Кафедра иностранных языков









Английский язык

Лексические задания к устным темам

Методические указания






























Алматы 2005

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ:С.М.Нарбаев Английский язык. Лексические задания к устным темам.Методические указания (для студентов всех форм обучения и специальностей). – Алматы. АИЭС,2005.34с.






             Методические указания предназначены для тренировки и закрепления тематического словаря по устным темам и рассчитаны для студентов всех форм обучения и специальностей. Большинство заданий носит информативный характер. Они позволят расширить словарный запас и закрепить знания о том, в каком контексте можно употребить ту или иную лексическую единицу. 














             Рецензент: ст. преп. каф. ИЯ Садыкова А.К.








             Печатается по плану издания Алматинского института энергетики и связи  на 2005 г.



©   Алматинский институт энергетики и связи, 2005 г.






                               lakes, rivers        natural resources          industry


                          borders                                                                  telecommunication


             to be situated                                                 Ka                        agriculture       


                         free market                                                             power engineering


                                               to famous for                political system



     1 Match words with their definitions

     1.1 arrive

     1.2 climate

     1.3 capital

     1.4 development

     1.5 famous

1.6 foreign

1.7 government

1.8 impressive

1.9 island

1.10 independent

1.11 lifestyle

1.12 nation

1.13 nature

1.14 to be situated

      1.15 voyage


      a) the process of a country or region becoming economically organized

b) describes someone or something that is not from your own country

      c) describes something that is so large, beautiful, of such a high standard etc, that

          you admire it

d) the weather that is typical of a region

e) that is not controlled or influenced  by another country or group

f) to be in a particular place

     g) an area of land surrounded by water

h) a journey across the sea in  a ship

i) the group of people who manage the economy and politics of a country

j) the people in the country

k) to get a place

      l) describes someone, a building etc. known to a lot of people

m) the most important city of a country or region of a country

n) all the animals, plants and rocks in the world

o) particular way that someone lives


     2Circle the one out

2.1 a. city                   b. town                   c. village                  d. agriculture

2.2 a. to be situated  b. to be located      c. a particular place    d. to be famous   for

2.3 a. mountain          b. capital                c. island                    d. lake

2.4 a. Government     b. Prime Minister   c. Population            d. Queen

2.5 a. currency           b. raw materials      c. oil and gas            d. natural resources

2.6 a. industry            b. agriculture          c. language               d. capacity

2.7 a. plain land         b. climate                c. highland               d. mountain ranges

2.8 a. to be washed    b. to be bounded     c. develop                 d. border

2.9 a. export               b. import                 c. influence               d. produce

     2.10 a. south              b. north                    c. east                       d best


3.Read the text. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form  a word that fits in the space in the same line  


       The United Kingdom


       The UK    really     four countries  -  England, Wales,                    real

  Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the _____                    3 1  big

  and most ________populated  -  a country of rolling                     3.2  dense

  hills and rich farmland. The south-east, with its____                     3.3  grass

  ridges and broad valleys is __________   heavily                          3.4  special

  populated and __________ farmed. Dairy farming is                     3.5  intense

  _________  in the west and south-west. In the north                      3.6  dominate

  many people live in big _________      cities. Many                      3.7  industry

  English people are ______from  the Angles, Saxons                     3.8 descend

  and Normans. But there was a rich mixture of _____                     3.9  nation

  because over the centuries  people   have   come here.

  This  century __________   have come from Europe,                    3.10  migrate       

  Asia and the  Caribbean.











     1 A Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary

1.1 advanced                                             creatively minded                   

1.2 attend                                                  to carry out research work                                       

1.3 aim                                                      to be available

1.4 amount                                                to  do research    

1.5 accept                                                  to gain knowledge

1.7 admit                                                   in the field   

1.8 ability                                                  to fail an examination         

1.9 confront                                              free of charge

1.10 complete                                             full- time education   

1.11 curriculum                                          entrance examination          

1.12 dean                                                    to engage something

1.13 department                                          to pass an examination      

1.14 graduate from                                      to take an examination

1.15 enlarge                                                to train specialists    

1.16 enter                                                    to take part

1.17 establishment                                      obligatory subjects   

1.18 experience                                           secondary education

1.19 extra mural                                          under the guidance  

1.20 found

1.21 hostel

1.22 importance

1.23 include

1.24 last

1.25 law

1.26 obtain

1.27 pre-arranged

1.28 proper

1.29 provide

1.30 retraining

1.31 rapid

1.32 satisfy

1.33 science

1.34 skill

1.35 select

1.36 widen

1.37 workshop


B. Make up sentences using the active words

e.g.  enter -  I entered Almaty Institute Power Engineering and Telecommunication  last year.  


