Алматинский Институт  Энергетики и Связи



Кафедра иностранных языков






Методические указания по развитию навыков умений технического перевода

для студентов специальности –050717 «Теплоэнергетика»







 Алматы 2006

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: С.Д. Имрамзиева. Английский язык. Методические указания по развитию навыков, умений технического перевода (для студентов всех форм обучения специальности –050717 Теплоэнергетика) – Алматы: АИЭС, 2006.- 33с.








          Методические указания предназначены для тренировки и закрепления терминологического словаря по устным темам и рассчитаны для студентов по направлению «Теплоэнергетика». Задания носят информативный характер. Они позволяют расширить словарный запас и закрепить знания о том, в каком контексте можно употребить ту или иную лексическую единицу.

          Студенты самостоятельно читают и переводят тексты по различным темам и выполняют упражнения к данным текстам.









Рецензент: ст.преп.каф.ИЯ Коробейникова Л.Я.






Печатается по плану издания Алматинского института энергетики и связи на 2006 г.



© Алматинский институт энергетики и связи, 2006 г.

Unit 1

1.1        Read the text:

            Atomic Power Plant

Atomic power plants are modern installations. They consist of several main units and a great number of auxiliary ones.

In a nuclear reactor uranium is utilized as a fuel. During operation process powerful heat and radioactive radiation are produced. The nuclear reactor is cooled by water circulation. Cooling water circulates through a system of tubes, in which the water is heated to a temperature of 250-300 C. In order to prevent boiling of water, it passes into the reactor at a pressure up to 150 atmospheres.

A steam generator includes a series of heat exchangers comprising tubes. The water heated in the reactor is delivered into the heat exchanger tubes. The water to be converted into steam flows outside these tubes. The steam produced is fed into the turbo generator.

Besides, an atomic power plant comprises a common turbo generator, a steam condenser with circulating water and a switchboard.

Atomic power plants have their advantages as well as disadvantages. The reactors and steam generators operate in them noiselessly; the atmosphere is not polluted by dust and smoke. As to the fuel consumption, it is of no special importance and there is no problem of fuel transportation.

The disadvantage of power plants utilizing nuclear fuel is their radiation. Radioactive radiation produced in the reactors is dangerous for attending personnel. Therefore, the reactors and steam generators are installed underground. They are also shielded by thick (up to 1.5 m) concrete walls. All their controls are operated by means of automatic devices. These measures serve to protect people from radioactive radiation.


1.2 Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into the English:

exchanger                                                теплообменник

steam                                                       пар

tube                                                         труба, лампа        

dust                                                          пыль                           

attending personnel                                 обслуживающий персонал

to deliver                                                 поставлять

to pollute                                                 загрязнять

to shield                                                  защищать


1.3 Put down the Russian equivalents of these word-combinations. Then translate them back into English (orally):

a)                 auxiliary units;

b)                steam generator;

c)                heat exchanger;

d)                fuel consumption;

e)                 water to be heated;

f)                  water to be converted into steam;

g)                steam to be fed into the turbo generator;

h)                the polluted atmosphere;

i)                   utilized nuclear fuel;

j)                   shielded concrete walls.


1.4 Complete the sentences using the correct variant:

A nuclear reactor is used in      

a)             wind-power plants;

b)            atomic power plants.

A nuclear reactor is cooled by:

a)             water circulating in the tubes;

b)            oil circulating in the tubes.

Water ids passed into the reactor:

a)             at a low pressure;

b)            at a high pressure.

High pressure:

a)             activates boiling of water;

b)            prevents boiling of water.

Atomic power plants:

a)             pollute the air with dust and smoke;

b)            do not pollute the air with dust and smoke.

Circulating water flows:

a)             inside the heat exchangers;

b)            outside the heat exchangers;

Attending personnel is shielded by:

a)             thick concrete walls;

b)            thick metal walls.


1.5 Pair work. Put these questions to your groupmate and ask him/her to answer them:

a)             what is the main of an atomic power plant?

b)            by what means is the nuclear reactor cooled?

c)            at what pressure does the water pass into the reactor?

d)            what types of power plants pollute the air with dust and smoke?

e)             why is necessary to protect attending personnel?

f)              by what means is it done?

Unit 2

2.1 Read the text

  Scanning tables

In engineering it is important to practice reading tables, charts, diagrams, and graphs because so much information is presented in these ways. We will start in this unit with a table.

Scanning is the best strategy for finding information in a table. With scanning, you know before you read what sort of information you are searching for to scan a table, you move your eyes up and down the columns unit you find the words you want.  To scan quickly, you must learn to ignore any information which will not help you with your task.


2.1.1 Scan the table, which follows to find a material, which is:

a) soft;

b) ductile;

c) malleable;

d) tough;

e) scratch – resistant;

f) conductive and malleable;

g) durable and hard;

h) stiff and brittle;

i) ductile and corrosion – resistant;

j) heat – resistant and chemical – resistant.







Light, soft, ductile, highly conductive, corrosion-resistant

Aircraft, engine components, foil, cooking utensils


Very malleable, tough and ductile, highly conductive, corrosion-resistant.

Electric wiring, PCBs, tubing

Brass (65% copper, 35% zinc)

Very corrosion-resistant. Casts well, easily machined. Can be work hardened. Good conductor.

Valves, taps, castings, ship fittings, electrical contacts

Mild steel (iron with 0.15% to 0.3% carbon)

High strength, ductile, tough, fairly malleable. Cannot be hardened and tempered. Low cost. Poor corrosion resistance.

General purpose

High carbon steel (iron with 0.7% to 1.4% carbon)

Hardest of the carbon steels but less ductile and malleable. Can be hardened and tempered.

Cutting tools such as drills, files, saws




High impact strength and toughness, scratch – resistant, light and durable.

Safety helmets, car components,

telephones,  kitchenware



Stiff, hard, very durable, clear, can be polished easily. Can be formed easily.

Aircraft canopies, double glazing


Hard, tough, wear – resistant, self - lubricating.

Bearings, gears, casings for power tools

Thermosetting plastics Epoxy resin

High strength when reinforced, good chemical and wear resistance.

Adhesives, encapsulation of electronic components

Polyester resin

Stiff, hard, brittle. Good chemical and heat resistance.

Mounding, boat and car bodies

Urea formaldehyde

Stiff, hard, strong, brittle, heat – resistant, and a good electrical insulator.

