Қазақстан Республикасы Білім  және  Ғылым Министрлiгi


Алматы Энергетика және Байланыс Институты






А.К. Садықова







Ағылшын тілі практикумы


Оқу құралы


























Алматы 2004



УОТ 802.0 (075.8)

Ағылшын тілі практикумы:

Оқу құралы/А.Садыкова;

АЭЖБИ, Алматы, 2004.- 108 б.



         Бұл оқу құралы техникалық жоғарғы оқу орнында оқитын бірінші курс  студенттеріне арналған. Оның мақсаты ағылшын тіліндегі грамматикалық материалды қайталау, жүйеге келтіру ғана емес, сонымен бірге студенттердің сөйлеу іскерліктері мен дағдыларын дамыту.

          Студенттер ағылшын тіліндегі ғылыми мәтіндерді оқығанда, аударғанда көптеген тілдік, яғни лексикалық, грамматикалық қиындықтарға кездеседі. Автор осы оқу құралында ағылшын тіліндегі көптеген грамматикалық структураларды қазақ тіліне қалай аударуға болатындығын көрсетеді, олар кестелер мен схемалар арқылы салыстырмалы түрде берілген. Оқу құралының үшінші бөлігінде грамматикалық материалды бекітуге арналған  жаттығулар бар.

         Бұл оқу құралын студенттер тек сабақта ғана емес, өз бетімен жұмыста да пайдалана алады.

         Оқу құралы техника мамандықтары бағыты бойынша оқитын студентерге арналған.


         Библиогр.- 7 атау.




ПIКIР БЕРУШІЛЕР: Қазақ халықаралық қатынастар және әлем тiлдер университетiнiң мамандарды практикалық және теориялық дайындау кафедрасының  ф.ғ.к., доцентi А.С. Ермағамбетова, Алматы энергетика және байланыс институтын, шет тілдер кафедрасының аға оқутышысы Т.К.Берденова


         Қазақстан Республикасы Білім  және  Ғылым министрлiгiнiң  2003 ж. жоспары бойынша басылады.








©Алматы энергетика және байланыс институты, 2004 ж.





Алғы  сөз ................................................................................................................     4

Part I Enghlish in practice (Негізгі курс)................................................................     5

Unit 1Live and Learn.....................................................................................     5

Unit 2 Learning a Foreign Language.............................................................     7

Unit 3 The Computer Age..............................................................................   11

Unit 4 Inventors and their inventions............................................................    18

Unit 5 Engineering materials..........................................................................   23

Unit 6 Scientists..............................................................................................   28

Unit 7 The planet Earth (Ecology).................................................................   32

Unit 8 Communication and Internet...............................................................   38

Unit 9 The way we are....................................................................................   43

Unit 10 Sources of Power...............................................................................   48

Unit 11 Power Engineering............................................................................   51

Part II Негізгі грамматикалық ұғымдар (Basic grammar terminology)................   55

1 Зат есім.......................................................................................................   55

2 Есімдік........................................................................................................   58

3 Сын есім.....................................................................................................   63

4 Үстеу...........................................................................................................   64

5 Сан есім......................................................................................................   65

6 Етістік.........................................................................................................   66

7 Есімше........................................................................................................   79

8 Герундий ...................................................................................................   80

9 Eтістіктің тұйық райы ..............................................................................   82

10 Предлог...................................................................................................... 84                                   11Синтаксис..................................................................................................   85

12 Сөз тудырудың негізгі тәсілдері............................................................   87

III Өткен грамматикалық материалды бекітуге арналған жаттығулар.............   88

Қосымша А.............................................................................................................  100

Қосымша Б.............................................................................................................  101

Қосымша В.............................................................................................................  102

Қосымша Г.............................................................................................................  103

Қосымша Д.............................................................................................................. 104 

Әдебиеттер тізімі...................................................................................................  106



Алғы сөз


Бұл ұсынылып отырған ағылшын тiлiнен оқу құралы техникалық жоғары оқу орындарында оқитын студенттерге арналған. Оқу құралы ағылшын тiлi бағдарламасының талаптарына сай жазылған.

         Оқу құралының басты мақсаттары:

·        бiрiншiден, берiлген тақырып көлемiнде студенттердiң сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру;

·        екiншiден, студенттердiң мамандықтарына байланысты арнайы ғылыми - әдебиеттердi, мақалаларды оқи алу және өздерiне қажеттi мағлұматты пайдалана алу iскерлiктерiн дамыту.

         Жоғарыда көрсетiлген мақсаттарға жету үшiн, әр    сабақта белсендi түрде меңгеруге арналған сөздер мен жалпы техникалық  терминдер және олардың қолданылуын  бекiтуге арналған жаттығулар берiлген .

         Оқу құралының арнайы бөлiмi граматикалық материалды қайталауға және ғылыми-әдебиет көздерiне тән кейбiр қиын грамматикалық құбылыстар мен синтаксистiк құрылымдарды жаттықтыруға арналған.

         Бұл оқу құралында негiзiнен аутентикалық мәтiндер берiлген, олар студенттердiң болашақ мамандықтарын ескере отыра iрiктелiп алынған .

         Оқу  құралы төрт бөлiмнен тұрады: негiзгi курс,  грамматикалық материалдар, жаттығулар және қосымша кестелер.

         Негiзгi бөлiм – сабақтардан тұрады. Бұл бөлiмнiң басты мақсаты студенттердiң сөз iскерлiктерi мен дағдыларын дамыту. Оқу материалының орналасуы және жаттықтыру тапсырмаларының сипаты мен түрлерi қойылған мақсат негiзiнде орналастырылған.

         Екiншi бөлiмде грамматикалық материал  қазақ тiлiнде берiлген.

Кейбiр қиын грамматикалық құбылыстар мен синтаксистiк құрылымдардың қазақ тiлiне қалай аударылатындығы мысалдар арқылы көрсетiлген.

         Оқу құралының үшiншi бөлiмiнде берiлген жаттығулар жүйесi грамматикалық материалды берiк меңгеруге бағытталған.Төртiншi бөлiм көрнекi түрде берiлген кестелермен қамтылған.

         Бүл әдістеме құрылымы жағынан өте ыңғайлы. Мұғалім не студент қай бөліммен жұмыс істеуді қажет деп тапса, сол бөлімді пайдалана алады.

                Қазіргі таңда техникалық жоғары оқу орындарының студенттеріне арналған қазақ тіліндегі оқулықтар мен оқу құралдары жоқтың қасы,сондықтан қазақ бөлімінің студенттері шетел тілінен орыс тілінде басылып шыққан оқулықтармен жұмыс істейді, оның үстіне студенттердің шетел тілін меңгеру деңгейлері әр түрлі. Міне осы себептерді ескере отыра құрылған әдістемелікті          студенттер  сабаққа дайындық кезінде өз бетiмен  пайдалануға мүмкіндік алады.     




I  Негізгі курс  (English in practice)


Unit  1    Live and Learn


1.     Read the new words:


to acquire – алу, ие болу

to drill - оқыту

education – оқу, білім алу

field -  сала, өріс

foreign – шетел

to lecture – лекция оқу

to prepare – дайындау, даярлау

subject – пән

term – семестр

to train – дайындау

to provide- қамтамасыз ету


2. Which of the given words are nouns, verbs? Why?


         practice, orginize, vary, variety,  practise, computer, compute, know, knowledge,          lecture, lecturer


3. Arrange antonyms in pairs and memorize them.


a) always, early, free, hard, to fail, possible, to send,  to graduate, after

     b) soft, never, late, busy, to pass, to receive, impossible,  before, to enter


 4. Translate into Kazakh and write down the Kazakh equivalents. Then translate the Kazakh variants back into English (orally).


first-year student___________________________

to acquire knowledge__________________________

specialized departments ________________________

technical college ______________________________

educational institutions ________________________

engineering subjects ___________________________

variuos laboratories ____________________________


5. Reading practice.


Text. The institute I study at


My name is Marat Mukanov. I was born in Almaty.  I’m a first-year student, and I meet a great number of students who, come here to acquire knowledge.

I am going to tell a few things about myself. My father’s name is Bulat. He is an architect. He is 54. My mother’s name is Alma. She is about 40. She works as a teacher at a technical college. We live in a modern block of flats. We are friendly family.

This year I entered the Almaty Institute of Power Engineering and Telecommunication. It is one of the biggest educational institutions in Kazakhstan, training specialists in the field of power engineering and telecommunication. The head of the institute is  Rector. There are five faculties in the Institute which prepare specialists on 22 specialities. Each faculty has a number of specialized departments and headed by dean. The course of studies lasts 5 years. My institute has two buildings. There are many variuos laboratories and computer centers. There is a good library in the main buildings,which provides the students with books and literature on special subjects.

I study at the faculty of Radio engineering and telecommunication and I hope to be a good specialist.  The academic year begins on the 1-st September and is divided into two terms. We have two sessions in a year, in January and June. The first year students study general engineering subjects. We listen to lectures, have seminars and consultations.

Time passes quickly, and very soon I’ll be a good specialist in my line.


6. Answer the questions based on the information found in the reading or your own experience.

         1. How old are you now?

         2. What city did you come from?

         3. Whar foreign language did you study at school?

         4. Why did you enter this institute?

         5. What subjects do students study at the first year?

         6. Which subject is the most interesting for you?

         7. Is there computer centre in your institute?

         8. What specialities do people get after graduating from this institute?


7. Complete the sentences, use a (an), the or zero article.


1.  I am .... engineer. 2. She is reading .... interesting .... book. 3.This is ..... important phenomenon. 4.That is ..... drawing-room of the students. 5.These are geometrical figures: ..... circle in the middle, .... square on the left and ........ ellipse below the circle.  6. My friend has to get up early in ...morning because he goes to ........ institute. 7. We knew  he was ...  foreigner because he spoke with a strange accent. 8. Today is ... last day when we can give them  .... papers. 9. They bought ...... new English-Russian dictionary. 10.......... idiom was not easy to memorize. 11.Which of the dictionaries are you going to buy? I like ... dictionary that has more words. 12. Aray is at .... work till 6.00. Could you call later, please?  13. Summer follows ... spring. 14. Will you join us for ....dinner?




8. Study the Reference Grammar material  to find out how to use simple tenses.


                My name is Asel. I am Kazakh. Now I study English in London. There are ten students in my class. I have friends among them.   My friend Mishel is French. She is 18 years old. She is from France. She has a big family in Paris. Piter is German. He is from Germany. He is 19 years old. His parents are rich. They have a firm. Piter thinks he will be a businessman too. I visited many places in London. I was in Oxford and Cambridge. We were in Scotland last month. We had a very good time. There were many interesting places.


9. Үлгі бойынша сұраулы сөйлемдер құрып, берілген сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін қолданып, оларға жауап беріңдер.


