries

What does this figure (700) refer to?

a. total capacity of hydroelectric power stations

b. annual development 


         Exercise 2 Answer the questions:

-  how many countries of the world have hydroelectric power stations?

- how many hydroelectric power stations are there in Asia, in Africa, in Europe, in Northern and Central America, in South America, nine in Oceania, in the Near East?

- what is the total capacity of hydroelectric power stations in the world?

- what is the world total theoretical energy potential?

- is it possible to construct hydroelectric power stations total capacity 1800 ГВт and annual development of the electric power 6400 ТВт-ч?

-  which countries have the best level of development of energy?



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove or disapprove the following statement: power recourses in the world are limited


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about power recourses in the world.


Manufacture and current consumption

         The general world production of the electric power in 1996  has reached 13700 ТВт-ч, from them of 62 % have been produced on thermal power station on organic fuel, on 18 % on the atomic power station and hydroelectric power station, and the others of 2 % on no conventional renewed energy sources (table 1). In comparison with 1991 world production of the electric power has increased on 1566 ТВт*ч, or for 12, 9 %.

The USA, China, Japan, Russia, Canada, Germany and France (table 2) concerned to number of the world's largest manufacturers of the electric power in 1997. In 1996 the volume of world trade by the electric power has made 348 ТВт«ч and was on 25 % more in comparison with 1991. Thus, the essential advancing of rates of expansion of international trade in the electric power takes place in comparison with rates of growth of its manufacture. The largest exporters of the electric power are France (69 ТВт*ч in 1996), Paraguay (40 ТВт*ч) and Canada (36 ТВт*ч), the largest importers - the USA and Italy (on 37 ТВт*ч).

For last years in structure of world and regional manufacture of the electric power there were certain changes (see tab. 2). Analyzing the statistical data resulted in the table, it is possible to make a number of the conclusions describing development of world power, main among which following:

  - in absolute value the gain of world production of the electric power on TETS in 3 times is more,  than on the atomic power station and hydroelectric power station;

 - manufacture in the world of the electric power produced on base НВИЭ has increased;

                - the biggest part of hydroelectric power stations falls at a share of China;

                - the share of countries - members ОЭСР in world production of the electric power in 1996 has made 64 % and has practically remained constant in comparison with 1991.

The special attention is deserved with the analysis of a modern condition of atomic engineering. Here decreases in rates of input of new generating capacities because of reduction of rates of growth of demand for the electric power and a uncooperative altitude to the atomic power station of the public of some the countries is observed. Despite of it, the atomic engineering continues the development, increasing the contribution to the general electro power balance of the world. Besides on the basis of scientific and technical progress the level of its safety raises.

As of the beginning of 1998 in the world 440 nuclear power units with the total established capacity 355 Gbт operated. In many countries of the world the atomic engineering allows to provide a necessary level of power safety to have effective structure of fuel and energy balance, not to suppose excessive dependence on import of organic fuel and the electric power, to carry out of the obligations to the world community on restriction and decrease in emissions in an atmosphere of “hotbed gases”. In many countries of the world the electric power produced on the atomic power station, makes a significant part of all electric power made by them.


Table 1. The general world production of the electric power













The general world production of the electric power, ТВт * ч

A gain, %










Latin America













The countries of Europe which are not included ОЭСР




The countries CIS and Baltics




The Near East




The     countries     of    Northern America - members ОЭСР




The    countries    of   Europe    -members ОЭСР




The Pacific countries - members ОЭСР




In total in the world






Table 2.  Structure of manufactured power energy in the world













The country

Manufacture of the electric power, ТВт * ч


The general

Thermal power stations

Atomic power stations

Hydroelectric  power stations

Solar, geothermal, wind and other power stations

In total in the world




2516, 7


Including: The USA
















































The Great Britain








Learn these words:












s   reduction



















Lexical assignments

     Exercise 1 Translate these word combinations:

 the electric power, organic fuel, the world's largest manufacturers of the electric power, in comparison with,   growth of manufacture, the largest exporters, the statistical data, to make a number of the conclusions, the share of countries, a modern condition of atomic engineering, new generating capacities, scientific and technical progress, a necessary level of power safety, to carry out of the obligations, a significant part.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.



         Exercise 2 Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives: large, essential, big, effective, significant, small.


         Exercise 3 Remember the phrases used to compare the things: in comparison, more than, than, as … as, not so … as.



         Exercise 1 Answer the questions (using table 1).

- what countries (regions) produced  the largest amount of  the electric power in 1991 year?

 - what countries (regions) produced  the largest amount of  the electric power in 1996 year?

-what country (region) was the largest producer of electric power in 1991, 1996 years?

- what was the largest gain received by the countries (regions) in 1991, 1996 years?

 - what was the least  gain received by the countries (regions) in 1991, 1996 years?


         Exercise 2 Compare the generation of electric power among the     countries   of    Northern America, the    countries    of   Europe, the Pacific countries in 1991 and 1996 years.


         Exercise 3 Answer the questions (using table 2).

- what stations is the electric power manufactured at?

- what stations produced the greatest amount of electric power in the world: thermal, atomic, hydroelectric,   solar, geothermal, wind and other power stations?

- what stations produced the greatest amount of electric power in the USA (China, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, India, Canada, and the Great Britain): thermal, atomic, hydroelectric,   solar, geothermal, wind and other power stations?

- what country is the largest producer of electric power?



Exercise 1 Analyze manufacture and consumption of electric power in the world. Make references on the tables 1 and 2.

Remember the phrases used to compare the things: in comparison, more than, than, as … as, not so … as, in … times.




Scientific and technical progress in electric power industry

Mainstreams of scientific and technical progress in electric power industry last years were:

-perfection of efficiency steam and gas cycle and increase at this basis of manufacture of energy;

-expansion of use of the highly effective combined manufacture electric and thermal   energy, including on thermal power station of small and average capacity with application gas turbines, steam and gas and a diesel drive for centralized and decentralized power supply;

  -introduction of non-polluting technologies on the thermal power stations working on organic fuel;

  -increase of efficiency and decrease  in the cost price of manufacture of energy on the power installations of small and average capacity working on no conventional renewed energy sources, and also with use of fuel elements.

Special value has scientific and technical progress for development of atomic engineering. It promotes improvement of the attitude to world community, raises a level of trust to safety of the atomic power station. The certain influence on change of public opinion renders toughening requirements on protection of an environment against harmful emissions. The important factor of development of atomic engineering is also the aspiration of countries - importers of organic fuel to weaken dependence on import of energy carriers from other countries and by that to raise a level of the power safety. Now in the world it is constructed more than 60 nuclear power units by total capacity from above 50 ГВт.

Potential and Expansion of Water Power

The figures for the economically useful potential of hydro power can vary great. Technological advances, the standards used to make economic viability comparisons and the status of environmental protection legislation lead to different results in analyses performed at different times. In 1993, an assessment of studies performed by recognized institutions such as the UN and the World Energy Council, as well as statistical material provided by pertinent hydropower magazines, indicated a worldwide hydroelectric potential of about 2360 GW. However, of this theoretical potential, only 606 GW (a mere 226 percent) has actually been developed.

In 1995, about 2500 billion kWh of hydroelectric power were produced worldwide, accounting for 19 percent of the electrical power produced by all different types of power plants. The results of a study performed by Siemens, referencing national hydropower development plans worldwide and various parameters such as population growth and gross national product, underscore the growing significance of water power for the future. The generation of electricity from water power will increase by 2.3 percent annually between 1990 and 2010, growing from 2200 TWh to 3480 TWh. By this time, about 42 percent of the exploitated hydroelectric potential will have been developed.


Learn these words:


основное направление













to weaken







Lexical assignments 

         Exercise 1 Suggest the Russian equivalents:

mainstreams of scientific and technical progress, electric power industry,  perfection of efficiency steam and gas cycle,  the highly effective combined manufacture electric and thermal   energy, average capacity, non-polluting technologies,  conventional renewed energy sources, protection of an environment,   harmful emissions.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.


         Exercise 2 Find the words of the same root: science, weak, perfect, expand, harm, protect, include, require, effect, new, centre.

scientific, decentralized,  expander, perfection, imperfection, protective, scientifically, expansion, expanding, including, renewed, protection, weaken, protector, requirement, harmful, scientist,  effective, non-effective, centralized, efficiency,  central.


         Exercise 3 Choose the pairs of synonyms and antonyms.

increase -decrease,   manufacturer –producer,  use-application, including-excluding,  centralized  - decentralized, non-polluting – polluting,  decrease – reduction, installation – set-up,  conventional-traditional, progress – advance, to  improve – to make it better, requirement – demand,  protection – safety, harmful –harmless, importer – exporter,  to weaken- to strengthen,  country –state, to  construct – to build.