     2  Match the words with the correct definition

2.1 dean

2.2 disciple

2.3 headmistress

2.4 instructor

2.5 lecturer

2.6 trainee

2.7 principal

2.8 professor

2.9 pupil

2.10 student


a) female teacher in charge of school

b) highest grade of a university teacher

c) the lowest teaching rank at a university

d) a person in charge of a division of study

e) a person who teaches you diving

f) a head of some  universities or school

g) a person undergoing some form of vocational training

h) anyone devoted to the acquisition of knowledge especially attending university

i) attends primary school

j) a follower of a religious teacher


3 Fill the missing information

   Subject                   Teacher                                    … is the study of


       Physics               physicist                                     



                                                                                  property of substances



                                                                                   foreign languages 




4 Put each of the following words in the spaces provided


      amount     calendar    class  hours      college      course      credits      curriculum

      electives      graduation      major      number      opportunity    outline  prospectus

      requirements      specified      subject      technical      three     week

     Selecting courses

      The courses given by a  (1) _________or university are called its curriculum. The

(2) __________of the institution (3) ___________ the complete (4) ____________  .

It gives the(5) _________for entry to each  course, as well as the credits given for the (6) ___________                     .

     Each course designated as giving a (7) ___________number of credits. These are usually equal to the number of (8) ____________devoted each week to the course. For example, a course that gives (9) _____________credits towards graduation. Schools using the semester (10) _______________require about 120 credits for (11)

___________ Between

30 and 40 of required (12) ___________must be in the student’s (13) ____________


     Schools vary considerably in the (14) _______of freedom given students in (15) _____ their courses. Almost all schools have a certain (16) _______of required (17) .                  .

Students can also usually choose non-required courses called (18) ________              .

Liberal-art colleges usually give students more (19) ________ to choose that do (20)

______ schools



     5 Complete the letter to your friend


         Dear Tom

           Thank you for  the letter of 10th July. I am very   sorry I couldn’t write to you              

           last   month  because I  was  very busy. I am very glad that you are going   to

           enter to our University. And first of all I want to describe you the educational

           system of our country….




     6 Give synonym of the following words

6.1 term                                                         6.6 to train specialists

6.2 to do research                                          6.7 to obtain

6.3 to make an experiment                            6.8 advanced             

6.4 to realize                                                  6.9 aim

6.5 to train                                                     6.10 to study


     7 Give antonym of the following words

7.1 to enter                                                     7.5  to widen

7.2 to pass an examination                             7.6 continue     

7.3 advanced                                                   7.7 main      

7.4 to include                                                  7.8 extra mural 


     My Future Profession


     1  Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary

1.1 advise                                                      an important branch     

1.2 approach                                                 to be admitted to the Institute

1.3 believe                                                     to do one’s best    

1.4 consider                                                   to bring up to date

1.5 choose                                                      training and instructions           

1.6 choice                                                      distance learning

1.7 capable                                                     sudden flash  

1.8 decide                                                      favorite subjects  

1.9 direction                                                  to solve problem  

1.10 expect

1.11 key

1.12 meaning

1.13 maintenance

1.14 misunderstand

1.15 offer

1.16 perfectly

1.17 promise

1.18 qualified

1.19 receive

1.20 responsible

1.21 return

1.22 sphere

1.23 thorough 



2 Match words with their synonym

2.1 to get                                                   a. sphere

2.2 detailed                                               b. to prepare 

2.3 to get ready                                         c. to receive

2.4 trend                                                    d. perhaps

2.5 may be                                                 e. thorough              

2.6 branch                                                  f. Direction


3 Match words with their antonym

3.1 to give                                                 a. thorough

3.2 to understand                                       b. perfectly  

3.3 badly                                                    c. to receive      

3.4 quickly                                                 d. to misunderstand  


     4 Read the text and correct some lexico - grammar mistakes(use of

     tenses, plural form of nouns and modal verbs)

     My future profession

     1.After finishing the school it were very difficult to choose the future profession. My teachers  parents, friends advised me to work first, and then to enter the institute. Many university and institute are in our city, but I wanted to become an engineer.

     2.It be don’t easy thing to choose a professions out of more than 2000 exciting in the world. As for me my choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash. During all school year physics, chemistry and mathematics was my favorite subject. I has read a lot of books and magazines on these subjects.

     3.My grandfather be an electrical engineers and he told me about his specialty. He told me that electric power system at every enterprise are complex  and demands the knowledge of electrical laws These was reasons that caused me to enters the university.

     4.And now I wants to speak on my future profession. An engineer am a very specific job. The electrical engineer must to know the electric power system of that enterprise where he work. He is responsible for installing and maintenance of electrical equipment. In case of emergency he are able to solve many problem and to find faulty system. He must to be experienced enough and have good qualification.

     5.I are sure, I wills be a good specialist and I will try. Nowadays there is a lot of difficulties in choosing the job that is why I must do my best in order to become a good specialist.


     5 A Using the diagram speak about the new requirements for managers in


        B And  for you?