Үлгі: Is this a text-book? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Are they engineers? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


a student, a good example, interesting articles, an experiment, an electrician, programmers, an English teacher, some subjects, a college


10. Listen to the conversation between two students.

     Work in pairs. Make up your own dialogue.


Askar: What faculty do you study at?

Marat: At the faculty of Heat power engineering.

A.:  What will your future profession be?

M.:  Automation and control of technical system.

A.:  You are the first-year student, aren’t you?

M.:  Yes, I am. What lectures have you today?

A.:  A lecture on Physics and practical class in English.

M.:  What was your  home task on English for today?

A.:  We had a grammar class yesterday. We discussed the use of articles in English.

M.:  They are the shortest and yet the most diffucult words in English.

        Is it possible to learn how to use them?

A.  I am not quite sure. We should simply have more grammar drills.

M.:  Will they really help? And then they are so boring.

A.:    Don’t lose hope.


11. Work in pairs. You want to know something about your groupmates. .


a)  Each of them is a person. What are they like?   What do they look like?

b) Think of the questions you would like to ask them (their family, native         town, hobbies, sports, friends, future plans, etc.).

c)   Marat introduces himself. The other students try to find out as much as possible about him, asking questions.

d) When everyone has finished, tell the whole group the most interesting things you can found about your groupmate.


12. Look at the table and compare different classes of nouns.













      Askar     Akhmetov



a book

  a family







Divide these nouns into common and proper, countables and uncountables.


information, work, knowledge, weather, advice, air, progress, chemistry, influence, family, energy, ecology, computer, country, citizen, Almaty, cloud, language, university, science, radio, the Urals, company, invention, education


13. Writing. There are many things to do. Write which of the activities you

      a) enjoy,   b) hate and explain why.


a)     reading books                                          d) working on the computer     

b)     watching TV programmes                       e) sports

c)      travelling                                                  f) doing homework             


14. Topic. Student’s life.


Your friend wants to become an engineer but he doesn’t know which department to choose. Help him to solve his problem. Give your reasons.

Present information on:

­           the name of your institute

­           its location

­           the departments at your institute

­           the subjects you study

­           the equipment the institute is provided with

­           the students hostels

­           what you like and what you don’t like about your institute

­           what traditions is popular among the students at AIPET?

­           what students societies are there at AIPET ?



Unit 2    Learning a Foreign Language


1.  Read the new words:


aim  мақсат

to aimтырысу, ұмтылу, ынталану

animation – анимация

to attend – бару

communication – байланыс

education – оқу, білім алу

to exist – бар болу

global - әлемдік

graduation–жоғарғы оқу орнын бітіру

interaction – әрекеттестік

international – халықаралық

listening – тыңдау

to offer - ұсыну, ұсыныс жасау

practice - жаттығу

skill – шеберлік, іскерлік

to receive – алу, алып тұру

to require – талап ету

technology – технология

tongue – тіл

tool – құрал

to touch – тию, тие сөйлеу


2.  Read and compare.


1. all the words in a language;   2. a list of words in a lesson or a book;

3. all the words that one person knows.



a book that gives words from A to Z and explains what each word means.


3. Read and guess what the words in bold type mean.


a drill [dril] (n)- a grammar drill, a spelling drill. A drill is a way of teaching       something with the help of repetition or special exercises.

to practise [prǽktis] (v) – You’ll never learn to speak English fluently if you don’t practise.

practice (n)a lot of practice, it takes a lot of practice to do something. It takes practice to become a good engineer.

an idiom [ιdιәm] (n) – a group of words with special meaning.


4.  Read the  following word combinations and put down their Kazakh equivalents.


world languages_____________              scientific periodicals___________

mother tongue_______________             efficient method______________                              interactive multimedia________              international communication____             technological advances________             official language______________

varied practice_______________             different approaches___________


5.  Distribute the words below into three columns:

                  action                    process                  doer


speaker, speak, speaking, reading, reader, read, study, student, studying, use, user, usage, write, writer, writing, teach, teacher, teaching, translate, translator, translation, learn, learner, learning


6. Reading practice.          


English – a Language of the World


                Language belongs to each of us. Everyone uses words. What is it about language that makes people so curious? The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language. We live in and by language.

          Nowadays, 750 million people all over the world use English and half of those speak it as a mother tongue. It is  an official language  in 44 countries. Of all the 2700 world languages English is one of the richest. For example, compare English, German and French: English has a vocabulary of about 500000 words, German – 185000, and French – fewer than 100000. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.

English is the language of international communication in many areas of life: trade, transport, tourism, sport and entertainment.  Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes are in English. More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers also in English. English is the main language of business. It is the official language of Olympics.

         Language learning is hard work. More and more people also need English for studying at universities and colleges. New ideas in science, technologies happen so quickly that is impossible to translate everything into different languages.

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has existed in some form for at least three decades.The computer can serve a variety of uses for language learning. It offers language drills or skills practice, a stimulus for discussion and interaction and tool for writing and research. Multimedia technologies (today by CD ROM) allow a variety of media: text, graphics, sound, animation and video.  Language  teaching computer programme is  a highly efficient language learning method. They offer a lot of varied practice for listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

Developments in technology have changed our life in every aspect. Communication technilogies enabled us to communicate with students  of different countries.  Using the WWW students can search authentic materials, newspaper and magazine articles to their own personal interests.



7. Answer the questions based on the information found in the reading or your own experience.


1.  How long have you been learning English?

2.  Where else is possible to learn a foreign language?

3.  Have you ever tried to learn English on your own (reading books, watching educational programs on TV, videos and films in English, taking an English course)?

4.  Which of these ways of learning a language do you find most effective?

5.  Why are you learning English? Do you find it interesting? Hard?

6.  Why do people learn foreign languages as you see it?

7.       How much time do you think a person should learn a foreign language to able to say: a) “I can speak English”, b) “My English is fluent”?

8.       Do you think it’s good to have an international, global language? Why?

9.       What is the most difficult feature of learning a language?


8.  Look through the text again to find two facts which were quite new to you and two facts which were already known to you.


9.  Say true, false or don’t know. Correct the false statement.








  English spoken in the USA doesn’t differ from English spoken in Great Britain.




There are many borrowed words in English.




There are three English-speaking countries in the world.




Some words came to English from Russia.




  English is the most popular foreign language in Kazakhstan.





10. See how well you remember the text and complete the sentences.


1)    Of all the 2700 world languages English is …………………………. .

2)    English is the main language ………………………………………... .  

3)    More and more people also need English for........................................ .

4)    English is the language of international ..........................................…. .

5)    English is  an official language  in  ...................................................... .

6)    Communication technilogies enabled us......................... ........................   

7) Using the WWW students can................................................................. .


11. State the tense forms of the following verbs.


        Model: use – Present Indefinite

                   do not use – Present Indefinite (negative form)


                lives, doesn’t live, made, existed, change, will change, did not communicate, will not research, became, writes, taught


12.  Complete the sentences with an appropriate comparative or superlative form of the adjectives.


1.With a population of nearly seven million, London is much  (big)   than Paris.

2. There were (many)  students at the lecture today than yesterday.

3. Askar is the (tall)  student in our group.

4. I bought the (last) edition of Oxford dictionary.

5. What do you think of your (far) education?

6.  Have you any (far) questions?


13. Look at the table below. It contains phrases that will help you to express your opinion.





According to him /her

You are quite right

 Not at all


In his (her ) view...….

My opinion is that…..      

I’m more or less certain that …..……..

It’s not true …..

I’m not at all sure ….

I suppose so ……

I think (that)……             

As I see it……….       

I really think so

I think so too

I don’t think so                                                            

I’m afraid I don’t agree….


14. Read and learn the dialogue.


 Are you Happy with the Way You Are Taught English?


Interviewer: Askar, I know you have been learning English for almost five

          years. What do you feel about learning grammar?

Askar: Of course, you must learn grammar in any language. After all you can’t build a house without foundation.

Int.:    So grammar is important. But should it be taught in isolation?

Askar:No. You need to practise grammar together with vocabulary.

Int.:   With vocabulary. Do you like to learn the words by heart and practise           them?

Askar:Practice helps us to memorize the words.

Int.:    How about pronunciation? A lot of students find that hard?

Askar:English intonation is awful. I think it’s the most difficult part of pronunciation, because if you get it wrong, people think you are rude. Intonation is far more difficult than learning to pronounce the words correctly.

Int.:  What advice would you give to people who are just beginning to learn English?

Askar:I find reading very helpful. I read books, magazines, newspapers and other periodicals. I try to guess the meaning of words. This helps me to read more quickly. But I also look words up in the dictionary and make a note of the most useful ones. Listening and watching videos and educational TV programmes in English help me, too.

Int.:   As I can see, learning a language isn’t as simple as all that.

You can learn rules for grammar and pronunciation and also for vocabulary.


15. Writing. Imagine that Askar’s interviewer asking you the same questions about learning English. Answer them and explain your point of view.


16.  Work in pairs. Make up dialouges and act them.


       A student from Kazakhstan and a student from Britain are talking about their foreign language classes; the British student is learning Kazakh (Russian) and the Kazakh student is learning English.


17.  Pair work

         Now you are first-year student. Is it necessary for a future engineer to study a foreign language? It is very important to know what you think about it. Think of some more which are important in your opinion.

Discuss the problem with your groupmate.


18.  Talking point .


One of the reasons why a lot of people all over the world learn English is that                                English has taken the position of the world language.

It means that:

­      English has become a global language

­      750 million people all over the world use it

­      people who speak English have better job opportunities

­      it is one of the richest languages

­      it is the main language of business, sports, science

­      English is the world’s computer language


a)  Develop these ideas and say what you think about them.

b) Write 3 – 5 sentences to develop these ideas.


Unit  3    The Сomputer Age


1.     Read the new words:


application – қолдану, пайдалану

data – мәліметтер

to divide – бөлу, үлестіру

drive – дисковод

to edit – редакциялау

to exist – бар болу, күнелту

to install – кіргізу, енгізу,  орнату

language translator – аудармашы

to let – рұқсат беру

reliable – сенімді, берік

to supply – жабдықтау

software –  программалық қамтамасыз ету

various facilities – әртүрлі мүмкіндіктер

computer manufacturer – компьютер  өндіруші

hardware – аппараттық жабдықтар


2. Arrange antonyms.


         simple, begin, reliable, high, inefficient, complete, disadvantage, unreliable, advantage, far from, low, close to, efficient     


3. Translate into Kazakh and write down the Kazakh equivalents. Then translate the Kazakh variants back into English (orally).


electronic system ______________       application programmes ________________

temperature fluctuation _________        database programmes  _________________

computer installation ___________       computer’s memory ___________________

hardware pieces _______________       operating system ______________________

computer equipment____________       particular purposes ____________________


4. Reading practice.


a)    Find  in the text the  key words to describe a computer.

b) Try to explain these terms to your partner: main memory, input and output devices, processor, a monitor,  a printer, CD ROM,  a mouse,  the hard disk 


Text A. Computer system


         What is a computer? The electronic system of a computer is very complex.