Find the sentences with these words in the text. Use synonyms and antonyms in retelling of the text.



Revise grammar

         Exercise 1  Choose the right variant.

It promotes improvement of the attitude to world community, raises a level of trust to safety of the atomic power station.

a. present simple

b. past simple

c. future simple

The certain influence on opinion renders to toughening requirements on protection of an environment.

a. present simple

b. past simple

c. future simple

The figures for the economically useful potential of hydro power can vary great.

a. очень

b. изменяться

Technological advances used to make economic viability comparisons and the status of environmental protection legislation lead to different results in analyses performed at different times.

a.      verb

b.     participle



         Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- what were  the mainstreams of scientific and technical progress in electric power industry last years?

-  has scientific and technical progress for development of atomic engineering special value?

- what influences on change of public opinion?

- what is the important factor of development of atomic engineering? 




         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: the important factor of development of atomic engineering is the aspiration of countries.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text. 


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about mainstreams of scientific and technical progress in electric power industry for the last years.



Texts for retelling


What is a computer? The electronic system of a computer is very complex. Its electronic brains produce information. It is a complex instrument made up of hundreds of electronic devices, miles of electronic wire. At a panel desk connected to the instrument, an operator feeds facts, figures, and symbols into the machine, to be stored on magnetic tape or punched cards.

More than 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in one machine, and when the operator wants answers, he asks the machine in a special language to process the information taken from storage, and for solving the problem. How long did it take you to multiply the large numbers? In one third of a second a computer can multiply two-digit numbers. In one whole second, it can add 4,000 five-digit numbers; in two seconds it can complete 320 long-division problems.

The same machine does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians in any given time period, and without the mistakes which human beings are bound to make. The machine can flash its answers on a screen, can print them on paper, store them away on magnet tapes or cards. The electronic machine can give any answer or combination of possible answers, from the information fed to it for storage. But... it is human beings who do the thinking, who feed information to the machines which help us to find answers and produce facts faster and more accurately. Machines work for us, but they do not think for us.


Learn these words:


запасать, хранить

to print




to complete



карта, карточка

to punch

пробивать отверстие



цифра, однозначное число

to feed


вводить данные в машину

to train


 обучать, тренировать

to process



to flash


вспыхнуть, сверкнуть

panel desk


щит, пульт управления


Answer the questions.

- is the electronic system of a computer very complex?

-what is a computer made up of?

-how many pieces of information can be stored in one machine?

- how much time does it take a computer to process the j information?

-where is the information of a computer stored?

-how does a computer give its answers?




Look through the text and tell about a computer.



Analogue and Digital Computers

An analog computer is a device that simulates the behavior of another system, usually a physical system, in all its states. A very simple and widely used analogue computer is the slide-rule on which distances are equivalent to logarithms of numbers. The devices known as analogue computers are assemblies of electronic or electrical circuits the behavior o/ which is analogous to another (mechanical) system's behavior. The digital computer differs from the analogue computer in that it deals with numbers and not physical quantities. The simplest digital computer is the human hand, from which the decimal system is derived. The first man-made digital computer was probably the abacus, which is still used in many countries.

The evolution of the adding machine Jias culminated in electronic digital computers in which electronic signals are used as the operative discrete signals. When an ordinary desk calculating machine is used, the operator controls the sequence of operations. He supplies the input data and records the results. Also he may have to provide additional information from tables and other sources during the calculation. In the case of electronic computers, working at extremely high speeds, the human operators are replaced by automatic devices. It is necessary, however, to provide a store to hold both the numbers that are fed into the computer and the operating instruction.

The basic sections of digital computers are therefore:

Input: receives the "raw data" and instructions from external sources and converts them into a suitable form for the computer to work on.

Store: memorizes numbers and instructions.

Calculator: does mathematical operations.  

Control: initiates and follows the sequence of operations.

Output: presents the result of the calculations in an acceptable form,



Answer the questions:

-what is an analog computer?

-what is the difference between the digital computer and the analog one?

- has the evolution of the adding machine culminated in the creation of electronic digital computers?

-what's the task of the operator when using an ordinary desk calculating machine?

-does the operator do the same job (supply the data and record the results) in the case of  electronic computers?

- what job is done by the input?

-what's the task of the control?

-what is the last section of the computer?

-how many sections does the computer consist of?




Steam generator cleaning in Reactor Plant

The Canadian utility Ontario Hydro has awarded company Siemens with a contract for chemical cleaning of the steam generators in four of the existing eight units at the Pickering plant.

Ontario Hydro is the largest operator of these Canadian-designed natural-uranium-fueled reactors.

The tubes in the twelve steam generators are made of a copper-based alloy. Following comparative tests using different commercially available cleaning procedures, Ontario Hydro decided to use the service-tested and time-saving high-temperature Siemens process.

This process involves two steps:

-         firstly, an iron oxide solution is applied at temperatures of up to 175C for a maximum of five hours, followed by a copper oxide solution at ambient temperatures for a maximum of 30 hours. The heat from the reactor coolant system is used to generate the high temperatures in step 1, which takes place while the plant is being cooled down;

-         secondly, it can be performed at any time during at refueling; only step one, which is of short duration, is on the critical path of the refueling outage, so the entire process has only a minimal impact on the duration of the outage.


         Exercise 1 Choose the right variant.


The Canadian utility Ontario Hydro has awarded company Siemens with … for chemical cleaning of the steam generators in four of the existing eight units at the Pickering plant.

a. a contract

b. a diploma

Ontario Hydro is the … operator of these Canadian-designed natural-uranium-fueled reactors.

a.      largest

b.     smallest

The tubes in the twelve steam generators are made of a … alloy.

a. copper-based

b.zinc –based

Ontario Hydro decided … the service-tested and time-saving high-temperature Siemens process.

    a. to use

     b. to revise

This process involves …  steps.

a. two




         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement:  Ontario Hydro operator decided to use the service-tested and time-saving high-temperature Siemens process Exercise because it was the most effective process.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about steam generator cleaning in Reactor Plant



Hydro Power Plant Business in a Changing Market

In the future, hydropower, by far the most important and most economical renewable energy source, will continue to be a major contributor to power generation worldwide, and with increasing importance because of the zero emissions produced. Advances and developments in hydroelectric power plants will be characterized by increase globalization and privatization.

Innovation and international presence have long been features of Siemens’ activities: In the field of hydropower, the more than 1200 generators supplied to nearly 600 plants in more than 50 countries attest to this fact, as do numerous I&C systems, switchgear systems, transformers, auxiliary power systems and protection systems. This makes Siemens one of the world’s leading producers of equipment for hydroelectric power plants.

In the past few years, the power plant market has demanded more and more comprehensive services from equipment manufactures. Even in the hydro power sector, build-operate-transfer or similar projects are becoming increasingly popular, and orders for more and more power plant capacity are being placed by Independent Power Producers. In the past two years, the proportion of IPP projects has grown to over 50 percent.

Many Independent Power Producers come from other branches of industry and are thus shifting the emphasis in the decision-making criteria. The tradition of tailoring power plant technology to individual operators and taking long-range aspects into account now take a back seat to demands for the lowest power generation costs, i.e., achieving the highest levels of efficiency and reliability at the lowest possible investment cost. Winning contracts is often only possible by offering comprehensive financing arrangements. What has Siemens’ response to this changing power plant environment been? 




         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: in the future, hydropower, by far the most important and most economical renewable energy source, will continue to be a major contributor to power generation worldwide.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and explain why the power plant market has demanded more and more comprehensive services from equipment manufactures.




Worldwide Sourcing

The fading importance of strictly individualized technical solutions makes the transitions to worldwide sourcing much easier. In addition to technology, standardization of the concepts involved also helps, though not to the same extent for hydroelectric power plants as for thermal power plants.

Worldwide sourcing requires efficient communication between planning departments and internal and external manufacturing facilities based on a computer system with Internet access. Siemens is also pushing ahead to establish a basis for extensive exchange of all types of digital information (e.g., text, data, drawings) and fully consistent project handling in the hydro power sector.



         Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement:  worldwide sourcing requires efficient communication between planning departments and internal and external manufacturing facilities based on a computer system with Internet access. Give some information from the special journals.


         Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


         Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


         Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about the necessity of worldwide sourcing.




Telecommunications system

A telecommunications system is a collection of compatible hardware and software arranged to communicate information from one location to another. Telecommunications system can transmit text, graphic images, voice or video information.

The essential components of a telecommunications system are these:

          -computer to process information;

          - terminals or any input /output devices that send or receive date;

          -communications channels, the links by which data or voice are transmitted
between sending and receiving devices in a network. Communications
channels use various communication media, such as telephone lines, coaxial
cables, and wireless transmission;

          - communications processors, such as modems, multiplexers, controllers, and
front-end processors, which provide support functions for data transmission
and reception;

          -communications software that controls input and output activities and
manages other functions of the communications network.