Electrical fittings, adhesives

2.2 Scan the table to find:

a) a metal used to make aircraft;

b) plastics used for adhesives;

c) steel which can be hardened;

d) an alloy suitable for castings;

e) a plastic with very low friction;

f) a material suitable for safety helmets;

g) a metal suitable for salt – water environment;

h) a metal for general construction use but which should be protected from corrosion;

i) a plastic for car bodies;

j) the metal used for the conductors in printed circuit boards.


2.3 Use the table on the previous page to make definitions of each of the materials in column A. Choose the correct information in columns B and C to describe the materials in column A:

1 An alloy

2 a thermoplastic

3 Mild steel

4 a conductor                                              

5 an insulator                                        

6 High carbon steel                                      

7 Brass

8 A thermosetting plastic



a metal

a material

an alloy

allows heat or current to flow easily remains rigid at high temperatures does not allow heat or current to flow easily contains iron and 0.7% to 1.4% carbon becomes plastic when heated contains iron and 0.15% to 0.3% carbon formed by mixing other metals or elements consists of copper and zinc





2.4 Add this extra information to the following text about plastics:

a) plastics can be mounded into plates, car components, and medical aids;

b) thermoplastics soften when heated again and again;

c) thermosetting plastics set hard and do not alter if heated again;

d) ABS is used for safety helmets;

e) nylon is self – lubricating;

f) nylon is used for motorized drives in cameras;

g) acrylic is clear thermoplastic;

h) acrylic is used for aircraft canopies and double glazing;

i) polyester resin is used for boat and car bodies;

j) polyester resin is heard and has good chemical and heat resistance.


Plastics are synthetic materials. They can be softened and mounded into useful articles. They have many applications in engineering. There are two types of plastics: thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.

ABS is thermoplastics, which is tough and durable. Because it has high impact strength, it has applications where sudden loads may occur.

Nylon is hard, tough thermoplastic. It is used where silent, low – friction operation is regard.

Acrylic can be formed in several ways. It is hard, durable, and has many uses.

Polyester resin is a thermosetting plastic used for castings. It has a number of  useful properties.   


Unit 3

3.1 Read the text

            Heat and energy. Conservation of energy.

The study of heat and its transformations was one of great intellectual and even greater technical and economic importance for the development of modern civilization. Originally, it was merely observations of, Nature, of feelings of warmth and cold, of the operations of cooking, of the changes of the weather. There has been plenty of early speculations about heat. It was clearly connected with both life and fire.

Aristotle, especially in his meteorology fixed the doctrine of the qualities of hot and cold, which, with wet and dry, determined the canonical four elements of fire (hot, dry), water (cold, wet), air (hot, wet), and earth (cold, dry). This doctrine, a fusion of chemistry and physics, was particularly important in medicine and seemed to be supported by the experience of chills and fevers. Indeed it is from medicine that came the first elementary ideas of heat measurement, the idea of temperature.

However, heat began to become a quantitative science with the gradual expansion and increase in scale of the industrial operations. Dr. Black was the originator of the new view of heat. His approach was a medical – physical one. He found different substances to be heated to different degrees by the same amount of what he called the “matter of heat” establishing the heat capacity or specific heat of different substances. He also noticed that snow and ice took time to melt – that is absorb heat without getting hotter – and that the heat must be hidden or latent in melted water. The first practical application of the discovery of latent heat was to be made by a young Glasgow instrument maker, James Watt in improving the model of engine. Taking into account Black ‘s idea of latent heat, Watt made an engine capable of driving machinery at steady speed even against very variable loads.

One of the great generalizations and the major contribution into physics of nineteenth century was the doctrine of the conservation of energy, as a cosmic principle of the interchangeability of different forms of energy. The idea came from the study of the conversion of coal to power that had already been achieved in practice by steam – engine. It was given more and more mathematical form and emerge as the science of thermodynamics, the first law of which provided the principle of unification by showing that the forcer of Nature previously considered separate such as material movement, sound, heat, light, electricity, and magnetism were all measurable in the same units, those of energy, the quantity of which in the universe neither increased nor decreased. The conservation of energy was a magnificent extension of Newton ‘s principle of conservation of motion, like it, contained in itself no conception of progressive change. However, the change did indeed follow from the second law, which limited the amount of work that could be got from each ton of coal by an engine of given design. The efficiency of engines at that time seldom rose to as much as five per cent.

The principle of the conservation of energy, of which mechanical work, electricity, and heat were only different forms, was the greatest physical discovery of the middle of the nineteenth century. It brought many sciences together. Energy became the universal gold standard of changes of the universe. A fixed rate of exchanges between different forms of energy was established – between the calories of heat, the foot – pounds of work, and the kilowatt – hours of electricity. The whole of human activity – industry, transport, lighting, ultimately food and life itself – was seen to depend on this one common term: energy.


3.1.1 Decide if the sentences are true or false:                 

a) the conservation of energy was a magnificent extension of Newton’s principle of conservation of motion, it contained in itself no conception of progressive change;                                                       

b) the efficiency of engines at that time seldom rose to as much as 20%;                                                                                                        

c) it was clearly connected with both life and fire;                                                  

d) dr.Black made an engine capable of driving machinery at steady speed even against very variable loads;                                                                    

e) the whole of human activity – industry, transport, lighting, ultimately food and life itself – was seen to depend on this one common term: energy.          


3.2 Answer the following questions:

a) who was the originator of the new view of head?

b) what did Watt make, taking into account Black’s idea of latent heat?

c) what was the major contribution into physics of 19th  century?

d) how much per cent dose the efficiency of engines rise at that time?

e) what did became the universal gold standard of changes of the universe?


3.3 Write the following words under the correct heading:

importance, development, civilization, speculations, air, elements, earth, medicine, temperature approach, water, speed, application, technical, economic, modern, early, wet, dry, practical, young, variable qualifies of hot and cold.




Noun, adjective





3.4 Match the first part of the sentences (1-6) with the second part: 

However, heat began to became a quantitative, science with the…

There had been plenty of early….

Indeed it was from medicine that came the first….

The idea came from the study of the conversion of coal to….

Dr. Black s approach was a …   

Energy became the universal gold…

a) elementary ideas of heat measurement, the de of temperature;

b) elementary ideas of heat measurement, the de of temperature;

c) elementary ideas of heat measurement, the de of temperature;

d) gradual expansion and increase in scale of the industrial operations;

e) standard of changes of the universe;

f) speculations about heat.