         Computers can be divided into three types, depending on their size and power: mainframe computers, minicomputers and microcomputers.

            Mainframe computers are the largest and most powerful. They can handle large amounts of information. They usually fill a whole room and are sometimes referred to as computer installation.  Minicomputers are smaller and less powerful than mainframes. They are about the size of an office desk and usually found in offices and banks.             Microcomputers are the smallest and the least powerful. The microcomputer is very small in size and weight, resistant to temperature fluctuations, reliable and easy to operate. The field of application of the microcomputer is vast. It can be used in many fields of science and engineering. They are ideal for use as home computers. 

         The pieces of equipment making up the computer system are known as hardware. There are many hardware pieces in a computer system. Some are: the system board, power supply, keyboard, mouse, hard disk and monitor.

The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain and heart of the computer. The part of the computer where programmes and data being used is called the main memory.

The simplest and  most common type of input device is a keyboard. You communicate with your computer with the keyboard. With it, you type instructions and commands for the computer.  Many of the keys on the keyboard are like those on a typewriter. Your keyboard has letter keys, punctuation keys, shift keys, tab, the spacebar and many specialized keys. 

The most commonly used output device is known as a monitor or VDU (Visual Display Unit). Your computer is not complete without the monitor, a TV-like device. Monitor displays text, characters and graphics. It allows you to see the results of your work. A printer is another kind of output device to print information. There are many different types of printers.

         With the device called the mouse you can do a number of things by clicking on different icons.   As you glide the mouse, the ball inside moves in the direction of your movement and you will see the arrow on your screen moving in unison. The arrow is called a pointer.

         The programs are on disks, the hard disks inside the computer or floppy disks, or on CD ROMs (Compact Disk Read Only Memory),which you can put on and store a large information.


5. Pair work.  Put these questions to your groupmate and ask him/her to answer them.


1.   What is this text about?

2.   What is the largest type of computer?

3.   What are microcomputers commonly called?

4.   What type of computer is most suitable for education and business use?

5.   What type of computer is most suitable for home use?

6.  What is the processor?

7.  What is the most common input device?

8.  What is a monitor?

9. What is the most common output device?


6. Complete the following word comdinations.


                            1. ……....... device                        7. system ..…...........

                    2. ……......... ROM                        8.  ……............. jet

                    3. hard …...............                        9.  mini ...…...........

                    4. ….............  disks                       10. main........…….....

                    5. input …...….......                        11. ............ computer

                    6. …... ..installation                        12. .........…..... unit


7. Remember the beginnings of these sentences, if necessary look trough the text again.


1)       ______________ is the brain and heart of the computer. 


2)       ________________ is very small in size and weight, resistant to temperature fluctuations, reliable and easy to operate.


3)       _____________ making up the computer system are known as hardware.


4)       _______________ has letter keys, punctuation keys, shift keys, tab, the spacebar and many specialized keys. 


5)       _______________ displays text, characters and graphics.


6)       _____________ is another kind of output device to print information.


8.  Match these words (A) from the text to the definitions (B).            

           A                                                B

1. processor                       1.  displays the processed data

2. memory                         2.  holds the programmes and data 

3. output device                 3.  is the brain and heart of the computer

4. floppy drive                   4.  is a kind of output device to print information

5. printer                            5.  can read and write on floppy diskettes                                                       

6. keyboard                        6.  works by sliding it around on a flat surfice

7. mouse                             7.  has many specialized keys


9. Writing.

a) Complete the table using information from the text.


type of the computer

main characteristics: size, power, use, memory....








b) You can compare the types of computers according to these  examples:

         The microcomputer is smaller than ……. .


The minicomputer is used in office, but ……


10. Reading practice. Read the text and find  definitions of the terms  you  decide to be the most important for you.

Text B. Software system


Programmes, often called software are series of instructions written in computer language. It  means the programmes needed to operate computer equipment. They are stored in files and tell computer to perform  different tasks.

The operating system is the most important type of software, which control the basic function of a computer system. It is like a translator between you and your computer. The operating system is usually supplied by the computer manufacturer. It allows you communicate with your computer,  letting use all computer resources to your advantage. We know some common operating systems: MS DOS, NC, Windows.

Specialised programmes, which unable the computers to be used for particular purposes are called application programmes. There are different types of application programmes: database programme, word processor and spreadsheet programmes.

Database system is a set of system programmes, which allow the data from a database to be used by a number of different application programmes. Word processing programmes are used for the preparation and editing of letters and other documents.  This allows the text to be edited before it is printed out into paper in its final form. Various editing facilities are also available. Spreadsheet programmes are used in business. This type of programme displays information in the form of a table or array. Each column of the array is labelled with a letter and each row is labelled with a number.


11. Find answers to these questions in the text above.


1.  What is this text about?

2.  What is the general term for information used in computer system?

3.  Which programme is used for the creation and manipulation of texts?

4.  What name is given to the set of programmes, which coordinates and manages all the hardware and software?

5.  What type of program is used in business for financial planing?

6.  What applications of computer do you know?


12. Read the text again and complete the table.


 the type of   application programs


1.Word processor


2. Spreadsheets


3. Database


13. Complete the following definitions and memorize the terms.


  File,  application package,  MS Windows,  interface, memory


1)    ..............  is a collecton of related information:letters, memos or data.

2)    ..............  refers to the way you interact with your computer.

3)    ..............  is a software that makes your computer easy to use.

4)    ..............  is a software package that you use for a specific tasks.

5)    ...............  is the place in a computer where information  is  actively used.



 14. See how well you remember the text and complete the sentences.


1)      ______________is used for preparation and editing                                                     of letters and other documents.


2)      _______________are the set of system programs which                                                     allow you to store, look at or change a large quantity of information                                                     quickly and easily.


3)      _______________  is used for particular purposes.


4) ______________are pictures and symbols a computer                                                                programme can produce.


15. Study the Reference Grammar material to find out how to use Indefinite Passive. Find in the text sentences with Indefinite Active and Passive and explain why    these tenses are used.


16. Жұптағы екі сөйлемді салыстырып, қазақ тіліне аударыңдар


1)    The teacher asks the students a lot of questions. The students are asked a lot of     questions.

2)    He told them an interesting story. He was told an interesting story.

3)    I will give you a good book.  I will be given a good book.

4)    The professor will receive you at 2 o’clock. You will be received on Monday.

5)    They will show us a new device tomorrow. They will be shown a new device tomorrow.


17. Writing. Reread the texts again and write the summary of them in Kazakh.


18. Above   you will find the text about a computer system. Read the text again and complete the table.



        the pieces of equipment 


1. CPU


2. Hard disk


3. Keyboard


4. Printer


5. Mouse





19. Pair work. Tell your groupmate about advantages and disadvantages of computer database and complete the table.










20. Read the conversation between Marat and Shop assistant and say what Marat wants to know. Act out situations based on these conversation.


Marat: Good, afternoon

Shop assistant: Good, afternoon. Can I help you?

Marat:I hope so. I was interested to read your brochure on computer   systems. Can you  give me any information about this new computer, please?

S. A.: Of course. Did you find the brochure helpful?

Marat:Well, yes. I have read it and I’m very interested in the technical side   of computers.

S. A.: I see.

Marat:What are the main applications of this computer?

S. A.:Have you seen an advertisement about new types of computers?   They are designed to meet needs of persons with the computing background for their work in management and industry.

Marat:I understand that I can use it for my work. How much does it cost?

S.A.:  80 000 tenge.

Marat:Oh, It is too expensive for me. Thank you very  much.

S. A.: Any further questions?

Marat:That’s all for now.

S. A.: Well, goodbye.


21. Solve the problem:

“Are computers one of the greatest inventions of the 20 th century?”


         More and more people begin using computers in their work. Some of them cannot imagine their life without this invention of the 20th century. Discuss this problem in small groups of 4-5 students in order to make a decision.


22. Talking point


                               Say whether you use a computer in your work or for playing computer games. Do you use your computer in any other way or for other purposes? List you reason and share them with the group.



for a work

for playing computer games

for other purposes







Comment the following statement:

         Electronic games are very popular today. There are already up to 10000 different computer games in the world.


23. Topic. The computer we use.


         At the institute you have special subject – computer science and you also use computer studying other subjects. Some students have their own computers.

         Speak on the computer you work on:

1.     the model of the computer

2.     the type and number of disks

3.     the volume of memory

4.     the kind of monitor

5.     what programmes you can use

6.     what advantages and disadvantages your computer has



Unit 4  Inventors and their Inventions


1.  Read the new words:


achievement - жетістік

arouse- ояту

blackmith – ұста, темірші

bookbind – түптеу

inspiration – шабыт

to  invent – ойлап табу, шығару

inventor – өнертапқыш

measure – өлшеу

miner – шахтер, тау кенші

observation – бақылау

to solve – шешу

theoretician – теоретик

discovery–жаңалық, жаңалық ашылуы


2. Make up  adjectives  according to the example.


Үлгі: ( етістік) consider +  able  =  considerable ( сын есім)


electrify, differ, signify, improve,  achieve, research, measure, observe, conduct


3. Translate into Kazakh.


practical man, famous inventor, scientific achievement, electromagnetic device, professional inventor,  to make experiments, important discovery, major discovery,  field of electricity, profound knowledge, world-wide application


4. Reading practice.


Text A. A Great Citizen of the World


Every day many people        visit  Thomas A.Edison’s  laboratories in Orange, New Jersey. Some of them are young inventors who go study, but many more of them are tourists. They come from all parts of the US and from other countries as well.

Edison is known  as one of the greatest inventors of his time. He invented so much that is diffucult to say which of his achievements is the greatest. He was an experimentor and a practical man more than a theoretician.

Edison did not have any education. He went to school only for three months. Then he left it because the teacher considered him a dull boy. His mother became his teacher.  The boy loved books and his mother said that he had a wonderful memory. He began to experiment at the age of ten or eleven. Instead of a laboratory he used the cellar of his parents’ house.

In 1868 Edison built his first patented invention – an electromagnetic device. He established a workshop and began his career as professional inventor at the age of twenty  two. All his invention  were the results of hard work. He sometimes made thousands of experiments. According to his words the idea that a genius works only by inspiration was absurd. “Genius is  2 per cent inspiration and  98 per cent perspiration,” he often said.