Exercise 1 Make a list of the most important points from the text.

Exercise 2 Write a short summary using your list.

Exercise 3 Look through the text and tell about the essential components of a telecommunications system.



Functions of telecommunications systems


In order to send and receive information from one place to another, a telecommunications system must perform a number of separate functions, which are largely invisible to the people using the system. A telecommunications system transmits information, establishes the interface between the sender and the receiver, routes messages along the most efficient paths, performs elementary processing of the information to ensure that the right message gets to the right receiver, performs editorial tasks on the data (such as checking for errors and rearranging the format), and converts messages from one speed (say the speed of the computer) into the speed of a communications line or from one format to another. Lastly, the telecommunications system controls the flow of information. Many of these tasks are accomplished by computer.

Types of signals: analog and digital.

Information travels through a telecommunications system in the form of electromagnetic signals. Signals are represented in two ways: there are analog and digital signals. An analog signal is represented by a continuous waveform that passes through a communication medium. Analog signals are used to handle voice communications and to reflect variations in pitch.

A digital signal is a discrete, rather, than a continuous, waveform. It transmits data coded into two discrete states: 1-bites and 0-bites, which are represented as on-off electrical pulses. Most computers communicate with digital signals, as do many local telephone companies and some larger networks. But if a telecommunications system, such as a traditional telephone network, is set up to process analog signals-the receivers, transmitters, amplifiers, and so forth- a digital signal cannot be processed without some alterations. All digital signals must be translated into analog signals before they can be transmitted in an analog system. The device that performs this translation is called a modem. A modem translates the digital signals of a computer into analog form for transmission over ordinary telephone lines, or it translates analog signals back into digital form for reception by a computer.




Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: telecommunications systems have a lot of functions.

Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.

Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.

Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about types of signals.




Progress of radio engineering


Much attention in our country is given to radio engineering, which is playing a major part in the development of our economy. Our scientists and engineers have many achievements to their credit in this field.

It is hardly possible to name a sphere of science, engineering or national economy where radio engineering equipment is not used. Radio engineering itself is a vast field comprising radio communication, television, radio astronomy, radio telemetry, automatics, cybernetics, etc.

Radio communication has come to play an important part in our life. Republic of Kazakhstan has a radio communication system that connects it with the capitals of many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Radio communication network can also be used to control the operation of power systems, gas and oil pipelines.

Mention should be made about the achievement in light-wave technology that is making at present its most visible mark in telephony. Light-wave communication system will carry voices, data and video messages on pulses of light transmitted through hair-thin glass fibers. An optical fiber cable with the thickness of a finger will bring a hundred TV channels to a receiver. In the future light-ware transmissions may be used for regular long-distance service. Achievements in the fields of solid-state physics have caused a revolution in radio electronics industry, which is now undergoing a change from vacuum electronic devices to semiconductor devices. Semiconductor valves, which are already produced commercially, are revolutionizing the power industry, mechanical engineering, communication techniques, transport and other fields.

Many of the technological achievements are due to microelectronics. Microelectronics is a branch of electronic, which is concerned with the design, production and application of electronic components, circuits and devices of extremely small dimensions. It also includes the technique of putting large numbers of electronic elements on silicon chips when making electronic devices.

Microelectronics has changed our lives beyond recognition. Small are reliable sensing and control devices are essential elements in complex system that have landed on the Moon and are exploring cosmic space. Microelectronic devices are also the essence of new products, ranging from communication satellites to hand­held calculators and electronic watches.

Rapid engineering and technological progress is greatly dependent on automation.

Advanced automation is impossible without computers. Computer science is a broad discipline, covering logic design, hardware, the theory of computation, numerical analysis, and programming and computer application. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated working all branches of learning. They can also solve the most complicated mathematical problems or put thousand of unrelated facts in order. As computers work accurately and it high speeds they save research workers years of hard work.

Great attention in our country in the recent years is given to robot making. Cybernetic machines in the form of robots and manipulators can substitute man in the performance of industrial research operations, which are difficult for him, in other space, at great depths, in dangerous atmosphere, etc. Furthermore, robots can be substitute for man in routine work, which is very monotonous and dull.

The number of robots used in any field of human activity indicates the degree of its modernity. Our scientists and engineers have worked out most varied systems and models of robots that are widely used in different branches of our national economy. New applications for them are continually being discovered.




Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: many of the technological achievements are due to microelectronics.


 Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.


Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.


Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about progress of radio engineering.




Integrated Power's Photovoltaic Systems to Control Chilean

Copper Ore Pipeline

Nine photovoltaic power systems designed by Integrated Power Corporation have been selected to power remote monitoring, control, and communication equipment at the Escondido Mining Operation, one of the largest copper mining and concentrating business in the world. The systems are provided under subcontract to Fischer and Porter, the Pennsylvania-based firm supplying the distributed control system.

Eight of the systems will monitor and control critical operating parameters of a 114-mile-long slurry pipeline that transports copper ore from the Atacama Deserts, high in the Chilean Andes, to Chile's Pacific Coast. The ninth operates a UHF transceiver in the desert.

The main components of each system are a photovoltaic array, a deep-discharge battery bank, and an Integrated Power system controller. The arrays range in peak power from 960 W to 1,440 W. The systems provide power to value actuators and programmable logic controllers that monitor and control pipeline pressures and flow rates. They are designed to accommodate anticipated future increases in power requirements.

The controller's extensive monitoring, control, and communication capabilities are vital to the application. In addition to performing general system control functions, the TM3 will continuously monitor battery bank voltage in real time and transmit the data to a control center via radio. In case of depleted battery, it will disconnect loads in a three-phase process, with load disconnection preceded by warning signals transmitted to the control center at two preset battery states of charge.



Exercise 1 Give facts from the text to prove the following statement: the Integrated Power's Photovoltaic Systems designed to accommodate anticipated future increases in power requirements.

Exercise 2 Make a list of the most important points from the text.

Exercise 3 Write a short summary using your list.

Exercise 4 Look through the text and tell about power remote monitoring, control, and communication equipment at the Escondido Mining Operation.



Texts for Discussion

Product watch

Length meter cuts costs

For the first time D-log introduces a cable-length meter that is not only simple to use but is priced very competitively, making it a useful tool for both distributors and contractors.

For distributors it is invaluable at stock take as it eliminates the need to despool reels of partially used reels to measure the length of each reel. They can also quickly establish if there is enough cable left to satisfy a customer’s requirements. For contractors it enables them to check the length of the reels prior to taking the reel on site and then finding it is too short for the job, especially if they discover it is too short having already installed.

Traditionally cable length meters have been complex to use. The CLM101 is extremely easy to use: simply dial up the CSA of the cable and connect to the two ends. A built-in temperature compensation circuit automatically takes into account the temperature of the wire for an accurate reading and you get an instant readout in meters of feet.

Answer the following questions:

-is it difficult to measure the length of the cable traditionally?

-what is the advantage of CLM 101?

-what is the principle of work of CLM 101?

-can you get accurate readings using this meters?



Work in pairs

Discuss with your partners the problem of using such kind of meters in Kazakhstan.

Ask them questions on this problem.


Cable gland protection

Where corrosion from chemicals or outdoor installations is a problem, positive ingress protection for PVC single-wire armoured PVC cable gland terminations can be achieved with the CCG corrosion guard from Remora Electrical of Sheffield.

The corrosion guard is impervious to most chemicals and offers IP68 level of protection. It prevents water damage to the steel wire armour of cables, as well as chemical attack to the metal of the cable gland itself from acids and otherwise corrosive atmospheres.

Manufactured from black self coloured GRP material, the corrosion guard can be supplied complete with CCG type BW or DW captive cone glands which are fitted with special outer nuts incorporating a male thread extension to lock the guard into position. The BW gland is designed specifically for indoor use, but the type DW, which incorporates an additional internal seal, can be used in hazardous areas and is highly rated.


Answer the following questions

-is the problem of corrosion very important in industry?

-how can the cables be protected from corrosion?

-what are the characteristics of the CCG corrosion guard from Remora Electrical of Sheffield?

-what material is used in the corrosion guard?



Work in pairs

Discuss with your partners the cable protection.



Flexible circuit breaker

The Airpax circuit breaker, a rugged, versatile unit which offers a choice of mounting options and operational configuration, is now available exclusively in the Great Britain from other countries.

The new unit is available with one, two or three poles, and is rated from 0.1A to 100A at 240V AC or 125 DC. It is suitable for front or back panel mounting, and each pole can be fitted with an auxiliary switch.