3.5 Find the synonyms of the words in the text:

a) great;   

b) fever;       

c) especially;   

d) amount;      

e) progress;      

f) unification;  

g) conversion;  

h) chill;           

i) to take into account;

j) fix.             


3.6 Find antonyms for the following words:

chill, unification, wet, begin, increase, finish, dry, fever, separation, finish


Unit 4

4.1 Read the text

  The heat energetic

The heat energetic is one of the basic forming of energetic. Heat energetic includes: process of production of heat energy, transportation, considers the basic conditions of creating energy and undesirable influences of branch to surrounding environment, health of humans and animals.

Process of creating to heat energy is realized on heat electric stations (HES) and heat electric central (HEC). These two types of enterprises in given moment are the main suppliers of heat and electro energy, because these types of energy are related. In nowadays broadly used the way of isolated system of provision heat energy, which used both on large industrial enterprises and for heating of dwelling areas.

Heat energetic comprises: receipting, processing, conversion, keeping and using of energy resources and energy carriers.

According to determination, heat energetic possesses developed external and internal connections and its development inseparable from all directions of vital activity of humans, in accordance with use the energy.


4.2 Find the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combination:   

a) heat energetic;

b) provision;

c) undesirable;

d) surrounding environment;

e) isolated system;

f) dwelling;

g) external and internal connections.


4.3 Decide if the sentences are true or false:

a) the heat energetic is one of the basic forming of energetic;

b) process of creating to watt energy is realized on hydro electric stations;

c) the way of isolated system of provision heat energy used only on large industrial enterprises;

d) heat energetic comprises: receipting, processing, conversion, keeping and using of energy resources and energy carriers.


4.4 Find synonyms:

a) basic;

b) enterprise;

c) use;

d) include.

4.5 Write the following words under the correct heading:

energetic, confession, electric, main, external, health, industrial, development, conversion



















4.6 Match the first part of the sentences with the second part:


The heat energetic is

These two types of enterprises in given moment are

Heat energetic comprises: receipting, processing, conversion, keeping

In nowadays broadly used the way of isolated system of provision heat energy, which

Heat energetic possesses developed external and internal connections and its development

Process of creating to heat energy is released

….and using of energy resources and energy carriers

….one of the basic forming of energetic

…..used both on large industrial enterprises and for heating of dwelling areas

…..the main supplier of heat and electro energy

…..on heat electric stations and heat electric centrals

……inseparable from all directions of vital activity of humans, in accordance with use the energy



4.7 Answer the following questions:

a) What processes include heat energetic?

b) Where is process of creating realized?

c) Where is isolated used the way of system?

d) Heat energetic possesses developed external and internal connections, doesn’t it?


Unit 5

5.1 Read the text

            The system of heat provision

The system of heat provision is identified the complex of devices for production, transport and use of the heat.

Provision by heat of the consumers (the system of the heating ventilations, hot water supply and technological processes) consists of three interconnected processes: transmitting of the heat to carriers transportation of the heat carriers and uses the heat potential of the heat carriers. The systems of the heat provision are classified by: power potential, type of the source of heat provision is characterized by powers: range of issue of the heat and number of consumers. They can be local and centralized. The local systems of heat provision are systems, in which three main parts are united are located in one or adjacent premises is concentrated in one devise (stove). Centralized system its system in which from single source of the heat, heat energy is sending to other premises. The systems of centralized head provision separating to district heat provision and ubiquitous heat provision


5.2         Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations.

теплоснабжение, производство, потребитель, водоснабжение, носитель тепла, диапазон передачи тепла, энергия тепла, система нагрева  


5.3  Complete the sentences with the given words

generating; production, transport; united, located; power potential; ubiquitous;

a) the system of heat provision is identified the complex of devices for______, _________ and use of the heat;

b) ________ of the heat and issue of ones to air of premises is concentrated in one device;

c) the local systems of heat provision are systems, in which three main parts are _____ and ________in one or adjacent premises;

d) the systems of the heat provision are classified by: _______ _________, type of the source of the heat and type of heat carrier; 

e) the systems of centralized heat provision separating to district heat provision and___________ heat provision.


5.4  Answer the following questions:

a) what is the local system?

b) what is the centralized system?

c) what is identified the system of heat provision?

d) what kind of heat provision separating to district provision and ubiquitous heat provision.


5.5  Translate the following sentences into English using the new words:

a) системой теплоснабжения называется комплекс устройств для производства;

b) генерация тепла и передача ее в воздух сконцентрированы в одном устройстве.


Unit 6

6.1 Read the text

             The development of heat energetic

 The development of heat energetic is characterized by quick rate of growth, change of all quantitative factors and structures of fuel –energy balance, global incidence of all type resource of organic fuel, involvement in sphere by use nucleus combustible.

In general, differ for four main stages of transformations of primary heat resource (from their natural condition, residing in dynamic balance with surrounding ambience, to final use).

Mining or direct use of primary natural resource to heat energy.

Conversation primary resource before condition, suitable to transformation or use.

Transformation of energy processed resource in heat energy on heat station, centrals and on boilers.

Use of energy in spite of unity all these stages, each of them is founded on different physical, physico-chemical and technological process, differing by scale, time of the operation and other signs.

Development heat energy have an influence upon different components of the natural ambience: on atmosphere (the consumption of the oxygen of the air (02), surges of gases, pairs and hard particles), on hydrosphere (the consumption of water, unsets of polluted and warmed water), on lithosphere (the consumption of fossilized fuels changing of the water balance, changing of the land surface and other). At present, this influence gains the global character, touching of all structured components of our planet.

The most important factors of the operation of surrounding ambiences are an alive material of biosphere, which plays the essential role in natural rotation nearly all materials. However in majority of the processes we can not track the direct influence an heat energetic on alive materials, but must take into account this influence as a result of influences on separate components of surrounding ambience and animal world, where influence of heat energetic forms with all other anthropogenic influences. 


6.2 Find the English equivalents from the text:

несмотря на, учитывать, оказывать воздействие, живое вещество, в общем, в настоящее время, атмосфера, кислород, гидросфера, литосфера, биосфера, в результате.


6.3 Decide if the sentences are T (true), F (false):

a) the development of heat energetic is not characterized by quick rate of growth, change of all quantitative factors and structures of fuel-energy balance, global incidence of all tyреs resources of organic fuel, involvement in sphere by use nucleus combustible;

b) at present thus influence does not gain the global character, not touching of all structured components of our planet;

c) the most important factors of the operation of surrounding ambiences are not an alive material of bio sphere, which does not play the essential role in natural rotation nearly all materials;

d) however in majority of the processes  we can track the direct influence heat energetic on alive materials, but must take into account this influence as result of influences on separate components of surrounding ambiences and animal world, where influence of heat energetic forms with all other anthropogenic influences.                            