5. Answer the following questions.


1.  Who was Thomas A.Edison?

2.  What’s Edison famous for?

3.  What education did he get?

4.  How old was Edison when he patented his first invention?

5.  How did he make his inventions?

6.  What other facts of Edison’s life do you know?


6. Read the text again and give its summary in Kazakh.


7. Put down the tense forms of the verbs.


             Model: to have – Present Indef. Active – have (has)


to help -   Pres. Indef. Passive -  __________

to discover –  Future Indef. Active - ______

to make –  Past Indefinite Active -  _________

to become –  Future Indef. Passive -  ________

to be –  Past Indef. Active - ____________

to supply –     Future Indef. Passive -_________

to use –  Past Indef.Passive - ___________

 to move –  Past Indef. –  _____________


8. Reading practice.

Names of some people have became world famous thanks to their achievements. The name Michael Faraday is one of them. Read the words given below and find those which you associate with the name of Faraday.


         Russia                        bookbinding               Humphry Davy                               blackmith                   Nobel prize                 literature

         Royal institute            safety lamp                 chemistry

telescope                    electricity                    magnetism

dynamite                    electric current            little money                    


Text B. Michael Faraday


Michael Faraday, one of the greatest men of science, had little chance to get an education. His father was a blackmith, and Faraday was born to work with his hands too. When thirteen years of age, he went apprentice to learn bookbinding. Once when binding an encyclopedia he ran across an article on electricity. It struck  his imagination and aroused his interest. With the little money he  could save, he bought a cheap and simple apparatus and set to make experiments. He attended the lectures of Humphry Davy, an outstanding scientist and the most popular lecturer in London at that time. It was Davy who helped Faraday to become assistant  at the laboratory of Royal institute and to get a profound knowledge of the subject. While still an assistant, he helped Davy to create a safety lamp for miners. He learned chemistry, he was working on the problem of turning gases into liquids. An important discovery of Faraday was that of benzyl, which he separated from condensed oil gas, and which since then found world-wide application.  For several years he is known have been working at the problem of a perfect optical glass and to have made a glass that greatly improved the telescope.

Yet the problem of electricity and magnetism interested him above all. All the scientific world had known by that time if a current is run through a copper wire wound around a piece of iron, the iron becomes a magnet. If electricity magnetizes, why won’t magnetism electrify? That was the question Faraday asked himself over and over. For a long time he tried different experiments to solve the problem. At last in 1831 he made his major discovery in the field of electricity – the electromagnetic induction.

Among a number of other discoveries he is also known to have measured electric current for the first time, and to have made several important observations on the conductivity of different materials.

Faraday was one of those great men who made possible the age of electricity in which we live, all the marvels it brings us all those it may bring to the future generations.



9. Read the text again and divide it into several parts. Give titles to each parts.


10. Divide the words in three categories (N; V; Adj) and make up your own sentences with them.


to solve,  extraodinary, electricity, important, marvel, outstanding, to get,  discovery, to be, famous, experiment, scientist, to create, problem, scientific, chemistry, discover


11. See how well you remember the text and  choose the right item.


1. Faraday’s father was a ...................., and  he was born to work with his hands too.

a) blackmith                b)  carpenter                     c) bookbinder


2. It was Davy who helped Faraday to become assistant  at the laboratory of .............. and to get a profound knowledge of the subject.

a) Royal institute         b) Cambridge                   c)  Oxford


      3. The problem of ...................... interested him above all.

a) electricity and magnetism              b) radioactivity                  c) magnetism


4. At last in ........... he made his major discovery in the field of electricity – the electromagnetic induction.

a) 1832                       b) 1831                               c) 1813


12. Study the Reference Grammar material to find out how to use  some, any, no.






affirmative sentence




interrogative sentence




negative sentence





         1. Are there ........ new students in your group?  2.There were ..... students of our group at the consultation yesterday. 3. Are there .... mistakes in my dictation? – Yes.There .... . 4.I wasn’t shown ..... interesting papers. 5. ........... students can answer such question at once.  6. ...... number of people can be included in the experiment. 7.He has  ..... experience in this field.  8.By ...... experiments the professor illustrates the measurements of gas pressure.


13. Төмендегі сөйлемдерді қазақ тіліне аударыңдар.


1.  Nobody knew anything about that inventor’s life-story. 2.The inventor answered nothing. 3. No student was ready for the exam. 4. None of us was present at the conference. 5.The experiment added nothing new to our knowledge of the properties of this   substance. 6. Do you see anybody in the classroom?  7. Take any journal from the bookcase. 8. There is no tube anywhere on the shelf. 9.Does anybody put water into the tube? 10. He puts some water into a tube.


14. Here the answers to some questions. Make up the questions.


1)      Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburg in 1847.

2)      Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor was a man of many contrasts.

3)      The theory of relativity brought Albert Einstein fame on five continents.

4)      In 1911 Marie  Curie received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

5)      For his talented scientific research Ernest Rutherfod got a prize.


15. Speak about the inventors and their inventions which are very important for Power Engineering. Complete the table.








Discuss your answers with the group.


16.  Grammar. Әр жұпта Continuous тобының шағында тұрған етiстiктi табыңдар


1.  a) was developing,  b) developed,  c) are developed

     2.  a) are being built,  b) will be built,  c) was built

     3.  a) considers,  b) will be considered,  c) considered

     4.  a) was burning,  b) burnt,  c) are burnt

     5.  a) drives,  b) is driving,  c) were driven

     6.  a) tested,  b) are testing,  c) will be tested

     7.  a) were shown,  b) showed,  c) are being shown

     8.  a) discussed,  b) was discussed,  c) are discussing


17. Express the same using active.


1)      The electric lamp was invented by Yablochkov.

2)      The work was finished in time.

3)      This article will be translated at the lesson on Tuesday.

4)      An interesting phenomenon in the field of thermodynamic effects was discovered by our scientists last year.

5)      It must be noted that this invention will raise the output at our plant.

6)      The different wind energy plants are being developed is also well known.


18. Writing.

     Write the topic “The inventors  and one of the greatest inventions of the mankind”

Present information on:

1)   the name of the inventor

2)   where and when he/she was born

3)   the field of science he/she worked in

4)  the invention you consider to be one of the greatest in the world

5)  the country this invention was made in

4)  how it is used now


Use the following words and word combinations for your topic:


The text gives information on..........      It is interesting to note that................

Speaking about........................               Description  of................ is given ....

I’d like to say that..................                 In conclusion.........................



Unit 5  Engineering materials


1.  Read the new words:


to alloy – қорыту

alloys –  металдар қорытпасы

branch – сала, тарау

to combine – әрекеттестіру

to conceive – ниет ету, талаптану

conductivity – өткізгіштік

conductor - өткізгіш

corrosion – коррозия

dynamo – динамо - машина

ferrous metals  қара металдар  

fibre – талшық

insulation – айыру, жекелеу

to include – қосу, кіргізу

man - made – жасанды

nature – табиғат

non-ferrous metals - түсті металдар

ore – кен

property -  қасиеттер, сапа

pure – таза

to refer to – қатысу, қатысты болу

resistance – кедергі

rubber – резина, каучук

rust – тот

shipbuilding – кеме жасау

substances - заттар, нәрселер

transmission – беріліс, берілу

wiring –   электр өткізгіш


 2. Distrubute the words into three columns.


Model: what?              what kind of?                    what to do?                

                  use                    useful                                  to use                


         conduct, conductor, conductive, divide, division, divisible, resistor, resistant, resist,  apply, application, applicable, nature, natural, naturalize, electricity, electrical, electrify, occur, exist, existance, existing


3. Reading practice.


Text A. Engineering Materials


Engineers have to know the  most economical materials to use. They must also understand the properties of these materials. There are two kinds  used in engineering – metals and non-metals. All metals are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals are metals and alloys the main component of which iron. The classification of ferrous metals includes iron, steel and its alloys. Non-ferrous are metals and alloys the main component of which is not iron but some other element such as copper (Cu), aluminium (Al) and others. Copper, aluminium and some other metals are referred to as non-ferrous metals. Some of their characteristics are: high electric and heat conductivity, high corrosion resistance, non-magnetic qualities, light weight and easiness to fabrication. Zinc, copper and lead sulphides, aluminum and tin oxides, magnesium, carbonate and chloride are the naturally occurring minerals from which these metals are extracted.

Copper has been used as a conductor since the beginning of the industry and no proper substitute has been found. Only one metal, silver, is more efficient, but it has too high cost to be extensively used. Copper is found in nature in the form of ores but it is sometimes found in pure state. Pure copper is of reddish colour, and it has corrosion resistant qualities. Copper is the best conductor of electricity. It is used for telephone and telegraph cables, electric wiring, parts of dynamos and electric motors. 

 Aluminium is the oldest and the best known light metal. Aluminium is used in common practice for transmission lines where long spans are necessary. It is a white silvery metal, which does not rust in the air. It is soft, that is why it is used only when alloyed with other metals. It has, compared to other metals, a conducting capacity of about 60℅ per cent of that of copper.


4. Answer these questions:


1.       What groups are all metals divided into?

2.       What is the main component of ferrous metals and alloys?

3.       Where else are ferrous metals used?

4.       What’s the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals?

5.       Are metals good conductors of electricity?

6.       What are the main properties of metals?

7.       What are main characteristics of non-ferrous metals?

5.  Find in the text and put down the key words to speak about metals.


6.  Please give the name and main characteristics of all  metals known to   you.

    Look at these questions that will help you:

1.  What is copper?

2.  What is its colour?

3.  Has  copper corrosion resistant quality?

4.  Where is copper used most of all? 

5.  What are the main characteristics of copper?


7. Reading practice.

Text B.  Plastics and ceramics


Plastics and ceramics are non-metals. Plastics materials are not found as such in nature. Plastics have been conceived in the laboratory and are born in a chemical plant. This is a characteristic, which they share with the so-called man-made fibres, the less well known synthetic rubbers. Plastics are light. Although the first plastic, celluloid, was introduced 100 years ago, we have only really become aware of them within the last twenty years. They have found wide application both in everyday life and in industry. We can hardly name a branch of industry where plastics are not applied. The insulation and dielectric properties of plastics led to their early use in the electrical engineering industry, which was followed by special application in mechanical engineering. The use of plastics as materials of construction in the form of sheets, rods or tubes is substituting the conventional metals. Automobile, aircraft and shipbuilding industries have also made use of advantages offered by plastics.

Advanced ceramic and composite materials have such interesting properties that engineers are becoming more and more interested in their use as structural parts. Composite materials are materials in which two or more different substance such as metals, ceramics, glasses, or polymers are combined without chemical reaction. Ceramic finds application in bearings and engine parts, in ceramic heat exchangers for chemical plants.


8. Answer these questions:


1.       What do we know about plastic?

2.       What was the first plastic material?

3.        Where are plastics applied?

4.       When was celluloid introduced?

5.       What do we know about ceramics?

6.       Where are ceramic materials applied?

9. Complete the sentences according to the texts:


1)      All metals are divided into ....................................................................