Multiple delay options, including dedicated DC and AC delays, are available to tailor the circuit breaker to suit the application.


Answer the following questions

-what are the galvanic isolators designed for?

-are they easy for connection?

-what are design features?

-how can they be mounted?


Work in pairs

Speak with your partners about the flexible circuit breaker



Galvanic isolators

New galvanic isolators from Crouse Hinds are designed to serve as low-cost signal conditioning modules between the field device and the control system in hazardous area applications.

Easy to connect, they offer LED status condition and are suitable for digital input; analogue input, RTD and PC applications. Design features include: one or two channel 22.5mm wide enclosures; mounts on 35mm DIN rail; screw/plug in connection and lower power consumption.

Galvanic isolators are approved, they are suitable for DCS and PLS applications and can be mounted horizontally or vertically.

Crouse Hinds is a leading manufacturer of switchgear and lighting products, offering what is believed to be the widest choice of products for hazardous area applications.


Answer the following questions:

-what do specialists offer?

          -what do all models provide?

          -are the new power suppliers designed for fitting within control panels?

-where can the largest models be mounted?

what is a nominal DC output?


Power to the panels

A new range of switch-mode power supplies from sensing and control specialists, IFM Electronic, offer a convenient and cost-effective method of providing stable, low-noise DC supplies for sensors, actuators and electronic devices in control systems, even in applications where the mains supply is noisy or subject to voltage fluctuations.

An added benefit is that all models in the range provide a safety isolation function which meets the requirements of VDE 0551.

The new power suppliers are designed to primary for fitting within control panels, and feature lightweight construction which means that even the largest models can be mounted simply by snapping them onto a standard DIN rail. Screw-terminal connections make wiring equally quick and easy.

All models have a nominal 24V DC output, which can be accurately adjusted by the user to any voltage between 24V and 28V.


Retell the text.


Cable for ASI

Specialist distributor of industrial control equipment and automation products, Contelec Supplies, is now offering fast deliveries and very competitive pricing on cables which are specifically designed for use with the popular ASI (Actuator Sensor Interface) field wiring system. All of these new ASI cables are manufactured by Gebauer and Griller, one of Europe’s largest cable manufacturers, for whom Contelec is the sole distributor for Great Britain.

Contelec is carrying large stocks of yellow ASI cable, which is used for standard data/power connections, and also black ASI cable which is used to supply additional power to certain types of device. Both types of cable feature the special ASI flat profile and self-healing insulation, which allow them to be used with the insulation-displacement connectors built into many ASI components.



Answer the following questions:

-what kinds of cables are designed for use?

-what is the difference between yellow ASI cable and black ASI cable?


IP68 connecting cables

Company Lumberg has developed a range of braided IP68 connecting cables for automation and general industrial applications where harsh working conditions, high mechanical stress and vibration are found.

A range of locking plug connectors is offered, including straight and right angle versions, and an option of an internal LED to show status.

The connectors have a compact construction, high chemical resistance and are capable of sustaining very high mechanical and electrical stresses.

The self-securing locking nut is patented, and has a ‘snap lock’ feature. The contact has a rolled spring design, with parallel wiring, so that the functionality of the connector is not impaired with if the LED display is damaged. These features are unique, and not found in competitive products.

All connecting cables are supplied with a sleeve for identifying the cable, improving the ease of assembly, and making future maintenance work easy.


Answer the following questions:

 - what are IP68 cables used?

-what are the advantages of the connectors?

-what are all connecting cables supplied with?


MM47: the electrician’s multimeter

Instrotech’s new MM47 multimeter is designed specifically for the working electrician. As well as standard volts and ohms ranges with continuity testing, the MM47 offers frequency and temperature testing and, with an optional lead set, becomes a phase rotation meter. It can also be supplied in kit with leads for phase rotation testing and a CT600 clamp adapter allowing measurement of up to 600 Amps AC/DC.

The new MM47 is the latest model in the leading Instrotech 40 series of multimeters which offer high quality and well specified performance at a very competitive price. The range incorporates the latest technology, with all products carrying a CE mark and meeting IEC 1010 safety standards.


Answer the following questions:

      -who is this multimeter designed for?

     -does it have high quality?

-does it meet safety standards?


Read and translate the following texts with dictionary

Plastic consumer units

The new Stratum 20 plastic consumer units from Siemens simplify and speed up installation and improve aesthetics.

Based on research among installers, the new range is smaller and more streamlined to fit into increasingly tight spaces. In particular it is narrowed but it retains its height to give the contractor extra space where he needs it for cabling.

Again, to meet customer requirements the new range is expanded to include 5+5 and 6+6 split load boards. They are available in both single phase and split load with a wide range of outgoing ways. Incomers include both switch disconnectors and RCCBs.

Siemens is also one of the few suppliers whose MCBs and control devices will fit in both its single phase consumer boards, Stratum 200, and its triple phase distribution boards, Stratum 400.

New electronic ballast

A range of electronic ballasts has been introduced to the UK by Iwasaki. They can operate both SDX White Sodium and Colour Arc metal halide lamps.

The 150W ballast gives the choice of using SDX and Colour Arc lamps with a range of five colour temperatures: 2,500, 3,000, 3500, 4500 and 6,500K on one E27 lamp socket. The SDX and Colour Arc lamps available for the 70 and 100W ballasts give a choice of four colour temperatures of 2,500, 3500, 4500 and 6,500K.

These electronic ballasts provide even greater colour stability over lamp life and improve mortality and lumen maintenance.

There is automatic switch-off of faulty and end-of-life lamps. After power failure an intermittent pulse generation system generates pulses for 3s at 27s intervals. Intermittent pulse generation is safer than the normal continuous pulse generation system and dispenses with the need to re-set as the Iwasaki system does that automatically.


Power factor capacitors for lighting

Following its appointment as UK agent for capacitors and hybrid circuits from Tesla of the Czech Republic, the Components Division of Acal Electronics has introduced three ranges of polypropylene film capacitors for use in power factor applications in lighting circuits.

The TC844 family is for parallel power factor correction of lighting appliances. It offers values from 2 to 7mF in case sizes ranging from 30mm diameter x 53mm to 45mm diameter x 147mm. A wide range of mounting and terminal styles is available. An integrated fail-safe device disconnects the capacitor’s current circuit in the event of electrical overload. Rated voltage is 250V AC/500V DC.

The TC884 family is suitable for parallel compensation of power factor in lighting appliances. Offering capacitance values from 3 to 24mF in case sizes ranging from 25mm diameter x 55mm to 35mm diameter x 92mm, they are rated at 250V AC/450V DC. They are offered in a wide range of mounting and terminal styles.

The TC875 capacitors are intended for series power factor correction of lighting appliances. They offer capacitance values from 3 to 9mF in case sizes ranging from 25mm diameter x 74mm to 30mm diameter x 99mm, with a wide range of mounting and terminal styles. The capacitors incorporate the same integral fail-safe device as the TC844 family.


New range of miniature relay bases

Camden Electronics has introduced the CRBS series of compact, single- and double-pole relay bases with a logical wiring version and all having the unique, relay level release mechanism. Available with optional, plug-in status and protection modules, the DIN- and chassis-mounting bases are rated at 12A, 300V AC and accept most popular relay designs.

Logical wiring versions enable quick and easy connection of wiring in the terminals. With UL and CSAS approval, the IP20 bases are moulded from UL94-V1-rated self-extinguishing glass filled PA6. Installation is made using a 2 x 2.5mm rising clamp terminal system.

A full range of plug-in protection modules is available with diode units protecting from reverse polarity, varistor modules for overlvoltage and surge protection and RC modules for suppression. All modules also have a signalling option.


Innovations in small electric motors

The MWS integral right angled worm and multi-spur reduction gearbox and the MIS medium in-line multi-spur box from Parvalux are capable of 45Nm of continuous output torque and can be used with any permanent magnet, induction AC or DC series of shunt wound units. Right angle spur boxes are traditionally quieter than in-line spur boxes due to the use of a worm wheel as opposed to a pinion and spur. So where noise is a consideration, the choice should be worm and multi-spur gearbox. However, where high speeds are required, the line-in multi-spur gearbox is more suitable because of the low gear ratio offered by the pinion and spur assembly compared to a worm and wheel gearbox.

The 350W permanent magnet range is also now available. The PM50 and PM60 are enclosed (IP54) and ventilated (IP21) respectively. They are both suitable for use with the full Parvalux gearbox range. The PM50 and PM60 have the added advantage of using the company’s new ferrite magnets and, after much research and testing, these units provide a substantial improvement in speed and torque stability. For a continuous rating of 345W (S1) increasing to 545W(S3) there is a speed reduction of only 10%.