 4 Find synonyms:

quick, type, use, main, transform, component, at present, in majority of, track , convert, to look after, nowadays, in most of, particle, base, fast, kind , apply.


6.5        Give answers to the following questions:

a) what have an influence upon different of the natural ambience?

b) why are alive materials of biosphere the most important factors of the operation of surrounding ambience?

c) what does this influence gain, touching of all structured components of our planet?

d) what is characterized the development of heat energetic by?



6.6  Complete the sentences with the following words:

in spite of, use, an alive material, gains, plays a role  development, at present

a) mining of direct _______of primary natural resource to heat energy;

b) ________ unity all this stages, each of them is founded on different physical, physico- chemical and technological process, differing by scale, time of the operation and other signs;

c) ________________ of heat energy  have an influence upon different components of the natural ambience on atmosphere, on hydrosphere, on lithosphere;

d) __________, this influence _________the global character, touching of all structured components of our planet;

e) the most important factors of the operation of surrounding ambiences are_________ of bio sphere, which _____ the essential _____in natural rotation al materials.


6.7  Complete the puzzle:


а) the most important _______ of the operation of surrounding ambiences are an alive material of biosphere;b). ______ of energy;

c) _______ of energy processed resource in heat energy on heat stations, central, and on boilers;

d) the development of heat energetic is characterized by quick rate of growth, ________ of all quantitative factors and structures of fuel energy balance.


a) in general, _______ four main stages of transformations of primary heat resource.

            b) he key word.



















Unit 7 

7.1 Read the text

            Carbon dioxide emission

Some gases in the atmosphere allow visible light to pass through, but they block much of the heat, which is reflected from Earth’s surfaces – in the same way as the glass windows in a greenhouse. Without this greenhouse effect, temperatures in the world would be lower by 35degrees Celsius, most of the oceans would freeze, and life would cease or be totally changed. According to the theory of global warning, an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will produce too high temperature increases.

Aside from water vapour, the main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Of these, carbon dioxide is the most important.

The most dramatic consequence of the warming would be a rise in sea level from the melting of polar ice and glaciers, a rise that the Environmental Protection Agency projects to be 20 feet in the year 2300.  And then large parts of territories along sea ocean coasts will be under water.

Scientists don’t think that mankind alone is responsible for the melting of glaciers and the rise of sea levels up to 25 centimeters this century. But we have created conditions that accelerated the process.

A majority of climatologists feel that a risk of global warming exists, although there is much disagreement about the extent and timing. At the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environmental and Development, more than 150 countries signed the Convention on climate Change for the control of emission of greenhouse gases.

In the early 1990s, United States produced 23 per cent of global emission, Western Europe 14 per cent, Japan 5 per cent and China 12 per cent. Although emissions have grown much during the past 40 years, they began leveling off in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

In December 1997 about 160 nations took part in the conference in Japan, which was to limit emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the future.


7.2 Which of the listed below statements are True or False. Specify your answer using the text:

a) aside from water vapor, the main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide;

b) large parts of territories along sea and ocean coasts will be on the land;

c) scientists have accelerated conditions that accelerate the process;

d) in the early 2006 the United States produced 30 per cent of global emission;

e) in December 1997 about 160 nations took part in the conference in Japan.


7.3 Answer the following questions:

a) what will produce too high temperature increases?

b) when did 160 nations take part in the conference in Japan?

c) who signed the convention on climate change for the control of emissions of greenhouse gases?

d) how much per cent of global emission did the United Status, Western Europe and Japan?

e) what would be a rise in sea level on 20 feet in the year 2300?

f) what are climatologists afraid off?


7.4 Find the words in the text according to the table, not less than 10 words in each column:



          Adjective +Noun





7.5 Continue the sentences:

Aside from water vapor, the main greenhouse gases…

Although emission have grow much during the past 4 years, they began …

We have created conditions …

According to the theory of global, an increase in greenhouse in the…

At the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environmental and Development, more than 150 countries signed…

A majority of climatologists feel that a risk of global warming exists, although there is much…


a) that accelerates the process;

b) the convention on Climate change for the control of emission of greenhouse gases ;

c) atmosphere will produce too high temperature increases;

d) are carbon dioxide, methane nitrous oxide;

e) disagreement about the extent and timing;

f) leveling off in late 1980s and early 1990s.


7.6         Find the synonyms among the following words. Translate:

reflected, increase, produce, heat, main, important, parts, head, develop, create, significant, piece, shown, cool.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


7.7 Find the opposite words in the text:

a) tight;                  

b) life;                     

c) warm;                  

d) rise;                   

e) disagreement;     

f) late;                    

g) began;                  

h) increase;              

i) freeze;                       

j) limit.


7.8 Do the puzzle:

the big ice rockets in the Artic;

synonym “increase”;

frozen water;

synonym “X-ray”;

Tokyo is the capital of…;

the surface of the Earth;

the Pacific, Atlantic are…;

future in the past;

pupils get high education;

the word translates from Russian as “век”.



















7.9 Decide what part of speech, do these words belong to:

esponsible –response, responsibility, responsive

Produce- producer, production, productive

Reflect- reflection, reflective, reflector

Change- changeability, changeable, changeless

Create- creation creative, creature

Accelerate- acceleration, accelerator


Unit 8

8.1 Read the text

Synthetic substances

In many cases, the synthetic substance is the result of a deliberate attempt to select, imitate or emphasize the physical or chemical properties of some rare natural material.

Typical synthetics nowadays are plastics, fibers resins, etc. Generally referred to as polymers, or polymeric materials.

Articles in daily use which are made of plastics familiar to all; for example, combs, wine bottle stoppers, tourist dinner sets, part of car, radio sets and telephones, not to mention films, ashtrays or toys. In addition to household uses their industrial application is also widespread, since they take their place in the machine building, electrical engineering, and construction, e.g. in the manufacture of gears, bearings, part of buildings, or in coating or packaging various industrial products. For this purpose they can formed into films, sheets, rods or tubes or just mounded to any shape.

The wide range of industrial plastics can be broadly divided into two categories: the termo-plastic and thermo setting products.