2)      Ferrous metals are metals and alloys ......................................................

3)      Non-ferrous are metals and alloys .........................................................

4)      Copper  has been used as a conductor since...........................................

5)      Pure copper is ........................................................................................

6)      Plastics and ceramics are .......................................................................

7)      Celluloid was introduced ......................................................................

8)      The insulation and dielectric properties of plastics led to......................

9) Ceramic finds application in ....................................................................


10. Work in pars.

              Student 1

Read the text to find out information about ferrous metals.                                              

           Students 2

Read the text to find out information about non- ferrous metals. 


ferrous metals

non-ferrous metals

                 Student 1

                  Student 2

Explain your finding to your partner.


11. Read and learn the dialogue.  


.Mr. M.: Hello, glad to meet you, professor H., haven’t seen you for ages,

              since I left the University.

Prof. H.: How do you do, Mr. M. I haven’t expected to see you here. I haven’t  heard anything about you.What are you doing here? Are you interested in new engineering materials?

Mr. M.: I deal with new technologies. I must know all about thermoplastics

               and composite ceramics.  I’ll do some experimental work in this field. I am with KZT Company.

Prof. H.: Oh, your work is so important nowadays.

Mr. M.:  Sure that’s so.  We are developing new industrial system.

Prof. H.: I think Doctor D’s work in this field is the most promising.

                    Doctor D. will speak on his work tomorrow.

Mr. M.:  I have already seen this paper on the programme.

Prof. H.: The most interesting will be the discussion on the problems of the

                balance between the needs of the mankind and the conservation of

                the natural resources.

Mr. M.:  Will you take part in it?

Prof. H.: Certainly. Well, I have to go now. I’ll see you later.

Mr. M.:   Goodbye.   


12. Writing. Look trough the text A  again and complete the table.



      main characteristics

          short form

1. copper

2.  zink

3.  aluminium






13. Study the Reference Grammar material  to find out how to use Perfect  Tenses. Find in the text sentences with Perfect Tenses and explain why these tenses are used.


14. Әр жұпта Perfect тобының шағында тұрған етiстiктi табыңдар


1.    a) have finished,  b) finish,   c) is being finished

2.    a) discovers, b) was discovered, c) has been discovered

3.    a) obtain,  b) obtained, c) have been obtained

4.    a) are added,  b) will be added, c) has added

5.    a) will have received, b) is receiving c) are received

6.    a) am writing, b) have written, c) will write

7.    a) translate, b) had translated, c) are translating

8.    a)  is completed, b) are being completed, c) has been completed


15. Say a few words about the latest achievements in the materials used in engineering. Use the following words and word combinations for your topic:

to  carry out experiments, industrial materials, numerous experiments, to obtain useful and valuable data, new- generation materials,  material of better quality, at a large scale, according to, advanced materials, interesting properties, thermoplastics and thermosets, composite ceramics, chemical changes, heat-resistant materials, heat engines and turbines, production processes


16. Conduct a round table discussion on “ New engineering materials. Use the texts and exercises as basic for the preparation of oral talks and discussion.



Unit 6   Scientists


1. Read the new words:


ability- қабілеттілік

to achieve - жету

to appear – пайда болу, көріну

to associate – ассоциациялау, қосылу

to consider – анықтап қарау

considerable – едәуір, бірталай

to disproveәшкерелеу

fame – даңк, атақ

impression - әсер, әсер ету

invention -  өнер табысы

to investigate – зерттеу

investigation – зерттеу

to oblige – міндеттеу

to obtain – жету

to patent- патенттеу

to possess –ие болу

to reach – жету

to research – зерттеу

to reveal – табу, ашу

success - табыс, жетістік

thermodynamics – термодинамика

transfer   - беріліс



2.  Distrubute the words into four columns.


Model: what?           what kind of?               what to do?               how?  

                  use                  useful                           to use                 usefully


         research, different, differ, difference, science, scientific, scientifically, scientist, possible, impossibility, equal, equality, equally, equalize, number, numerous, success, successfully, achieve, achievment, act, active, activity


3.  Translate into Kazakh.


to carry out  research_______________

a famous scientist_________________

scientific achievement_____________

long distance telegraphy____________

practical skills____________________

theoretical investigations__________

research project_________________

to obtain good results_____________

important problem_______________

major invention__________________


4. Reading practice.


Text A. Who first Split the Atom?


Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, in New Zealand. Ernest was the fourth child in the family. At school he was good at physics, mathematics and chemistry. He liked to make models of different machines. He was particulary interested in watches and cameras. At the age of 19 he finished school and entered the New Zealand University.

At the university Ernest Rutherford was one of the most talented students. He worked hard and took an active part in the work of the Scientific Society  of the University. At one of the meetings of the Scientific Society he made his scientific report ‘The Evolution of Elements’. At the same time he began his research work. For his talented scientific research he got a prize. After graduation Rutherford went to Cambridge where he continued his investigations. Some years later he worked at the University in Monreal to continue his research. Besides his successful research he also lectured at the leading Universities of the United States and England.

Rutherford’s famous work “The Scattering of Alpha and Beta Particles of Matter and the Structure of the Atom” proved that the atom could be bombarded. He changed nitrogen atom into oxygen atoms. Splitting  the atom was very important, because it led the way to nuclear power. Rutherford changed nitrogen into oxygen by bombarding it by alpha particles.

Rutherford made a brand- new discovery about atom. In the process of splitting the nucleus matter was converted into energy, which for scientists of the 19th century seemed unbelievable. The splitting of the atom has opened to mankind a new enourmous source of energy.          


5. Add as many nouns as you can to each verb.


to achieve ....................  

to invent  ..................... 

to research ..................

o work ......................        

to call .......................... 

to transfer ....................

to change.......................

to split............................       

to investigate..............

to patent....................

to convert.................

to solve.....................



6. Writing. Reread the text again and write the summary of  it  in Kazakh.


7. Reading practice.

    Find in the text key words you can use to speak about William Thomson.


Text B. William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) (1824-1907)


William Thomson was born in Belfast 1824. He came to Glasgow in 1832, where he entered the University. Thomson was dealt with theoretical researches. He possessed considerable practical skills also, that won him a great fame. Thomson’s scientific carrier reached its apogee in Glasgow in 1846, where he, being 22 years old, had received the Natural Philosophy Chair. Thomson combined his bright theoretical investigations with an activity, associated with his work in telegraphy. The Great Britain obliged to Thomson in many respects by its leaderships in the sphere of underwater telegraphy. He had learnt problems of signal transfer at a large distance and also invented and patented radio.

Later in 1982 William Thomson received Lord Kelvin’s title.

Kelvin and Joule met at the Conference of British Association of the Science Development in 1847. Kelvin was surprised and alarmed, that Joule had derived heat the status of the remained value. He was  under strong impression of those results, which Joule had obtained. He considered, that Carno’s conclusion will be disproved, if heat really not preserved and if heatgen is absent in nature.

Kelvin began with visual demonstration of that confusion in concepts, which occurred in physics. He continued to develop opinion (described in his work “To the Dynamic theory of Heat”, 1851), according to which apparently, two laws are hidden under the experiments results. Thus, a new science appeared, called thermodynamics.


8. Find answers to these questions in the text above.


1. Who was W.Thomson?

2. When and where was he born?

3. What discoveries and inventions did he make?

4. What title did he receive in 1982?

5. Where did he get his higher education?

6. What field of science did he do his research in?


9.  Find in the text  passages describing Thomson’s scientific career and translate       them   into Kazakh.


10. See how well you remember the text and complete the sentences.


1)      William Thomson was born in…….………………………

2)      Thomson’s scientific carrier reached..………….................

3)      The Great Britain is obliged to Thomson in ..………….…

4)      In 1892 Thomson received  ..……………………………..

5)   He had learnt problems of ....................................................

6)   Kelvin and Joule met at the ……………………………….


11. Put the questions to these answers:


1)    _________________________________________________________

Thomson combined his bright theoretical investigations with his work in telegraphy.


2)    __________________________________________________________

Thomson’s scientific carrier reached its apogee in Glasgow in 1846, where he had received the Natural Philosophy Chair.


3)     _________________________________________________________

Kelvin and Joule met at the Conference of British Association of the  Science Development in 1847.


4)    _________________________________________________________

Thomson was dealt with theoretical researches.


5)    _________________________________________________________

He had learnt problems of signal transfer at a large distance and also invented and patented radio.


12.  Берілген етістіктерден есімше  құрыңдар.


Participle I:

         to develop, to carry, to build, to work, to combine, to boil, to melt, to prepare, to obtain, to use, to produce, to bring, to get, to heat, to speak, to make

Participle II:

         to write, to do, to achieve, to equip, to burn, to change, to install, to find, to receive, to show, to take, to add, to consider, to link, to suggest, to divide, to apply


13. Work in pairs and make up a dialogue in which one of you will be an interviewer and the other  a famous scientist. These ideas can help you.


­        What field of science do you work in?

­        What can you say about your scientific work or research?

­        What are your plans for future?


14. As you know, give the brief information about these scientists:   D.I.Mendeleev, Albert Einshtein,  I.Kurchatov,  Marie and Pierre Curie,  Ernest Ruserford,  N.I.Lobachevsky,   K.I.Satpaev.


15. Conduct a round-table discussion  on scientific  problem.


Work in small groups. Each group  should give short abstracts of the presentation and for discussion of the theme.

You may use these words and phrases at a scientific seminar, colloquium, etc.


1. Introducing oneself:

a)      My name is............     

b)      I am ................ .  

c)       I’d like to give you my / ours view on...................


2. Introducing the report:

a)      I’d like to talk in my report about....

b)      I’d like to start..........

c)       I’d like to name the main points of my report...


3. Ending the report:

a)      And finally.....      

b)      In conclusion I’d like to......

c)       Thank you for your attention ...



a)      My question is............... .                         

b)      I’d like to ask a question.............. .

c)       May I address  a question to .............. . 

d)      The  first question is........., the second question is.................. .