                 Dimension                important                             unimportant                                     

                                                           A        B                             




Punctuality, decency

Personality, ability


Exam marks


Chosen profession

Foreign languages



Fantasy, creative work


    Famous Scientists and Inventors


     1 A Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary

1.1 award                                                to be interested in                      

1.2 benefit                                               to be proud of  

1.3 creator                                               to be recognized   

1.4 century                                              to turn one’s attention       

1.5 contribution                                       to pay the way                  

1.6 deal with

1.7 discovery

1.8 devote

1.9 dream

1.10 decision

1.11 forecast

1.12 fruitful

1.13 founder

1.14 efforts

1.15 explain

1.16 exist

1.17 estimate

1.18 essential

1.19 initial

1.20 investigation

1.21 invent

1.22 introduce

1.23 necessity

1.24 noble

1.25 proceed

1.26 profound

1.27 prominent

1.28 research

1.29 remarkable

1.30 owing to

1.31 outstanding

1.32 overcome


1.34 set up


B Find synonym of the following words in A

a) predict                      e) exploration                               j) inventor

b) invention                  f) tremendous                              k) rate

c) due to                       g) to lay the foundation    

d) deep                         i) watch     


     2 Choose the suitable word

2.1 Mendeleyev  suggested / allowed  a system of classification in which the   elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic  weights / particles.

2.2 Marie and Pierre Curie knew that radium  appeared / existed but they have to  prove /  improve  it because a chemist believes in the existence of a new  thing / substance.

2.3 The story of  discovery / creation of electricity is connected with name of Thales.

2.4 In 1890 Lodygin  did / made his first lamps with metal filament  using / applying metals with high melting points, such as tungsten, osmium.

2.5 P.N. Yablochkov  discovered / invented  the electric candle.

2.6 The German physicist Max Planck  proposed / used the quantum theory of light in 1900 to account for certain mysterious facts about the  emission / ray of light.

2.7 Owing to Edison an efficient system of electric light distribution  was carried out / carried due to which the wide-spread consumption / use of this lamp became possible.

2.8 A wide-spread / famous scientist A. Einstein published / edited three experience / papers in the field of mathematics.

     2.9 A. Popov invented / found a way / road of transmitting Morse code signals.

2.10 K. Satbayev made great contribution in finding / detecting the deposits of some metals in Kazakhstan.



3 Speak about famous scientists and inventors                 


Active  words: to invent; to discovery; to prove; to create; to study; a founder; fruitful investigations; to be proud of.


3.1 M. Lomonosov - the Law of Conservation of Matter and Motion (Закон 

      сохранения вещества и движения);

3.2 I.Newton –  the Law of Gravitation;

3.3 A.Popov - the world’s first receiver;

3.4 D.I. Mendeleyev - the Periodic  Table  of  Elements;

3.5 Thomas  Edison - the improvement of the  electric  lamp;

3.6 Albert Einstein - Special Theory of Relativity;

3.7 Rudolf Diesel - a new internal combustion engine;

3.8 Graham Bell - the first telephone  line.


4 Make up sentences using the construction “ … was the first to … “

e.g. : A. Popov was the first to invent the radio.


     Development of Science and Technology


1 A Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary

1.1 beam

1.2 brief

1.3 breakthrough

1.4 development

1.5 digital

1.6 field

1.7 enrich

1.8 enable

1.9 explore

1.10 extraordinary

1.11 influence

1.12 improve

1.13 master

1.14 permit

1.15 possess

1.16 plenty of

1.17 possibility

1.18 prove

1.19 provide

1.20 perform

1.21 promote

1.22 reach

1.23 reinforce

1.24 rise

1.25 rely on

1.26 superhard

1.27 swiftly

1.28 submit

1.29 substance

1.30 substitute

1.31 tremendous

1.32 utilize

1.33 universe

1.34 valuable

1.35 withstand


2  Match the following words with their synonyms

2.1 artificial                                           a. increase    

2.2 permit                                              b. earth

2.3 rise                                                   c. short

2.4 swiftly                                              d. unusual

2.5 tremendous                                       e. replace

2.6 universe                                            f. quickly

2.7 utilize                                                g. research     

2.8 brief                                                   h. opportunity

2.9 field                                                    i. allow 

2.10 extraordinary                                    j. huge

2.11 substance                                          k. matter

2.12 possibility                                         l. use

2.13 explore                                             m. branch

2.14 substitute                                          n. man - made  


      3 A Choose the suitable word

        B Fill in the text with the following words


                  destructive      field          form         speed           to keep track      

                  patient       automated       beneficial       scientist      invention        


     Scientific and Technological Revolution


     The first Industrial Revolution took place between the years 1762 and 1860. It was a revolution resulting / coming the introduction of a new __________of power steam power.

     The first revolution was for the most part brought about by the ________ of engineers. The second relies heavily on the scientists. It begins in fact with Faraday and his job / work on electricity. It owes much to the  _________ who have developed / have invented the whole __________of electronics from radio to radar and automation. Long and _____________work by scientists revealed the structure of the atom and made its power reliable / available, first in the terrible                     power of the atom bomb, but since developed for more peaceful and                         uses.

      New sources of power, new processes, new materials have come to an end / have come into use with such bewildering ______ in the present century that it is hard  _____of them  all.