Thermo- plastic materials can be softened and reoffered by the application of heat and pressure; provided they are not heated to such an extent that chemical decomposition takes place. 

The category of thermo plastic includes the cellulose ethers, and also another class of more recent introduction – the vinyl, styrol acrylic acid derivatives. These materials are characterized by their glass-like transparency  and are therefore sometime known as organic glasses. The vinyl, styrol and acrylic acid derivatives.

These materials are all characterized by their glass- like transparency and are therefore sometime known as organic glasses. The vinyl and resins are produced by a process known as polymerization which is dependent on the power of carbon atom to combine with itself thus forming long chain molecules with up to 1500 similar groupings.

E.g. the simple hydrocarbon ethylene CH2=CH2 can under suitable condition be inducted to combine with itself, or ”polymerize”, into a complex solid which has the empirical formula (C2H4) n .

The remaining category of plastics is the thermo- setting products. When subjected to heat and pressure they undergo chemical change and this converts them into an infusible and insoluble condition, so that they cannot be further reformed by the application of more heat and pressure.

To this category belong amino plastic, epoxies, and the glyptals.

These plastics are used for a very wide range of products, which include lacquers and varnishes, as well as moulding (moulded product).


8.2 Decide if these sentences are true or false:

-typical synthetic nowadays are not plastics, fibers, resins, etc. Generally referred to as polymers, or polymeric materials;

A-aticles in daily use, which are made of plastics, are familiar to all; for example combs, wine bottle stoppers, and part of car, mention films;

-the wide range of industrial plastics can be broadly divided into two categories;

-thermo plastic materials can be softened and resoftened repeatedly by the application of heat and pressure; provided they are heated to such an extent that chemical decomposition takes place;

-when subjected to cool and pressure they undergo chemical change;

-these plastics are used for a very wide range of products, which include lacquers and varnishes, as well as mouldings.


8.3 Answer the following questions:

a)what are the synthetic substances?

b)where can we use synthetic materials?

c)how many categories of industrial plastics do you know?

d)can you tell characters of thermo plastic materials?

e)what can you say about thermo –setting products?


 8.4 put the words into correct column:

plastic, physical,  select, include, thermo plastic condition, application, industrial, include, material, organic, characterize, reform. 








8.5 Translate the words and word-combinations:

химическое свойство, термоустановочные продукты, стеклоподобная прозрачность,  хозяйственнoе использование, энергия углеводного атома, формирование длинной цепи молекул.

8.6 Match the first part of the sentence with the second part:


The wide range of industrial plastics can be

Thermo plastic materials can be softened and reoffered repeatedly by the application

The category of thermo plastic includes

Tthese materials are all characterized by 

E.g. the simple hydrocarbon  CH2=CH2 can under suitable

These plastics are used for a very wide range of products

of heat and pressure: provided they are not heated to such an extent that chemical decomposition takes place

their glasses- like transparency and are therefore sometime known as organic glasses. 

broadly divided into two categories

which include lacquers and varnishes

the cellulose ethers, and also another class of more recent introduction- the vinyl of thermo plastic includes

condition can be inducted to combine with itself, or ”polymerize”, into a complex solid which has the empirical formula(C2H4)


8.7 Find the synonyms for the following words:

a) nowadays;

b) convenient;

c) choose;

d) apply;

e) sophisticated;

f) liquid.

Unit 9

9.1 Read the text:

            Thermal Steam-turbine Power Plants

Large steam-turbine plants have two forms: condensing plants or electric power plants.

The great masses of hot steam, having accomplished the mechanical work in the turbines of condensing steam-turbine plants, are condensed, i.e. are cooled down and turned back into distilled water, and returned to the boiler for production of steam to activate the turbine.

Condensation of steam takes place in condensers where the hot steam is cooled when it comes in contact with tubes through which cold water, supplied from a water reservoir (river or lake), is circulated. This cooling water, after it takes the heat from the spent steam, is returned to the water source carrying along with it the unutilized heat energy. This water is called the circulating water. The importance of the distilled water for feeding steam boilers is extremely great since chemically clean water decreases the formation of scale in the boiler tubes, and, thus, makes their service life longer.

Condensing plants of large generating capacity are built close to source of fuel, in order not to transport large quantities of fuel over considerable distances.

The electric power generated in such plants is transmitted over long distances for the supply of large industrial regions. So these plants are called regional thermal power plants.

Heat and electric power plants, in addition to electric power generation, also supply heat to closely located consumers (within a radius of 50 km), i.e. serve as district heat plants. To such heat consumers belong all kinds of industrial enterprises that require heat for production purposes, and also municipal consumers such as baths, laundries and the heating systems of dwelling houses and other buildings.

The electric power developed by the generators is fed to the switchboard of the plant, whence it is delivered by overhead transmission and cable lines to the consumers.


9.2 Find the English equivalents for the following words:

активировать турбину;

конденсация пара;

значительная длина;

индустриальный регион;

цель производства;

жилой дом.


9.3 Decide if these sentences are true or false:

a) large steam turbine plants have 3 forms;

b) condensing plants of large generating capacity are built close to sources of fuel, in order to transport large quantities of fuel over considerable distances;

c) one  form of large steam turbine plants is electric power plant;

d) distilled water is used for feeding steam boilers;

e) condensation of steam takes place in condensers;

f) electric power plants don’t serve as district heat plants.


9.4 Find synonyms or antonyms for the following words:


a)             large;

b)            steam;

c)            dwelling;

d)            district;

e)             closely ;


a)             close;

b)            longer;

c)            large;

d)            decrease;

e)             take.


9.5 Answer the following questions:

a) how many forms do large steam turbine plants have?

b) in what part of the power plant does condensation of steam take place?

c) why are condensing plants of large generating capacity built close to sources of fuel?

d) what for is the electric power generated in condensing plants transmitted over long distances?

e) why is distilled water used for feeding steam boilers?

f) what is the name of condensing plants of large generating capacity?


9.6 Complete the following sentences with the words below

carrying, condensing, dwelling, heating, circulating, cooling and feeding:

a) …… plants of large generating capacity are built close to sources of fuel;

b) this …… water, after it takes the heat from the spent steam, is returned to the water source …… along with it the unutilized heat energy;

c) this water is called the …… water;

d) the importance of the distilled water for …… steam boilers are extremely great;

e) to such heat consumers belong some kinds of industrial enterprises such as baths, laundries and the …… systems of …… houses and other buildings.