Parvalux will have a new worm and multi-spur right angle gearbox available from this month. The new unit will achieve the same as similar models in the LWS and MWS ranges but have an output torque approaching 200Nm.

New high power UPS battery

Hawker’s new data safe battery for UPS applications delivers at least 50% more power than conventional batteries occupying the same space.

Four monoblocs are available, from 83W/cell to 270W/cell, and are designed for short duration, high rate discharges up to one hour. For the same power as competitor batteries, Data safe cuts battery accommodation by more than a third to give the option of smaller cabinets or, alternatively, more room for system growth. It is also up to 35% lighter which can mean lower coasts in cabinet design and in distribution.

Extended shelf-life - a minimum of 12 months - simplifies handling in the warehouse and in transit easier. Data safe has a full 12-month warranty.

At the end of its life, the battery can be recycled with more than 90% of the case and components recovered for re-use.


Low-cost digital wattmeter

The WT110 digital wattmeter from Martron Instruments is a compact, low cost, single phase power analyser able to make a wide range of measurements in electrical systems.

The WT110 is designed to make measurement of voltage, current, power (effective, apparent and reactive), power factor and phase angle. Basic accuracy is ±0.25% and frequency range is DC to 50 kHz. The instrument has six voltage ranges from 15V to 600V and six current ranges from 500mA to 20A.

A choice of measurement models, including true RMS and mean measurement, is provided and an optional harmonic analysis function can be used for harmonic-content testing as required by European legislation for domestic appliances.




After reading the text explain the advantages of floor-standing cabinets. Write down them making your own story.

Cabinet cuts corners to ease accessibility

Enclosure manufacturer Company Willsher & Quick has had a radical rethink about the way that floor-standing cabinets are designed. It has come up with a new construction that, it boasts, will provide new levels of accessibility.

Essentially, the company has eliminated the need for conventional corner posts. The new cabinets are formed from square tubular top and bottom frames linked by a pair of heavy-duty vertical extrusions. This creates a sturdy frame on which a mixture of quick-release exterior panels and doors are hung. The operation using spring-loaded clips can be performed by one person.

This construction allows the exterior cladding to be removed from the corners without affecting the structural integrity of the cabinet. The absence of corner posts also means that cables are easy to rout and should cut installation times, says Company Willsher & Quick.

Cables can enter the cabinet from any direction. For example substantial wall-mounted cables can be fed from the top with minimal bending. Alternatively, a ventilation fan can be mounted into the top of the enclosure.

The cabinets are available in 600 and 800mm widths and 675 or 875mm depths. There is a choice of four heights from 27 to 47U.

Company Willsher & Quick’s managing director, Barry Barlow, hopes that the new cabinets will help to boost the company’s sales from £5m three years ago, to £15m next year.


            Exercise 1  Find in the text the Russian equivalents for the following English word combinations: level of accessibility, to perform the operation, wall-mounted cables, a ventilation fan, new cabinets, floor-standing cabinets, a sturdy frame, the structural integrity.


            Exercise 2 Give facts from the text to prove the following: the floor-standing cabinets are necessary in telecommunications.


      Exercise 3 Answer the following questions.

-why did the company rethink about the way that floor-standing cabinets are designed for?

-what advantages does a new construction give?

-does it mean that cables are easy to route?

-what are the parameters of the cabinets?

-will this improvement help to raise the sales of these cabinets?


     Retell the text.


Corridors of power get deep heat treatment

Much of Whitehall is now being powered and heated by a £7m combined heat and power system that has been installed 17m below the main Ministry of Defence building.

The CHP plant has replaced a heat-only boiler system that was installed in the early 1950s after being conceived in the 1930s. The greater efficiency is expected to cut the government’s energy bill by £500,000 a year.

The original boilers fed hot water through underground pipes to 23 government buildings including 10 Downing Street and the Treasury. Property Advisors to the Civil Estate (Pace), part of the Cabinet Office, recommended the installation of gas-fired CHP when it became apparent that the ageing system had to be replaced. The new system can produce 31.2MW of heat and 4.9MW of electricity.

E. Cofreth was awarded a contract at the end of 1995 to install the new plant in three stages - and to run and maintain it for five years. It is selling the electricity and heat output to the government at prices linked to the price of gas that normally fires the plant. The back up fuel is fuel oil.

The boiler room deep below the MoD now has four 5.8MW dual-fuels of high pressure shell and tube boilers delivering hot water at 160°C to the distribution system. A gas turbine from Alstom produces 4.9MW of electricity, with the exhaust fed to a boiler that produces 8MW of heat.

Ian Brambley, Managing Director says that the equipment had to be dropped through holes cut in the floors of the MoD building and shoehorned into the boiler house, which measures about 45x15m. The conventional boilers are housed on a mezzanine floor built in the original boiler room. PB Kennedy & Donkin Company were the turnkey design and build contractor.

Note : combined heat power plant – CHP plant


         Exercise 1 Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian combinations: высокая эффективность; газовая турбина; станции, работающие на газе; высокое давление; обычные бойлеры, производить электричество.


         Exercise 2 Find in the text the sentences with Participle I.


         Exercise 3 Find in the text the sentences with Present Perfect Tense.


Exercise 4 Answer the following questions: -what is Whitehall being heated and powered by? -is the great efficiency expected? -why did they decide to install the gas-fir CHP in Whitehall? -where will be the equipment installed?





     Read the text and translate it using a dictionary.

     What information is new for you?





Fiber system has the location of damaged cables taped


Any disturbance of buried cables or other services can now be pinpointed using a detection technique developed by Essex-based Boddingtons. The company claims that its Overlord early warning systems can indicate any breakage in buried cables or pipes - or significant movement near them - to an accuracy of better than 1m over a distance of up to 200km.

The system is based on a modified version of the warning tapes already used widely to indicate the presence of buried services. The Overlord tape, which is typically load about halfway between a buried service and the surface, contains an optical fibre. An optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) connected to the end of the fibre sends pulses of laser light down the fibre and monitors their reflections.

Any disturbance to the tape changes the shape of the reflected waveform and by comparing this with a reference waveform; the system can raise two levels of alarm: a significant disturbance and a complete breakage. The user can set the sensitivity for the first level to avoid false alarms caused by events such as ground movements.

The alarm signal is transmitted automatically to the utility headquarters where a speech synthesiser announces the precise location of the disturbance or damage. The details of the incident, including its timing and resultant waveform, are also stored on a PC.

The tape comes in 2km-long sections which can be linked together to protect up to 200km of buried services.

The system could be used offshore to raise an alarm if subsea cables are damaged by illegally dropped anchors.

Tony Saville, general manager of Boddingtons’ electrical division, says that the cost of the system will depend on the application, but will be “a fraction” of the cost of repairing a damaged HV cable. A typical 20km-long installation will cost less than £70,000.




                        Exercise 1 Find in the text the Russian equivalents for the following English combinations: buried cables, a detection technique, warning systems, a modified version,  an optical fibre.


         Exercise 2 Answer the following questions:

-can any disturbance of buried cable be pinpointed?

- where can the fibre system be used?

- can this system show any breakage in buried cables?


    Discuss with your partners:

     Where can this invention be used?

     Is it possible to install this system in our country?



Methods of processing accounting data

The principles of recording, classifying, and summarizing large quantities of accounting data are those applicable to a situation where sophisticated types of accounting machinery are not needed. In most business enterprises, the mass of data is so great that it is simply too time-consuming to post journal entries manually, add the columns, update the files, and summarize the information. For this reason, computer systems are used.

The computer has revolutionized data processing not only because of its speed and accuracy in processing data, but also because it can be programmed to process the data in almost any manner desired by management. One of the more interesting developments in the computer area has been the development of on-line computer systems. In this system the transaction is recorded in the computer as it occurs without the use of any basic source document. The advantages of a computer are that it can take different courses of action depending on the results of data collected previously and can process the data more quickly and efficiently than other types of business equipment.

         Nearly every medium- or large- sized business owns or rents a computer, but until recently a computer was too expensive for a small business to own or rent. Small businesses generally avoided investing large sums of money yet gained the use of computers through service centers. However, with the widespread availability of inexpensive micro– and mini-computers, most small businesses now own computers and obtain the operating and record keeping efficiencies they provide.

The growth in computers is nothing short of phenomenal. From the beginning of time through 1980, there were approximately 1 million computer systems of all types. In the early 1990s, it is estimated that there were 120 million personal computers alone. This is not surprising, given the level of technological change in this area. As one executive noted, “The amount of raw computing power available at a given price has been improving 25% a year. That which cost $1,000,000 in 1970 costs less than $10,000 in 1995”. In 1990, around 8 million individuals used the Internet. In future that number is expected to increase over 100 times, to 1 billion!