     The first industrial revolution gave us machine to do work that had been done before by men’s hands. The second has discovered / has produced machines that can do the work of men’s brains. The  __________factory  machines watch, check, count, correct and operate / perform all kinds of other tasks that are allotted / are allowed to them.   


     3 Speak about   ( using the active words in A)   

            3.1 Some discoveries of the 19th century : radio, engine .

            3.2 Some discoveries of the 20th century : television, computer, atom reactor,


     Test  1


      1 Group the following words under the headings

             1.1 Countries


             1.2 Education


             1.3 My Profession


             1.4 Famous Scientists and Inventors


             1.5 Development of Science and Technology


    award                              admit                                 attend

    artificial                          area                                    choice

    advise                             contribution                       influence

    curriculum                      breakthrough                     graduate

    creator                            capital                                direction

    border                             believe                               founder

    department                     government                        industry

    deal with                        enter                                   explain

    investigation                  digital                                 select

    enlarge                           intent                                  prepare

    island                              introduce                           overcome

    fruitful                            mountain                           reinforce

    skill                                science                               retraining

    situate                            discovery                           widen

    population                      training                              raw

    thorough                        outstanding                        Master’s Degree


     2 Translate or give the definitions of the following phrasal verbs

     2.1 to bring about –  to cause something

     2.2 to bring back –

     2.3 to bring in –

     2.4 to bring off –

     2.5 to bring out –


     2.6 to get away from – to leave or escape from something or someone

     2.7 to get back –

     2.8 to get by 

     2.9 to get down to –

     2.10 to get from –

     2.11 to get into –

     2.12 to get off –

    Computers in Everyday Life

     1 A Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary

1.1 addition                                                silicone plate

1.2.achieve                                                 integrated circuit

1.3 analogue                                               to play an important role

1.4 adjust                                                    with relative ease

1.5 appropriate                                           experimental data

1.6 arrange                                                  to have an effect on something

1.7 assist                                                     input section

1.8 call for                                                  output section

1.9 compare                                                electronic brain

1.10 correspond

      1.11 enumerate

1.12 guide

1.13 imperfect

1.14 incredible

1.15 master – mind

1.16 multiplication

1.17 measure

      1.18 process

1.19 performance

1.20 relate

1.21 register

1.22 represent

1.23 sophisticated

      1.24 store

1.25 subtract

1.26 statement

1.27 save

1.28 transform

1.29 unit

1.30 variable

1.31 velocity


     B. Find synonyms and antonyms of the following words in A.

     Synonym                                                  Antonym

a) handle                                                   a) perfect

b) complex                                                b) digital

c) speed                                                     c) easy

d) require                                                   d) destroy

e) operation                                                e) divide

f) convert    

g) control

             i) help           


     2 Match the terms with their definition


      cybercriminal   hacker     cyberterrorist     the Net  (Internet)     virtual (world)



2.1 a criminal who uses the Internet

2.2 a system where people can send messages to each other by computer

2.3 images produced by computer that surround the person looking at them and seem to be real

2.4 someone who uses computers for violent political demands

2.5 computer system that allows millions of people around the world to exchange


2.6 a person who enters other people’s computer programs without permission  


     3 Complete the table


          The part                                            It’s function









     4 A. Put one of the following words in the spaces provided


     developed       computerize    subject     producing      microcomputers   intelligent

     operating     computers      system        learning            right                programs


    Bill Gates

     Bill gates was born on the 28th of October, 1955, in Seattle, USA. Seattle was once famous for _____________ Boeing aircraft, but is now better known as the home of Microsoft. From his parents Bill got a good business sense and a quick mind. His father is a lawyer and his mother was a teacher  and then a company director.

     At school Bill soon showed that he was very  ___________ His favourite  ______                     

were Math  and Science. At 13 he got interested in _______ Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen were soon  spending all their time writing _________ and   ____________                   

about computers instead of doing homework.

     After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university. Most of the time he worked on the computers in the university laboratory. The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an  ___________   program for the Altair, one of the world’s first  __________________ Bill knew, even then, that he would revolutionize the world of computing and he left Harvard before finishing his studies.


     The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and very soon it become a business success.

     In 1980, Gates bought a small company which   produced  an operating ________

called DOS. He made some changes to it  and renamed it MS-DOS. He sold the ____

to use this system to IBM. Since 1980 MS-DOS has been the standard operating system for all PCs. Microsoft has also  __________________such well-known programmes as Windows, Excel and Internet Explorer.

     Bill’s dream is to  ________________ everything – TVs, telephones, lights, even the way you cook dinner….

     One reason for his success is that Bill has always been very ambitious and hard-working.



     B Substitute underlined words in the text A with their given synonym

recall                                to be interested                         in place of

utilize                               graduate                                   begin

progress                           manufacture                              method



5 Make up the dialogues using the following situations and active words in the

   point I


5.1 Image that you are at the conference about “Development of Computer

     Technologies” and you are talking to scientist.