Unit  7  the planet Earth (Ecology)


1. Read the new words:


coastline – жаға линиясы

danger -  қауіп

deposit – кен орны

disaster- апат

dumpқоқыс тастайтын жер

to eliminate – жою, алып тастау

environment – қоршаған орта

erosion – желіну

to exceed – асу, артып кету

expert – эксперт, маман

evaluate - бағалау

to fall – құлау

flood – су тасқыны

to forecast – болжау, болжам

to inhabit – өмір сүру

observe – бақылау, байқау

to pollute – ластау, кірлету

pollution– ластану

poison- у, уландыру

to prevent – ескерту

prognosis – болжау

to protect – қорғау

reason - себеп

to rise – көтерілу

soil – топырақ

trangression – бұзу


waste– қалдықтар


2. Read and guess what these words and word combinations  mean.


air and water pollution, poison, waste, an environment, to survive, ecology,

a  destruction of wildlife, radiation, nuclear tests, noise from cars


3. Match the words similar in meaning.

         Example: to ruin – to spoil

a little                                                       cooperation

a crisis                                                      rubbish

help                                                          to test

litter                                                          to pollute

          to try                                                         a bit

          to make dirty and dangerous                    a disaster


4. Translate into Kazakh.


environmental problems ___________

catastrophic global effects__________

technological progress ____________

natural changes in weather _________

water pollution___________________

air pollution ____________________

the growth of population__________

problem of pollution and ecology____



5. Reading practice.


Text A. The problem of pollution and ecology is one of the most                                           important problems for mankind now.


That the problem of pollution and ecology has become the most important one for mankind is evident to all. The more civilization is developing, the greater the ecological problems are becoming. Air and water pollution by industry is now reaching tremendous proportions. In our era it is changing from a national to an international problem.

The seas and oceans are also becoming seriously polluted. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. A similar situation is developing in the armosphere. It is known that many cities throughout the world suffer from air pollution.

Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems. The most serious environmental problems are pollution in many forms (water pollution, air pollution), noise from cars, destruction of wildlife, shortage of natural resources, the growth of population.

It is diffucult for mankind to predict changes in the environment accurately. It is known that natural changes in weather and climate may have more catastrophic global effects than human activity.  At present scientists are working on the theory of interaction of all the atmospheric and oceanic global processes that determine the climate and weather of the world. Modern scientific and technological progress made it possible to use new technologies for that purpose.


6. Answer the questions based on the information found in the reading or your own experience.


1. Which are  the most serious environmental problems?

         2.  What is done in the world to save our planet from an ecological disaster?

         3.  What makes the sea waters dangerous?

         4. How does air become polluted?

         5.  What do you know about ecology in big cities? 

7. Complete the table.
































8. Translate the sentences into Kazakh paying attention to the underlined words.


1. People are worried about the water pollution.

2. Rivers, lakes and even seas have become poisonous.

3. Many factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers.

4. One of the urgent   environmental problems in the world today is the   shortage of clean water.

5. We must protect the clean water that remains for the shake of our children.

6.  Acess to clean drinking water is a basis human need.


9. Look at the words again and get ready to write a spelling quiz on them.


radiation, ozone,   environment, pollution,  destruction, nuclear, poison, waste, cause, ultraviolet, ecology, forecast, suffer, essential


10. Translate into Kazakh the following word combinations.


ecological changes, industrial enterprises, considerable pollution, large increase in pollution, pyreno-benzenul elements, environmental terms, urbanized region, petroleum-storage deposits, fauna biological environment, concentration of heavy metals


11. Reading practice.

Read the text and write the summary of it in English.


Text B. The reasons for the rise in the Caspian’s sea level

and forecast of its future fluctuations


            The problem of working out how the Caspian sea will rise and fall and thus working out a prognosis of the fluctuation of the sea’s level over the last 10-20 years. The key areas of research are being undertaken by a group of Russian experts.

         The current transgression that the experts observing in the Caspian is not a unique one in the history. They observed considerable changes in the coastline and its fauna biological environment.

         The most dangerous ecological changes in human and environmental terms are taking place in most urbanized regions. In these regions there are 98 industrial enterprises which collectively release 27.2 thousand tones of toxic waste a year into the atmosphere, 41 enterprises release 71.6 million cubic metres of polluted, waste water a year into the sea. In Derbent 2.8 thousand tones of waste is released into the atmosphere by 36 industrial enterprises.

         Investigation undertaken for the “Kaspiy” showed considerable pollution of the coastal territories with large traces of lead and pyreno-benzenul elements. Much greater concentrations of these toxins could be found in industrial regions, large areas of the Technical Economic Systems and also in warehouses and dumps. Here the concentration of heavy metals and pyreno-benzenyl in the soil exceeded the normal background level in the region of 2-10 times in some places to as much as 70-100 times in others.

         In the next few years we can expect a large increase in pollution as a result of an increase in flooding and erosion in industrial areas such as factories, dumps, petroleum storage deposits and canal networks.

         The most important step to be taken in order to stabilize this situation and to prevent it from getting gradually worse with every year that sea level rises, is to protect not only those areas that are most inhabited but also those areas that are most polluted.


12. Answer the following questions.


1.  What is this text about?

2.  What is ecology?

3.  Why is the problem of water pollution becoming a global problem?

4.  What problem is becoming a global problem?

5.  What makes it possible to eliminate air and water pollution?

6.  What actions are necessary to take to deal successfully with the problem

    of protecting the environment throughout the world?


13. Remember the beginnings of these sentences, if necessary look trough the text again.


1._______________ by a group of Russian experts.


2.________________ in the coastline and its fauna biological environment.


3._______________ with large traces of lead and pyreno-benzenul elements.


4._______________ could be found in industrial regions.


5._______________ in environmental terms are taking place in most urbanized                                                   regions.

6._______________ to protect  areas that are most inhabited and are most   polluted.


14.  Fill in  more  or  most  to make the sentences complete.


1. The eastern cost is the ............ polluted part.

2. Problems of ecology, water and air pollution are the ........ often discussed problems at all meetings.

3. It is known that natural changes in weather and climate may have ........ catastrophic global effects than human activity.

4. At present one of the  ........ important problems for mankind is that air and water pollution is reaching very large proportions.

5. The population of  large cities are becoming ...... and ........... worried about their environment.


15. What can you do to help the world? What advice can you give?

                  What will you add?


Words of Advice


­           Save energy

­           .................



16. Change the sentences and use other ways of saying I think.


Example: I think pollution is one of the greatest problems today

                My view is that pollution is that one of the greatest problems today.


1)       I think the climate is changing very quickly.

2)       I think there is no ocean or sea which is not used as dump.

3)       I think nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems.

4)       I think both clean air and  water are necessary for our health.

5)       I think man should solve ecological problems as soon as possible.



    Write the topic. Use the following words and word combinations for your topic:


                                               The Earth in Danger”


pollution, industrial waste, a shortage of food, an environment,  acid rain,  a poisoned river, radiation, an ozone hole, destruction of wildlife and countryside, natural resources, nuclear weapons,  air pollution, nuclear power station, different kinds of fuel, noise, natural changes in weather and climate


18. Choose the best way to define these:



1)    people who make dirty water, air and atmosphere

2)    dirty water, air and atmosphere

3)    making  water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people



1)  air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live

2)  an organization that wants to protect the natural world

3)  something that we do to prevent air and water pollution



1)  natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment

2)  making  water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous for   people

3)  dirty water, air and atmosphere


19. One және that- тің кызметін анықтаңдар. Қазакшаға аударыңыздар.


          1. The problem that has become the most important one is the problem of pollution.  2.The new technologies that are being developed must be connected with traditional ones. 3. Everyone realizes that air and water pollution by industrialization is reaching dangerous levels. 4.This article is much more difficult than that one we translated yesterday. 5.The question that was discussed at the conference yesterday is very important. 6. New robots will have several manipulators that will carry out many functions.  7.One must realize that the increasing number of cars brings about considerable pollution of the air. 8.It is the growth of industrialization that is changing the climate of the planet.


20. Discussion. Solve the problem.


“The problem of pollution and ecology is one of   he most  important problems for mankind now”


21. Speak about :


1)  Water pollution and air pollition as you see them.

2)  Nuclear power stations can cause a lot of trouble.

3)  The ways of solving ecological problems.

4)  Ecological problems in your city.


Unit 8  Comunication and Internet


1. Read the new words:


communication – байланыс

to define – аңықтау

transfer – беру, хабар беру

to connect – қосу, байланыстыру

message- хабар

network – жүйе, байланыс

interface – интерфейс

interact - әрекеттесу

recreation – көңіл  көтеру

refer -  сүйену

to search-іздеу



2. Translate into Kazakh.


Internet service,  download pages of information, graphical interface, load phone call, different forms of information, computer keyboard, big advantages, web page, information flow, informational exchange, Web browser, computer terminal,  chat channel, number of resources, commercial and business transaction, technical papers


3. Form another parts of speech according to the model.


Model:  to use - use – user – useful - usefully

to provide, to connect, to move, to link, to need, to recreate, to apply, to exchange, to browse, to organize, to communicate, to call, to serve, to link


4. Reading practice.


         Text A. Internet


Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of top­ics in a wide variety of areas including the arts, business, government, humanities, news, politics and recreation.

In the past few years, the World Wide Web has gained immense popularity and is now the preferred WIMP (windows, icons, mouse, pointer) Internet service. The Web has three big advantages over the other graphical interfaces we’ve seen so far: hypertext, multimedia, and interactivity. Access to information is now more  “human”, as it is based on the concept of analogy. Web pages can be considered containers for different forms of information: not only text, but also images, sound, animation, and video. This is sometimes called multimodality. The user can interact with the Web server and send e-mail messages. It’s possible to play games, fill in forms, query databases and so forth.

People communicate through chat channels, discussion groups and other means of in­formational exchange. They make commercial and business transactions. All this activity is possible because tens of thousands of networks are con­nected to the Internet and exchange information in the same basic ways. You access this information through one interface or tool called a Web browser.

     If you are an engineer, like me, the Internet is very precious indeed. You can find software at will, technical papers, documents, databases and so on . In fact, I could no longer live “professionally” without the Internet.


5. Answer the following questions.


1. What is Internet used for?

2. Why so many activities such as e-mail and business transactions are possible through the Internet?

3. What is World Wide Web?

4. What is Web browser?

5. What does a user need to have an access to the WWW?

6. What resources are available on the WWW?


6.Complete the following word combinations.


1. ..............service                  6. Internet.................

2. chat.................                   7. .....................pages

3. ............- mail                      8. graphical................

4. Web................                    9. ..... communicaton

5.                 10. technical...............