10. Translate the text without dictionary.



Electrolysis is a process by which a chemical reaction is carried out by means of the passage of an electric current. The-electrical energy enters and leaves the electrolytic medium through electrodes, which ordinarily are pieces of metal. The electrode where electrons enter the solution is the cathode; the electrode where electrons leave is the anode. Negatively charged ions (anions) are attracted to the cathode.

The process is generally used as the method of depositing metals from solution.

The relation between the quantity of material underwent reaction and the quantity of electricity used in this reaction, was discovered by Faraday.


 Make up sentences, using the following word groups: for the most part, in question "in excess of, as a whole".


Translate the following international words.

Radio, genius, human, priority, demonstrate, contribution, physical, chemical, university, laboratories, problem, electromagnetic, communication, operation, apparatus, progress, transmission, music, vision, signals, television, meeting, industry, period, centre, radar, telecontrol, telemetric systems, electronic microscopes.


Translate the following word combinations.

1. A deflecting pointer; 2. the deflection of rays; 3. to point the direction; 4. a point on the diagram; 5. a thermometer's scale; 6. reading of the scale; 7. actual reading of the scale; 8. negative terminals; 9. connected with negative terminals; 10. to disturb the reception; 11. to disturb radio communication; 12. air disturbances; 13. a turning armature; 14. an iron armature; 15. a magnetic coil; 16. through this distance; 17. through the field; 18. turns of a coil.


Translate the following word combinations into Russian.

1. strong man

3. careful man

Strong forces

careful observation

Strong paper

careful work

Strong magnetic field

4. fine weather

2. solid particles

fine wire

solid argument

fine edge

solid book

fine sand


Translate the following word combinations into Russian.

1. The development of science....                                                                                                                                                    The development of new methods...                                                                                                                                                    The development of new devices...

2. The performance of a plane...                                                                                                                                                             The performance of a task...

3. The stroke of a piston...

The stroke of a clock...

4. The treatment of a problem...                                                                                                                                                                 The treatment of a metal...                                                                                                                                                                               The treatment of diseases...

5. The handling of an instrument...


              Supplementary Reading:

Atomic power for rockets


          The heart of a nuclear-rocket engine is the reactor that converts nuclear energy into heat.

          The fuel of the reactor consists of a special kind of “isotope” of uranium, called Uranium-235. When properly bombarded with neutrons, the uranium nuclei break up or “fission” into a pair of fragments and emit more neutrons in the process, thus keeping the reaction going.

          The fission process releases energy and the excess energy is carried away by the neutrons and by gamma rays. Since all of the fragments and most of the neutrons and gamma rays are stopped within the reactor, the energy that is released by U-235 fission will heat the reactor.

          For making a nuclear-rocket engine thermally efficient the reactor’s temperature must be as high as possible. The melting point of uranium, 2,070 degrees F, sets a theoretical limit. Graphite, which withstands much higher temperatures, is a very good material for the reactor’s “moderator”. So all present experimental reactors for nuclear-rocket engines are made of U-235 metal powder placed in graphite.

          A cold gas, the hydrogen, enters several hundred narrow passages drilled through the graphite-uranium reactor core and is heated almost to the white-hot operating temperature. On coming from passages, the hot gas expands through a nozzle in which it attains supersonic speed. The exhaust speed of the nuclear-rocket engine can probably reach 23,000 to 30,000 feet per second, which is twice as much as from a rocket engine using chemical combustion of hydrogen and oxygen.


          Arrange the paragraphs of the text below in the logical order.

Testing Motors Generators


It is of great importance, therefore, to make regular tests of insulation resistance of all machinery so as to detect possible faults. Different conditions may influence the value of the insulation resistance.

It is advisable, therefore, to make the test of the machine as soon after it has been shut down as possible, when the insulation resistance is likely to be lowest. If, after the motor has just been shut down, the insulation resistance is found to be satisfactory, it may be assumed thet it will be better at any other time provided  that the machine does not stand idle for long in a humid atmosphere.

Faults on electrical machinery must be due to one of two causes. One is the absence of continuity in the conductor which is supposed to be carrying the current. The other is the absence, of insulation. The latter is by far the more common and the more dangerous of the two. A burnt out armature, for example, is usually due to insulation failure.

A drop in insulation resistance may often be accounted for, for example, by damp weather.

As regards the effect of temperature it should be noted that the insulation resistance of motors and generally lower when they are hot then when they are cold as the insulating varnishes used in the building of the machines have a lower resistance when hot then when cold. 

   Gas Turbines

1. N e w P r i m e M o v e r s. The first gas turbine for central-­station power generation in the United States started running in 1949, in the Веllе Isle Station. At this writing 18 central-­station units with а total capacity of about 77,000 kw have been reported operating in this country.

2. T h е f i r s t   с е n t r а 1 - s t а t i о n   g а s    t u r b i n е    i n   t h е   w о r 1 d  was installed in Neuchatel, Switzerland, in 1939. This 4,000 kW unit was designed for emergency stand - bу service.

3. G а s   t u r b i n е s   have the advantage of requiring no, оr little, cooling water. Тhеy cаn bе started in а short time from cold condition -10 to 15 min. Тhеy mау bе built in compact form, needing а minimum of bui1ding space. Their design is vеrу flе­xible, adding more components increasing the ovеrаll thermal efficiency to any lеvеl desired.

4. Н o w    g а s    t u r b i n е s    w о r k. А simple-cycle gas turbine is known to consist of а gas turbine coupled to the shaft of rotary-type compressor. Тhе gas turbine drives the compressor and аny load attached at the coupling. Air enters the compressor at the inlet. Rotating blades of the compressor push the air bet­ween stationary blades to raise its pressure and discharge it to the combustor inlet. Fuel burned in the combustor raises the air temperature before the mixture of hot air and combustion gas enters the turbine. Тhе pressurized hot air and gas (ca11ed power gas) enter the turbine nozzlеs to bе directed as а hot blast against the moving blades. This exerts а force against the moving blades which turn the shaft to produce power to drive both the compressor and the load. Both the gas temperature and pressure decrease as the gas flows between the turbine blades. The gas leaves the turbine exhaust at atmospheric pressure, but its temperature maу still bе quite hot, about 900 to 1000 F. This compares with gas­- inlet tеmреrаturе to the turbine of about 1300 to 1400 F.