5.2 It is the  end of the lecture and you are putting questions to the lecturer.


5.3 You have to make a report  on “History of Development of Computer

      Technologies” and you are looking for information. It is your conversation

      between teacher or friends.














1 Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary

1.1 air                                                  chemical engineering

1.2 appear                                            civil engineering

1.3 apply                                              communication engineering

1.4 branch                                            electrical engineering

1.5 deal with                                         mechanical engineering

1.6 design                                             military engineering

1.7 device                                             nuclear engineering

1.8 find                                                  power engineering

1.9 jet                                                     railroad engineering

1.10 lately                                              space engineering

1.11 machine-tool                                  general engineering subjects

1.12 means                                             turning machine

1.13 move                                              heat treatment

1.14 occupy                                            finishing operation    

1.15 observe                                            intricate shapes   

1.16 occur                                              to render  smth suitable

1.17 output                                               to  erect building

1.18 pressure                                           handling equipment

1.19 profound                                          control engineering

1.20 propulsion

1.21 prove

1.22 property

1.23 remain

1.24 require

1.25 road

1.26 rule

1.27 raw

1.28 repair

1.29 restore

1.30 safety


1.32 set

1.33 space

1.34 state

1.35 steam

1.36 term

1.37 trend

1.38 weld

1.39 X-ray


2 Choose the correct answer

2.1 At the end of 19th century civil engineering was enriched with new …   of science.

      a) buildings       b) achievements       c) devices           d) places

2.2  The profession of a civil engineer requires college …  .

      a) money           b)branch                   c) engineer           d) training

2.3 Now, civil engineering is spoken of as an important …  of national economy.

      a) engine           b) branch                   c) bridge               d) equipment

2.4 It … the   building of industrial structures, bridges, houses, tunnels etc.

      a) changes          b) requires                c) deals with         d)appears

2.5 Dams, water systems, railways, etc are built by ... engineers.

     a) electrical        b) mechanical            c) power               d)civil

2.6 Mechanical engineering achieved …     position from the very beginning.

     a) civil                b) empty                    c) prominent         d) nuclear

2.7 It is known that space engineering        a most important position.

     a) deals with       b) subdivides              c) occupies            d) remains    

2.8 It is said that electrical      is subdivided into two  branches.

     a) device             b) engineering            c) engineer            d) term

2.9 He was advised to study general engineering       ….

     a) power             b) propulsion              c) space                  d) subject

1.10     are designed by mechanical engineers.

      a) engines           b) compositions         c) roads                   d) materials

2.11 The aeronautics deals with the  mechanics of      bodies in fluid or air.

      a) generating       b) moving                  c) appearing            d) producing

2.12 In the middle of 20th century there              other new branches of engineering –nuclear engineering  and space engineering.

      a) remained          b) used                      c) proved                 d) appeared

2.13       engineering deals with processes and  equipment which make it possible to change the state of various  materials.

       a) electrical          b) military                 c) chemical                 d) civil

2.14 There are hundreds  of       of engineering ,but they branched off from civil, mechanical, electrical  or chemical engineering.

      a) properties         b) states                    c) subdivisions             d) jet

2.15 The        of electrical engineering  began earlier than that of aeronautics.

      a) device               b) development          c) equipment             d)experience 

2.16 Engineers must  also understand the             of the  materials.

       a) ferrous              b)   non-ferrous           c) fibre                      d)properties           

2.17 Metals have found wide       .

     a) research             b) application             c) raw                         d) steam

2. 18 Zinc, copper  are naturally occurring         from which some metals are extracted.

        a) space                 b) pressure                   c) weld                       d) minerals



            3 Match the terms with their definitions

            3.1 engineering

            3.2 civil engineering

            3.3 communication engineering

            3.4 electrical engineering

            3.5 mechanical engineering

            3.6 power engineering

            3.7 military engineering

            3.8 space engineering

            3.9 nuclear engineering

            3.10 chemical engineering

            3.11 general engineering subject

            3.12 general engineering processes



            a) is based on atomic physics;

            b) is based on all the achievements of modern science and engineering;

            c) the building of houses, bridges, roads, tunnels, dams, water system etc;

            d) the design  construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and o   other devices;

            e) maths, physics and chemistry;

            f) the building of fortifications and military devices;

            g) the means for producing power;

            h) casting, forming, rolling, forging, stamping, pressing, machining, joining, heat and treatment;

            i) the state, energy content, chemical or physical composition of various materials

            j)generators, switches, transformers …;

            k) Radio, television and telephone …;

            l) the  design  and construction of steam engine, turbines, air-conditioning and refrigeration devices ….




     4 Put one of the following words in the spaces provided


       development,    dealing with,    electricity and magnetism,    mechanics,

       branches,       mathematics,    arithmetic,    properties,   equations,  

       artificial,      study,      calculations,       defined  and systematized,

       discover,    points


     General engineering subjects

          is connected  with numbers and numerical  ….  In the elementary arithmetic, operations of addition, substruction, multiplication, and division are        ,first with whole numbers and then with fractions.