7. Work in pairs. Try to explain these terms to your partner.


         Internet,  E-mail, Internet providers, Web browser,  Network,  Chat channel


8. Match these words (A)  to the definitions (B).


                  A                                                                 B

1. Databases                           1. can send texts, graphics and documents                 

                                                    to several places   

2. E – mail                              2. are programmes, which allow you to store,

                                                    look at or change a large quantity of

                                                     information quickly and easily

3. Fax system                         3.  the electronic transmission of letters,

                                                     messages and memos through a

                                                     communication network

4. Modem                               4.  is a number of computers and peripherals

                                                     connected together

5. Network                              5.  is needed at each end the telephone line to

                                                     convert the signals to the correct form


9. Read and translate two young people’s opinions of the Internet and  decide who:

1)  thinks the Internet will improve our life

2)  thinks that people are attaching too much importance to Internet

3)  hasn’t got a computer at home

4)  thinks we will be able to speak to computers

5)  believes that Internet necessary for women too

6)  thinks the Internet is very slow

7)  thinks that the Internet is damaging our physical and mental health


         Asel:   I think the Internet will change all our lives for the better. Shoping, communicating and working by computer will save time, money and energy. For example, if I want to buy books it can be done electronically. Books will be selected on screen and delivered to our door. I think that in future computers will be part of the furniture in our home. We’ll talk to them, ask them questions and have access to all knowledge in the world.The Internet will make women’s life easier. The women who look after the little baby or ill can use Internet to stay in constant contact with their  company.


         Nurlan:  I haven’t got a computer at home but I hope that my parents will buy me one. I use a computer at the Institute. I think it is damaging our physical and mental health. The young people will spend far too much time in front of a computer and not anough time playing sports, preparing for their lessons and communicating with other people. I think people are attaching too much importance to computers and the Internet. Have you tried exploring the net? It can take fifteen to thirty seconds for a single picture to appear.


10. Writing.

    Write an article about the Internet. Divide your article into five paragraphs and give each paragraph a title. Follow the model below.


1. What is the Internet?

 Describe what it is.


2. What kind of things can you do on the Internet?

Describe what things can be done by using the Internet.


3. What do you think students finds most useful about the Internet?

 Describe young people’s opinions of the Internet.


4. How did the Internet start?

Describe how did it start.


5. Do I have to be a computer expert to use the Internet?

Describe how you can begin and say if it is easy for beginners.


11. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.


         e-mail,   mouse,  laptop,   fax,  memo,  telephone,    digital



1)    People send ....................... messages with the help of the Internet.

2)     With a device called the can do a number of things by clicking on different icons.

3)    A .......... is a portable computer weighing about 2-4 kg.

4)    ................... is a piece of correspondence sent over the phone lines.

5)    It is possible to exchange news with people in most parts of the world by ................. .

6)    A ................. is a correspondence written from one person to another in the same company.

7)    ............. system of information transmission have taken  the place of analog systems in the last 25 years.


12. Reading practice.

     Find the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the text.


Text B. The Internet Given to the World Wide Web


President Eisenhower established the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), an organization including many of the nations leading scientists. They developed the first successful American satellite in less than two years. In 1969 ARPA began to focus on communications technology including computers network. ARPA researchers were located at universities and research organizations around the country.

In the early 1980s  local area networks (LAN) were being used in business and industry. They created regional networks to make connections to the main computer more efficient. This created a “chain” of computers that connected each one to the center but also to every other “link” in the chain. That connection to others in the system became as useful as to the main computer.

Meanwhile in Europe, researchers at CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics) were struggling with their own computer networking problems.

Throughout the system people used different techniques, protocols, and equipment making communication between computers very complex. In 1980, Tim Berners-Lee, a consultant at CERN, wrote a programme called “Enquire – Within – Upon - Everything”, enabling links to be made between any point in the system. Nine years later Berners-Lee wrote “Information Management: A Proposal” and created standards for data, and a universal addressing system. That way any document on ten Internet could be retrieved and viewed. In 1990, CERN was the largest Internet site in Europe. Over the next year or two, the proposal was circulated and revised, resulting in an initial programme being developed that was dubbled the World Wide Web.

By October 1993 there were more than 200 Web servers. In July 1996, there were 3054 Internet service providers and projections of Web user sessions rising to 15.79 billion in the year 2000.


13. Choose the right item.


1.  President ........................ established the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), an organization including many of the nations leading scientists.

a) Eisenhower                 b) Kennedy                            c) Truman


2.  In the ................. local area networks (LAN) were being used in business and industry.

a) in the early 1980s        b) in the late 1980s               c) in 1980


3.  By October 1993 there were more than ........... Web servers.

a)  300                             b) 200                                     c) 240


  4. In July 1996, there were 3054 Internet service providers and projections of Web user sessions rising to ............. billion in the year 2000.

 a) 15.79                                        b) 15. 89                     c) 16.79


          5. In 1990, CERN was the largest .................... in Europe.

a) Internet site                  b) Internet service providers    c) regional networks


14. Read the text again and give the summary of it in English.


 15. Discussion. Work in small groups and discuss the following.


“How do you think new computer technology will affect the quality of life?”


16. Writing. Write the topic  Importance of the Internet”


17.     Speak about.


1)       The Internet and its influence on our daily life.

2)       Can the Internet help people from different countries to learn English?



Unit 9    The way we are


1.Read the new words:


advice- кеңес, ақыл

to appear - көріну, пайда болу

appearance - бет, келбет,сыртқы бейне

behaviour- мінез-құлық



opportunity-мүмкіндік, мүмкіншілік


2. Сөздердің жасалу  үлгілерін талдап, олардың түбірінен құрылған сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін оқып аударыңдар.


Үлгі: ( сын есім) free +ly  =  freely (үстеу)


possible, simple, easy, safe, deep, correct, successful, real, correct, considerable


3. Translate into Kazakh and write down the Kazakh equivalents. Then translate the Kazakh variants back into English (orally).


necessary knowledge__________

good behaviour______________

job paper application__________

job advertisment_____________

work experience______________

professional training__________

personel department___________


4.     Reading practice.


Text. How to behave during an interview


        It is evident that getting job depends on many factors. Among them our behaviour during an interview and writing correctly a job paper application, CV (abbreviation for curriculum vitae – a brief written account of the main events of your life, details about yourself, your education, hobbies, jobs, etc.) or resume. The latter is often the most important stage in getting a job.

        Doing well in an interview may be another important part of getting a place at university, a job, or a pass in an important exam. The interview is the opportunity for applicant to project his/her personality. However, many young people fail to create the right impression because their behaviour and appearance lets them down.

        Some advices:

1.     Pay attention to the way you are dressed.

2.     Be ready to speak about yourself.

3.     You should organize your thoughts and speech logically.

4.     You must be ready to answer some questions.

5.     You may be asked what can you do for the company, so you should learn and know as much as possible about it.

6.     You may be asked to make tests.


5. a) Think of the questions you might be asked during an interview.


         1.about yourself

         2. your family

         3. your education

         4. your previous job

         5. your interests, talents and hobbies


b) Put the same questions to your groupmate and ask him/her to answer them.


6. Express your agreement or disagreement with these.


1)    People are different and alike.

2)    Our personalities, tastes, likes and dislikes change with years.

3)    Good looking people are always kind.

4)    Only person who like and dislike the same things can understand each other.

5)    All people have a different level of education.

6)    Some people think that they are better than other people and there people who are very good but don’t talk about it.


7.     These adjectives can be used to describe someone’s personality.


energetic                     intelligent            well-organized

polite                           nervous                  rude

reliable                        punctual                 friendly

communicative            professional           hardworking

ambitious                     sensible                  patient

What do we mean when we say that a person is:

-         not polite

-         reliable or unreliable


8.Writing. Complete a list of qualities that you like and dislike in people.  Discuss your reasons with group.


           Good qualities:                                           Bad qualities:

    intellectual                                                ill-mannered

      ..............                                                  ..................


9. Read and learn the dialogue.


Professor:Bolat, I’m glad to see you today. Did you know about the      examination timetable.

Bolat: Yes, I know. We’ll have three examinations. Physics is in the morning of January 11th, maths is in the afternoon of January 15th and information technology is  on 20th of January.

Prof.: There are some changes in the examination timetable.

B.:      What change?

Prof.: The last examination for your group will be January 19th not January  20th.

B.:     Is that definite? That’s great. I’ll go to London on 20th of January.

Prof.: Why are you going to London?

B.:     It’s chance to see the country and learn English.

Prof.: Have you finished your assignment yet?

B.:     I think I’ll give it to you on Tuesday.

Prof.: That’s good. I can’t let you have another extension.

B.:     Well, I’ll try to finish it in time.

Prof.: Oh, Yes. That will be good. I’ll expect you on Tuesday.


10. Grammar.

Study the Reference Grammar material to find out how to use modal verbs. Find the  sentences with modal verbs and explain why  these tenses are used.


         Aray lost her job as a shop assistant and she had to decide what to do. She could’t find a job as a shop assistant, so she decided to study English language and Computer programming. She saw an advertisement of the British company that is searching a secretary for their new office. She wrote the reply to the advertisement and sent it to the  British company.


30 Satpaev str.


KazPost 480070

Personel Department

British  company

24 Abai avenue



Dear Sir or madam,

           Please consider me to the post of secretary what you want. I saw your advertisement in the “Panorama” yesterday. I finished studying course of English and Computer programming. I can offer a variety of skills. I enclose my CV for your attention.

 I can be contacted on telephone 56 77 34 and would be more than willing to came down for an interview.


Your faithfully,

            Aray Alimzhan



11. Work in pairs.


Several days ago there appeared an advertisment for a job in the newspaper

“Panorama”. The applicants will have to write application letters and their CVs.          

a) Can Askar Akhmetov get the job advertised below?

        b) Write and type  your Curriculum Vitae (CV) using a Word Processor according to this example.



An international  company, specialized  in Power System

is looking for candidates with the following capabilities:

­        Not younger than 25 years old

­        Able to travel in Kazakhstan and abroad

­        University degrees in Electrical Engineering

­        Good command of English

­        Able to use Microsoft Office effectively

­        Good communications and problem solving talent


Please send your CV’s to Asel Baykyeldy to the following

e-mail adress:  or to fax: 3272 50 67 77

not later than January 20, 2004







1. Name/Surname

1.     Age

2.     Nationality

3.     Marital status

4.     Address

5.     Contact telephone

6.     Education



7.     Work experience

8.     Language

9.     Computer skills

10.                     Previous experience



11.                     Interpersonal qualities


12.                     Interests


Askar Akhmetov

17 October 1980



5, Abai Avenue, Almaty Kazakhstan

50 99 67

Almaty Institute of Power Engineering and Telecommunication

Electrical engineering department

2001-2002 – PSSR, Marketing department

Kazakh, Russian, English

MS Office (Word, Excel)

1.   Oral and written translation

2.   Travel arrangment

3.   Working with clients, marketing experience

Good communication skills, intelligent, energetic, well-orginized

Reading, travelling, music




12. Topic  “What makes the people different”.


There are some ideas that can help you:

1)      We all have different views and opinions.

2)      Some people have a special talent for particular activities.

3)      Different people find different things funny.

4)      People behave differently and act differently.

5)      People are brought up differently:some can be kind and well-mannered               others are selfish and ill-mannered.

6)      People have different tastes in clothes, they like different styles and fashions and different kind of music.

7)      We have different cultures and different languages.