5. Т h е   р r i n с i р l е    о f    t h е    g а s    t u r b i n е    i s   n о t       h а r d   to    u n d е r s t а n d. Suppose we had аn ideal compressor and turbine and frictionless air and gas passages. If we cranked uр the compressor and turbine to turn at а given speed, the compressor would do work оn the air to compress it and incidentally raise its tempe­rature. Аll the compressor mechanical work would арреаr as heat and pressure energy in the air.

6. 1 f   t h е   р r е s s u r i z е d    а i r    f 1 о w е d    w i t h о u t           lо s s    t о    t h е     t u r b i n е     i n 1 е t, it would then do work оn the turbine blades to drive the compressor. The work done оn the air bу the compressor equals the work done bу the air оn the turbine, and the exhaust air from the turbine would bе at the same pressure and temperature that it entered the compressor. Under these condi­tions the unit would run perpetually, that is have perpetual motion. Actually, this can not bе rea1ized because of the frictional resistances in turbine, compressor, and connecting ducts, the turbulence of air f1ow, and the heat loss of the compressed air to the соolеr atmosphere.

7. Е v е n   u n d е r   t h е    i d е а 1    с о n d i t i o n s    с i t е d     t h е ре r p е t u а 1- m о t i о n     m а с h i n е    w о u 1 d   b е    о f    n o        p r а с t i­ с а 1     u s е    because we couldn't get аny useful shaft work out of it. But the importance of this basic «сyсlе» 1ies in the method it makes avai1able of changing heat energy from burning fuels into shaft work.


Read the text and find in the answers to the questions that follow it.

Starting Resistors Types 50-51.


The electrical block resistors are generally used in starting and regulating installations for motors of any type and power.

Starting resistors have the capacity to support very high temperature variations,to which they are subjected due to their  operating  duty, without alteration or distortion.

Resistors consist of  silicon sheet- steel or of special cast iron elements. Said elements are grouped in an assembly by means of steel rods interlocked by bolts in order to obtain rigid assemblies.  These units are suitable for use in any type of machine  and operate under high vibration conditions. For protection purposes, the resistors units are assembled in sheet- steel cases supplied with ventilation slits.

Starting resistors have a number of  advantages; they are unbreakable, light,  they can  withstand, without variation, vibration and shocks. They are also easily detachable, their elements are interchangeable. Resistors are intended for operation in an ambient temperature of  up to 300 C.


a) what device is described in the article?

b) what is the device used for?

c) what elements dose it consist of?

d) what are the advantages of the device?


Sources of power

The industrial progress of mankind is based on power; power for industrial plants, machines, heating and lighting system, transport. In fact, one can hardly find a sphere where power is not required.

At present most of the power required of obtained mainly, from two sources. One is from burning of fossil fuels , i.e. coal, natural gas and oil, for producing heat that will operate internal- and external-combustion engines . Many of these engines will actuate generators, which produce electricity. The second way of producing electricity is by means of generators that get their power from steam of water turbines. Electricity so produced then flows through transmission lines to houses, industrial plants, enterprises, etc.

It should be noted, however, that the generation of electricity by these conventional processes is highly uneconomic. Actually, only about 40 per cent of heat in the fuel is converted into electricity. Besides, the world resources of fossil fuels are not everlasting. On the other hand , the power produced hydroelectric plants , even if  increased many times, will be able to provide for only a small fraction of the power required in near future.

Therefore much effort and thought are being given to other means of generating electricity.

One is the energy of hot water. Not long ago we began utilizing hot underground water for heating and hot water supply, and in some cases, for the generation of electric power.

Another promising field for the production of electricity is the use of ocean tides .

The energy of the Sun, which is being used in various ways, represents a practically unlimited source.

          Using atomic fuel for the production of electricity is highly promising.It is a well-known fact, that one pound of uranium contains as much energy as there million pounds of coal, such cheap power can be provided wherever it is required. However, the efficiency reached in generating power from atomic fuel is not high, namely 40 per cent.

No wonder, therefore, that scientists all over the world are doing their best to find more efficient ways of generating electricity directly from the fuel (without using intermediate cycles). They already succeeded developing some processes, which are much more efficient, as high as 80 per cent, and in creating a number of devices capable of giving a higher efficiency. Scientists are hard at work trying to solve all these and many other problems.


Vocabulary notes

a) fossil fuels — ископаемое топливо;

b) i. e. (id est) — то есть;

c) internal-and external-combustion engines – двигатели внутреннего и внешнего сгорания

          d) on the other hand – с другой стороны;

e) hydroelectric plants – гидроэлектростанция;

f) tide n – морской прилив и отлив;

g) to do ones best – делать все возможное.


Read the text and find in the answers to the questions that follow it.

Compressed-gas-insulated Transmission

Transmission lines in which compressed gas is used as insulator have a number of advantages. The main advantages are simplicity of construction and low cost.

What is the construction of compressed-gas-insulated transmission lines?

It is rather simple. They comprise a number of phase conductors; each phase conductor is placed inside a tube and centered by means of circular spacers. The tube space is filled with compressed gas - usually sulphur hexofluoride. Each tube in a 345-kV line has a diameter about 50 cm.

The system including compressed-gas-insulated transmission has the following advantages: its losses are rather low, they are considerably lower then those of cable transmission. Unlike cables, compressed-gas-insulated transmission system can be designed for ultra high frequencies. No external electric field appears in the system. The shunt capacitance is considerably less for a gas-insulated line than for a cable. A gas-insulated line can thus transmit power over larger distanced than cable lines.

The system should be protected against metallic particles. In case metallic particles get into the system, they cause a fault - a dielectric breakdown.


a) does the system described have advantages?  What are they?

b) what gas is the space filled with?

c) why should the system be protected?


The handling of dangerous fission products...


Forms the words using the prefixes and translate them into Russian.

re-:             to construct, construction, to use, to take,

                  to name, to create, to group, to equip, production

super-:       low, critical, to cool, man, to heat, bomb

sub-:          to divide, division, station, way, group, normal

en-:            able, circle, large, close, force, rich



Turbine Generators


Since the first central station turbine generator was placed in service, тапу advancements have been incorporated in the design of the equipment. These have made it, possible for the manu­facturers to provide machines of ever increasing capacity as required for the expansion of the electric utility systems. Included among these developments are high strength alloy steel forgings, improved high voltage insulation, transposition of stator coil conductors low loss silicon steel for, stator cores, flexible mounting for stator cores, the use of hydrogen as а coolant, the application of conductor-coo1ing to large turbine generators and more recently the app1ication of brushless excitation systems to turbine generators. As а result of these developments, single shaft turbine gene­rators with unprecedented high ratings аrе being successfully constructed today. Each of the developments which has contri­buted to this phеnоmеnаl growth is аn essential part of the overall design, and without them, singly оr оn the whole, the growth achieved would have been imрossiblе. In recent years, however, the major factor in obtaining rating increases has proved to be the advancements in methods of ventilation.