     Geometry is vast field of     with many subdivisions. The basis elements of geometry  are        lines. More complicated elements, such as triangles, circles and cubes are defined in terms of the undefined elements.

     Physics is the systematic     of natural phenomena to    the basic laws governing them. Traditionally physics is divided into several major topics, namely, mechanics, heat, optics,            , atomic physics and nuclear physics. Because of the remarkable unity of Nature this separation into topics is, to some extent, …   and only exists for convenience, Newton’s second law, relating force to acceleration, and his third law , relating action and reaction, form the basis of      Maxwell’s       , which

combine  in mathematical form the laws discovered  by Ampere, Coulomb and Faraday,

form the basis of electricity and magnetism and optics .

     Due to  atomic physics it became possible for Mendeleyev to construct his Periodic Table of Elements, to predict their    .

     Since  the 1930s there has been  a rapid        of nuclear physics,  including the discovery the neutron,  and  other fundamental particles.

     Mechanics is the oldest branch of physics         the state of rest or motion of particles   and rigid bodies   and with forces acting on bodies .The subject has three main            : statics, dynamics  and fluid mechanics.


     5  Match the words with the correct definitions


5.1 Algebra                                a. natural phenomena

5.2 Arithmetic                           b. dimensions,  lines…  

5.3 Geometry                             c. statics,  dynamics

5.4 Mechanics                            d. the theory of equation

5.5 Physics                                 e. numerical



     6 Give synonyms of the following  words

     6.1 design;     6.2 branch;     6.3 output;   6.4 propulsion;   6.5 road;

     6.6 to deal with  6.7to apply  6.8 to erect  6.9 to learn; 6.10 to set.



     7 Give antonyms of the following  words

     7.1 to find;   7.2  to mention;    7.3 input;    7.4 to  repair;     7.5 to  appear.



     8 Make up word combinations

8.1 raw                                            8.5  … device

8.2 steam                                         8.6 …  property

8.3 jet                                               8.7  to  restore        

8.4 power                                             8.8  to  design     


       1Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary


1.1 amplifier                                       artificial earth satellite

1.2 access                                            considerable  distance

1.3 broadcast                                       long-distance offices

1.4 connect

1.5 convert

1.6 circuit

1.7 dial

1.8 deflect

1.9 detect

1.10 discharge

1.11 demodulate

1.12 density

1.13 equipment

1.14 expand

1.15 facility

1.16 fuse

1.17 feed

1.18 grid

1.19 interruption

1.20 indicator

1.21 influence

1.22 high-frequency

1.23 link

1.24 massage

1.25 maintain

1.26 path

1.27 receiver

1.28 range

1.29 reproduce

1.30 reflect

1.31 spread

1.32 separate

1.33 switch

1.34 transmitter

1.35 thunder storm

1.36 transfer

1.37 wide-band

1.38 wireless

1.39 wave

1.40 vibrate



      2 Match the following words with their definition

            2.1 amplifier

            2.2 cable

            2.3 channel

            2.4 communication

            2.5 signal

            2.6 radio

            2.7 telephone

            2.8 television


            a) a  visual, audible, or indication used to convey information

            b) a path along which signals can be sent, for example, data channel

            c) the electric transmission and reception of transient visual images

            d) a transmission line or group of transmission lines mechanically assembled into a complex flexible form

            e) the transmission of information from one point to another by means of electromagnetic waves

            f) an electronic instrument for strengthening and controlling electrical signals

            i) a device that transmits and receives signals and programs by electromagnetic waves

             h) the transmitting of speech over a considerable distance by means of electric



      3 Answer the following questions using the active words

3.1 What is the amplifier used for?  

3.2 What does the word “communication” include?

3.3 What are Morse code signals?

3.4 What kind of television are there?

3.5 What are the necessary components  of radio, television  and telephone?


4 Fill in the text with the following words

                 venture capital,     global players,   export,   start-up,   hi-tech

      invest,     gross,    domestic product,  multinationals, market,  chief executive


     In the past most of Finland’s (1)  __________ came from the (2)  _____________                     

of paper and wood. Nowadays the country leads the world in the development of the latest (3) ____________mobile phone products. Companies such as Nokia are now (4) _________ in the world technology (5) _________                      .

     The past two years have also seen(6) __________ such as IBM rushing to  (7)

__________In new Finnish (8) ___________companies. According to Mika Nieminen  (9) __________of the software company More Magic,  there is now more than $ 3bln  in (10)  __________ chasing new Finnish m-commerce companies.

     5 Choose the correct answer

    Television, its advantages and disadvantages

     Television plays an important (0)  part in so many people’s lives that it is(1)____             

For us to decided whether it is a blessing or a (2) Obviously, television has both(3)                                     and    disadvantages.  But do the former (4) _______ the latter?

     In the first place television keeps one (5) _____ about current events, allows to(6)_____

The latest development in science and politics, and (7) __________an(8)                  series of programmes  which are both instructive   and stimulating . The most (9) ___

countries    and   the strangest customs are brought (10)_____into one’s sitting room.