The effect of computers application in homes, offices, and small enterprises in accounting is startling. Because computers are efficient and accurate at handling data it is safe to say that most (if not all) record keeping will be performed on and by computers. Present and future accountants and auditors need to develop their computer competencies and skills in order to meet the challenges this growth brings.


Learn these words:

to record




to estimate


to occur


to summurise






data processing

данные для обработки

accounting data

данные учета







to avoid




 to invest




to gain





Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1  Translate these pairs of words:






















         Exercise 2 Read and translate the word combinations: the principles of recording, the principles of classifying, the principles of summarizing; to develop computer competencies, to develop computer skills.


         Exercise 3 Make up word combinations with the following words: startling, accountant, availability, to develop.


         Exercise 4 Study the word formation:

         to invest- investment, quantity-quantitative, account- accountant, technology-technological, approximate-approximately, available- availability, apply- applicable.


         Exercise 5 Find in the text the sentences with these words and translate them.


         Exercise 6 Find in the text some sentences with these words.


         Exercise 7 Translate into Russian:

sophisticated types of accounting machinery; the mass of data; to update the files; data processing; the development of on-line computer systems; any basic source document; large sums of money; the effect of computers application; the widespread availability.


         Exercise 8  Explain these phrases:

 to take different courses of action; types of business equipment; computers application; to meet the challenges this growth brings, the level of technological change.


         Exercise 9 Find in the text the sentences with these phrases. Translate these sentences into Russian.


         Exercise 10  Match the phrases:

accounting machinery, computers application, handling data, data collected previously, the recorded transaction, small enterprises, a given price, data processing, future accountants, sophisticated types.

определенная цена, вычислительная машина, обработка данных, применение компьютеров, небольшие предприятия, обработка данных, ранее собранные данные, записанная сделка, будущие бухгалтеры, сложные виды.


Comprehension check

Work in pairs

         Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

-why are the computer systems used?

-why has the computer revolutionized data processing?

- what is the way of the transaction recording in the computer?

-what are the advantages of a computer in this system?

-why do most small businesses now own computers?

- how many computers were there in 1980? 7. Why will the computers be used in future?



         Exercise 1 Discuss the following:

application of computers in processing accounting data

development of on-line computer systems



History of Accounting

The history of the accounting function goes back many hundreds of years. The art of bookkeeping – that is, the recording of financial transactions – can be traced back to the early fourteenth century. It was not until the nineteenth century, though, that accountancy emerged as a profession. The Industrial Revolution and the growth of large-scale enterprises was a good ground for the starting of accounting profession. Shareholders not involved in the day-to-day running of an enterprise in which they had invested their money required the managers of these companies to account for the use of their money. But in many cases misuse of investors’ money still occurred. This eventually led to legislation requiring companies to submit to an annual independent audit of their records by a professionally qualified accountant. At the turn of the century the typical accountant in business was employed to:

– establish a sound system of bookkeeping;

– establish a system of internal check (audit);

– prepare the final accountants (profit and loss accountant, balance sheet).

Gradually, accountants came to realize that the details of financial transactions which were so carefully recorded by bookkeepers could also be used to monitor the progress of the organization against a predetermined objective often termed “control accountancy”. Later still accountants developed other techniques which enabled business to evaluate alternative uses of capital, or determine whether a project should or should not be undertaken. This was called “decision accounting”.

     In business today the financial accountant’s work corresponds broadly to the traditional role of accountancy with its emphasis on bookkeeping, auditing and the presentation of financial results. An accountant who is involved in control accountancy or decision accountancy, on the other hand, is normally called a management accountant.


 Bookkeeping and Internal audit

     The recording of all transactions entered into by an organization lies at the heart of the accounting process. Details of sales, purchases and expenses are required so that bills may be paid on time, debts can be collected, and the value of assets recorded. The same information may be used in the control of business activities through standard costing and budgetary control techniques. Lastly it is by relating expenditure to income that we calculate the profit or loss for the period.

     Internal auditing of the bookkeeping system is undertaken to test the efficiency of that system. Internal audit seeks to ensure that transactions are processed quickly and cheaply, that a high level of accuracy is maintained, and lastly that fraud, theft or other irregularities are minimised.

Learn these words:














































Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Try to explain these phrases:

         control accountancy, financial results, a system of internal check, decision accounting, management accountant, the financial accountant’s work, an annual independent audit, business activities, calculate the profit, the accounting process.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.


         Exercise 2 Translate the word combinations:

control accountancy, the recording of financial transactions, the growth of large-scale enterprises, the day-to-day running of an enterprise, a professionally qualified accountant, standard costing and budgetary control techniques.


         Exercise 3 Find in the text the sentences with these phrases. Translate these sentences into Russian.


         Exercise 4 Translate these pairs of words:

account -accounting; manage-managing; calculate-calculating; record-recording; control –controlling; start-starting; require- requiring.



Comprehension check

Work in pairs

         Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- how many years has the history of the accounting function?

- what was the reason for the starting of accounting profession?

- why did the companies need a professionally qualified accountant?

- what did the typical accountant do at the turn of the century?

 - what was called “decision accounting”?

 - why is the internal auditing of the bookkeeping system undertaken?



Tell about the history of accounting

Explain the internal auditing of the bookkeeping system.



Types of boilers

A. Read about solid fuel fired boiler of VC-500 series

VS-500 series boilers are designed to fire individual or multiple fuels in every combination, both from fossil or renewable sources.  

Small units are generally self-standing and can be completely shop assembled to minimize field erection costs. Larger units are prefabricated to the extent allowed by transportation limitations and installation site. Large units can be self-standing or supported on steel structures, regarding the local seismic requirements.  

Of finned tube monowall construction, the VS-500 boilers are conceived to minimize the use of refractory materials thus eliminating furnace leakage and ask deposits, to curtail power consumption, reduce maintenance costs, and ease operation. 

For lower steam generation capacities the VS-500 boilers are designed for longitudinal double pass bank tubes with baffle plate separating each pass. For higher capacities, a single gas pass crossing in the tube bank is used, with no partition baffle plates. These arrangements reduce possible erosion caused by flash and allow the bank tubes to be effectively cleaned by soot blowers.   

Boilers can be provided with different types of biomass feeding and ash removing, as well as firing systems equipped with mechanical, continuous or intermittent ash discharge, such as traveling, inclined, pin-hole or dumping grate, mainly  depending upon type and characteristics of fuel, customer preference and investment cost.  

The firing of biomass consists in accomplishing three different tasks that is evaporating the moisture, distilling and burning volatile components and finally burning fixed carbon.  In the VS-500 boilers, provided with spreader stoker firing system, these tasks occur simultaneously achieving maximum thermal efficiency and minimizing flue gas emissions.

Design characteristics

Steam generator capacity (Kg/hr)

Design characteristics


Two drums, gas passes in convention bank, self standing monowall furnace


Two drums, convention bank with no baffle plates, self standing monowall furnace, modular components


Two drums, convention bank with no baffle plates, self standing monowall furnace, modular components

100,000-500,000 oil and/or gas

Two drums, convention bank with no baffle plates, supported on steel structure, monowall furnace, modular components

Maximum operating steam pressure

120 kg/sm2

Maximum operating steam temperature



Balanced draft


Lexical assignments


         Exercise 1 Read and translate the word combinations:

fossil or renewable sources, shop assembled, to the extent, transportation limitations, installation site, steel structures,  the local seismic requirements,  finned tube monowall construction, the VS-500 boilers,  refractory materials high capacities, the tube bank, baffle plates, soot blowers, intermittent ash discharge, pin-hole or dumping grate,  type and characteristics of fuel, customer preference,  investment cost, volatile components, a spreader stoker firing system;

  small units, self-standing units, large units;

  a single gas pass, to separate pass,  longitudinal double pass bank tubes.


         Exercise 2  Make up word combinations:

 to reduce

thermal efficiency

 to  reduce 

flue gas emission

 to achieve

maintenance costs

 to  minimize

power consumption

 to  eliminate

the moisture

 to  remove 


 to curtail


 to ease operation

furnace leakage

 to evaporate

multiple fuels

 to fire

the use

 to minimize

field erection costs


       Exercise 3 Study the word formation:

to transport-


to eliminate-


to limit-


to fire-


to install-


to minimize-


to construct-


to achieve-


to generate-


to accomplish-


to operate -


to feed-


         Exercise 4 Fill in gaps:















to evaporate




to  reduce 



         Exercise 5 Find in the text the sentences with these words and translate them.



Grammar revision

         Exercise 1 Define the tense and voice:

are designed, can be assembled, are prefabricated, are conceived, is used, can be provided, consists, is evaporating.


         Exercise 2 Find in the text the sentences with these forms and translate them.



Work in pairs

Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- what are VS-500 series boilers designed for?

- can the VS-500 boilers minimize the use of refractory materials?