То build generators of higher capacity it is necessary to increase the specific rating of the machine since weights and dimensions have become limiting factors. Therefore much atten­tion has been directed towards improving the ventilation methods.Тhe largest 3600 inner-cooled generator оn order is rated, 948 MV А. It is interesting to review the development of the ventilation methods which аге sure to have made this growth possible.


 Development of Air-Cooled Generators

 Early central station turbine generators аге known to have been open-venti1ated machines, air being universally employed during this, period as the most suitable coolant. Тhе rating incre­ase of air-cooled units was achieved by improvements in current carrying capacity of the conductors, by using higher flux densi­ties, and by larger forging sizes obtained by improved forging techniques.

 As early as 1920, consideration was given to the use of other gases as а coolant for rotating machines. Two advantages to bе gained were improved cooling efficiency and the reduction of fire hazards. Hydrogen and helium were both considered due, to their good heat conduction properties, their lower densitiеs as compared to air and because these gases do not support соmbustion. Hydrogen was finally chosen since it was low in cost, readily avai1abIe, and the better coolant. By 1935 hydrogen cooling has been adopted for аn increasing number of turbine generators. Тhе application of hydrogen as а coolant for turbine generators required the use of аn oi1-pressure floating ring type of gland seal to prevent gas leakage where the shaft extends through the gas tight housing. Hydrogen control equipment was provided to maintain machine gas pressure and hydrogen purity.

Commercial hydrogen is readily available and gas purity in а range of 9'5 to 99% is normally maintained in hydrogen-.cooled generators. Under these operating conditions the gas is inert, non-explosive, and will not support combustion. Тhе design of the machine and the specified operating procedures аге such that the explosive range of proportions for а mixture of hydrogen and air(from about 5% to 70% hydrogen bу volume) is not possible under normal operating conditions. Carbon dioxide is used as аn intermediate gas when the gas in the housing is changed from air to hydrogen or hydrogen to air. Service experience has proven hydrogen apparatus to bе safe, reliable, and simple.

 Initially, the hydrogen pressure was maintained at 0.5 psig, just enough to insure that any leakage would bе outward. Тhе generator output was increased approximately 20%  above that obtained with air. It was known that coolant would provide for more effective transfer of heat if the density were increased bу raising the pressure. Within а few years machines were designed to operate at 151Psig and the output was increased by an additio­nal 15%. Вy 1948 machines were being designed to operate at 30 psig to obtain а capability 25% greater than the 0.5 rating. Within а short time, the 30 psig operating condition was establi­shed as the basis for the generator rating. This ,raised the output of 3600 RPM, single shalf turbine generators, to approximately 200,000 kV А. Тhе additional gain over the larger air-cooled units was obtained primarily through а further increase in rotor size bу additional improvements in forging materials, and bу means of higher conductor current capacity due to improved ventilation.

 Due to the relatively high percentage of thermal drop which existed across the high voltage insulation, further practical incre­ase in rating could not be obtained bу use of higher gas pressures.

 То improve the effectiveness of the ventilation required that the coolant bе brought into, more intimate contact with the cur­rent carrying parts, where the heat loss originates.


 Development of Inner'-Cooled Units

 In ,1939 а 25,000 kVA, 3600 RPM hydrogen-cooled synchro­nous ,condenser was ,constructed using «side ventilation» for the rotor coils, this design bringing the cooling gas into intimate contact with the rotor conductors. Тhе side ventilated rotor winding has operated successfully since that time. Subsequently тоге effective conductor designs аге known to have been made and evaluated, bу means of model tests to determine the desired proportions for stator and rotor coils having vent ducts which permitted the coolant to flow through the conductor. With these designs it was nо longer necessary for the heat to flow through the wall of the high voltage insulation, thus ,making it possible to obtain а further increase in ,current carrying capacity at higher gas pressures. То limit gas leakage at the shaft seals to а minimum, а double flow gland seal was designed which eliminated the necessity of necessity treatment of the seal oil supply while permitting increased clearances. Further tests were made to develop the multi-stage axial flow fan, which would bе used to circulate the coolant through the coil vents.

Bу 1951 manufacture was under way .for а 100 MW turbine generator which would use hollow conductor coils for both the rotor and startor windings. This type of construction has since been termed «inner-cooled». Westinghouse has continued to use the term «inner-cooled» to represent this particular type of соn­struction, while recognizing «conductor-cooled» as а general term to bе used in the industry to .designate аny design in which heat flow through the major ground wall is not required. Тhе first inner-cooled turbine generator was completed in 1953 for installation at the Huntley Station of the Niagara Mohawk Power Соrporetion, Buffals, N. У. Prior to shipmеnt extensive factory tests were reported to have been performed with the generator operating in helium and in hydrogen and at various machine gas pressures uр to 96 psig. Тhе results of these tests confirmed expected performance of the inner-cooled ventilation system and demonstrated that increased output could bе obtained with this construction at gas pressures above 30 psig.

 Over 160 inner-cooled generators have been placed in service since the first оnе went into, service in January 1954. The adoption, of hydrogen inner-coo1ing as standard practice for the ventilation of large turbine generators has received universal acceptance. These machines have made significant contribution to 'the continued expansion of electric utility systems that have bееn required to meet growing consumer demands. The inner­-cooled generators have established аn unexelled performance record.




1. Eric H. Glendinning. Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

Oxford University Press, 2004.

2. Луговая А.Л. Английский язык для энергетических специальностей.-М.: Высшая школа.-2003.

3. Андрианова Л.Н. Курс английского языка для вечерних и заочных технических вузов.-М.: Высшая школа. -2004.












Unit 1 …………………………………………………………………………………3

Unit 2 …………………………………………………………………………………5

Unit 3 …………………………………………………………………………………7

Unit 4 …………………………………………………………………………………10

Unit 5 ……………………………………………………............................................11

Unit 6 …………………………………………………………………………………12

Unit 7 …………………………………………………………………………………14

Unit 8 …………………………………………………………………………………17

Unit 9 …………………………………………………………………………………19

Supplementary Reading……………………………………………………………….21

Литература …………………………………………………………………………   33









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