It could be argued that the radio (11)______this service just as well; but on television everything is much more real. Yet here again there is a danger . The television screen itself has a terrible  (12) _______physic fascination for us. It begins to ( 13) _______     

Our lives. It often happens that if your TV set has broken down you (14) _____          find that you actually begin to talk to each again. It makes one think, doesn’t it?


  A  section             B segment                 C element          D part

1  A  basic                B indispensable         C essential         D fundamental

2  A  curse                B ban                         C condemn        D denounce

3  A  advantage        B profits                    C benefits           D favours

4  A  counteract        B dwarf                     C outweigh        D supersede

5  A  instructed         B informed                C acquainted     D taught

6  A  observe            B succeed                   C obey              D follow

7  A  proposes          B attempts                  C tenders           D offers

8  A  constant           B endless                    C continuous     D everlasting

9  A  unfriendly        B remote                    C distant            D separated

10  A  suitable          B right                        C correct           D fit

11  A  completes      B achieves                  C pretends         D performs

12  A  particular       B somewhat                C almost            D peculiar

13  A  dominate       B manage                     C control           D regulate

14  A  swiftly           B unexpectedly            C suddenly        D immediately


     6 Speak about

     Radio communication(A. Popov, signals, to receive, to transmit, to spread,


     Telephone  (A. G. Bell, to connect to communicate, massage,)

     Television (1939, to televise, satellite, cable, color, digital and high-definition  


     VII. Give synonym and antonym

               Words                                     Synonym                              Antonym

            connect                                                 link                                               







     Power Engineering


     1 A Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary

              1.1 cable                                                     coal handling

              1.2 carry out                                               to come into  contact

              1.3 cause                                                     to do without

              1.4 capacity                                                incandescent  lamp

              1.5 convert                                                 internal combustion engine

              1.6 current                                                   to develop heat

              1.7 consumption                                          to make reference to

              1.8 deliver                                                   prime mover

              1.9 generate                                                solar energy

              1.10grid                                                       raw materials

              1.11 feed                                                       safety precautions

              1.12 fault                                                      transmission line

              1.13 fuse                                                        thermal power plant

              1.14 flow                                                       nuclear power plant

              1.15 fuel                                                        atomic power plant

              1.16 exhauster

              1.17 indicate

              1.16 insulator

              1.18 harness

              1.19 huge

              1.20 monitor

              1.21 load

              1.22 network

              1.23 peaceful

              1.24 pressure

              1.25 pipeline

              1.26 relay

              1.27 resist

              1.28 reliable

              1.29 reactor

              1.30 require

              1.31 result in

              1.32 result from

              1.33 supply

              1.34 steam

              1.35 storage

              1.36 utilize

              1.37 wire


            B Find synonyms of the following  words in A

             a) network                                    f) control

b) use                                           i) defect

c) tremendous                              h) apply

d) demand                                    g) output

e) transform                                 k) produce


2 Make up word combinations 

2.1 to harness                            2.6 Peaceful

2.2 to generate                           2.7          supply

2.3 to turn                                  2.8        line 

2.4 to connect                            2.9 fuel    

2.5 to pass through                    2.10        reactor         


3 A Fill the blanks with suitable words

      B Question: What is it?

3.1 It turns electrical energy            mechanical.

3.2 It          potential              electrical energy.

3.3 It flows along            and consists of moving electrons.

3.4 They        to measure.

3.5 They are used as protection     ….

6.3          through which  electricity is easily transmitted.

3.7          resists the flow of  the electric   ….

3.8 It             energy into light.


4 Speak about using active words

4.1 Engineering materials ( conductors; insulators; resistance; copper; plastics; rubber)

4.2 Non – traditional  renewable sources of energy  (solar energy; wind energy; tidal power station; underground hot water;  batteries  )

4.3 Power plants  (atomic power plant;    hydro power plant;  thermal power plant;  reactor; turbine;  uranium; water;  coal;  fuel oil;  to burn; steam; generator)


5  Complete the dialogue

      Give a heading to it

         Substitute the underlined words with their given synonyms



          exporter         construct            tremendous      atomic       steam

         controlling        subsidiary         field               station       generated





B. There are such power plants in Kazakhstan: the nuclear power plant, the thermal power plant and the hydro power plant.


B.91% of electric power is produced by the thermal power plants, 8% by hydro power plants and less than 1% by the nuclear power plants.


B.83% of thermal power plants use coal burning, the rest use gas and fuel oil.


B. Kazakhstan  with his huge row materials is nevertheless becoming more and more dependent on outside suppliers of electric power.


B. During recent year, the majority of hydro and heat power plants as well as heat and electric supply systems have been privatized or taken in concession.