- what capacities are the VS-500 series boilers are designed for?

 -what can the boilers be provided with?

- what does the firing of biomass consist in?


         Exercise 2 Sum up what the text says about solid fuel fired boiler of VC-500 series.



Tell about:

Small units

Large units

Low steam generation capacities

High steam generation capacities

Design characteristics of solid fuel fired boiler of VC-500 series boilers. 



B. Read about Liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers of HS-500 series


Liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers in the HS-500 series use front firing and they are characterized by great furnace depth and nose-shaped rear wall to house the superheater. 

With steam temperatures above 400°c, the boiler rear wall is displaced to provide a hollow between the wall and the convection bank, where the second superheater pass is housed.  

Front firing systems provide true gas distribution along the boiler width, without causing any differential temperature gradient on the superheater, providing a homogenous heating and uniform stress distribution among the hot parts of the boiler. 

Boilers in this series are finned tube monowall furnace configuration, suitable for industrial steam generation or for power plants.  

For individual capacities over 70 mw, these boilers can provide a control range between 50 and 100% of the maximum continuous rating when equipped with final steam temperature control.  

Units with high steam generating capacity, can be specially designed with radiant partition walls in the furnace to produce compact, economical configurations

 Design characteristics

Steam generator capacity (Kg/hr)

Up to 500,000 kg/hr

Maximum operating steam pressure

120 kg/cm2

Maximum operating steam temperature



Balanced draft


Light and ultra viscous oils, natural gas and residual process gas


Self standing monowall furnace, double pass convection bank


Lexical assignments

         Exercise 1 Read and translate the word combinations:

the boiler width, the  furnace depth;   true gas distribution, uniform stress distribution; high steam generating capacity, individual capacities; the nose-shaped rear wall, the boiler rear wall,  radiant partition walls.


         Exercise 2 Make up word combinations with the following words:

capacity, generation, gas, distribution, temperature.

 Find in the text the sentences with these words.


         Exercise 3 Read and translate the word combinations:

liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers, to house the superheater,  to provide a hollow between the wall and the convection bank,  the second superheater pass, the front firing systems, without causing, a homogenous heating, the hot parts of the boiler, monowall furnace configuration, suitable for industrial steam generation, power plants, individual capacities, a control range, final steam temperature control.

Find the sentences with these word combinations in the text.



         Exercise 4 Study the word formation:













to boil




to heat





         Exercise 5 Fill the gaps with words and phrases:

- liquid and gaseous fuel fired … in the HS-500 series use front firing; -with steam temperatures above 400°c, the boiler rear wall is displaced to provide a hollow between the wall and the …bank;  - boilers in this series are finned tube monowall furnace configuration, suitable for … or for power plants;  -units with … can be specially designed with radiant partition walls in the furnace.

industrial steam generation, boilers, high steam generating capacity, convection.



Work in pairs

            Exercise 1 Answer the questions:

- what are liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers in the HS-500 series characterized by?

- what temperature is the boiler rear wall displaced?

- do front firing systems provide true gas distribution along the boiler width?  

-what type of configuration has the boilers in this series?


         Exercise 2 Sum up what the text says about liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers of HS-500 series



Tell about:

      Liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers of HS-500 series



C. Translate in written form the text about liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers of HS-200 series

These boilers are finned tube monowall constructions where the use of refractory materials is limited to small places where finning is not applicable. 

The furnace of the boilers in the HS-200 series forms a gas tight assembly minimizing flue gas leakage.  They are lined with insulation blanket and cased with aluminum sheet on the outside. 

The package boiler superheater is installed at the furnace outlet, prior to the convection bank.  The superheater is completely drainable which allows removing the condensate before boiler start-up. 

Formed by a set of tubes connecting the top drum to the lower drum, convection bank tubes are expanded in tube holes on drums.  To optimize the heat transfer, the tubes can be arranged either in line or staggered fashion. 

When the boilers in the HS-200 series are used for process steam, their drum internals supply steam saturated above 99% dry. 

For high pressure and temperature steam, centrifugal type primary internals and chevron dryers provide steam purity with solids content less than 1 PPM. 

Plain tube economizers, tubular air heaters or regenerative air heaters can be installed to increase the boiler thermal eff iciency.  For firing ultra viscous oils, the use of combustion air heaters becomes necessary to minimize the impact of emissions on the environment.


D. Translate in written form the text about fluidized bed boilers

A fluidized bed consists of a mixture of fuel with inert material (e.g. natural sand), which is fluidized by the passing-through combustion air keeping the mixture in suspension in a high temperature oxidizing environment. 

The firing model causes an expanded combustion zone of high turbulence where the whole surface of the fuel particles comes in effective contact with the combustion air, resulting a high heat transfer rate inside the bed.  The bed temperature is controlled in the 700°C to 950°C range, depending on fuel characteristics. 

Where fuels with high heat values are fired, cold gas recirculation may be additionally required to control the bed temperature.  For a complete fuel burn and an adequate control of the final oxygen contents, the equipment is provided with an effective overfire system. A system of controlled purge in the bed ensures the control of level and amount of inert material desired to support combustion. 

The boiler is a two-drum configuration.  Bank tubes forming the convection bank connect the drums. The boiler natural circulation cools the monowall furnace, where walls, roof and bottom form a single set.  The furnace bottom is lined with castable refractory, which causes the temperature in the bed combustion zone to raise, an essential feature when burning high moisture content fuels, to prevent tube erosion. Conventional heat recovery systems such as economizers and air heaters can be installed as required to increase the boiler thermal efficiency.




Look through the texts:      A. solid fuel fired boiler of VC-500 series

                                            B. liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers of HS-500 series

                                       C. liquid and gaseous fuel fired boilers of HS-200 series

                                            D. fluidized bed boilers



Work in pairs.

Speak about technical characteristics of the boilers.

Speak about advantages and disadvantages of every type.


Write down annotation about these boilers.




Texts for written translation

Resolved problems

Regardless of the ease with which mobile users can be pinpointed using the cells of the radio network, prob­lems rapidly mount when it comes to transmitting multimedia data. With voice communications, mobile phone users only have to put up with a brief crackling as the signal switches over from one cell to the other. Here, the transition takes only milliseconds and has no effect on the quality of voice transmission. With video, on the other hand, whole packets of data can go astray, which in turn can cause the whole transmission to crash. For Herzog, such problems remain largely unresolved. "It's an area that still requires a lot of work," he admits.

Software developments may well bring the big breakthrough in the form of improved transmission codes and algorithms, so that—as is the case with the Internet—packets of data are sent a number of times or another transmission route is instantly sought when individual network nodes fail. Afterward, all of the data can be gath­ered together again and transmitted to the user device. Here, it's impor­tant to ensure that minimum quality standards are on par with those cur­rently governing telephone calls.

In the case of a phone call, for ex­ample, the time delay between the transmitter and receiver must not ex­ceed 150 milliseconds, otherwise di­alogue would be disrupted. "As yet, there is no equivalent guarantee in place for the Internet," says Herzog. "Indeed, we still lack the technology to manage such a feat." As a result, any multimedia application devel­oped for the mobile phone market would today be liable to interference.

Avoiding interference is therefore a key criterion. Here, Herzog is opti­mistic: "I think Internet developers will learn from the telecommunica­tions sector. That's our field, and we can use our experience to free up data flow on the Net and improve trans­mission rates to mobile equipment."

One approach here involves the use of new multimedia standards with which to encode voice, audio or video data for certain applications or networks. MPEG-4, one such standard, was developed more than two years ago. It compresses data into small in­dividual packets that are then re­assembled into video sequences at the user terminal.

Moreover, this standard is cur­rently being upgraded, with MPEG-7 scheduled to hit the market in late 2001. Using MPEG-7, it will be pos­sible to receive the same service—for example, "City on Air"—using mo­bile terminals of varying power and performance specifications.

If a smart phone or a palm com­puter doesn't have enough memory for a video sequence, only a mosaic of essential images will be transmit­ted to the display. Experts agree that MPEG-7 will transform the cell phone once and for all into a genuine multi­functional device, into a mobile In­ternet terminal—albeit one that can still be used to make phone calls.



Communications Aspects of Intercontinental Deployment of Enterprise-Wide Applications

Telecommunications net­works and shared databases are two of the key new technolo­gies known to change the way mod­ern corporations are run — by enabling changes of existing, and creation of new, processes. Using telecommunications and shared databases, modern enter­prises may deploy the applications that will hold the operations fabric of their enterprises together and improve their worldwide competitiveness.