13. Discussion.

Work in small groups and decide what else you can add on each point.


People say “It takes many ways to make the world” meaning that all people are different. People can be different in:

­           appearance

­           personality

­           education and experience

­           language and culture

­           behaviour and manners

­           plans for the future



Unit 10  Sources of energy


1.     Read the new words:


description – баяндау, суреттеу

to developөркендеу, жақсару

to dissolve – еру


giantөте үлкен, орасан зор

to involve – қатыстыру, қосу

to open up – ашу

pipelineқұбыр, мұнай құбыры

priority – приоритет, өте маңызды

to produce – өндіру, жасап шығару

prospective – келешек


to provideқамтамасыз ету

reservoir – резервуар, қор

sensible – саналы, ақылды

source  – қайнар, қөз

storage – қойма

substantial – берік, төзімді

available- қолайлы

acсording to-сәйкес, лайық бойынша

deposit - кен орны

profile - пішін, көрініс


2. Сөздердің жасалу  үлгілерін талдап, олардың түбірінен құрылған сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін оқып аударыңдар.


Үлгі :(етістік) to generate  + tion,-sion,-ion,-er/or, -ing  =  generator (зат есім)


to divide, to work, to include, to develop, to produce, to distribute, to measure, to build, to open, to construct, to drive,  to design, to provide, to install,  to observe


3. Read the word  combinations and put down their Kazakh equivalents.


oil and gas deposits_____________________________

oil and gas production___________________________

gas condensate field____________________________

giant project___________________________________

main gas pipelines______________________________

natural resources______________________________

prospective gas resources________________________

undiscovered deposits___________________________


4. Put down the verbs corresponding to the given nouns and translate them.


         discovery                to discover                  ашу             

         description             __________               __________

         production              __________               __________

         division                  __________               __________

         use                          __________               __________

         believe                   ___________              __________

         reserve                   ___________              __________

         transport                ___________              __________


5. Reading practice.              


Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas


The aim of this article is to provide a  description of Kazakhstan’s huge oil and gas energy resources. According to the World Bank in 1994 the country had reserves of oil and gas running to some 13.0 billion tones. The resources available in the oil fields runs to some 2.1 billion tons and there may be as much as 1.6 trillion cubic metres of gas in reserve. These deposits are to be found mainly in the West of the country. The main geographical divisions of Kazakhstan’s oil and gas deposits are: the Caspian, Mangistau, Usturt in the West and the South Torgai, Aral, mid-Syrdarya, Shusarysu, Balhash, Alakol, Zaisan. There is a possibility that there may be as many undiscovered deposits as those which are already known.

         The Caspian region has 83 main gas deposits which hold about 2 trillion cubic metres of natural gas. The Caspian fields account for the greatest part, approx. 90 % of oil and gas production in the country. Today and in the nearest future, oil production and export will provide a substantial part of Kazakhstan’s income.  The project of Caspian shelf development is a giant project that can involve companies with different business profiles and from different countries.

         Kazakhstan’s natural gas reserves come to 2.0 trillion cubic metres of concentrated in 29 condensate deposits and more than 1.0 trillion cubic metres of dissolved gas in 57 oil and gas condensate fields. The main volume of Kazakhstan’s gas reserves are to be found at the following fields: Karachaganak oil and gas condensated field with reserves of about 1.4 trillion cubic metres of gas. Tengis oil field with 0.3 trillion cubic metres. Zhanazhol field with 0.13 trillion cubic metres. Urikhtaus oil and gas condensate field with more than 40 billion cubic metres.

The Karachaganak field alone holds 72% of this prospective gas resource. Karachaganak is a “Super Giant” oil and gas condensate field, discovered in 1979 in the Uralsky region in West Kazakhstan. It covers an area of around 500 square kilometers. The reservoir is deep-from 3,600 to 5,150 metres.

 Some of the biggest main gas pipelines go through Kazakhstan. The Central Asia has five gas pipelines: length  821 kilometres, diameter 1020-1420 mm, capacity up to 185 million cubic metres a day. Development of the gas pipeline network is among the top priorities in the general development of pipeline transport in the country.

According to the experts by the year 2011 Kazakhstan’s known gas reserves will be some 3.0 cubic metres, 2.8 trillion of which will be concentrated in the Caspian region.

The country’s population believes that Kazakhstan has the potential to become one of the most rich countries in the world. Sensible and rational use of the country’s natural resources will help turn this belief into concrete reality.


6. Think of questions about the following sentences.


1.     The aim of this article is to provide a  description of Kazakhstan’s huge oil and   gas energy resources.



2.     The main  Kazakhstan’s oil and gas deposits are to be found mainly in the West of the country.





3.     The Caspian region has 83 main gas deposits which hold about 2 trillion cubic metres of natural gas.


What kind of_____________________________________________________


4.     Development of the gas pipeline network is among the top priorities in the general development of pipe-line transport in the country.



5.     The country’s population believes that Kazakhstan has the potential to become one of the most rich countries in the world.



7. Find in the text key words which can be used to speak about  Kazakhstan’s huge oil and gas energy resources.


8.     Express the same in English.


1)  XXI ғасырда Қазақстан мұнай және көмірсутегін өндіруші және жеткізуші мемлекеттердің біріне айналады.

2)  Қазақстанда Каспий аймағында ең ірі мұнай және газ қорлары бар.

3)  2000 жылы Қазақстанда мұнай өндірісінің мөлшері 40 миллион тоннаға жетті.

4)  Келешекте Қазақстан әлемдегі мұнай өндіруші мемлекеттер  арасында ең маңыздысы болады деген үміт бар.


9. Find in the text,read and translate the sentences describing the following.


1.  Main gas deposits                                           2.  Main oil deposits

3.Oil and gas reserves                                         4.The Caspian region

5.The Karachaganak field


10. Writing.  Complete the article and translate into Kazakh in writing.


        transport,  consider,  radiate,  input,  hope,   open up


Energy resources of today


Scientists .............. hydrogen a very promising energy source. The reserves of hydrogen are practically unlimited. Hydrogen is easy to .................... and to store. Scientists have found many ways of producing hydrogen – basically from ordinary water. They ...... to use the energy of tides to obtain hydrogen. This new kind of energy ........... new prospects in aviation, metallurgy and some other industries.

The Sun is another unlimited source of energy. The Sun ........ to our planet great amounts of energy. Environmentally and economically, the Sun is our greatest energy resource. This energy .......... fuels all our biological processes and is the original source for hydropower, wind power and fossil fuel resources.


11.  Say a few words about energy resources of today. Use the following words and word combinations for your topic:

       traditional power sources, non-traditional sources of energy, energy supply, promising energy source, oil and gas industry enterprises, the country’s power generation potential, the energy of sun, power transmission lines, ocean tides, hydrogen fuel, nuclear power station, present-day requirements


12. Conduct a round table discussion on “ New sources of energy”.



Unit 11     Power engineering


1. Read the new words:


capacity- кендік, сыйымдылық

consumption - пайдалану

demand- қажеттілік

enable- мүмкіндік беру 

inexhaustible – таусылмайтын

fuel - отын

obtain- шығару, алу

require – талап ету

supply  – қамтамасыз ету

dust – шаң, тозаң

efficient – әсерлі, ықпалды

obvious – айқын, ақиқат

to realize – жүзеге асыру

requirement – талап

safeқауіпсіз, қатерсіз

smoke – түтін

to utilizeқолданылу



2. Look at the words again and get ready to write a spelling quiz on them.


uranium, radiation, reactor, fuel, efficiency, inexhaustible, thorium, prognose


3. Form the other parts of speech according to the model.Translate them.


Model: to protect – protection – қорғаныш


to product, to demonstrate, to supply, to require, to grow, to create, to realize


4.Translate into Kazakh.


uranium reserves, production of    uranium, industrial nuclear reactor, the world demand of power, inexhaustible power source, “nuclear winter”, nuclear power plants, industry experts, nuclear plant’s efficiency,  mankind’s power requirements


5. Give synonyms to the folowing words and memorize them.


1. nuclear -  a) atomic, b) hydrogen, c) solar

2. to reinforce - a) pump, b) charge, c) insulate, d) strengthen

3. turn (into) – a) cause, b) convert, c)  dump

4. store – a) build, b) function, c) seem, d) get


6. Reading practice.

   Read the text and try to interpret the title, which expresses the main idea.


Uran of Kazakhstan


 Over 25% of the worlds uranium reserves are concentrated in Kazakhstan.

Recently the only industrial nuclear reactor operating in Kazakhstan was in Aktau; the power of this plant was mainly used to desalinate water.  The construction of the new nuclear power station in Kazakhstan in the near future is unlikely.

In the 1940s, at the beginning of “the nuclear century”, the demand for uranium was determined exclusively by the requirements of the US, German and Soviet military industrials. At present, the world demand for uranium is determined primarily by the requirements of nuclear plants,  17% of the total volume. The total capacity of nuclear stations was 352 GWt and they worked in 26 countries. The leader is USA, which produces 29% of the world nuclear power.

 Two of three decades ago it seemed that nuclear power would enabled mankind to realize one of its dreams: the dream of inexhaustible power source. Uranium nuclear decay produces 2 million times more power than the burning of the same quantity of first class coal. One gram of obvious granite due to its’ uranium and thorium can produce the same amount of power as 5 tons of oil!  Wouldn’t it be better to use an element which seems to have been specially created by nature for mankind’s power requirements than to use other kinds of fuel? The actual nuclear plant’s efficiency, of course, is not so fantastic, but nevertheless, reactor produces the same volume of power per 1 ton of uranium as electric power station produce per about 10 000 tons of oil or 15 000 tons of coal.

    Today the future of nuclear power seems less bright. The term “nuclear winter” was coined 20 years ago. Now the West demonstrated a growing interest in Kazakhstan uranium. In the next few decades we can expect developing of more safer nuclear stations. We can also hope for the development of more efficient long distance power transmission systems.


7. Answer the questions.


1.     What countries are interested in Kazakhstan uranium?

2.     When did the demand for uranium increase? Why?

3.     How many countries have nuclear stations?

4.     What are the advantages of uranium?

5.     What kind of power plants are in use nowadays?

6.     For what reason are nuclear power plants being built instead of fossil-fuel steam  electric plants?


8. Complete the sentences.


1)  Over 25 % of the worlds uranium……………..

2)  In the 1940s, at the beginning of “the nuclear century”………..

3)  The total capacity  of  nuclear power stations   was……………

4)  The term “nuclear winter” was coined…………………………

5)  The development of nuclear power in our country……………


9. Write the degrees of comparison of these adjectives.


Example:large – larger -  (the) largest

                         difficult – more difficult – (the) most difficult


inexhaustible, prosperous, small, modern, exciting, advanced, efficient, suitable, good, important,simple, strong