B. In order to solve this problem in 1997, the government established KEGOC.


B. There are also regional distribution companies.


B. The Kazakhstan companies operating the national electric system has the highest credit rating.


B. Our Government has planned to build the nuclear power plant in Balkhash.


B. I think that our natural resources enable us to develop the branch of power engineering in our country.



















     Environmental Problems

1 A Translate  the following words and word combinations using a dictionary   

1.1  appear                                                  to break the rule

1.2 accident                                               to call one’s   attention

1.3 avoid                                                    to be displeased       

1.4 by-product                                           to devote  attention   

1.5 breathe                                                 impressed force

1.6 careless                                                joint efforts

1.7 consequence                                        permanent fixture    

1.8 concern                                                remote control

1.9 confident                                             raw materials

1.10 considerable

1.11 detriment

1.12 disappear

1.13 disaster

1.14 damage

1.15 dust

1.16 dry up

1.17 emit

1.18 eliminate

1.19 environmental

1.20 exploration

1.21 harmful

1.22 health

1.23 happen

1.24 interference

1.25 interaction

1.26 increase

1.27 influence

1.28 level

1.27 measure

1.30 negligible

1.31 pollute

1.32 protect

1.33 purify

1.34 occur

1.35 rare

1.36 remain

1.37 renewable

1.38 suffer from

1.39 unlimited

1.40 waste


B Give synonyms of the underlined words in  A

C Find antonyms of the following words in A  

a) pollute                              e) appear

b) decrease                           f) careful

c) useful                               g) limited

d) spread                               h) non -renewable


2 Make up word combinations


































3 Choose the correct answer



Pollution by industry is of several kinds:(1)________ of the air by (2)_________

gases; and pollution of water whether salt or fresh, and whether by land- based (3)___

or by ships; pollution of the (4) __________, whether by the products of industry.

     The population of the Earth is growing (5) __________ and by the year 2000 it might well exceed 6 billion mark. The utilization natural (6) ___________will grow accordingly.

     Among the other serios problems which our planet (7)___________  are: the increasing (8)__________ of energy and water, the pollution of air by car (9)______,

the increasing hole in the atmospheric ozone (10)_________.


     1 condition                        source                               pollution

     2 harmful                          useful                                careful

     3 environment                   industry                             by-product

     4 water                              land                                    waste

     5 slowly                             hardly                                    rapidly

     6 branches                         resources                               consequences

     7 is protecting                    is facing                                 is appearing

     8 consumtion                     interference                           accident

     9 design                             exhausts                                 substances

     10 suffer                            disaster                                   layer          


      4 Match them

        How  long do you think litter lasts?

     4.1 glass bottle                                  a) 3 month

     4.2 woll                                             b) 6 month

     4.3 paper                                            c)1 year

     4.4 aluminium cans                           d) 4years

     4.5 wood                                            e) 100 years

     4.6 tin cans                                         f) 400 years

     4.7 banana peel                                  g) 500 years

     4.8 plastic containers                         h) never


     5 Compare

     5.1 Poor health  - Easy life

5.2 Nuclear power plant - Hydro power plant

5.3 Renewable source - Non -renewable source of energy

5.4 Development of productivity - Pollution of environment


6 Look at the wordsearch puzzle and find 12 words for environmental problems



























































































































    Test  2

     1 Group the words under the following headings

1.1   Computers in everyday life_________________________________________


1.2   Engineering_____________________________________________________


1.3   Power engineering _______________________________________________


1.4   Communication _________________________________________________


1.5   Environmental problems __________________________________________



     damage                                   capacity                              reactor

     transmit                                  unit                                     rare

     by-product                              protect                                add

     civil                                        careless                               purify

     device                                     build                                   current

     process                                   power                                  design

     conductor                               chemical                             receive

     steam                                     send                                     transmitter

     consequence                          spread                                 digital

     flow                                       move                                   wire

     pollute                                   branch                                 link

     multiply                                 harmful                              fault

     electrical                                trend                                   interaction

     massage                                assist                                   health

     fuse                                       network                              store

     utilize                                    circuit                                 apply 



     2 Translate or give the definitions of the following phrasal verbs

     2.1 to make - to move especially quickly in the direction of something

     2.2 to make from -…

     2.3 to make into -…

     2.4 to make out - …

     2.5 to make of - …


     2.6 to put up - to raise something to a higher position, as in the air

     2.7 to put away  - …

     2.8 to put -…

     2.9 to put off -…

     2.10 to put in -…



    1. Адрианова Л.Н., Багрова Ю.Н., Ершова Э.В. Курс английского языка.  

         Москва, 2000 .

     2. Oxford Dictionary,  Oxford University Press, 2003.

     3. Павлоцкий В.М. Test your English. Санкт-Петербург, 2001.







     Education  ………………………………………………………………….5

     My Profession………………………………………………………………8

     Famous Scientists and inventors……………………………………………10

     Development of Science and Technology………………………………….12

     Test 1………………………………………………………………………..14

     Computers in Everyday Life………………………………………………..15



     Power Engineering………………………………………………………….25

     Environmental problems……………………………………………………28

     Test  2………………………………………………………………………31




















Сводный план 2005 г., поз. 41





Сабит Муталович Нарбаев






Английский язык

Лексические задания к устным темам

Методические указания










Редактор Ж.М. Сыздыкова







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