Many global corporations currently plan, or are already in the process of setting up, new regional data processing sites and installing enterprise-wide corpo­rate — financial, manufacturing, human resources — applica­tions. Enterprise-wide applications deployment is a complex systems integration project, even in cases of single-country deployment, because the computing platforms, databases, applications, and communications infrastructure have to be planned and deployed in concert with each other. When the regional and corporate headquarters are on different con­tinents, network planners, data processing (DP) personnel, and executive management alike fine) themselves dealing with this multidiscipline problem complicated by multicontinental logistics.


Potential and Expansion of Water Power

The figures for the economically useful potential of hydro power can vary great. Technological advances, the standards used to make economic viability comparisons and the status of environmental protection legislation lead to different results in analyses performed at different times. In 1993, an assessment of studies performed by recognized institutions such as the UN and the World Energy Council, as well as statistical material provided by pertinent hydropower magazines, indicated a worldwide hydroelectric potential of about 2360 GW. However, of this theoretical potential, only 606 GW (a mere 226 percent) has actually been developed.

In 1995, about 2500 billion kWh of hydroelectric power were produced worldwide, accounting for 19 percent of the electrical power produced by all different types of power plants. The results of a study performed by Siemens, referencing national hydropower development plans worldwide and various parameters such as population growth and gross national product, underscore the growing significance of water power for the future. The generation of electricity from water power will increase by 2.3 percent annually between 1990 and 2010, growing from 2200 TWh to 3480 TWh. By this time, about 42 percent of the exploitated hydroelectric potential will have been developed.


Installed Capacity

The contribution of hydroelectric power to total power generation varies greatly from country to country – from zero, or only a few percentage points, to nearly 100 percent. The same holds for how much of the exploitable potential is currently developed. In Europe, this figure already stands at 64 percent. Countries which rely almost exclusively on hydroelectric power include Norway, Iceland and Brazil. In Austria, Switzerland and Canada water power accounts for over 50 percent of overall power generation, while in Germany this figure is below 5 percent on average, with 90 percent of the existing large and medium-scale potential sources totaling 4600MW already having been developed in this country.

Dynamic growth in installed capacity very often takes place in countries with great hydroelectric potential. Between 1947 and 1992 hydroelectric power generation in India increased by 8.2 percent annually; from 1992 to 2010 growth will be about 4 percent. In Canada, the increase from 1990 to 2010 will be 5.1 percent annually.



Benefits of Hydroelectric Power

What factors favor the use of hydroelectric power? The technology involved has proven itself over a long period of time, and is therefore very reliable.

The actual service life of a hydroelectric power plant is extremely long in comparison to other types of power plant. This makes water power very attractive from an economic point of view.

Water is continually regenerated and available at no cost. Its use generates no harmful emissions to burden the environment.

The annual full-load operating time of run-of-river hydroelectric plants is as high as 8000 h; for power plants with reservoirs the figure is about 4000 h.

Water power yields great ecological and economic benefits when coupled with flood protection, river engineering, raising of the groundwater level, irrigation and/or the supply of drinking water.


Economic Perspective

The cost of hydroelectric power per installed kilowatt varies widely, and can be several times higher than the specific costs of other power plant types. Depending on the type of hydroelectric plant (run-of-river or plant with reservoir), the geology, the topography and the plant capacity, hydroelectric power costs between $US 1000 and 12,000 per installed kVA. The operating cost of a hydroelectric plant, on the other hand, is lower than that of other power plant types, ranging from roughly 20 to 25 percent of total annual expenditure. The main reason for this is the absence of “fuel costs”. A further advantage is the long effective service life, which greatly exceeds the legally binding depreciation period.

A meaningful indication of operating economy can be obtained by expressing the overall costs (service of capital and operating expenses) and the overall revenues earned from power sales in terms of the actual service life of the plant. If customary operating conditions are assumed, hydroelectric plants have power generating costs of between a very low 15 and 12 cents per kWh.

If environmental concerns should ever lead to the imposition of an emissions tax (from which CO2-free energy generation would be exempted), the relative economic advantage of hydroelectric power plants would become even more significant. Moreover, additional hydroelectric potential which is at present considered not worth the cost of exploitation would become economically viable.


Water Power and Environment

The construction of every hydroelectric power plant has an impact on the waterway ad on the environmental equilibrium at the plant site, and dams and reservoirs dramatically after the landscape. Planning that reflect today’s heightened environmental consciousness does, however, permit the impact on the environment to be minimized, and even allows a positive impact on the ecological conditions over the medium term. Human intervention in nature can ameliorate flood potential, raise or lower the level of a riverbed, dry out riverbeds or revitalize rivers, destroy biotopes or bring them back to life.

That such positive effects can be implemented in practice is shown, for example, in Germany by the recently completed Vohburg and Oberaudorf hydroelectric plants on the Danube and Inn Rivers respectively, and the implementation of the cascade on the Lech River. These are prime examples of the environmentally conscious use of hydroelectric power, combining economic good sense and ecological awareness. However, builders of hydroelectric power plants throughout the world today are committed to the preservation of nature, and they design their plants according to this commitment.

 And every kilowatt-hour of CO2-free power generated by a hydroelectric plant is itself a contribution toward environmental protection. The 2500 billion kWh of power generated by hydroelectric plants in 1995 prevented the release of more than two billion metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere which would have otherwise arisen from generation of this power in coal-fired power plants. This volume of CO2 corresponds to about one tenth of the worldwide emissions caused by power generation.

In terms of environmental protection, water power is one of the most effective options available today. It is therefore desirable to intensify efforts to expand its use, particularly in those countries in which only a small percentage of its available potential has been developed today.












































1. Network Resource Management for

    Enterprise- Wide Multimedia Services                                                              

2. The Design and Architecture of a Video Library System                                 

3. Remote controls of commutation satellites                                                       

4. Telephone circuits used for computer communication                                      

5. National software needs                                                                                     

6. Technological and building solutions on substation                                           

7. The European Pressured Water Reactor                                                             

8. Basic Objectives of the Engineered Safety Features                                          

9. Structure and Technology of Future Power Supply                                           

10. Water Reactor                                                                                                  

11. Heat and Power Generation in

     Industry—Economical and Environmentally Clean                                          12. Supplying Process Heat and Electrical Power                                                 

13. Online Vision                                                                                                   

14. Power Resources                                                                                              

15. Manufacture and current consumption                                                           

16. Scientific and technical progress

in electric power industry                                                                                      

17. Computer                                                                                                                     

18. Analogue and Digital Computers  p.

19. Steam generator cleaning in Reactor Plant                                                           

20. Hydro Power Plant Business in a Changing Market                                          

21. Worldwide Sourcing                                                                                               

22. Telecommunications system                                                                                

23. Functions of telecommunications systems                                                         

24. Progress of radio engineering                                                                               

25. Integrated Power's Photovoltaic Systems to Control Chilean                       

26. Copper Ore Pipeline                                                                                              


27. Length meter cuts costs                                                                                     

28. Cable gland protection                                                                                        

29. Flexible circuit breaker                                                                                        

30. Galvanic isolators                                                                                                   

31. Power to the panels p.

32. Cable for ASI                                                                                                                  

33. IP68 connecting cables                                                                                 

34. MM47: the electrician’s multimeter                                                            

35. Plastic consumer units                                                                                

36. New electronic ballast                                                                                      

37. Power factor capacitors for lighting                                                                

38. New range of miniature relay bases                                                                    

39. Innovations in small electric motors                                                                

40. New high power UPS battery                                                                             

41. Low-cost digital wattmeter                                                                               

42. Cabinet cuts corners to ease accessibility                                                      

43. Corridors of power get deep heat treatment                                                

44. Fiber system has the location of damaged cables taped                              

45. Methods of processing accounting data                                                       

46. History of Accounting                                                                                                       

47. Types of boilers                                                                                           

48. Unsolved problems                                                                                    

49. Communications Aspects of Intercontinental

Deployment of Enterprise-Wide                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

50. Applications                                                                                                    

51. Potential and Expansion of Water Power                                            

52. Installed Capacity                                                                               

53. Benefits of Hydroelectric Power                                                            

54. Economic Perspective                                                                          

55. Water Power and Environment          


















1 Multimedia application………………………………………..    3

2 Resource allocation…………………………………………..,.   6

3 Telephone circuits used for computer communication……….    12

4 Technological and building solutions on substation………….    16

5 Basic objectives of the engineered safety features…………...,     21

6 Water reactor…………………………………………………..    23

7 The economic lssues…………………………………………..,    26

8 Systems for mass digital communication………………………   29

9 Networks………………………………………………………..   39

10 Manufacture and current consumption…………………………. 43

11 Manufacture of the electric power in Russia……………………. 47

12 An economic perspective…………………………………………50

13 Worldwide sourcing………………………………………………53

14 Telecommunications system……………………………………...54

15 Conclusion………………………………………………………...58